
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, but there's not a great way to track that00:00
bluesabreDoes popcon (I think that's what it's called) do anything for that?00:00
Unit193Technically no, but yes.  All you'd have to do is check the version of x-d-s.00:01
Unit193bluesabre: Popcon data would actually have to be updated though, it hasn't been since 2016.00:02
Unit193Wed Jun 22 15:09:05 2016 UTC00:03
bluesabreThat seems useful00:03
Unit193I'm not sure the Ubuntu one is detailed enough for that though.00:04
Unit193bluesabre: I lied.00:06
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 - I'm guessing that popcon will get fixed sharpish given https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-February/040139.html07:08
flocculantUnit193: and re testing - just because I bring up testing in meeting(s) - I'm not really talking about tracker and 'us' but all those out there who run dev and we never know about07:10
flocculantpretty sure I always say the same thing to you ;)07:10
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Unit193But I can't fix or control that, I can only control my own actions.11:22
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knome_bluesabre, tracker isn't realtime for all things.. what specifically is lagging?18:55
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bluesabreknome: actually, fixed bugs get removed from https://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-details/spec=xubuntu-b-bugs22:34
bluesabreIt's not that either22:34
bluesabreBugs shared between the Bugs BP and the Dev BP show on one22:35
bluesabreAnd other weirdness22:35
bluesabre0/9 shown on https://dev.xubuntu.org/22:36
bluesabre8 items shown on https://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-details22:36
Unit193...And like clockwork.22:58
Unit193Debian #89132523:45
ubottuDebian bug 891325 in xfce4-weather-plugin "xfce4-weather-plugin: search function violates provider's usage policy" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/89132523:45

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