
GunnarHjjbicha: Hi Jeremy!13:14
GunnarHjTo test my g-c-c proposal I updated the binaries built by gnome-desktop3 to version 3.27.90-1ubuntu1. However, I still have libgnome-desktop-3-12 3.26.2-1ubuntu1 too, and when I tried to remove it, apt suggested that I'd remove basically the whole desktop..13:14
GunnarHjIs that a problem, and if so, is it something you are aware of?13:14
GunnarHjjbicha: Should libgnome-desktop-3-17 provide libgnome-desktop-3-12 or something?13:17
jbichano, we are in the middle of a gnome-desktop3 transition13:57
jbichathe new library is stuck in bionic-proposed, maybe it will migrate on Monday or Tuesday13:57
jbichait's a bit tricky to downgrade packages like that (not officially supported)13:57
jbichabut if you're going to do it, try something like13:58
jbichasudo apt install libgnome-desktop-3-12/bionic gnome-desktop3-data/bionic gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0/bionic13:58
jbichaan important part is that you get all the related packages together13:59
jbichaoh, I misread. Yeah, you won't be able to remove libgnome-desktop-3-12 until you get all the packages that are built against it (they are in bionic-proposed now)14:00
jbichaI don't support this PPA but you might be able to just add this PPA, upgrade and then remove the PPA (because I'll delete the PPA in a few weeks probably)14:01
GunnarHjjbicha: Thanks for explaining! I'll won't add that PPA - don't want to get so deeply involved in the transition. Now I know that everything is under control, and that's why I asked. :)14:29
jbichagnome-desktop3 was supposed to be an easy transition (see everything worked in the PPA) but it's ended up taking us several hours of work14:45
jbichatwo MIRs need to be processed and some packages removed and the mesa transition to finish14:46
GunnarHjjbicha: Oops, sounds like I stumbled upon a can of worms.16:29
GunnarHjjbicha: Any thoughts from you on16:31
GunnarHjhttps://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-control-center/scrollbar_hide-more/+merge/339494 ?16:31
GunnarHj(Not asking you to sponsor - want to talk with Seb and/or Laney first.)16:31

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