
naccstoopkid: then what Bashing-om said00:01
stoopkidBashing-om: i've been using that and this is how the process goes. i download the package i need, i move it to the offline computer, i try to install, it fails saying i need 10 other dependencies. so i go back to the online computer, grab those dependencies, move them to the offline computer, try to install one, and it fails saying i need 10 other dependencies00:01
stoopkiddo i really just need to keep iterating this until done?00:01
Bashing-omstoopkid: Yeah, that is the process.. on https://packages.ubuntu.com/ is also the dependency listing .00:02
Bashing-omstoopkid: Imagime what life was like before there was a package manager :)00:04
ioc_boot a 14.04 live dvd on the online computer, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get --download-only install package, copy over /var/lib/apt/lists and /var/cache/apt/archives to the offline computer00:04
ioc_then apt-get on the offline comp00:05
=== dan_ is now known as Guest4948
mtdmsdo you recommend some translator like trans?00:07
mtdmsor how to fix it00:07
mtdms[ERROR] Null response.00:08
mtdms[ERROR] Oops! Something went wrong and I can't translate it for you :(00:08
mtdmsmy first language is spanis but i like to read in other languages so it helps me a lot, do you recommend some good? or why is not working? i can use google translator but the trans is quick i like it from console00:08
mtdmssomething from console00:08
stoopkidioc_: i see, that seems more convenient; i guess i expected there to be some tool that would automatically download all dependencies and wrap them into... idk, something that can just be transfered over to the offline computer and installed without having to worry about it further; live cd seems like it *should* be *way* overkill00:10
ioc_mtdms, submig a bug report to its developers https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell/issues00:10
mtdmsdo you know another one?00:11
stoopkidperhaps i'm naive to think that?00:11
ioc_stoopkid, synaptic does have an option to generate a downloading script but i never tried it00:12
stoopkidioc_: i was looking into that, isn't synaptic a graphical frontend though? i don't have a GUI desktop on my offline 14.04 cause idk why but it crashes every time i boot up with the desktop00:15
hggdhstoopkid: you could write a script to download the necessary packages -- run apt-cache depends <what you want>, and then parse the output for "Depends:" and "Recommends:" lines, grab the package names from these lines, and run apt-get install --download-only on them;00:20
hggdhstoopkid: then (given you already have the list of packages) copy them from /var/cache/apt/archive into a temp directory, and create a tarball from this directory00:21
mtdmswhat program translator do you recommend from console like trans?00:21
stoopkidhggdh: unfortunately that seems the most reasonable solution, thanks very much, will give that a shot00:23
* stoopkid goes into a deep depression and then afk00:24
hggdhstoopkid: please note that each Depends and Recommends might have its own list of dependencies...00:24
bazhanghttps://www.ostechnix.com/use-google-translate-commandline-linux/ mtdms00:25
mtdmsdo you mean trans?00:25
bazhangmtdms, thats trans added to your ubuntu00:26
mtdmsbut thats the problem00:26
bazhangmtdms, check the link on how to addit00:26
mtdms[ERROR] Null response.00:26
mtdms[ERROR] Oops! Something went wrong and I can't translate it for you :(00:26
mtdmsi got when i try to use it00:26
mtdmsin my ubuntu00:26
mtdmsdo you why?00:26
bazhangmtdms, have you read the link00:26
mtdmsone min00:27
mtdmslet me see00:27
bazhang!info translate-shell | mtdms00:30
ubottumtdms: translate-shell (source: translate-shell): Google Translate to serve as a command line tool. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1 (artful), package size 50 kB, installed size 203 kB00:30
bazhangadd that from the ubuntu repos mtdms00:30
bazhangsudo apt install translate-shell mtdms00:30
mtdmssorry, i was reading the page but i didnt get the solution yet00:33
mtdmswhat do you mean?00:33
mtdmsi installed apt-get install translate-shell00:33
bazhangmtdms, then you saw or not my solution of adding translate-shell00:33
mtdmswhat do you mean? to install from the repositories?00:35
bazhangmtdms, there are ubuntu direct sources of software, those are call repos, or repositories00:36
mtdmsdo i need to add some repositories?00:37
bazhangmtdms, then there are outside sources, sucha s github00:37
laptophi how are you00:37
bazhangmtdms, did you try the command I told you to install it00:37
mtdmsapt-get install translate-shell?00:37
bazhangwith sudo, yes00:37
mtdmsyes i did00:38
mtdmsbut it says i have already installed00:38
bazhangmtdms, then go ahead and use it00:38
mtdmsdo you want me to reeinstall? to remove and install it again00:38
bazhanguse it00:38
timdotrbHowdy. I just replace my nvidia video card with an AMD card, and am looking around for drivers for it. I see the fglrx package is not available for Ubuntu 17.XX, so I was wondering what driver is recommended for the recent versions of the distro?00:40
=== SmokinGrunts is now known as Aztec
=== Aztec is now known as SmokinGrunts
bazhangtimdotrb, which amd card exactly00:40
timdotrbbazhang: RX 58000:40
bazhangtimdotrb, is that a newer one,00:41
timdotrbbazhang: it is one of (if not the) newest00:41
mtdms[ERROR] Null response.00:41
mtdms[ERROR] Oops! Something went wrong and I can't translate it for you :(00:41
bazhangmtdms, tell us the exact command you used to get that error00:42
mtdms i just need to type: trans and the word right?00:42
mtdmsfor example: trans hi00:42
mtdmsmy first language is spanish00:42
mtdmsits an example00:42
mtdmsfrom english to spanish00:42
mtdmsor maybe im no tryping the right command?00:42
mtdmsive tryied many ways and i get same error00:44
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver timdotrb00:44
mtdmsis there another translator from console?00:44
bazhangmtdms, thats not the correct way to use it00:45
mtdmshow should i type it?00:45
mtdmsfor example00:45
bazhangmtdms, the error is what you are inputting00:45
mtdmsthe word: hi00:45
mtdmshow do i shoul type?00:45
mtdmslet me try00:45
bazhangmtdms, the link I gave you tells the exact way to do it00:45
mtdmsi also tryied like the link i got the same error00:46
bazhangmtdms, you need to read it carefully and then put exactly what it says00:46
timdotrbbazhang: Yea, I have seen that page, but it doesn’t really help with my quest00:46
sysfaultis there a root user at all on ubuntu?00:48
AmericanBlendof course it is00:48
AmericanBlendjust it has no password by default00:48
sysfaultohh i see00:48
bazhangsysfault, we use sudo00:48
AmericanBlendyou can go sudo su00:48
AmericanBlendthen psswd00:48
bazhangAmericanBlend, please no00:48
AmericanBlendand then you can access it by su00:49
AmericanBlendbazhang, ?00:49
bazhangsysfault, use sudo -i for a root shell00:49
sysfaultsurely i would want to set a password for my root user bazhang00:49
mtdmsthanks anyway00:49
sysfaulti'll use sudo for everyday tasks but if i ever needed to be rooted exclusively i'd wanna su -00:50
bazhangsysfault, really you do not, sudo -i is it00:50
mtdmsdo you know another translator? from console00:51
bazhangtrans -shell -brief00:51
bazhangdo that mtdms ^00:51
sysfaultfirst distro i've ran into which despises having exclusive root access to your own box00:51
bazhangsysfault, the root shell needs not that, but sudo -i00:52
sysfaulti see00:52
mtdmsi got this: Translate Shell00:52
mtdms(:q to quit)00:52
bazhangmtdms, next command upcoming00:53
bazhangRien ne réussit comme le succès.00:54
bazhangmtdms, ^00:54
mtdms> Rien ne réussit comme le succès.00:54
mtdms[ERROR] Null response.00:54
mtdms[ERROR] Oops! Something went wrong and I can't translate it for you :(00:54
willcis docker worth the effort or can virtualenv do the trick?01:00
naccwillc: sort of unrelated things01:05
naccwillc: if you are asking specifically about python, you want a python channel01:05
laptopanyone play around with steam and ubuntu01:06
skywave_laptop yeah01:08
rollingubuntuhello, anyone awake?01:09
willcI didn't realize they were python specific.01:09
skywave_but then i realized what a huge waste of a finite life it was and that games are just time sinks that provide no real benefit to me as a human01:09
skywave_so i went and got myself a new bicycle01:09
skywave_and now i spend my time riding my bike and taking nature phgotos and posting them on facebook01:10
skywave_so yeah, #%$@ gaming01:10
naccskywave_: please stay ontopic.01:10
skywave_dude...i got a tan01:10
nacclaptop: do you have a specific support question?01:10
skywave_actually i came here to ask about a ubuntu 16 specific bug i encoutered in skywave linux distro01:11
naccskywave_: 'skywave linux distro'?01:11
naccskywave_: that's not an ubuntu issue, if it's a fork01:12
laptopno sorry I need linux steam help01:12
nacclaptop: what kind of help?01:12
nacclaptop: you've mentioned 'ubuntu', 'linux' and 'steam' so far01:12
skywave_wow, what a but whole01:13
laptopwell it is okay01:13
naccalright then01:14
=== Anticime1 is now known as Anticimex
demuHi, So I have a ubuntu server on my local network and can access it locally but can't for the outside. router is port forwarding and ufw status is allow anywhere for port 80. Am I missing something?01:15
wedgiedemu: not unheard of for residential ISPs to block 80 inbound. Have you tried it on a different port just to rule that out?01:16
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=== sysfaukt is now known as sysfault
demuwedgie: nope, will try it now01:17
wedgieto be clear, I mean portforward some other port on the outside to port 80 inside. Don't have to change the server's config01:17
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
demuyup, I had a centOS server before and it worked fine after firewall was setup correctly. No luck but had to try it :(01:21
diepesjoin #salt01:21
wedgie''netstat -tnl | grep 80'' shows the service listening on all IPs?01:23
demuwedgit: the server has 2 interfaces could that be the problem with (ufw)01:23
wedgiewhich are you port-forwarding to?01:24
wedgieand ufw confuses the crap out of me, so I probably won't be much help troubleshooting that :P01:25
demuit listening on all interfaces01:26
=== what is now known as Guest66695
wedgieand you're testing it by hitting it from a box outisde of your network, not trying to hit the external ip from within your lan?01:27
demufor my lan01:28
demuI think you are right, should call friend and see if he can reach it01:28
wedgiewill depend on your router, but not all of them will do a NAT hairpin like that by default. Try testing from your phone or something (not on wifi)01:28
demuor my phone01:29
demugetting on my phone "your connection was interrupted" hummm...01:32
demutrying just the IP01:32
demuconnection time out01:33
xromulusLet's say your wireless router is on and your modem/dns is at Sometimes I connect via wifi and have internet access other times I connect and change the routing to say is the default gateway and the dns is at and it works. Sometimes there is nothing I can do, no connection. Why with network manager does it work sometimes but not always? I am receiving an ip via dhcp..01:36
demujust figure it out01:37
