
niemeyerjdstrand: A bit late, but just in case, are you around?00:13
niemeyerjdstrand: It's not urgent00:13
mwhudson'libc6' is required inside the snap for this part to work properly.00:30
mwhudsonthis particular part ships a single text file00:30
mwhudsonoh it's emitted for all parts if is_host_compatible_with_base is not true00:32
mwhudsonthat's a bit broad :)00:33
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, and also the idea of installing packages on the local machine to build.. we had a call today, and have a session in the sprint next week to discuss the future of snapcraft00:35
niemeyermwhudson: In this sense specifically.. we need significantly simpler and more consistent00:36
niemeyermwhudson: There are some good ideas in place already, in terms of building from within a container or image with shared access to the data00:36
niemeyermwhudson: We just need to be a bit more opinionated and have a single workflow that always works00:36
mwhudsonniemeyer: my use case is a bit strange because i need to include libraries from bionic00:37
mwhudson(thanks systemd journal format non-stability)00:37
mwhudsonbut yes00:37
niemeyermwhudson: That's not too strange.. part of the conversation is precisely making sure it works no matter what the target base is00:38
niemeyermwhudson: IOW, decoupling local host from build env00:38
mwhudsoni guess i really want to use a bionic base...00:39
niemeyerWe have one of those coming :)00:39
mwhudsonniemeyer: due around 18.04.1 time or did i get that wrong?00:40
mwhudson"Files from the build host were migrated into the snap to satisfy dependencies that would otherwise not be met."00:40
mwhudsonwould looove to know which files had these dependencies00:41
niemeyermwhudson: :)00:42
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah00:42
mwhudsonoh wow i have far too much in this snap :(00:42
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pablo_hi: i'm begginer with ubuntu core. Trying to add startup comand in rc.local but shell says "read only file syste". How can i solve this?00:58
pablo_basically i want to automatically start a snap i built in startup00:59
naccpablo_: wouldn't that be done by shipping a daemon normally?01:06
pablo_nacc: eh, this is the first snap i build and the tutorials did not helped me too much (or i'm too dumb to understand them). How could i build a daeomn snap?01:07
pablo_nacc: thanks a lot for the answer btw! :)01:07
naccpablo_: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/metadata01:08
naccpablo_: i think that hooks into systemd01:09
pablo_nacc: so i add daeomn: simple and should start at startup?01:10
naccpablo_: i'm not sure, i've never done it, but that seems worth trying ;)01:10
pablo_nacc: yes, i'm pakaging the snap right now. I'm worried cause my snap needs root privileges to change GPIO of my board. But if its hooks systemd it may work, doesn't it?01:13
naccpablo_: you might need to enable an interface, and connect to it, i don't know01:13
pablo_didn't start at reboot :(01:21
mupPR snapd#4753 opened: tests: fix dependency for ubuntu artful <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4753>01:25
naccpablo_: are you able to start it manually?01:26
pablo_IT workied!!! i rebooted again and worked01:27
pablo_thanks a lot nacc! for answering my noob question01:27
naccpablo_: not noob! it's a bit confusing01:28
chris062689Good afternoon! I'm attempting to setup a snap package for Citra (3DS emulator) and was hoping I could work with someone with a bit more knowledge of how snap packages are developed? I'm really flying blind here... I've attempted to read the documentation on snapcraft.io but am still fumbling around quite a bit.01:41
pablo_chris062689: yes, snapcraft doc is not useful for me either. I wrote a snap of a python script and to be honest, it was all try an error.02:03
pablo_do you have a snapcrafst.yaml created so far? if you paste it in pastebin perhaps someone can help you02:04
chris062689I'm slowly hacking away at it. I was just curious if I could partner with someone. If I'm still having trouble and at the end of my rope I'll paste it here :)02:06
mupPR snapd#4754 opened: spread: start moving towards google backend <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754>04:33
mupPR snapd#4754 closed: spread: start moving towards google backend <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754>05:46
zygagood morning06:51
zyga-14C now06:51
mborzeckizyga: hey06:52
mborzecki-17 here06:52
zygabrrr :)06:52
* zyga goes for breakfast06:55
zygahey mvo07:09
mborzeckizyga: check the build error in this PR https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4751 maybe it's of interest to you07:11
mupPR #4751: tests: add support for external backend executions on listing test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4751>07:11
mborzeckimvo: hey07:11
zygano such file or directory...07:14
zyga[Mon Feb 26 20:50:27 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1519678227.940:302): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="Failed name lookup - deleted entry" error=-2 profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//snap_update_ns" name="/etc/group" pid=13952 comm="3" flags="rw, bind"07:14
zygadeleted entry07:14
zygasomething killed that file form under us07:15
zygaprepare/restore logic?07:15
mborzeckibut that's supposed to be run before/after the test right?07:15
zygayeah but we saw many times that there is something that definitely runs at the wrong time07:17
zygaI don't know really07:18
zygawhat would delete /etc/group otherwise07:18
zygaand note, we normally handle missing things just fine07:18
zygawe stat and look07:18
zygaand if missing create07:18
zygaand only then we proceed to mount07:18
zygaso before we stated and mounted something removed that07:19
mvomborzecki, zyga good morning!07:21
mborzeckizyga: can you take another look at #4695? (sorry to be nagging you :)07:27
mupPR #4695: wrappers: generator for systemd OnCalendar schedules <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4695>07:27
zygayes, sorry for not sending feedback, I have it open all the time but I was checking if I understand the problem space and that took forever07:27
mvohey pstolowski ! good morning08:11
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:28
mupPR snapd#4753 closed: tests: fix dependency for ubuntu artful <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4753>08:44
mupBug #1752031 opened: core `service.ssh.disable` key not taken into account <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752031>09:24
Chipacaon the subject of InstallDate, and using the timestamp from current vs the timestamp from MountDir09:31
ChipacaI seem to remember that we went with current because it was a better indicator of when the thing was last refreshed to whatever is current09:31
Chipacahowever if not current, there'd be no install date -- meaning no refreshed in info09:31
ChipacaI _could_ fall back to mountdir timestamp if there is no current09:32
Chipacahow well would that work?09:32
Chipaca(i think it'd work fairly well, but i might be missing something)09:32
zygamy vote goes for simplicity09:32
Chipaca(i could make a table of scenarios, but then people won't look at it)09:32
zygajust show what we know, not what we can make up (sort of)09:32
Chipacawe know both these things, and both can be arguably called an install date, or a refreshed date09:33
Chipacaand both are simple :-)09:33
zygamy point is that I'd personally feel better if the information always came from one source09:33
Chipacaif we use just one, the current timestamp is the right thing, as it's wrong less often (and when it would be wrong it's zero, which isn't printed)09:33
zygais this a temporary situation and over time we will always have the right data?09:33
Chipacathat is the hope yes09:34
Chipacawe'll be adding this to snapstate at some point09:34
mborzeckianyone know a snap that places a *.desktop file under $SNAP_USER_DATA/.config/autostart?09:35
Chipacazyga: the plan (small p) is to have, in snapstate, something like {refreshed: <timestamp>, reverted: <...>, ...}, or maybe a short log [(refreshed, <>), (refreshed, <>), (reverted, <>), ...)09:35
zygalog would be nice09:36
Chipacamborzecki: I don't expect there to be a lot, as it doesn't work09:36
zygamborzecki nope09:36
Chipacamborzecki: (there's a bug open for that)09:36
Chipacamaybe on the bug?09:36
Chipacamborzecki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/173692609:37
mupBug #1736926: No way to autostart a snap of a desktop application <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1736926>09:37
pedronisChipaca: the log would be truncated ? or just one entry per type, even if its' a log?09:38
Chipacapedronis: i'm making stuff up on the fly, but I imagine it'd be, say, 5 entries?09:38
Chipacai mean, all we're seeing immediate use for is the latest entry09:38
pedronisChipaca: well, keeping installed forever seems useful09:38
Chipacapedronis: as opposed to refreshed09:39
pedronisthat's when you introduced the snap into the system09:39
Chipacabut reverted vs refreshed vs enabled/disabled are much the same imho09:39
Chipacaso, well, something for this space :-)09:39
Chipacapoint is, yes zyga, temporary until we have proper data instead of inferences09:40
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah, i'm working on that atm09:40
pedroniszyga: I think I understand the problem with that storeSuite.TestCheckAuthority  test, otoh it's hard to reproduce the failure09:40
Chipacamborzecki: popey might be the person to ask then09:40
pedronisI can propose something untested09:40
mborzeckiChipaca: hah, good idea ;)09:40
Chipacamborzecki: but, is all the above a good enough answer for why the timestamp of current instead of of mountdir, wrt #4735?09:40
mupPR #4735: daemon, snap: fix InstallDate, make a method of *snap.Info <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4735>09:41
