
bcxI can't set sort-directories-first neither with a vendor override (org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser) nor with a dconf local profile keyfile (org/gtk/settings/file-chooser). Anyone managed to configure it with any technique or is it now only possible by using interactive/graphic applications ?00:14
oversynI would like to test 18.04. I always install my system using mini.iso13:14
oversynI was unable to find mini.iso for 18.0413:14
oversynI've just found some posts about bionic-base being shrink, but no .iso files13:16
oversynSo, I got a 18.04 server iso booting, but there is no wifi driver for Atheros QCA617414:12
oversynthe name of the module should be something like ath10k but it is not there14:12
oversynany suggestions?14:12
donofriooversyn, check firmware?  also lurk around for a few hours someone more knowledgeable will be around to answer....15:08
WoodpeckerQuestion on general stability of 18.04? I want to start developing UBPorts, but I need to be careful not to break my current developing environment too much; namely I dont want to risk breaking my Mediawiki install. Im on 17.10.15:25
daddy0i ben using it as my dailydriver... no probs yet15:56
Woodpeckergood to know19:31
FurretUberHi, I'm having problems with virtual machines: when I try to change resolution they freeze and stop working. I have to use Ctrl+Alt+F1 on the host to kill the guest: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSkz4g4Q3v/20:40
TJ-FurretUber: did you run that qemu command from a GUI terminal?20:41
FurretUberYes, xfce4-terminal20:42
TJ-FurretUber: but you are using 'sudo' so it is running as /root/ user and, if I recall correctly, may not allow the env var DISPLAY to be passed through20:42
FurretUberShould I use gksu on this case, then?20:43
TJ-FurretUber: you shouldn't need sudo. the permissions on /dev/kvm should be root:kvm rw-rw---- so simply add your user to the kvm group with "sudo adduser $USER kvm" and then log-out and log-in so the group takes affect (you can check which groups you're currently a member of with "groups")20:45
TJ-FurretUber: you may need to change permissions/ownership on /dev/sdb since you're using a hardware device20:46
TJ-FurretUber: as in "sudo adduser $USER disk" (and log-out/log-in) because the disk group has rw access to /dev/sd* usually20:47
FurretUberI will have to wait to log off because I have a task running. Using cirrus instead of qxl allowed me to change the display resolution without problems20:50
TJ-FurretUber: yes, that'd do since if I recall correctly it uses SDL to draw the display, not a link to the host display server20:52
BLZbubba_is anything wrong with dhcp/dns in the latest updates?  my 18.04 systems no longer register their host names with the dhcp server, and have lookup timeouts frequently21:58
BLZbubba_rebooting doesn't help21:58
Odd_BlokeBLZbubba_: I've been without DNS with my last reboot.22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751797 in systemd (Ubuntu) "dns resolution only works for domains in 'search'." [Undecided,Confirmed]22:09
Odd_BlokeI have apparently DHCP'd properly, though, looking at my router.22:09
BLZbubba_in my case, the lookups of non-18.04 still seem to work fine22:12
BLZbubba_non-18.04 hosts i mean22:12
BLZbubba_but 18.04 doesn't seem to be sending the host name to the dhcp server now, so i have to go to the consoles and look up the ip addresses by hand22:13
BLZbubba_i'm not sure what that feature is called, but it is sure painful when it breaks22:13
BLZbubbaweird, it is using systemd-networkd now but there are dhclient leases from a week or two ago22:41
BLZbubbaubuntu is over-using systemd.  nothing can possibly be as bad as 10.04, but i am not getting a good feeling about this one22:42
BLZbubbait's bad enough that it is not using the MAC address for DHCP22:43
BLZbubbathat is going to cost a lot of people a lot of time22:43

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