
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:59
ricotzoSoMoN, hey08:21
oSoMoNhey ricotz08:21
oSoMoNricotz, test packages for the 5.4.5 update revealed problems, I'm working on those08:22
ricotzoSoMoN, I see, I imagined08:22
oSoMoNstill targetting pushing out an update today08:22
ricotzI haven't pushed rebuilds with this fix08:23
ricotzI will probably just use the complain patch08:23
ricotzavoids problem with updates too08:23
oSoMoNthat should be safe for now08:23
ricotzmaybe just do the same08:23
ricotzbtw, successful build on trusty :)08:24
oSoMoNwell done!08:24
ricotzand https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/log/?h=wip/ubuntu-devel-6.008:25
ricotzwhen you create the 6.0.2 tarballs make sure that orcus 0.13.3 is actually included08:26
ricotzlooks good http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libreoffice :)08:33
willcookeHow's the beast from the east laney?  Not even a frost here09:02
Laneyhey willcooke09:03
Laneybit of a light dusting of snow09:03
Laneywouldn't call it beastly just yet09:04
oSoMoNhey Laney, willcooke09:05
Laneyhey oSoMoN09:09
Laneyyou well?09:09
oSoMoNI'm good yeah, had a relaxing week-end with my mother paying us a visit09:10
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers09:12
seb128good morning desktopers09:15
seb128hey willcooke Laney flexiondotorg oSoMoN ricotz09:16
seb128good w.e everyone?09:16
oSoMoNgood morning flexiondotorg, seb12809:16
Laneyhey seb12809:20
Laneynot bad, went to the allotment and burned a load of stuff09:20
Laneyme make fire09:20
Laneyug ug09:20
oSoMoNricotz, https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=8f3671c72501baad7895821585e44a16c5482f4f is what was missing. I had incorrectly assumed that dh_apparmor would generate the snippet to unload the profiles (or maybe that -r would unload a loaded profile if it had been disabled)09:40
ricotzoSoMoN, ah, I see09:48
LaneyoSoMoN: you should probably check that apparmor_parser is on the system and/or that the profiles are loaded before doing that09:48
Laneypreinst is a weird place09:49
Laneyor || true it or something09:49
oSoMoNLaney, I've checked that apparmor_parser -R {notloadedprofile,invalidprofile} returns 009:55
Laneyit's more that it's hard to know if apparmor_parser will be installed at all09:55
oSoMoNI'll add a || true for that09:56
darkxsthey desktopers10:34
darkxstI am going to take a look at the gnome-session update, do we want to keep the gnome-session-properties app?10:40
darkxstif so, perhaps it would be easier to split it out into its own repo, rather than maintianing the rather large quilt patch delta?10:43
seb128hey darkxst10:45
seb128that might be worth asking about on the community hub discussion about 3.2810:45
seb128since we are transitionning to a new desktop and quite some features are going to be missing anyway I don't think that one is the end of the world to not have10:46
seb128hey Nafallo10:50
darkxsthey seb128 , sure will do10:54
darkxstI also think we might be able to drop a bunch of pathces in there although may require a mini transition of sorts10:55
darkxstI will file a bug for those later in the week10:55
seb128update_output from proposed migration is always going to be chinese for me :/10:58
seb128the section "Trying easy from autohinter: gnome-control-center/1:3.26.2-0ubuntu5 network-manager/1.10.4-1ubuntu2" lists a bunch of package, which install fine if I try from a bionic env with proposed enabled :/10:59
Laneyseb128: Just enabling proposed doesn't really simulate what proposed-migration is trying to do - after it migrates the old binary packages won't be available any more11:03
Laneytry adding libgnome-desktop-3-12- to the list11:03
Laneyor use my Quality Script™11:03
seb128Laney, you probably told me that before, but where can I find ... thanks ;)11:04
darkxstbtw I am applying for DM in debian, if anyone wants to advocate my app, its here https://nm.debian.org/process/45511:04
seb128k, so it's caught in the gnome-desktop transition :/11:04
Laneylets try to push that on a bit11:07