Chipacapedronis: not this week -- i want to wrap snapshots09:41
Chipacapedronis: next week i hear we're going to be idle, so maybe then09:41
pedronisChipaca: ?09:41
Chipaca<pedronis> I can propose something untested09:41
pedronisChipaca: that was about my comment to zyga about flaky test09:42
Chipacaah :-) ok09:42
Chipacatoo many threads09:42
pedronisChipaca: I have a gazillion other things to do09:42
zygapedronis is it a test failure or a deeper bug?09:43
Chipacapedronis: i must admit i was a little surprised, but i thought you were itching for something simple to relax09:43
pedroniszyga: it's a test failure09:43
mborzeckiChipaca: mountdir timestap if no current seems fine, but then if you disable/enable that would 'alter' the installed date?09:43
pedroniszyga: it's purely an order of stuff/timing issue, is just hard to reproduce here09:43
pedroniszyga: the fix is swapping two lines09:44
pedroniswell two statements09:44
popeyChipaca: mborzecki hmm?09:46
mborzeckipopey: do you know of a snap that tries to do autostart by dropping a desktop file under $SNAP_USER_DATA/.config/autostart?09:47
popeymborzecki: yes, discord09:47
mborzeckipopey: thanks :)09:48
popeyI think it does that post first run, it ticks the box by default.09:51
mupPR snapd#4755 opened: snap/squashfs: add BuildDate <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4755>09:54
mupPR snapd#4756 opened: asserts: fix flaky storeSuite.TestCheckAuthority <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4756>09:57
pedroniszyga: ^09:57
zygamborzecki have a look10:05
zygapedronis looking10:05
mupPR snapd#4756 closed: asserts: fix flaky storeSuite.TestCheckAuthority <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4756>10:32
mupPR # closed: snapd#3963, snapd#3998, snapd#4285, snapd#4349, snapd#4358, snapd#4369, snapd#4387, snapd#4399, snapd#4416, snapd#4443, snapd#4486, snapd#4497, snapd#4504, snapd#4509, snapd#4510, snapd#4545, snapd#4551, snapd#4562, snapd#4571, snapd#4578, snapd#4588, snapd#4597, snapd#4600,10:50
mupsnapd#4639, snapd#4672, snapd#4682, snapd#4695, snapd#4696, snapd#4700, snapd#4714, snapd#4720, snapd#4721, snapd#4723, snapd#4725, snapd#4735, snapd#4738, snapd#4739, snapd#4743, snapd#4745, snapd#4748, snapd#4750, snapd#4751, snapd#4752, snapd#475510:50
Chipacaooooh, github is dead10:50
zygaoh, what's wrong mup?10:50
mupPR # opened: snapd#3963, snapd#3998, snapd#4285, snapd#4349, snapd#4358, snapd#4369, snapd#4387, snapd#4399, snapd#4416, snapd#4443, snapd#4486, snapd#4497, snapd#4504, snapd#4509, snapd#4510, snapd#4545, snapd#4551, snapd#4562, snapd#4571, snapd#4578, snapd#4588, snapd#4597, snapd#4600,10:51
mupsnapd#4639, snapd#4672, snapd#4682, snapd#4695, snapd#4696, snapd#4700, snapd#4714, snapd#4720, snapd#4721, snapd#4723, snapd#4725, snapd#4735, snapd#4738, snapd#4739, snapd#4743, snapd#4745, snapd#4748, snapd#4750, snapd#4751, snapd#4752, snapd#475510:51
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4714 needs 2nd review10:54
mupPR #4714: interfaces/apparmor,system-key: add upperdir snippets for strict snaps on livecd (LP: #1729867) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4714>10:54
zygamvo this is from jamie for 2.3210:54
mvozyga: ok10:55
=== ikey|zzz is now known as ikey
mborzeckizyga: thanks for the review, i've pushed an update, once it's green i'll merge that pr11:04
zygasorry for taking so long11:04
Chipacamvo: do you remember why we made --no-wait hidden?11:05
mvoChipaca: I think because initially it was meant for our tests11:08
mvoChipaca: but I think if it is useful outside of that we should just unhide it11:08
Chipacamvo: I'm +1 for unhiding it, but only because it messes up some help screens and seems unnecessary for it to be hidden11:10
mvoChipaca: sounds good to me11:12
pedronisChipaca: it's mostly hidden also because we never had a discussion how to call it properly11:14
pedronisas long as it was for us, that was not a problem11:14
Chipacapedronis: in what sense? you mean --no-wait might be a bad name for the flag?11:14
pedronisyes, how to call the flag11:15
Chipacaok, i'l raise it as part of this por11:15
Chipacazyga: do we have a backwards containment checker?11:24
zygammmm, what?11:24
zygawhat is backwards containment?11:24
ChipacaI know we have a [foo,bar] contains foo checker11:24
Chipacado we have a foo in [foo,bar]11:25
zygaI think that's Contains11:25
Chipaca(same check, different error)11:25
zygano, wait11:25
zygaI mean11:25
zygawe have is x in [x, y, z] checker11:25
zygais that what you mean?11:25
Chipacazyga: I think it's just that Contains is used for checking that a container you got from the test has an element you expect it to have, and not viceversa11:27
zygawhat is vice versa here? that an element exists in a container?11:29
zygaI mean11:29
zygathe check is the same, the error may be different11:30
zygalike Contained or something?11:30
Chipacazyga: I'd call it In, but yeah11:30
Chipacalet me get an example for you11:30
zygajdstrand I have a prototype of per-snap update-ns profiles11:31
zygait works, I need to adjust some tests11:31
zygaand think about edge cases11:31
zygawhere it would break11:31
zygacurrently the policy is the same as before though11:31
zygabut I expect that to come in with small patches to policy and interfaces/layouts after this one lands11:32
Chipacaactually seeing the error message from contains, i guess it makes no difference; the expectation that the thing in test is first and the test valyue second is probably just mine11:32
Chipacathe other checkers have an obtained/expected thing though11:32
Jasem[m]hello, I just tried to push a snap using --release beta but it's been saying "Processing..." for an hour now11:32
ChipacaContains just has container/elem11:32
ChipacaJasem[m]: I'm not sure at what point snapcraft says "Processing"; is your network or cpu/disk busy?11:36
zygaJasem[m] (you can use dstat to check)11:36
ChipacaJasem[m]: otherwise it's possible the store went away for a bit, in which case maybe ^C and try again?11:39
Chipacabut if it's working, maybe let it work11:39
* Chipaca might not be a snapcraft nor a store person11:39
* cachio afk11:40
Jasem[m]ctlr+c doesn't even stop it11:52
Jasem[m]need to kill11:52
ChipacaJasem[m]: ctrl+\ ?11:52
mupPR snapd#4695 closed: wrappers: generator for systemd OnCalendar schedules <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4695>11:52
Jasem[m]Chipaca: running again, will see how it goes11:54
Jasem[m]Chipaca: ok now 'internal server error' .. try in few minutes the page returned.11:55
Chipacathat's not very good is it11:56
ChipacaJasem[m]: in the 500 page you probably have (in the source) a OOPS id11:56
ChipacaJasem[m]: could you look for that?11:56
Chipacabrb, cranking the heating up11:56
Chipacahands're freezing11:56
zygaChipaca what's the temperature?11:59
zygahere it's gotten much warmer11:59
zyga-8 now11:59
Chipacayeah you're sending it all this way11:59
Chipacabut nah, it's zero11:59
mupPR snapcraft#1879 closed: extractors: replace desktop file ids with paths <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1879>12:00
Chipacajust that the wind's up, and snow12:00
Chipacagoing to hit -4 by sundown12:00
ikeyoddly warm here12:00
ikeycalm before the storm12:00
zygaI don't mind thinking about spring now12:01
Chipacamy uncle works on the tube, was expecting to be stuck somewhere today12:01
zygalike having +20 would be ... amazing12:01
ikey3c here atm, "warm" lol12:01
ikeytonight is when the wind and snow is meant to be kicking off..12:02
zygastill 11C more than here :)12:02
ikeyah yeah but we'll be down to -10C soon12:02
zygaI woke up and sent kids to school at -1412:02
ikeyand a foot of snow12:02
zygamy daughter said she wants to see snow in Poland12:02
zyga(after living in Spain almost her entire life)12:02
zygaI told her "careful what you wish for"12:02
zygawell, she's getting the snow all right12:03
zyga"are you having fun yet?"12:03
zygaspeaking of which12:07
zygamy hands are freezing too12:07
zygathis new imac is not making any heat that my old AMD system used to do12:08
zygahow can I fix 12 failing tests when I cannot feel my fingers anymore :/12:08
mupPR snapd#4757 opened: cmd/snap: unhide --no-wait; make wait use go via waitMixin <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4757>12:11
Chipacaniemeyer: how do you feel about --no-wait? :_)12:11
* pstolowski lunch12:11
* Chipaca straightens his nose ;-) 12:11
Jasem[m]Chipaca: ok tried again and now it says that a file with the exact content already been uploading12:12
Jasem[m]it's kstars_2.9.3_amd64.snap12:12
ChipacaJasem[m]: something's going on because now login.ubuntu.com is  out12:14
zyga9 errors left :-)12:16
zygabut all should be trivial two line changes12:16
zygahttps://status.snapcraft.io shows stuff is "ok"12:16
* Chipaca goes for lunch12:18
Jasem[m]ok I'm getting the same error of the file already being uploaded :(12:21
mupPR snapd#4696 closed: wrappers: timer services <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4696>12:25
mupPR snapd#4758 opened: tests/main/snap-service-timer: spread test for timer services <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4758>12:27
* zyga food12:33
mupPR snapd#4735 closed: daemon, snap: fix InstallDate, make a method of *snap.Info <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4735>12:44
niemeyerChipaca: The functionality seems nice, the argument name seems awkward12:50
niemeyerChipaca: --no-wait=false :)12:50
mupPR snapd#4759 opened: [RFC] snap application autostart support <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4759>12:50
niemeyerChipaca: --wait=no12:50
Chipacaniemeyer: i don't understand --no-wait=false12:50
niemeyerExactly :)12:51
Chipacai mean, what?12:51
Chipacaniemeyer: i mean, i don't understand what you mean12:51
niemeyerChipaca: I mean pretty much what you mean too: negatives makes it a bit awkward, when it could be a straight positive12:51
Chipacaniemeyer: what'd be the positive?12:52
niemeyerChipaca: 1/yes/true12:52
