
maccaI think it just goes into sleep mode00:00
ubuntu1TJ-:   I'm not very saavy with terminology but I'm just looking for a simple way to tab contents in a sub folder without puking it's content out into the place it's linked00:00
ubuntu1The stupid sub dir only exists for organization , but is causing functional problems for apache00:01
TJ-pirx: usually it's in the power settings, possibly via a battery icon in the taskbar00:01
maccadoes anyone know how to change the firefox icon to the nice blue quantum one?00:04
maccacan anyone tell me where the launcher icons are set?00:07
cowsayhey guys .. would someone be able to run an apt command for me?  I'm on Solus and do not have apt available but I need some package URLs  for my Ubuntu server which no longer has functioning networking00:07
cowsaythe command:  sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install build-essential linux-headers-3.19.0-84-generic | cut -d\' -f 2 > urls.txt00:08
blitzkraftmacca: On the desktop, you can right click and set icon.00:09
maccaI need to put the icon on the desktop first it's using the old firefox icon after I updated to quantum00:10
maccamaybe drag it onto the desktop would that work?00:11
maccaThanks for the answer btw :)00:11
brainwashmacca: check in /usr/share/applications00:11
brainwashthe quantum icon isn't blue though00:12
brainwashthat's the firefox nightly icon I think00:12
brainwashsee https://wiki.mozilla.org/Nightly00:13
TJ-macca: I use this in the .desktop file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ymVrb3q8rm/00:14
TJ-macca: I've got it installed at /opt/mozilla/firefox/nightly/ so adjust path to suit00:15
maccaThe icons are in there but nothing in properties to change them00:15
TJ-macca: you have to edit the .desktop file; it's with in /usr/share/applications/ /usr/local/share/applications/ or possibly $HOME/.local/share/applications/00:16
maccamany thanks00:17
maccafound it using "locate firefox.desktop"00:20
maccathanks guys00:20
sereim trying to point grub to my sd card since i cant boot from the bios : how can i find out the hardware address like (hd0, 0) of the sd.00:25
serethat grub uses00:25
TJ-sere: that depends on what order the system firmware/BIOS has listed the devices00:27
maccagonna reboot to see if my fix worked brb00:29
maccathe blue icon is in Icon=/opt/firefox/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png00:29
bcxI can't set sort-directories-first neither with a vendor override (org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser) nor with a dconf local profile keyfile (org/gtk/settings/file-chooser). Anyone managed to configure it with any technique or is it now only possible by using interactive/graphic applications ?00:31
sereTJ- ok cool i will play with it.. all i need to do is boot it and im good.. i guess i could reinstall and boot off usb00:32
maccawtg thanks guys it's lovely blue icon now :P00:33
TJ-sere: does the system firmware not boot into GRUB on the SD card?00:35
maccadid you try holding down shift while you booted?00:35
maccathat should open grub I think00:36
TJ-macca: it's Escape now, and it needs tapping not holding down (due to EFI)00:36
maccathings change every blooming day lol00:37
maccashift works for me00:37
TJ-macca: it'll work on BIOS but not for EFI, whereas Escape works for both00:37
maccaok thanks00:37
maccanever hurts to learn00:38
madaracan someone help me to use gnome on ubuntu, i don't now how to do it please00:38
TJ-macca: this is because on a BIOS boot GRUB can directly read the I/O port where the keyboard status bits for Shift/Alt/Ctrl are stored to get their state, but EFI services don't provide that access00:38
TJ-EFI only provides the option to read keyup/keydown events, not meta-keys00:38
OerHeksbcx, there is such option, in 17.10/gnome00:39
madaraI don't know how KDE is running on my system00:40
bcxOerHeks: indeed, what I am trying to do is to set it non-interactively and without gnome running, vendor override fail because it's a relocatable but dconf local override should do the work but strangely doesn't ...00:42
maccamadara you could try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:42
madaraok macca I will try it now, thnks00:42
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OerHeksbcx, those org. settings does not influence tty, you will need to do that manually00:46
maccacan anyone tell me if using /msg nickserve identify **** is a permanent thing here00:49
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DiecastMessiahmacca: what IRC program ya using??00:51
OerHeksmacca, no. you need to identify any new session, else store it in your irc client00:51
OerHeksugh, xchat is old, no longer under development00:51
Guest52278irssi reporting in00:51
jdrHexChat is nice for a gui00:51
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maccaany recommendations for something better?00:52
OerHekshexchat is a nice clone, indeed00:52
maccaI used to use mirc many years ago00:52
jdrscripts/link-vmlinux.sh: line 70: 28146 Killed                  ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -r -o ${1} ${objects}00:52
jdrMakefile:1000: recipe for target 'vmlinux' failed00:52
jdrmake: *** [vmlinux] Error 13700:52
maccahaven't irced for years00:52
jdr3rd time ive tried compiling this kernel00:52
maccaseems to be working jdr :)00:52
DiecastMessiahmacca: ok not sure but i think it under the server connection window. there a place to put in you password.. and it will idetify everytime for you when you connect to freenode00:53
DiecastMessiahIf not there .. there maybe a place in the menu identiies00:53
maccaneither of which menu appears on this xchat lol I just installed it under xchat-gnome00:54
maccaneeds a little exploring00:55
maccaI'm beginning to think I need a new client already this is slow as a wet weekend00:56
maccabut I guess it's working I'm beginning to learn not to try fixing things that work on ubuntu00:57
DiecastMessiahis there servers?00:57
maccanope it has Network00:57
maccaand under that is connect or disconnect00:58
maccadoesn't have a names list even00:58
jrgilmanAny recommendations for software that can recordto a GIF simply?00:59
DiecastMessiahthere should be a area with the freenode server.. could be settings or something .. but somewhere alone with the servers you can connect .. you should have a space to put a password00:59
maccano worries it will turn up eventually00:59
maccawish it had a names list though01:00
maccais kvirc any good?01:00
DiecastMessiahI like Hex-chat.. but it seem to have freezing problems with channel that have alot of users ..01:01
maccait only has a tiny window though doesn't it?01:01
maccasort of like the old icq window01:01
TJ-macca: if you're using xchat, then this might help. See the "Configuring Xchat and Connecting to a Server", right-side dialog... you'd put your nickserv identify password in the "Nickserv password" text box  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto01:02
* TJ- uses the ncurses based weechat01:02
DiecastMessiahI just started with weechat today.. did i reinstall of everything.01:03
maccaI'll try rejoining and see what happens01:03
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DiecastMessiahoops i guess we are getting offtopic here01:04
maccaok no worries it's done it all by itself01:04
DiecastMessiah\m/ right on01:05
maccaI remember back in the day when the lag was up to five minutes01:06
maccastill used it though01:06
maccabrb going to try a different client01:08
DiecastMessiahok so i think i getting a lead on my video problems..it seem i have the drivers working right nvidia-340 driver for a nvidia 310m chip .. it a optimus type.. but i been reading around and i think why some 3d acc stuff works and other don't is because it overwriting glib6 .. seems other had the problem even back on ubuntu 9 or 10... anyway https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vpd7dQXVPn/ i think this is wrong should01:14
DiecastMessiahonly be 2 things listed01:14
DiecastMessiahif thats the case i have no idea what to do about it01:16
maccaoh well at least xchat works I tried two others one was like rocket science to get started and the other wouldn't start at all01:19
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DualFailureHi There fellow humans01:25
DualFailureI am writing to enquire upon the nature of my dual boot failure, could anyone offer some assistance?01:25
TJ-Data! We need data! :)01:26
ExploitedKernelDoes anyone know if there should be any ports open on Ubuntu, that are not already defaulted blocked? like I know how Windows has port 445, unless its blocked. Does Ubuntu Have any that should be blocked?01:31
ExploitedKerneland if so How to block them01:31
DiecastMessiahExploitedKernel: is for just normal desktop uses ?? or you running server or anything?01:33
joeb3_ExploitedKernel: use ufw.  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-setup-a-firewall-with-ufw-on-an-ubuntu-and-debian-cloud-server01:33
ExploitedKernelJust running in as a Desktop01:34
joeb3_desktops can use gufw.01:35
DiecastMessiahExploitedKernel: k well if you have a router i would just make sure there are no open or forward ports..01:35
DiecastMessiahI am not 100% you may want a software firewall to.. but I trust my hardware firewall01:37
macca_looks like I'm doomed to use xchat nothing else seems to work lol01:38
joeb3_macca_: hexchat?01:38
DiecastMessiahwhen you are installing the different programs are you using apt-get in termial or the ubuntu software thing01:38
macca_had some problems getting hexchat to work, I'm feeling too lazy to work it out01:39
macca_perhaps tomorrow will do hehe01:39
macca_this is working at least I just miss the name list for some reason01:39
TJ-macca_: it won't help, not with over 1400 users in here!01:40
macca_aaaaah good point01:40
Bashing-ommacca_: Confortable in terminal ? try the irssi irc client .01:40
DiecastMessiahwith x-chat i think there is a button that pops up a window with the users .. but yeah it not very helpful you see the userlist anyway01:40
macca_I will check it out Bashing but later on it's time for dinner almost01:41
macca_yeah I can live without it01:41
dassoukiis virtual box still the best vm to try ubuntu on an osx partition?01:42
macca_I wish I could rid myself of nextcloud completely that was a disaster for me01:42
macca_keeps rearing it's ugly head01:42
macca_tried purging it but it still appears on syslog using up my processor01:43
macca_must be in one of the apache files I guess01:44
macca_virtualbox works great on highsierra for me01:45
macca_just remember to close it before you shut down01:45
DiecastMessiahHey,,,, U :)01:46
macca_anyone know where I can get a list of irc commannds?01:47
nlogex3772how do i stop screen flickering with intel onboard video (i5 4570)?01:47
DiecastMessiahmacca this one seem to have a good set01:48
macca_have to tried stopping hardware acceleration01:48
macca_thanks diecast01:48
DiecastMessiahnot every command but all the goodies lol01:48
macca_I used to know them01:49
macca_fond memories of using mirc as a weapon lol01:49
macca_many years ago01:49
DiecastMessiahyeah me to... I was on dalnet all the time .. hitting the fileservers01:50
macca_I lurked on #wasteland for many years01:51
DiecastMessiahwhere i got all my music and games lol but on a old 14.4 dailup modem01:51
macca_a lot of the old servers have vanished01:51
DiecastMessiahtook 20 to 30 mins to get A song lol01:51
macca_yep been there01:51
macca_I used to have to make a long distance call to connect, cost me a fortune01:51
macca_still I'm glad she's an ex now01:52
DiecastMessiahoops forgot not in offtopic channel looks around well op hasn't beaten us yet01:52
nlogex3772macca_: yes, with no accel it's slow to the point of freezing every couple of seconds, with accel on there is flickering and corruption01:53
macca_ooh are there rules01:53
macca_I saw an article on it but I just can't remember where01:53
pengwen_Does anyone have any recommendations for OCR software that can be applied to a pdf?01:54
cfhowlettpengwen_, a single software?  no idea.  but it is super easy to output/print a file to .pdf format01:54
macca_I had high contrast enabled on chrome and couldn't see a thing on youtube etc01:54
macca_and googling for that is where I saw the accelaration thing01:55
pengwen_cfhowlett, I have a scanned pdf that someone else sent me.  I'd like to copy and paste text from it, but it wasn't scanned with ocr01:56
cfhowlettso you're trying to ocr scan a .pdf, correct?01:56
macca_you could maybe cut a jpg with firefox if thats helpful01:57
pengwen_cfhowlett, i'm able to print it to paper, and then scan it if it helps.  what i'd like to do is convert an existing pdf to a searchable format.  perhaps "ocr" isn't the right term for that01:57
pengwen_in fact, i don't even care if it's search-able.  what I would like to be able to do is copy text from the pdf, and then paste it elsewhere so I can edit it01:58
macca_do you have the pdf file or just the scan pengwen?01:59
cfhowlettpengwen_, this?  https://www.howtogeek.com/228531/how-to-convert-a-pdf-file-to-editable-text-using-the-command-line-in-linux/01:59
pengwen_macca_, I have the pdf01:59
macca_must be an open source pdf editor around02:00
macca_libre office draw edits pdf's02:02
pengwen_I'm going to give tesseract a shot.  I'll report back in a few02:03
u_I have ubuntu 16.04 , I installed some updates today then the computer have been restart suddenly after that ubuntu be not able to boot , I got grub screen only .02:05
u_How I can fix that ? I'm using live version now .02:06
u__systemd_is_evil Why it is evil?02:09
gt8ost4ldoes aanybody know how use sudo gedit on ubuntu 17.10?02:09
u_Guys , anyone can help ? How I can boot from grub screen ?02:10
cfhowlettgt8ost4l, yes.  sudo gedit filename02:10
macca_u_ doesn't it have a recover mode in grub02:10
macca_you could maybe try to run update again in there02:11
gt8ost4lcfhowlett:i cant do that i get an error!02:11
cfhowlett!details | gt8ost4l02:11
ubottugt8ost4l: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:11
gt8ost4lcfhowlett:okay let me break it down in words!02:11
gt8ost4lcfhowlett:im trying to change the grub file since ubuntu freezes without the grub file command.02:12
gt8ost4lill show it to you https://askubuntu.com/questions/761706/ubuntu-15-10-and-16-04-keep-freezing-randomly02:13
macca_gt8lost41 maybe if you try ksudo it will work02:13
pengwen_u_, take a look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:14
pengwen_you may have to reinstall the bootloader02:14
gt8ost4lbashing-om what was the command again to use to get priviledges02:14
macca_sudo su02:15
macca_sorry for butting in02:15
u_pengwen_ What do you think about this >> http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd02:16
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Try as sudo -H gedit <file> // Be aware I am aware that sudo was depreciated at some point for pkexec .02:17
cfhowletteh?  Bashing-om wasn't that the opposite?  I understood that pkexec was the less preferred option.02:18
gt8ost4lbashing-om you gave me the link the other day didnt you archieve it?02:18
gt8ost4lit was on the archlinux forums02:19
Bashing-omcfhowlett: Well, I still prefer "sudo" // and I did make some changes to the system (16.04) to keep using it .02:19
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: My attention span is real short . You will have to give me more context to jog my memory .02:20
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: wayland ?02:22
pengwen_u_, that looks fine too.  If it's your computer and you know how many partitions are there, you probably don't need to do the first couple of steps02:22
gt8ost4lbashing om:yes wayland02:22
u_ pengwen_ thNKS02:22
u_ pengwen_ *thanks02:23
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: ' xhost +si:localuser:root ' ?02:23
gt8ost4lbashing om:yes02:23
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: :)02:23
pengwen_u_, what is the output of "sudo fdisk -l"02:24
gt8ost4lbashing om can you give me a link to thee page again?02:24
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: https://askubuntu.com/questions/961967/why-dont-gksu-gksudo-work-with-wayland ??02:25
u_ pengwen_ this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wkxc4zK3wN/02:25
pengwen_u_, ok, so you should be able to reinstall grub with typing in "grub-install /dev/sda"02:27
aliljetthis seems a bit weird, but why does the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus read almost like an advertisement?02:27
u_I got error : grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.02:28
u_pengwen_ I got error : grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.02:28