flexiondotorgLaney: I'm very interested in making use of the minimal install feature.11:09
flexiondotorgWHat is required to expose that option in Ubuntu MATE?11:09
LaneyI need to upload ubiquity with the code in, and then you need to make a file like I made in ubuntu.bionic.11:10
seb128Laney, glib has a zorp/ppc64el issue if you want to help with the transition :)11:11
Laneyyes I know, I looked at it.11:11
seb128the libglvnd MIR has been approved11:12
seb128so unsure what issues remain about glib11:13
flexiondotorgLaney: Thanks. That is nice and simple.11:13
jbichayay, glib migrated11:54
jbichaseb128: btw, Kubuntu wants to do a Qt transition *before* letting mesa migrate LP: #174947211:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1749472 in mesa (Ubuntu Bionic) "mesa 18.0.0 will cause rendering errors in Qt applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174947211:56
seb128thanks Laney for unblocking glib :)11:57
jbichaduflu managed to duplicate my missing Wayland bug LP: #175141411:58
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1751414 in mesa-demos (Ubuntu) "[regression] Missing Wayland login option and missing GL acceleration, after installing mesa-utils-extra 8.4.0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175141411:58
jbichaI'm hoping that gets cleaned up when the mesa transition finishes11:58
seb128that transition is blocking gnome-desktop right?11:59
seb128that's going to be problematic :/11:59
jbichaI assumed it was but I don't really know, maybe all we need is for libglvnd to be promoted to main ??11:59
jbichawhich apw just did12:00
seb128let's see, L_aney just asked for that change12:00
seb128so next publisher round might tell us12:00
apwyeah i am sure there is some grinding going on somewhere12:02
jbichaLaney: I don't understand why britney doesn't want to migrate NM yet. https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/ppp.html should be good12:05
jbichagnome-control-center shouldn't need to migrate at the same time? maybe NM could use hinting?12:06
Laneythe proposed-migration clinic is open!12:06
Laneylet's see then12:07
Laneyhint-tester says yes12:14
seb128Laney, "says yes" as they need to go together?12:24
Laneyseb128: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/hints-ubuntu/revision/283912:28
seb128Laney, ah ok, thx12:28
seb128why is/was it tried with g-c-c?12:29
Laneydon't know how the algorithm works exactly12:30
Laneybut probably because the previous try didn't work it attempted other configurations12:31
Laneytook me 17 attempts to type my gpg passphrase just then12:38
seb128stop the coffee!!12:39
jbichaseb128: the clutter failures are strange http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/clutter-1.0/bionic/amd6412:40
seb128jbicha, how strange?12:44
jbichabecause gtk3 itself couldn't be the problem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.22.28-1ubuntu212:46
jbichaseb128: NM migrated and I confirm gnome-desktop3 is blocked by the mesa transition13:28
seb128jbicha, k, well at least one step further :)13:30
kenvandinericotz, i fixed the gnome-clocks build13:34
kenvandinericotz, thx for pointing that out13:34
jdstrandoSoMoN: fyi, dh-apparmor intentionally does *not* unload profiles by default. the reason is that having it in the kernel isn't a big deal in terms of resources and there might be processes that are still running from the package that was just removed13:57
jdstrandoSoMoN: you can do what you want in the upload I guess, but I would argue -R is wrong (I've not read backscroll)13:58
oSoMoNjdstrand, what alternative do you suggest? we really want those profiles to be unloaded I think, people will expect that upgrading will fix the issue of libreoffice not allowing reading/writing their files without requiring a reboot14:00
jdstrandoSoMoN: do it conditional on the version14:00
oSoMoNjdstrand, that's what https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=8f3671c72501baad7895821585e44a16c5482f4f does already14:02
oSoMoNwell it's conditional on the version on upgrade, and unconditional on new install14:03
oSoMoNjdstrand, do you suggest this shouldn't happen on new install?14:03