Chipacaniemeyer: that's the side of the thing I knew12:53
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, it's a bit of an early morning conversation I suppose.. :)12:54
niemeyerChipaca: Let's chat in a few mins12:54
Chipacaniemeyer: and a good morning to you too sir :-D12:54
niemeyerIt'll be even better if I learn that the google backend is working smoothly12:54
niemeyerLooks fine!12:57
niemeyermborzecki: This failure on master probably needs some attention: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd12:57
niemeyermborzecki: Ah, it's not master..12:58
niemeyermborzecki: It's a PR for master.. confusing Travis12:58
niemeyerIt's this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/475812:59
mupPR #4758: tests/main/snap-service-timer: spread test for timer services <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4758>12:59
ikeyjdstrand, ping13:04
Chipacamvo: #4748 is for 2.31 (or is that 2.32), fwiw13:25
mupPR #4748: store: don't ask for snap_yaml_raw except on the details endpoint <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4748>13:25
mvoChipaca: .32 - but yeah, I was almost looking at it13:26
Chipacamvo: I'll milestone it13:26
mvoChipaca: ta13:26
Chipacamvo: there's one in the review queue milestoned for .31, should i change it to .32?13:26
* ikey fixes yama in solus kernels13:28
mvoChipaca: if we need it for .31 we should make sure it goes to both13:38
mvoChipaca: does .31 already ask for snap_yaml_raw?13:38
Chipacamvo: I don't know13:41
Chipacapedronis might13:41
* kalikiana lunch time13:45
pedronisChipaca: I think it came with the default-provider stuff13:48
pedroniswhich is 2.32 afaik13:49
mupPR snapcraft#1956 closed: snap: actually plug the completer in <Created by chipaca> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1956>13:54
mvoChipaca: yeah, that is my understanding, its the default-provider so 2.32, so lets retarget13:55
jdstrandmwhudson: hey, I just saw this 'thanks systemd journal format non-stability'. Not sure what your plan is, but I looked at this before and found that older journald's didn't work with newer journals *and* vice versa (I was using the python bindings). it was frustrating13:56
jdstrandmwhudson: fyi only13:57
jdstrandzyga: re per s-u-n profiles. cool :) seems fine to factor out now and tailor policy later14:03
zygayep :)14:03
jdstrandniemeyer: hi! I'm here now if you still need me14:05
jdstrandikey: hi!14:05
ikeyjdstrand, howya14:05
ikeyjdstrand, so just seen your forum reply sorry (transitioned to a craptop)14:05
jdstrandikey: heh14:06
jdstrandikey: I was going to ping you this week if didn't hear from you :)14:06
ikeyso the original PR had some problems that we encountered, in that it somehow conflicted with core14:06
jdstrandikey: right. we can work through all that14:07
ikeylike on a fresh install with no snapd state no new snaps could be installed14:07
ikeyin the mean time im enabling yama in the kernels per your advice14:07
ikeybut yeah the actual how-the-interface-fits bit i think is the one i need most help with14:07
ikeyand with devmode snaps changing soon i think now is certainly the time to do it14:08
jdstrandikey: nice! I think you'll like that as a feature in general. do note, you'll likely need some docs stating how to disable it for your devs. in the beginning, Ubuntu carried a patch to strace and gdb iirc to let devs know (users never cared)14:08
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!  Not quite sure what it was about, but I'll probably remember as I go through the notes again :)14:08
ikeyyeah patching those seems sufficient14:08
jdstrandniemeyer: hehe, ok :)14:09
ikeybuilding kernels on this laptop isn't the fastest thing in the world :(14:11
jdstrandikey: ok, so I see you responded in the forum. I'll move it to the top of my list to go through the PR with a fine-toothed comb and we'll iterate get it into mergeable state. if the fresh install or other bugs remain and we can't solve them, we'll get help14:12
ikeycheers jdstrand - i think i just got the initial declaration part wrong14:12
ikeybut the apparmor bits seem ok14:12
jdstrandI just came online, but hopefully I can get to this today (famous last words, haven't seen inbox yet ;)14:13
ikeyhah my inbox is closed today14:13
ikeytoo much to do14:13
ikeyhad to get the mesa 17.3.6 emergency update out as they'd broken igp14:13
jdstrandhopefully for an emergency update, all the depends didn't sping out14:14
pedronismvo: niemeyer: I noticed https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-content-interface/1074  doesn't mention  default-provider14:14
niemeyerpedronis: What a great opportunity! ;)14:14
jdstrandI don't do much with mesa, but when I do, I update all the libs14:14
ikeyjdstrand, luckily not in this case14:14
ikeyno abi change14:14
ikeyno dep changes, etc14:14
* ikey likes when cherry-picks live up to their name14:15
jdstrandstill, emergencies aren't conducive to getting to planned stuff :)14:15
ikeyreally not14:15
ikeythat and waiting for this storm to kick in any minute14:15
ikeystarted snowing already14:15
jdstrandwe're waiting for the rains to stop14:16
jdstrandfingers crossed, soon14:16
ikeyid love to cross my fingers but they're too cold xD14:16
ikeyalright once i have the kernels done ill ping you again14:17
pedronisniemeyer: I asked the question about hold14:17
niemeyerpedronis: Replying as we speak14:17
niemeyeror sort of :)14:17
pedronisniemeyer: thanks14:24
niemeyerpedronis: np, hope it makes sense14:24
niemeyerpedronis: More seriously, would you mind to fix the lack of content-provider there? We need to get used to doing those opportunistic fixes to bring docs up-to-date14:25
pedronisniemeyer: I can try, in a little bit,  trying to wrap up some things14:26
mborzeckiChipaca: posted a note https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-autostart-a-snap-of-a-desktop-application/2449/1714:31
mborzeckizyga: layout test failed again https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/346757570/log.txt14:32
zygahmm, I haven't seen this kind of failure14:33
zygalooks like snap install failed (hanged?)14:33
zygaah, no wait14:33
zygawrong part of the log14:33
zygathere's no /etc!?14:34
zygahmm hmm14:34
mupPR snapd#4759 closed: [RFC] snap application autostart support <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4759>14:36
zyganiemeyer can you please share credentials / tokens / whatever needed to run against google backend?14:37
niemeyerzyga: Right on.. what's your gmail email?14:38
niemeyerzyga: Done..14:39
niemeyerzyga: You'll need to install gcloud, then:14:40
niemeyerzyga: gcloud auth application-default login14:40
niemeyerzyga: and you should be good to go14:40
zygathis thing? https://cloud.google.com/sdk/downloads14:41
niemeyerzyga: Yeah.. we really need a snap for that.. I'm hoping they will do it :)14:41
ackkhi, is it possible to specify constraints on package versions in 'stage-packages'?14:41
niemeyerackk: I don't think so.. it doesn't match the apt model super well14:41
Chipacamborzecki: thank you for the heads-up; replied14:42
zygaPharaoh_Atem FYI, I hate bugzilla14:42
niemeyerackk: But I'm guessing.. sergiusens (when he's around) will know for sure14:42
niemeyerzyga: FYI, everybody does14:42
zygaI got 30 email notifications about some CC change that someone is doing to a selinux+snapd bug14:42
zygamy iphone beeps every 5 seconds14:42
ackkniemeyer, yeah that's true, I was wondering how could you have reproducible builds for snaps that use dependencies from debs14:42
zygahow do people use this?!14:43
zygaevery tiny action sends more mail14:43
niemeyerzyga: Most people don't nowadays.. it was fairly popular in the 90s though14:43
zygathere's no conservation of energy there, you touch your mouse and bam, that's an email to everyone that had a browser open on this bug ever14:44
zyga40 emails now14:44
zygathe notifications are so bad I don't even know what's being changed14:44
mborzeckibugzilla & mantis, both supper chatty14:44
niemeyerackk: It's a problem outside the realm of snapcraft a bit.. there solutions to control a repository of packages so they don't change out of control14:44
ackkniemeyer, can you specify the source where debs are taken from?14:45
zyganiemeyer apparently RH still uses it for everything though14:46
ackkah, I see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/proposal-additional-package-sources/219914:49
Son_Gokuzyga: it's supposed to be motivation to fix things, so you make bugzilla shut up :)14:49
niemeyerackk: Yeah14:49
Son_Gokuzyga: and maybe now you'll make the mystical SELinux backend :D14:50
ackkniemeyer, yeah that's a nice feature14:50
zygajdstrand running tests now, so far so good14:57
zygajdstrand can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:feature/snap-update-ns-profiles?expand=1#diff-af477950316a096b57d91c74478bc4d2R16015:02
zygais this all that I have to do on snap-confine side?15:02
zyga(the rest of the changes in C just push the argument through the functions)15:02
pedronisniemeyer: I wrote something about default-provider15:03
niemeyerpedronis: Thank you!15:03
zygajdstrand and unrelated to that, is this line still required? I how do implicit and explicit profile transitions interact with each other? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:feature/snap-update-ns-profiles?expand=1#diff-798ce6f0668878eda67847b4ab492745L46715:04
mupPR snapd#4760 opened: many: generate and use per-snap snap-update-ns profile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760>15:29
cachioelopio, hey15:32
* zyga is interrupted by arrival of construction team15:32
zygajdstrand I will look at results of 4760 when they show up15:32
zygaI want to break out one part to a separate PR15:32
cachioelopio, I have seen some snapcraft errors on the autopackgtests exec for snapd15:32
zygajdstrand but if you can look at it and give me some early feedback I can iterate on it today15:33