cfhowlettaliljet, I don't see it.  This reads in the same style as other Ubuntu documents.02:28
pengwen_u_, gotcha.  so now try going through the four steps where you mount /dev/sda onto a folder, and then include those four folders mounted with the -bind command02:28
gt8ost4lbashing om:thanks it worked like a charm!02:29
aliljetcfhowlett: well, I guess I'm trying to understand the real value of antivirus solutions in a linux environment and that only really discusses why you need antivirus and none of the countervailing arguments02:29
u_pengwen_ could you give me the command ?02:30
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pengwen_u_, i am looking at the repair instructions you found.  I don't understand why it is important to include the partition number02:32
pengwen_u_, i think the right thing to do is "sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt" but their instructions seem to indicate you should be typing "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt"02:33
cfhowlettbecause a bootloader on the wrong partition won't load?02:33
pengwen_cfhowlett, his bootloader should be on sda1, right?02:33
cfhowlettmine isn't.  depends on the setup02:34
pengwen_cfhowlett, look at the earlier post: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wkxc4zK3wN/02:34
macca_I think it depends on the initial install which partition is the active linux one02:34
macca_mines on sda602:34
macca_can anyone tell me how to search files in a directory for text strings please02:36
pengwen_in this case, sda1 is an EFI file system (with ~500Mb of storage).  sda2 is a linux filesystem (with ~95Gb of storage).  and sda3 is a Linux swap.  I am pretty sure this one should be sda1 for the bootloader02:36
pengwen_macca_, "find . -name "start_of_file_string*""02:37
macca_thanks pengwen02:37
pengwen_macca_, if you want to find every pdf file, search for "find . -name "*.pdf"02:37
macca_I'm trying to find mentions of nextcloud in my apache2 conf files02:38
macca_I'll give it a shot do I use the quotation marks?02:39
pengwen_macca_, yeah, you would type something like the following: >> find . -name "*.pdf"02:39
pengwen_macca_, the string you are searching for goes inside the quotes02:39
pengwen_huh.  i wonder if u_ came up with something02:40
macca_didn't find a thing do I need to run the command inside the directory?02:41
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macca_just for interest sake pengwen grep -r "sometext" * worked for me02:47
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macca_now I'll see if I've killed off nextcloud or the entire system lol brb I hope02:50
pengwen_macca_ ty02:51
mtdmsi try to unzip joomla but i cant i dont know why02:54
mtdmsunzip:  cannot find or open Joomla_3.8.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip, Joomla_3.8.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip.zip or Joomla_3.8.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip.ZIP.02:54
mtdmsi put it in the /var/www/html02:55
mtdmsi did this command: unzip Joomla_3.8.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip02:55
mtdmsdo you know why?02:56
maccatry putting ./something.zip02:56
maccapresuming you're in the same directory02:57
mtdmsunzip:  cannot find or open ./Joomla_3.8.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip02:59
maccamust be a typo03:00
maccado an ls and cut and paste the name03:00
maccamtdms, maybe "or open" means the file is corrupt03:03
mtdmsi downloaded from joomla site03:04
DeragonHow does one gets his debian package approved for the universe repository.  Oddly, I fail to find any good documentation on the web about this.03:04
mtdmsi will download it again03:04
cfhowlettDeragon, ask #debian??03:04
mtdmsthanks a lot03:04
maccayep I would try that03:04
mtdmsi got it03:05
mtdmsyou know? i unzip from the download directory03:05
mtdmsand it was possible03:05
mtdmsnow im gonna move the directories to the html directory03:06
mtdmsthanks a lot03:06
mtdmsit is the first time i try joomla, have you tried it? is it good?03:06
maccano idea03:06
DeragonAh... universe is not Ubuntu specific, but Debian... I did not know.03:10
maccalot's of trial and error with open source03:12
maccacan anyone tell me if 'snap' has some sort of purge option it's not removing things entirely for me03:20
maccaif anyone likes listening to music, I can recommend installing spotify.  Hoping I'm allowed to say that03:23
tomcresmacca, it's in the Ubuntu Software app, so I don't see why not03:24
maccacool :)03:24
maccanot sure if adverising is banned in here03:25
cfhowlettit is banned.03:26
maccathought it might have been03:26
cfhowlettbut yes, you can give opinions. thanks!03:26
maccaI don't stand to gain anything if someone uses it03:26
maccaI better read the guidelines03:27
slimetraphey im using ubuntu next and all the sudden i cannot hold alt + letters to get the special accent versions for polish layout anymore after like 6 months of using it like this03:28
Bashing-om!18.04 | slimetrap03:29
ubottuslimetrap: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+103:29
slimetrapubottu, oh god ho wdo i upgrade03:30
ubottuslimetrap: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:30
slimetraper Bashing-om03:31
cfhowlettyou do realize you are asking to upgrade to an unreleased, unsupported beta version, slimetrap?03:31
slimetrapoh well ok ???03:31
slimetrapsomeone linked me to it in response to my question i just figured i had to upgrade03:31
cfhowlettread first.  upgrade later.  the point made was that BB is not supported or discussed in this channel.  if you are on BB, go to #ubuntu+1 for support03:32
maccaI run apt update, then apt list --upgradable religiously when I fire up my computer03:34
maccais it possible to run apt upgrade selectively?03:36
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gt8ost4lcan anybody help me i cant installsoftware from the command line i keep fgetting 404 errors?03:58
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: show us ' cat /etc/issue ' .04:00
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gt8ost4lbashing om even the quotes?04:02
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: No quotes .. just the output of that terminal command .04:06
gt8ost4lUbuntu 17.10 \n \l04:07
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: K; Next is pastebin the output of ' sudo apt update ' .04:08
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: See: http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-davidsansome/clementine/ubuntu/dists/ . Not supported in artful .04:13
gt8ost4lbashing-om:can i revert to a previousversion  in the ppa?04:14
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: That is ill advised to mix repos ; will break your system . Mught talk to the PPA maintainer and see IF they will work to support a short term release .04:15
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tomcresclementine is in the official repos. You might consider just abandoning the PPA altogether.04:17
Bashing-omtomcres: :)04:17
Bashing-om!info clementine artful04:18
ubottuclementine (source: clementine): modern music player and library organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1+git276-g3485bbe43+dfsg-1 (artful), package size 4301 kB, installed size 16179 kB04:18
gt8ost4lbashing-om:how do i revert to 17.04 for all the software in he sources file?04:18
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: nope .. no can do .04:19
Bashing-om!zesty | gt8ost4l04:19
ubottugt8ost4l: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html04:19
gt8ost4lbashing-om: what about 16.04?04:20
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Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Do not mix repos . https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian .04:23
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: As tomcres advises, why not install from the software repo ?04:25
ghostnik11please help me my ubuntu 16.04 just crashed while it was in an update and the only thing i can get into is my android-x86 partition04:25
Bashing-omghostnik11: Can you boot a recovery kernel from the grub boot menu ?04:26
ghostnik11no it doesn't even give me the option Bashing-om i am freaking out04:26
ghostnik11Bashing-om i have so much school stuff on that section and it just froze for like 4 to 5 minutes so i decided to just turn it off b/c nothing was moving and i am paying for interternet time in a hotel04:27
Bashing-omghostnik11: What results when you do attempt to boot ? How far does the system get ?04:28
ghostnik11i can get grub for android x86 but when i click on ubuntu from windows grub loader it just puts me into android x8604:29
ghostnik11Bashing-om is it really lost forever04:29
Bashing-omghostnik11: With a liveUSB, time and effort .. linux is always fixable .04:31
Curi0I created an Ubuntu container using debootstrap and systemd-nspawn but what is the default login ?04:31
ghostnik11Bashing-om i don't have such a chance b/c i am not home, i am outside the states where internet is not reliable04:31
Curi0i tried root and toor it didn't work04:31
Flanneland with a liveCD, you can grab your files even if you decide to reinstall instead of fix the install.04:32
ghostnik11Bashing-om i need to find out the steps: now so i can download them and then try them while i am here b/c i won't be back home till june04:32
ghostnik11Flannel yeah but i am running ubuntu 16.04 on a asus t100 = which is like a highly customizable system, i had certain things in it to make it function specifically with the asus t100 b/c asus isn't friendly with linux04:33
ghostnik11Flannel its not just the files but the whole system that i want back the exact way it is04:34
ghostnik11Flannel i should have never told it to update04:34
Bashing-omghostnik11: Sorry, I do not know android at all - presently I can not offer a solution without a live environment to work from .04:34
ghostnik11Bashing-om, well its not even android, b/c android uses grub, so i have a grub but i would have to tell grub where the system is located on the disk04:35
Bashing-omghostnik11: As above, if you can boot to the grub boot menu we "might" be able to work something out .04:36
CharlieMurphycan Ubuntu be run from an android phone (to replace the phone ui and still use phone)04:36
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
ghostnik11Bashing-om or is it possible to tell the windows boot loader where it is? b/c when it first comes up i just hit esc and i usually get option for ubuntu and uefi os and when i select ubuntu it brings me to grub 2.0 with options of ubuntu 16.04 and the kernel04:37
Bashing-omghostnik11: I have no EFI experience .. can not advise on how to get to to grub's boot menu .04:38
ghostnik11Bashing-om this is some BS!! i can't believe that this happened04:39
Bashing-omghostnik11: I feel for you // But until you can boot to something we can work from, not a thing I can do .04:41
ghostnik11Bashing-om the thing i don't get is that i installed android x86 from ubuntu 16.04 so i am able to see android so that must mean that my ubuntu is somewhat alive even for a little to see if i could undo the bad upgrade that crashed04:41
ghostnik11Bashing-om okay once i am in the grub 2.0 menu for android is there a way i can tell it to do a search for ubuntu partition?04:42
Bashing-omghostnik11: Can not say as I do not know android .04:43
ghostnik11Bashing-om if i load a live boot what would i then have to do?04:45
Bashing-omghostnik11: set up a full change root and complete the update .04:45
Bashing-om!chroot | ghostnik1104:47
ubottughostnik11: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot04:47
ghostnik11Bashing-om okay how can i do that b/c when i get back to my apartment i can make a live usb then do it but i need instructions to download now (like stuff to read that will walk me through the steps b/c i am on an island with horrible internet) so at my apartment i have no internet = meaning everything will have to be done off line04:48
ghostnik11Bashing-om okay i saved that webpage, anything eles?04:49
ghostnik11Bashing-om is there any way i can sign into grub from network?04:50
ghostnik11Bashing-om the thing also was that i wasn't even downloading anything. i was just at the part where it installs everything and waiting for it to finish while i was surfing the net04:51
Bashing-omghostnik11: While there is a way - I have never attempted.. no idea what will be needed to access grub from the network ,04:52
ghostnik11Bashing-om how?04:52
ghostnik11Bashing-om also with ubuntu i had many different kernel versions installed so is it possible to see if i would be able to get to one of them since the update was running in kernel 4.14?04:54
Bashing-omghostnik11: If you can get to grub's boot menu .. sure ! try and boot an older kernel ir a recovery kernel .04:56
ghostnik11Bashing-om then what after that04:57
ghostnik11Bashing-om okay i will sign out of internet and see if i can get to a recovery04:58
pengwen_ghostnik11, can you reinstall grub?  i wouldn't trust windows boot loader to be of any use04:59
ghostnik11Bashing-om sorry i was just kicked off of the wifi - b/c they have a limit on how many can sign into it04:59
ghostnik11at the same time04:59
ghostnik11pengwen_ how can i get to reinstall grub? where can i download it and put on a live cd?04:59
pengwen_ghostnik11, grub will be on your live cd.  Look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:00
pengwen_ghostnik11, what you're trying to do is perform a boot-repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair05:00
ghostnik11pengwen_ i will try that once i get back to my apartment and hopefully it will install back grub05:01
Bashing-omghostnik11: Understand . Getting the system functional depends on what is broke . We find that by what happens and what we can ask if the system .05:01
ghostnik11pengwen_ Bashing-om one sec i will sign out of internet and try to restart the tablet and see if i can hold down shift and see if grub appears05:01
pengwen_ghostnik11, if you have a device with you (and i assume you are connected to the internet now), then it wouldn't hurt to make sure you have a good flash on your usb stick05:01
ghostnik11pengwen_ i have nothing on me but my cell phone and the tablet05:02
pengwen_ghostnik11, gotcha05:02
ghostnik11pengwen_ and i have class in the morning and its midnight right now05:02
pengwen_hmmm ... a tablet that doesn't like ubuntu05:02
Bashing-omghostnik11: EFI system is the escape key - spammed - to get grub;s attention .05:03
ghostnik11pengwen_ Bashing-om okay i can't get into it. only the grub menu for android so i will have to try the live cd method thanks for all the help and i will let you guys know how it goes from here. i might be technically screwed till i get back home in june05:09
pengwen_ghostnik11, what kind of tablet do you have?  how did you burn your iso onto a stick?05:10
ghostnik11pengwen_ Bashing-om i have to go back to my apartment and sleep so i can get to class tomorrow thanks for all the help05:10
pengwen_ghostnik11, getting to class is more important than trying to fix your tablet.  learning can still happen without an internet device.  ;)05:11
ghostnik11pengwen_ i have an asus t100taf which isn't suppose to work with ubuntu but thanks to an amazing group of users from google + they got it working with ubuntu05:11
Bashing-omghostnik11: When you are back here --- we are here to help .05:11
ghostnik11pengwen_ yeah i know, thanks again. take care and have a good night everyone Bashing-om05:11
mtdmsi hate windows or mac, i love linux, but i need to do some brochures05:11
mtdmsfor a business05:11
mtdmsits simple design, what open source do you recommend?05:11
lotuspsychjemtdms: libreoffice05:12
mtdmsits simple design05:12
pengwen_if it was done in windows, would you be using power point?05:13
mtdmslibreOfficeDraw? because i dont gimp05:13
pengwen_all of my stuff is done in LateX05:13
lotuspsychjemtdms: you can do alot in libreoffice05:13
mtdmsi see05:14
mtdmsthats right libreoffice05:14
mtdmsi will try05:14
mtdmsits a simple design, because if a need really good one i hire a desginer05:14
mtdmsthanks a lot05:14
mtdmsthanks my friends05:14
=== sa-ghosts_BNC is now known as sa-ghosts
lotuspsychjemtdms: there is a helpfull #libreoffice channel when your stuck05:15
mtdmsjust i need to export pdf , because they open in linux or mac05:16
mtdmsthe customer05:16
lotuspsychjemtdms: you can save projects in all kinds of formats05:18
mtdmsim using right now the libreoffice draw, i like it, i love open source, i dont know why some software doesnt run on it05:18
mtdmssome kind of software05:18
mtdmsfor example i use in windows aspel, in mexico is for business management05:19
