
flocculantbluesabre: ygm :)09:07
flocculantdone 16.04.4 64 bit - passed everything mandatory, failed lvm run-once due to that locale bug 10:17
flocculantwhich is fixed for bionic at least10:17
knomebluesabre, i haven't thought what happens if the same bug is in two blueprints, so yes, it can be a bit weird...12:33
knomecondector, hello!12:55
condectorhi knome 12:56
knomeso basically we usually require people to take the usual route to become an officially registered ubuntu mirror in launchpad12:56
condectorI come to contrib a little bit with resources to project12:56
knomethis helps us with keeping our information up-to-date12:56
condectorI see, but the ubuntu itself is really huge12:56
knomelet me dig up some information about this12:57
knomewe don't want to require sharing ubuntu...12:57
condectorI already mirror LibreOffice, CentOS, Clamav, and think that I also could contrib as a mirror to Xubuntu (I see that to mirror the project itself not need a lot of space)12:58
knomepleia2, ping for you too since you have been handling these things before12:58
knomei think we'll need to create a xubuntu.org page for this in order to make sure we give out the same instructions to everybody who wants to help :)13:01
condectorYes, I search for it you know13:03
knomecondector, to make sure we don't forget your question, could you please send us mail at xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com (and preferably subscribe before you do so we don't have to manually approve posts) with all the information you've told us above13:03
condectorWhen I create our first mirror for CentOS, I use their wiki to do the first sync using rsync, and when I finished the first sync, I send an e-mail with my IP, domain, bandwidth and "capabilities" (http, ftp, rsync, etc).13:03
condectorknome, ok. I will do that.13:04
knomeyes, i think we'll want that kind of information as well, but probably in another low-traffic and not publily archived list13:04
knome(sorry for the silence, i'm writing a draft of the mirror page; if you have any further questions or want to discuss something, feel free to and i'll likely reply)13:17
condectordone knome 13:19
knomei'll reply after i've done the work with this page13:20
condectorknome, I also send on the list this link: https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors13:20
knomeyeah, thanks13:20
condectorWas the steps that I followed to become a CentOS mirror, maybe could help you13:20
condectora better one: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Infra/Mirroring13:27
knomeright, these are more of a technical documentation on getting set up13:30
knomeuseful too, though13:38
knomeok, first public draft is out13:50
knomecondector, pleia2, Unit193: https://xubuntu.org/dev/mirrors13:50
condectorOk, let me read.13:51
condectorvery good13:52
knomeand replied to your mail as well13:52
knomei'll want input from both pleia2 and Unit193 before we go on full public and official, but after that we should be fine with going ahead13:53
condectorI see it right now. :D13:53
condectorMaybe a second page on future to help new mirrors but with the "tweaks" that you said on this draft page.13:54
condectorCould be helpfull too. 13:55
knomemaybe... though the issue is (from my POV) that we are such a small team that I don't want to promise help for everybody setting up13:55
Unit1931. Errant space 'least  by'.  2. Preferred capoltization is 'freenode'.  3. Sure this is all correct for flavor mirrors as well?  4. In desired info under "HTTP URL", "whether you plan to support TLS" or somesuch?  5. Perhaps have a closing that it'd be good to notify if one expects to have extended downtime or no longer desires to mirror.14:05
condectorI see knome, no problem.14:07
knomeUnit193, ack, feel free to go edit directly14:07
condectorUnit193, on other projects they use mirmon to "auto remove" inactive mirror´s14:07
condectorlike this one: https://download.documentfoundation.org/mirmon/14:08
knomeubuntu might do that, but i don't think that's in our scope...14:08
condectorah, I see14:08
Unit193knome: But there's still the links on the site.14:08
knomewe usually check the mirrors at least once before and after release14:08
knomeUnit193, what links?14:08
Unit193And alright, figured you were better at wording. :P14:10
knomethis was rather hastily put together14:10
knomeand we can iterate...14:10
* condector smile14:29
flocculantbluesabre: ignore the mail - I got time to do draft on x.org > https://xubuntu.org/?p=4415&preview=true14:32
pleia2knome: for clarity, I'd rewrite: "You will need to provide the downloads at least  by HTTP, but you can optionally provide FTP and rsync as well. SSL is strongly recommended.16:06
pleia2instead: "You will need to provide the downloads at least by HTTP, preferably HTTPS, but you can optionally provide FTP and rsync as well."16:07
pleia2otherwise lgtm16:07
Unit193<link rel='shortlink' href='https://xubuntu.org/?p=4362' />  well that's baked, mirrors.telianet.dk and mirrors.telianet.dk nxdomain, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.fe.up.pt-release 404s, as does http://ftp.yzu.edu.tw/Linux/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu/16.04/release/17:47
knomeok, tackling the wording and additional stuff next17:52
knomeUnit193, re: 3) i don't think there is anything that is "correct" or "incorrect" for flavor mirrors17:53
knomeUnit193, aiui, you can't register an official mirror in LP without serving ubuntu, am i right?17:53
Unit193That'd be my guess.17:54
knomethis is only for those mirrors who only want to serve xubuntu17:54
knomeif you serve ubuntu, then go the usual route17:54
knomeif not, then still kind of meet the requirements and leave us a note.17:54
knomemake sense?17:54
