
=== bengan_ is now known as bengan
studio-user871hello ;) im new around here , and i was asking , for how long to run linux in a vm until i get rid of windows for good ?20:51
OvenWerksstudio-user871: not many people here, you may find more help in #ubuntu or #xubuntu (for xfce specific stu7ff)20:55
studio-user871ok , thank you :)20:55
OvenWerkspersonally I run everything hard metal here. Never virtual.20:55
studio-user871well in thinking to do that as well , but i tried linux already and i know it's different than windows20:56
studio-user871and for the moment i want to take it easy20:56
OvenWerksNo worrys, I am not giving advice so much as saying I have no idea how VMs work.20:59

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