[11:15] lotuspsychje: cheers for checking :) [11:16] flocculant: np ; ) [17:29] hi [17:29] can someone help me to install spotnet [17:35] hello i can't boot it says ... uuid do not exist [17:35] just installed [17:35] :S [17:35] i tried to check the partition with sudo blkid /dev/sda6 /dev/sda6: UUID="67a29f9c-a8e6-45b3-abb7-aa958a4c1d40" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="00043168-06" [17:36] and the uuid it's correct [17:36] :/ [17:38] here the message https://pasteboard.co/H9iZqly.jpg [18:54] guys any answer to my question about the problem about wrong uuid ? [18:54] btw i tried to change it... [18:54] and it works correctly on 17.04 [18:56] on 18.04 it says it can't find the uuid , [18:56] it says somethig like this [18:56] Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: [18:56] — Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) [18:56] — Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?) [18:56] is it an LVM install? [18:56] — Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?) [18:56] — Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) [18:57] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jf84ksGRmn/ [18:57] TJ-: no it's an installation on notebook with 17.04 aside [18:58] on crucial ssd (INTERNAL) [18:58] Peace-: right, and you didn't use LVM disk layout? [18:58] Peace-: because what you report is known with LVM installations [18:59] Peace-: try "lvm vgchange -ay" then "ls /dev/mapper/" and see if there's anything listed other than "control" [18:59] TJ-: wait a moment cuz it's 2 years i don't touch my linux notebook :D it was workin so good and now i am a bit confused about that lvm [19:00] ah shit i can't ruight now [19:00] Peace-: oh hang on, I didn't read your photo properly! It's not LVM, it's /dev/sda6 as per your blkid command above isn't it [19:01] repo is not workin anymore on my old machine so i cant'execute lvm command [19:01] TJ-: yea eya [19:01] Peace-: no problem, i realise now it isn't LVM related [19:01] TJ-: :D [19:01] So, by deduction... [19:01] you are saying it's uuid wrong issue right? TJ- [19:02] ... we know the UUID exists. So the question is, how did you run the blkid command? Was it from a LiveISO boot ? [19:02] i have 17.04 [19:02] chroot too [19:03] So you have a working, booting, 17.04 install? [19:03] And you've installed 18.04 alongside it? if so, is that in a different partition? [19:03] yes [19:04] of course i have 2 partion [19:04] 1 for 18 and 1 for 17 [19:04] btw i generated another uuid and i used it with sudo tune2fs -U a6cf7970-7688-4458-896a-bf168a7c0fc8 /dev/sda6 [19:04] which is correctly mounted right now on 17.04 [19:05] OK, so, the issue may just be the /boot/initrd.img-$VERSION is incomplete or incorrect - missing some kernel modules most likely [19:06] Peace-: Do you know how to create a working chroot with proc sys dev mounted inside? [19:06] btw i updated the with update-initramfs -u [19:06] and update-grub [19:06] Peace-: from within the chroot? [19:06] you mean thsi irght [19:07] wait a moment i post the code [19:07] usually it's something like "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done" [19:07] TJ-: https://pastebin.com/Tr9HZyuX [19:07] i did that [19:08] Peace-: You're doing everything correctly so far [19:08] yeah but it does not want run :D [19:09] silly system :D [19:09] Peace-: can you show me "pastebinit <( lsblk -f )" from within the chroot ? [19:09] ok [19:10] wait a moment [19:10] i will do right now [19:10] Peace-: and also "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg" [19:10] ok [19:11] TJ-: mm inside the chroot it shows soemthing of weird [19:11] TJ-: https://pastebin.com/jRBXpzqq [19:12] hmmm, no UUIDs reported [19:12] TJ-: https://pastebin.com/2P2aAGH0 [19:13] TJ-: infact :S [19:13] wtf it's 12 years i use linux this is so strange :S [19:13] that suggests an underlying tool or library is missing [19:14] damn it :D [19:14] The grub config looks correct, it's showing a6cf7970-7688-4458-896a-bf168a7c0fc8 and hd0,msdos6 [19:14] infact! [19:14] This is a good clue, don't damn it [19:14] :D [19:15] i mean this intriguing never seen this before in my life of linux user [19:15] Peace-: in the choot do "pastebinit <( find /dev/disk/ -type l -ls )" [19:16] TJ-: https://pastebin.com/7VLg5r9F [19:17] TJ-: more readble https://pastebin.com/raw/7VLg5r9F [19:17] Peace-: so 17.04 is creating the links correctly [19:17] yeah yeah if you mean it mounts the other partition correctly [19:17] TJ-: ^ [19:17] Have you done a "apt update; apt full-upgrade" in case this is a fixed issue? [19:18] TJ-: where ? [19:18] Peace-: inside the chroot [19:18] TJ-: :D no [19:18] Peace-: try [19:18] we can try now [19:18] Peace-: if packages get upgraded that /may/ fix a bug in the 18.04 packages [19:19] TJ-: https://pastebin.com/raw/rize2VyS [19:19] :S [19:20] TJ-: maybe i ahve to change server for update? [19:20] Peace-: ok, from /outside/ the chroot do "sudo mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf" then try the apt command again [19:21] TJ-: :s https://pastebin.com/raw/LgTfKKdZ [19:22] TJ-: WHERE ARE You from ? i have to pay you a beer anyway xD [19:22] Peace-: "Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.3akgOy for passing config to apt-key" suggests the mount is read-only [19:23] mm [19:23] Peace-: that, or there's some weird permissions on /mnt/tmp (/tmp/ inside chroot) [19:24] TJ-: mm but i did this https://pastebin.com/Tr9HZyuX [19:24] Peace-: can you show me (from outside the chroot) "pastebinit /mnt/etc/fstab" [19:24] plus your commands [19:25] TJ-: sure here it is https://pastebin.com/raw/Ed4pF2X6 [19:26] OK, there's a problem. The root-fs UUID needs updating now you've changed it "UUID=67a29f9c-a8e6-45b3-abb7-aa958a4c1d40 / " [19:27] ah right [19:27] i have seen [19:27] wait [19:27] but also when you're doing the update-initramfs I /bet/ you've not mounted /boot first. When you enter the chroot, the first command you should issue is "mount -a" which mounts all the fstab entries. Otherwise files will be written to locations that won't be 'seen' at boot time [19:28] so, I'd suggest fix fstab, re-enter chroot, do "mount -a" then "update-initramfs -u" then "update-grub" and try a reboot [19:28] Peace-: I have to go to dinner now but that should give you some things to focus on [19:29] TJ-: tring [19:29] TJ-: thank you so much dude