
colemickens_Jordan_U: Nautilus/gnome/something just auto-mounts it.00:01
colemickens_Everything else on the FS looks fine. I can see the grub config dir, EFI dir, etc. It's literally just "casper" that appears differently.00:02
colemickens_And sure enough, when it tries to boot it complains that /casper/vmlinuz doesn't exist.00:02
colemickens_it's baffling. I'll provide a screenshot in a bit if this is still confusing me... I validated checksums, etc, too.00:03
Jordan_Ucolemickens_: What dd command did you use?00:04
Jordan_Ucolemickens_: Please pastebin the output of "cat /proc/self/mounts" while the USB drive is mounted.00:05
colemickens_Jordan_U: same command for both 16.04.3 (working) and 17.10.1 (sudo dd if=whatever.iso dd=/dev/sda bs=4M; sudo sync; sync)00:06
colemickens_I'll pastebin asap.  Got too many things in flight right this second.00:06
colemickens_well the second dd there should be of= obviously00:06
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www2Hi I wand to know that ubuntu 18.04 get an newer version of mono?00:46
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Bashing-om!18.04 | www200:49
ubottuwww2: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+100:49
CoJaBoakik: I'm trying to figure out if NFS is likely to be better or worse than sshfs on flaky connections; I can't actually fix the connection01:26
texlaHow to activate numlockx defore login01:47
yeatsCoJaBo: I would definitely avoid NFS if it's on an unstable connection02:27
geriatric_bedtimWould someone help me reconfigure the resolution of an external monitor? I've been fiddling with xrandr for an hour and can't get anything to work :'(02:28
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libbenhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution geriatric_bedtim02:35
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libbentried something like that?02:35
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libbenwhat resolution do you want geriatric_bedtim ?02:35
libbenand what hz does your monitor support02:35
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geriatric_bedtimYeah, libben, I've been through that page. The monitor can do HD 16:9, but all I can get is 1024x768 for some reason (I'm on my backup laptop, an ancient ThinkPad without HDMI, while my other one is in the shop)02:39
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libbenso what resolution can it handle?02:51
sere_question: i exted a btrfs lvm but the changes arent taking place not even when i reboot.. how do i write the changes03:00
Tecanthere are alot of esp and arduino's with wifi , this seems to be a problem on fresh copy of ubuntu 17.10 too. https://klamfx.wordpress.com/2017/01/27/fixing-upload-problem-with-arduino-uno-clone-with-ch340-on-linux/03:12
lasikanyone chatting?03:16
luxioI get this error when trying to start Tor: https://pastebin.com/WkpBCdDS03:39
luxioHow do I fix this?03:39
AmericanBlendis mumble in 16.04 vulnerable03:44
AmericanBlendi'm feeling being spyied on by other mumble users03:44
bazhangAmericanBlend, spied on, how03:45
AmericanBlendlike htey know what music i'm listening to at this moment and have access to my ata03:46
AmericanBlendbasically mumble seems like a back door03:46
bazhangAmericanBlend, do you have any actual evidence of that03:46
AmericanBlendthere are no cve open for mumble03:47
AmericanBlendno importan ones03:47
bazhangAmericanBlend, it's an encrypted software package03:47
AmericanBlendi know what mumblew is03:47
AmericanBlendbut maliscious server can exploit clients in theory03:47
bazhangAmericanBlend, unless you have some actual evidence , please keep the speculation out03:47
AmericanBlendlike i'm in a conversation at this moment and they seem to know what i'm doing03:47
AmericanBlendthey don't say directly anything03:47
kenrinluxio: http://linux.debian.bugs.rc.narkive.com/fPYRxlow/bug-888236-torbrowser-launcher-broken-by-tor-browser-7-5-no-such-file-or-directory-docs-sources03:49
kenrinMight be another bug report open in the official trackers but I'm too lazy to look03:50
luxiokenrin: so it's a known bug that will be eventually fixed?03:52
kenrinFrom that thread it is already fixed in backports on debian,  no idea on ubuntu03:57
libbenanyone good with kvm/networking/iproute?04:04
bazhanglibben, please ask your question with some degree of details04:05
libbenI need host 2 guest communication04:05
libbenAnd im wondering what is the right way to move forwared04:05
GPenguinhello, how is the software called that fetches typed commands and responds like "did you mean this, you can install that"?04:07
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
lsmdHow to get init working in lxd?04:21
lsmdSwitching to sysvinit helped before the recet updates.04:21
stevejob1inhellafter apt-get update on Ubuntu 16.04, the latest version of postgtesql available is 9.5 but it's at 9.604:35
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: did you add external ppa's on your system?04:35
stevejob1inhellis that safe?04:35
stevejob1inhellwhat ppa has postgresql-9.6?04:35
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: no, hence why im asking04:35
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: you dont know how you installed it?04:36
stevejob1inhellI haven't installed any ppa04:36
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: ok, good04:36
stevejob1inhelland I didn't install 9.5 if I can get 9.604:36
lotuspsychje!info postgresql-9.6 xenial04:37
ubottuPackage postgresql-9.6 does not exist in xenial04:37
stevejob1inhellok thanks04:37
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: how did you install it exactly?04:38
stevejob1inhellhow did I install ubuntu? what is it?04:39
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: no, postgresql04:39
stevejob1inhellI didn't yet.04:39
lotuspsychje!lamp | stevejob1inhell the reccomended way04:40
ubottustevejob1inhell the reccomended way: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.04:40
stevejob1inhellwell I don't need apache04:41
lotuspsychjestevejob1inhell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL04:44
Kitanawhy you dotneed Apachez04:47
lotuspsychjeKitana: can we help you?04:47
Kitanayou - no. i want to band steve)04:48
Kitana07:44 lotuspsychje: stevejob1inhell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL04:49
Kitanago to the MS.04:50
lotuspsychjeKitana: this channel is for ubuntu support only04:50
shankywifi not wrking after suspend05:00
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=== Aztec is now known as SmokinGrunts
lotuspsychjeshanky: ubuntu version? wifi chipset and driver loaded please?05:06
shankyubuntu 16.0405:07
shankywifi chipset how to check05:07
shankydriver loaded05:07
shankyhow to check05:07
shankylotuspsychje: it wrks normally but after restart it doesnt05:07
shankylotuspsychje: i mean after suspend05:08
lotuspsychjeshanky: sudo lshw -C network05:09
shankylotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/2jhtGHPz05:12
shankylotuspsychje: i have added some script  from stack overflow to restart using sysctl but it didnt help05:14
lotuspsychjeshanky: ok realtek..is your system up to date to latest?05:16
shankysame issue was before05:17
shankyso i reinstall ubuntu ffreshh ubuntu05:17
lotuspsychjeshanky: updated to 16.04.3?05:18
shankylotuspsychje: i updated it always05:18
shankylotuspsychje: yes05:18
lotuspsychjeok good05:18
lotuspsychjeshanky: can you check wich version of linux-firmware you have?05:18
lotuspsychje!info linux-firmware xenial05:18
ubottulinux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.157.16 (xenial), package size 44434 kB, installed size 207917 kB05:18
shankylotuspsychje: not updated i installed new ubuntu replacing old with 16.04.3 using flash pendrive05:19
lotuspsychjeshanky: check your updates with: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade05:20
Major_WedgieG'day guys. Wondering if there is the beginnings of an 18.04 Server manual anywhere?05:22
lotuspsychjeMajor_Wedgie: join #ubuntu+1 for bionic mate05:22
shankylotuspsychje: if it wrks i will be so thnkfull to u facing it since one month :(05:22
lotuspsychjeshanky: realtek is known chipset for having issues sometimes, with different drivers/firmware/kernels05:24
shankylotuspsychje: should we use backport as i did for linux mint05:25
shankylotuspsychje:getting w possible missing frmwarfe05:30
shankylotuspsychje: its just warning right05:30
shankylotuspsychje: its done now should i reboot?05:32
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shankylotuspsychje: should i remove those script which i have written? ti auto start wifi??05:34
Guest95865I just changed my computer's gpu from nvidia to AMD rx560. How do I make opengl use radeon rendere instead of llvmpipe? dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon' shows amdgpu is alreamy loaded. my os is kubuntu 18.0405:35
shankylotuspsychje: it didnt solve the issue :(05:37
shankylotuspsychje: still no wifi after suspend05:38
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en05:40
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest70879
Guest70879who is here05:49
helpanyone havng backport link05:50
shankyhelp: https://askubuntu.com/questions/678145/my-wifi-qualcomm-atheros-device-168c0041-rev-20-doesnt-show-up-and-work-in05:50
helpshanky: thanks :)05:50
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Guest71928shanky: its not wrking05:52
Curi0What is the difference between Ubuntu Base and Ubuntu Minimal ?05:53
Curi0for amd6405:53
maretHi everyone, I installed nvm nodejs as root user, then I created new user but if I run node as that user it says command not found06:12
shankymy wifi is not wrking after suspend06:18
shankyi cant run command after suspend it gets freeze hanged06:18
lotuspsychje!mini | Curi006:22
ubottuCuri0: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:22
EmmarofI have installed postgresql. When i try lauching from the terminal, they tell me the program is not found and that i should install postgres-client-common. When i run the install, i get the error https://pastebin.com/MmYBda7u amd the cycle continues06:30
CoJaBoEmmarof: Line #3 is probably the one to google06:32
EmmarofCoJaBo: i've tried many of the suggestions there but stu=ill06:37
ClienFor every Vulnerability there is an exploit. what is the name the thing that is a non-profit project that is provided as a public service, It is operated by Offensive Security ?06:57
RudyValencia_Hi, I'm trying to install Xubuntu 16.04 LTS on a Ryzen 7 1700 w/ GeForce GTX 1050, but it doesn't boot in BIOS mode (freezes on a text screen) or UEFI (desktop looks like a bunch of lines), why is that happening and how can I install it?07:17
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=== crackhead is now known as dunno
dunnogot an issue with a usb that i can no longer use for storage (was used with rufus for win install) how can i format it to use on linux and get it working terminal07:19
dunnotried formatting in gparted when don all looks well ext4 but wont let me write to it07:20
ducasseRudyValencia: is this 16.04.3?07:32
OnkelTemHi folks07:35
OnkelTemI can't get into grub menu and so can't load in the rescue mode.07:35
OnkelTemHave they changed the shortcut?07:35
OnkelTemI'm pressong Shift07:35
