
=== gordon is now known as Guest31332
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lordievaderGood morning06:58
=== nichlas_0x1 is now known as nichlas
=== Guest23076 is now known as Haudegen
s_t_e_v_e[m]hi. why does kubuntu keep bothering me to install insecure flash? https://imgur.com/a/GqkJU09:12
acheronuks_t_e_v_e[m]: untick this https://i.imgur.com/3LLaIqZ.png09:16
acheronukin 18.04, that nag will be gone09:17
s_t_e_v_e[m]when is 18.04 due? sounds like a sane design decision long overdue acheronuk09:24
acheronuks_t_e_v_e[m]: due on April 26th09:25
s_t_e_v_e[m]ok, getting there :) thx for helping me out and good luck with the release. will flash no longer be installed when first installing 18.04?09:27
acheronukif you tick the install 3rd party software box it will be. but that message will not happen if you remove it09:31
s_t_e_v_e[m]well installing a video player may be a good default. installing flash def is not.09:35
s_t_e_v_e[m]and it's all about defaults, since the majority of humans goes with the defaults09:43
acheronuks_t_e_v_e[m]: we will review that decision before release. thanks for the input09:44
BluesKajHiyas all11:16
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
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IrcsomeBotVickycena was added by: Vickycena13:14
ze_hello. can I ask for help here?13:23
ze_I'm in a HP laptop, and the wireless is nor working. I've searched the internet and followed some steps, but the problem remains. Can anybody help me to activate the wireless of my laptop? thanks!13:25
zxq9What laptop?13:41
zxq9ze_: Which model, I mean. If you happen to know the model of wifi card and your current ubuntu/kubuntu version it would be especially helpful.13:41
=== nicola_ is now known as niqt
zxq9Typically you need to figure out the model of your card, see if you can find it with a command like `lshw -C network`, and then if there is a driver available for it.13:44
zxq9Usually there is a driver and it is already active, but something silly about configuration is wrong.13:44
ze_zxq9: how can i find the model?13:57
ze_zxq9: I've sent you some personal messages with all the info14:03
ze_restarted PC, still having  the same problems :(14:19
hateballze_: sending a PM doesnt really let anyone else help14:19
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.14:19
ze_hateball: sorry, I didn't want to flood the channel14:20
hateball!paste | ze_14:20
ubottuze_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:20
hateballze_: and make sure it isnt soft blocked, usually HP has a fn+something or a dedicated key to turn wifi on/off14:22
hateballze_: "rfkill list" will show the status14:22
ze_hateball: yes! the wireless key is red and I cannot activate it here in kubuntu14:23
ze_hateball: that command returns YES to Soft blocked and Hard blocked14:25
ze_hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nCf3P3BZwW/14:26
ze_how do I unblock the wi-fi key of my HP laptop?14:26
hateballze_: can you also paste from "lspci -k" ? and from "lsusb"14:27
hateballwe want to make sure the driver is actually loaded first, that should solve the hard block14:27
zxq9ze_: Very sorry for not sticking with you just now. It is very late here and I have a project call before bed. hateball is checking exactly what I would -- clearly knows what is going on. I do not know details about HP, but softblock is a common feature that can become a surprise problem (with wifi and with builtin touchpad mouse).14:28
ze_hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RXkD5TnC25/14:29
zxq9I'll keep this open and check back in the morning just in case. I hope you get your issue resolved. You are already very close, actually. o/14:29
ze_zxq9: no problem mate! work with focus, go to bed, sleep healthy and dream big ;)14:30
hateballze_: do you have a wired connection with this machine?14:30
ze_hateball: I'm currently conencting this machine to an internet wire14:31
ze_hateball: I hope that answer your question... or maybe I didn't undertood it well14:32
hateballze_: as all you should really need to do is have a working internet connection, then run "sudo apt update && sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" and it should pull in the blobs needed for the broadcom chipset14:32