mtdmsbut there is not for linux05:19
mtdmsi think maybe i will try virtual box, but i dont think it can run it05:19
mtdmsor sometimes i needed to see web cameras for business and only was running on internet explorer, so i prefer android in that kinda of situation05:20
mtdmsbut anyway there is always a solution, im happy with open source05:20
mtdmslibreoffice draw is like a corel draw right? similar05:21
mtdmsi can see it05:21
mtdmsi like it05:21
lotuspsychjemtdms: opening libreoffice main icon, will let you chooce whats best for you05:23
mtdmsim using right now libre office draw after you told me and i like it, thanks05:27
mtdmsit was useful for me05:27
mtdmsi will read later some books for master it05:28
Guest13758Something on my system is causing minor freezes when I click on browsers and random applications. How can I identify what is doing that?05:29
=== Guest13758 is now known as styles_
lotuspsychjeGuest13758: wich ubuntu version?05:30
styles_I'm running Debian 805:30
daxThen you probably want to /join #debian, since they support Debian and we don't (and we support Ubuntu and they don't).05:31
styles_sure bud05:34
=== shawn is now known as Guest99178
iliashi all. today i started a regular update on my  xubuntu 16.04.3 system through terminal. everything went ok after i gave sudo apt-get update &&  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and the update was progressing as usual but suddenly secs before the system finished with the update the screen got black (laptop was not out of power) and gave no response. i was forced to switch it off and when i switch it on the grub didn't start (i run xubuntu alongside wi06:03
iliasn10). the i started with a live usb and i tried to reload grub following these instructions http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd but when i give grub-install /dev/sda2 (which is EFI system partition) the system gives error--cannot find EFI directory. Any idea on this issue?06:03
kanupatarHi all, I am using virtual box with ubuntu 64 bit. Currently my vm size was 35 GB. I wanted to allocate around 200GB for this VM. This VM is stored in a Windows 10 partition of size 300 GB. I have used the command VBoxManage modifyhd “C:\Users\Chris\VirtualBox VMs\Windows 7\Windows 7.vdi” --resize 201000 and I could see this size as virtual box size in Virtual box settings. But when I try to allocate memory in my ubuntu runnin06:20
kanupatarwhat I should do next06:20
=== macca is now known as spoon0
=== spoon0 is now known as macca
=== macca is now known as Iam1
AmisHello! Are there any guide out there on how to interpret the columns of the SMART info in gnome-disks?07:29
lotuspsychjeAmis: perhaps the ##hardware guys might know more on this topic07:30
Amislotuspsychje, I'll try07:30
Delta706Does Ubuntu have a policy of maintaining things so that normal actions do not produce a system with broken dependencies?07:35
cfhowlettto an extent07:36
Delta706oh that is a shame07:36
cfhowlettthis is limited to ubuntu's own packages.  The non-ubuntu package maintainers do all kinds of things07:36
Delta706I am only using own packages07:37
Delta706I had assumed that things would be done carefully to avoid broken dependencies07:38
cfhowlettagain, ubuntu package maintainers adhere to this.  Others --- not always so much.  As is the case with all distros.07:39
Delta706Could I be using package maintainers without knowing it?07:40
cfhowletter ... yes?  Because every package in linux has a maintainer.07:40
Delta706I thought I was just doing standard actions07:40
Delta706and yet I have had to fix broken dependeneis07:40
cfhowlettpackage maintainer = the individual/team responsible for ensuring dependencies and fixes are addressed and applied07:41
Delta706an example: ibreoffice-base-core : Depends: libreoffice-core (= 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial3) but 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial2 is to be installed07:42
Delta706libreoffice-writer : Depends: libreoffice-base-core (= 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial3) but 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial2 is installed07:44
cfhowlettDelta706, apt-cache show packagename | grep Maintainer        will show who to contact.  Alternatively you might consider filing a bug report07:46
Squarismis there no working ansi 2 html converter out there. All ive found are half assed hacks. aha, a2h, ansi2html07:46
Delta706So there can be bugs which break the dependencies then?07:48
cfhowlettof course.  usually detected prior to release07:50
Delta706ah right. I guess I thought it would be otherwise07:50
hkmgangany one can help me ?07:54
=== nichlas_0x1 is now known as nichlas
rollingubuntuhello all of you!08:14
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
rollingubuntuhere's what happened: using 17.10, my laptop battery got so low that the OS decided to shut down... then... after I plugged it it and started it again, 17.10 started in a blue-ish background desktop (having some kind of a bird in the center of the screen), without any menu, any launcher and some error message was displayed08:17
rollingubuntuluckily, I still had my other OS, 16.04 and so I can get things done, otherwise, that 17.10 is pretty unusable (did not try CTRL+ALT+3 or 4... to do console work)08:18
cfhowlettwhy do you need 17.10?08:18
DevAntoineI've got a weird issue on Ubuntu 17.10 since I've installed Docker: the DNS resolution on the host machine is not working anymore oO I can ping IP but hostnames cannot be resolved. The weirdest thing is that I did the exact same installation on another machine (same hardware, same Ubuntu version, installed just after formatting) and DNS resolution is OK.I've got a weird issue on Ubuntu 17.10 since I've installed Docker: the DNS resolutio08:24
DevAntoinen on the host machine is not working anymore oO I can ping IP but hostnames cannot be resolved. The weirdest thing is that I did the exact same installation on another machine (same hardware, same Ubuntu version, installed just after formatting) and DNS resolution is OK.08:24
DevAntoineI've added a line in /etc/interfaces to tell network manager to not manage docker0, I've deleted all the bridges and virtual interfaces, I've restarted network-manager, I've restarted the machine but it still cannot resolve DNS oO08:24
=== masber is now known as masuberu
ManicManiacGood Morning. I have a custom application which can mount SMB shares remotely through a web interface. It is installed on an ubuntu server 14.04. It now allows all SMB versions to be mounted. Is there a way to prevent the system from mounting V1 shares?08:48
ManicManiacThe mounting happens with the mount command and not with smbclient08:49
Triffid_HunterManicManiac: see man mount.cifs, you may be interested in vers= although I'm not sure if it accepts multiple comma-separated values08:51
Triffid_HunterManicManiac: if mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0,2.1,2.0 doesn't work, you might try mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0 || mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1 || ...08:52
=== sparty_ is now known as sparty
Elyiishi, i have a problem, i am on a fresh install of linux, i'm connected to my wifi but i cant access internet, when i'm on ethernet there is no problem ? If someone can help me ? Thanks o/08:57
bazhangwhich version of ubuntu Elyiis08:57
bazhangwhat's the chipset for that08:57
ElyiisThe chipset is a broadcom BCM431308:59
lotuspsychjeElyiis: wich driver does your broadcom have? sudo lshw -C network09:12
VjdfMQHey all09:16
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: welcome, how can we help you?09:16
VjdfMQoh, hm ... screen brightness controlling shortcut don't work, but xev says they're captured09:17
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: does your Fn + F brightness keys work?09:18
Elyiislotuspsychje here it is : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gqJvrtV6fN/09:18
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Nothing happens when I'm pressin' this one09:18
lotuspsychjeElyiis: you might wanna try bcmwl-kernel-source09:19
VjdfMQAlso, when I've tried to reassign this shortcut to Screen Brightness in settings, it said that this shortcut conflicts with Monitor Brightness09:19
lotuspsychjeElyiis: or install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:19
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: while you testing around brightness problem can you tail -f /var/log/syslog we might be able to catch usefull errors on it09:21
VjdfMQ1 min09:21
VjdfMQNope, nothing in there09:21
Elyiisi've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras what should i do next ?09:21
VjdfMQI meant ... nothing appended09:21
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: try play around with brightness now09:22
VjdfMQNotihng appended there when I've tried to change screen's brightness09:22
lotuspsychjeElyiis: try a reboot09:22
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: perhaps check the full dmesg/syslog for acpi brightness problems09:23
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: wich ubuntu are you on?09:24
Elyiisi still cant ping google.fr/his dns or my router09:24
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: perhaps the #docker guys might know that dns issue?09:25
lotuspsychjeElyiis: how about manual install of bcmwl-kernel-source09:25
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Linux x4 4.13.0-32-generic #35~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 25 10:13:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:25
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: well, I asked in #docker too but without any luck.09:25
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: kk09:25
DevAntoineAnd I've found nothing on google :/09:26
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: uninstall of docker as a test to see if its working again?09:26
DevAntoineyeah, I'll try that09:26
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: system up to date to latest also?09:26
DevAntoineBut it won't fix my issue09:26
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Yes09:26
VjdfMQBtw reboot helps, but after some time the same09:26
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: wich brand is your computer?09:27
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: some brands make more easy acpi bugs then others09:27
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: brightness worked in a liveusb?09:28
akikDevAntoine: what do you have in /etc/resolv.conf as "nameserver"s ?09:28
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Thinkpad x20109:29
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: yes, it worked09:29
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: yeah you might wanna look into full syslog/dmesg to see if you can find acpi issues09:29
lotuspsychje!bootoptions | VjdfMQ or play with no_acpi09:29
ubottuVjdfMQ or play with no_acpi: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.09:29
lotuspsychjeVjdfMQ: if non of this work, consider a new !bug for your system09:30
VjdfMQlotuspsychje: Brightness works with changing scrollbar09:30
VjdfMQBut not with shortcut09:30
_mirak_Hey guys, I have DB_NAME environmet variable, how do I set it's value to DATABASE_NAME var?09:30
VjdfMQ_mirak_: $bash09:31
VjdfMQ#bash *09:31
akikDevAntoine: if you know your dns server by ip address, you can query it with "host queried_name ip.add.re.ss"09:31
DevAntoineakik: I'll get the machine to answer your questions09:32
DevAntoineBut I tried setting as the DNS server in the network manager GUI without any luck09:32
Elyiislotuspsychje : bcmwl-kernel-source installed and rebooted09:32
akikDevAntoine: it's all about what you now have in /etc/resolv.conf09:32
ElyiisAnd it works !09:32
ElyiisTHANKS ! have a nice day c:09:32
xpshows it going09:39
p1n0I'm trying to add an alias IPin ubuntu server 17.10 in the 01-netcfg.yaml file whitout success, any ideas?09:43
akikDevAntoine: did you fix your dns?10:16
BitByBitHi all. I'm having some trouble configuring my network in a embedded system I can connect only by a console. As of now I have a link up with a succeffully dhcp ip. I can ping from another PC, but this is a volatile configuration. As of now I would like to configure DNS volatile to access internet and download basilar packages as ssh. could you help me please?10:20
av92BitByBit, you have to configure manual dns?10:21
BitByBitav92, no10:22
maggo_hey ho10:22
BitByBitav92, or better i have a local dns but I think i can use also google one10:23
av92BitByBit, ok.. you're trouble is using your personal dns?10:24
DevAntoineakik: sorry I'm on another issue right now :/10:25
BitByBitav92, my trouble is that as of now my system is unable to join any internet site. I think it doesn't have any dns configured. I would like to know if there is a command line to try to configure DNS on the fly10:26
akikBitByBit: on the fly config is editing /etc/resolv.conf10:26
akikBitByBit: it'll be overwritten10:27
BitByBitakik, ah ok.. i can add a nameserver =
akikBitByBit: just "nameserver"10:28
BitByBitakik, av92 thankyou10:28
akikBitByBit: if you configure your network through /etc/network/interfaces, you can use "dns-nameservers" in there10:29
BitByBitI have another question. In my system it seems that ethernet interfaces are down at startup.  Should I use /etc/network/interfaces to bring them up?10:29
akikBitByBit: if you ubuntu version supports it, yes10:29
BitByBitakik, ubuntu is 16.04   ... is that sufficient or I can check it?10:30
akikBitByBit: yes it'll work in that10:30
BitByBitakik, Im a bit a noob on this... the coomand to bring up the interface is "ifup eth0" for example... firt of any other command on eth0?10:31
akikBitByBit: firt?10:32
BitByBitakik, before, sorry10:32
akikBitByBit: use "ip link show" to see what your interface names are10:32
mujiiHow to join kali irc10:33
akikBitByBit: once you set it up in /etc/network/interfaces, ifup eth0 will work if it's not configured already10:33
BitByBityes I have eth0 is a virtual interface, then 3 phy interfaces named wan, lan0 and lan110:33
BitByBitplus I have lo and bond0 that actually i don't know what they are10:34
Sirclephp process is taking out 100% of CPU. I have many sites, How can I trace on which file/site is taking this utilization?10:34
Triffid_HunterSircle: check open filehandles on the culprit thread perhaps?10:35
akikBitByBit: lo should be there always. bond0 is some kind of interface combination10:35
SircleTriffid_Hunter,  command?10:35
Triffid_HunterSircle: find pid with htop or so, then lsof -p pid10:36
BitByBitakik, thankyou. I will try to edit the file...10:36
SircleTriffid_Hunter,  there are many sites in apahce10:37
Sirclephp process is taking out 100% of CPU. I have many sites, How can I trace on which file/site is taking this utilization?10:39
BitByBitakik, I'm tryin go edit /etc/network/interfaces. I entered the line ip link set eth0 up, but it seems it doesn't like10:53
ramsub07Hi i am having issues while installing new packages. i guess my dkpg is broken. I get the following error and i am not able to install any other packages. http://dpaste.com/285C89R10:54
Triffid_Hunterramsub07: no space left on device. you need to delete some stuff or embiggen your disk10:55
ramsub07Triffid_Hunter:  it says on my boot device there is no space10:55
ramsub07Triffid_Hunter: sorry, the full traceback http://dpaste.com/0A4RED210:56
ramsub07I think i have a lot of unused kernels in /boot10:56
akikBitByBit: the file has a syntax which you must follow10:57
akikBitByBit: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html "Static IP Address Assignment"10:58
akikBitByBit: it's also possible to use dhcp "Dynamic IP Address Assignment (DHCP Client)"10:58
jinkramsub07: apt-get --purge autoremove # might help you get rid of old kernels and other unused software.10:58
BitByBitakik,  Thankyou again for your hints.. I will try to figure out.11:00
ramsub07jink: there is supposed to be 256 Gb on my boot SSD and more than 180 gb are unoccupied. why would it still complain of insufficient space ?11:00
Triffid_Hunterramsub07: wherever apt is putting stuff is full, check df -h perhaps11:04
ramsub07Triffid_Hunter: is it possible to allocate /boot more space ?11:08
Triffid_Hunterramsub07: tricky but possible, depends on how your partitions are laid out.. why not just remove the kernels you're not using though?11:08
ramsub07Triffid_Hunter: that worked for now11:10
ramsub07but if i do an apt-get update the next time,i fear new kernels will be installed alongside11:10
Triffid_Hunterramsub07: sure, but ubuntu doesn't push new kernels that often.. just keep an eye on it, should be fine11:11