demuit is too embarrassing to say what is was :(01:38
wedgielol, don't leave us hanging01:38
Zabot_I have a network with mdns running on several hosts, when I ping a host with hostname.local on ubuntu I can resolve it just fine, but when I just ping hostname the host isn't found. Adding search local to /etc/resolve.conf doesn't have any effect. Where else should I look01:39
demuxromulus: thank for the explanation01:40
KerbalSTI've been trying to install Ubuntu on my system and it's been taking 2 hours at this point. The system is a fast one as well (CPU: R5 1600, GPU: GT 740) and every website I check says it should only take 30 minutes at most. The progress bar is slowly progressing. Anyone know how I might make this faster?01:41
xromulusdemu: lol that was my problem/question. Trying to figure out what the hay is going on01:41
mutanteZabot_: maybe the "hosts:" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf01:41
mutanteonly if that has "files" as in "files dns" it looks in resolv.conf01:42
Zabot_mutante: hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns01:43
Zabot_Welp, thats not vim -_-01:43
=== terminal1 is now known as terminalator
rollingubuntuI can see some activity :) so, I have 17.10, and my desktop shows up weird01:49
rollingubuntucould I get some tips please?01:50
thewaffleSo What is everyone's recommended java package for ubuntu 16.04? I run a Java app (Runescape) and my CPU spikes to 100%01:54
rollingubuntuany 17.10 expert here please?01:58
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jdrNah. On LTS 16/0402:00
rollingubuntujdr: got you02:01
rollingubuntuany one else?!? :)02:01
rollingubuntujdr: stay on 16.04 for as long as you can :D02:01
=== bundito is now known as _sharvey_
=== SmokinGrunts is now known as SG_Errands
thewaffleSo What is everyone's recommended java package for ubuntu 16.04? I run a Java app (Runescape) and my CPU spikes to 100%02:18
rhyzomhey, guys... finally fixed my small, crappy acer yesterday, got it running on lubuntu, this morning upgrade, reboot and it hangs in blank screen right after loading02:25
rhyzomany help here would be greatly appreciated02:25
BudgiiSimple discovery I made, which most of you probably know but I thought was cool. # cd /home/user/folder ;python3 MyScript.py02:27
=== SG_Errands is now known as SmokinGrunts
BudgiiThere is a class offered in my area about ubuntu. It's taught using Ubuntu 14...... .6? It's most likely just outdated curriculum, but would the knowledge be much different than in more current versions?02:33
Bashing-omrhyzom: Broken graphic's driver ? At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F2 -> console interface; can you login here ?02:34
KerbalSTI'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.0.4 on my PC and it is taking a very long time (upwards of 3 hours now). The PC is a fast one, and all articles I have found say it should only take 30 minutes. This is my third attempt. Any help? (The progress bar is at "copying files", about 2/3rds of the way there but hasn't moved in a while. Installing from a usb stick)02:34
Budgiidid you verify the hash key? ( i think thats what its called) is it an official version, KerbalST?02:35
Iam1Probably a corrupt download02:35
Budgii +1 Iam102:35
KerbalSTI'll check that, it was an official version.02:35
jdrTrashy thumb drive?02:35
Iam1I think corruption for sure02:36
rhyzomBashing-om: i held shift, grub > recovery mode... worked... and im not sure why it didnt 10 times before that02:36
Iam1What are you installing on02:36
Iam1Do the. md5 sum02:37
Iam1Typing on my ipad is too slow sorry02:38
Bashing-omrhyzom: while good to be able to activate the recovery console, what about ctl+alt+F2 at the login screen ?02:39
BudgiiIam1, you're on IRC on iPad? what app? :D02:39
Iam1Pretty useless02:39
Budgii@Iam1 really? ha02:39
Iam1Checking it out02:40
KerbalSTI've checked, the ISO I downloaded is not corrupted, will try a different USB stick and check back later02:40
BudgiiIf you do python, I just bought Pythonista. Pretty cool for iOS.02:40
BudgiiKerbalST, good luck02:40
Iam1Yeah got it02:40
BudgiiIam1, do you like the app?02:41
Iam1Not much02:41
Iam1Slow typing02:41
Iam1Not the apps fault02:42
BudgiiAgreed on that note, i'm interested in making apps with it. I hear you can use the motion sensors in your scripts. Once I learn more python, i'll be super excited to make a graphical program02:42
BudgiiBut.. you can type it out and email it to yourself. :D02:42
rhyzomBashing-om: will give it a shot02:42
Iam1Or iCloud is handy02:43
BudgiiThat too.02:43
BudgiiIs SASL available on your IRC app?02:43
Iam1I run Ubuntu in virtual02:43
Iam1On my mac02:43
BudgiiOh, thought you were on iPad02:44
Iam1No Ubuntu for ipad,,,,yet lol02:44
Budgiithat;d be sweet. LD02:44
Iam1Maybe one day02:44
Iam1Whenever I can avoid paying for stuff I like it02:46
Iam1I think it's possible to get Ubuntu on ipad02:46
Iam1Can't see why not02:47
docmurHey guys, I have my home folder encrypted for my user and this morning I changed my password with the "passwd" command.  My computer just rebooted and now when I try to login through GDM is just hands and kicks back out to the login GDM screen.  When I go to the console (CTRL+ALT+F2) and use ecrypt-mount-private, it doesn't seem to accept my new or old password, is there something I'm missing?02:47
Iam1IOS and Linux are very similar02:48
BudgiiLinux iPad would be sweet.02:48
Iam1Could be worth a shot02:49
Iam1You have me interested now02:50
Iam1Will you buy me a new one if I brick it lol02:50
Budgiihaha.. sorry :)02:52
Budgiiat own risk there!02:52
Iam1I just found a YouTube how to02:53
Iam1Seems you need to jailbreak first02:54
Iam1They are making it. Very hard to jailbreak02:55
Iam1Have you tried budgie desktop02:56
hfpHi, is it possible to stream my audio to Kodi over DLNA (or AirPlay)? I don't want to serve a particular file but re-route audio from my computer speakers to my Kodi instance over the network.02:56
hfpSo that whatever is playing on my computer will come out on the Kodi box instead02:57
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Iam1hfp have you tried Bluetooth03:01
hfpMy Kodi box doesn't have bluetooth03:01
hfpOnly ethernet03:01
Iam1You can buy cheap receivers03:02
Iam1Less than 20 dollars03:02
hfpI'd rather stick with what I have already :) DLNA/AirPlay works well from my Android phone so there is no reason it shouldn't work from my Ubuntu machines. I just don't know what software to use, they all seem to be made to stream specific media files sitting on your HDD rather than the audio output.03:04
Iam1I send audio to my sound system successfully with mine03:05
Iam1If you have Bluetooth out I can't see why it shouldn't work03:06
Iam1I must admit I am not familiar with kodi03:08
hfpKodi has support for BT I think.03:11
Iam1I'm watching a guy on youtube bagging ubuntu for spyware and the first link he gives is to somewhere he's selling stuff lol03:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/03:35
xqbanyone knows how can I reorder tabs in foxit reader? https://superuser.com/questions/95198/is-there-a-way-to-change-the-order-of-tabs-in-foxit-reader it says just to drag them and it doesn't work, yet it's the most up-to-date version?03:43
leftyfbxqb: foxit reader is not part of the official supported repository of packages. You should contact support for foxit reader.04:00
stephen101trying command sudo cp -prv /tmp/squashfs_root/* /mnt/tempMount/04:21
stephen101cp: cannot stat '/tmp/squashfs_root/*': No such file or directory04:21
stephen101but the dir is right there...04:21
fishcookeris it possible to know detail about datetime update/change of the linux-headers-generic http://vpaste.net/TXNUb04:22
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=== trevorj_ is now known as trevorj
stephen101nm fixed dumb i had to sudo cp -prv ~/Untitled/tmp/squashfs-root/* /mnt/tempMount/04:27
Auctusi opened the disks thing and did the smart self-test, "wear-leveling-count" says 27752 ... what does that number mean?04:32
Bashing-omfishcooker: ' apt changelog linux-headers- | less ' .04:36
=== sins-_t is now known as sins-
pengwen_Auctus, do you have an old hard drive?05:02
pengwen_Who set's up the commands for the bots to respond to? they don't respond to everything, do they?05:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:05
pengwen_Does this channel have anything other than !ping, !help, and !patience?05:05
Auctuspengwen_: what do you mean old?05:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone05:13
pengwen_Auctus, like is it 10 months or 10 years old?05:16
lotuspsychje!msgthebot > vern05:16
ubottuvern, please see my private message05:16
Auctuspengwen_: its an SSD, its from a 3 or 4 year old laptop i got secondhand05:18
Auctusthe model is LITEONIT LMT-128L9M-1105:18
lotuspsychjeAuctus: whats your issue exactly, just joined?05:19
=== telnet is now known as nchambers
zumba_addictGood evening. I need to increase the timeout of a service to 5mins. Which one should I add in my service file, TimeoutStartSec, TimeoutStopSec, or TimeoutStopUSec?05:29
lotuspsychjezumba_addict: systemd or init?05:29
lotuspsychje!systemd | zumba_addict can this help?05:30
ubottuzumba_addict can this help?: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units05:30
energizerI turned on dash-to-dock and i like it but now my Super+[1-9] doesn't work, even though that option is enabled in dash-to-dock05:33
energizerI just get super+1 in the application im using05:33
esotericnonsensenot sure whether I should be asking here or in #gnome, but is there a keyboard shortcut for 'switch to window' ? e.g. if I use super-left and super-right to tile two windows, can I move between them without using the mouse?05:34
pengwen_esotericnonsense, alt-tab?05:39
pengwen_that's probably not what you are looking for ...05:40
esotericnonsensepengwen_: haha05:40
esotericnonsensealt-tab within a workspace would work because I generally only have two windows per workspace05:40
pengwen_esotericnonsense, within a single window, if you have a bunch of table open you can switch between them with ctrl-[0-9]05:41
esotericnonsensei might just end up using i3 again, i bought a machine with touch screen / tablet etc and figured gnome would support it better, but actually it's kind of shitty anyway05:41
pengwen_(or is it alt-[0-9] ... )05:41
energizersuper, unless you're having the problem that im having05:42
esotericnonsensesuper just does everything05:42
esotericnonsensee.g. I have three workspaces right now, i want to move between the left and right window (or between any windows) on the current workspace05:43
pengwen_when in doubt, ctrl-alt-del05:43
pengwen_fixes everything05:43
esotericnonsensealt-tab moves between everything in the entire wm, super-123 moves between things in the dock (plus favourites) which is just a thing i don't even care about. like the dock can be disabled for all i care05:43
esotericnonsensei think i'm just gonna go back to i3 hehe05:44
* esotericnonsense has broken his ability to use normal-person interfaces05:44
pengwen_esotericnonsense, what about ctrl-alt-[left/right]05:44
esotericnonsenseare you just giving me random key combinations now? ;)05:45
pengwen_no, i don't use unity, haven't used it in a while.  but you can switch between workspaces with something like that05:45
pengwen_that's what you use in lxde05:45
