
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== degville_ is now known as degville
bai_Hello everyone, now I meet some problems about commisioning a node. As you known, when commisioning a node , maas need to execute the test scripts.13:15
bai_but the status of node is always pending13:15
bai_I have check the /var/log/maas.log ,it shows me the commissioning timed out13:16
bai_i also have13:17
bai_I also have a screen connected to my managed node. It shows the login in prompt of ubuntu. I think the commisioning has completed the procedure about booting the ephemerally kernel. but I don't know which step failed. And I don't know where can I find the error information. I know the doc says, I have the backdoor to login in the ephemerally kernel to check the log of cloud.ini, but anyone knows some easier way? Thank you!13:22
bai_anybody has some suggestions?13:26
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1751896 opened: [2.4, FUJ] FUJ fallout from vanilla transition <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751896>20:46
mupBug #1751898 opened: [2.4] Notifications don't take the whole page <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751898>20:49
mupBug #1751899 opened: [2.4] Toggles and text too large in action bar. Titles not greyed out. <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751899>20:52
mupBug #1751900 opened: [2.4, UI, Pod] Pod empty page is not foirmatted correctly <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751900>20:58
mupBug # opened: 1751901, 1751902, 1751905, 1751906, 175190721:19
mupBug #1751908 opened: [2.4] Incorrect table spacing causes wrapping in wrong places <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751908>21:25
PradeepHi, I am looking for some help with MAAS commissioning failure23:29
Pradeepmy server boots up for commissioning but then stays there in the login prompt... none of the commissioning scripts seems to be running23:31
catbusPradeep: log in prompt you mean OS login not grub login, right?23:34
Pradeepyes OS login prompt23:34
catbusPradeep: can you ssh to the machine and check if the node has route to the internet?23:35
PradeepI cant ssh to the machine23:36
Pradeepis there a default login/password that I can use to login from the console?23:37
catbusPradeep: MAAS sends its public ssh key to the node in the process, so you should be able to ssh to the node from MAAS without password.23:38
PradeepI get a "connection reset by peer" when I try to ssh from MAAS23:38
catbusPradeep: An SSH key is imported to MAAS, right?23:38
catbusYou may want to commission the node again, and select 'enable SSH access' before hitting the Commission.23:39
mupBug #1751938 opened: [2.4, UI] Commissioning action unformatted. <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751938>23:41
Pradeepcatbus: ok I will try that23:43
mupBug #1751940 opened: [2.4] Provide DHCP action unformatted <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751940>23:44
mupBug #1751942 opened: [2.4] VLAN Details page unformatted <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751942>23:44
Pradeepcatbus: also when you asked about ssh keys being imported to MAAS... which ssh key needs to be imported?23:45
roaksoaxPradeep: you need to select the option to import ssh keys23:46
catbusPradeep: https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/installconfig-checklist#users-and-ssh-keys23:46
roaksoaxPradeep: also, make sure that rackd.conf points to itself in the local address that the machines can access to23:46
catbusPradeep: or https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/manage-account#ssh-keys. You can use command ssh-keygen to generate the SSH keys.23:48
Pradeepcatbus: I did a ssh-keygen on the maas server and uploading it to MAAS GUI23:53
catbusok, great.23:53
Pradeepcatbus: should I try commissioning it again?23:53
catbusPradeep: yes, and monitor the node console to make sure it does pxe boot following MAAS' direction.23:54
* catbus needs to step out 23:54

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