ramsub07cool, thanks11:11
BitByBitakik, Sorry to bother again.. this is what I get when restarting networkingservice http://pasted.co/66c4e75811:15
BitByBitakik, it look stange to me that it says unknown eht0 when it is shown in ip links11:16
BluesKajHiyas all11:16
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
Sircle_what is meant by this? sh -c /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i  -fgisela.c@pa11:22
Auctuswhats the best thing to do with a high-dpi display on ubuntu 16? i got a 14" laptop with a 1080p display, stuff's tiny11:24
Auctusif i do universal access -> large font, and i also do font scaling in unity tweak tool, then the text on tabs on firefox is still too small to read, maybe i can set some kind of dpi scaling or something somewhere11:26
BitByBitakik, Is done, I had to configure eth0 as manual interface, then wan as dhcp.. Thanks for hints11:26
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713
SwedeMikeAuctus: https://askubuntu.com/questions/197828/how-to-find-and-change-the-screen-dpi has some hints on what can be done.11:26
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
Sircle_what is meant by this? sh -c /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i  -fgisela.c@site.com ?11:34
jinksh -c runs a command, that command is sendmail.  man sh ; man sendmail11:35
FuraiWhat is the channel for the upcoming versions of ubuntu?11:38
hateballFurai: #ubuntu+111:38
AuctusSwedeMike: thanks, reading now11:38
FuraiYeah, I vaguely remembered that it had something with one more in it, thanks. :)11:38
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
znullhi, i have one Dl180 HP server and raid 10 ( 4disks ) can anyone tell me if on the #1,#2, disks are the OS? and #3,4 disk are for mirroring?11:47
Sirclehow to kill all processes that has sendmail in it?11:53
ecormierkillall sendmail?11:57
ecormierSircle: ^11:57
ecormierkal-el: hello12:12
kal-elIm new to ubuntu and i have wifi issue my firefox get very slow so i need to turn off and back on wifi to get it going12:14
kal-elhow can i fix it?12:14
=== RGamma_ is now known as RGamma
kal-el7.7 GiB Intel® Core™ i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4 Intel® HD Graphics 620 (Kaby Lake GT2) 64bit Gnome 3.26.212:17
Outykal-el: to help us please write your wifi adapter. to find out open terminal and do lspci and lsusb12:17
Outykal-el: under one of them your wifi adapter is listed12:18
kal-elrunnin 3.26.212:19
kal-elubuntu 17.1012:20
kal-elcan anyone help me?12:22
ecormierkal-el: did you see Outy's post? please provide the wifi info from lspci12:24
kal-elhello i got disconnected sorry12:36
Outykal-el: no prob. open terminal. type in lspci  and look for the name of your wifi adapter  we wanna know that12:37
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linociscohi all12:46
linociscoQuty, with reference to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-ubuntu/, how can I check my glibc version?12:47
Outylinocisco: I don't know - maybe someone else can give you that answwr :o)12:49
linociscoQuty, with reference to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-ubuntu/, how can I check my glibc version?12:49
linociscowith reference to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-ubuntu/, how can I check my glibc version?12:49
Outylinocisco: ldd --version12:51
Outylinocisco: shows glibc version12:51
MarleneSorry i got disconnected12:52
MarleneI have the same issue kal12:53
linociscoQuty thanks ldd --version worked12:53
Outylinocisco: you're welcome12:53
Marlene And im am new too12:53
MarleneI wish i knew how to help you and myself try installing Arch is too hard for me but you might be able to use it12:55
OutyMarlene: are you both on 17.10?12:55
DiecastMessiahHailz all, on ubuntu 16.04 using nvidia 310m install the last video drivers for it..nvidia-340.104 .. it an optimus type of video.. but I have the drivers working. oddly some things work fine others don't .. But from reading and playing around i am finding there are odd things with different libeuries.. like glib , libEGL, and last it seems also error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0 .. but12:55
DiecastMessiahalot of things work within the desktop Env . glxgears works.. glmark2-es2 works but glmark2 doesn't . here is the glmark2-es2 please note libEGL error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rJzkNst4ZD/12:55
oversynI'm looking for 18.04 mini.iso to give it a spin13:07
DiecastMessiahso i am guessing that maybe the driver install or something.. didn't setup all the libraries correctly .. or if there is some other software missing that links or run the libraries to the API ..13:07
oversynAnd I have just found bionic-base-amd64.tar.gz13:08
oversynAny ideas if it is available yet?13:08
necy_I need to update grub from console on boot13:11
ioriaoversyn, maybe here... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/13:11
necy_What hotkeys should use13:12
DiecastMessiahoversyn: also this channel doesn't deal with 18.04 .. can chat about that at #ubuntu+113:13
DiecastMessiahno problem13:13
nigehey all13:19
necy_Ok, im in grub console13:33
Curi0how can I change the GTK window manager theme for a single application ?13:35
Curi0GTK_THEME only works for stuff with CSD13:35
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ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。13:38
AmericanBlendhey, what's up man13:39
AmericanBlend日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。13:40
OerHeksenglish support only :-)13:40
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:41
OerHeksjack_, do you have an Ubuntu support issue?13:46
necy_Could someone show me how to edit the grub from console asif it was on the desktop13:51
necy_I have have keyboard issues and i need to makechanges13:52
TJ-necy_: you want to make permanent changes to the kernel's boot command-line?13:52
OerHekssudo nano /etc/default/grub13:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:53
ecormiernecy_: what keyboard problem?13:53
TJ-necy_: add options to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="..." if so then do "sudo update-grub"13:53
ecormierkeyboard doesn't work for grub?13:54
necy_Yes, but i dont know how to make ammendments to it asif it was a file13:55
TJ-necy_: if the keyboard is USB and doesn't respond whilst the boot-loader is active, that suggests the PC's BIOS/firmware setttings need to enable "Lagacy USB" support13:55
ecormierwhat kind of keyboard? how does it connect (builtin, usb, bluetooth)?13:56
TJ-"Legacy USB" even13:56
TJ-necy_: as OerHeks said, use a text editor like nano: "sudo nano /etc/default/grub"13:56
ecormiernecy_: if the keyboard doesn't work in grub, there's no option that you can give grub that will make it work for grub... grub grabs it from bios13:59
ecormierthe options in grub will change things after the kernel is loaded, not before13:59
BitByBitHow can I remove HITS and GET when i run apt-get update from my terminal?14:01
OerHeksBitByBit, not, i think, why do those lines bother you?14:02
znullhardware raid controller, or software it writes information for raid,  at the beginning of the disc and at the end? anyone know?14:02
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BitByBitOerHeks, have some skipping messages i would like not to see. furthermore I didnt install these packages14:04
TJ-znull: is it reall hardware controller or 'fake'RAID? 'fake'RAID is actually software RAID - the difference is the former completely hides the underlying array members from the OS whereas the latter doesn't14:04
znullTJ-,  hp raid p41014:04
znullTJ-,  i've cloned my 4x2tb disks to 4tb and it does want to start, so maybe something is missing at the end,14:05
DevAntoineakik: regarding my issue with docker and lost of dns resolution this morning, in /etc/resolv.conf I've got the nameserver set to It's weird right?14:06
TJ-znull: if it's using software RAID that may be the case if the metadata is expected at the end. How is the RAID array assembled ?14:06
znullTJ-,  its hardware raid, dl180 server with p410 controller,  raid 0+1 (10) my disks crashed but i managed to use ddrescue and copy them to another disks, but they have 4TB vs initial 2TB disks14:08
TJ-znull: if it's hardware raid then you'll need HP specific tooling to correctly migrate to larger disks14:11
BitByBitIs there possible that aptitude have no package candidate for ubuntu 16.04 on ARM?14:14
znullTJ-, yeah maybe not sure how to do it with HP tools, because we made copies with dd from where the server on datacenter was located,  and now we have other controller, but i dont think thats the issue, i just need to find out if gpt or some data is located at the end of the disk, because right now we are copying from 4TB disks to 2TB disks14:14
frostschutzznull, most fakeraid controllers will put their metadata at the end of the drive14:15
Outyznull: that should be right. raid 1+0  is 2tb+2tb=4tb + a mirror of 2tb+2tb=4tb14:16
znullfrostschutz, : initial 4xdisks were 2TB : we did ddrescuse on 4TB disks, it does not want to start, now we have to do  dd from 4tb to new 2TB disks, ( and is not fake raid )14:17
znullOuty, exactly,14:17
Outyznull: why not take the mirror disk? you don't wanna say more than 2 disk gave up the same time - do you ?14:18
TJ-znull: you've not given enough info on how it is failing, it could be a RAID-controller metadata problem, partitioning, or file-system14:19
frostschutzznull, 2TB disks might not work either if they were not exact same size in bytes. you have to figure out the raid layout and run it directly in software14:19
DiecastMessiahI am trying to make a big pastebin having trouble remember the commands to get all the info about my video drivers.. like glxinfo and lspci | grep VGA also any other things that would be useful to add for spmeone that helping me to know14:19
TJ-znull: with hardware RAID you'd need to assemble the array from the controller's BIOS setup tools, presumably via iLo console14:20
DiecastMessiahi plan on putting that info and also to put the errors i get from different games.. so i don;t need to do this over and over14:20
TJ-DiecastMessiah: "lspci -nnk -d::300" will list VGA-compatible devices14:21
znullOuty, 3 disks fail in 3 days from,14:22
exploterHi guys, any way to install libhunspell-1.3-0? i getting this error " rssowl : Depends: libhunspell-1.3-0 but it is not installable14:22
Outyznull: wow14:22
znullOuty, yeah my datacenter was replacing the disks, with old ones,14:23
znullOuty, : so first day disk #3 crashed ||  second day disk #4 crashed || ( hp controller said #4 was ok ) #3 was at 42% and #1 crashed.14:24
znullOuty, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tzBpKQhj65/14:24
znullOuty, I copy the image of 2tb -> 4tb, then I take 1 mb from 2tb at the end and put at 4tb at the end - and should be ok?14:28
TJ-znull: you've still not told us what error is seen14:31
znullTJ-,  hp controler, does not see the 4disks he wants me to create new logical drives14:31
OerHeks!info libhunspell-1.6-014:32
ubottulibhunspell-1.6-0 (source: hunspell): spell checker and morphological analyzer (shared library). In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (artful), package size 159 kB, installed size 536 kB14:32
TJ-znull: OK, is it's a controller-level problem not the OS then14:32
Outyznull: don't think so. better take the best broken hdds   (1+2) + (1+2)   for example 2 from first array and 1 from second array and dd both to new hdds14:32
znullOuty, i did this,14:32
TJ-znull: when you did the ddrescue were you using another plain SATA disk controller ?14:32
znullTJ-, yes14:32
TJ-znull: did you check if the disks had HPAs, and if so, did you disable those first?14:33
akikDevAntoine: you can use nmcli to see what dns servers it uses: "nmcli con show" then "nmcli con show docker0 | grep -i dns" (docker0 is an example)14:33
znullOuty, for example ddrescuse saved from #1       99.99%  so the box should start with #1 and #4 should be enough disks14:33
znullTJ-, broken 2tb disks, we moved them in another server, and used ddrescuse on all, and dump them on 4tb disks,14:34
znullTJ-,  after that, we dumped, 4tb disks on another 4disks , (to have 1 clean copy of the disks )14:34
TJ-znull: right, but did you disable any HPAs/DCOs on them first?14:35
znullTJ-,  yes14:35
akikDevAntoine: it could be that the defined ip is incorrect or somehow your route table got mangled14:35
akikDevAntoine: do you have or
DevAntoineakik: I thought that is the default?14:35
TJ-znull: and disabled them on the target devices too? and ensured the HPA/DCO sectors from the source disks went to the end of the target disks ?14:35
akikDevAntoine: systemd brought the change to
DevAntoineakik: why?14:36
akikDevAntoine: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:36
akikDevAntoine: it's what systemd-resolved does14:37
znullTJ-, well we are checking that, but at the end ? how much information does it writes there? 512kb 1mb? do you know?14:37
TJ-DevAntoine: they picked an IP which was no currently used /and/ suggests it's use for DNS (port 53)14:37
Outyznull: if it is (1+2) + (3+4)  this should be runnin if you place new dd'ed hdds back in original place / same sata cables as broken hdds before14:38
TJ-znull: well, you'd need to first know the size of the HPA and DCOs on the source devices, then remove those to access the sectors, then write those sectors to the target device, then enable the HPA and DCOs on the target device with the same size as was used on the source.14:38
znullOuty,  i think its 1+4 ( but they wont start because hp controler does not see them as raid 1+0, because i dont have something at the end of the disks, i think)14:39
TJ-znull: that's if the HP controller is using HPA/DCO for some metadata storage - it might not do that14:39
znullTJ-,  not sure if you are familiar with hp products, ( this is my first time.. ) anyway crashed box was DL 120 (P212 controler ) and we are trying to fix this now on Dl 180 P410 controler.14:40
znullTJ-,  disk in hba mode is larger than when configured as a logical drive/raid0, so im guessing it uses the disk space to store metadata14:41
Outyznull: if you hve taken 1 + 4  you should try disconnect 2+3 maybe works14:41
znullOuty,  #3 disk we dont have, and #1,#4 we are copying from 4TB disks to 2TB14:42
znullreading this now, https://nerdster.org/writing-disk-hpa/14:43
BitByBitcould someone send a snapshot of the content of /etc/apt/sources.list     for ubuntu 16.04 possibly not much touched?14:44
znullOuty,  : box didnt wanted to start with #1,#4 because i think the raid information is missing,14:44
kostkonBitByBit, https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/14:44
TJ-znull: have you confirmed the controllers use compatible metadata ?14:44
DevAntoineTJ-:  but how can it works if I got no DNS server en .53?14:44
znullTJ-,  yes14:45
BitByBitkostkon, Thanks, I'm trying already but I cant figure out the minimun configuration14:45
TJ-DevAntoine: there is a DNS server; systemd-resolved provides it, which is what writes that value14:45
Outyznull: shouldnt be missing. i had same long time ago with intel raid.... i can just give you this: http://www.freeraidrecovery.com/library/raid10-recovery.aspx14:47
kostkonBitByBit, i guess a minimum would be main, universe, security and possibly updates14:48
Outyznull: Software maybe bad. But HowTo is nice14:48
BitByBitkostkon, for example I can't get aptitude14:49
kostkon!info aptiture xenial14:49
ubottuPackage aptiture does not exist in xenial14:49
kostkon!info aptitude xenial14:49
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.4-2ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 1322 kB, installed size 4068 kB14:49
kostkonBitByBit, well it's in main you should be able to get it14:50
akikDevAntoine: earlier ubuntu had dnsmasq providing a dns server at it's becoming quite hard to follow these networking config changes in ubuntu14:50
BitByBitkostkon, as of now I have a malformed entry on the sources file i copied from the site you suggested. I try to fix this first. Unlucky I deleted the file besore.14:52
TJ-znull: are you seeing a 1785 POST message during boot ?14:52
kostkonBitByBit, ok, hopefully apt has pointed out the line for you14:52
znullTJ-, i dont see that14:54
TJ-znull: according to the HP SmartArray user guide, after moving an array to a new controller you would see 1785 if the array doesn't configure correctly, or 1724 or 1727 if it did14:55
klemaxHello. Has anybody tested ryzen 3 2200G apu on ubuntu 17.10? with 1920x108014:55
BitByBitkostkon, I still get malformed entry... I cant figure out what is the problem14:56