zumba_addictlotuspsychje: I read the whole document but I didn't find anything related to setting timeouts05:45
pengwen_and in cinnamon (yeah, different channel, but whatevs)05:46
EriC^^that's a mk2 fatality05:46
esotericnonsensei'm using gnome shell05:46
pengwen_does ctrl-alt left arrown not switch you to a workspace to the left?05:46
esotericnonsenseworkspaces are vertically oriented, and it's super-alt-{up, down}05:47
pengwen_sorry, ctrl-alt-[up/down]05:47
esotericnonsenseerr argh actually i'm wrong.05:48
pengwen_have you found a better solution for switching between windows that doesn't involve a) switch to the appropriate workspace, and then b) use alt-tab to pick out the desired window?05:48
esotericnonsenseyeah ctrl-alt-{up,down} works. it's also super-{pgup,pgdown}05:48
esotericnonsense(which on my machine is super-fn-{up,down}05:49
esotericnonsensepengwen_: the problem i am having is that alt-tab switches between all windows on all workspaces05:49
pengwen_i wonder if the apple key got mapped to becoming the super key05:49
esotericnonsenseif it were only within one workspace that'd be exactly what I wanted05:49
esotericnonsenseit's the windows key. windows is super no?05:49
pengwen_esotericnonsense, does {alt,ctrl}-` do anything useful?05:50
esotericnonsense(as in, the windows key is the super key. windows is not super)05:50
esotericnonsensealt-` switches between instances of the same currently running program05:50
esotericnonsensee.g. if I have two terminals open in different workspaces it'll switch between them (and as a result switch workspace)05:51
pengwen_esotericnonsense, you can try installing dconf-editor: https://askubuntu.com/questions/464946/ubuntu-gnome-force-alt-tab-to-switch-only-on-current-workspace05:51
pengwen_esotericnonsense, that's annoying05:51
pengwen_in lxde, you don't have that problem.  but the new problem they made is that every window shares the same taskbar05:52
pengwen_esotericnonsense, second post in that thread suggests running "gsettings set org.gnome.shell.app-switcher current-workspace-only true"05:53
esotericnonsenseyeah. i think i'm just going to go back to i3. the problem is that I wanted to learn the set of keybindings that would allow me to function on someone else's machine if they're running ubuntu05:53
esotericnonsensebut i feel like i've already made enough customizations that that's not the case05:54
esotericnonsensewhich kind of defeats the point05:54
pengwen_What's i3?05:54
zumba_addictthis helped me a lot lotuspsychje - http://alanthing.com/blog/2017/05/03/auto-restart-tomcat-with-systemd/ I'm good now05:55
esotericnonsensei3 is a tiling window manager which has an extremely unhelpful name (because of the intel core i3)05:55
pengwen_yeah, i was only aware of the "low power usage" intel processor05:55
esotericnonsensei'm setting up a new machine and thought i'd give ubuntu a go05:55
pengwen_i don't really experiment with window managers too much.  at one point i had installed xmonad, i think it was called05:56
xqbyes it's still called that05:56
esotericnonsensewith a mouse none of this is really a problem. it's just on a laptop on the go that I find it frustrating.05:57
pengwen_esotericnonsense, yeah, I hear you.  I try to stay away from mice as much as possible05:58
xqbxmonad greatly helps you achieve that05:59
pengwen_right now, the settings on this track pad are too sensitve, so the mouse randomly jumps frequently as I type05:59
lotuspsychje_!yay | zumba_addict05:59
ubottuzumba_addict: Glad you made it! :-)05:59
esotericnonsensemy particular concern about using i3 on this laptop was that hidpi will just be a nightmare like i'll have to change every font size. but such is life.06:00
pengwen_can you guys think of any reason why i should care what language my window manager is written in?  i3 is written in C.  xmonad is written in Haskell06:01
cfhowlettdoesn't matter06:01
xqbit's how you configure it that matters06:02
xqbxmonad requires you to know haskell06:02
xqbi3 has simple syntax06:02
xqbI went with xmonad because i3 has no easy way to switch between different layout algorithms06:02
pengwen_Yeah, I don't know anything about functional programming languages06:02
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esotericnonsenseAlt+Escape is what I'm looking for06:15
esotericnonsensewith capslock rebound it's a bit easier on the hand06:15
MarleneHow is everyone06:17
MarleneCan anyone help me?06:18
MarleneUbuntu 17.10 and 16 lts seem to be really buggy any good alternatives to ubuntu  more stable?06:19
Marlenebrowser and wifi keeps crashing06:20
MarleneI have to reboot wifi for the browser to work06:20
Marleneand there is no flash06:22
SemiNuswhat is more likely?  That my computer or USB card reader is busted, or that Kubuntu kills micro-SD-cards?06:34
SemiNusthe 5th time in a row I try to install Ubuntu on a Micro-SD card and the Micro-SD-Cards breaks within a few days06:34
SemiNusin the beginning, fsck can repair the file system06:34
SemiNusbut after a few days, everything is so broken, that even "fsck" can't help any more06:35
blutwurstWriting logfiles and everything to the SD? Yes? Disable the permanent writing.06:35
SemiNusblutwurst, how?06:35
SemiNusRaspberries also have SD-Cards and they survived all here06:35
DorothyWell i am new and i believe is the Ubuntu thats the ploblem i try Ubuntu for my blog and it has a lot of issues06:35
SemiNusDorothy, Ubuntu as such is an awesome distro06:36
SemiNusDorothy, I believe blutwurst's idea could lead to the solution06:36
blutwurstRasps only live long when you don't write logs/tmp files to the SD06:36
DorothyWell if it is it not behaving so awesome06:36
SemiNusblutwurst, so I need to figure out how to disable all the logging permanently06:37
SemiNusblutwurst, well, .... chattr +i on /var/log ;)06:37
SemiNusprobably a bad idea06:37
DorothyBrowser is slow wifi disconnects package manager do not download properly06:37
blutwurstYou could ( not recommanded )  stop the syslog. But I strongly suggest not to.06:37
SemiNusblutwurst, why not?  I can live without a syslog (I could re-enable it any time)06:38
SemiNusbut having the SD-Card busted every few days is a bigger problem06:38
blutwurstAlso you could go ahead and add a RAM Disk .06:40
DorothyNothing seems to work out of the box06:40
SemiNusblutwurst, https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/6253406:40
SemiNusblutwurst, do you think that would also work for a normal computer with normal Ubuntu?06:41
blutwurst*points to the ramdisk solution*06:41
DorothyCan anyone recommend a more stable linux distribution with fewer issues?06:41
SemiNusblutwurst, yep, the ram disk solution is goods06:41
blutwurstI think for a normal computer you should at least use a harddrive oder SSD / SSHD06:41
SemiNusDorothy, Debian Potato.  stop trolling ^.^06:42
Ben64Dorothy: this is #ubuntu , not really the place to get distro recommendations06:42
DorothyI have a nnew laptop i was told debian is for old machine i have an HP Expectre 360 i506:43
SemiNusDorothy, it was a joke.06:45
SemiNusDorothy, Debian Potato is a decade old.06:45
SemiNusblutwurst, sudo systemctl disable rsyslog.service06:45
SemiNusblutwurst, according to my research, this should disable the logging for the current session and also after reboot06:45
SemiNusis that good enough?06:45
blutwurstreboot. tail /var/log/*log ... wait...06:46
DorothyAnd is this not where you let Ubuntu know of all the issues i would think you would thank me for pointing out its issues not accuse me of trolling06:46
SemiNusthank you blutwurst06:46
blutwurstand see above iotop.. Find out what is writing to the disk. Example: Firefox profiles..06:46
SemiNusthank you blutwurst !06:47
blutwurstyou're welcome. *going beack to sleep*06:47
SemiNusgood night blutwurst :)06:47
SemiNusblutwurst, it's 7.47 AM ;)06:47
hateballDorothy: This is where you get help to solve your issues, if you so like. It's not a place for pointless ranting06:48
hateball!bug | And this is where you report actual bugs, Dorothy06:48
DorothyBut if you dont care to know how terrible it handdles on a new HP 360 then i guess i will move on and just write my video review without trying to fix anything and judge it as it is06:48
ubottuAnd this is where you report actual bugs, Dorothy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:48
Dorothygood day06:48
SemiNusDorothy, people in the open source community put a lot of effort into building open source systems.  They usually don't charge for this, however, they pay with their precious life time, that none of them can get back even a single second.06:49
SemiNusDorothy, so some kind of appreciation would be highly welcomed06:49
hateballDorothy: If you expect to get help, just saying "wifi is slow, ubuntu sucks" is probably not very useful information to anyone interested in helping you06:50
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:50
SemiNusDorothy, if there is a problem that you can point out (e.g. "I am trying to achieve XY and tried ... but I keep getting error ..." then someone might be more than willing to help06:50
* hotbakedpotato[m gets the popcorn06:51
AmisDoes the latest Ubuntu releases (newer than 16.04) have the option to change th mouse scroll speed? In the GUI obviously, nobody likes tinkering with command line for that.06:52
SemiNusAmis, yes06:53
AmisSemiNus, yaay06:54
SemiNusAmis, you can use the shell to do so06:54
AmisSemiNus, amm06:54
SemiNusAmis, for example, this command would make the mouse twice as fast:06:54
SemiNusxset m 2 006:54
AmisSemiNus, I mean if the option is available in the mouse settings, the GUI06:54
AmisA slider of some kind06:54
SemiNusAmis, no idea, I don't use the GUI06:54
SemiNusjust go with the shell06:54
AmisSemiNus, alright06:54
SemiNusother example:06:54
SemiNusxset m 3 406:54
SemiNusthis would speed the mouse to a 3x speed when moved 4 counts within 10 ms06:55
AmisSemiNus, yea but then I have to set put that in a profile or something to make it permanent and try explaining that to anybody who is not tech savvy06:55
DorothyI am with CNET and we are comparing all linux distros on new machines like the HP 360 but i guess the video that will air will be a better way to see the issues first hand a video is worth 1000 words. Thanks anyway06:57
DorothyWe are also comparing support as well bye06:58
SwedeMikeDorothy: this is not an official support channel.06:58
SwedeMikeDorothy: this is volunteers doing volunteer work.06:58
AmisText book example of today's journalists06:59
AmisUptight know-nothing07:00
SwedeMikeif that was even a journalist.07:00
AmisObviously: citation needed :)07:00
AmisIsn't CNET just a malware distributor nowdays anyway?07:02
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
arunpyasihello anyone around please ?07:18
arunpyasiI am still unable to make the projector working in 16.04, please help me07:18
hateballarunpyasi: how is it connected?07:23
arunpyasi hateball VGA07:24
hateballarunpyasi: what gpu/driver is this?07:24
arunpyasihateball, its Intel's07:25
hateballif it's a hybrid gpu I think in some instances you have the intel chip powering some outputs, while eg nvidia powers the others07:25
lotuspsychjearunpyasi: did you try pressing the Fn + other screen F key?07:25
arunpyasiSkylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520]07:25
