
Kiloshi guys, another week starting soon19:46
pavlushkaHello Kilos o/19:58
pavlushkaKilos: it takes only one weekend to start every other week, isn't that soon enough? :p19:59
pavlushkaand night night every one19:59
Cryterionhmmm, monday, another week of bug searching starts :(20:09
Cryterionis bugs20:10
Kiloslol yip pav20:10
Cryterionwell atm anyway20:10
Kilosyou learning all the time20:10
Kilosbug fixing isnt easy'20:10
Kilosbut teaches you things others never see20:11
Cryterion99 little bug in the code, patch one out, fix it about, 103 little bugs in the code20:11
Kilosinetpro_: whats with the tail20:12
Cryterionthat's how it goes20:12
Kilosi must sleep guys. keep well and be good20:13
Cryterionok, gnight20:13

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