knome4 --> "Your HTTP(S) URL and optionally FTP and rsync URLs" ?17:55
knomefor Unit193 too as he commented on that17:56
knomethat's from the "registering" part17:56
knomethe other part is modded as you suggested17:56
knomeand the page is updated with all things now17:56
Unit193knome: Yes, thanks for writing it up.17:56
knomego see!17:56
knomei had just the right time and motivation slot, so hurray17:57
pleia2"but you can be more specific if you will" is weird, I'd just say "but you may be more specific"17:58
knomeanother update, refresh your browser17:59
knomeUnit193, helps me more if you refer with the mouseover tooltips, that's what i see in the admin17:59
Unit193knome: I could do that, but I too am not checking manually so would have to find them.18:01
Unit193I wondered where in the world ?p=4362 so searched the source even. :P18:01
knomeUnit193, mirrors.fe ... doesn't give me 40418:01
knomethat link does18:02
Unit193Yeah, info page.18:03
knomethe non-working mirrors are removed from the list18:03
knomeand non-working info link removed18:05
knomeshould we be more exact on the contact info?18:06
knomei guess i mostly meant "email address"18:06
knomewe don't need postal addresses or such nonsense18:06
knomedo we want to make the mirror instructions official now or is there any reason to sleep overnight?18:16
pleia2make it so!18:18
knomeand let's announce on the mailing list tii18:20
knometoo too18:20
knomeand done18:25
slickymaster /away "At work"18:25
knome(have fun)18:25
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-terminal 0.8.7 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-terminal-0-8-7-released-tp50713.html (by Igor Zakharov)18:36
pleia2I told the social media internet too19:52
ochosibluesabre: ping https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/find-cursor/+merge/33950022:25
ochosithat's needed after the 4.12.2 release of xfce4-settings22:25
ochosialso, i still want to push in that little print script as thunar helper, not sure in which package to put it though (xubuntu-default-settings currently doesn't contain any scripts). any ideas?22:28
ochosianyway, put the PR there just in case: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/thunar-uca-print/+merge/33950122:31
bluesabreochosi: xubuntu-default-settings seems sensible. We ship the xdg-xubuntu-templates script there22:42
ochosiah right22:42
ochosicurrently finalizing my find-cursor branch22:43
ochosii'm ready to merge now to the 4.12 branch22:43
ochosibluesabre: want me to squash the history..?22:50
ochosisomehow i'm not a huge fan of squashing...22:50
bluesabreochosi: it's your call :)22:52
ochosiwhooop-dee-doo, and it's pushed22:56
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-terminal released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-terminal-0-8-7-1-released-tp50719.html (by Igor Zakharov)22:56
bluesabreochosi: awesome-er :D22:57
bluesabreanything else you want in that release?22:57
ochosii think i'm pretty good22:57
ochosithe only downside is the new (untranslated) strings22:57
ochosibut we can do another translation release later too22:58
ochosiit's not a huge problem22:58
bluesabreif you want to also merge your 4.13 version of that, we can get a week of translations before we release22:58
ochosi(and it's just two strings, of which one is a tooltip)22:58
ochosihrm, right. that may be an option22:58
bluesabreor just release and do a translations bump in a month22:59
bluesabreI'm content either way22:59
ochosisame here22:59
ochosipersonally i prefer the current string22:59
ochosii reworked it before the push just to be sure22:59
ochosioh also23:00
ochosiin this case no translations23:00
ochosii always worked on user branches23:00
ochosiso there's only one option, release now and then do a translation release23:00
ochosiregarding the print script, where would you put that? simply /usr/bin?23:01
bluesabrethat might be right23:01
bluesabreHow much work would it be to catch https://git.xfce.org/users/ochosi/xfce4-settings/?h=find-cursor up to find-cursor-4.12?23:02
bluesabremight be weird releasing a new feature in the stable release without it existing in the dev release23:02
ochosiprobably not that much23:02
ochosii can "frontport" all those things until friday latest23:03
ochosiif that's good enough for you23:03
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [find-cursor] r651 Add keyboard shortcut for xfce4-find-cursor... (by Simon Steinbeiß)23:04
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r652 Add custom action for thunar-print... (by Simon Steinbeiß)23:04
bluesabreWill probably plan 4.12.2 to go out wednesday anyway to get it in before FF23:04
ochosisounds good23:07
ochosiso pushing the thunar-print script would be fine just to /usr/bin?23:07
bluesabreI think so23:07
bluesabreUnit193 might have a better preference23:08
bluesabrethe resident packaging guru23:08
ochosii updated the branch with the script so he has an easier time fixing it up23:08
ochosiUnit193: could you please review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/thunar-uca-print/+merge/339501 thanks!23:10
ochosialrighty, now i just need to do another notifyd-release to rid us from the crashes23:11
bluesabreochosi: looking forward to that one ;)23:12
ochosiplus brought back hyperlink support23:12
ochosiand added an option to clear the icon cache23:13
ochosi(and some more minor bugfixes)23:13
bluesabreall great news23:14
bluesabregot a nice pa-plug update coming in a day or so23:14
bluesabrebiggest feature is auto-switching of the audio output for active streams23:15
bluesabrebionic is going to be a lovely lts :)23:17
ochosinighty all23:28
bluesabrenighty ochosi23:30

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