cachioelopio, things like these https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9q6NzrtZR5/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2wjfMRBw7k/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FYfgJ2nD3J/15:33
zygaI suspect we can mostly merge it in the next few hours15:33
cachiomostly on armhf15:33
cachioelopio, those don't seem to be related to snapd, could you please confirm that?15:35
cachioelopio, most of them are here http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/xenial/update_excuses.html#snapd15:35
ackkniemeyer, is the PPA option for "Source archive for automatic builds" on LP snap builds basically what I was asking about? or is that just for build-packages?15:36
Chipacabrb, reboot15:38
mupPR snapcraft#1947 closed: errors: add ability to send stack traces to sentry <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1947>15:49
ackksergiusens, I see that launchpad-build passes SNAPCRAFT_LOCAL_SOURCES to make snapcraft use the host apt repos, but I see no mention of it in the snapcraft source15:52
mupPR snapcraft#1961 opened: Sentry <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1961>15:52
ondrasergiusens one more bug about that sanity check, if you are using environment part to update PATH, so it can find executable, snapcraft will not honour it fail with error that executable does not exist15:53
sergiusensackk: because it is the default15:53
sergiusensondra: use the full relative path15:54
ackksergiusens, oh, so if you build a snap for the xenial base on xenial and you have PPAs on your machine, you have stage-packages that come from those PPAs?15:54
ondrasergiusens I know that workaround, but sure if executable is PATH then snapcraft should honour it and see it15:55
ondrasergiusens because snap works, it's only snapcraft refusing to build it15:55
sergiusensackk: yes, this is why we want to move to building in containers for everything, using a container which's host would match that base to avoid all the confusion during "deployment" time (local installation or ci)15:55
sergiusensondra: if you use `adapter: none` it will not, the snap runtime now expects `command` to be a full path to the binary15:56
sergiusenswe don't want to deviate from that, sorry; hard line on that one15:56
ikeyjdstrand, nearly finished doing all the kernel jankery15:57
ikeymy guess is we'd reconvene on the steam thingy tomorrow15:58
ackksergiusens, you mean having snapcraft do the build in the container (vs manually setting up a container and running snapcraft in it)?15:58
ondrasergiusens so command requires full path regardless adapter?15:59
sergiusensondra: yes, it is masked by the fact we create a wrapper which is incidentally the actual relative path inside the snap to the command16:00
ondrasergiusens OK16:00
sergiusensackk: yes, essentially bringing up SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS to the front lines16:00
ondrasergiusens still it seems to be picky, if executable is in PATH snapcraft it happy, if PATH is updated using environment, it will fail16:01
sergiusensand leaving "building on host" as an advanced mechanism "I get to keep my broken pieces to myself" mode16:01
ondrasergiusens so there is inconsistency16:01
sergiusensondra: ok, I am willing to go the other way and making it be a full path as something mandatory (we will warn though to not break existing builds)16:02
ackksergiusens, cool, thanks16:02
=== Savicq is now known as Saviq
ondrasergiusens yeah I don't know if how it is now breaks anything existing, but if it was like this then better to leave it16:06
sergiusensondra: IOW, using `environment` in `apps` is a runtime thing, not a build time one16:06
ondrasergiusens yes, but snapcraft checks should not fail on something that will be correct in run time, erroring that executable is not there16:08
sergiusensondra: that's the thing, in the future, it won't16:08
sergiusensonce we get rid of the wrappers16:08
ondrasergiusens right, that makes more sense16:08
niemeyerChipaca: If you have a moment soonish, can we please have a quick hangout?16:09
mupPR snapd#4761 opened: osutil: handle file being matched by multiple patterns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4761>16:10
Chipacaniemeyer: yes16:10
Chipacaniemeyer: anything in particular?16:10
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, it's quick.. just want to get you interested on something :)16:11
Chipacadoom doom doooooom16:11
Chipacajust finishing a (let's keep it between us: rather disgusting) pizza the boys made for me at school, and i'll be free16:11
ChipacaI need something to unclog my chest16:12
niemeyerChipaca: Great, enjoy, and just ping me16:12
kyrofaHaha, Chipaca what kind?16:13
zygaChipaca pizza is never bad16:14
zygait's just sometimes in the wrong week16:14
zygawait a little, it will get better16:14
zygalike wine16:14
Chipacakyrofa: tea is fine16:14
zygamborzecki can you please look at 476116:14
kyrofaChipaca, I mean the pizza16:14
Chipacakyrofa: there's three different cheeses in there16:15
Chipacakyrofa: and pepperoni16:15
Chipacaand gluten free pastry, because that's how they roll16:15
Chipacamaybe it's the wrong time of day for so much stodge16:15
Chipacaniemeyer: ready; standup ho?16:16
mupPR snapcraft#1962 opened: store: stringify message for StoreDeltaApplicationError <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1962>16:16
mupPR snapd#4762 opened: servicestate: use systemctl enable+start and disable+stop instead of --now flag <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4762>16:16
niemeyerChipaca: Let's do it16:16
mupPR snapd#4763 opened: osutil: handle file being matched by multiple patterns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4763>16:21
niemeyerzyga: I've removed your gmail address and added your canonical one.. if you've logged in, you'll need to do it again16:28
zyganiemeyer thanks, I haven't logged in yet; I'll try that soon16:30
jdstrandikey: ok. feel free to look at the PR, get it into shape for me to review and just reference me with @jdstrand and I'll get to it (if all you do is get it to apply clean to master, that's fine with me)16:35
* Chipaca hugs pstolowski 16:35
ikeyyeah ill need to redo as i closed the old one16:35
jdstrandzyga: sorry, buried in email and was in a meeting (out now)16:36
pstolowskiChipaca, thanks for the review!16:36
zygait's always good to get out of a meeting ;)16:36
zygajdstrand have a look at the initial shape of the PR16:37
zygait feels too easy, I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything16:37
jdstrandhttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:feature/snap-update-ns-profiles?expand=1#diff-798ce6f0668878eda67847b4ab492745L467 isn't needed with change_onexec. you will need a rule to allow that change_onexec16:37
zygaah, I see, how does such rule look like?16:38
zygabtw, there's a PR now16:38
zygaso you can comment there if you want16:38
ikeyjdstrand, ill have that PR in for you tomorrow16:40
jdstrandchange_profile -> snap-update-ns.*,16:40
ikeythen we can redo the snaps as strict and set a minimum version16:40
ikeyand generally kick ass16:40
jdstrandikey: +1 :)16:40
jdstrandzyga: what is the pr number?16:41
jdstrandzyga: ok, I'll take a look. btw, I'm not neglecting a review for the portals work, am I? afaik, I'm caught up...16:45
zygajdstrand no no16:45
zygajdstrand I want this finished as 2.32 is soon going to be released16:45
jdstrandI see16:45
zygawith the FIXMEs that this will help addressing16:45
jdstrandwe need livecd PR in 2.32 so willcooke, seb128 and the gang can test. I saw that you asked mvo for an additional review (thanks!)16:46
zygajdstrand yes, I think that PR is ready but I didn't want to just land it myself16:47
seb128jdstrand, when is 2.32 due?16:47
jdstrandzyga: I also don't need your testsuite fixes in 2.32, but I need to know if they will be in 2.3216:47
mvoseb128: in ~2 weeks16:47
zygajdstrand testsuite fixes?16:47
jdstrandzyga: I phrased that weird16:48
zygathe profile hardening16:48
jdstrandzyga: the nfs_test.go and overlay_test.go bits16:48
zygaah,  that16:48
zygathat is done though :)16:48
Chipacahuh, snap on fc25 never comes back from the polkit dialog16:48
seb128mvo, thanks, I guess that will have to do, some apps not working in the live session in not the end of the world16:48
zygaI was working on that to prepare for conservative mount changes that also need to mock things16:48
zygaand I didn't want to get into a huge PR that changes test infra in one go16:49
zygaChipaca F25 is not supported, is it better in F27?16:49
Chipacazyga: I don't have f27 :-)16:49
zygaChipaca update :)16:49
ChipacaI'll get that set up when I get my new machine16:49
Chipaca(or when I dedicate the old one to fedora)16:49
zygaChipaca offtopic, can you please look at small https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/476116:50
mupPR #4761: osutil: handle file being matched by multiple patterns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4761>16:50
jdstrandzyga: again, I don't need you to do anything other than let me know if you are pushing it to 2.32. it sounds like you are not, so I'll just do a separate 2.32 that isn't all cherrypicks16:50
zygathere's a similar 2.32 backport branch but you don't have to review it separately16:50
Chipacazyga: in a mo'16:50
zygaChipaca thanks16:50
Chipacamy fedora just lit up the 'check engine' light16:50
zygajdstrand ah, I see16:50
Chipacaso i'm going to set it on fire and run16:50
zygajdstrand I'm not doing a separate 2.32 one16:50
zygayes we will need more cherry picks16:50
Chipacathat's what you do when a car you downloaded off the internet tells you to check engine, right?16:51
jdstrandseb128: you may want to be aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/175166716:51
mupBug #1751667: classic snap does not run on live session <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751667>16:51
zygasorry, I took forever to understand what you meant there16:51
seb128jdstrand, oh, thanks16:51
seb128kenvandine, ^16:52
