
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: WB :)03:46
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om ty03:50
ducassegood morning07:29
JimBuntug'morn ducasse07:32
lotuspsychjegood sunday to all10:06
ducassehi lotuspsychje10:14
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how are you mate10:14
lotuspsychjeits gonna be lazy day here today10:15
ducassegood here, thanks, how are you?10:15
lotuspsychjefine & cold :p10:15
lotuspsychjepancakes, tv & irc10:16
ducassecold here as well, no snow today10:17
lotuspsychjeducasse: glad it stopped10:22
ducassenever mind, it seems it just started again :(10:23
lotuspsychjeone for you https://www.deviantart.com/art/Arch-Linux-i3wm-NumixSolarizedDarkGreen-73222679910:50
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
lotuspsychjebbl tv time16:28

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