mkaycan anyone help me format my usb with fdisk to work on ubuntu please07:36
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Curi0What is the difference between Ubuntu Base and Ubuntu Minimal ?07:38
Curi0for amd6407:38
AndroUser4am I visible?07:39
energizerAndroUser4: yes07:39
AndroUser4can I use 17.10 instead of 16.04 on the this tutorial: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-ikev2-vpn-server-with-strongswan-on-ubuntu-16-0407:39
AndroUser4I am a newbie07:40
ducasseAndroUser4: why do you want to use 17.10 instead?07:40
AndroUser4no particular reason. just the assumption that it's better due to the version number07:41
lotuspsychjeCuri0: did you read the minimal trigger i pasted you?07:41
ducasseAndroUser4: if you are a newbie you should definitely stick to 16.04 for a server07:41
Curi0lotuspsychje, no07:42
lotuspsychje!minimal | Curi007:42
ubottuCuri0: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:42
AndroUser4ducasse, why?07:42
Curi0so what is the difference from Ubuntu base ?07:42
AndroUser4what are the differences?07:42
ducasseAndroUser4: much better suited, and it's supported for 5 years. 17.10 is only supported for 9 months, so you need to upgrade the entire system twice a year.07:43
AndroUser4oh, 5 years from when?07:44
lotuspsychjeCuri0: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Base07:44
ducasseAndroUser4: 5 years from when it was release - 2016/04. we always recommend newbies stick to lts releases.07:45
AndroUser4awesome. will do ty07:45
Curi0lotuspsychje, so which one is better for building a distro07:46
lotuspsychjeCuri0: how about you tell us what you wanna do exactly?07:47
RudyValenciaducasse: I figured it out - I needed to install with nomodeset07:47
Curi0lotuspsychje, build my own distro with custom desktop enviroment07:47
lotuspsychje!info uck | Curi007:47
ubottuCuri0: uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB07:47
AndroUser4thanks for the help I think I'll stay connected here while I try the tutorial08:05
AndroUser4question: tutorial states prerequisites include "One Ubuntu 16.04 server with multiple CPUs,..."08:06
AndroUser4mine is just the cheapest 1cpu $5/month one08:07
rudyvalencia-Hi so I'm trying to use Skype on Xubuntu 16.04.3 but it's not picking up my headset. Why is this and how can I get sound working in Skype?08:12
GPenguinhello, how is the software called that fetches typed commands and responds like "did you mean this, you can install that"?08:20
ducasseGPenguin: 'command-not-found'08:21
GPenguinducasse: super, thanks a bunch!08:22
rudyvalencia-Hi so I'm trying to use Skype on Xubuntu 16.04.3 but it's not picking up my headset. Why is this and how can I get sound working in Skype?08:29
xuxGood morning!08:35
EriC^^rudyvalencia-: did you try settings > sound in ubuntu?08:36
Steffanyone here ?08:37
cfhowlettonly 1400 or so today.08:38
SteffI need help badly08:39
Steffcant install, reinstall or remove kernel08:39
Steffdepmod: ERROR: failed to load symbols from /lib/modules/4.13.0-36-generic/updates/dkms/bbswitch.ko: Invalid argument08:39
Steffand apt hands on08:40
xuxMenuLibre: What are you experiences?08:40
Steffwell today i run mine laptop and tryied to install gimp, I got message that apt didnt finished an operation and ask me to dpkg --configure -a08:43
Steffso I run it but it hangs all the time08:43
nudgeif i format a usb thumb drive to with gpartd ext4 can i use it on any Ubuntu (like i would be able to with a fat 32)?08:45
cfhowlettSteff, regarding your kernel issue: make an ubuntu USB > boot frm USB > chroot your laptop system > remove kernels08:45
ducasse!permissions | nudge set the permissions so your user can write to it08:47
ubottunudge set the permissions so your user can write to it: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:47
nudgedo you mean chmod 75508:47
nudgewill read just curiious08:47
Steffcfhowlett: damn it's mine laptop at work :P08:47
Borw3nudge: chmod 777 so everyone can write to it. :D08:48
ducassenudge: 755 won't let everyone write08:48
nudgecool thanks08:48
ducassenudge: use chown to change the owner08:49
neurreoops caps08:55
neurreive been using gnome-shell for a while08:55
neurredo i have some other option?08:56
cfhowlettit's linux.  you have dozens of options08:56
neurresuch as?08:56
neurreis there something I can just sudo apt install?08:56
neurremy probelm is beyond compare seems to make gnome-shell super super slow08:56
neurrelike 10 spf08:57
cfhowlettsudo apt install lxde xfce4            will grab 2 light desktop environments08:57
ikoniathats a desktop08:57
ikonianot a shell08:57
cfhowlettd'oh!  right08:57
ikoniawhat is beyond compare08:57
neurreits commercial diff/merge tool08:57
ikoniaso does it make the shell slow or the whole desktop slow ?08:57
neurrei dont know what part is "shell" / "whole desktop"08:58
neurrei cant move windows or anything08:58
neurreeverything is super slow08:58
neurrei think it could be ubuntu 17.10 gnome on xorg in virtualbox issue08:58
cfhowletthow much ram does your virtual machine have?08:59
neurre8 GB08:59
neurrehost has 1609:00
ikonianudge: I suspect your problem is more around your virtual graphics card09:04
ikonianeurre: that was for you09:04
ikonianeurre: do any other programs make your desktop slow or just this one ?09:04
neurrei will try with 3d acceleration disabled09:04
neurreikonia, it happened once before when i wasnt using beyond compare09:05
neurrethis is fairly fresh 17.10 installation09:05
neurrenever happened before with 16.0409:05
neurrethe thing with bc is that it instantly triggers the issue09:05
Borw3neurre: What is the host OS?09:05
neurrewin 1009:05
neurreso https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/17014 looks like similar09:06
neurreexcept i am already using gnome on xorg09:06
ikonianeurre: so I think you need to narrow it down a little to understand if it's just this app, or other apps, check your resources, and really make sure the problem isn't the virtual video card being stressed09:06
Borw3neurre: Your processor, how powerfull is it?09:06
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
ikonianeurre: gnome is reasonable hungry for a VM on the graphics card front09:06
neurreshould be okay09:07
neurreThis is dell xps 15 956009:07
Borw3neurre: How much RAM you have free before loading the virtual guest?09:07
ikoniacan we not guess at resouces09:08
neurreim not sure how to tell09:08
ikoniaactually "look" at resources09:08
neurrehost has 16 GB, and im not running anything else, I dont think it is memory issue09:08
neurremost likely virtual graphics card issue09:08
neurrehmm this laptop has both intel and nvidia09:08
Borw3neurre: Open task manager and see.09:08
neurrei could try to force nvidia gpu being used09:08
neurreavailable  says 11.6GB09:09
ikonianeurre: keep in mind, there is what the host uses, and what is presented through to the VM via emluation or pass through09:09
ikonianeurre: your host card could be amazing, but if you emulate an SIS graphics card, the vm will suck09:09
Borw3neurre: Tey allocating 4gb or less to the guest.09:10
neurreyeah i just wonder if virtualbox manages to trigger bad behavior in host gl driver09:10
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
neurrei figured it out09:15
neurredisable 3d acceleration -> no issue09:15
AmericanBlendthat sounds as a temporal workaround09:16
AmericanBlendah it's just a vm, ok09:16
neurretime to try vmware09:16
neurreit has better gl support anyway09:16
singywhat is promise is node js?09:16
soicsailorSigyn: theres 1465 people here, type your responce or question on one line, makes it easier to help09:17
neurresingy, did you google it? https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises09:18
singysoicsailor . you could have skipped answering to my question if you dont know the answer, i would have eventually learned that , im not a bot09:19
ikoniawhy would vmware matter ?09:19
neurreikonia, virtualbox is inferior in GL support09:19
ikonianeurre: I don't think it is09:20
ikonianeurre: certainly not compared to vmware desktop / free version09:20
neurreikonia, virtualbox GL is still GL 2.x, vmware is 3.x09:20
ikonianeurre: what makes you think GL is actually the problem rather than the way the virtual hardware is emulated or passed through ?09:21
neurreikonia, desktop composition in guest uses GL. If VM implements GL poorly, it will result poor performance for example09:21
neurresome features might make the GL emulation through software paths09:22
ikonianeurre: yes, but it uses GL from a virtual device09:22
neurreikonia, and that virtual device is implemented by VM09:22
ikonianeurre: no, it's offered by the host (and may not even tough the physical graphics card on the host) and presented to the guest, how it's presented and definition of what's presented is what will matter before the library set used to render09:23
neurrehost does not offer virtual graphics cards, VM does09:23
ikonianeurre: the host does09:24
neurrenot in case of windows host at least09:24
ikoniait does09:24
ikoniathe vm guest just "consumes" what is offered/available09:24
neurrei can say that virtualbox and vmware GL implementations are very different09:24
ikoniavbox and vmware are different hypvervisors09:25
neurreif what you claim was true, then they would be more similar09:25
ikoniathat's not what I'm saying09:25
ikoniawhat you are saying is that the hypervisors have different GL implementatins, which is true,09:25
neurrethat is the whole point09:25
ikoniaI'm saying that may not actually matter depending on how the card is presented to the guest09:25
neurrethat part i dont follow09:26
ikoniajust carry on then09:26
neurrei say it does matter, if the hypervisor has to fall back to software for example09:26
neurreor if hypervisor simply does not implement some feature, then guest has to implement some fallback09:27
ikoniathe guest does not do anything09:27
ikoniathe guest just "uses" a virtual card that is presented09:27
neurreits not that simple09:27
ikoniait really is09:27
neurrei leave it here that we disagree on that :)09:28
ikoniaas I said, carry on09:28
ubuntu\userCurrently updating my ubuntu.09:32
ubuntu\userI am satisfied on how it works.09:32
guivercglad to hear it @ubuntu\user09:34
ubuntu\userI have dual boot.09:35
ubuntu\userSince my Windows 7 got a breakdown.09:35
ubuntu\userSo i have Windows 10 and Ubuntu.09:35
neurrei have win10/ubuntu dualboot, and win10 laptop with ubuntu in virtual machine09:37
neurreon the dualboot machine some windows update once removed grub09:37
neurregood to know that it can happen..09:38
neurreso keep the installed/live usb stick around09:38
_Dbug_I've a question about backups. I've been using CrashPlan for a number of years to backup my ubuntu machine to some external machine, but I need to find an alternative solution before they shut down the service.09:39
_Dbug_I do have a NAS machine on my network (QNAP, if that matters), and I was wondering what would be a decent way to do backups. I don't really want to just rsync to a network share, because I'd like to be able to have an history of versions so I can revert in case of problem. Anything you could recommend?09:39
ubuntu\userNothing, currently.09:39
ubuntu\userAnyways sorry for not responding. I am checking it's new features cause i weren't used to other operating systems,09:40
