
=== AmericanBlend_ is now known as AmericanBlend
=== bundito is now known as _sharvey_
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== mwsb is now known as chu
notsgnikhello there, i wanned to tel the devs that since today i'm lagging in video games i use to run smoudly couple of days ago15:18
notsgniki haven't change my environement apart from daily updates15:18
notsgniki tried an nvidia driver i'm sure it was working smoudly15:19
notsgnikstill the same lags15:19
notsgnikeven with low setting it laggs15:28
notsgniki'll try reinstalling ubuntu with the last daily and let you guys know if it's still slow15:29
BLZbubbadid anyone figure out how to do ddns on 18.04 or has this feature been removed?17:31
BLZbubbai'll have to redeploy ceph on centos, please don't make me do that17:34
lotuspsychje!info ddclient17:37
ubottuddclient (source: ddclient): address updating utility for dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.3-1.1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 72 kB, installed size 319 kB17:37
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS tryed this?17:37
BLZbubbano, it has been working fine with dhclient forever and it worked initially with the 18.04 install from a month ago17:38
BLZbubbabut in the past week they all stopped sending the host name17:38
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: lets c if i can find related bugs17:39
BLZbubbainterestingly they all have a dhclient leases file dated from the day I did the install17:40
BLZbubbalike maybe the installer used dhclient and then it switched to networkd on the first boot17:41
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: perhaps you could test the proposed version?17:41
BLZbubbayou mean the latest daily build?  i can do that17:41
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: what do you mean, your not up to date?17:42
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: if the proposed version doesnt fix you could file a new !bug perhaps, or wait until beta1 comes out17:44
BLZbubbai use apt-get update regularly but the original install image was from about a month ago17:44
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: thats the same thing if your up to date its allright17:45
BLZbubbaperhaps i am just using the wrong term.  what is the feature called where the dhcp client sends the hostname back to be added to dns?17:46
lotuspsychje!hostname | BLZbubba this what you need?17:48
ubottuBLZbubba this what you need?: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:48
BLZbubbano, something weird is going on with the 18.04 dhcp client - i set up a ceph cluster with like 20 systems which were registering their host names with the dhcp server17:49
BLZbubbaand they all stopped sending the host names recently but the ip addresses work fine17:50
BLZbubbanow i'm starting to suspect that the installer was using dhclient and registered the names17:51
BLZbubbaand systemd-networkd was never sending them.  but this is still just a theory17:51
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: are you using 18.04 for production?17:52
BLZbubbayes, only for our patients' heart monitors though17:54
BLZbubbajk!  it is a test lab17:54
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: if you sure dhclient acting weird, try the one from proposed as a test17:55
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: if that doesnt fix, file a new !bug17:55
BLZbubba18.04 doesn't use dhclient anymore, it is now netplan & systemd-networkd17:55
lotuspsychjeon ubuntu server17:57
BLZbubbawhich is going to break dhcp for a lot of people.  for example, for the past decade we have assigned ip addresses based on the MAC address, and then used the sendhostname feature to update DNS.  Both features appear to be removed from 18.0417:57
BLZbubbastill 2 days before a freeze -- not too late to reverse this boneheaded decision17:58
lotuspsychje!bug | BLZbubba 17:58
ubottuBLZbubba: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:58
lotuspsychjeits never too late for a bug, before or after doesnt matter17:58
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: also keep in mind we still in development branch, anything can happen/change/brake17:59
TJ-BLZbubba: for systemd-networkd, in the .network config file,  LLMNR=true enables link layer multicast name resolution18:03
BLZbubbaTJ-: how do I tell netplan to do this?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1664806 in MAAS "No documented way to set a default DNS server if no per-interface servers exist" [Wishlist,Triaged]18:04
TJ-BLZbubba: generally you don't, you let netplan generate the initial config which on each boot gets written under /run/systemd/network/ then copy the generated files to the permanent /etc/systemd/network/ directory and add your further configuration there18:05