jdstrandseb128: I *think* once the PR in question lands, that becomes a non-issue. if it doesn't, the foundations team may be doing something with apparmor that is preventing apparmor to load policy on boot16:52
zygaseb128 yes, it should just work soon16:52
jdstrand(doesn't become on non-issue that is)16:52
jdstrandseb128, kenvandine: I commented in the bug16:52
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga: Can you have a look here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/lxd-issue-due-to-snap-confine-apparmor-profile/4203/516:54
jdstrandseb128, kenvandine: to be very clear, you'll need https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4714 in the snapd deb in the livecd for you to be able to run any snaps before a core refresh16:54
mupPR #4714: interfaces/apparmor,system-key: add upperdir snippets for strict snaps on livecd (LP: #1729867) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4714>16:54
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga: This is not just about Debian.. I found the same problem in the GCE images16:54
niemeyercachio: ^16:55
cachioniemeyer, yes16:55
zyganiemeyer I think this was the bug in ubuntu that was fixed with a new kernel16:55
zygawhere apparmor profiles would not be loaded by the apparmor service16:55
zygalet me look up the #16:55
jdstrandniemeyer, zyga: this is a known issue to me16:55
jdstrandlet me triple check that statement16:55
niemeyerjdstrand: This looks like a pretty serious issue LXD is just not working16:56
* zyga is still looking16:57
jdstrandactually, the issue I knew about was: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/419816:57
jdstrandthat has to do with partial confinement and newer kernels16:57
jdstrandand is high on my list16:58
jdstrandlet me look at the forum again16:58
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga, stgraber: For context, our entire suite passed in GCE's 16.04 image, except for lxd that failed with that error message16:58
zygaGCE 16.04 image on ubuntu kernel or on google kernel?16:58
jdstrandthat is different from https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/4198 then16:58
niemeyerzyga: The GCE image is produced by Canonical16:59
jdstrandwell, yes, I was assuming ubuntu kernel16:59
zygaI see16:59
jdstrandthis is lxc running a snap inside a container16:59
jdstrandand the snap-confine in the container doesn't have the profile loaded17:00
jdstrandon Debian, this is I think expected17:00
jdstrandthat kernel doesn't support apparmor stacked policy17:00
stgraberjdstrand: where did you see that this is inside a container?17:01
jdstrandthe Ubuntu container comes up, notices that the kernel doesn't have stacking support and skips profile loads17:01
jdstrandstgraber: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/lxd-issue-due-to-snap-confine-apparmor-profile/420317:01
stgraberjdstrand: right, where do you see in there that this is inside a container?17:02
jdstrandstgraber: I was thinking the lxc list indicated that, but looking more carefully, no, that would still be the host policy17:02
jdstrandI thought that was trying to launch a snap, it is just list though17:02
jdstrandthat kernel should have partial apparmor support17:03
stgraberyeah, AFAIK he's using a normal Debian system with snapd installed and the lxd snap installed. He can run the "lxc" command as root but not as a normal user and some update changed that for him (it used to work)17:03
stgraberand he says he's on stable, so it's unlikely to be the apparmor enablement that's going on with buster17:04
jdstrandthe error there shouldn't make a difference if root or not17:04
stgraberyeah, though it does, he can interact with lxd fine as root17:04
stgraberhttps://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/snap-confine-issues-more-things-changing-without-my-doing-things/1276 is where he initially reported the issue before I sent him over to snapd17:05
zygawell, the error simply says that snap confine detected it is not running under confinement but apparmor is enabled and available in the kernel17:05
jdstrandhrm. btrfs is in the picture17:05
zygathat seems to say that either it's a non-standard setting that has apparmor enabled17:05
zygaor that the kernel in stable got updated to enable it (unlikely)17:05
mborzeckizyga: 4761 fixes the /etc thing we were seeing?17:05
cachiomvo, there?17:06
zygamborzecki no, it's not related, it's a new bug I ran into while trying to use the multi-glob dir sync17:06
cachioI found a problem with refresh in 2.3217:06
zygamborzecki we don't use syncdir for any of the mimic construction code17:06
mvocachio: yes17:06
mborzeckizyga: ahh ok17:06
cachiomvo, look at this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RwPt9qRNjc/17:07
jdstrandthat bug is all over the place17:07
mborzeckizyga: review swap can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4758 ?17:07
mupPR #4758: wrappers, tests/main/snap-service-timer: restore missing commit, add spread test for timer services <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4758>17:07
cachiomvo, refresh starts17:07
cachiomvo, there is a connection refused17:07
mvocachio: yeah, looks like dns is not ready17:08
cachioand then network configuration is changed17:08
mvocachio: actually it is trying to do a ipv6 connection17:08
jdstrandzyga: nice comment in the forum17:09
cachiomvo, weird, I should disable ipv6 and try again17:10
cachioI didn't enable ipv617:10
mvocachio: good luck17:10
niemeyerjdstrand, zyga, stgraber: Again, we see the exact same error in our own tests in GCE, in Ubuntu17:11
jdstrandniemeyer: what kernel is that?17:11
niemeyerSo trivial reproducer: grab spread, run google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/<the lxd test>17:11
niemeyerjdstrand: Whatever is in GCE17:12
niemeyerjdstrand: I don't have any machines live right now, but can have17:12
zygaI haven't installed the new google-enabled spread and the google SDK required yet but that will be my next step17:12
jdstrandright, I don't know what that is :)17:12
niemeyerjdstrand: We're even then! ;)17:12
mvocachio: do you think you could try to reproduce 1752031 on a regular amd64 image?17:12
niemeyerjdstrand: The point is that someone needs to investigate, and probalby not all of us17:12
jdstrandzyga: we need a google sdk installed?17:12
niemeyerjdstrand: Yes, just to auth..17:13
zygajdstrand for the auth, as far as I know17:13
niemeyerjdstrand: Then run: gcloud auth application-default login17:13
niemeyerjdstrand: Meanwhile, I'm adding you to the project so you have access17:13
jdstrandif it isn't obvious yet, I'm not setup for this either17:13
niemeyerjdstrand: What? How come!?  This is working since at least 3AM my time!17:13
zygamborzecki done17:14
mvocachio: and if you can, the outpt of the ls command would be great and whatever you can find out about this. we are "masking" the service, so there should be a symlink from sshd.service to devnull in that /etc/ dir17:14
jdstrandniemeyer: hehe17:14
niemeyerjdstrand: Add you to the project.. if you grab snapd's master and do the auth suggested above, you should have access.. I'll grab the command line to run spread for you, just a sec17:15
* kalikiana heading out for the day17:16
jdstrandniemeyer: where does 'gcloud' come from? is this a pay service like with amazon? do I give my canonical google info?17:16
niemeyerjdstrand: gcloud is their CLI client for all things cloudy17:17
jdstrandniemeyer: right. where does one obtain that? snap install? :)17:17
* jdstrand hasn't used gce before. can you tell?17:17
niemeyerjdstrand: I wish it was a snap, but I think it still isnt'17:18
niemeyerjdstrand: It is a paid service, but you don't need to worry about it.. the project pays the bill17:18
niemeyerjdstrand: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/17:18
niemeyerand yes, this is a great candidate for being a snap17:19
jdstrandugh, tar balls with install.sh17:19
jdstrandah, debs down below. slightly better17:20
zygajdstrand those are debs with sudo install.sh :D17:20
zygaaka postinst17:20
jdstrandmaybe I'll just do this in a vm17:20
mborzeckizyga: thanks, i've added the comments around timers :)17:21
jdstrandor a container. ugh17:21
niemeyerjdstrand: You can run the test with "spread -reuse -debug google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/lxd"17:21
Chipacazyga, i've got a silly / funny question for you17:22
niemeyerjdstrand: You'll need to change the "systems" setting in the test, though, because I've removed that specific system so we could move on with the migration17:22
niemeyerjdstrand: You can see the change here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754/files17:22
mupPR #4754: spread: start moving towards google backend <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754>17:22
Chipacazyga: i'm working on snap-exec right now17:22
Chipacazyga: so I change it, build it, copy it to /usr/lib/snapd17:22
zyga"how do you test this"17:22
zygais the question17:23
zygathat's not useful17:23
Chipacazyga: and i never see the new one17:23
Chipaca(it's not reexec)17:23
zygawe don't use that one17:23
zygasnap-exec is almost always used after pivot_root17:23
Chipacaof course17:23
Chipacazyga: thank you17:23
zygaso you have to bind mount your snap-exec to /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec17:23
Chipacayep yep17:23
* zyga hugs Chipaca 17:23
Chipacasay no moew17:23
Chipacaalso, say no more17:23
* Chipaca hugs back17:23
niemeyerjdstrand: I think it's kept entirely inside the source directory17:24
* zyga is distracted by drilling, cutting and other noises 17:25
zygaon the up side, I will finally not have to store clothing and books on the floor so17:25
Chipacaman i wish there were a flag equivalent of .hushlogin17:25
zygatake that neighbours!17:25
Chipacazyga: ?17:25
zygaa team is constructing some furniture in the room next to me17:26
zygathey were supposed to be here in the morning17:26
zygabut ... reality17:26