kostkonBitByBit, you could pastebin your sources.list along with the error you are getting, if you want, on paste.ubuntu.com14:57
klemaxActually i just wanna be sure about whther 17.10 kernel supports it14:57
OerHeksklemax, some bugs will be fixed with kernel 4.16 ( not out yet), that APU is fresh15:02
klemaxOerHeks, yeah so we will need to wait for 18.04?15:03
TJ-znull: have you thought of using 'testdisk' to identify the PT/OS areas and see if - outside of those - you can manually recognise array metadata (you should see the SmartArray logical name for example) using 'dd if=/dev/sdX bs=512 skip=Y count=Z | hexdump -C' on a 'standard' controller15:03
BitByBitkostkon, Ok I got the apt-get working... I paste the error on aptitude.  http://pasted.co/93acbdaf15:03
znullTJ-, no, but will try15:04
znullTJ-, root@debian2:~# dd if=/dev/sdf bs=1M skip=1000000 count=1    15:05
znulldd: /dev/sdf: cannot skip: Invalid argument15:05
znull ( but the #3 disk is on usb, maybe it will work if is on sata cable)15:05
BitByBitkostkon, Is very stange why apt-get seems to look in some repositories that i didnt mark in the sources.list?15:05
OerHeksklemax, 18.04 will have 4.15 .. just wait and see what happens, as the APU is fresh, it needs a lot of TLC to get things right15:05
TJ-znull: values are sector counts15:05
TJ-znull: sorry, skip value is multiples of bs (blocksize)15:06
klemaxOerHeks ok thanks15:06
TJ-znull: which is why I'd recommend using bs default (512 bytes) if that's the device logical sector size, so you can quickly skip in device units15:07
kostkonBitByBit, what's the output of  uname -a15:07
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BitByBitkostkon, http://pasted.co/d362b59a15:10
BitByBitkostkon, Leaving as BitByBit and logging as BitByBitEveryBit, so I'm in the same machoine and can copy/paste easily15:12
OerHeks" Is very stange why apt-get seems to look in some repositories that i didnt mark in the sources.list?" you can look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder for ppa's15:13
OerHeksespresso-bin .. is that really ubuntu? http://wiki.espressobin.net/tiki-index.php?page=Software+HowTo15:14
kostkonBitByBitEveryBit, looks like that mirror isn't the best choice for arm64 packages. You could try redoing your sources.list on that site and selecting the main mirror (for now)15:14
kostkonBitByBitEveryBit, on repogen*15:14
kostkonBitByBitEveryBit, also, “Bit by Bit” the Theme from Fletch, I hope :D15:15
OerHekskostkon, i think he needs arm, as i read 'aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 ' next to his kernel15:18
kostkonBitByBitEveryBit, and as OerHeks has pointed out you haev some 3rd party repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d  one is for mono, there may be others15:18
kostkonOerHeks, i got the same impression15:19
=== Orphis_ is now known as Orphis
Exterminadorhello. I'm facing a weird issue. I cannot login to my account on Xubuntu, but I can access to all the other existing accounts :/15:20
BitByBitEveryBitkostkon, OerHeks  Thanks, I will see if there is specific repos for arm architecture. What I was pointing was also that apt-get update seems to search for Mono, but it didn't figure in the list files... It was there before i delete15:22
pavlosExterminador: become root and change your passwd15:23
kostkonExterminador, probably the usual .xauthority issue15:23
OerHeksBitByBitEveryBit, ppa's heve their own list in  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  folder, so it will not damage the sources.list.15:23
OerHeksls  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  # would list them15:23
ExterminadorI have Ubuntu 17.10 & Xubuntu 17.10. On Ubuntu I can login. but not in Xubuntu. that's weird as hell15:24
OerHeksand you will need to fix your  /etc/apt/sources.list to arm ## you might have a copy >> sudo cp /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list15:26
OerHeksneet trick, as i say15:26
BitByBitEveryBitOerHeks, ok thankyou.... I will try now15:30
badcomHey guys. This process "/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten top vt7 -novtswitch" is using 100% of my CPU. Logging out and logging in fixes the problem temporarily, then it starts again. I'm on Ubuntu Server 16.04 with Ubuntu-Desktop installed. Any suggestions? This is driving me crazy =/15:32
leftyfbbadcom: why are you running a desktop on a server?15:33
badcomleftyfb, because the hosting company installed the server version and I wanted desktop15:33
kostkonbadcom, that's your x server, you need it if you plan to keep your desktop15:34
badcomkostkon, yep, but why is it causing that problem? I've done some Googling and this seems to be a bug...15:35
TJ-badcom: does the system have a VGA/GPU device ?15:35
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znullTJ-,  i think my medatada from 2tb is gone ( linux guy screw something when he added the initial 2tb disks ) so my question is ? can i try : buy 4new disks, make them raid 1+0 and copy from old disks blocksectors, ) without the medatadata since is gone15:36
badcomTJ-, "VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200eR2"15:36
noob001hi, I am new to Ubuntu, and i just setup a vm running ubuntu to test it. the esxi webbased console is a bit slow, is there some sort of vnc service built-in? how do I connect to this vm from windows?15:36
leftyfbbadcom: that's a virtual driver15:36
znullTJ-,  medata has some information about the HDD serial number? stripes or something ?15:36
leftyfbbadcom: sounds like this is a VM, maybe not meant to be running a graphical interface15:37
TJ-znull: sure, create an identical partition table then dd the individual partition's data over into the new partitions15:37
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TJ-znull: I would assume it does, it'll contain some of the details you see from the hpacucli tool15:37
badcomleftyfb, it's a physical server...15:37
TJ-badcom: is there a monitor connected? I'd expect the x server to be a bit confused if it has no outputs at all15:38
kostkonbadcom, the vanilla Ubuntu desktop? unity and all? a 3d opengl based desktop. even if that card isn't virtual i doubt it can handle it easily15:38
badcomTJ-, good question. I need to check...15:39
TJ-The matrox G200 is about 20 years old, not sure if there are any drivers for it at all, possibly only VESA drivers for that15:39
noob001I tried tightvncserver and xrdp, neither worked15:40
badcomSo that process is graphic related15:40
akikbadcom: i've had good experience with x2go and either mate or lxde on the server15:40
badcomakik, I'm accessing it through iDrac15:41
leftyfbbadcom: that process is your desktop15:42
noob001idrac I could do as well, but surely there must be something better15:42
leftyfbnoob001: define "neither worked"15:43
noob001leftyfb: I installed tightvncserver, installation worked, as soon as I connected from the windows machine to the host, the application crashed15:43
noob001(on the linux side)15:43
noob001xrdp worked, I was able to connect to the "portal" or whatever you want to call it, where I got a choice of method to connect, I picked the standard, entered login/pass, got a gray screen15:44
TJ-!info xserver-xorg-video-dummy | badcom15:44
ubottubadcom: xserver-xorg-video-dummy (source: xserver-xorg-video-dummy): X.Org X server -- dummy display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.3.8-1build1 (artful), package size 9 kB, installed size 32 kB15:44
badcomgot it...15:45
leftyfbnoob001: try x11vnc. Though I'm curious why you need a desktop environment on a remote machine to begin with?15:45
badcomIs it possible to restart it without having to log out/in again?15:45
badcomUntil I find a definite solution for it15:46
noob001leftyfb: I am completely new to linux, I am not going to run text commands only, I want a gui15:46
Exterminadorhttps://streamable.com/rbouq -> this is what happens when I try to login to Xubuntu (tried both xfce and Xubuntu session)15:46
leftyfbnoob001: sure, but for what purpose? What will you be using it for?15:46
badcomThink I found it "sudo service lightdm restart"15:47
badcomIt closes all programs though =/15:48
noob001leftyfb: I don't know yet, like I said I am new to it, so I want to discover what's in it, what it can do, etc15:49
noob001leftyfb: x11vnc is working perfectly, thanks for the tip!15:50
kostkonExterminador, ctrl+alt+f2, log in, check the ownership of .Xauthority. it shouldn't be owned by root15:50
leftyfbnoob001: It would be easier and cheaper to just run a live cd or run it in a VM on your local machine then to mess around with a remote dedicated/VM server15:50
noob001dno, spooling up a vm on a server I already use for other stuff is fairly easy15:51
kostkonExterminador, the .Xauthority file in that users' home15:51
Exterminadorit's owned by vitor:vitor15:51
noob001leftyfb: my R710 is running anyway, and has plenty of ram and cpu left to run more vm's15:52
ExterminadorI've done ls -ld ~/.*authority15:52
kostkonExterminador, well we eliminated the most probable cause15:52
leftyfbnoob001: sorry, I was actually addressing the wrong person15:52
noob001leftyfb: oh, sorry I missed that lol15:53
Exterminadorand Xauthority and ICEauthority are owned by me. perhaps something wrong about the damn Nvidia drivers?15:53
TJ-badcom: yes, restarting lightdm is restarting the DM (Display Manager), which controls the X server and greeter login15:53
TJ-Exterminador: check for other files/dirs not owned by your user account: "find $HOME \! -user $USER -ls "15:54
ExterminadorTJ-: I've executed the command but it didn't give any output yet15:57
=== Ricardus_ is now known as RIcardus
TJ-Exterminador: OK, it'll scan all directories under $HOME so could take a while if you've a lot in there15:57
ExterminadorTJ-: yes, I have a few ones indeed. but it was working perfectly before updating today :/15:58
TJ-Exterminador: right, well this command just ensures you've not got some other non-user owned files that could cause the issue, then you can look at other causes. I'd recommend checking $HOME/.xsession-errors and also the DM log. If it's using lightdm then check in /var/log/lightdm/15:59
TenStepsBackhello to all16:00
ExterminadorTJ-: it's starting to appear some files related to ~/.rpmdb16:00
Exterminadorowned by root16:00
akikbadcom: is the idrac web ui running through a java app?16:00
TJ-Exterminador: I doubt they'll be a problem; sounds like you've used a tool like 'alien' to convert/install RPM packages16:00
leftyfbakik: it does16:00
Exterminadoras the GUI, it's using the default Xubuntu GUI.16:01
akikyea i wouldn't expect anything from that16:01
TJ-Exterminador: check the log files then16:01
badcomakik, Yes16:01
FooBizzdoes the type of machine I have change the APT packages I have access to ? ARM vs X86 ?16:01
noob001leftyfb: thx for the help, bbl16:02
ExterminadorTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nXtXgBq5TM/16:04
DiecastMessiahok so i was right about my gaming problem.. after installing different libraries more stuff is working.. but hit a road block trying to install ia32-libs16:05
ycyclistAny advise about vim editing both Makefiles and Python files together?  I wonder about tabbing.16:05
kostkonExterminador, check your /etc/log/Xorg.0.log16:06
TJ-Exterminador: hmmm, not sure if this is relevant but "xfce4-session: Another session manager is already running"16:06
kostkonDiecastMessiah, what are you trying to do16:07
ibispihey i have a problem16:07
Exterminadorkostkon: there's no /etc/log dir16:07
kostkonExterminador, oops, /var/log16:07
ibispii was away from home for a week, came back, updated my 16.04 ubuntu16:07
ibispiand now i can't log in while my nvidia drivers are installed16:07
ibispiso i had to uninstall my nvidia driver16:08
ibispiin order to login16:08
ibispiand i'm using the open thingamajig16:08
ibispiare the devs working on fixing this?16:08
ExterminadorXorg.0.log -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6tfgMMQZwp/16:08
Exterminadori can try changing to Xorg server instead Nvidia and see if solves the issue16:10
DiecastMessiahkostkon: getting my games to run .. i have a optimus laptop.. but i have my video working right.. but different games don;t run16:11
Exterminadorworth to mention that i've shutdown the laptop and so on but nothing seems to solve the issue. like i've said, weirdly i can login to other accounts except my own16:11
Exterminadorsorry, someone call. brb16:12
DiecastMessiahtrying it install different 32bit libraries ..16:13
DiecastMessiahia32-libs ,-- is old i guess so it not repostories16:14
badcomakik, why?16:14
ibispiso i guess it's time to uninstall ubuntu16:16
ibispiand use something where regular updates don't break the system16:17
jiffierHi, does anybody use an ANSI-International keymapping here?16:18
Exterminadorany ideas about this? tried changing the drivers but I still enter in a login loop :/16:19
DiecastMessiahor anyone know a one stop fix to get all the libraries i need ?? i have installed libuuid:i386 and also libsdl1.2:i386 which installed like 80 packages .. and now i have more games working16:19
ibispiExterminador: i have the same problem16:20
ibispii am in a login loop since the latest update16:20
ibispii had to uninstall the nvidia drivers16:20
Exterminadoribispi: but I can login to other accounts16:20
Exterminadorbut not mine16:20
Exterminadorvery weird indeed16:20
ibispii'm thinking of moving to windows again16:22
naccExterminador: try backing up your .config or .local directory (by logging in at tty2)16:23
naccExterminador: and then see if that fixes it16:23
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docmurHey guys, I reset my user password, but wasn't careful enough and well I typed it twice, I can't seem to figure it out.  I'm running Ubuntu 17.10 4.13.0 (Kernel), does anyone know of a privilege exploit to get into root?  Or is there a way I can bypass having to know my current paswword? I can't sudo up16:23
naccdocmur: lol, 'privilege exploit'? :)16:23
naccdocmur: if you have physical access to the system, boot into recovery mode16:24
docmurI don't have access to it right now, so I was hoping to do this via SSH16:24
naccdocmur: do you have console access?16:24
docmurYes, I'm SSH'd into the box right now :)16:24
docmuras my user16:24
naccdocmur: not ssh, console16:24
naccdocmur: like serial console16:25
docmuroh, no16:25
Exterminadornacc: you mean backing up and then delete the originals?16:25
naccdocmur: then no, I don't think there is a way to do what you want16:25
docmurcraps lol16:25
naccExterminador: e.g. mv ~/.config ~/.config.bak; mv ~/.local ~/.local.bak`16:25
naccExterminador: the idea being that login loops like that typically (ime) are when some application changed some config file and didn't upgrade properly16:25
Exterminadornacc: I'll do it right away16:26
naccExterminador: they 'upgrade' the system one, but not the user one, and desktop apps are notorious for that16:26
naccExterminador: that will make your user more like the other user that does work (in that there is no local config)16:26
naccExterminador: then it's a matter of narrowing it down, which can be painful; it's often easier to just slowly set things back up the way they were16:26
TJ-docmur: do you currently have a shell with your user logged in ?16:27
docmurTJ-, I'm SSH'd into the given box, but I don't have phyiscal access to it, at least for the next 10ish hours16:28
TJ-docmur: that's not what I asked; do you currently have a shell with your user logged in?16:28
naccTJ-: over ssh, they do, yeah16:28
Exterminadornacc: login loop still16:29
TJ-docmur: Are you using "passwd" to try to change it?16:29
naccExterminador: hrm, that's somewhat surprising (to me); which session are you trying to login to? (e.g., xorg, wayland, etc. and what version of ubuntu)?16:29
docmurIf there's a better way I'm all ears16:29
ExterminadorXubuntu 17.10 & Xubuntu session16:30
docmurF'ing YES!!!!!! I figured it out :D :D :D16:33
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docmurI just guessed the passwd over and over and over16:33
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naccExterminador: sorry, i'm not familiar with xubuntu's greeter specifically, but on stock ubuntu, you can choose 'Gnome on Xorg' or 'Gnome on Wayland', e.g.16:33
naccExterminador: do you have those options?16:33
TJ-docmur: I experimented with this situation some time ago when I knew roughly what the password was, so I created a script that generated passwd entries for permutations16:34
TJ-docmur: you can do "getent passwd $USER" to get the existing entry which includes a code denoting the salt value and algorithm, then you can use those plus the permutations to try to recreate the same encrypted value, at which point you've got the original password16:35