arunpyasilotuspsychje, yes already07:26
arunpyasidoesn't work07:26
lotuspsychjearunpyasi: and xrandr --auto ?07:26
arunpyasihateball, it has amd and intel07:26
arunpyasiAmd as gpu and it also has intel's GPU07:27
kes0kes0: Hej07:27
arunpyasilotuspsychje, auto didn't make it work07:27
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hateballarunpyasi: I might be wrong here, but I *think* that it could be that you are running on the radeon driver, and the VGA output is hardwired to the Intel chip, and under X.org you can't run both chipsets at once (like you can under eg Windows)07:28
hateballAnd that would explain why you see the hdmi/dp outputs but not VGA07:28
arunpyasihateball, hmm.. so, how do I fix it ?07:33
arunpyasiI am still not getting how to switch amd or intel07:33
lotuspsychjearunpyasi: perhaps also take a look in your bios for vga settings?07:34
lotuspsychjearunpyasi: check sudo lshw -C video for your chipsets+ driver versions07:34
arunpyasilotuspsychje, there is nothing in bios for vga in mine07:36
arunpyasilotuspsychje, http://dpaste.com/01Q41T007:38
hateballthat would suggest you are not using the radeon card at all then07:38
arunpyasihateball, ok07:38
hateballI guess you could try doing that... but on 16.04, that means using fglrx? I am not expert on AMD at all07:38
hateballarunpyasi: oh also, if you have not already, enable HWE for updated X.org and mesa07:39
hateball!hwe | arunpyasi07:39
ubottuarunpyasi: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:39
lotuspsychje!amd | arunpyasi howto07:40
ubottuarunpyasi howto: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD07:40
ducassehateball: i can't recall if fglrx works with the original 16.04 kernel and x stack, but i'm positive it doesn't work with the hwe stack07:42
hateballducasse: at any rate, HWE stack should provide updated radeon, no?07:44
ducasseyes, i agree with that part. as you say, this could be caused by hybrid graphics, not sure how to fix that.07:45
arunpyasilotuspsychje, I am working on enabling HWE now07:45
rebecca88I can't figure out how to get my 4th monitor to work using xrandr08:04
rebecca88Does anyone have experience w/ this ?08:04
Triffid_Hunterrebecca88: usually just xrandr --output <name> --right-of <some other output> --preferred08:05
Triffid_Hunterrebecca88: keep in mind that graphics drivers have a hard upper limit on the size of the virtual screen, you may be running into that08:05
rebecca88Triffid_Hunter, ah that may be what it is... darn08:06
rebecca88i'm using amdgpu-pro with 2x 1080p, 1x 1200p, 1x 1440p on an R9 29008:06
Triffid_Hunterrebecca88: eg mine says "Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 2560 x 1440, maximum 32767 x 32767"08:06
rebecca88Oh I can check ?08:06
Triffid_Hunterfirst line from xrandr08:06
rebecca88Mine is 16384 x 1638408:07
Triffid_Hunterrebecca88: yeah so you've probably maxed virtual, might have to arrange your screens in a square rather than a line08:07
lotuspsychje!info arandr | rebecca88 arunpyasi also usefull alternate xrandr tool08:07
ubotturebecca88 arunpyasi also usefull alternate xrandr tool: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-2 (artful), package size 50 kB, installed size 309 kB08:07
rebecca88i put it in a square but it's kind of messed up now. brb gonna relog08:09
rebecca88Okay so what happens is by default the monitor is black08:12
rebecca88I played around with --addmode and --output and got the monitor to be really dim once, once it mirrored another monitor, and once it went this weird teal color08:13
rebecca88I ran `cvt 2560 1440 60` which returned `Modeline "2560x1440_60.00"  312.25  2560 2752 3024 3488  1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync`08:14
Triffid_Hunterwoah, modelines? I thought we left those in the early naughties08:14
rebecca88So I did `xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00"  312.25  2560 2752 3024 3488  1440 1443 1448 1493  -HSync +Vsync; xrandr --output DVI-D-1-3 --mode "2560x1440_60.00"`08:15
rebecca88Did we? Idk I'm lost08:15
rebecca88I may have been reading stuff for 12.0408:15
Triffid_Hunterrebecca88: that should all be completely automatic on basically anything that's not ancient.. even VGA had a way for monitors to tell the graphics card what settings they support08:16
rebecca88Triffid_Hunter, it works well in Windows but no Linux distro has played nice with all 4 monitors08:18
rebecca88I think I am running into that limit like you said. I do have 2x R9 290s though08:18
rebecca88Maybe I could get around the limit by splitting up the monitors among the 2 cards ?08:19
rebecca88I would kill to have linux working w/ these monitors... so sick of using windows+wls+conemu08:20
rebecca88Conemu makes me want to blow my brains out08:21
rebecca88Nevermind the limit is not the issue. I'm way below 16384 x 1638408:25
lotuspsychjerebecca88: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=quad_monitor_linux&num=408:29
rebecca88That article is from 201308:31
arunpyasiHi guys, installing HWE, fixed it08:34
rebecca88Is it possible to "convert" xrandr's output to xorg.conf ?08:35
pragomer I have a server/cloudstorage that is connected via sshfs. I have password encrypted 7z-archive with size 7 GB there. Navigating through the archive is pretty fast. But when extracting lets say an 50kb file this takes as long as copying the 7GB. Any hints how I could make this more smart?08:43
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rebecca88pragomer, rclone mount maybe08:48
ioc_pragomer, if you can restructure the thing, nextcloud + encryption, or a git server + encfs08:49
rebecca88K it's official this is impossible08:55
zxhello all08:55
rebecca88Everything results in an unusable monitor or "Configure crtc 6 failed"08:56
BitByBitgood morning. I have an ubuntu 16.04 distro on an ARM device. I try to install some package, like distcc.. but apt-get tell me there isnt suitable packages. Is there a way to verify that or if i miss repos?09:02
ioc_BitByBit, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=distcc lists arm64 armhf for xenial09:05
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BitByBitioc_, Thankyou for your support.. so I wonder why apt-get tell me that: Package distcc is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:18
BitByBitThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:18
BitByBitis only available from another source09:18
BitByBitE: Package 'distcc' has no installation candidate09:18
BitByBitops. sorry for multiline09:18
BitByBitthis is my /etc/apt/sources.list  http://www.mpaste.com/p/MKZhAV09:20
ducasseBitByBit: you need to activate the universe repo09:22
iceskins[m]Hello, i have a question about active pen support in Ubuntu. I'm using an older hp laptop with a wacom pen digitizer in built. I'm thinking of upgrading. The new hp laptops have many different types of pen tech. Is there a list anywhere of what is likely to work in Ubuntu?09:28
lupuloBitByBit man sources.list09:28
lupuloBitByBit, you could use synaptic09:32
patoo_001how do i change kernel in use?09:33
lupulopatoo_001, go to kernel.org and download a new one09:35
lupulopatoo_001, or select a image from ubuntu repositories09:35
patoo_001I have it installed already.09:35
patoo_001Changing it from current?09:36
ducassepatoo_001: reboot and select it from the grub menu09:36
patoo_001thanks. Let me check.09:39
leeyaaanyone know why i am not able to start nfs on xenial ? https://bpaste.net/show/de02311eec4509:41
leeyaahappened after upgrade09:41
leeyaaseems like nfsd module is missing09:42
Oolleeyaa: dpkg -l |grep nfs to see what you have (and what missing)09:44
Oolfor a server apt install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server and it's ok09:45
leeyaaOol: nfs packages are already installed09:45
Oolwith II at the begining ?09:46
leeyaaOol: yeah09:47
leeyaai tried reinstalling them before coming here09:47
Oolstrange, perhaps try a dpkg-reconfigure nfs-kernel-server,09:47
leeyaaOol: tried, says it is broken09:48
OolI'm sure nfs works on xenial, but I don't know what's your problem09:48
leeyaaor not fully installed09:48
Oolleeyaa: so purge them all and try to install them back09:48
leeyaawell there are a few bugs for xenial, not sure if they are related in any way09:48
leeyaaOol: already tried09:48
leeyaaapt-get install --purge nfs-kernel-server && apt-get install nfs-kernel server09:48
leeyaait fails on install09:49
leeyaaerm apt-get remove --purge i mean09:49
BitByBitadd-apt-repository universe -> command not found09:49
leeyaai even treid apt-get remove nfs-*09:49
leeyaaand then reinstall09:49
Ooldid apt update && apt dist-upgrade works ?09:50
ducasseleeyaa: where did you get the kernel from?09:52
ducasseleeyaa: is it a standard ubuntu kernel?09:53
BitByBitOol, yes they work09:53
ducasseBitByBit: add-apt-repository is in the software-properties-common package09:54
BitByBitducasse, So i need to apt-get install  software-properties-common ?09:55
ducasseBitByBit: either that or add universe manually09:56
BitByBitducasse, you mean i can add universe to the existing sources in /etc/apt/sources.list?09:56
lupuloleeyaa, nfs has two version, xenial could have changed its default version of nfs, and the configuration files not work.09:57
leeyaaducasse: it is09:57
leeyaaducasse: it is 4.4.0-104-generic09:57
ducasseBitByBit: yes, just add ubiverse after main09:57
leeyaalupulo: you mean to remove /etc/exports and try again ?09:58
Oolii  libnfsidmap2:amd64                  0.25-5                                     amd64        NFS idmapping library10:00
Oolii  nfs-common                          1:1.2.8-9ubuntu12.1                        amd64        NFS support files common to client and server10:00
Oolii  nfs-kernel-server                   1:1.2.8-9ubuntu12.1                        amd64        support for NFS kernel server10:00
Oolsory for flood10:00
Oolbut this is on a nfs server runnong10:01
Ooldpkg -l |grep nfs10:01
Oolrunning on Xenial10:01
leeyaasame https://bpaste.net/show/03d0f1dc4adc10:01
leeyaastill doesnt start10:01
BitByBitducasse, Thankyou. I got it to work.10:02
ducasseleeyaa: try reinstalling the kernel10:02
ducasseBitByBit: yw10:02
lupuloleeyaa, you could see the version of nfs and see the files what that version requires.10:02
lupuloleeyaa, fstab changes too,  NFS version 2, 3 and 4 export configurations are not always compatible. https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/s3-nfs-server-config-exportfs-nfsv4.html10:04
leeyaalupulo: fstab doesnt matter here - deamon doesnt start10:04
leeyaaducasse: tried that as well10:04
leeyaavery weird10:04
Oolleeyaa: did you have some modification in /etc/default/nfs* ? did you try without any exports ?10:05
leeyaaOol: yes10:07
leeyaaproblem is it reports that nfsd module is missing10:07
leeyaaeven though it is present at /lib/modules/4.4.0-104-generic10:07
Ool4.4.0.104 is the kernel you use ?10:08
Oolyou are not using 4.4.0-112-generic ?10:08
SysGhostwhat does uname -r say?10:08
leeyaait is 4.4.0-104-generic10:08
leeyaawait what10:08
SysGhostif uname -r and the instlled kernel version differs, it means one need to reboot to load the new kernel.10:09
leeyaaok so i copied /lib/modules/4.4.0-104-generic/ from a working server and not it works10:09
leeyaaseems to be resolved now, but could not figure out what had happened10:11
