
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Hi there!01:05
tsimonq2Did you plan on fixing up ukui-power-manager?01:05
handsome_fengYes, The developer of ukui-power-manager are still working for that01:06
tsimonq2slangasek: ^01:06
tsimonq2handsome_feng: This commit looks similar: https://github.com/ukui/ukui-power-manager/commit/137bac04731037ef91fa96141cb14700efd9f9ed01:08
tsimonq2Could that be cherry picked or is there still more work to do?01:08
handsome_fengIt need to do some test01:10
tsimonq2Let me know01:10
handsome_fengAll right!01:11
handsome_fengtsimonq2: Hi, I have uploaded the new ukui-power-manager to the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-members/+archive/ubuntu/newpackages/+packages03:43
tsimonq2I'll look shortly03:44
handsome_fengThanks! :)03:44
tsimonq207:11:29 PM < handsome_feng> All right!03:59
tsimonq209:43:31 PM < handsome_feng> tsimonq2: Hi, I have uploaded the new ukui-power-manager to the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-members/+archive/ubuntu/newpackages/+packages03:59
tsimonq209:43:50 PM < tsimonq2> Aweomse03:59
* tsimonq2 was trying to select the URL :D03:59
tsimonq2I really need to replace this cheap Dell mouse already...04:00
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Couple of quick packaging things that aren't a blocker at all but you should maybe look into for the next upload :)04:05
tsimonq2You might want to look into using wrap-and-sort if you haven't already, it makes things a bit more organized.04:05
tsimonq2You don't need this line in debian/rules because parallel is turned on by default in debhelper 10+:04:06
tsimonq2get-orig-source in debian/rules is a bit of a pkg-mateism (meaning, a bit of code that I have only seen used by the Debian MATE packaging team, or pkg-mate) and you should assess whether you use it or not04:07
handsome_fengThanks, I will pay attention next time!04:08
tsimonq2Otherwise, it looks good to me :D04:08
tsimonq2Ok, cool04:08
tsimonq2Uploading now :D04:08
=== s1aden is now known as sladen

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