ubuntu\userThe first operating system i ever had was Windows XP,09:40
ubuntu\userThen Windows 7 and Windows 10.09:40
ubuntu\userNow after the Windows 7 crashed, i asked my friend who is better than me in technology to fix this,09:41
* _Dbug_ feels old reading that :D09:41
ubuntu\userHe  added me dual-boot.09:41
ducasse_Dbug_: try backintime, it uses rsync as a backend but lets you restore a particular version09:41
cfhowlettubuntu\user, do you have a support question?09:41
ubuntu\userNo, this is some regular talk.09:41
_Dbug_ducasse, https://github.com/bit-team/backintime ?09:41
ubuntu\userIf i ever needed support, id ask for it.09:41
cfhowlettubuntu\user, as this channel is for support, perhaps you narrative would better fit #ubuntu-offtopic09:42
ducasse_Dbug_: it's packaged in ubuntu as 'backintime'09:42
ubuntu\userThanks for telling me that.09:42
_Dbug_Ha ok, so it's an already supported/integrated/update package. Good to know. Thanks :)09:42
ducasse_Dbug_: it's packaged in ubuntu as 'backintime-gnome', sorry09:42
ubuntu\userI am new so i am not clearly that smart in this Ubuntu or HexChat.09:43
_Dbug_"Back In Time acts as a “user mode” backup system. This means that you can backup/restore only folders you have write access to (actually you can backup read-only folders, but you can’t restore them)."09:44
_Dbug_Would that be a problem in my case? I've basicalyl a webserver, svn repository, phpbb forum with the mysql database, plus some scripts and cronjobs stuff.09:44
ducasse_Dbug_: you can run it as root09:45
ubuntu\userI am having issues on joining #ubuntu-offtopic09:48
FManwelcome, ubuntu\user!09:49
ducasse!register | ubuntu\user09:49
ubottuubuntu\user: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.09:49
ubuntu\user"Cannot join channel (r+) - you need to be identified with services"09:49
FManI am already on too many offtopic channels :)09:49
AmericanBlendyeah, i can't join #ubuntu-offtopic as well09:50
cfhowlettseems to be sleeping09:50
AmericanBlendi wonder why09:51
AmericanBlendwait, i'm banned, that's why09:51
ubuntu\userI will try to currently register if it's even possible.09:51
FManquery nickserv and tell him "help register"09:51
ubuntu\userI am registered and a average user of your community.09:55
ubuntu\userI am entering ubuntu-offtopic.09:55
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seifMorning dear community, I have have been trying to connect my thinkpad E470 to the internet through wifi, unseccessfully10:12
seifUbuntu does not recognize my wireless card10:13
faLUCEhello. I'm trying to upgrade to the current version of ubuntu from the yakkety version. I ran "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"   but got lot of errors like   "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/oxide-qt/oxideqt-codecs-extra_1.21.5-0ubuntu0.16.10.1_amd64.deb  404  Not Found"10:17
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | faLUCE10:17
ubottufaLUCE: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:17
faLUCEthanks cfhowlett. I don't understand "10:20
faLUCEUpdate sources.list10:20
faLUCETo begin the upgrade, make sure you have a sources.list like the following, with CODENAME being your release, e.g. quantal.10:20
faLUCEI have sources.list10:20
cfhowlettfaLUCE, the current LTS release is XENIAL.  edit your software sources accordingly10:20
faLUCEcfhowlett: then that line in the doc is wrong: it says "being YOUR release", not "being the release you want"10:22
cfhowlettread it again10:22
faLUCEcfhowlett: done, I don't understand yet10:22
faLUCEcfhowlett: do I have to replace "xenial" for all the "yakkety" token in sources.list10:23
cfhowlettdude.  xenial is the one you want.10:23
kostkonfaLUCE, don't be in denial type XENIAL10:25
faLUCEkostkon: ?10:26
faLUCE(let's cross fingers)10:26
kostkonfaLUCE, nothing10:26
Tecanhttp://netpipe.ca  , got my blog back up10:30
onio1Hi I am trying to connect to a remote server using Filezilla with ssh id_rsa.pub keys any suggestions?10:34
energizerIs there anything like `curl` that's built into ubuntu?10:36
akikenergizer: wget10:36
onio1remote server is another Linux machine. I can log into the server machine from the command line using ssh keys but can't log with Filezilla10:37
energizerakik: are you sure?10:37
cfhowlettwget is absolutely in ubuntu, energizer10:37
akikonio1: private key on the client, public on the server. you just need to find the correct place for the keys if filezilla supports it10:38
energizer`docker run ubuntu wget` says `\"wget\": executable file not found in $PATH"`10:38
akikenergizer: maybe add it to your docker image?10:39
energizerakik: i mean that suggests it isnt built in10:39
onio1akik: In Filezilla there is File | Settings |  Connection |  FTP | SFTP I put my private ssh key but it does not connect10:40
akikenergizer: looks like it's not  in that docker image then. it's in the desktop/server versions10:40
akikonio1: does not connect? what does  that mean?10:41
ricardohi to everyone10:41
ricardoI have a simple question10:41
ricardoHow to remove the pending task column in evolution mail client?10:42
akikonio1: have you made the keys with ssh-keygen?10:42
onio1I can't connect to the server. I expect the remote pane on Filezilla to show me the contents of the server10:42
onio1akik: yes10:42
energizerhow can i find a list of packages that are built in?10:42
onio1like I mention this works from the command line okay10:43
cfhowlettenergizer, dpkg -l10:43
energizercfhowlett: like is there a list on ubuntu.org or something?10:43
akikonio1: maybe you input the server address wrong10:43
onio1akik: it is the same address as I use on the command line10:45
Tecanwas wondering if anyone knows what package eval_gettext is apart of ?10:48
akikonio1: but if you get connection time-out or other error related to the connection?10:48
cfhowlettTecan, apt policy packagename10:49
onio1akik: sorry wrong window10:52
akikonio1: are both server and client ubuntu?10:52
onio1Status: Connected to "my ipaddress"10:53
akikonio1: thinking whether you copied the key in a way that broke it10:53
onio1Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server10:53
onio1akik: Server is not Ubuntu but an ARM based device running busybox10:55
akikonio1: does the server even support scp/sftp? have you tested?10:57
onio1akik: slight diversion from my question. I am new to IRC channels, what is the best way to reply to a person. I noticed that when I click on your name to respond it opens up a new tab for me. But what I want is reply back to current window10:57
akikonio1: write "nick: message"10:57
onio1akik:  does the server even support scp/sftp? have you tested? Yes10:58
akikonio1: ok sorry i don't know what could be the problem. maybe it's a  problem with filezilla. i thin it's not from ubuntu repos10:59
onio1"akik:This is a test message"10:59
akikonio1: all the messages are public here11:00
akikonio1: for private messages "/msg nick message"11:01
onio1akik: I was only wondering if I am entering my messages wrong. For instance when I reply to you I first type your name followed by my message. I assume this is the only way to direct the message to someone11:01
akikonio1: sorry i was wrong. filezilla is in the repos11:10
ricardoHow to remove the pending task column in evolution mail client?11:24
Kitanato check out11:25
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
neurrei get N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default11:47
neurrehow do i fix that?11:47
neurrei know the repo i added, so I just want fix the "disabled by default" part11:47
ikonianeurre: undersand why it's not secure and fix it11:49
neurrenot secure because they havent bothered to fix their certifcates11:50
ikoniadon't use it then11:51
neurrenot an option11:51
ikoniasounds like poor work11:51
ikoniayou'll need to look for the override setting in the repo config then11:52
tomreynhello there gioan12:02
=== caribou_ is now known as caribou
mark721hi guys12:10
mark721so yesterday i joined and explained the issue with my pc and how i realised there is a weird sound on boot. i was advised to open it12:10
mark721so i did and i booted12:10
mark721and it was clear the issue is from the fan12:11
mark721i.e the loud noise is produced from the fan12:11
mark721but it seems like the issue is the fan isnt tightned enough soo it doesnt rotate evenly!12:11
cfhowlett clearly not an ubuntu issue then, right?12:11
mark721oh well initially it was lol12:12
mark721since i didnt know where the issue was from12:12
mark721cfhowlett,  mybad i forgot lol, before i leave does anyone know how im supposed to tighten thje fan?12:13
cfhowlettmark721, screwdrivers.  lots of screwdrivers.12:13
yeatsmark721: /join #hardware12:13
mark721yeats, perfect ty so much12:14
mark721oh it says its invite only :(12:14
yeatsmark721: /join #hardware12:14
mark721yeats, yeah its invite only...12:15
cfhowlettinvite only12:15
mark721ok np google is fine12:15
yeatshmm, I joined ok and wasn't invited - not sure what that's about12:15
yeatsoh - ##hardware12:15
cfhowlettmark721, look up your computer model.  you should be able to download the support/maintenance manual with detailed instructions or find a youtube video of same12:16
yeatsmy IRC client forwarded me automatically12:16
mark721cfhowlett, i doubt it includes how to tighten the cpu fan lol12:21
Outytighten cpu fab ?12:26
mark721i mean its the cpu fan thats causing the rattling and it is wobbling as it spins12:26
mark721like when u see a spoiler on a car tire and it looks werid as the wheel turns12:27
mark721its not major wobbling but yes wobbling so i assume it needs to be tightened12:27
Outymark721: is it laptop or desktop12:27
mark721its open right now, i got the chassis off12:28
Outymark721: what is the model ?12:28
mark721Outy, inspiron 384712:29
mark721dell *12:29
Outymark721: i'll recommend to buy a new one for about 15 bucks. take off old cpu cooler. clean off old thermal paste! install this one (thermal paste included): https://www.arctic.ac/de_en/a11.html12:33
Outymark721: this is a really good and quiet one12:33
mark721Outy, :( was looking for a quick fix12:34
Outymark721: when installing push hard on the mounting pins until you hear a double click... than its done right and cpu cooler is tightened safely12:35
mark721Outy, isn't there a way for me to tighten the fan/12:35
Outymark721: there is no quick fix sorry. its worn out and ther is nearly nothing you can do about it12:35
mark721Outy, i saw on yt u can just use a screw driver? but mine doesnt have a visible scren12:36
mark721in the centre of the fan12:36
mark721its just all plastic.12:36
Outymark721: unfortunatly most cpu coolers are not designed to be fixed12:36
mark721Outy, oh lol true12:37
mark721Outy, last thing, im really busy atm. say i dont bother to fix it12:37
mark721and i mean the fan still spins12:37
mark721is it an issue if i can bare the noise?12:37
mark721Outy, ?12:39
Outymark721: no issue. if it still spins its ok. when it stops spinning an alarm maybe sound from pc speaker if it is configured in bios. or you'll hear nothing and cpu will get warmer. but intel cpu will underclock if temp gets too hot12:39
Outymark721: so don't worry12:39
mark721Phew ty so much Outy12:39