SysGhostcheck out what package that are supposed to own that module, and try reinstalling it. Having loose files out of package control is generally not a good idea.10:12
leeyaaSysGhost: it is the same package, but i think some files were corrupted.10:13
SysGhostrepair the file system, and reinstall the package inquestion should then solve it.10:14
leeyaathats some Yoda stype typing10:14
leeyaathanks for the tips guys10:17
ircuserFailed to download repository information Check your internet connection error inspite of having internet : Details : https://pastebin.com/KvVw7UBM10:32
add1ctusI recently installed Ubuntu on a new machine, intending to use Intel GPU for display and NVIDIA GPU for deep learning. Everything was working well until I installed the latest NVIDIA drivers (from their website, a .run file). Now I'm stuck in a login loop (after I enter my password, black screen, then back to login). This is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WvSVVwZGY9/10:35
add1ctusAnyone can help me troubleshoot?10:35
JimBuntuadd1ctus, I had a similar issue when I updated my drivers to their latest version. I would up having to force purge everything related to their drivers, update my kernel again, then re-install. In my case, it seemed their installation program missed a dependency.10:41
JimBuntuadd1ctus, I was left basically with an apt that wouldn't complete installations because it was stuck with a bad install that couldn't complete in the queue... using `apt-get install -f` wasn't resolving the issue.10:42
psemHi Guys, I'm new to ubuntu. I have a problem. After booting with windows once after long having not used it, i rebooted to ubuntu and found i was no longer able to rename files or cut them despite having permission to create and dlt files. Please help10:42
ruchikai've just joined hexchat10:52
ruchikalooking forward to learn irc10:53
ducasseadd1ctus: you should not have used the drivers from the nvidia website, but the packages in the repo or the graphics-drivers ppa11:05
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JimBunturuchika, welcome. Quick advice is to pay attention to channel topics. Take the time to look through the list of channels and join a bunch to find ones that you like.11:06
add1ctusJimBuntu: I uninstalled the driver (ran the .run file with --uninstall) and purged with apt purge nvidia-*. Still can't seem to log in. This time, I'm stuck with a wallpaper and nothing else. Any other ideas?11:06
add1ctusI guess I'll start off with a fresh installation, will save me time11:07
JimBuntuadd1ctus, purge again and try what ducasse is suggesting... using Ubuntu official drivers.11:07
ghost2911hi. cat /proc/cpuinfo shows bugs cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2. It means my cpu is vulnerable to these attacks ?11:09
Anon95412652538Hello, I am trying to compile this on Ubuntu 16.04 for the past 3 days with, can anyone please help me?11:22
hateball!compile | Anon9541265253811:22
ubottuAnon95412652538: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall11:22
ducasseAnon95412652538: for help with random software from github, contact the maintainer11:23
ioc_ghost2911, almost all processors on the desktop market are vulnerable, install security updates (including kernel updates) and you'll be safe11:24
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ghost2911ioc_, thanks11:38
ircuser34On giving the command sudo apt-get update I get : https://pastebin.com/ctdGxPcz11:39
ircuser34"Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead"11:40
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ioc_ircuser34, line 8411:50
ioc_the cdrom:// stuff can be ignored11:51
DiecastMessiahircuser34: well you could remove the cdrom in software and updates .. but for the old one.. you must have add PPA's that have old server links that are not used.. so no problem there you can uncheck those as well.. but i do is a pubic key error .. and not sure about that myself.. just means that the key is no good for one of those PPA11:51
DiecastMessiahi could be wrong.newbie here .. but maybe uncheck the cdrom in software and updates and than try to do apt-get update again11:53
ircuser34I cannot remove the cdrom in softwares and updates. https://imgur.com/a/JPqJf11:55
DiecastMessiahIn Other software uncheck at the top the cdrom one11:57
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DiecastMessiahsorry i thought it was on the first tab but wasn't11:57
ircuser34Done but still get an error. https://pastebin.com/HuZgxc6x11:58
Oolircuser34: https://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey12:00
Ool=> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <PUBKEY>12:00
DiecastMessiahOk well i have no idea what docker is.. but it a problem with the key .. some PPA get you make one.. You need to wait for someone that knows better than I ..12:01
Oolfor the  NO_PUBKEY12:01
DiecastMessiahoops thanks Ool12:01
Oolif you don't need docker12:01
Oolyou don't need this ppa too12:01
OolDiecastMessiah: docker is too manage Container: http://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-docker-and-why-is-it-so-darn-popular/12:03
Adriank tal12:05
=== Adrian is now known as Guest29152
ircuser34I get this https://imgur.com/a/9Ux69 in the terminal. I can't get past this12:06
ircuser34The scroll doesn't show12:06
Borw3Hello, guys, just installed Lubuntu, I try doing apt-get upgrade, and it goes untill it reaches a point and says.....12:06
Borw3rr:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security/main amd64 firefox amd64 58.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1   502  Bad Gateway [IP: 80]12:06
OolBorw3: perhaps try to choose an other repo with the update application12:08
Borw3Ool: But its the default Ubuntu repo, I am using, why should it be having such problems?12:08
Borw3Ool: ANyways, how can I change it?12:09
=== mwsb is now known as chu
DiecastMessiahircuser34: hit tab till the ok show up and hit enter or spacebar i think12:10
Outyircuser34: just press enter and follow instr. its an installer for truetype fonts12:10
OutyJeah TAB to the OK button12:11
DiecastMessiahi should have said tab till ok is highlighted12:11
DiecastMessiahyou'll see that sometimes when non free stuff is installing12:12
gautamShello guys12:12
OolBorw3: like this  https://askubuntu.com/questions/104695/how-do-i-change-mirrors-in-ubuntu-server-from-regional-to-main12:12
gautamSld errors out like this: "/usr/bin/ld: i386:x86-64 architecture of input file `curl/lib/.libs/libcurl-debug.a(content_encoding.o)' is incompatible with i386 output"12:13
gautamSwhat does i386:x86_64 mean12:13
gautamSis it i386 or x6412:13
DiecastMessiah32 bit or 64 bit12:14
gautamSthen why is it incompatible with i386 output12:14
OolgautamS: on the ld command did you put the (…) ?12:14
gautamSactually this isn't my program12:14
gautamSi'm trying to build doom3 from source12:14
gautamSi'll check the SConstruct file12:15
Oolit's a 32 bits version and you use a 64 bits one ?12:15
ircuser34Now when I try to update I get https://pastebin.com/1mg2JwME12:16
gautamSin their SConstruct file, they have explicitly added rules for 64-bit systems12:16
gautamSlike this: if(g_os == 'Linux') .. BASELINKFLAGS.append( '-m32' ) ..12:17
gautamSg_os is probably the output from uname12:17
gautamSbasically how do I apt-get a 32-bit version of curl12:18
gautamSdevelopment package obviously12:18
DiecastMessiahnot sure if the package name is but just add at the end package name :i38612:19
DiecastMessiahof **12:19
ioc_google "ubuntu cross-compiling 32 bit"12:19
ioc_(i guess it's not just about curl, isn't it going to error out for libc6 etc.?)12:20
gautamS /facepalm12:20
gautamSdoom3 has it's own version of curl12:20
Sven_vBis there a way to use unetbootin on a 32bit trusty system to make a 64bit xenial liveusb with casper? currently the live system drops to an initramfs shell with error "/cow format specified as overlay and no support found", grep can't find neither "cow" nor "overlay" in /proc/filesystems. "modprobe cow" quits w/o output, same for "overlay" and "overlayfs", still they're not in /p/fs.12:21
gautamSthat's located under "./neo/curl" (. being the root source directory)12:21
NeoI am not a directory12:22
ircuser34:') :')12:22
DiecastMessiahircuser34: that error just means it cannot find the list from that ppa.. it ok you can go ahead and do apt-get upgrade now...12:22
Sven_vBalso in case unetbootin can't do it, what's another somewhat-easy method?12:23
ioc_Sven_vB, persistent usb?12:24
Sven_vBioc_, yes, partition 1 on the USB drive is a FAT volume with a large file casper-rw with my seeds and config detection scripts. partition 3 is the unetbootin partition. worked nicely for 32bit ubuntus, so my suspicion is that I'm missing a 64bit overlay fs kernel module. on the other hand, if Windows unetbootin can do it, maybe it's another problem.12:25
Sven_vBpartition 3 (with the live CD files) is FAT32 as well. partition 2 is ext3 for data exchange.12:26
Sven_vBas usual, I told unetbootin to create 4 MB persistence file, then deleted that manually so casper falls back to the one on partition 112:27
Sven_vB*idea!* I'll try whether I can mount the fat partitions.12:28
ircuser34DiecastMessiah: Actually when I try building my file I get the same error, so I guess I need to get past through the error :)12:30
DiecastMessiahircuser34: oh you are building .. than i am sorry i have no idea .. i am far not a programmer12:31
ircuser34Nvm DiecastMessiah Thanks for the help you provided :)12:32
Sven_vBthe live usb had them already mounted. /dev/sda3 as /cdrom, /dev/sda1 as /casper-rw-backing, /dev/loop0 as /cow. I can even see my custom config files in /cow/upper/etc/12:32
Sven_vBhowever they don't exist in initramfs's /etc12:33
Sven_vBwow that's odd. I'll take a photo of that screen. (I wish I has a serial cable or sth.)12:35
Borw3Anybody having problems with sudo apt-get upgrade? mine keeps failing when it reaches to download the firefox packages :(, help please12:37
kostkonBorw3, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin the output12:39
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d_1_stortiondoes anyone know how to fix theming on 16.04 with virtualbox 5.2 because it's using qt?12:50
ioc_d_1_stortion, #virtualbox12:54
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Sven_vBwell I ran out of time for this attempt. I'll ask again later when I managed to make the photos and maybe even OCR them.12:56
Sven_vBwhat kind of cable would I need to make future failing initramfs send a copy of its output to another computer as text?13:00
ioc_in theory you don't even have to test it on bare hardware. kvm -m 1G -drive file=/dev/sdb,format=raw      never tried whether -serial file:output.log would put the logs in an output file on the host13:08
fishiewhy does my Xubuntu "Software" no longer find software? When I search for something the loading spinner just spins indefinitely. I can't even switch tabs or stop it.13:12
fishieoh I can stop it.13:12
fishiebut I can't even load the "Updates" tab.13:12
leftyfbfishie: what version of ubuntu?13:13
fishieleftyfb, I always forget how to check that.13:13
leftyfbfishie: cat /etc/issue13:14
leftyfbfishie: run: sudo apt update13:14
fishieah. hm. http://www.fosslinux.com/1768/fix-ubuntu-software-center-not-loading-issue-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts.htm13:14
