[00:08] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r653 Add the thunar-print script for uca... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [00:08] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r654 Make sure to only show print for appropriate mime-types... (by Simon Steinbeiß) === Justanick1 is now known as Justanick === Justanick1 is now known as Justanick [02:01] 1. Where is $RANDOM set? 2. d/copyright needs updating. 3. This is great if a user installs the script itself, but IMO not the most ideal from a GUI that's a bit more default. Sure, we ship those by default, not entirely sure about the convert/all image formats, but personally I'd do more checking and error messages with zenity. [02:02] 2 is required, 1 is very important as if it's not set, TmpFolder="/tmp/" is used and the rm -rf call would be bad. [02:02] Also, mkdir -p is a cool thing. Personally, I'd just source out to mktemp. [02:04] '$*' → '$@' [02:15] Ah right, bash thing. Eh.. [06:10] #join launchpad [06:10] sigh [07:47] Unit193: wanna help/update the PR/branch? [07:48] and thanks for the thorough review [07:49] I'm not sure I'd consider that, just a reading over. [07:52] well still, all valid and helpful points [07:52] And pretty sure only the author of the PR can. :) [07:52] 2 will be fairly easy, i can do that tonight [07:53] 1 too [07:53] and with respect to 3 i'd say we improve it as we go [07:57] (Example would be a which on the application, then zenity --warning --text "Unable to launch desired operation as $foo is not installed." if not installed.) [08:02] true. even though libreoffice is installed by default, ppl could remove it and still want to print [09:22] mhall119, i have the code for the wordpress plugin if you like [09:22] mhall119, it's slightly hardcoded but that's probably not a problem at this point ;) [13:55] knome: thanks! [13:55] I'm finishing a wallpaper contest today and would have loved to have a ready-made solution [13:56] does it handle the voting process too? [14:06] Yes, it does. [14:19] mhall119, absolutely [14:21] mhall119, i'll get back to you in an hour or so [14:59] mhall119, i tried to send you email but gmail didn't let me attach .js files, so here it is: https://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/wallpaper-contest/ [14:59] i will push it to a launchpad repository sooner or later - i'll let you know when [19:02] flocculant, Unit193: any idea if we have zenity installed by default? [19:19] ochosi: pretty sure not [19:19] alrighty, thanks! [19:19] i'll just send a notification instead [19:20] ochosi: hang fire [19:20] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/358621886/buildlog_ubuntu_bionic_amd64_xubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz [19:21] shows it - thought I had to install it here for something [19:21] oh :) [19:21] well nvm, i still prefer the notification [19:21] especially because i'm not sure what the dialog should offer as actions (at least not yet) [19:23] :) [19:25] as long as notifications can be disabled I'm never too bothered about it :D [19:25] Unit193: added copyright and improved error handling in the script (especially for libreoffice). if cups is not installed and a user wants to print then... [19:26] flocculant: it only sends a notification if libreoffice is not installed and the "print" command in thunar fails [19:26] ochosi: I assume not here - as all notifications should be off ;0 [19:30] hehe [19:31] Unit193: if i add error handling for lpr too i guess i can just as well rewrite that script, because all that is still there from the original author is the bash case statement :D [19:31] Unit193: then we can scrap the MIT license [19:58] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r655 Update d/copyright to reflect MIT license... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [19:58] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r656 Improve print-script by checking for LO... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [21:39] I'd say zenity is seeded, but you already figured it out.