
nicebuuh oh all fuckfaced elite is here20:28
nicebuso how is it going ubunto kids20:28
nicebujust for logs: https://pastebin.com/nmdRUY6h   -   dax aka rww aka ro aka pweh aka rw aka dax_ doxed  Robert William Wall robert@rww.name robertlikesturtles@gmail.com freenode operator ubuntu20:30
nicebujust for logs: https://pastebin.com/nmdRUY6h   -   dax aka rww aka ro aka pweh aka rw aka dax_ doxed  Robert William Wall robert@rww.name robertlikesturtles@gmail.com freenode operator ubuntu20:30
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (martin___)21:41
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (oeji2j)21:43

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