mark721its so weird lol i have another 10 year old dell12:39
mark721and i dont think its had this issue12:40
Outymark721: for cheap and very good alternative go with the alpine 11 cpu cooler12:40
mark721Outy, there is also another reason i dont like playing with hardware is that i dont know why but i feel if i unplug stuff12:40
mark721it wont work when i plug it back in lol12:40
mark721just in my head ;P12:40
Outymark721: you'll do fine - believe in yourself =)12:41
Outymark721: just remember if you install alpine 11 cpu cooler push the mounting pins hard until you hear the click.12:42
mark721Outy, will be screenshotting this :)12:43
mark721Thank you Outy  and have an awesome day12:44
Outythank you - have a nice day too12:45
jk^hi, i can't install tor according to these instructions !tor13:11
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en13:11
tomreynjk^: so which repository are you using, what happens when you do?13:25
jk^just a moment13:26
jk^i paste13:26
tomreyngood, describing the issue in some detail should always be done when asking for assistence here. otherwise no one will be able to help.13:28
ekn2What is the simplest way to install the JDK on Ubuntu? Why is it seemingly more complicated than just apt-get java?13:30
BluesKajHi folks13:30
tomreynekn2: because "java" is a programming language, not a declarative name ofr a package. you are looking for the openjdk family of packages13:31
ekn2I said "install the JDK". I just used "java" as an example; call it whatever you want13:32
tomreynekn2: i understand. i'm just saying "java" would be a bad package name, thus it's called differently13:32
ekn2Is this a help channel?13:32
tomreynekn2: yes and i'm trying to help. got another question?13:33
ekn2I don't think my first question was answered13:33
ioriaekn2,  JDK it's the development kit, not the jre (base java vm)13:33
ioria!info default-jre13:34
ekn2Yes, I want the JDK!13:34
ubottudefault-jre (source: java-common (0.59ubuntu1)): Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.8-59ubuntu1 (artful), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB13:34
ioria!info default-jdk13:34
ubottudefault-jdk (source: java-common (0.59ubuntu1)): Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.8-59ubuntu1 (artful), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB13:34
ekn2Thank you13:34
ekn2I will try this13:34
tomreynekn2: oh, sorry, i thought i had. the packages called openjdk* are what you're looking for. or just the 'default-jdk' (i didn't remember this one)13:35
ekn2Thank you. I'm installing it now13:37
simon42ekn2, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java13:39
simon42sudo apt-get update13:39
simon42sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer13:39
simon42apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default13:39
czwolfhello, would you know pls: I have removed docker from pc by "sudo apt-get purge docker-ce" and sudo "apt-get purge docker" and "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker" Then I made install again sudo  apt-get install docker. It installed. But now when I run docker I get message it is NOT installed and when I try to install it again it says it IS installed. What would you do to fix it?13:40
ekn2simon42: Thanks13:40
tomreynsimon42: if you recommend a PPa over what's in ubuntu, i think it'd be nice to explain why.13:40
ekn2I'd rather not add another repository if I don't have to. Is there a good reason to use Oracle's JDK?13:40
simon42tomreyn, srry but it was just a recipe. you say it is in main already?13:40
ekn2I think the default is OpenJDK13:41
tomreynsimon42: openjdk has been in ubuntu for years13:41
simon42tomreyn, no contest. decide for yourself.13:42
ekn2That recipe is what I saw when I googled installing the JDK on Ubuntu13:42
ekn2I have an unrelated queston: Is there a way to see all the packages that have been explicitly installed?13:44
ekn2No dependencies13:44
ekn2I don't know how, so I just keep a list in a file in case I want to revert to a clean system13:45
simon42ekn2, apt-mark ?13:47
ioriaekn2, manually you might parse history.x files : zgrep "apt  install" /var/log/apt/history* ; or you can explore the debfoster pkg13:49
ioria!info debfoster13:50
ubottudebfoster (source: debfoster): Install only wanted Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-2.1 (artful), package size 36 kB, installed size 158 kB13:50
ioriaekn2, you can check the manpage here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/artful/man8/debfoster.8.html13:50
simon42ekn2, "apt-mark showmanual"13:51
ekn2apt-mark showmanual shows way more packages than I personally installed13:52
ekn2It seems to be showing dependencies13:52
ekn2ioria: Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm only interested in tools that already come with Ubuntu. Otherwise, keeping a list in a file is what I'll stick to13:55
ekn2simon42: apt-mark showmanual shows a bunch of unity packages. I never installed unity13:57
ekn2I have only installed ~10 packages with apt-get13:58
=== To_Aru_Shiroi_Ne is now known as ToAruShiroiNeko
Curi0I installed minimal Ubuntu and then installed X and put docky in xinitrc and docky gives an error about not finding dbus14:09
Curi0how can i install dbus ?14:09
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Curi0whats happening ?14:10
Curi0also when i run dbus-launch docky it works14:10
OutyCuri0: its called a netsplit14:11
ekn2Found the answer here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/generating-list-of-manually-installed-packages-and-querying-individual-packages14:11
ekn2Kind of a kludgy solution but it works14:12
OutyCuri0: people are connected to different irc servers. if these servers are out of sync due to diconnects it looks like all the people in the chat are disappearing14:12
simon42_ekn2, it looks nice. didnt know about /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz14:12
simon42_ekn2, next time, do a 'debfoster -q' after CD install, next time run 'debfoster' to cleanup interactive.14:14
simon42_or edit /var/lib/debfoster/keep14:15
jk^tomreyn, https://pastebin.com/raw/W6wiMTX214:17
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en14:21
=== eldritch2 is now known as eldritch
eraserpencilhey guys, I have a txt file that I'd like to convert to ascii14:28
eraserpencilis there a tool i could use?14:28
=== Gaius is now known as CoffeeMonster
eraserpencilsorry, it's a txt file of hexadecimal numbers14:29
jk^!tor browser14:29
tomreynjk^: so you have already something listening on port 9050. "lsof -i :9050" to find out what14:35
=== trumee_ is now known as trumee
mystik972hi everyone, can someone help me about shotwell's google photos plugin?14:35
jk^i just want to know. I installed it but i can't find it in any menus14:36
jk^it doesn't appear anywhere14:36
tomreynjk^: "it" being what, tor?14:36
jk^i can't open it14:36
tomreynjk^: it's a command line interface utility.14:36
jk^user@user-PT601ET-ABZ:~$ lsof -i :905014:36
tomreynjk^: or a service rather14:36
jk^i try to download "Tor browser" but i can't install it :(14:37
tomreynjk^: sudo for lsof14:37
jk^32 bit version14:37
jk^user@user-PT601ET-ABZ:~$ sudo lsof -i :905014:38
jk^[sudo] password di user:14:38
jk^tor     8879 debian-tor    6u  IPv4  59184      0t0  TCP localhost:9050 (LISTEN)14:38
akiki think if you only install "tor", you'll get the tor relay, not the tor browser14:38
tomreynjk^: i don't think tor browser is meant to be installed. help on it is probably available in #tor on irc.oftc.net (but also here on freenode)14:38
tomreynjk^: so you have the tor relay service running, just need to use it.14:39
jk^i'm using linux since little time :\ i don't understand very well how to install a software :\14:39
jk^if i wanto to install tor browser?14:39
jk^i downloaded https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser//7.5/tor-browser-linux32-7.5_it.tar.xz14:39
jk^i extract it14:40
tomreynjk^: the tor browser bundle is probably a bad example there since i don't think it is supposed to be installed, like other (packaged) software is.14:40
jk^it appears a file and a folder14:40
TJ-jk^: did you read the instructions at https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en#linux14:40
jk^the file's name is "Tor browser setup", i double click it, but nothing happens14:40
tomreynjk^: just follow the directions TJ- pointed you to then.14:41
TJ-tomreyn: sounds like jk did; but the GUI launch isn't kicking off Firefox14:42
tomreynmaybe because he has tor installed already?14:42
tomreynnot sure14:42
TJ-tomreyn: jk^ yes, I was thinking the same thing. Port in use sort-of-thing14:42
tomreynthat's what the output he posted indicated14:43
jk^something happens but i don't understand what happened :\ The file previosly named "Tor browser setup" now is became Tor browser :| why?14:45
tomreyni'm on amd64, using the 32-bit tor browser bundle results in a graphical message window saying "Wrong architecture? 32-bit vs. 64-bit." and the browser not starting14:45
tomreynjk^: explain what you are doing14:45
jk^i downloaded https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser//7.5/tor-browser-linux32-7.5_it.tar.xz extract it and double clicked "Tor browser setup" after several minutes, this file "Tor browser setup" has changed its name in "Tor browser" :\14:47
tomreynjk^: don't double click it, do as indicated on the instructions14:48
jk^oh my God, why is it so difficult install a software on linux? :(14:49
tomreynjk^: it is not. also, this is not a standard software installation. secondly, you just need to follow the directions provided by the tor project, not do śomething else you got used to on other operating systems14:50
tomreynjk^: you can roll back now by closing any windows it may have opened, then delete the directory that was extracted from the archive file you downloaded. then just follow the directions provided.14:51
CookieMTor needs a couple of seconds to appear on the screen, i.e. establish a connection with tor nodes and things like that14:51
tomreynit would have shown a message GUI before that, however. i don't think jk^ got to this point, yet14:52
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
tomreynjk^: any luck?15:02
jk^tomreyn, maybe15:03
tomreynjk^: do you want me to guide you?15:03
jk^To run Tor Browser, click either on the Tor Browser or the Tor Browser Setup icon or execute the start-tor-browser.desktop file in a terminal:15:03
jk^This will launch Tor Launcher and once that connects to Tor, it will launch Firefox. Do not unpack or run TBB as root.15:03
jk^i think this is the same to open this file by double click :\15:04
tomreynjk^: oh you're right - my bad, i had not read the instructions there properly, just read the command line approach, not the icon clicking one.15:05
tomreynjk^: the good thing about using the terminal approach is that you'll have a much better chance of getting an explanation on why things fail.15:06
tomreynjk^: so i recommend you give this approach a try.15:06
jk^user@user-PT601ET-ABZ:~/Scaricati/tor-browser_it$ ./start-tor-browser.desktop15:13
jk^Launching './Browser/start-tor-browser --detach'...15:13
jk^but in that folder there isn't a file  named ./start-tor-browser.desktop :\15:14
jk^excuse me but i don't understand why it doesn't let me open it by click :|15:14