zygathey will keep assembling things for the next few hours at least17:26
zyga<sound of electric saw>17:26
niemeyerjdstrand: That's how I run it at least.. it has bin/gcloud, and it all works17:26
zygastgraber do you test LXD in GCE?17:27
pstolowskiChipaca, addressed your feedback17:40
pstolowskieod o/17:40
cachio_niemeyer, did you call me?18:13
cachio_niemeyer, do you want to start with the new backend migration?18:13
zygajdstrand any feedback?18:27
pedroniscachio_: I'm trying staging tests again (to test the new api),  when you have a moment could you copy over a recent edge core18:32
cachio_pedronis, sure, I'll finish with a bug that was raised and I'll take that18:33
pedronisthank you18:33
jdstrandzyga: in the PR? I gave it a little while ago. did you not get the email?18:35
zygano, refreshing18:35
zygaI installed debian 9 with snapd18:36
zygaI cannot install core18:36
zygasearch.apps.ubuntu.com is not working anymore?18:37
zygaoh, I see store is down18:37
jdstrandyeah, I'm stuck too18:37
pedronisyes, store is hiccuping again18:37
zygaseems totally down18:38
zygajdstrand I didn't get any email18:38
niemeyerOh no18:38
zygaI can see the feedback now18:38
* niemeyer looks18:38
jdstrandzyga: I don't know what to say... https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760#pullrequestreview-9977838118:38
mupPR #4760: many: generate and use per-snap snap-update-ns profile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760>18:38
zyganiemeyer do you know about https://status.snapcraft.io ?18:38
zygajdstrand read your review18:43
zygajdstrand I think the only thing I want to ensure we are in sync on is...18:44
mupPR #4760: many: generate and use per-snap snap-update-ns profile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760>18:44
niemeyerzyga: I didn't18:44
ikeycat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope18:44
niemeyercachio_: So, you have access to the google back already right now.. just login with your canonical email address18:45
niemeyercachio_: To login, install the google cloud sdk, and run: gcloud auth application-default login18:45
niemeyercachio_: That's all18:45
niemeyercachio_: spread should work from then on18:45
cachio_niemeyer, perfect18:46
cachio_niemeyer, so the idea is to make spread suite for in all the systems that we have right now, right?18:46
kyrofaLinode was just too unstable, eh?18:47
cachio_ubuntu-16.04-64 is already working18:47
ikeyjdstrand, valgrind + gdb  still work nicely18:47
ikeyand ltrace/strace, yay.18:47
niemeyercachio_: HAve you seen the initial PR?18:47
niemeyercachio_: Let me get you a link, just a sec18:48
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754/files ?18:48
mupPR #4754: spread: start moving towards google backend <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4754>18:48
jdstrandikey: yeah. where they don't is -p18:48
niemeyerzyga: Thanks!18:48
niemeyercachio_: That one ^18:49
ikeyright, attaching to a random process18:49
ikeyso we probably want a simple set of scripts to "start" and "stop" secure modes18:49
ikeyor rather, enter dev mode18:49
niemeyercachio_: As you see there, I've preserved the system name, and just moved the system across from one backend to the other18:49
niemeyercachio_: I also had to disable one test which jdstrand is looking into right now (lxd)18:49
ikeyjdstrand, strace: attach: ptrace(PTRACE_SEIZE, 1574): Operation not permitted18:50
ikey  :D18:50
mvoniemeyer: nice!18:50
niemeyercachio_: But that's the idea.. we want to gradually move every one of those systems there.. I suggest starting with systems for which images are already available18:50
jdstrandikey: nice!18:50
jdstrandniemeyer: fyi, spread -reuse -debug google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/lxd18:50
jdstranderror: backend "google" has unsupported type "google"18:50
cachio_niemeyer, ok18:50
ikeyalso wow my strace -p tab completion is awesome18:50
niemeyerjdstrand: I assume you are using the snap? Will rebuild it18:50
jdstrandniemeyer: I'm in a checkout of master18:50
niemeyerjdstrand: So just update it18:50
niemeyerjdstrand: Exists as of last night18:51
cachio_niemeyer, could you please push the change to support google bacjkend18:51
cachio_I have the same problem18:51
jdstrandniemeyer: what snap are you talking about?18:51
niemeyerIs it not pushed?18:51
zygajdstrand git pull in snapd/spread18:51
jdstrandspread is still r34 everywhere afaict18:51
zygajdstrand the code is there18:51
jdstrandzyga: I already did that18:51
niemeyerjdstrand, cachio_: Everything is up-to-date, apparently...18:51
zygajdstrand did you go install?18:51
cachio_niemeyer, yes, it is pushed18:52
jdstrandI have c1d1c84e975e2d96ec665de7241c0a1495e2c09818:52
cachio_git was stuck18:52
niemeyerjdstrand: %18:52
cachio_niemeyer, so, I'll start migrating one by one18:52
jdstrandniemeyer: for snapd or spread?18:52
niemeyerjdstrand: For spread18:53
jdstrandzyga: I don't know what you are talking about18:53
jdstrandniemeyer: oh, no upload in the store? ok. I was curious why it wasn't there18:53
niemeyerjdstrand: Okay, wait.. :)18:53
pedronisI think jdstrand like me uses the snap18:53
jdstrandoh yes18:53
jdstrandeveryone doesn't?18:53
niemeyerOkaaay.. :)18:53
pedronisI don't know18:53
niemeyerjdstrand: You said you used master, when I said I was going to update the snap :)18:53
niemeyerAnyway, all good.. updating it18:54
zygaI used a local build because I have some patches18:54
jdstrandniemeyer: sorry, I meant snapd master. I missed I needed to update spread (I figured I did, but when I saw it wasn't updated I focused on snapd18:54
niemeyerjdstrand: All good! Working on it already, just a sec18:55
niemeyerjdstrand: Done18:58
jdstrandok, snagged r35 and it is doing stuff18:58
jdstrandniemeyer: thanks!18:58
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks a lot for digging into this issue, and sorry for the confusion18:59
zyganiemeyer, jdstrand: snapd + lxd works ok on debian 9 vanilla install19:02
zygabut apparmor is disabled in vanilla installs19:02
zygaI just tested that all the way from downloading debian, installing it in a VM, setting up lxd snap and creating a xenial container inside19:03
niemeyerzyga: Thanks, the GCE case is an easy target to look into.. I bet we'll learn something about Debian there too19:04
zygayeah, GCE is next19:05
zygaI wanted to follow up on what the reporter was using19:05
jdstrandzyga: it is strange though that having apparmor enabled caused that issue. is this a 2.29 bug partial support bug?19:11
zygaI suspect that it indicates we don't generate the profile if apparmor is partially on19:12
* zyga looks at the source19:12
niemeyermvo: cloud team already has bionic under the ubuntu-os-cloud-devel project!19:12
jdstrandI've reproduced in gce19:12
jdstrandthe issue is different in gce though19:14
jdstrandin debian, it was 'lxc list' that caused the issue19:14
niemeyercachio_: "image: ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/ubuntu-18.04-64"19:15
jdstrandin gce, that works fine. it is this that fails: lxd.lxc exec my-ubuntu -- su -c '/snap/bin/test-snapd-tools.echo from-the-inside' ubuntu19:15
cachio_ogra_, hey, any idea why it could be happening? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/175203119:15
mupBug #1752031: core `service.ssh.disable` key not taken into account <Snappy:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752031>19:15
niemeyercachio_: This should give us bionic19:15
zygajdstrand when apparmor is totally disabled we don't load the backend so there's nothing that happens, how can I enable apparmor on debian 9? (even partial support is good)19:15
cachio_niemeyer, perfect19:15
jdstrandwhich is what I was talking about before-- the policy isn't loaded in the container19:15
zygajdstrand is that a kernel bug? the one where detection of containers doesn't function?19:16
jdstrandzyga: boot with security=apparmor apparmor=119:17
* zyga snapshots and tries19:17
jdstrandright, in the container, the reexec profiles are loaded, but not the one from /etc/apparmor.d19:18
jdstrandthis is a 4.1319:18
zygaI see19:18
jdstrandthis is that bug19:18
* jdstrand finds19:18
zygaso, since this happens in GCE but not in linode does it indicate that GCE kernel is older?19:18
zygaor that the base set of packages (apparmor) in the container is older (not sure where the bug was fixed)19:19
* zyga enabled apparmor on debian 9 and rebooted19:20
zygawith partial confinement LXD works ok19:21
jdstrandzyga: gce has a 4.13 kernel. that is the kernel that changed what the unit is looking at19:22
mvoniemeyer: yay for bionic tests19:22
jdstrandjjohansen: hey, the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1746463, I thought that needed to be fixed in the kernel?19:24
mupBug #1746463: apparmor profile load in stacked policy container fails <apparmor (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <apparmor (Ubuntu Artful):Fix Committed> <apparmor (Ubuntu Bionic):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746463>19:24
jdstrandjjohansen: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1746463/comments/3 for context19:24
jdstrandzyga: there is no need for you to look at gce (at least wrt this)19:25
niemeyermvo: Yeah, and with an official image even19:25
zygajdstrand ack, thank you19:25
jdstrandniemeyer: where do you want me to comment on gce? the lxc topic doesn't mention it19:25
zyganiemeyer, jdstrand: so at least in debian 9, even if I enable apparmor (non default configuration) snapd and LXD works correctly19:25
jdstrandzyga: sounds like you can report that and ask for more info to reproduce the reporter's environment19:26
niemeyerjdstrand: Seems okay to mention it there, since the error message and the context (lxd) is exactly the same19:26
jdstrandniemeyer: note, it is the same message, but coming from inside of the container. the reporter said it was outside the container, so the cause is different, but I'll comment19:26
