
nhaineschiluk: Hi!  :)  We used to do back-to-back talks, but most SCALE miniconferences do 30-minute gaps to improve the "hallway track" sessions and to give people more time to wander between tracks.00:25
nhainesIt's too late to change the schedule now (barring an absence), but would you consider hanging around the Ubuntu booth over the weekend?  We do get people wondering how to contribute, and your talk looked like it was perfect for UbuCon.00:26
nhainesWe could still use your expertise at the booth if you have time to spare.00:26
lynorianI should probably come to the booth08:32
chiluk@nhaines, Jose always drags me into the booth.  I'm sure I'll be hanging out there.15:48
DonkeyHoteiy'know, i have all the updates for trusty installed, and the spectre variant 2 proof of concept code still shows that i'm vulnerable20:40
DonkeyHotei(ivy bridge i7)20:40

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