
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: WB .. been a good steady session .. kinda nutzy .04:42
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om04:42
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: crowdy night?04:44
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Might take more than strong coffee to enable you to wade into this :P04:44
lotuspsychjecalmness has returned Bashing-om05:08
lotuspsychjeno idea what ghostnik trying to do...05:08
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Upgrade, and he pushed the power button ! now can not boot .05:12
lordievaderGood morning06:58
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:05
lordievaderGood morning lotuspsychje07:05
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:05
lotuspsychjegreat here tnx and you07:06
lordievaderDoing allright here07:06
lotuspsychjefreezing outside07:06
lordievaderHow much is it there?07:08
lotuspsychjethe whole week07:15
ducassegood morning07:42
lotuspsychjehey ducasse08:06
=== Tenente is now known as LtWorf
lotuspsychjebbl prepare08:27
lordievaderHey ducasse09:13
lordievaderHow are you?09:13
ducassegood, thanks, lordievader - and you?09:19
lordievaderI'm doing allright, thanks.09:19
ducassequiet monday morning so far09:21
lotuspsychjeim out guys09:30
lotuspsychjecu a bit laterz09:30
lordievaderSee you lotuspsychje09:38
BluesKajHiyas all11:16
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
jinkMorning, Kaj.11:34
BluesKaj'Morning jink12:07
JimBuntug'morn y'all.12:27
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1739531 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "apport-collect SHOULD NOT collect gnome-shell command history and favorites" [High,Confirmed]18:10
akikorg.gnome.shell command-history in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/349970997/GsettingsChanges.txt18:11
kostkonakik, heh18:16
akikmaybe that doesn't get enough visibility in the process. it's taken two months now18:17
lotuspsychjegood evening guys18:23
lotuspsychjeanyone noticed more black screen in #ubuntu lately?18:24
daftykinsyou mean nobody speaking? :)18:40
lotuspsychjelexcurious: ansible is in the ubuntu repos, so yes users use it19:06
daftykinsor at least a maintainer does xD19:07
lotuspsychje<lexcurious> general questions for community : 1) did you faced any dll hell in ubuntu in recent 2 years? 2) is it error free to upgrade to new major version of distro? 3) what kind of automaded toolchains you use for declarative configuration as a code(ansible?) and environment versioning ? 4) how do you install multiple minor versions of package same time? e.g python 3.5.3 , python 3.619:07
daftykinshaha, #1 isn't possible19:08
naccyou mean windows garbage19:08
daftykinscareful, you'll sound like an OS wars idiot19:08
daftykins#2 nope upgrades are never perfect, though many claim they're as smooth as silk19:09
daftykins#4 by specifying the full package name i expect19:10
lexcuriouslotuspsychje thank you for your assistance19:10
nacclotuspsychje: for #4, yhou either use virtualenvs, or containers or VMs19:11
daftykinsoh yeah minor versions19:12
lexcurious1) when user have two packets , both depend on libA.so.1 . second packet upgrades this lib, first packed become broken and incompatible with newer libA.so.119:12
nacclexcurious: that's not possible with ubuntu pacakges19:13
nacclexcurious: well, i mean, 'becomes broken' is not possible, it should remove one or the other19:13
naccobviously it's "possible", i should correct myself; the intention is ubuntu developers prevent that from happening19:13
lotuspsychjeunless you add external ppa's19:14
lexcurioushow they do that prevention?19:14
nacclexcurious: if you have a specific example of a supported ubuntu installation doing that19:14
nacclexcurious: by having appropriate dependencies, breaks, conflicts, etc.19:14
lexcuriousthey probably forcing user to upgrade to newer version of 1st package that have libA.so support?19:15
nacclexcurious: i don't know what you eman19:15
nacclexcurious: i'm guessing you're talking abstractly19:16
nacclexcurious: give a concrete example please19:16
lotuspsychjelexcurious: whats the purpose of all these questions?19:16
lexcuriouslotuspsychje , just honestly and openly trying to understand if ubuntu distro could satisfy my needs & use cases19:17
nacclexcurious: i don't see how your questions pertain to use cases19:18
lotuspsychjelexcurious: to do what exactly?19:18
nacclexcurious: maybe instead of asking random questions, list your use cases19:18
nacclexcurious: also note that a lot of people use ubuntu for a lot of different things19:18
lexcuriouslotuspsychje a software development .... I guess ?19:18
nacclexcurious: are you really asking if linux is suitable for you?19:19
naccbecuase none of  your questions seem particularly ubuntu specific19:19
lexcuriousrelax, plz) i'm on linux, just thinking if I should make switch to ubuntu, and asking questions based on my needs19:21
daftykinsdon't be rude19:23
nacclexcurious: just list your needs, as your questions seem to be not particularly helpful19:24
lotuspsychjelexcurious: we cant help if we dont know 'how' you see development?19:25