jdstrandI guess it does, yes. Like I said, I didn't read backscroll very carefully14:03
jdstrandoSoMoN: apparmor_parser -R /profile/that/isnt/already/loaded is going to exit non-zero14:04
jdstrand$ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump && echo ok14:05
jdstrand$ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump && echo ok14:05
jdstrandapparmor_parser: Unable to remove "/usr/sbin/tcpdump".  Profile doesn't exist14:05
jdstrandso, doing it on install doesn't make sense, no14:05
jdstrandI wonder if the disabled symlink is affecting that14:06
oSoMoNjdstrand, it's kinda harmless, though, isn't it? given the fix in https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=498bc2c02526a1298379365130e95390582df2d714:06
jdstrandI was going to say you at least need to do || true14:07
jdstrandbut it does mean that on every new install of that version, you're going to see error output14:07
GunnarHjHi seb128, nice to see that LP's translation import is in a better shape.14:08
seb128GunnarHj, hey, indeed14:08
jdstrandoSoMoN: maybe 2>/dev/null ?14:09
willcookejbicha, hey!  Looks like you already got busy with converting things to use the HTTPS geo ip service, thanks.  I got an email from your pal and was going to follow up today, but seems like you have everything in hand?14:09
oSoMoNjdstrand, or https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nZ9NPqdgxP/ ?14:12
jdstrandthat should be fine14:13
oSoMoNcool, I'll push that14:13
GunnarHjseb128: Can you please look at14:13
GunnarHjhttps://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-control-center/scrollbar_hide-more/+merge/339494 ?14:13
GunnarHjHiding "Install More" is for the case that nothing else is implemented to install languages.14:13
jbichawillcooke: it still needs someone to convert comments 14 & 15 into a Test Case and upload the SRUs14:15
jbichaLP: #161753514:15
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1617535 in ubuntu-geoip (Ubuntu Artful) "geoip.ubuntu.com does not utilize HTTPS" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161753514:15
ricotzkenvandine, thanks14:19
seb128GunnarHj, sorry but I'm too busy with other things and I'm still unclear what's the right fix for that situation and if your change is an hack or the way to go14:29
GunnarHjseb128: It's all about if someone fixes some way to install languages automatically when needed (without language-selector-gnome). If that does not happen before release, I think this would provide a decent workflow. Laney may know more.14:35
seb128GunnarHj, right, well that's not a feature bug a bug fix so it can wait after ff rush14:40
LaneyYa we should have a look at what we could do there for 18.0414:41
GunnarHjLaney: One reason why I push this is that it affects the desktop guide. What I propose in14:48
GunnarHjwould not be so bad IMHO.14:48
LaneyGunnarHj: Yeah maybe, just need to find time to consider it14:50
Laneythx for pushing14:50
Laneyisn't half of that fix upstreamable?14:51
GunnarHjLaney: Would it help if I build it in a PPA?14:51
GunnarHjLaney: No, upstream don't need the scrollbar, since they have a fixed set on languages on the first window.14:51
Laneynot going to cause a problem though14:55
Laneyand no, a PPA wouldn't help, we just need to find some time to look at the problem14:56
GunnarHjLaney: Indeed, setting the scrollbar to "automatic" would be a no-op upstream, so yes, that part ought to be upstreamable.15:06
GunnarHjLaney: Should I make such an upstream proposal in the meantime?15:08
LaneyGunnarHj: It'd be good if you could - they might say no I guess, but no harm done if they do15:08
GunnarHjLaney: Ok, I'll give it a try.15:09
willcookeseb128, Trevinho - could someone reply to s_arnold's comments on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fprintd/+bug/174545515:31
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1745455 in fprintd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fprintd" [Undecided,New]15:31
seb128willcooke, I was just chatting to Trevinho in query about that :)15:31
Tomazzuhello, how i can use wireshark ?16:25
