
fabio_cchi el, news about #ubuntu-it-touch and #ubuntu-it-phone? did you took a decision about those channels?21:21
elfabio_cc: they've been closed a while, i thought i sent you a memo21:27
fabio_ccel, no, i did not receive any memos21:29
eloh, well the owner has clearly changed, the channels are no longer listed and they're only still around so they cannot be reregistered.21:30
elit was done over 15 weeks ago21:31
fabio_ccok, I already knew that. I thought it was a temporary measure and that those channels would have been dropped21:38
fabio_ccel, howewer, it's the same thing, for me21:39
elyou are wanting to do something with the channels now?21:47
fabio_ccel, no, I don't want21:49
elok, so you're ok with them being registered but unlisted and not wanting change from this?21:50
fabio_ccel, yes, it's the best thing21:51
elok excellent21:52
fabio_ccel, thank you for the support :)21:54

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