niemeyerjdstrand: Cool, just mention that we were already looking into this related issue which looks a lot like it but is slightly different19:27
pypthello! not sure if it's been reported already, but api.snapcraft.io does not seem to be accessible from Travis: https://travis-ci.org/StreisandEffect/streisand/jobs/346906976#L180219:28
zygapypt it was down a moment ago but it should be back up again19:29
zygapypt have a look at status.snapcraft.io19:29
pyptthank you, retrying19:30
pyptseems to work!19:31
zygajdstrand question about change_profile19:35
zygaI get how that works and makes sense19:35
zygabut what should I do to rules like this19:35
zyga    /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib{,exec,64}/snapd/snap-update-ns Cxr -> snap_update_ns,19:35
zygaI want to keep the path expression but drop the profile transition19:36
zygashould I just say "xr" there?19:36
pedronismvo: did you see this  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-figure-out-why-ubuntu-core-keeps-restarting/4257 ?19:36
mvopedronis: I have not19:36
* mvo looks19:36
jdstrandzyga: you should delete those rules. those rules are for binary attachment. you are using libapparmor so you need the change_profile rules. you probably need an r rule still. otoh, I don't remember, but it is easy for you to test. comment out the Cx rules, add the change_profile and see what pops out19:39
mvopedronis: " snap “core” has “refresh-snap”" is strange, it seems to lack context19:39
pedronismvo: what's on errors19:39
mvopedronis: looking now, need to get my 2fa token19:40
mvopedronis: " ERROR cannot finish core installation, there was a rollback across reboot"19:43
zygagadget issue?19:44
mvopedronis: looks like some blacklist on core revert is needed19:44
zygatry/trying thig?19:44
pedronismvo: well it rolled back19:44
pedronisso it wouldn't work either way19:44
pedronismvo: that message means a rollback from  initrd19:44
mvopedronis: do you know more about this? or is all the info in this forum post?19:44
pedronisI just saw the post there19:45
pedronisI know nothing more19:45
pedronismvo: ah, you mean apply blocked ?19:45
pedroniswe don't set blocked indeed19:45
pedronisif the revert is from initrd19:45
mvoI think that would help a little bit19:46
pedronisbut not sure19:46
mvoits an open question19:46
pedronisI don't remember the logic19:46
mvoI replied19:47
mvoin the forum, I hope we learn why it fails19:48
jjohansenjdstrand: needed? no, there are work arounds, as the bug is to due with the kernel not displaying the ns_name as userspace expects it.19:49
pedronismvo: do we have  other similar errors on errors?19:50
pedronisor is an isolated case19:50
jjohansenjdstrand: the kernel fix has been sent to the kt, but it got put in the backlog due to spectre/meltdown retpoline kernel respins.19:51
mvopedronis: I don't know and I can't find out without help from the foundations team, we don't get a data export from the error tracker anymore :(19:51
jdstrandjjohansen: right. the bug task if for apparmor, but it is the kernel that will be fixed. that is what I wanted to know19:52
jdstrandjjohansen: thanks!19:52
zygajdstrand I adjusted the rules and started a local run, fingers crossed19:57
zygait also works on my desktop19:57
zygaanything I should change apart from the profile transition rule?19:59
zygaI will iterate for sure but I want to know if anything is blocking this now19:59
jdstrandjjohansen: I added a couple of tasks to the bug. feel free to adjust if I got anything wrong (I wasn't sure if Fix Committed for the apparmor task translated to Fix Committed for the artful 'linux' task)20:02
zygamvo, pedronis: do you have a moment for 2nd review of 4761?20:02
mupPR snapcraft#1963 opened: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages <Created by maxiberta> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1963>20:02
jdstrandzyga: I left a few comments and questions... did you not see them? I haven't gotten back to the pr for a few minutes20:02
zygajdstrand wording changes, yes20:03
zygajdstrand I was worried that we don't understand each other on when the profiles are generated20:03
zyganot sure if you saw my question on IRC earlier20:03
jdstrandI don't think I did20:05
zygajdstrand my main point was that we generate the per-snap profile always20:05
jdstrandzyga: you have a comment to the contrary20:06
zygabecause I don't want to use it for just layouts (that can be arguably "rare")20:06
zygaif so I will remove that comment, probably from an earlier draft20:06
zygabut also for content interface and for other things that we may need to do20:06
zygaand with your suggestions (per-snap) I think this is a good idea even more than originally so20:07
jdstrandzyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760/files#diff-57dc34ab6f4bf9730b356d0439daa0fdR36420:07
mupPR #4760: many: generate and use per-snap snap-update-ns profile <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4760>20:07
zygaI went this way to not have to duplicate the apparmor profile for snap-update-ns20:07
zygayes, stale comment,20:07
zygaI will remove it and re-read the diff to ensure they are all up-to-date20:07
jdstrandit looked like the comment was stale from the code, but I wanted to bring it up20:07
zygacool! I think we are in sync then20:08
zygaI will go over all the things you mentioned on the next push, after tests turn green locally20:08
jdstrandzyga: I do worry about an extra profile, but at least it is only an extra one per snap instead of an extra one per command20:09
zygayeah, it's not _that_ bad20:09
zygaand it will allow us to be much stricter WRT securiy20:09
zygaas it will allow us to essentially expand $SNAP_NAME and remove a lot of globs20:10
mupPR snapd#4761 closed: osutil: handle file being matched by multiple patterns <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4761>20:11
Chipacaniemeyer: you still there?20:17
pedroniscachio_: I'm going afk, can you leave me a note if you manage to update core edge in staging still today?20:20
cachio_pedronis, I am running right now20:21
cachio_pedronis, It took time because I am running in google20:21
cachio_and I had to recompile spread with the latest changes20:22
cachio_pedronis, which issue do you see?20:22
cachio_pedronis, tests failing?20:22
pedroniscachio_: yes, some are missing snaps (that's ok, I'm just sanity checking something)20:22
pedronisbut I see a lot of20:23
pedronisof errors about snap-update-ns20:23
pedronisthat I think is because core is too old20:23
cachio_pedronis, ok, I'll send you an email with the results20:23
cachio_ot a note here20:23
cachio_as you wish20:23
pedroniscachio_: so I think with a new core in edge copied from prod20:24
pedroniserrors should be mostly down to missing new snaps20:24
pedronisthat's my hope at least20:24
cachio_pedronis, I copied the core 2 weeks ago20:25
cachio_I'll copy the latest one20:25
pedronisI know20:25
pedronisbut layout happened since20:25
pedronisI think20:25
pedroniszyga: I see a lot snap-update-ns errors when running tests against staging20:26
pedronisgiven that doesn't relate to store20:26
pedronisI suspect is just that staging edge core (that we tweak) is too old20:26
zygawhat does such an error look like?20:26
zygathat's possible20:26
pedronisbecause of layouts related changes20:26
pedronisthat's my theory atm20:26
zygalayouts, perhaps, maybe snap-device helper change?20:26
zygado you have an error handy?20:27
pedronissome permission denied when running snap-update-ns20:29
pedronisseems I lost the scroolback with the exact error20:30
zygaif you get it I would love to see but yeah, I think getting staging in sync with prod would be useful20:33
naccniemeyer: is this part of the new c-n-f? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jb76TmdG3V/20:37
naccniemeyer: and if so, can i strongly request it be rethought? that's not user-helpful output20:37
pedroniszyga: [Tue Feb 27 20:37:43 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1519763863.485:46): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="/snap/core/375/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/snap/core/375/usr/lib/snapd/snap-update-ns" pid=17068 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=020:39
zygaif staging uses very old stuff then perhaps20:40
zygabut this doesn't seem immediately layout-y to me20:40
pedronisI have no changes but related to store bits20:40
pedronisand I just rebased on master very recently20:41
pedronisjust seems the snap-confine is wrong/old20:41
pedronissorry, snap-confine profile20:41
pedronisI can also try to run without my changes20:41
pedronisbut agains staging20:42
mupPR snapd#4764 opened: configstate: when disable "ssh" we must disable the "sshd" service <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4764>20:42
pedronistrying that20:42
* pedronis really needs to stop sitting for a bit20:43
stgrabersergiusens: hey, for LXD with clustering we need to set some custom CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CFLAGS variables, is there a clean way to do so with snapcraft?20:44
Chipacastgraber: you can't do it with //cgo: stuff?20:45
stgraberChipaca: nope because that includes a filesystem path20:46
Chipacastgraber: I didn't follow, but I trust20:46
stgraberChipaca: I basically need to set something along the lines of:20:47
stgraberso an include and lookup path for the compiler and linker20:47
Chipacastgraber: and you can't convince it via PKG_CONFIG_PATH?20:47
Chipacaif sergiusens isn't around maybe kyrofa knows20:48
* kyrofa jerks awake20:48
Chipacaunless he's lost his beard20:49
stgraberChipaca: it's not using pkg-config so no20:49
kyrofaChipaca, don't joke, I think it'll be gone in the next few days. My newborn HATES it and I can't snuggle him at all20:49
Chipacakyrofa: I joke because I know :-)20:49
Chipacakyrofa: less joking, more making fun of you20:49
sergiusensstgraber: we need to implement the build-env part attribute for this to work cleanly20:49
* kyrofa pouts20:49
* Chipaca hugs kyrofa 20:50