Tomazzuit cannot find my ethernet connection16:25
gQuigsI just noticed that libgphoto2 (2.5.14-1 to 2.5.16-2) is stuck because it failed against an old gvfs,  changelog says tests were fixed.. can it just be run against the new one?16:27
seb128gQuigs, I though it was supposed to do it :/16:34
popeyseb128: i am trying to add a gitlab bug link to bug 1751750, but launchpad says it doesn't recognise the bug tracker.. :(16:42
ubot5`bug 1751750 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Can't zoom in on screenshots" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175175016:42
popeyI guess this is because gnome moved from bugzilla to gitlab recently?16:42
willcookepopey, yeah16:42
seb128popey, bug #174521016:45
ubot5`bug 1745210 in Launchpad itself "Support GNOME GitLab Issues as external bugtracker" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174521016:45
popey:) ok16:45
seb128popey, thanks for sending upstream!16:47
willcookeseb128, Trevinho - if nothing happens with the pending reviews to frac. scaling, and it misses 3.27 - can we distro patch it?16:47
seb128gQuigs, can you try asking on #ubuntu-devel?16:51
Laneyprobably just wants retry clicked?16:52
LaneyI can do that16:52
seb128Laney, retry on an old version would pick the newest one?16:52
seb128not the one retried?16:52
seb128I can try16:52
seb128I'm still interested to know if it's supposed to try automatically newer versions when they land16:52
seb128I though it would16:52
Laneyit'll get the new gvfs if that has migrated16:53
seb128but it has16:54
Laneythat's good then16:54
seb128ah you mean a retry would get it16:54
seb128not that it would autoretry updates that migrate16:54
seb128sorry I got confused16:55
gQuigsseb128: sure16:55
seb128gQuigs, seems you don't need to, Laney answered here16:55
jbichatkamppeter: were you planning to update s-c-p for bionic? the Debian packaging is at https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/system-config-printer if you want to do a merge16:55
gQuigsyup, just finished reading :)16:55
seb128willcooke, Trevinho, that might be a good topic for next week, would be nice to have those improvements in one way or another. Unsure how likely it is that we can nag upstream in reviewing/landing at least a part of those still this in 3.2716:57
willcookeseb128, +1 will add to the list16:57
Trevinhoseb128, willcooke: to be fair, most of the things are already been checked by Jonas too, but he also wanted an extra look... However jonas won't be around next week and the one after, so...16:58
seb128Trevinho, but he's still around this week?16:59
Trevinhoseb128: no,  he was leaving for nz yesterday16:59
jbicha(GNOME starts hard release freeze next week)17:00
seb128jbicha, the gnome-shell maintainance is screwed :/17:02
seb128Florian hasn't be really active/reviewing things for most of the cycle17:02
seb128like it's the main desktop component and it got like 3 commits a month (+ translations) for most of the cycle17:03
seb128Trevinho, willcooke, I tried some asking/nagging on the upstream IRC channel, I don't think it's going to help much though17:03
willcookethanks seb12817:04
Laneynot looking too good for libgphoto2 there17:19
seb128gQuigs, seems like the new version fails as well :/18:14
seb128Laney, thanks again for doing those installer changes!18:15
seb128Laney, about ubiquity ... are commits supposed to edit the changelog as well? I never know, but it looks like the "enable download_updates by default" bit didn't get mentioned so I guess it was my fault for not adding a temp entry to changelog describing the commit?18:16
k_alamseb128: Hi I opened merge requests for bug 1741027. Will you review it?18:20
ubot5`bug 1741027 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "screen sharing panels abort using an unexistant vino gsettings key" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174102718:20
seb128k_alam, not likely before Ubuntu feature freeze, too busy18:21
k_alamseb128: Ok. Understood. No problem.18:22
willcookenight all18:23

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