ExterminadorI have on the top right the option to choose XFCE session or Xubuntu. tried both and nothing. changed from Nvidia graphics driver to Xorg, uninstalled Nvidia stuff, rebooted and nothing16:35
Exterminadornacc:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/oIwMD0J0/irccloudcapture1980445286.jpg16:36
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naccExterminador: interesting, ok16:37
docmurTJ-  I actually figured it out :), I just guessed and guessed and guessed and finally it worked16:37
docmurthis time I was very, very careful and reset to a known. good, password16:37
naccExterminador: it's possible xfce has another config direcotry16:37
TJ-docmur: Yay!16:38
docmurTJ- haha Yep!  That was scary for a bit :)16:38
TJ-Exterminador: have you created a new user account and confirmed that can log in - which'll tell you if it is a system-wide or per-user issue16:39
naccTJ-: i believe they said that they were able to with a different user16:39
TJ-nacc: oh thanks, I have skipped a bit!16:40
TJ-docmur: Pro Tip: create a sudo-enabled alternate user for emergencies16:40
DiecastMessiahis there something to check my different lib's or something to reinstall them .. i remember way back i needed to install multi-arch or something to get 32bit software to run16:41
ExterminadorI'll try to explain all the steps I've done before the issue occurs: I have this laptop with 3 OS's (Windows 10, Ubuntu 17.10 (the normal one) and Xubuntu 17.10). I've updated Xubuntu, restarted laptop, choosed the normal Ubuntu, updated the normal Ubuntu, restarted  laptop, entered Xubuntu, choosed my account and it entered in a login loop. but I can login to my son's account or to my wife account. just not mine. on normal16:41
ExterminadorUbuntu I can access any account tho.16:41
TJ-Exterminador: are Ubuntu and Xubuntu sharing the same /home/vitor directory, or they each have separate versions?16:42
Exterminador TJ-, they're installed in different partions. so I think they don't interfere.16:43
kostkonDiecastMessiah, generally you install the 32bit version of a package like this  apt-get install pacakge_name:i38616:44
TJ-Exterminador: OK, so that datapoint doesn't help16:44
VanceColeHello. Fresh install of 17.10, when I connect to my docking station X.org crashes, screen flickers about 20 times and then x.org comes back up to login screen but if I try to login x.org immediately crashes again. Laptop works fine undocked. Any suggestions?16:44
VanceColeDell M480016:45
ibispitry uninstalling display drivers if you have them installed16:45
ibispii have a similar bug since the latest update16:45
ibispii can't use my nvidia drivers now16:46
DiecastMessiahkostkon: thanks16:46
DiecastMessiahcan anyone see a problem with this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MYwngsFgYF/16:48
DiecastMessiahmaybe i need to disable my intel chip .. but it shouldn't be running to my knowledge16:49
ExterminadorTJ-, nacc, I think that somehow the normal Ubuntu messed up things when generating the grub entries or wtv it's called after update. after I issued update-grub, in tty2 as root in Xubuntu, I'm able to login again.16:50
naccExterminador: that's odd; without rebooting?16:50
Exterminadoryep. without rebooting16:50
naccExterminador: then that's a red herring16:50
naccExterminador: something else changed, update-grub doesn't change your running system16:50
Exterminadorgoing to install Nvidia drivers now16:51
TJ-Exterminador: did you reboot after doing the update-grub ?16:51
ExterminadorTJ-: I didn't16:51
TJ-Exterminador: hopefully it stays fixed16:52
Exterminadorbtw, I found something weird. what are the commands to properly reinstall grub and making the sda6 as the main OS (Xubuntu). because I'm seeing 2 entries of Windows 10 and I just have 116:53
Exterminadorand if possible without using live usb because isn't handy at all right now16:54
SircleApache question: I have 70 directories under /var/www/html/   Do I need to put <Directory for each of 70  or just something like <DirectoryMatch /var/www/html/*/.git/*> ?16:54
SircleI want to ignore it16:54
nathancahillHave some odd behavior with Ubuntu Core (on Docker) vs Ubuntu Desktop16:55
nathancahillFonts aren't being loaded from the file:// protocol in Firefox on Ubuntu Core16:55
nathancahillWorks fine on Ubuntu Desktop though. Also works fine if they are served via http16:55
TJ-Sircle: stick to one channel' you've already asked in #httpd16:56
naccnathancahill: i believe 'ubuntu core' support is in #snappy, as it's a snap-based image16:56
nathancahillGotcha, thanks16:56
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VanceColeI got my docking station working by disabling switchable graphics. Thanks.16:59
Exterminadorerm.. after a restart, login issue again (with Nvidia drivers installed). and I'm seeing 2 windows entries on the boot manager and I'm quite sure I have only one Windows installed. how can I reinstall grub properly? to see if it fixes anything17:00
akikbadcom: i've used them before, and they had bad usability every time17:02
naccTJ-: and in response, they posted in #ubuntu-server...17:04
akikalways simple to follow problem resolution when it's posted on three channels :P17:07
TJ-Exterminador: 2 windows entries could be the Recovery and Real partitions17:07
Exterminadorstill, how can I reinstall grub properly (too see if it changes anything).17:07
Exterminadorgrub-install --recheck /dev/sda?17:09
TJ-Exterminador: the menu is written by "update-grub"  - it uses os-prober to discover other operating systems17:11
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Exterminadorsomething must be well borked17:24
ExterminadorI simply can't login again to my account17:24
AmericanBlenddid you use ecryptfs?17:25
AmericanBlendis the user directory encrypted?17:25
ExterminadorI didn't encrypted anything.17:25
AmericanBlendbut during insallation, did you check the "encrypt user directory" option?17:26
Exterminadorthis happened after updating Xubuntu and Ubuntu at same time17:26
ExterminadorAmericanBlend: nope, o didn't.17:26
Exterminadorit was working until I decided to update both OS's17:26
AmericanBlendis it a dual boot?17:30
willcwould a missing service / .sh file cause a bootloop?17:34
willcIt is the only thing I can think I did that is causing it to occur on my raspberrypi17:34
willcI moved a file into a dir that is a service17:34
genewitchWhen i boot off a USB installer, i can't move the cursor or continue the install on the "Language" screen. Keyboard input does nothing, even ctl-alt-del17:40
sven_oostenbrinkHi there, so I just wanted to install spotify and I have to install "snap" in order to do so.. Looks like snap is some new package management utility I don't know about.. So I've looked around a bit and its all "New and improved!! (tm)" with "Absolutely no drawbacks!!! (c)".. Anybody here who can give me a balanced opinion of how it works, and why I would not do this using apt?17:40
Bootprob16.04, during regular update it went to grub bash. Allows to go to boot option menu and select shimx64.efi but that goes just back to mentioned bash17:47
r4co0nIs there a channel to ask questions about snapcraft, maybe on another irc network?17:48
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naccr4co0n: #snappy17:50
r4co0nnacc, thx17:50
naccsven_oostenbrink: same for you17:50
kostkonsven_oostenbrink, you could start from here https://snapcraft.io/17:52
GunstickHi. Found a bug in libreoffice. Where should I submit the bug? Or where could I get help to make libreoffice work on my setup: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2385813&p=13743523#post1374352317:54
nacc!bug | Gunstick n17:55
ubottuGunstick n: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:55
nacc(ignore the stray n)17:55
ExterminadorTJ-, nacc, seems that I've fixed it. I removed Nvidia drivers, removed .config and .local folders, and all seems to be working now ;)17:55
naccExterminador: fun :)17:55
ExterminadorI'll try in a bit with the Nvidia drivers. still, I've found something, that's when I boot into Xubuntu I got something about jobs related to uDev something and dev-disk something17:57
ibispiExterminador: have you tried this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1009725/login-loop-after-upgrading-to-4-4-0-116-kernel-graphical-login-screen-black/100972617:58
ibispii just tried this and solved my problem17:59
Exterminadoribispi: didn't tried, but I'm pretending to see if the problem is really related to Nvidia or something else18:02
Exterminadorotherwise, I already know how to fix things18:03
Gunstickso I added to the already existing bug I found on launchpad. bug is from 2014, and it's still existing (or is a regression) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/129240718:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292407 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[lubuntu trusty] Libreoffice shows a fatal error message when trying to open every component" [Undecided,Expired]18:04
Exterminadorand if it fails to login with Nvidia drivers, well, I don't need them honestly. I don't play on Linux (that's why I have Windows, just to play NFSMW)18:05
Gunstickwill anyone look at that bug or will it be disregarded as it has en "expired" flag?18:05
badcomHey guys18:07
badcomI've figured out the cause of the X server using up the CPU. It was due to Vine Server.18:08
badcomI ran "killall vino-server" and it solved the problem right away!18:08
naccGunstick: you should file a new bug18:08
naccGunstick: it's not obvious at all your is the same, evne if symptomatically it is18:09
naccGunstick: do you know the original bug submitter had a non-standard home?18:09
Exterminadoribispi: seems that removing .local and .config folders solved the problem also (maybe something using Nvidia drivers didn't update properly in one of those folders).18:09
Gunsticknacc: no, but the one in the forum had the same problem than me and hinted me at checking the non standard home. will file a new bug18:11
naccGunstick: sounds good18:12
Gunstickis it possible to file a new bug by copying/linking the info I wrote on the old bug?18:12
linux_need help with my ubuntu18:12
naccGunstick: not afaik, just c&p into a new bug and maybe mention the old bug18:13
Gunsticknacc: ok!18:13
linux_i keep getting black doc instead of my programs and the videos are keep glitching i think ther is some thing wrong with the instillation but i can't re install cuz i have valuable data18:15
Exterminadorcould someone take a look a the dmesg output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KsRNcyJdgQ/ <- and tell me if anything looks wrong (except the lines from 807 to 815)?18:15
linux_if anyone can help me il be glad18:15
linux_i was thinking of upgrading to 17.10 but will i lose the data ?18:16
linux_i feel i am talking to my self ok thank you anyway guys sorry for bothering you18:17
kostkonlinux_, from?18:18
Gunstickok, done. Hoping for the best :-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/175185418:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751854 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice does not start if user homedire not located in /home" [Undecided,New]18:18
kostkonlinux_, from 16.04?18:18
linux_<kostkon> what do you mean by from pl be more specific18:19
linux_<kostkon> yes18:19
kostkonlinux_, do you really have to?18:19
linux_<kostkon> yes its keep glitching18:19
linux_<kostkon> its broking18:19
linux_<kostkon> * broken18:20
kostkonlinux_, i mean 17.10 will run out of support soon and you will be able to upgrade directly to 18.04 in a few months time18:20
linux_<kostkon> i know but i need anything that can fix the problem without losing data18:20
kostkonlinux_, what is the problem18:21
linux_<kostkon> the videos are glitching and the left doc is turning black every time i restart18:21
kostkonlinux_, is it really 16.04 or 17.04?18:22
linux_<kostkon> it is 16.418:22
linux_<kostkon> i need to change the background every time so the doc can go back to the normal color18:23
jhutchins_wklinux_: If your data is valuable why don't you have a backup?18:23
linux_<kostkon> and the vid glitch is annoying like i cant watch movies18:23
kostkonlinux_, you could try resetting unity/compiz or enable lowfx mode in unity. also it could be something related to your graphics card and the driver in use18:23
linux_<kostkon> i do in my win 10 pc18:23
linux_<kostkon> but i dont wana restore them it will take so much time18:24
kostkonlinux_, those are a few stop gap measures you could try until the release of 18.04. you could also upgrade to 18.04 right now although that is not advisable and you'd have to ask for support in #ubuntu+1, not here18:25
linux_<kostkon> do ubuntu have like a tool can fix the errors like win 10 ?18:25
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linux_<kostkon> if the vid problem is fixed il be good18:26
lexcurioushey folks18:27
linux_<kostkon> sorry for wasting your time btw18:27
lotuspsychjelexcurious: welcome, how can we help you?18:27
kostkonlinux_, also backup your data before attempting to repair or upgrade18:27
kostkonlinux_, we are here to help each other, don't worry about that18:27
linux_<kostkon> i will ty anyway for the help not alot of ppl are like you18:27
lotuspsychje!cookie | kostkon18:28
ubottukostkon: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:28
linux_<kostkon> i think il just take the time to back it up into hard drive and install mint18:28
[jasper]hej guys, having some trouble with wifi handoff....I'm trying to set sensitivity but for some reason I get operation not permitted18:29
[jasper]any suggestions?18:29
kostkonlinux_, ok, give that a try18:29
lotuspsychje[jasper]: you have a screenshot of that and ubuntu version?18:30
linux_<kostkon> i feel tiered only thinking about it18:30
[jasper]lotuspsychje, screenshot of the operation not permitted?18:30
lotuspsychje[jasper]: yeah, where do you get that?18:30
linux_kostkon> anyway ty il go now stay safe18:31
kostkonlinux_, i understand, but you should probably backup anyway,18:31
kostkonlinux_, good luck18:31
[jasper]lotuspsychje, https://pasteboard.co/H9sMbA3.png18:32
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lexcuriousgeneral questions for community : 1) did you faced any dll hell in ubuntu in recent 2 years? 2) is it error free to upgrade to new major version of distro? 3) what kind of automaded toolchains you use for declarative configuration as a code(ansible?) and environment versioning ? 4) how do you install multiple minor versions of package same time? e.g python 3.5.3 , python 3.618:34
mad_hatterHey folks. I'm getting this error "Can't open postfix/mailname: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections line 114" after running the command: debconf-set-selections <<< postfix postfix/mailname string 'dev.blah.com' ....any idea what could be causing this? Is the syntax correct?18:35
lotuspsychje[jasper]: it could be that your driver/card does not allow sensitivity?18:38
[jasper]maybe lotuspsychje.. but that would seriously suck18:38
FrameFeverhow can I connect from ubuntu to my files on my windows host 10?18:38
FrameFeveris there a tutorial18:38
FrameFeverI use ubuntu server only18:38
FrameFeverI mean not copying, I want to share the files18:39
[jasper]getting almost a zero handoff on my phone...but laptop doesnt seem to want to transfer..18:39
lotuspsychje[jasper]: wich chipset and driver is that18:39
[jasper]lotuspsychje, intel product: Wireless 7260 running iwlwifi driver18:40
lexcuriousI will appreciate of multiple people provide answers for my questions, I just want grasp general picture18:42
loginoobHello, Please someone help me in detecting if my external drive can be fixed18:42
loginoobI beg you18:42
loginoobThe light is on and i can hear the platter spinning18:42
lotuspsychjeloginoob: try gparted and different usb ports, and a smart test18:44
lotuspsychje[jasper]: https://askubuntu.com/questions/224999/ubuntu-wifi-roaming-problem-how-do-i-set-wireless-sensitivity-on-ubuntu18:45
lexcuriousgeneral questions for community : 1) did you faced any dll hell in ubuntu in recent 2 years? 2) is it error free to upgrade to new major version of distro? 3) what kind of automaded toolchains you use for declarative configuration as a code(ansible?) and environment versioning ? 4) how do you install multiple minor versions of package same time? e.g python 3.5.3 , python 3.618:45
lotuspsychjelexcurious: how about you ask one question each time?18:46
[jasper]lotuspsychje,  how will that help me?18:46
lotuspsychje[jasper]: one of the answers say some cards can set sensitivity18:47
[jasper]yeah. so thereś no way then I guess to set it? that's so messed up18:48