fishieoh god what have I done13:17
fishieuninstalling gnome software is uninstalling a GB of stuff? I see nvidia and wine .... is it uninstalling my whole OS??13:17
fishiehuh. my game seems to be running so I guess it didn't break it.13:19
DiecastMessiahmmm did you run??? you shouldn't be seeing uninstalling if you did what leftyfb said13:20
fishiewell what he said didn't fix it.13:21
fishiethe page I pasted went further, telling me to uninstall and reinstall gnome. which ALSO didn't fix it. so the last step is to install Synaptek Package Manager... which... doesn't seem to be finding Steam. god I hate my life.13:22
DiecastMessiahI wouldn't use those.. much better to do it yourself in termial... so all you want to do it install steam?13:24
fishiefor now, yeah.13:24
WIFIwanterI have a USB-WLAN-Card13:25
WIFIwanterAfter restart WLAN doesn't connect automatic13:25
DiecastMessiahok i'll around for the software problem... but for now you can type in termial sudo apt-get install steam13:25
WIFIwanterI must remove the USB-WLAN-Card before I can connect!13:25
WIFIwanterWhat I have to do that I don't must remove the card?13:25
TJ-fishie: your symptoms remind me of an early bug in software-center where it messs up it's per-user cache/config, under $HOME/.cache/ $HOME/.local/ or $HOME/.config/ - I don't remember which but maybe that'll help you find the bug/solution13:29
DiecastMessiahfishie: i hope you reinstalled gnome.. but try sudo spt-get remove software-center  .. once that done sudo apt-get install software-center13:30
add1ctusI have an Nvidia GPU I use for ML. It only works with Tensorflow if I add /usr/lib/nvidia-384 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But if I put that environment variable in /etc/environment, then I can't log in (it just sends me back). Any ideas how to fix?13:31
fishieDiecastMessiah, alright. I'll try that next.13:31
DiecastMessiahadd1ctus: a login loop// you put in the passwrod does it flash and than shows the login screen again?13:32
Borw3I am back out cause of internet problem, please, assist, I can't sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade cause getting error on firefox package.13:32
hateball!paste | Borw313:32
ubottuBorw3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:32
TJ-fishie: a possible fix from comment #15 onwards in bug #156315513:32
ubottubug 1563155 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "No Application Data Found" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156315513:32
OutyI recently (like a few secs ago) installed WolfenBlood from SoftwareCenter. But I can not find this piece of software with apt list. It got installed from Snap Store.13:32
hateballOuty: "snap list"13:32
hateballOuty: and "snap run whatever"13:33
add1ctusDiecastMessiah: I enter the password. It shows the background for a few seconds, then a black screen, then back to the login screen.13:33
Borw3hateball: please assist, can't sudo apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade the firefox package in fresh Lubuntu install13:33
Outyhateball: thanks a lot. is there any kind of snap purge whaterver ???13:34
DiecastMessiahadd1ctus: yeah its a login loop.. you have to remove nvidia drvier is the only fix i know .. after that you can try installing it again13:34
hateballBorw3: I just told you to pastebin whatever errors you get13:34
hateballOuty: to remove a package you mean? snap remove package13:34
hateballOuty: snap --help, should show you what you can do13:34
Outyhateball: thanks... hope remove is like purge - i like a clean system13:35
add1ctusDiecastMessiah: But everything is working fine when I don't have /usr/lib/nvidia-384 in /etc/environment. I use my Intel GPU without any problems, and if I do the export manually, I can use my Nvidia GPU without problems.13:35
Borw3hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fJKB5y7TPd/13:36
Borw3Or anyone please help, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fJKB5y7TPd/13:36
DiecastMessiahadd1ctus: oh it a optimus computer.. its a bugger to get it going.. not i am very new to linux so i guess it best to wait for someone who can help ya better13:38
Borw3I can't sudo apt-get update, please help: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fJKB5y7TPd/13:38
Borw3I mean upgrade*13:38
DiecastMessiahit took be couple of weeks to get my laptop working fully. just finally have my games running13:38
TJ-add1ctus: adding it to /etc/environment means everything tries to use it which is why it breaks the X display session. As you know it works when set manually before running tensor, then create a wrapper shell script for launching tensor which sets the variable first13:39
hateballBorw3: suppose you could try a different mirror perhaps13:40
Borw3hateball: I have tried, same problem.13:41
Borw3hateball: Currently on main server option, was on my local server before.13:42
Borw3...and both don't apt-get upgrade the firefox package.13:42
DiecastMessiahdid you autoclean i think it is to clean out downloaded packages?13:43
Borw3DiecastMessiah: How to autoclean?13:44
DiecastMessiahmaybe a corruped package is the problem13:44
TJ-Borw3: the problem is the server, not your system13:44
Borw3TJ-: LOL, you experiencing same problem? cause I did apt-get upgrade....13:45
Borw3.....and all packages upgraded except firefox13:45
DiecastMessiahdoes it hang while it downloading the firefox package.. or when it installing the package?13:46
TJ-Borw3: no, but I manually tested the IP address you got using a telnet session. I've reported it to the server admins13:46
Borw3DiecastMessiah: It cancels the download, doesn't reach installing...13:46
Borw3...I evenhad to do --fix-missing to skip firefox13:46
Guest65680desmet stijn13:46
DiecastMessiahkk yeah its the server13:47
TJ-Borw3: just be patient; it'll be fixed soon13:47
Borw3TJ-: Thanks mate.13:47
TJ-Borw3: if you want a /temporary/ workaround do " echo " security.ubuntu.com " | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts" -- that'll add a working fixed IP address for that hostname rather than relying on round-robin DNS... then remove it later on13:49
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TJ-Borw3: server fixed, if you added the entry to /etc/hosts you can remove it now14:07
Borw3TJ-: Thanks, let me try now14:09
Outyhello =)14:16
hik4rywhats up14:16
BluesKajHi folks14:23
hellyeahavidemux is not in ubuntu14:32
z3u4r5dokhi guys I have an issue with vmware14:35
z3u4r5dokI cannot fix I'm desperately trying to find a solution on ubuntu14:35
z3u4r5dokmy error message is the following:\14:36
z3u4r5dokE: Malformed entry 44 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (component)14:37
TJ-z3u4r5dok: correct the syntax of the offending line14:37
z3u4r5dokE: the list of sources could not be read14:38
z3u4r5dokI am sorry but I'm new, I have read some many tutorials and websites and fell lost more and more14:38
z3u4r5dokCan you please direct me how, please??14:39
Sorfrostsudo vi  /etc/apt/sources.list14:39
Sorfrostto go to the 44 line14:40
TJ-z3u4r5dok: show us the file: "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list"14:40
leftyfbSorfrost: I wouldn't suggest vim to someone who is new to linux14:40
leftyfbTJ-: I don't think pastebinit it installed by default14:41
TJ-leftyfb: if it's not the friendly-commands thing should give the install command14:42
=== Mr_Pan_ is now known as Mr_Pan
z3u4r5dokhow to install pastebin??14:42
TJ-z3u4r5dok: try this instead: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999"14:43
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sudo apt install -y pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list14:43
SorfrostI have a problem with audio. It only shows Dummy Output from the gui. This is my alsa-info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b27b6bc04d7c00fe10c94c672acc5624bf1c666914:43
Sorfrostand i found this i dmesg14:44
z3u4r5doklet me try please14:44
ioc_cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | grep 44       and post here14:45
z3u4r5dokit throws me the following:14:47
TJ-z3u4r5dok: some lines do not specify the ubuntu release14:49
TJ-z3u4r5dok: e.g. "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu universe" and others14:49
z3u4r5dokso what to do next??14:50
TJ-z3u4r5dok: and you have entries for th 12.04 Precise release that should not be there too14:50
z3u4r5dokno, my release is 1614:51
TJ-z3u4r5dok: Yes, 16.04 Xenial but you have entries for 12.04 Precise at the end14:51
z3u4r5dok16.04 TLS14:51
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ###   delete everything there and copy/paste this into it ##  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/39tzPtt4zb/14:51
Borw3_TJ-: So, when I do upgrade I gota wipe old version from sources.list.d?14:53
Borw3_and also sources.list file itself?14:54
leftyfbBorw3_: an upgrade done properly should do that for you14:54
leftyfbBorw3_: but if you're doing the upgrade manually for some reason, yes, that is necessary14:54
Borw3_Also, I recently tried Manjaro, and it seems to have a kernel that supports my wifi more...14:55
Borw3_...I was wondering if there is a way to update to that version of kernel in ubuntu?14:55
leftyfb!hwe | Borw3_14:55
ubottuBorw3_: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:55
=== leviyatan1 is now known as leviyatan
Borw3_ubottu: I am on 4.13.x on 16.04 and wifi signal works, but seems to be lower in performance compared to kernel 4.20.x in Manjaro one.14:56
ubottuBorw3_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:56
TJ-Borw3_: there is no kernel 4.2014:57
z3u4r5dokI'm just created an account with paste bin just a second please14:57
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: you do not need an account with "paste bin" to copy what's there and paste into your sources.list14:58
momo12Borw I have the same issue with firefox i try to use ubuntu with chrome and is the same it it very slow. Some times i need to turn off wifi and back on to make it work but is very slow14:58
leftyfbBorw3_: as TJ- said, there is no 4.20 kernel. 4.15 is the latest stable kernel. All other kernels would still be under development. I think the latest under development kernel is 4.1814:59
leftyfber, 4.16, sorry15:00
* TJ- loves Ubuntu TimeTravel :p15:00
momo12It worked fine before the update wifi and firefox15:00
TJ-momo12: check the retries/error/invalid counts using "iwconfig"15:01
momo12lol so TJ im new to this and even worse im a girl lol15:02
TJ-momo12: why is that worse? intelligence is worse?15:02
Sorfrostanyone able to debug audio issues? ubuntu 17 with 4.13 kernel on a dell vostro 15 500015:02
TJ-Sorfrost: Your dmesg shows the device codec cannot be found, I wonder if the system's ACPI firmware is causing a device discovery issue15:03
momo12You might as well talk to me in chinese lol :P15:03
SorfrostShould i update BIOS?15:04
nicomachusSorfrost: what15:05
nicomachuswhy would updating your BIOS be your first idea for an audio issue?15:05
nicomachusSorfrost: going to need more info about your audio issues.15:05
momo12Well im in college and im sick of guys thinking they know more than me so im trying to use linux to prove to myself i can do something beside putting make up on lol15:06
TJ-Sorfrost: is there a BIOS/firmware option controlling the audio device?15:06