VectorXhi, why am i getting a permission denied with, sudo echo "extension=gearman.so" > /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/gearman.ini    /   -bash: /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/gearman.ini: Permission denied15:15
TJ-VectorX: because sudo only applies to the echo command, not the redirection.15:17
VectorXhow do i make that work15:17
TJ-VectorX: you need "echo "extension=gearman.so" | sudo tee /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/gearman.ini "15:17
TJ-VectorX: it's the 'write-to-file' that needs 'sudo', not the 'echo'15:18
VectorXcan i login as root instead ok using sudo15:19
stochastixI can download 18.04 right now and get started with it , and when it finally comes out in April, mine will update to basically the same thing that comes out for the final release right?15:23
stochastixOr is there an upgrade path or certain repos I need to switch over to?15:24
jk^nothing to do!!! :( it doesn't let me open tor browser :\15:25
jk^<tomreyn> jk^: do you want me to guide you?15:25
jk^ok guide me15:25
jk^possible by graphic commands :\15:26
jk^possibly by graphic commands :\15:26
TJ-stochastix: correct; the ISO installers are just a 'freeze' of the set of packages at a certain time.15:28
kostkonstochastix, you may face some breakages still, if you install it right now15:30
l0llip0plol * facepalm *15:31
kostkonstochastix, regardless the fact that in the end you will have the final version, the iso version, on the release day (or a couple of days later)15:31
tomreynjk^: still interested?15:41
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Outyspeaking about tee woud that be a correct syntax?: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness15:46
TJ-kostkon: it's the other way around; existing installs will be a about a week ahead of the release ISOs.15:46
=== heyjoe is now known as hoejoeq
kostkonTJ-, for testing purposes. you're right :/15:48
Tulitomaattii have 5 ubuntu nodes on my lan – how do i configure ntp.conf so that they attempt to keep at the same time? does adding peer hostname -lines to each node's config suffice?15:54
tomreynTulitomaatti: you can just configure them to use the same public nameserver. but other than that, i would think so.15:57
Tulitomaattias in to get the correct ntp server info from the dns?15:58
mrchairmanWhen my gnome remote sftp connect gets wonky, is there a way to "kill all" the base program so I can reset it? It just hangs, and hangs like a punk a kid on a street corner16:01
mrchairmanteach me your ways16:04
mrchairmanI seek guidance wise #ubuntu16:04
kostkonmrchairman, tried resetting nautilus? i like your analogy though16:04
kostkonmrchairman, or gnome files in contemporary parlance16:04
mrchairmani'll try that, that sounds like practical advice. I hadnt16:04
mrchairmanerr hadnt tried16:05
ikoniathere is a timeout value for remote ftp file systems16:06
ikoniayou may want to find that and lower it16:06
mrchairmani could do a nautilus -q, but then i saw killall nautilus16:06
mrchairmanIn case any women are watching, I used killall so I look tough16:07
MikeRLI wonder if VLC will ever be updated to 3.0 for Xenial.16:08
mrchairmandid work16:09
kostkonMikeRL, only if you use the snap version (works ok afaik)16:09
mrchairmanI could solve this problem or day or reboot16:09
mrchairmanI'll be back jack!16:09
kostkonMikeRL, remoe the version from the repos and then  sudo snap install vlc16:09
ikoniaMikeRL: doubt it16:10
machine_Hi - just installed ubuntu and cant download any torrents in transmission16:16
machine_I cant find the setting where I change the port16:16
machine_propreties show only torrent propreties16:16
machine_nevermind ... got it16:16
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learningcwhat is difference between apt and apt-get?16:29
compdocapt is newer16:29
compdoc16.04 onwards16:30
tomreynlearningc: apt is not (yet?) suitable for scripting, apt-get ist. for many commands, apt is a more user-friendly frontend to apt-get.16:35
ioria 'apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts.'  in this case better use apt-get16:36
learningcSo when I want to install a package which one to use? I'm quite confuse about it.16:37
learningcapt install mypackage or apt-get install my package?16:38
simon42_learningc, same difference16:39
learningcYou mean?16:40
iorialearningc, for that you can use 'apt install ppkg ', but apt gets a  progress bar not very happy to interact with a script output16:42
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learningcI see16:49
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mexjerryintel NUC with ubuntu kodi, going to sleep, using remote or yatse will NOT wake it, I have to reboot pointers, please17:01
ikoniathere is no such thing as ubuntu odi17:01
compdocI run kodi on a rasp pi and leave it running all the time17:02
learningcwhen I do update and upgrade, will my ubuntu be the lastest?17:08
learningccompdoc, what distro do you use to run kodi on your pi?17:10
mexjerryit is Ubuntu, running kodi, ikonia17:13
mexjerryso what is needed to prevent or wake it up17:13
ikoniaWhat version of ubuntu is it ?17:13
ikoniaand is it the OS thats going to sleep, the display or kodi17:13
tony__I'm trying to get GPU passthrough working with Intel IGD for the Ubuntu host and AMD r9 280x for the windows VM. I want pci-stub to takeover the device but it seems at boot "drm" does something that screws it up17:13
ikoniahow was Kodi installed17:14
tony__[    0.709083] [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (TAHITI 0x1002:0x6798 0x1682:0x3001 0x00).17:14
tony__That's the VID:PID for the AMD GPU17:14
mexjerryubuntu 17, if on kodi the display just quits17:14
ikoniamexjerry: how was kodi installed, and you need to explain "display just quits"17:15
ikoniaas "quits" is very different to going to slleep17:15
TJ-tony__: I seem to recall the amd drivers have an option to stop them claiming the device so pcistub can17:16
tomreynmexjerry: there is not "ubuntu 17". lsb_release -sd17:16
mexjerryapt install kodi, I am able to ssh in and see everything, ifconfig, ps ax, so its not entirely asleep, but I have no display, I am unable to see the17:17
TJ-tony__: check which driver has claimed the device ("lspci -nnk -d 1002:6798") then check the modules parameters with "modinfo <modululename>"17:17
mexjerrydisplay, just says "no Signal, I have to reboot to get the display17:17
tony__TJ-: cool =] it's "radeon", I suspected it would take over. I think I'll just blacklist it and update-initramfs17:18
arunpyasiHi there, does anyone here had issues connecting a projector to your ubuntu 16.04 ?17:19
TJ-tony__: yes, that would work :)17:19
tony__rebooting, will keep you updated. thanks dude =]17:19
ikoniamexjerry: so is the display going to sleep or kodi17:19
mexjerryikonia how would one determine?17:19
arunpyasiI can get projector working in windows and other OS but not in Ubuntu 16.0417:20
ikonialooking at the logs to see the state of different components17:20
kostkonarunpyasi, you'd have to describe your problem in more detail17:20
kostkonarunpyasi, to get any sensible answers/support17:21
tony___TJ-: yup it worked :) pci-stub claims my GPU. thanks so much!17:22
OerHeksmaybe kodi and wayland give such display issues?17:23
arunpyasikostkon, I am not sure how shall I describe. I plugin the projector's VGA to my laptop and nothing pops up.. I don't see any traces in Display application.. but in windows, it works :(17:26
OerHeksarunpyasi, you migh have a FN key + display internal/external/both17:26
goikohi, I did an upgrade of my system and now I get an error: "grub-install: error: attempt to install to encrypted disk without cryptodisk enabled. Set `GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=1' in file `/etc/default/grub'.."17:27
arunpyasiOerHeks, I already did that17:28
goikoI added the line in the file and what now?17:28
arunpyasiOerHeks, nothing works on doing that.17:28
TJ-arunpyasi: it may be an ACPI issue. what does "xrandr -q" show when the VGA projector is plugged in ?17:28
arunpyasiTJ-, ok, didn't do that.17:28
arunpyasiTJ-, will do tomorrow.17:28
arunpyasiTJ-, and what if it didnt show ? What shall I proceed to fix it ?17:28
TJ-arunpyasi: that'd indicate some detection issue. I'd start by checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if the VGA projector is reported to the X server. If not, I'd suspect a system firmware issue. Is the VGA connector built in on the PC or on a discrete GPU adapter?17:30
kostkongoiko, sudo update-grub?17:30
goikokostkon, yeah i did it, when i try to upgrade again, i have the same error17:32
arunpyasiTJ-, its my laptop so, I guess it falls under built in on the PC17:32
TJ-arunpyasi: right, then if it is an ACPI issue there may be a workaround. I know of at least 1 laptop where this fixed a 'missing' external video connector port. http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html17:33
goikokostkon: it says: "dpkg: error processing package grub-efi-amd64-signed (--configure):17:33
goiko subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"17:33
tallguyg'mrn ubuntu folks17:36
TJ-goiko: unless things have changed recently, the efi-signed bootloader doesn't have the cryptodisk module built in; that may be the cause of your error17:36
goikoTJ-, ah okay, so what should i do to get rid of this error?17:37
TJ-goiko: you need to find out if that's the cause first. Try doing "sudo grub-install --verbose /dev/sdX" (where X is the boot device) to get a clue17:38
flashmozzgHello, I'm trying to install gcc-7.3 from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/gcc-7.3 on 16.04 Xenial17:41
flashmozzgBut I get multiple "Depends: cpp-7(or others) (= 7.3.0-...) but 7.2.0 is to be installed)" errors17:42
OerHeksmaybe you need !hwe for that private ppa to work?17:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:44
ikoniacpp is a compiler17:45
ikoniait's more likely the guy who runs the PPA has not done a good job of managing dependencies17:45
kostkonflashmozzg, we don't support ppas though. they usually create/cause dependency problems.17:45
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ikoniaand either a.) didn't upload the deps to his PPA b.) didn't reference an another external PPA for the deps17:46
ikoniaeither way, it looks sloppy to me and I wouldn't be using the work17:46
ikonia(the more simple answer is run apt-get update and make sure your cacheis up to date)17:46
Colby_Id like to download Ubuntu software.17:47
TJ-flashmozzg: is there a reason you need 7.3? reptoline perhaps?17:47
flashmozzgikonia I ran apt-get update, If it didn't pick it up it wouldn't even try to update to 7.3.0 (as I already have 7.2.0 installed). It looks like all packages from the error should be built in that ppa, except binutils17:48
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Colby_Because my computer is not really right17:48
ikoniayou really shouldn't be updating binutils17:48
kostkonColby_, what's your exact problem17:49
Colby_My computer is kinda stupid17:49
ikoniaColby_: come on17:49
ikoniaColby_: describe the problem properly, or don't waste peoples time please17:49
goikoTJ-, the last log lines say: "info: no partition map found for lvmid/z6beUE-..." and "no partition map found for crypto0."17:49