sergiusensstgraber: so the sorried answer is, not yet20:50
kyrofaYeah, a local plugin could do it, but it's not quite as clean20:50
sergiusensstgraber: while I have your attention though, is there a way to query lxd to if it has been through `lxd init`?20:50
mupPR snapcraft#1941 closed: project_loader: handle invalid unicode chars <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1941>20:50
stgrabersergiusens: not really because you can go through lxd init and not actually do any configuring :)20:51
stgrabersergiusens: best to look for what you actually need the user to configure20:51
sergiusensstgraber: ok, sounds good; I will probably be looking you up next week with a couple of things I'd like to solve wrt integration20:53
sergiusenswe want lxd to be the default go-to setup for snapcraft20:53
mupPR snapcraft#1927 closed: catkin plugin: extract Wstool into its own module <enhancement> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1927>21:02
Chipacaooh, ooh, can i also jump on the 'i am stgraber AMA'?21:03
Chipacastgraber: the 'container' env var set in lxd, is that part of a standard of some sort? does it nest? :_)21:04
stgraberChipaca: not sure who started it, we might have :) but yeah, liblxc will container=lxc, I think vserver, openvz and docker also set something21:04
Chipacashould snaps set it, and should snaps running in lxc have something more complicated, and what if lxd is a snap :-)21:05
mupPR snapcraft#1852 closed: Added a missing step in Hacking.md <codein> <Created by Tanesh1701> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1852>21:05
Chipaca(i'm going to propose we expose it in PS1 in 'snap run --shell' if set, but might not if it's going to get messy)21:06
zygajdstrand updated update-ns PR21:18
zygajdstrand I added a comment that describes the changes made so that it is easier to follow21:19
zygajdstrand I force-pushed to be friendlier to cherry-pick this21:19
pedronisniemeyer: can I be added to use the gce backend?21:34
zygajdstrand thank you!21:35
zygajdstrand tomorrow I'll prepare another single PR that changes layout-induced open rules to update-ns snippets21:36
zygajdstrand and hopefully there are no more FIXMEs for layouts left :)21:36
pedronisjdstrand: did the spread snap work for you with gcloud?21:36
zygajdstrand I also added tests and extra escaping in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/474521:38
mupPR #4745: osutil: allow creating strings out of MountInfoEntry <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4745>21:38
jdstrandpedronis: as it happens, I use the spread snap, but unconventionally. I download r35 and was able to run tests in gcloud, yes21:38
pedronisjdstrand: I'm a bit confused because the creds are under ~/.config21:39
* zyga EODs21:39
zygathis has been a good day :)21:39
pedronisanyway I don't have access so it's moot :)21:39
jdstrandpedronis: right, my dev environment is an lxd container. I don't run the spread snap, I download it, unsquash it and use the binary21:40
jdstrandlike I said, 'unconventional'21:40
jdstrandzyga: thanks!21:40
jdstrandI could use spread git, but do it this way so I have released versions21:40
zygajdstrand the container has apparmor applied?21:41
jdstrandzyga: no21:41
pedronisjdstrand: I was really using the snap, but I see a problem now that needed creds are under ~/.foo21:42
jdstrandwell, it would except I have the 4.13 kernel21:42
jdstrandpedronis: yes, that makes sense. you would need to copy your creds over to ~/snap/spread/current/... I guess21:42
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah, everybody is in already21:43
niemeyerpedronis: Just log in with your Canonical email using "gcloud auth application-default login" and spread should work21:43
pedronisniemeyer: I see except that I was really using the snap,  and the creds are under ~ /.config21:43
niemeyerpedronis: Oh, I see21:44
niemeyerpedronis: The other alternative is to export the credentials json file (or just copy it I guess) and define SPREAD_GOOGLE_KEY as the filename21:44
niemeyerpedronis: Should just equally well21:45
niemeyernacc: Yes, it should be something along those lines.. what's the part you feel strongly about?21:46
pedronisniemeyer: yes, that works it seems21:49
niemeyerpedronis: Sweet21:50
niemeyerpedronis: Did you copy the file over or export it via the CLI?21:51
pedronisI copied it21:51
pedroniscachio_: sorry, I confused myself, these are the failures I get: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JRVqzgkX9B/  so new snaps and core transition22:09
pedroniswhich I don't know if I broke (I touch that code) or is a fluke22:10
pablo_hi: it's beeing impossible to me to make a snap from a Qt/QML app i wrote. If i paste the *.yaml file in pastebin, could anyone help me a lil bit?22:43
naccniemeyer: it's totally contrary to what we have now22:47
niemeyernacc: Looks quite related to me.. still can't tell where your strong feelings come form22:49
naccniemeyer: run 'deb jq' at your shell22:49
naccniemeyer: run 'snap jq' at your shell22:49
naccniemeyer: not at all what c-n-f emits now22:49
naccniemeyer: i've commented in LP: #1749777 for mvo22:50
mupBug #1749777: Syntax tweaks for snap-friendly output <command-not-found:In Progress> <command-not-found (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749777>22:50
niemeyernacc: Reading your comment, I guess what you mean is that the example command is not being shown?22:51
naccniemeyer: and command-like output that is not commands at all, instead22:51
niemeyernacc: This is command-not-found in 16.04:22:52
niemeyer$ blah22:52
niemeyerNo command 'blah' found, did you mean:22:52
niemeyer Command 'blam' from package 'blam' (universe)22:52
naccniemeyer: it doesn't emit the 'sudo apt install ...' line?22:53
niemeyerSo there's nothing quite "contrary" here, or even so extremely different.. we are actually quite sensitive to not producing a lot of output on that command for obvious reasons, and we've already spent several hours discussing this exact issue.22:53
naccniemeyer: and, afaict, the cnf chagne is happening in bionic not xenial currently22:53
niemeyernacc: Right, it doesn't for this case22:53
naccniemeyer: it does on bionic for actual packages22:54
niemeyernacc: Because it favors compactness22:54
niemeyernacc: Not for this case either, I believe22:54
naccniemeyer: i think you're conflating things22:54
niemeyernacc: It hasn't changed22:54
naccniemeyer: there are two cases for cnf: mistyped commands and not-yet-installed commands22:54
nacci don't care about the former22:54
naccbut the latter should not change in behavior because snaps are available22:54
naccand it has now22:54
niemeyernacc: No, I'm explaining the rationale.. command-not-found aims at producing compact output and helpful output.. now and in the past, when facing with too much data, it would choose sensible over writing command lines out22:55
naccniemeyer: but the case you provided is 100% *not* the case i'm talking about22:55
naccniemeyer: so, again, for a package that is available and you didn't typo, please don't regress the output22:56
niemeyernacc: Command lines, as demonstrated with actual output from 2016, were not paramount to its working..22:56
naccniemeyer: glad your opinion gets to decide this :)22:56
niemeyernacc: So the discussions we have today, preserve that aspect, and preserve the intention of being helpful and sensible in its output22:56
naccniemeyer: since it feels like policy which should go to ubuntu-devel-discuss22:56
niemeyernacc: Ironically, the output you see wasn't suggested by me22:56
naccniemeyer: you have not preserved the output, as i have put in teh bug22:56
niemeyernacc: My suggestion had more output, and I decide not to argue about it because I appreciate the short output22:57
naccniemeyer: more output than what?22:57
niemeyerMore output than what the latest proposal you are discussing presents.22:58
naccniemeyer: what i proposed is what is already in bionic22:58
naccor was until this latest upload published22:58
naccniemeyer: regular users do not necessarily even know what "deb" is22:59
naccniemeyer: you should never have exposed that in that manner22:59
niemeyernacc: There's no need to be so aggressive and confrontational when discussing ideas..23:00
niemeyernacc: Already in 2016, command-not-found might not present commands in certain cases.. we're tuning behavior, and I'm willing to discuss ideas for improvement as there's still time for that, but we need to be willing to look at the data and stop handling this as the end of the world.23:01
dpb1sorry didn't know you were discussing here.  I just filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/command-not-found/+bug/175218523:02
naccniemeyer: ok, i don't feel like i can actually have this discussion with you. I think you've made a bad UX decision, I've articulated my reasoning in the bug.23:02
mupBug #1752185: Formatting of command-not-found with snap addition could use cleanup <command-not-found (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752185>23:02
niemeyernacc: That's understandable, thank you23:03
niemeyerdpb1: Can you please copy over your comment to the original ticket23:04
dpb1the original ticket == https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/command-not-found/+bug/1749777 ?23:04
mupBug #1749777: Syntax tweaks for snap-friendly output <command-not-found:In Progress> <command-not-found (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749777>23:04
dpb1niemeyer: ^23:04
niemeyerdpb1: You are articulating the issue nicely.. I also don't like the header of those lines.. the listing is even okayish, but it'd be nice to have some better wording there23:04
niemeyerdpb1: Yeah, the 777 one23:05
dpb1k, will do23:05
dpb1ty, will follow the bug progress23:08
cachio_pedronis, email sent with the restults23:50
cachio_pedronis, all the tests passing with the new core23:50
cachio_pedronis, using google backend23:50

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