lotuspsychjeif development means installing 5 package versions?19:26
lexcuriousso lets be short and specific, let's look at use case 1) lets say firefox and vlc both depends on some lib, let's say glibc.so.1  a user want fresh version of vlc, so she updates vlc, vlc updates glibc.so.1   ; firefox could still depend on the old glibc right? so opt1 disto forces user to upgrade firefox, despite she might want keep old ver of firefox. or opt2 no update and firefox can't find correct shared lib19:26
naccwhat kind of distro do you use that allows your applications to randomly break, lexcurious ?19:26
nacclexcurious: or do you mean they build vlc from source?19:27
lexcuriousin mentioned use case packages installed from binary repos19:27
leftyfblexcurious: for this sort of development, you could use containers19:27
naccand what distro let's installing one package break another package from the distro?19:27
* nacc wants to note what distros never to use19:27
naccunless you're on gentoo, in which case, good on you19:28
nacclexcurious: the point you're missing is the 'fresh version' of vlc is coming from ubuntu19:28
nacclexcurious: not from upstream19:28
lexcuriousnacc at this moment AFAIK Arch. but it forces full system upgrade before installation of particular package . I have used ubuntu more than 10 years ago few times occasionally, and I saw similiar looking problem for dll hell. that made me frustrate, as windows users could easily upgrade software without dependecy breakage and keep multiple versions of same app. Afaik now such issues being tackled with Docker, Snaps. just cl19:30
daftykinsArch seems like a really bad idea to dev on :)19:32
lexcuriousnacc, ok, probably I got it. all software in particular version of ubuntu repo is compatible between each other and tested against such problems, so that problem doesn't exist unless user installs from custom PPA ?19:35
daftykinswhich is why they're warned against19:37
daftykinsArch is a rolling release, so you get to deal with breakage every day!19:37
lexcuriousbut theretically, how can a user install on modern ubuntu and old version of firefox let's say v20 , and not to break system and other apps?19:40
lexcuriousis that possible without docker?19:40
lexcuriousand without recompilation from source19:41
daftykinsthat's not a very practical example since nobody would be sane keeping a browser so vastly out of date19:43
nacclexcurious: you would build from source in a vm19:43
lexcuriousit is theoretical abstract example, use case, so I will appreaciate clarification of existence or non-existence such proof of concept19:43
nacclexcurious: no, you need to ask a better question.19:44
nacclexcurious: you can't install firefox less than the version in the archive on a given version of ubuntu without tweaks19:45
lexcuriouscan't we just imagine QA department asked me for firefox v20 for testing purposes? If "build from source in vm" is only feasable answer , i will count it19:46
nacclexcurious: and tbh, i don't know of any distro that does allow that19:46
naccmaybe gentoo19:46
nacclexcurious: just think about your question for a bit19:46
nacclexcurious: "how do i run an unsupported piece of software?"19:47
nacclexcurious: how is that a point of relevance for the ubuntu distro19:47
naccwhat is supported is very clear, it's what is in the archive19:47
lexcuriouswell, I didn't knew that it is usupported piece of software, sorry, my apologies19:48
nacclexcurious: what is?19:48
nacclexcurious: you didn't know firefox v20 was unsupported?19:48
nacclexcurious: this makes me think, again, you're not asking the right questions19:48
daftykinsalso, a dev would not be asking i think, they'd work it out first hand19:48
lexcuriouswell, I thought, if X years ago there were firefox v20, and prebuilt binaries, deb packages for ubuntu, so it was supported back then, the question just goes how to install old software. that's was my logic chain19:49
nacclexcurious: well, 'old software' is not supported19:49
nacclexcurious: do you think ubuntu 8.04 is supported now?19:50
lexcuriousI don't know19:50
nacclexcurious: it's not.19:50
nacclexcurious: LTS releases (now) have 5 year support times, non-LTS have 9 months.19:50
nacclexcurious: so installing an old, now unsupported chunk of software is not supported.19:50
lexcuriousok, thnx19:51
nacclexcurious: your thinking makes no sense to me as a software developer, btw19:51
lexcuriousenterprise some times have rudimentary old proprietary binaries . and sometimes they require to satisfy dependencies, I though it will be possible to run them in modern version of distro. but you prove me wrong, so the only way to run then on old ver disto19:53
akiklöysin aika pahan bugin launchpadista (apport) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/apport/+bug/173953119:53
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1739531 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "apport-collect SHOULD NOT collect gnome-shell command history and favorites" [High,Confirmed]19:53
akikoops sorry19:54
nacclexcurious: 'old proprietary binaries' implies all of ... not ubuntu19:54

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