kostkonColby_, by nature yes, but what is exactly the problem you are facing with it17:49
arooniquestion:  i have a 4 .mkv files that are quite large (500mb - 4gb).  whats the *fastest lowest cpu way* to convert them to audio only in a .mp4, or .mp3 format ?17:50
TJ-goiko: that seems to confirm it is related to the missing cryptodisk module17:50
goikoah okay17:50
Colby_It has weird stuff, I cant run anything. Like therun.17:50
ikonia"the run"17:51
goikohow do I install the module, any clue?17:51
ikoniaand "can't run" - explain the problem please17:51
ikoniaColby_: you really need to explain the problem clearly17:51
flashmozzgikonia: hm, I really need 7.3.0 though. And it doesn't look like ubuntu test ppa is going to be updated with a new version. Maybe it'll get 8.1 but I don't know when it's going to be released. Looks like it's at least a few mopnths from now.17:51
ikoniaflashmozzg: ubuntu will rarely update it's compiler stack in a current distro17:52
kostkonarooni, with ffmpeg?17:52
TJ-goiko: I suspect you'll either need to use the unsigned package and disable Secure Boot, or with S.B. enabled you'll need to enroll your own personal MOK signing key using MOK tools and use grub-efi-amd64 packages17:52
Colby_The computer I have is jammed with a bunch of stuff odd stuff.17:52
ikoniaflashmozzg: I really wouldn't be using random PPA's for that sort of things17:52
aroonikostkon: i dont have to juse ffmpeg17:52
arooniwhatever is easier17:52
TJ-flashmozzg: what functionality do you need from 7.3 ?17:52
flashmozzgikonia: beats compiling from scratch on a weak machine.17:52
mamarihow are you17:53
ikoniaflashmozzg: no it doesn't17:53
ikoniaflashmozzg: not if the guy building the PPA can't manage the packages, you can't trust the work17:53
ikoniaand as TJ- said what is it about 7.3 you need thats not in 7.217:53
flashmozzgTJ-: there was a bug that caused crashes for my program that was fixed.17:53
kostkonarooni, handbrake then?  sudo snap install handbrake-jz17:53
TJ-flashmozzg: OK, because we've had a lot of requests for 7.3 recently for the retpoline patches, which are in the regular  gcc-5 since 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.817:54
stochastixkostkon: Thanks for that info. So, after the official release, do they basically freeze the packages in the repos, other than security updates and stuff?17:54
goikoTJ-, thanks, so I guess disabling Secure Boot is the simplest solution, is it a common error?17:54
TJ-goiko: not many people seem to use encrypted /boot/ with EFI. I posted a bug about it a long time ago but not seen any change so far17:55
kostkonstochastix, you are spot on17:55
stochastixkostkon: thanks :)17:56
kostkonstochastix, np17:56
Colby__U will never stop me!17:57
kostkonColby__ is probaly a bot17:57
Colby__nope real human17:57
erasmusI need to locate someone here who is knowledgeable in regards to loading firmware.17:57
TJ-erasmus: for devices via their drivers? usually auto-loaded on request from the kernel by udev, from /lib/firmware/17:58
erasmusyeah it sees it cause the module is in the kernel.17:58
erasmusbut I don't get a device from it.17:58
erasmusI put the firmware into /lib/firmware17:58
erasmusit's a hauppauge usb wintv tuner 950Q17:59
TJ-erasmus: probably means the file being requested isn't being found. What does 'dmesg' show? which driver/firmware is it?17:59
erasmusone sec17:59
Colby__1 done17:59
Colby__TImes up by 35 sec18:00
TrentHello, where can I learn more about disabling secure boot to install third-party software?18:01
erasmusTJ- termbin.com/bz0n18:02
Colby__what third-party software?18:02
goikoTrent: I found a section in the UEFI Help wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:02
erasmusTJ- termbin.com/8m0c18:03
Colby__Tj is not here18:03
erasmusTJ- https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-950Q#Firmware18:04
Tathagathow can i register my email-id?18:04
TJ-erasmus: I see the "au0828" module claims that device but the module doesn't list a firmware file18:04
Colby__I aid tj is not here18:04
kostkon!register | Tathagat18:04
ubottuTathagat: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.18:04
Colby__i said18:04
erasmusTJ- I was told to ask here but I'm running an OS based on ubuntu.18:04
erasmusit's GalliumOS.18:04
erasmusthis is one a Chromebook an Acer C72018:05
Colby__did someone soy Colby_?18:05
erasmussomeone in #galliumos told me to ask in here.18:05
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erasmusGalliumOS 2.0 is based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)18:06
erasmusit works fine in Ubuntu and a Mint box.18:07
erasmusis it possible the distro has a alt location for a device such as this?18:08
erasmuslike /lib/firmware/4.8.17-gallium/18:08
ducasseerasmus: we don't support derivatives, you need to get support in #galliumos18:08
Tathagat2006i am a beginner and want to start linux kernel dev18:09
erasmussorta knew you would say that.18:09
Tathagat2006what resources to use and in which order?18:09
TJ-erasmus: regardless of distro, the kernel driver I mentioned doesn't request a firmware file that I can see18:09
erasmusTJ- Some distributions already bundle the firmware in the official repositories. Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) includes it by default18:10
OerHeks_Tathagat2006, good start for reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev18:10
erasmusso if it's there and I see it why doesn't it show up as a device?18:10
erasmusI use Kaffeine. And it's not listed as device.18:11
Tathagat2006OerHeks_, Thank You!!18:11
Tathagat2006i am a second year student18:11
Tathagat2006can you tell me which books to follow18:12
Tathagat2006like i have only read galvin for operating systems and started robert love's linux kernel development..18:12
elichai2Hey, I restart my laptop and now when it start I get a weird error and then a readonly shell18:13
elichai2Sorry I'm sending the error as a picture I'm just doing it from my phone because I don't have another pc18:14
TJ-erasmus: OK, I see the firmware now it's included in linux-firmware under /lib/firmware/. It's loaded by the xc5000 driver. is that loaded? "lsmod | grep xc5000" if not "sudo modprobe xc5000"18:14
TJ-!kernel | Tathagat2006 and listen in on the channel #ubuntu-kernel18:14
ubottuTathagat2006 and listen in on the channel #ubuntu-kernel: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)18:14
erasmusTJ- I did the command and it just went to the next line after enter.18:15
erasmusno error.18:15
TJ-erasmus: so it worked18:15
erasmusTJ- will I need to do that after reboots?18:16
TJ-erasmus: check "dmesg" again18:16
kostkonTathagat2006, you've read some kernel books. you are off a good start already then. just go through the info that TJ- has given you and go from there18:17
TJ-erasmus: it shold be automatically loaded, your link says "After an application open the device the first time, the module will load the firmware."18:17
Tathagat2006TJ: Thank you,18:18
Tathagat2006kostkon: Thanks18:18
erasmusTJ- termbin.com/lm4v18:18
erasmusTJ- still lacking SOURCE for device in Kaffeine.18:19
erasmuslike it's not creating the device18:20
TJ-erasmus: no idea; could be a broken device, but as it's not Ubuntu there may be some strange config that is breaking things18:20
erasmusI can also use the adapter with my MBP in macos.18:21
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TrentFor some reason my laptop is saying bootable device not found....18:25
elichai2Here I wrote down the error: https://pastebin.com/vUy61F5r (the ... is because there's a lot of zero's and the [xxx] is because the timestamp is irrelevant)18:26
elichai2Please I can't figure out why my laptop don't start (tried updating, dpkg --configure)18:26
TJ-elichai2: MCE is a major hardware fault, like bad RAM or something else18:28
elichai2So I need to run a RAM test? what else to run? (ram test is still in the live grub?)18:28
TJ-elichai2: that'd be a good start. I think memtest86+ is installed if it's not an EFI system (it doesn't work on EFI)18:29
elichai2it is EFI :\,  i'll download a memtest86+ iso and put on a usb18:30
TJ-elichai2: might be the laptop's fan radiator just needs a clean, could be overheating18:32
elichai2is there a way to check it or I should just open it up and clean?18:36
TJ-elichai2: peer into it :D I used an air compressor to blow out fans and fins occasionally18:37
TJ-elichai2: it could be something silly like a plug-in RAM module have gotten slightly mobed by vibration and just needs reseating. Some laptops have access doors in them to get to these things18:38
TrentSo I installed Lubuntu, restarted my laptop. Now it says invalid boot device?18:38
lotuspsychjeTrent: is your system uefi?18:39
Trentlotuspsychje, Yes18:40
lotuspsychjeTrent: singleboot ubuntu or dualboot?18:40
lotuspsychjeTrent: have you installed with fastboot & secureboot disabled?18:40
TrentI installed with secureboot enabled18:40
lotuspsychjeTrent: both must be disabled18:41
lotuspsychjeTrent: check also your boot order list in bios18:42
TrentBoot Order is fine, i'll reinstall with Secure Boot Disabled18:42
lotuspsychjeTrent: ok good luck18:43
elichai2TJ-: tried restarting multiple times. i;m now backing up a usb to flash it with memtest18:43
TrentYas queen18:45
lizawjoin/ 3apo18:45
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ducasseTrent: installing with secure boot enabled should not be a problem, you didn't get any errors during installation?18:47
Trentducasse, No errors.18:47
TrentWent into desktop fine, I restarted machine... No longer would start.18:47
Trent100% installed on the Systems HDD, not the USB.18:48
ducasseTrent: the do as lotus suggests and check boot order in the firmware18:48
ioriaTrent, using manual or automatic partitioning scheme ?18:48
lotuspsychjeTrent: mechanical hd or new ssd?18:50
TrentAnd I already checked boot order. Only thing in my laptop is a USB and a HDD. Nothing else.18:50
ioriaTrent, you have 2 disks ? one iternal and one external ?18:50
Trent1 disk18:50
ioriaTrent, what about the 'usb', then ?18:51
TrentThat would be what i'm installing Lubuntu from.18:51
ioriaTrent, ok18:52
lotuspsychjeTrent: some bios, have double settings for boot order (sata) doubleck?18:52
TrentI installed with Secure Boot. Off18:53
TrentSame issue, no boot device found.18:53
ioriaTrent,  boot from live and paste sudo parted -l18:53
TrentIt's some bios setting, as when going into boot menu it doesn't detect an HDD18:54
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ioria<Trent> Boot Order is fine,18:59
TrentWell this is funny, if I set my bios to legacy mode. I'm unable to boot into the USB, or the HDD. It's saying "No bootable device found"19:00
ioriaTrent, boot in efi mode19:01
ioriaTrent, the installer,  i mean19:01
TrentIf I boot through UEFI, it doesn't show me my HDD into the Boot Menu Option, only my USB.19:02
ioriaok, boot it19:02
TrentI did19:03
TrentIt doesn't work19:03
TrentNo boot device found19:03
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ioriaTrent,  check the SB settings19:04
elichai2TJ-: btw, the CPU temp on the memtest is arround 5519:05
TrentSB Settings?19:06
ioriaTrent,  secure boot and what kind of laptop is that ?19:07
TrentAcer Aspire One (netbook)19:07