TJ-BLZbubba: then netplan can be disabled, or you can manually deploy config files from the start and not use netplan18:07
BLZbubbai thought the whole point of netplan was not to keep any of these ephemeral config files.18:09
BLZbubbai will switch back to /etc/network/interfaces before doing all that nonsense18:09
BLZbubbamost people will use the default which is netplan & systemd-networkd, which doesn't behave like dhclient18:10
BLZbubbahopefully ubuntu will fix these options before release time, otherwise users will be surprised when their ip address changes (due to the non-mac-based dhcp client) and their host name stops working18:11
lotuspsychjeBLZbubba: !bug to the rescue :p18:11
TJ-No, the idea of netplan is that we have one place to create a basic config that a boot-time generator can render for the actual network service18:11
BLZbubbafrom the netplan design page:18:13
BLZbubbaKey goals18:13
BLZbubbaKey goals18:13
BLZbubbaUsable in initramfs (few dependencies and fast) No persistent generated config, only original YAML config 18:13
BLZbubbaetc etc18:13
BLZbubbawhich is a laudable goal18:14
BLZbubbabut it would be better if netplan could set the dhcp client options to match dhclient18:14
BLZbubbaTJ-: and thanks for the LLMNR acronym, that is making my searches work much better18:17
BLZbubbais that the feature that updates the dns server database?18:19
TJ-netplan is very basic, it doesn't have support for many features of systemd-networkd nor network-manager18:33
TJ-BLZbubba: no, LLMNR uses multi-cast on the link-layer to let all devices discover other hostnames18:33
BLZbubbaoh yeah that isn't it then.  there is a dhcp protocol feature that lets clients "suggest" their host name to the dhcp server for use with dns18:35
BLZbubbait is supposed to be the default with systemd-networkd but it is definitely not working on my 18.04 systems18:35
TJ-Yes, it's like the dhclient -H option isn't it18:37
BLZbubbaI think so, i'm trying to get some help from #systemd18:39
BLZbubbaon how to debug this option18:40
BLZbubbai still have PTSD from the 10.04 disaster (i.e. !$#$^#^ upstart and plymouth), hopefully this won't be as bad18:41
TJ-I'm looking at where the systemd DHCP option is18:41
TJ-BLZbubba: here we go [DHCP] SendHostname=true (default)18:42
BLZbubbanow i need to figure out how to start systemd-networkd with the debug option18:43
BLZbubbathey said to add a drop-in with: Environment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug18:43
BLZbubbaok have to get some real work done but i'll dig into sendhostname later19:06
BLZbubbaand ubuntu please consider adding ClientIdentifier=MAC by default to the netplan IPV4 config so it matches dhclient's behavior - otherwise in a few weeks you'll be getting some angry bug reports19:07
BLZbubbaideally it should be configurable from netplan to use either duid or mac19:07
BLZbubbai like the duid concept except it breaks decades of mac address usage history19:08
TJ-BLZbubba: you should look at the list of bugs for netplan on LP and add to it, there's a VERY long list of feature requests19:08
BLZbubbai posted the mac/duid one a few weeks ago19:08
BLZbubbaor more accurately, i added my complaint to an already existing report19:08
TJ-BLZbubba: netplan looks like yet another DevOps rather than engineering-led release... throw code over the wall now and add later, whilst imposing it on users by default19:09
TJ-the concept is fine, but to do what it aspires to needs /a lot/ of engineering work... for LTS upgrades it needs at least an ifupdown parser if not a renderer, but it has no parser to pcik up existing configs and convert them to YAML either19:10
BLZbubbait does have an option to read /etc/network/interfaces19:13
BLZbubbathough i wonder how accurately it can handle things like lacp and vlans19:13
BLZbubbai would prefer if it would write /etc/network/interfaces though19:13
BLZbubbaat least that would help with continuity19:14
TJ-that's what I said; it's missing an ifupdown renderer and as ifupdown is deprecated it won't get one... a parser would at least let users rely (!!) on netplan t convert an ifupdown config to something else19:14
BLZbubbayeah an ifup/ifdown emulator for systemd-networkd would be great19:15
guardianhello, how can I get more information about difference in packages when choosing or not choosing "minimal installation" in the 18.04 installer?19:47
hggdhguardian: what do you mean on "difference in packages"?20:17
guardianwell I would like to know which packages are not installed when clicking "Minimal Installation"20:20
notsgniknice feature the minimal install :D i was waiting for it since a long time20:20
notsgnikthe las daily build don't install on my computer it crash after i enter the user credential and clic next :/20:20
notsgniki used one from 2 days ago to perfor the installation20:21
hggdhguardian: the basis for which packages go where is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement20:22