[jasper]how can iwconfig see the reception quality...and not be able to set a threshold....stupid..18:48
lotuspsychje[jasper]: i did not find much ubuntu bugs about it yet, how about you file a new !bug for your issue?18:49
[jasper]lotuspsychje, guess itś not a bug right? itś just not supported..18:50
[jasper]I set up this mesh network in my house....phone seams to handle it perfectly...so does ipad....but laptop refuses..18:51
[jasper]need to turn wifi off/on for it to reconnect to strongest AP18:51
lotuspsychje[jasper]: well with the bug you could help the community, findout what is really is about18:52
lotuspsychjelexcurious: for the python part, we reccomend using package version for your ubuntu version specificly, not mixing them18:55
lexcuriouslotuspsychje but if person may need multiple versions of a package for development reasons?18:56
lotuspsychjelexcurious: !backports or snaps18:57
loginooblotuspsychje: Gparted is taking forever to scan device and when i remove the external drive it says cannot stat device /dev/sdb. No such file or directory18:58
nacclexcurious: setup VMs, containers18:58
lotuspsychjeloginoob: try a smart test from disk tools?18:59
loginooblotuspsychje: Disks does not show my drive. On the left hand there is disk Which show No media on right hand19:02
lotuspsychjeloginoob: ok, lets try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your hd19:02
lexcuriousdoes anyone run configuration management tool on desktop\laptop ? like ansible . is it make sense?19:03
lotuspsychjelexcurious: this channel is not for polls, but for issues support19:03
loginooblotuspsychje: Plugin my HD before running command or after?19:04
lotuspsychjeloginoob: plug after the command to catch errors, hastebin the results after please19:04
lexcuriouslotuspsychje excuse me, I just wanted to poll community opinions19:05
lotuspsychjelexcurious: join #ubuntu-discuss if you like?19:05
isleshocky771Just installed Ubuntu 17.10 and my cordless keyboard is now not working. lsusb is showing the keyboard as well as the dongle; however, the keyboard won't work. Thoughts on getting this to work? It's a logitech mx500019:06
lotuspsychjeisleshocky771: did you pair mouse and keyboard?19:07
isleshocky771lotuspsychje: I've attempted to paid the keyboard using the internal bluetooth, the logitech dongle as bluetooth, and just the logitech dongle as the usb keyboard to no avail.19:08
loginooblotuspsychje: Sir, this is the output http://lpaste.net/36292419:08
isleshocky771Note: I have a newer Performance MX Mouse plugged in with "it's" dongle and it works without issue.  I've attempted to use the keyboard and it's dongle separately.19:08
lotuspsychjeloginoob: this is a seagate 1TB?19:09
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lotuspsychjeloginoob: i had same issue on ubuntu lately, can you try a reboot with usb cable in an usb 3.0 port before boot?19:10
loginooblotuspsychje: Just a simple reboot with HD onnected to USB 3.0?19:11
lotuspsychjeloginoob: yeah can you try that plz19:11
loginoobok, wait for me I'll be back19:12
lotuspsychjeloginoob: your tail doesnt show errors19:12
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lotuspsychjeisleshocky771: your dongle is usb or BT?19:12
isleshocky771lotuspsychje: apparently these logitech desktop systems used to come with dongles which could be used a USB keyboard or as a BT receiver.19:14
lotuspsychjeisleshocky771: perhaps checkout your BT connections with blueman19:15
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lotuspsychje[jasper]: another idea is to ask in #hardware if your chipset allow sensitivity19:21
[jasper]will give it a try19:21
loginooblotuspsychje: Nothing happened19:21
[jasper]thx lotuspsychje19:21
lotuspsychjeloginoob: how many usb 3.0 ports do you have?19:22
[jasper]lotuspsychje, #hardware is currently invite only apparently19:22
[jasper]oh nvm, wasn' identified19:22
lotuspsychje [jasper] you need a register to join19:22
lotuspsychjeloginoob: holdon lemme get you my bug url19:23
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
lotuspsychjeloginoob: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174923719:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,New]19:24
lotuspsychjeloginoob: try the command in #2 please19:24
loginooblotuspsychje: for i in /sys/bus this one?19:27
lotuspsychjeloginoob: yes19:29
loginoobdid it. Nothing happened19:30
loginoobIs my drive faulty?19:30
sereanyone know why when i try to install to sd from a live usb it doesnt see my card.. this computer does and yesterday it was seeing it after i format. i do see when i start to the installer my my internal drives dissappare.19:31
sere16.04 btw19:31
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lotuspsychjeloginoob: dont think so19:32
lotuspsychjeloginoob: bbl mate19:32
sereloginoob: are you trying to install to sd aswell?19:33
loginoobsere: sorry i didn't understand19:34
sereloginoob: are you installing to and SD card or usb.. im having the same trouble but the and sd card.. what helped me was formating to unused or free and then starting the installer19:35
loginoobsere: No not installing to sd card19:38
CarlFKxenial desktop, boots to default login screen, it is waiting for a login. (good)  I am sshed in.  I want to run a gui app (lets say xterm) on the local display.  so I think I need to log in the desktop session?19:56
naccCarlFK: 'local' in what sense?19:56
CarlFKjuser@gator:~$ DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm ... Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxterm: Xt error: Can't open display: :0.019:56
naccCarlFK: as in your display (ssh client)? or the monitor connected to the desktop?19:56
CarlFKthe connected monitor19:57
naccCarlFK: i believe you need to setup your environment correctly to do that (DISPLAY at a minimum, probably other thigns)19:57
CarlFKI am guessing my user doesn't have access to the display yet19:58
CarlFKI think I want: command line login to the display manager?   (im on the edge of understanding what terms to use for what processes that do what I need.)19:59
leftyfbCarlFK: ssh -X <hostname>    ... then try running your app19:59
leftyfboh, maybe I'm wrong20:00
naccCarlFK: that's not really a thing20:00
naccleftyfb: no, that'd forward X20:00
nacc(i think)20:00
leftyfbactually, it'll work20:00
leftyfbwell, not the -X''20:00
CarlFK-X runs it on my ssh client box (bad)20:00
leftyfbdo you want the GUI application to pop up on the remove machine or your local where the ssh client is?20:01
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
leftyfbCarlFK: login to remote via ssh, then: export DISPLAY=:0 ; xterm20:03
CarlFKjuser@gator:~$ DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm ... Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxterm: Xt error: Can't open display: :0.020:03
CarlFKgator is the remote box.20:03
naccCarlFK: that was not the value leftyfb said20:03
CarlFKim sure if I walk over and log in, then that should work.20:03
CarlFKInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxterm: Xt error: Can't open display: :020:04
leftyfbCarlFK: export DISPLAY=:0 ; xterm20:04
CarlFKleftyfb: same thing20:04
leftyfbpastebin please20:04
leftyfbCarlFK: also, do you have a GUI running on the remote?20:05
naccCarlFK: and what's the remote OS/version?20:05
leftyfbCarlFK: on the remote, type: echo $DISPLAY20:05
CarlFK16.04.4  - desktop20:06
CarlFKjuser@gator:~$ echo $DISPLAY20:06
leftyfbit should be working20:10
CarlFKleftyfb: juser doesn't have access to the gui 'yet'20:13
CarlFKI am sure I need to make that login looking screen turn into a desktop looking screen20:13
leftyfbCarlFK: oh, so you're not logged in yet?20:13
leftyfbyou'll need to be logged in ... you can't run an application on the greeter screen20:14
leftyfbit's not a DE20:14
CarlFKim logged in to an ssh session.  the gui is still at the login screen.20:14
Iam1if you're trying to get a gui apt-get install ubuntu-desktop worked for me20:14
CarlFKI think I want: command line login to the display manager?   (im on the edge of understanding what terms to use for what processes that do what I need.)20:14
Iam1if I want to choose between gui and command line only I just login at either normal or in recover mode20:16
Iam1but I'm late in the conversation hope I"m not out of context20:16
CarlFKIam1: im sshed in.  I want to make the login gui go away and the user's desktop appear.20:17
leftyfbCarlFK: you need to be logged in on the desktop as well20:17
leftyfbCarlFK: you can probably look how to set the machine to automatically login to the desktop via command line and restart lightdm or reboot20:18
naccCarlFK: what are you actually trying to achive?20:18
leftyfbCarlFK: you could also maybe try to run x11vnc, login with vnc and then login to your desktop20:18
CarlFKnacc: run a video mixer and visually verify that a test pattern is displayed20:19
Iam1You could have a look here it says to use the -X option with the ssl command https://askubuntu.com/questions/199727/log-into-desktop-using-ssh20:22
naccIam1: not relevant in this case20:23
naccIam1: and ssh not ssl :)20:23
naccCarlFK: ah i see20:23
CarlFKthe ssh client is over a wifi link.  I don't want to be sending video data over any network link.20:23
dingiris it normal my port forwarding not working when vpn is enabled?20:23
naccCarlFK: well, the issue is there is no remote X session yet20:23
mikubuntuhaaaaalp. just did an update on my laptop and it never finished installing but stopped on a black screen that said something about grub and minimal bash and press tab for commands20:23
CarlFKnacc - right.  that's why I wanted a CLI to make that happen.20:24
Iam1I'm wearing 'L' plates here :)20:24
dingirwhen when i enable vpn on my computer i cannot connect to servers?20:25
dingirhow to enable sshd when vpn is active?20:25
naccCarlFK: maybe relevant20:25
naccCarlFK: https://superuser.com/questions/1072949/lightdm-and-desktop-session-control-by-command-line20:25
mikubuntuso i have two laptops in front of me now, borrowed mom's to get into help channel and i started a live session of Vinux which was the only live USB i have laying around. the unit did start up and is "working" with vinux, but i don't know much about it.20:26
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CarlFKnacc: that might be it.  I gave up and typed in the pw on the gui's keyboard20:27
CarlFKbut I'll leave that in a tab and try it later20:27
mikubuntulet me join the vinux channel to see how i pull up a terminal on that box20:28
Iam1There's an article here about howto using vmware https://pubs.vmware.com/view-51/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.view.installation.doc%2FGUID-CEBAB8FF-A185-4947-A6F6-ACFAD0583CE5.html20:29
mikubuntuanyone else have this problem on a recent update?20:33
nicebujust for logs: https://pastebin.com/nmdRUY6h   -   dax aka rww aka ro aka pweh aka rw aka dax_ doxed  Robert William Wall robert@rww.name robertlikesturtles@gmail.com freenode operator ubuntu20:34
nicebujust for logs: https://pastebin.com/nmdRUY6h   -   dax aka rww aka ro aka pweh aka rw aka dax_ doxed  Robert William Wall robert@rww.name robertlikesturtles@gmail.com freenode operator ubuntu20:34
nicebudox reason: being an asshole to freenode users20:34
nicebu 20:34
FrameFeverhow can I mount a harddisk fron my windows system on my ubuntu server version?20:45
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linux_anyone have an interesting chat20:51
FrameFeverI want to connect my windows drive to my ubuntu server20:52
FrameFeverhow can I do that?20:52
linux_idk man hope someone can help you20:52
FrameFeveryes I hope so too20:53
TJ-FrameFever: assuming the NTFS was safely unmounted within Windows it should be auto-detected and mounted via udisks20:55
TJ-FrameFever: otherwise, create a mountpoint and mount it, e.g. "sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs; sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/ntfs" - it depends if you have the ntfsprogs tools installed I think20:56
TJ-!info ntfs-3g20:57
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2016.2.22AR.2-2 (artful), package size 400 kB, installed size 1440 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)20:57
FrameFeverTJ-: ahh you mean, I have to check first, whether I have the harddisk visible?20:58
FrameFeverunder /dev/sd...20:58
TJ-FrameFever: yes; "lsblk -f" may help identify it20:58
memphistoyes, do lsblk -f to check for ntfs paritiion20:58
jayjo_is there a way to inspect what gui framework is being used in a java app running on ubuntu?20:59
FrameFeverTJ-: └─sda1 ext4         1ec2cac8-a94e-4805-bd2f-4fb2d34b1be3 /20:59
FrameFeverthis is what I got20:59
FrameFevermy ubuntu runs on a vmware20:59
TJ-FrameFever: well that is just the Linux root file-systen21:00
TJ-FrameFever: oh, well, then you'll need to use some VMware specific method to pass the NTFS file-system/device through to the guest21:00
memphistoFrameFever: do you really need the whole drive in linux or a folder21:01
memphistoyou can share a folder with vmware21:01
ioc_jayjo_, I'd search for the identifiers in the .class files, that is, unpack the jar >> grep -R javax.swing unpacked_directory21:01
FrameFevermemphisto: just a folder is fine21:01
ioc_jayjo_, that won't tell you what is being used, but what the app links to (which *should* be the same)21:01
memphistoi don't know vmware by heart but go to VM settings and go to shared folder21:02
memphistoand just add it21:02
FrameFevercan I not connect to some folder via smb?21:02
FrameFeveror connect via computer name?21:02
memphistoyou could do that too21:02
memphistobut why not use vmware tools if you have them already21:03
memphistoFrameFever: https://askubuntu.com/questions/29284/how-do-i-mount-shared-folders-in-ubuntu-using-vmware-tools21:04
memphistoor this link from vmware https://pubs.vmware.com/workstation-9/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.ws.using.doc%2FGUID-AB5C80FE-9B8A-4899-8186-3DB8201B1758.html21:04
ioc_smb/domain require the VM to be on the same network as windows, which may not be the case if the networking mode is NAT (besides they may/should be slower than shared folders or IDE/SATA virtual disk)21:04
ioc_(but how much that matters in practice would depend on the context of what you're doing with the vm)21:05
ericusmy /boot is full21:05
ericuswhat do I do?21:05
memphistols /boot21:05
memphistocheck for the previous kernels and remove them with apt21:05
TJ-ericus: "sudo apt autoremove" but if that fails manually remove un-needed initrd.img files. I have a script that automates it at http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels21:06
memphistoericus: so remove 4.4.x series first21:08
memphistoand then if need remove the 4.13.0-3121:08
TJ-ericus: you've got a custom kernel there with no obvious related initrd.img: retpoline-4.13.0-36-generic21:08
ziplerk_is anyoe here21:09
ziplerk_can't begin the docker service it fails21:09
ziplerk_url: https://ptpb.pw/f0ua21:09
ziplerk_what's the cause21:09
energizerIn gnome, how do i enable the launcher on all monitors?21:09
ioc_retpoline shouldbe there, it was introduced for spectre/meltdown21:09
ericusTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BsY7Wp8T9D/21:09
TJ-ericus: so you have no autoremove candidates21:10
TJ-ericus: what capacity is the /boot/ device? "df -h "21:11
energizergot it21:12
ericus  /dev/sda2                    237M  120M  105M  54% /boot21:14
ericusafter removing  $ sudo rm initrd.img-4.13.0-31-generic21:14
memphistoericus: manually remove 4.4 seris ; apt remove linux-*-4.13.0-3121:15
memphistosorry, same cmd for 4.4 series21:15
memphisto /boot usually around 500M21:16
memphistoziplerk_: does it work with older kernel versions ?21:19
memphistoit seems it can't find some module21:19
ziplerk_how'd you know the problem is old kernel21:19
TJ-ericus: you could reduce the size of the initrd.img files; they contain almost all kernel modules but only need the modules required to boot. You can change that in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and set MODULES=dep and then "sudo update-initramfs -u -k all"  should reduce initrd.img size from 50MB to 25MB21:20
memphistono, you have newer kernel you have 4.15.5-121:20
ph88how does the upgrade go from 18.04 feature freeze version to stable when it's out ?21:20
memphistocould you boot to older vesion of kernel and try21:20
TJ-ph88: same as all other upgrades, "sudo apt full-upgrade"21:21
memphistoif it works we then have to figure out how to get those modules for current kernel21:21
ph88will wayland give me any benefits as user ?21:23
memphistoph88: not yet21:23
ph88not even enhanced battery life or so21:23