ioriathat wants a 32 bit efi ?19:07
kostkonelichai2, which atom does it have19:08
TrentShould be 64bit, it's a Intel Atom CPU19:09
TrentSorry, Celeron N305019:09
inquamHi... I have a "strange" issue that popped up recently. I have static networking setup and the dns-nameservers point to my windows domain controller. This domain controller was running as a VM that was handled by Cloudmin on this very Ubuntu machine. This worked fine. But due to some issues with Cloudmine I moved it to use Kimchi instead and handle it using libvirt directly. The VM started up fine after that (still running on the sa19:11
inquamBut all of a sudden Ubuntu failed to boot. It gets stuck at bringing the network up. It seems to be due to the name server poiting to the DC19:11
inquamIt's probably not up yet. If I change to it boots fine19:11
inquamSo I'm trying to figure out how to solve this little predicament19:12
inquamSHould this even be an issue? SHoudn't the ubuntu server just have a bit of issues doing DNS lookups until the VM comes online? Why get stuck there during bootup and retry over and over until I reboot the system.19:13
inquamSTrange thing is that this worked before when I was using Cloudmin. Perhaps the VM came up earlier, but seems unlikley it would have come up before networking was started. So I should have had this issue back then to it feels like.19:14
TrentI don't understand, I got this thing to install Ubuntu about a year ago... Now I can't figure it out.19:15
akikTrent: when i boot in uefi mode on my acer laptop, i need to go to the bios/uefi screens and add grubx64.efi as an allowed boot file19:17
ioriaTrent, do you have a 'Select an UEFI file as trusted for executing' under Security ?19:17
akikor shimx64.efi19:17
Trentioria, Yes I do have that option. I'm following some instructions I found online for installing it, so we will see.19:18
ahtdI've been trying to setup two network interfaces on my Ubuntu: one for internal use and the other to access the internet. But after I configure the static IP address for internal use, I can't access the internet anymore.19:18
ioriaTrent, so select shimx64.efi if SB enabled, or grubx64.efi if not19:19
Trentioria, I didn't have to do that last time I installed Ubuntu. But i'll try it.19:19
inquamahdt: Not sure, but don't you have to create routes to make sure traffic flows on the correct interface after something like that?19:20
elichai2kostkon: Intel i7 4770MQ19:20
ahtdinquam: I'll read about this. Thanks19:22
inquamahtd: Someone with a kinda similar question... https://askubuntu.com/questions/293249/two-nics-one-for-internet-the-other-for-lan19:24
openGLdudeIs it possible to have a static ip with which i can access my sysetem via ssh without having a domain name given by the ISP?19:25
Trentioria, Hot dang it worked :)19:26
Taz-openGLdude, sure, that's called a NDS19:26
ioriaTrent, good boy19:26
Taz-such as freedns19:26
A4TechHi, I have a Ubuntu Server 16.04 machine all up to date with the AMDGPU 17.40 drivers installed, with a singular card installed I can boot into the CLI fine. But when I add a secound it will post the BIOS splash and grub screen but after go black but has a signal. If i put either card in it boots fine, but with both it doesn't. Any help? Thanks19:34
loadedanvilshey all, I'm using ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I'm trying to configure two of my laptops, one connected directly to the other through ethernet usb dongle and the other connected to internet19:36
loadedanvilsare there any resources related to kernel IP routing or network interfaces?19:37
iorialoadedanvils, and you want to share the connection ?19:39
spaseHey, is there anybody here?19:40
spaseok :D19:40
loadedanvilsioria, specifically, I want to be able to ssh19:40
loadedanvilsI can sometimes set routes that allow me to temporarily connect19:41
loadedanvilsbut they're gone after a few minutes19:41
A4Techdo a  hack and write a script to set the routes every few min19:41
loadedanvilsI'm planning to try it again today but I need some resources for the network interfaced / IP routing19:41
loadedanvilscan't, I need them to be persistent19:42
loadedanvilswhen I reboot and set them in /etc/network/interfaces I stop being able to ssh when the Ethernet dongle is connected to the host computet19:42
loadedanvilsI'm gonna try it again today with my own computers (I was using work laptops before) so I'm looking for books / documentation / resources about it19:43
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energizerHow do I `rsync -a dirA remote:dirA` completely overwriting remote:dirA ?19:54
akikenergizer: maybe "--delete --delete-before"19:56
OerHeksrsync -I, --ignore-times   don't skip files that match size and time19:59
CoJaBoI've unearthed an entirely new RAID configuration today20:04
energizerok thanks20:05
elichai2I'll ask again since TJ- is gone20:07
elichai2I restarted my laptop and now it doesn't load, I get this error: https://pastebin.com/vUy61F5r (ignore timestamp, and 000... is a lot of zeros lol), memtest passed with no errors, tried cleaning the fan20:08
elichai2any ideas?20:08
ioriaelichai2, can you check in Bios -> Power Management what options do you have set ?20:10
elichai2ioria: I don't see a power management option in my bios20:11
ioriaelichai2, there should be20:12
ioriaelichai2,  or something similar20:12
elichai2I have power beep option. That's the only one with power in the name20:12
elichai2It's mostly boot stuff20:13
OerHeksmaybe overclocking settings in the bios, hard to say what those cpu errors mean20:13
elichai2OerHeks: how can i check what the errors mean?20:14
ioriaelichai2,  what cpu do you have ?20:15
elichai2That's how my bios look https://youtu.be/qZkvE5Gh3L020:16
elichai2I have i7 4700MQ20:16
OerHeksdunno, use google or bing with the errorline or partial20:16
OerHeks+ your machine specs20:17
elichai2Already tried Googling it that's why I'm here20:17
HardcoreKryptonwhat happened20:19
ioriaelichai2,  and in secure boot options ?20:21
elichai2Secure boot is disabled, but it is uefi20:22
ioriaelichai2,  Secure Boot -> Secure Boot Mode -> Standard   ?20:23
elichai2I just tried running kubuntu from usb and test dmesg: https://pastebin.com/uGbw3zgv20:23
elichai2ioria: i'll check right now20:23
elichai2ioria: rechecked and I just don't have a secure boot option20:25
ioriaelichai2,  it does stop booting ? right ?20:26
ioriaelichai2,  or what ?20:26
elichai2I get into rescue shell20:27
ioriaelichai2,  have you tried to boot in legacy mode ?20:29
tomreyni think what elichai2 is saying is that ubuntu used to startup fine and, without hardware, bios or linux configuration changes, it no longer does. is this what you are saying, elichai2 ?20:32
elichai2yes. and when I boot from usb I see the errors but it boots fine20:32
tomreynso i guess te initial message you presented is correct and you indeed have faulty hardware.20:33
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tomreyntry a memory check using memtest86+, if you're 'lucky' its 'just' a bad DIMM.20:34
malkaunsany fix for the gnome-shell memory leak??20:34
elichai2already ran memtest86+ passed without errors20:34
asarchUsing the new configuration scheme (DBus or GConf), how could I disable a monitor permanently (I mean, reboot after reboot)?20:34
asarchI mean, system-wide?20:35
ioriaelichai2, i lost you . when you see those  errors  ?20:35
elichai2If I boot normally I see them and I get rescue shell. If I boot from usb I see them for a split second but it boots fine20:36
ioriaelichai2, so your main installed system not booting ?20:37
elichai2only to rescue shell20:37
ioriaelichai2,  have you tried to boot in legacy mode ?20:37
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elichai2not yet, thought to try and stress test the cpu, but i'll try legacy20:38
OerHeksi read a lot about mem leaks, i do not experience such leak myself malkauns https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1672297 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/173107120:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1672297 in mutter (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [High,Triaged]20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1672297 in mutter (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1731071 gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [High,Triaged]20:38
OerHekssome write it is mouse movements, others name wifi packages make it grow20:39
tomreynspase: do you need any help?20:44
tomreynlooks like a bot.20:45
tomreynspase: do you have an ubuntu support request?20:46
elichai2ioria: just tried legacy exact same errors20:46
elichai2Just without the uefi db20:47
ioriai see20:47
elichai2Any other ideas to check? I can't seem to find the faulty hardware but I do get the error even in the USB boot20:48
elichai2Btw I was a little wrong, regular boot doesn't give me rescue shell, it gives me tty1 with read only permissions (that I can then remount to rw)20:49
tomreynask in ##hardware, this is not an ubuntu issue.20:49
ioriaelichai2, run fsck20:50
elichai2Tried already through Ubuntu's recovery20:50
elichai2Is there a ppa to install most latest kernel? Maybe I should try that20:51
ioriaelichai2, it gives you vc  in ro mode ?20:51
OerHeksrun a prime test to check your cpu.. https://fossbytes.com/best-computer-diagnostic-tools-for-windows-and-ubuntu/20:51
OerHekselse let your vendor check the hardware?20:52
ioriaelichai2, never heard a tty in ro20:52
raidghostHow can i disable pci-E cards from been used with vt-d in linux kernel?20:59
y_morinHello! On Ubuntu 17.10, something is constantly removing files from /tmp, every ~30 min.21:01
y_morinWhat is responsible for that, and how can I prevnt it from happening?21:01
elichai2i'm having a problem installing 4.1521:01
OerHekselichai2, carefull with the order of the deb files.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds#Installing_upstream_kernels_.28manually.2921:04
OerHeksdon't just dpkg -i * ..21:04
texlaHow to start numlockx before login on Ubuntu 16.0421:09
OerHekstexla, here a howto to call numlockx in the greeter, https://askubuntu.com/questions/776961/enabling-numlock  or --- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock21:18
A4TechHey, I have a two PCI mobo and when I put the GPU in the 2nd bus it will show the BIOS splash and GRUB menu but after just go black but have a connection, if I put it in the 1st pci slot it will work normally. Is my 2nd pci connector broken?21:20
fireballI'm on Ubuntu Mate for Raspberry Pi3 (Model B)21:21
Deknosdoes anyone know the bug clicking on websites in firefox with right mouse click that the context menu pops up shifted and the mouse pointer moves even if you are not IN the context menu?21:21
fireballI've installed the last version available this morning21:22
fireballThen I've installed updates and since that time Firefox crash when launching21:23
fireballBefore installing updates everything worked fine21:23
fireballDo you have an idea ?21:23
fireballI tried to uinstall and resinstall it but doesn't change anything21:24
fireballSeems there is a problem with the last update of firefox on Raspberry Pi 321:24
fireballSorry Deknos, I don't know21:25