hateballze_: if you run "ubuntu-drivers devices" by itself, it should list the wifi chipset and what package it thinks needs installing14:33
ze_hateball: ok. It's cooking...14:34
hateballze_: after the needed packages have been installed, you need to reboot for the modules to load14:38
hateballze_: any luck?14:47
ze_hateball: yes! All it's working! Thank you so much!!!!!14:57
zxq9hateball: Just checking back before bed. Awesome. Thanks for helping that guy out.14:58
zxq9(if this bot has happy points...)14:58
hateballIt has not, to my knowledge14:58
zxq9Anyway, you know how the real points work in this community. That was badass anyway. Will remember your handle.14:58
hateballAww :)15:00
hateballI feel all warm and fuzzy15:00
zxq9Hehe. See, that's the real point system.15:00
benvantende[m]Community Rocks!15:01
IrcsomeBot<HaxYT> Can i program in kubuntu??? Ill try but no solution 😔😔15:20
lordievaderHaxYT: All you need is a text editor and a compiler or interpreter.15:27
IrcsomeBot<HaxYT> Can you tell me how??? What programs you recommend me like text editor and compiler interpeter16:00
=== Arthur_D2 is now known as Arthur_D
aversariohi, I have Kubuntu 17.10 on my old HP Compaq laptop17:06
aversarioto get the touchpad work correctly, I have to do "sudo modprobe -r psmouse" and "sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps"17:06
aversariohow do I make this persistent across reboots?17:07
aversarioOtherwise I am happy with Kubuntu, you guys are making a great OS17:09
lordievaderHaxYT: depends on what you want to do. I'd like to type in vim. But others prefer a gui text editor.18:55
wxlso running xenial i've thrice now returned to my machine only to find it frozen. last time i kept top running and sddm-greeter was hogging something like 70% of the memory, at least before it froze. is this a known issue? i can't necessarily find anything about it but maybe someone knows something?19:09
aversariohi, I have Kubuntu 17.10 on my old HP Compaq laptop19:36
aversarioto get the touchpad work correctly, I have to do "sudo modprobe -r psmouse" and "sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps"19:36
aversariohow do I make this persistent across reboots?19:36
aversarioOtherwise I am happy with Kubuntu, you guys are making a great OS19:36
PerigeeIt's been a while, but I believe /etc/modules19:37
Perigeeoh wait, you're just re-loading psmouse19:38
PerigeeYou might be able to pass that via GRUB in /etc/default/grub. Edit the line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="psmouse.proto=imps"19:40
Perigeethen run sudo update-grub19:40
PerigeeOr, you can create a psmouse.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/19:41
Perigeewith   options psmouse proto=imps    in it19:41
PerigeeThe latter will probably work19:41
geniiJust put the option in /etc/modules19:42
PerigeeHere's an old askubuntu post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/127757/how-do-i-make-modprobe-changes-permanent19:42
aversarioPerigee, tnx, I'll try20:54
aversariogenii tnx20:54
=== w0dencafe is now known as wodencafe
duckx0rrI'm having problems with Libreoffice on KDE. As soon as I click on the open file dialog the app crashes. I tried with a fresh user directory. This is only KDE. It works fine on Cinnamon. Any ideas?23:21
kambacheck the spelling of document. reneme to some "abc" and tryy again23:23
acheronukduckx0rr: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9877623:24
ubottubugs.documentfoundation.org bug 98776 in Writer "file dialog crashes LibreOffice if libreoffice-kde4 installed ( Kubuntu 17.10 ) (workaround in comment 32)" [Normal,New]23:24
duckx0rracheronuk, thanks!23:27
Alex-ZionHi everyone, I have a Dell XPS 15z running Kubuntu 14.04.5 and I have a strange problem on boot, sometimes and just sometime instead of the splash screen I get a black screen and it seems to be a quite random problem, someone has an idea on how to fix it ?23:48
Alex-Zionand when I get the black screen it doesn't start at all23:49

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