guardianthanks will read20:23
hggdhguardian: also, there, you have links to what packages are in which, ah, flavours20:25
guardianso I booted the bionic desktop image installer. I'm surprised the partitionner doesn't ask me whether I want GPT partitioning vs old primary/logical dichotomy20:33
nacccan anyone else confirm they see new behavior like this for unknown commands: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jb76TmdG3V/20:33
notsgniknacc, 20:34
TJ-nacc: not in {16,18}.0420:34
naccTJ-: i'm on 18.0420:34
nacci'm wondering if it's only for packages that happen to also be snaps20:35
nacctrying to find the source of that output20:35
TJ-root@u1804:~# jq20:35
TJ-The program 'jq' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:20:35
naccTJ-: fully up to date?20:35
naccTJ-: and do you have any snaps installed?20:35
notsgniknots@pc-principle:~$ jq20:35
notsgnikThe program 'jq' can be found:20:35
notsgnik + snap 'jq' 20:35
notsgnik * deb 'jq'20:35
notsgnikinstalled the daily update from feb 25 since the last one don't install20:36
notsgnikfrechly installed and up to date20:36
TJ-installing 277 upgrades :D20:38
naccTJ-: lol20:39
naccis c-n-f one of them?20:39
TJ-nacc: I could make up a rude name for that acronym so you best expand it :D20:43
nacci foudn the source it's from python3-commandnotfound20:43
nacci'm pinging the dev20:43
naccas this is a regression in UX imo20:43
TJ-nacc: Setting up command-not-found (0.3ubuntu18.04.0~pre4) ...20:43
TJ-root@u1804:~# jq20:44
TJ-The program 'jq' can be found:20:44
TJ- + snap 'jq' 20:44
TJ- * deb 'jq'20:44
notsgniki got this trying to install steam https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f4JFxKgDpy/20:49
notsgniki didn't had that on my previous install20:50
naccnotsgnik: steam from ubuntu or from steam?20:50
notsgnikfrom ubuntu20:51
naccnotsgnik: try specifying it manually20:51
naccnotsgnik: e.g., `sudo apt install steam libtxc-dxtn0:i386 libxss1:i386`20:52
naccmaybe smoething is currently uninstallable20:52
naccit can happy20:52
naccalso steam is in multiverse, and may need an update/rebuild/etc20:52
notsgnikmultiverse was added @ installation time20:53
naccnotsgnik: i understand20:53
naccnotsgnik: not what i said, at all20:53
naccnotsgnik: steam hasn't been updated in bionic yet20:54
notsgnikok so is not in sync with the new envirenement20:54
naccnotsgnik: it might not be, i don't know20:55
naccnotsgnik: as i said, you can try and resovle it for apt manually20:55
naccnotsgnik: i just told you.20:55
naccnotsgnik: e.g., `sudo apt install steam libtxc-dxtn0:i386 libxss1:i386`20:56
notsgnikyes, i was going to try that sorry i got adhd with the multiverse thing20:56
notsgnikPackage 'libtxc-dxtn0:i386' has no installation candidate20:57
notsgnikubuntu pakage search give no result for this packet21:01
naccnotsgnik: yeah that package doesn't exist in ubuntu21:02
TJ-!info libtxc-dxtn-s2tc021:03
ubottuPackage libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 does not exist in bionic21:03
TJ-!info libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 artful21:03
ubottuPackage libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 does not exist in artful21:03
TJ-!info libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 xenial21:03
ubottulibtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 (source: s2tc): Texture compression library for Mesa. In component main, is extra. Version 0~git20131104-1.1 (xenial), package size 47 kB, installed size 251 kB21:03
naccoddly, i have steam installed on this bionic laptop21:04
nacclet me remove and reinstall it21:04
notsgnikthey say it's a virrtual pakage privided by ...21:05
notsgnikwitch is not available in bionic:i38621:06
notsgnikbut i just start looking21:06
nacci think s2tc has been removed itself21:07
naccwhich probably means steam needs an update21:08
notsgnikalso i still to go to gnome tweak tool fonts to set the hitting: medium and the antialiasyng : standart21:16
notsgnikin order to have normal looking font on visual code studio21:16
naccnotsgnik: yeah this looks inadvertent (the steam issue) i'll work with the devs to resolve21:16
notsgniki think it's the same with atom editor21:16
notsgnikthanks nacc and as soon as i get steam working i'll try to see if video games still laggs 21:18
notsgniksince last updates i had a really bad framerate and it looked like it wasn't from the drivers  21:18
notsgnikthe game was running really smoudly last week21:19
notsgnikreally impress that the alt-tab worked like a charm with defferent resolution and even with multiple screen21:20
notsgnikback in the old days those things where just dreams :D21:20
notsgnikby the way for gnome, i found caffeine extension but not the user-theme one in the packet manager. i'll be glad to volontere if i can help in any of those issuses21:28
=== mwsb is now known as chu

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