nicomachus!pm | Sorfrost15:06
ubottuSorfrost: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:06
z3u4r5dokHi there how can I give you access to my paste bin is called Ubuntu issue15:06
momo12This is my challage and i will make it or else hehehe15:06
TJ-momo12: the command "iwconfig" shows wireless devices and lists various counters for invalid packets, excessive retries. If those numbers grow rapidly or are large that indicates a problem.15:07
nicomachusSorfrost: just type the first few letters of someone's name and then hit the "TAB" key, it'll auto-complete the name and tag the user15:07
momo12i wish i didnt have to cheat and ask for help but i guess im out of my element lol15:07
TJ-Sorfrost: can you show us "dmesg | pastebinit"15:07
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ###   delete everything there and copy/paste this into it ##  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/39tzPtt4zb/15:08
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ###   delete everything there and copy/paste this into it ##  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/39tzPtt4zb/15:09
z3u4r5dokDid you see it??15:10
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: did you see what I've told you to do 3 times now?15:10
Outywhere are the snap packages/containers stored?15:10
momo12OK Tj Thank you :P15:10
z3u4r5doksorry will do it inmediatly15:11
Outyfound it sorry for asking15:11
momo12Whre do i use the command?15:11
Outyits /snap15:11
yattaHi, I have problems with files I don't want on hard disk at this time...this permutation of files is killing me softly.15:11
momo12omg nevermind sorry im better read more on basic before commung here15:11
momo12so sorry15:12
leftyfbyatta: please offer more detailed information15:12
momo12Im a dumb blonde here15:12
SorfrostTJ-, nicomachus i posted the dmesg and the alsa-info. Do you need anything else to help you debugging?15:12
TJ-Sorfrost: OK, so those dmesg errors are related to the HDMI audio only15:13
TJ-Sorfrost: no, I think we have everything we need ... so far :)15:13
SorfrostTJ-, thank you!15:14
TJ-Sorfrost: so I think we can ignore those errors they are for /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.3/sound/card0  HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP15:14
yattaI am afraid of popping up questions like "...are you sure you want to delete file...". Are you sure this... are you sure that... I just know I don't need some files on my hard and it scary enough I they'll be permanetly lost. What that even means?15:14
TJ-Sorfrost: so now we have to find the built-in audio device!15:14
leftyfbyatta: what is your question?15:15
SorfrostTJ-, there is also this " MMIO read of 00000000 FAULT at 10ac08 " in dmesg but i dont think it's related to audio15:16
TJ-Sorfrost: there is no audio device I can see. Can you "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"15:16
SorfrostTJ-, there you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HMy28rW5qv/15:17
TJ-Sorfrost: you are correct; those are for the nvidia GPU15:17
SorfrostTJ-,  it's a Dell Vostro 15 5000 series15:17
TJ-Sorfrost: OK, I was wrong, that is the built-in sound device but it appears to have ports for built-in and HDMI15:19
alnxhi, today my boss gave me a laptop to upgrade, which runs on ubuntu 15.04. I want to upgrade it to 16.04. when i tried "update-manager -c" it showed 15.10 upgrade available, but the urls are failing to download upgrades. how can i do this upgrade without format and reinstall?15:19
z3u4r5dok<Sorfrost> you told me just to erase eveything and copy the info in your links as root??15:19
yattaleftyfb, lets start with question does fb in your nick stands for facebook?15:20
TJ-Sorfrost: this could be an ACPI issue; whilst I research more please try this possible workaround:  http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html15:20
EriC^!eolupgrades | alnx15:20
ubottualnx: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:20
leftyfbyatta: trolling is offtopic. Do you have a support question?15:20
Sorfrostz3u4r5dok, it wasnt me. but yes. erase everything and put the other lines in source.list15:21
SorfrostTJ-, ok thx a lot15:21
z3u4r5dokI did it gives me something else let me show you15:21
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: you did not do what I told you15:24
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ###   delete everything there and copy/paste this into it ##  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/39tzPtt4zb/15:25
TJ-Sorfrost: if that doesn't work try installing a recent Ubuntu mainline kernel build in case it's fixed in later kernels15:25
TJ-!mainline | Sorfrost15:25
ubottuSorfrost: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:25
z3u4r5doksorry I will do it again15:25
Sorfrostyou are writing those lines in the shell15:25
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: do not do the exact thing you did before again. Do exactly as I told you15:25
TJ-Sorfrost: I have a script to make downloading and installing mainline kernel images easy: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/wget_kernel_mainline.sh15:25
alnxEric^, thanks15:26
=== yatta is now known as SomehowAlive
EriC^alnx: no problem15:26
SorfrostTJ-, ok i try rebooting now with the acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\" see how it goes15:27
SorfrostTJ-, brb dont go away!15:27
TJ-Sorfrost: good luck :)15:27
SorfrostTJ-, can i view from terminal which option i used for booting?15:29
Sorfrosti edited default/grub and did update-grub but i want to be sure it booted right15:30
TJ-Sorfrost: "cat /proc/cmdline"15:30
TJ-Sorfrost: that's the kernel's view of it's command line15:30
Sorfrostok then15:31
SorfrostTJ-, BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.13.0-36-generic root=UUID=7cb41753-425d-4ae6-a15e-a9fd1d1c6757 ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" quiet splash pcie_aspm=off vt.handoff=715:31
SorfrostTJ-, that's correct, but didnt solve the issue :P I'll try the latest kernel as u suggested15:31
TJ-Sorfrost: so the option is active; does the dmesg still show the Codec #0 probe error15:32
TJ-Sorfrost: there might be a different message (if we're lucky!)15:32
SorfrostTJ-, no it's still the same. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zb6dTD6MBm/15:33
TJ-Sorfrost: OK, another thing to test before you try a newer kernel.15:33
TJ-Sorfrost: echo "options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd-hda-intel.conf"15:35
TJ-Sorfrost: then try to remove and reinsert the module with "sudo modprobe -r snd-hda-intel" then "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" and test. If the module cannot be removed due to being in-use, do a reboot to test it15:36
campitorhi there folks15:36
campitorI am trying to run ubuntu live 16.04.3 on asus N552V15:37
SorfrostTJ-, on it15:37
campitorThe problem is there is only a purple screen15:37
campitorand the rolling stones don't roll15:37
z3u4r5dokI guess I just finally did15:37
campitorany help?15:37
z3u4r5dokHow to prove it??15:37
z3u4r5dokI saved in nano?? All I see is the text I copied15:38
ioria!nomodeset | campitor15:38
ubottucampitor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:38
ioriacampitor, and if you have a maxwel nvidia i'd disable secure boot15:39
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
z3u4r5dokleftyfb: What can I do next??15:40
SorfrostTJ-, still no luck https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B9JH2pm75h/15:41
TJ-Sorfrost: looking15:41
SorfrostTJ-, should i remove the boot option i inserted before?15:41
z3u4r5dokI did what you told me now if I enter this sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ### what pops up are the contents of the file you ask me to copy...15:42
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: try sudo apt update15:42
TJ-Sorfrost: I'd recommend keeping the acpi_osi values; they can only help possibly with things you don't realise are sub-optimal (power levels, device config)15:42
SorfrostTJ-, ok15:42
TJ-Sorfrost: I think it's time to try a mainline kernel15:43
z3u4r5dokcan i upgrade now??15:43
skinuxWhy are global installations of node tools discouraged on Ubuntu?15:43
skinuxIt seems to me they all get installed under $HOME/.node15:44
leftyfbz3u4r5dok: sure, try: sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade15:44
SorfrostTJ-, do i need to know anything else other that what's written in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:45
TJ-Sorfrost: I have a script to make downloading and installing mainline kernel images easy: "mkdir $HOME/Downloads/kernel; cd $HOME/Downloads/kernel; wget  http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/wget_kernel_mainline.sh ; bash ./wget_kernel_mainline.sh v4.15.5"15:45
SorfrostTJ-, right. sry15:45
TJ-Sorfrost: that'll fetch the list, then the kernel v4.15.5 then install the packages for you15:46
z3u4r5dokI am working on it....15:47
SorfrostTJ-, i read you need to uninstall out-of-tree modules before updating or you'r machine will likely not boot15:47
SorfrostTJ-, like virtualbox15:47
SorfrostTJ-, does your script take care of that?15:48
kfirufkhi! :) trying to fully understand how x11 forwarding works. why it needs the DISPLAY environment variable and what supposed to set it ?15:48
docmurI'm trying to find a keylogger for Ubuntu 17.10.  I'm SSH'd into the box, I can no physical access to it.  I install logkeys and build it by source, but the log file is alway blank, same with with simple-key-logger15:48
TJ-Sorfrost: no, what should happen is as the new kernel is installed it triggers the DKMS to build the O.O.T. modules against the new kernel headers15:48
docmurIs there a good keylogger or a functional one?15:48
docmur*have no phyiscal access15:48
SorfrostTJ-, all right, on it15:48
z3u4r5dokleftyfb: Still doing it... so fsr so good15:48
TJ-Sorfrost: it may be the DKMS build fails due to changes in the mainline code since the O.O.T. driver was released, but any O.O.T. driver shouldn't be essential for booting... sometimes network or possibly GPU15:49
inkytimedatectl says NTP synchronized:yes but the time is 3 minutes ahead of what it really is.15:49
TJ-Sorfrost: once the install is done yu can double-check state of DKMS-managed O.O.T. modules with "dkms status"15:50
Outydocmur: did u try: https://github.com/gsingh93/simple-key-logger15:51
docmurit installed fine and it generates the logfile, but the logfile was blank15:52
Outydocmur: have you done every step in readme?15:53
docmurYep, ran Make, then sudo ./skeylogger15:54
SorfrostTJ-,  ./wget_kernel_mainline.sh v4.15.5 error: Cannot find version  v4.15.5 in the Ubuntu mainline kernel archive15:54
SorfrostTJ-, but i just checked it, and the folder is there15:54
TJ-Sorfrost: hmmm, let me test here, but I use it all the while !15:55
TJ-Sorfrost: worked here15:55
SorfrostTJ-, ok i will double check15:56
campitorioria: thank you15:56
SorfrostTJ-, in mainline-kernel.list the entry is there15:56
campitorproblem solved15:57
ioriacampitor, it's ok15:57
QuenzThunderbird works fine on my Mac, but not on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS. Same Thunderbird version. Outputs from host command on mail servers: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6qZgTMC9Bq/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/drZTthtfwn/ Using alternate DNS fixes the issue, but makes the internet slow.15:57