memphistohence not default on 18.0421:23
mikubuntuok guys i got some help in #vinux, but my guy had to go -- can anyone walk me through last steps? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cqwzQFQgYQ/21:24
Anelitohi everyone21:24
AnelitoI am facing a very weird situation21:25
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leftyfbmikubuntu: sorry, Vinux is not supported here21:25
leftyfbAnelito: you'll need to detail your issue if you would like someone to help you with it21:26
AnelitoI lost access to a VM and the only interaction possible is uploading bash scripts via cloud provider console21:26
mikubuntui'm not trying to fix a vinux just using the live terminal to fix my lubuntu 1604 that broke on update couple hours ago21:26
leftyfbAnelito: can't you contact your provider?21:26
Anelitohow can I reset the SSH (like setting a temp dummy password) using a shell script? Thanks21:27
Anelitoleftyfb yeah, in the meanwhile I was also looking for other solutions21:27
leftyfbAnelito: what did you do to lose access?21:27
Anelitolost the certificate in a backup21:28
mikubuntuleftyfb  i'm not trying to fix a vinux just using the live terminal to fix my lubuntu 1604 that broke on update couple hours ago21:28
leftyfbAnelito: you mean the ssh key?21:28
leftyfbAnelito: did you disable password login via ssh?21:29
leftyfbAnelito: ok, so enable "PasswordAuthentication yes" in sshd_config and restart the service21:29
Anelitoand how to set the password?21:30
leftyfbAnelito: the password is the same password you use for sudo21:30
SeburoHi.  I am trying to install gparted from Software in Ubuntu 17.10.  It is shown as installed in Gnome, when I select it it asks for my password, but the main gparted display does not open.  Please can I have some help?21:36
VanceColeI joined my PC to a windows AD domain, in nautilus I can open various SMB shares at smb://<share-name> but I don't see where they are being mounted, can I access these shares without manually mounting each one in fstab? (theres a lot)21:37
memphistoopen terminal and run it from there it should write some errors ..start from there21:37
memphistoSeburo: open terminal and run it from there it should write some errors ..start from there21:37
leftyfbVanceCole: it used to be somewhere in ~/.gvfs/21:38
memphistoVanceCole: i'm in kde but i think you can bookmark them in nautiuls too as in dolphin.21:38
Seburomemphisto:  Thanks.  I tried and got "(gpartedbin:2308): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0".21:39
memphistoSeburo: sudo su first to be root21:39
memphistothen ran gparted21:39
memphistoor sudo gparted from terminal21:39
Seburomemphisto:  Yes, that is what I did to get that error.21:40
VanceColeleftyfb: thanks, I'm on 17.10 so its not in .gvfs but that helped me google what I needed and I found them in /run/user/<username>/gvfs21:40
martin___I LOVE FEDORA!21:40
leftyfb!ops | martin___21:41
ubottumartin___: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax21:41
ioc_Seburo, pkexec gparted21:41
memphistoSeburo: add Defaults env_keep=DISPLAY in sudoers and try again21:41
ioc_memphisto, Seburo don't use root for graphical applications, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo21:42
ioc_don't mess with sudoers, pkexec is THE way nowadays21:42
leftyfbyou shouldn't be using any sort of sudo for mounting samba shares through nautilus anyway.21:43
ioc_(once upon a time there were gksudo/kdesudo but still not sudo)21:43
leftyfb!ops | oeji2j21:43
ubottuoeji2j: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax21:43
leftyfboeji2j: we get it, you don't like ubuntu and are here to troll. How original. Just skip to the end please.21:45
Seburomempisto: I have tried that, still no joy.21:50
avallarkhello all :) has anyone managed to get their nvidia drivers working on 17.10?21:53
Seburomemphisto:  I have tried that, still no joy.21:53
memphistoSeburo: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12764821:54
darthearonHi, i have just installed ubuntu 16.04.3 amd64 on a dell poweredge r710 though the IDRAC utility. I have tried installing using LVM and not using LVM. I always get to the grub rescue prompt with errors running ls. "error reading first sector 0x0 from hd1, same from hd2 and hd3. running ls on hd0 just shows unknown filesystems. everything i can find seems to about software raids, not hardware raids. raid 6 on 6x2TB hardrives. 8tb v21:54
darthearoncould anyone point me in the right direction?21:55
Seburomemphisto:  Thanks, I will look into that and give it a try.  Thanks again, bye :-)21:55
avallarkthe nouveau driver sucks major ass21:56
darthearonthat was ubuntu server edition.21:56
SnugglyOwOHi kwo21:56
darthearonavallark: yeah, ive gotten it to work before. rocket leuge was beautful on a 107021:56
* SnugglyOwO snuggles darthearon -3-21:57
naccdarthearon: they have left21:57
naccSnugglyOwO: please stay ontopic.21:57
naccdarthearon: so you can't even get into the installer?21:57
SnugglyOwOAwww :<21:57
* SnugglyOwO nuzzles nacc :321:57
naccSnugglyOwO: please stop.21:57
SnugglyOwOB-but why?21:57
SnugglyOwODo you have a big OwO21:58
naccSnugglyOwO: this is a support channel, not for chitchat, please respect the channel's rules.21:58
memphistodarthearon: you have raid 6 on 6 drives? why not separare OS and data as two raids21:58
SnugglyOwOOr a smol owo21:58
naccdax: thank you21:58
darthearonnacc: Sorry, i saw that just after i hit enter. also, yes i get into the installer. everything about the installer works fine. its once the system reboots that i get to the grub rescue prompt. so the bootloader is at least installed if not configured properly.21:59
naccdarthearon: ah ok, so the installer env clearly recognizes the env21:59
darthearonmemphisto: that would be better practice, and better in the long term. Thanks for the advice.21:59
naccdarthearon: s/env/hardware/21:59
darthearonnacc: is that something i should run at the grub rescue prompt? from a life cd?22:00
memphistodarthearon: since its not working, why not reconfigure the raid first and start the new install22:00
memphistowhen install finishes don't reboot but go to terminal and check22:01
naccdarthearon: i'm reading up on it, it does appear to ahve been certified on 14.0422:02
darthearonmemphisto: memphisto ahhh. cool. thank you all. ill let you guys know how it went. might be a bit since it took 5 ish hours to initilize the raid 6. is there any downside to using the fast initilization? sorry for spelling22:02
memphistoi've configured only hpe servers but never had it take so long22:03
darthearonhonestly. i havent messed with raid much before this. well, a bit at work, but those were all stood up before my time there.22:05
naccdarthearon: so your bootable partition is also raid6?22:08
memphistoare all the drives 2TB ?22:12
memphistodarthearon: don't you have something smaller for the OS22:12
darthearonall the raids are configured sucessfully. rebooting to install os now22:12
naccdarthearon: it's sort of non-typical for the boot partition to be a more complicated RAID22:13
naccdarthearon: you typically want it as simple as possible (IME), e.g. maybe a RAID1 mirroring across all the disks?)22:13
darthearoni went with a 4x2tb drives in raid5 for Data, and 2x2tb drive in raid0 for OS.22:13
darthearoni wanted to get more data out of drives. this configuration allows for 8tb. i was just thinking raid6 would give me more redundancy. i guess this is where experiance comes in.22:15
TJ-RAID-0 for the OS? that's asking for problems :)22:16
darthearonim sorry, typeo Raid1 for os22:16
memphisto2TB for OS only that a waste22:16
TJ-I generally use around 8GB for rootfs, 8GB for /var, 1GB for /usr/local and 750MB for /boot/22:19
Iam1can anyone recommend a good 'free' CSS tutorial?22:19
Iam1sick of paying for out of date ones on Lynda22:20
TJ-Iam1: w3schools I think, and the mozilla developers network22:20
Iam1cheers TJ will check them out22:20
courrierGot disconnected by the same network I/O bug ;-(22:22
TJ-Iam1: for W3school https://www.w3schools.com/Css/ and MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference#Concepts22:22
Iam1TJ, thanks very much I'm there its fantastic22:23
TJ-Iam1: there are several channels from Mozilla on their IRC server at irc.mozilla.org for web devs where you might get help and discussion22:24
courrierDmesg call trace mentions r8152,  do you think it could be the thing that randomly paralyses my system? http://paste.debian.net/1012139/22:28
courrierthat would mak sense since network I/O then become blocking22:29
TJ-courrier: that looks like the USB device is going into auto power save mode; it is possible to disable that via sysfs, and you may need a udev rule at boot-time to set that permanently if that is the case22:30
imalisonIs there a published reference on the appindicator protocol?22:32
imalisonIf I wanted to implement appindicator in my own desktop environment is there a way i could go about doing this?22:32
avallarksorry, i got disconnected. Anyone had any success with nvidia drivers on 17.10 ? I have been struggling for the last 6 hours!22:33
darthearonavallark: yeah, ive gotten it to work before. rocket leuge was beautful on a 107022:34
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courrierTJ- Does "options usbcore autosuspend=1" in /etc/modprobe.d/usb.conf (not currently existing) look OK?22:34
avallarkdarthearon: did it work out of the box?22:34
darthearonjust go to addition drivers (search from within unity) and select the propriatary package and allow them to take care of it. are you trying to download it from nvidia? you have to kill x and alot of other "akward for a driver installation" type things.22:35
darthearon*additional drivers22:35
courrierTJ-  Or would it be smarter and/or possible to keep HWE for display only (the reason for which I installed HWE) but keep old drivers for the rest that was previously stable?22:35
avallarkdarthearon: the additional driver way does not work for me, nor does the download from nvidia directly. GDM just goes on a forever loop on trying to bring up X.22:36
naccdarthearon: HardWare Enablement stack22:36
nacc!hwe | darthearon22:36
ubottudarthearon: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:36
nacccourrier: you can't mix drivers like that22:36
ioc_imalison, you may want to ask in a de-specific channel, e.g. #xfce #kde22:36
avallarki am going to do another reboot and see if i can revive my nouveau. After ranting about nouveau drivers for the past 2 hours, finally thats all i have got! :(22:38
* avallark says 'duh'22:38
darthearonITS ALIVE!!!, thank you  nacc and memphisto! it boots with the new configurations.22:41
naccdarthearon: nice22:42
courriernacc: mmh OK :( I'm wondering wether it's worth leaving the LTS. Is 4.13.0-36-generic different from the kernel that I would have with the last non-LTS or is it likely to have the same bugs?22:44
nacccourrier: it's the same22:44
nacccourrier: you could try the edge hwe kernel, or you could try 18.0422:45
AmericanBlendhow's the progress in 18.04?22:45
gordonjcpI've been using 18.04 for a bit22:46
gordonjcpyou really want to ask in #ubuntu+122:46
courriernacc: OK I'll try the edge kernel. Looks a highly experimental option though. If I'm switching to this kernel, it might be re-updated very fast and thus either break (if it fixed it) or revive (if it was still buggy) my system in a couple of days after a new apt upgrade, right?22:50
nacccourrier: right, it's mostly for testing the next hwe stack (16.04.4., in this case), aiui22:50
nacccourrier: do you *need* the hwe stack, though?22:50
pedrocrI get quite a bit of screen tearing in 16.04 with Gnome that I didn't get with Unity22:51
pedrocrany tips on how to fix it?22:51
TJ-courrier: I'd try the autosuspend option first, it seems the most likely to help22:51
TJ-courrier: usb autosuspend is a common issue too22:52
courriernacc: well, I first isntall HWE to fix my display issue that looks very close to this: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9357822:54
courrierIssue was that disconnecting my laptop from USB-C workstation made it fully crashing after next resuming from suspend (randomly with or without kernel panic)22:54
ubottuFreedesktop bug 93578 in DRM/Intel "[SKL] failed to train DP when connected with DA200 adapter" [Major,Closed: fixed]22:54
courrierTJ-: yes, ok, thanks! Just to check, does it happen in /etc/modprobe.d/usb.conf?22:56
ioc_hwe can be tested on a live dvd without installing22:57
drmtmychHi everybody23:02
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sleepeehello people23:06
TJ-courrier: I believe so, that stops it for all devices. I'm more used to doing it on a per-device basis via the sysfs nodes /sys/bus/usb/.../power/control23:07
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Iam1TJ, thanks again for your tip, it's not rocket science is it.23:16
Delta706I had a package dependency issue which I think was caused by a power loss during package installation. Is there any way to install packages which recovers cleanly? Or do most users just use a UPS these days?23:23
hggdhDelta706: usually apt -f install will recover from missing dependencies23:24
AllanisWell that was weird.23:27
sleepeesoooo... i messed around and installed the pantheon desktop on my ubuntu 17.10 install.  it was nice, but i didn't like having duplicate applications for the same things, so i uninstalled pantheon.  then i was left with a "settings" application that is not exactly what came by default on ubuntu.  wtf did i do?  is there no way of getting back my default settings application without re-installing ubuntu?23:27
AllanisI'm sat at my desktop, laptop is beside me, and all of a sudden it dies...23:27
AllanisIt did give me some message in the terminal, but I have no idea what, didn't catch it before powering off.23:27
AllanisWell now I feel stupid.23:28
AllanisLaptops tend to die when not plugged in all day. :D23:28
garyserjI have a file called 'in', and it has one line that says user@  and I want to run ssh user@  I tried ssh $('cat in')  but that didn't work.. What should I run?23:37
daxgaryserj: does it work without the 'quotes'?23:38
garyserjwith no quotes it says "Name or service not knownname"23:39
garyserjwith quotes it says "-bash: cat in: command not found"23:39
garyserjwithout quotes is better. echo $(cat in)  displays the user@ip23:40
garyserjbut ssh $(cat in) doesn't work23:40
daxdoes ssh user@ip work23:40
Howie69Any reccomendations to recover data off of a microSD card that seems to show up as RAW partition?  Testdisk or PhotoRec work with these things?23:40
dax'cause ssh $(cat in) works fine for me23:40
garyserjhmm ok23:41
Allanisgaryserj: The same doesn't work here.23:41
garyserjso it works for dax and doesn't work for you allanis?23:42
AllanisJust seems to hang for me.23:42
MDTech-us_MANis there a way to check what application is using GPU RAm?23:43
garyserjAllanis: oh so maybe it is working for oyu then.. ssh user@ip sohuld hang ;-)23:43
AllanisNope I can get into the host fine.23:43
AllanisI used verbose.23:45
Allanisallanis@sccs:~$ ssh $(cat in)23:45
AllanisOpenSSH_7.5p1 Ubuntu-10ubuntu0.1, OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 201623:45
Allanisdebug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config23:45
Allanisdebug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *23:45
Allanisdebug1: Connecting to saracraf.org [] port 22.23:45
garyserjyeah that's good. thanks23:46
AllanisAnd that's pretty much where it dies.23:46
garyserjwell maybe it'd hang if you called it just straight23:46
garyserjssh user@ip23:46
AllanisNope calling it right from the terminal gives me a connection.23:46
AllanisBut it's not establishing a connection by passing in the file.23:46
Allanisallanis@sccs:~$ ssh $(cat in)23:47
Allanissaracraf@saracraft.org's password23:47
AllanisGot it. ^.^23:47
TJ-garyserj: Allanis is there a hidden linefeed character being read from the file?23:48
AllanisTJ-: typo.23:48
garyserjhmm now it works for me. My one had a line ending issue.23:48
AllanisYeah, that'll do it.23:49
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stoopkidanybody know anything about downloading packages on an online 16.04 to be installed onto an offline 14.04 that has no GUI? i'm struggling to figure out where to even begin.23:52
stoopkidi'm having so much trouble with it i probably could've just rewritten the software i need on the offline computer at this point instead of trying to get all the required packages installed lol23:58
Bashing-om stoopkid: If you know the packages that you need: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ is one source .23:58
naccstoopkid: you mean the packages *for* 14.04?23:59

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