nsgnHello. I'm trying to get Ubuntu set up on my Macbook12. It requires an out of tree kernel module for the keyboard/mouse. I know such works on this hardware because under Fedora this module loads just fine.21:25
nsgnOn Ubuntu I'm given the error "applespi: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing"21:26
causativewhy is the atime of all my files in the past few days, even for files I know I haven't accessed manually in a long time?  is this because I am using whole disk encryption?21:26
nsgnI figured oh..I must be running secure boot therefore module signing is required. But nope. mokutil says "this system doesn't support secure boot"21:26
DiecastMessiahhailz all.. doing an update and a new window is up with Configuring Grub-pc .. so i say install the package maintainters version or keep local version21:26
DiecastMessiahits also says the version installed currectly was locally modified in you hit the help buttom beside it21:29
aelxI want to set up a vm with two network interfaces, but after I edited the /etc/network/interfaces/ the internet stopped working21:29
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sysfaulti need assistance enabling my synaptics touchpad22:17
flood_is this thing on?22:20
Mathisensysfault, what is not working exactly22:27
sysfaultthe touchpad itself isnt responding to a click Mathisen22:27
Mathisenand this is what ubuntu version and what laptop model ?22:28
sysfaultMathisen: im on a dell inspiron n5010, running ubuntu 17.1022:30
Mathisensysfault, you have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed ?22:30
sysfaultMathisen: yes22:31
sysfaultlatest version22:31
Mathisensysfault, hmm try with xserver-xorg-input-libinput22:36
Mathisenneed to reboot after that22:37
sysfaultdo i download that?22:37
sysfaultthats installed as well22:37
Mathisenre-install it22:37
OerHeks17.10 .. in wayland or Xorg session ?22:38
sysfaulthow can i tell which one im in?22:38
demuOerHeks: wayland (default) Xorg is installed22:38
y_morinsysfault: echo $WAYLAND_DISPLAY22:39
OerHeksecho $DESKTOP_SESSION22:39
sysfaultthat returns xfce the latter one22:39
sysfaultand  the former returns nothing22:39
y_morinXorg then22:40
Corvidhello all22:47
Corvid49 mwm closet bi top22:47
DiecastMessiahHails all , I am having a problem with video drivers i guess .. on ubuntu 16.04 ..back story is I have a optimus laptop ,, i tried bumblebee and that worked for some things ... but it was using Mesa even tho its nvidia 310m chip .. so i remove that and reinstalled nvidia drivers along with nvidia prime.. now that seem to have gotten the drivers right and other things working also .. but still having some problems with opengl dffierent games work.. but22:48
DiecastMessiahones that need opengl 2.1 don;t seems to work. i also tried GFXBench and getting this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jMzcrSqHFW/22:48
CecilinFluxI was wondering if someone in here would mind helping an Ubuntu noob22:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:54
CecilinFluxthe last windows 10 upgrade screwed up my computer, so I clean installed ubuntu, which is working peachy keen, but I had a second hard drive on windows that I was using as a backup thing, but now  can't access it on Ubuntu22:54
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.22:54
CecilinFluxI'd rather not format it as it contains all my projects from the last few years22:54
CecilinFluxso mostly I'm having issues knowing what exactly to google to help me find the correct way to access the files22:55
MathisenCecilinFlux, in what way cant you reach the files ? have you tried mounting the partition ?22:57
OerHeksCecilinFlux, if that extra hdd is exfat, you just need 2 tools22:58
Mathisenntfs-3g comes to mind if hibernation problems22:58
CecilinFluxI've been trying to mount, but the fdisk doesn't even see it. I can get gpart to see it, but with a ton of errors, and it won't let me mount22:58
Mathisenwhat error do you get on mount ?22:58
CecilinFluxI'd like to just be able to access the files so I can back them up, and then I'll reformat the disk22:59
CecilinFluxhang on22:59
CecilinFluxI use gpart to "scan devices"22:59
CecilinFluxand it pops up with a bnunch of errors, the most common being22:59
CecilinFlux"error fsyncing/closing dev/sdb1 input/output error"23:00
Mathisenwell that can be bad news sadly23:00
CecilinFluxwell fuck23:00
CecilinFluxI'd really rather not lose all my projects23:00
Mathisenthere is a nice tool named ddrescue that you should look upp23:01
CecilinFluxI'll look that up23:01
Mathisenread the documentation for it and clone the bad hd to a "safe" place the safe place would be a diffrent hd23:01
Mathisenthen after that you can start to recover info23:01
CecilinFluxI'll see if I can do that23:02
CecilinFluxare there any other options, as well, while I'm copying that over?23:03
Mathisenwell yes but the most safe way to recover is to copy over the content to a healty drive first23:03
CecilinFluxmy main issue with that is that the disk that's having the issue is the largest disk I have23:04
y_morinHello! On Ubuntu 17.10, something is constantly removing files from /tmp, every 60 min.23:04
CecilinFluxa terabyte, and the second largest I have is only a 250 GB23:04
MathisenCecilinFlux, ok. there is tesdisk that you can run on it. usage = testdisk /dev/WINDISK23:05
MathisenCecilinFlux, keep in mind you been warned using the drive more "if" it is bad i/o error usaly idicates that is not good23:06
CecilinFluxthat's good to know, thank you23:06
CecilinFluxI appreciate everyone helping me23:06
CecilinFluxWINDISK being replaced with the name of the drive, correct?23:07
CecilinFluxthank you23:08
CecilinFluxthat's worked, now I can at least copy over my most important projects23:09
CecilinFluxthank you so much23:09
CecilinFluxI'm okay with getting a new drive once I've gotten the info off of this one23:10
DiecastMessiahabout my problem to here is all gfxinfo tells me https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3FpWMSsjcQ/23:13
CecilinFluxoh thank god23:15
CecilinFluxthank you all so much23:15
CecilinFluxI have honestly no idea what I'm doing and was worried I was going to lose all my files23:15
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: reading. while doing so, what driver is installed ? : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/130042/en-us23:17
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: Correct driver is installed " string: 3.30 NVIDIA" .23:17
DiecastMessiahBashing-om: 340.10423:17
DiecastMessiahshould i put on Using Process microcode firmware for intel CPUs ??? In the additional drivers program23:19
DiecastMessiahit set to do not use this device23:20
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: I would, as the microcode is OEM updates .23:22
DiecastMessiahkk will try that.23:23
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: does the gpu-manager report any issues ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' ?23:25
DiecastMessiahk done.. do i need to reboot.. it didn;t say23:25
superguestI have multi-monitor setup in Ubuntu 16.04: Dell 30" monitor as primary in landscape, and two Dell 20" in portrait, one on each side of the primary.23:27
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: I would think a reboot is in order .23:27
DiecastMessiahBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T4G4gvVyCh/23:27
superguestthe problem is that everytime I log out/restart, the wallpaper scales to the resolution/dimension of the auxilliary monitor.23:27
superguestwhich requires me to readjust in Appearance > Background everytime.23:30
xanreventHello all. I'm looking for somebody that might be able walk me through trying a few things (that may or may not be possible?).23:31
DiecastMessiahBashing-om: I going to reboot because of turning on that cpu thing brb23:32
superguestI think Ubuntu has long abandoned the use of /etc/X11/xorg.conf as its default.  Does anyone know which system uses/maintains ~/.config/monitors.xml ?23:35
DiecastMessiahBashing-om: k back23:35
xanreventSpecifically, I have a program that runs as a Bulletin Board Server (bbs) through SSH, and I want to have multiple iterations of the program running and allow multiple users to log in to each one via ssh23:36
xanreventAll from ubuntu server, command line only23:36
Bashing-omsuperguest: The use of the file is generally depreciated, however, if you make it up it will be honored .23:36
DiecastMessiahtried gfxbench again .. closes when i try to run the text ..like before .23:38
superguestBashing-om, can you recommend a solution to my problem with the wallpaper rescaling to the resolution of my auxilllary montior (1200 x 1600) on restart?23:38
Bashing-omDiecastMessiah: And .. I am stumped why your system looks for /usr/share/gpu-manager.d/ - as on my system: " sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /usr/share/gpu-manager.d/ >> ls: cannot access '/usr/share/gpu-manager.d/': No such file or directory" .23:39
Mathisenxanrevent, dont your bbs server has features for this23:40
Bashing-omsuperguest: Sorry, no experience here with multi monitors .23:41
DiecastMessiahBashing-om: ok thanks... seems that optimus is no fun it work with.. had this working years ago.. but that was bumblebee and using the optirun commands. but I guess i'll just not game .. getting sick of trying23:43
xanreventI've tried finding instructions for running multiple servers from one device, and I know this program has a daemon version, but I really don't know where to learn more about daemons or what would be needed to run multiple.23:45
akikxanrevent: if you have it already running, what happens if you make simultaneous ssh connections to it?23:49
xanrevent@akik as the same ssh user or as multiple different ssh users?23:50
akikxanrevent: either case23:50
akikxanrevent: so you've tested it with multiple logins, but something doesn't work?23:52
xanreventakik: What I want to do is have a second iteration of the same program (as it's a bbs, this would mean a separate bbs entirely) running concurrently and listening to a separate port23:53
akikxanrevent: do you have the bbs application as the login shell?23:54
xanreventakik: if I understand you correctly, yes.23:54
akikxanrevent: you can check it from /etc/passwd for each user23:54
xanreventakik: I think I can get each iteration to accept connections on separate ports, what I'm having trouble with is when I execute the program " ./mystic -server "23:55
xanreventakik: it is then running the shell and is where commands are input for the server itself23:56
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akikxanrevent: if the bbs application is as a login shell, and each user logs in with their own username with ssh, they're kept separate from each other23:56
xanreventakik: and what I'd like to do is run a second iteration of the program entirely23:57
nsgnGood evening. My ubuntu boot hangs for about 15 seconds on running /scripts/local-premount . Never seen anything like this. Any thoughts?23:58
nsgnIt proceeds after that to run fine but that sure adds a chunk to the boot time.23:58
xanreventakik: if I'm running the first iteration, I can't access the command prompt to navigate to the second folder and start the second server23:59

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