
acolyteJhas anyone run into issues updating to 17.10 from 17.04?  Whenever I try to run Software Updater, it fails.02:42
Tomazzucan somebody help me to install mate 1.20 ?11:26
Tomazzuand good afternoon :)11:26
Tomazzumate 1.20 desktop environment11:27
Tomazzui have now 1.1211:27
Tomazzukernel 4.1311:27
Tomazzuno-one know - no-one cares ...11:34
SuperEngineerwe. all. care.11:37
SuperEngineermaybe there's nobody relevant to your q. around atm11:37
Tomazzudesktop specialist not here11:39
Tomazzumaybe another time ...11:39
Tomazzuyesterday I did install Debian 9.3 amd6411:39
Tomazzucannot get radeon hd 5450-card working, so I install ubuntu-mate again11:40
Tomazzudebian did go to software rendering mode11:40
peanut42Is it possible to change the font color in the sidebar of firefox while using the dark Mate theme? The white font on white background is not working for me. Any links or tips are appreciated. Thanks!13:02
=== ole_ is now known as ole_denmark
Tomazzuis here desktop upgrade specialist ?15:56
alkisgTomazzu: no, here are some mate users that might be able to help other mate users15:57
Tomazzucan anyone help for upgrading mate desktop to version 1.20 ?15:58
vkarehTomazzu: which version of Ubuntu MATE do you have?15:59
Tomazzuubuntu mate 16.0415:59
Tomazzumate 1.12.15:59
vkarehTomazzu: ummm, yeah this will break your system. Since you're using an LTS release, you might want to hold off for the next one (will be released in April)16:00
Tomazzuokay :)16:00
vkarehThe only Ubuntu that supports MATE 1.20 is the Bionic Beaver daily builds - but it's a very unstable system at this point16:00
vkarehthe release for this is at the end of April, and will have MATE 1.20 :)16:01
Tomazzudoes it support 4 corner windows rezising ?16:01
Tomazzulike linut min cinnamon ?16:01
alkisgUbuntu MATE 16.04 here supports 4 corner windows resizing16:03
alkisgSo I'm not sure what different you expect from the newer MATE16:03
vkarehTomazzu: you mean corner tiling with resizing?16:03
alkisgUbuntu MATE 18.04 works fine here, but I had to remove the following packages: indicator-session indicator-sound mate-hud snapd ubuntu-mate-welcome16:04
Tomazuautomatic tiling16:04
vkarehCorner tiling has been in MATE for a while, but 1.20 added support for tiling by dragging with the mouse16:04
Tomazuon the corners16:04
vkarehso yes, and you can resize the tiled windows as well16:04
vkarehboth features are supported now16:04
Tomazuyes but has only for 2 windows16:04
Tomazucinnamon uses 4 corner tiling16:05
Tomazui like that16:05
Tomazucan watch 4 videos same time :D16:05
vkarehTomazu: yep, that's all working well in 18.0416:05
vkarehhah great16:05
Tomazuokay :P16:05
Tomazudo you know good theme for mate ?16:06
vkarehI tend to stick to the default :P16:06
alkisgMe too except for pluma where it's unreadable and I switch to oblivion16:06
TomazzuI did customize mate theme to redmond16:10
Tomazzunow is all gray16:10
alkisgDo you mean the panel or the theme?16:11
Tomazzupane is ubuntu mate but theme is redmond16:12
alkisgI don't have a "redmond theme" option16:12
alkisgNeither in 16.04 nor in 18.04...16:12
Tomazzui mean...it is on theme and customize16:13
Tomazzuradiant mate and customize it16:13
mate|85204There will be Ubuntu-Mate-16.04.4 ?16:29
mate|85204Thanks :)16:33
mate|85204Oh, just one more little question16:34
mate|85204Does it has the same release date of the main Ubuntu 16.04.4 ?16:34
alkisgAFAIK, yes16:34
alkisgThey're just delayed due to meltdown/spectre etc16:35
mate|85204You are the best! Thank you very much :)16:35
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ole_denmarklooking for a litle easy graphic program for my c++ in mate17:51
ole_denmarkso i have something to start with17:52
ole_denmarkno g++ exuse17:55
mate|57750everybody home?22:24
wangI need some help23:52
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Guest94770I am installing ros on the rasberry pi using ubuntu mate. But after i am done installing ros i need to reboot it. when i going through this step it is saying that firfox is crashed23:53

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