
sillysluxlol https://www.bug.hr/forum/topic/komentari-clanaka-bughr/prica-o-zivotu-dvojice-vrhunskih-hrvatskih-develop/256883.aspx?page=0&jumpto=5609029&sort=asc&view=flat14:08
jellylol -1715:02
jelly.weather maksimir15:02
datasejelly: Weather for Maksimir, Croatia | Temperature: 25°F / -4°C; Humidity: 39%; Conditions: Partly cloudy; Wind: Ne, 11mph / 18kph; Updated: 1 hr, 3 mins, 0 secs ago | Forecast for Sunday: Overcast; High of 23°F / -5°C; Low of 9°F / -13°C | Forecast for Monday: Overcast; High of 22°F / -6°C; Low of 12°F / -11°C | Forecast for Tuesday: Overcast; High of 20°F / -7°C; Low of 2°F / -17°C | Forecast for (1 more message)15:03
datasejelly: Wednesday: Partly cloudy; High of 23°F / -5°C; Low of 2°F / -17°C | Forecast for Thursday: Mostly cloudy; High of 26°F / -3°C; Low of 20°F / -7°C | Forecast for Friday: Ice pellets; High of 32°F / 0°C; Low of 26°F / -3°C15:03
jelly> Forecast for Friday: Ice pellets; High of 32°F / 0°C; Low of 26°F / -3°C15:03
jellynisam nikad vidio da je tuča prognozirana toliko unaprijed15:03
CrazyLemonice pellets == hail ? 15:04
jellyzapravo ne, piše da je to kiša koja se smrzne prije pada15:09
CrazyLemonyup..to je ona kiša koja boli :D15:09
jelly> Ice pellets are smaller than hailstones15:09
datase^ Ice pellets are a form of precipitation consisting of small, translucent balls of ice. Ice pellets are smaller than hailstones which form in thunderstorms rather than in winter, and are different from graupel which is made of frosty...15:09
jellynema stranice na hrvatskom, al na srpskoj wp se zove sugradica https://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%A1%D1%83%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B015:10
jelly> prečnik dostiže maksimalno do pet milimetara15:11
CrazyLemon'sodra' u sloveniji :)15:11
datase^ Graupel, also called soft hail or snow pellets, is precipitation that forms when supercooled water droplets are collected and freeze on falling snowflakes, forming 2–5 mm balls of rime. The term graupel comes from the German language.15:12
=== _chaky_ is now known as chaky

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