TJ-Sorfrost: has it created a sub-dir for that version in kernel/ ?15:58
Outydocmur: that was not the question. have you prepared everything to use it - follow instructions in readme.md15:58
QuenzThe DNS was changed in my router, but I've since changed it back.15:58
Outydocmur: its not like you can simply run a keylogger without preparations15:58
Sorfrosttj no just the text file. i just downloaded your script15:58
docmurTo quote the read me: To build and run, clone the repository and run `make`. Then run `sudo ./skeylogger`. The keylogger will start and log all keypresses to `/var/log/skeylogger`.15:58
Outydocmur: it has to have some sudo privileges15:59
docmurWhich it did15:59
Outydocmur: use THIS one: https://github.com/gsingh93/simple-key-logger   do the readme and it should work15:59
TJ-Sorfrost: right, the text file is generated from the HTTP server's directory list of versions, so it should then be able to download the matching dir. Try doing "bash -x ./wget_kernel_mainline.sh v4.15.5"    -x will show what it is doing16:00
SorfrostTJ-, do i need to do exaclty what you said for it to work? like kernel in my downloads dir etc?16:00
TJ-Sorfrost: it'll work from the current directory; The reason I gave those directory commands is to stop it polluting your $HOME16:00
SorfrostTJ-, ok with no option i downloaded 4.16 rc3 and exited with exit-code 316:01
TJ-Read the output you probably need to install the kernel team's GPG key first16:02
TJ-the key ID is reported then the suggested command to add that key a few lines later16:02
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=== Savicq is now known as Saviq
TJ-Sorfrost: once you've installed the key, you can rerun the same command it won't download any packages it's already fetched, it'll just go ahead and install16:05
z3u4r5dokI got a message:16:06
SorfrostTJ-, kk16:06
z3u4r5dokConfiguration file '/etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf'16:06
z3u4r5dokModified (by you or by a script) sine installation16:07
SorfrostTJ-, you can run your own script with v4.15.5 as argument?16:07
z3u4r5dokpackage distributor has shipped an updated version16:07
z3u4r5dokWhat would you like to do about it? your options are:16:08
TJ-Sorfrost: yes, I tested it when you said you had the issue16:08
tomreyn!paste | z3u4r5dok16:08
ubottuz3u4r5dok: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:08
SorfrostTJ-, ok ill just try that manually np16:08
z3u4r5dokY od I : Install the package maintener's version16:08
z3u4r5dokN or 016:09
Outyz3u4r5dok: think if you changed anything important to this config file. if not go with the new one. if yes keep old one16:09
z3u4r5dokok, hte last line says16:09
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
z3u4r5dok***tools.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [Default=N] ?16:10
z3u4r5dokI should say yes???16:11
Outyz3u4r5dok: do you use vmware tools heavily and professional? keep     its just a hobby: take new config file16:11
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
Outyz3u4r5dok: your're welcome16:12
z3u4r5dokI will type Y16:12
Outyif it is a hobby yes =)16:12
Outyz3u4r5dok: its not that you could damage something here - its just a config file. and if anything is configured wrong - you can reconfigure16:13
z3u4r5dokI'm a bit scared I have never done anything like it.. and yyou guys have help me a lot16:14
z3u4r5dokI am very thankful about your existence16:15
z3u4r5dokGuys i have to go my battery is dying but thanks you so much to all of you.. Thnaks16:18
z3u4r5dokI'll be back in a couple hours hopefully you'll be here16:18
SorfrostTJ-, still no luck http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nkDjVs4hzM/16:18
SorfrostTJ-, if it can help us, i was on debian 1 week ago and sound worked perfectly16:19
TJ-Sorfrost: this feels like a firmware settings issue because the kernel is unable to probe the device codecs16:20
SorfrostTJ-, i double check my bios settings16:20
SorfrostTJ-, maybe i did something bad16:20
SorfrostTJ-, brb16:20
svavsWe are currently building out a kiosk using 16.04 with a touchscreen monitor. Everything is working great, but we would like to turn disable multitouch on the monitor. I figured this would be done via xorg.conf, but I cannot seem to find any information on how to do this. The monitor is using the evdev driver16:25
jdrwhat desktop environment ?16:26
svavsjdr: lightdm16:26
lab37your a bumhole16:28
lab26poopy pants16:28
nicomachussvavs: lightdm isn't a DE16:28
svavswe are running chromium in kiosk mode - we disabled pinch to zoom but sometimes the clients will click with two fingers, which chrome ignores since it seems to be registering as a pinch-to-zoom gesture16:28
jdrYou said lightdm....but what happens after you login?16:29
svavswe run chromium in kiosk mode16:29
nicomachussvavs: 16.04 with lightdm as a display manager is probably Unity as the DE16:29
alnxEriC^, when i do do-release-upgrade it said "An upgrade from vivid to xenial is not supported with this tool." what should i do now, please help16:29
SorfrostTJ-, still no luck. i restore factory default settings from bios which were the ones i was using with debian (sound was ok)16:31
jdrIf its unity, check out unity-tweaks16:31
SorfrostTJ-, i could flash new bios i guess16:31
TJ-Sorfrost: I've been looking at the Dell support site. Two things I found16:31
lab37make your thng smaller16:32
TJ-Sorfrost: 1) there's a new firmware http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=CY18416:32
nicomachuslab37: lab23 this is an ubuntu support channel. If you don't have ubuntu support questions, please leave.16:32
SorfrostTJ-, yes saw that too. just released16:32
TJ-Sorfrost: and more likely, in firmware setup there are 2 audio options 1) enable/disable microphone **AND** 2) enable/disable speakers16:32
svavsjdr: thanks - I will check that out16:32
TJ-Sorfrost: manual says "Enable Internal Speaker (by default enabled)"16:33
lab37anyone in this chat16:33
nicomachus!ot > lab3716:33
ubottulab37, please see my private message16:33
TJ-Sorfrost: did you check that since the issue is a missing codec?16:33
nicomachus!coc > lab3716:33
alnxthis channel should be restricted to registered user only. else little things/bumholes will popup and annoy16:33
m3rlinHi too16:34
TJ-Sorfrost: found here under System setup options > System Configuration screen options > Audio  http://www.dell.com/support/manuals/us/en/04/vostro-15-5568-laptop/vostro5568/system-configuration-screen-options?guid=guid-68a70088-52b2-47cd-882a-ecff20468194&lang=en-us16:34
SorfrostTJ-, ill check that out16:34
SorfrostTJ-, ah yes sure. in the bios i double checked speakers were on16:36
alnxsomeone pls help, i'm trying to upgrade 15.04 to 16.04 following eolupgrades doc, but when i do do-release-upgrade it said "An upgrade from vivid to xenial is not supported with this tool." what should i do now, please help16:37
Oolalnx: normal, it's too late,  your version is out of date16:38
TJ-Sorfrost: sounds silly but try disabling speakers, reboot, then re-enable them... it's not unknown for silly bugs like that to affect nvram config16:39
alnxOol: i really need to get this upgrade done without reinstalling, its my boss laptop16:39
SorfrostTJ-, will do.16:39
ioriaalnx, just to be sure...    grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades    what it says ?16:40
alnxpls let me know any workarunds16:40
alnxit says lts16:40
Oolstrange to have prompt=LTS at first on a 15.0416:41
jdrBackup his files and configs and do a fresh install.16:42
leftyfb^ that will be the easiest and cleanest way16:42
leftyfband quickest16:42
jdrBut why go to just 16.04?16:42
leftyfbbecause it's LTS16:42
leftyfband the upgrade to the next LTS in April will be cleaner than any other upgrade16:43
Oolleftyfb: +116:43
jdri didnt see the he wants to stay on LTS16:43
alnxyes, my plan is to do 16.04 for now and later to 18.04 when it released16:43
Oolexcept I'm sure it will not be in april but later16:43
leftyfbalnx: the cleanest, easiest and quickest way to accomplish that is to do a clean install of 16.04 and restore from backup16:44
Outyjdr: made a backup already ?16:44
jdrOuty: alnx is the one needing to upgrade16:44
Outysorry got names wrong ^^16:44
alnxOuty: hi :)16:44
jdralnx: Bite the bullet. Backup, re-install, restore his files....kaboom.16:45
Outyso im interested too - how is it done a full distro upgrade?16:45
SorfrostTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vpmkk9wFM9/ i completely disable audio controller and now i dont have that error in dmesg16:45
TJ-Sorfrost: do you know which kernel version your previous Debian install used? support for the AL3266 codec has been in-kernel since 2015 so there's no problem in supporting that16:45
alnxi folled the eol upgrades doc and added old-release url to apt sources.list and did dist-update16:46
TJ-Sorfrost: Great, so that confirms that firmware setting completely disables the PCI 1f.3 device. Re-enable it and see what happens16:46
SorfrostTJ-, was a very standard debian stretch16:46
SorfrostTJ-, yep, rebooting16:47
alnxcan i unpack 15.10 iso to a webserver and do the upgrade from there and then to 16.04 from ubuntu.com repos?16:48
VanceColeHello. I have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1725555 on 17.10, it looks like it has a fix very recently committed for bionic. Can I install the .deb for bionic on 17.10 or is that a terrible idea?16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1725555 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "control-center display panel cannot move monitors" [Low,Fix committed]16:49
leftyfbVanceCole: that is not the best idea16:49
VanceColeAny suggestions for a better way to fix it?16:50
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SorfrostTJ-, ok im in the same situation i was before now16:50
TJ-Sorfrost: something else I noticed in the Dell user guide is the power settings. Are you currently booting it with AC attached and powering the PC? There seems to be a 'peak' option where even if AC is connected in daytime it won't use it :s   ... laptops often put PCI devices into a low power state on battery **AND** you have disabled PCI advanced power management on the kernel command line with the16:51
TJ-"pcie_aspm=off" - **remove that**16:51
SorfrostTJ-, i cant explain this myself :P16:51
SorfrostTJ-, reboot?16:52
SorfrostTJ-, i just remove the pcie thing16:52
TJ-Sorfrost: remove the entry from /etc/defualt/grub, "update-grub" then reboot16:52
SorfrostTJ-, ye sure16:53
jdralnx: couldnt you just add the old-releases repo to your sources.list?16:54
alnxjdr: i did for vivid, do i need to do it for xenial too?16:54
Trukhello i cant find my cron logs16:54
Trukin /var/log/syslog the logs only begin at 6 am16:55
alnxTruk: restart syslog16:55
Trukthis is a ec2 ubuntu instance16:55
Trukalnx: my cron job was at 0 am16:55
alnxthen check for any syslog-<yesterday date> files under /var/log16:56
SorfrostTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gq8QmG9XMv/16:56
jdralnx: yes add willy16:57
SorfrostTJ-, i put those options to correct these errors, anyway audio still not working16:57
tomreynVanceCole: unless you know how to apply diffs to source code and rebuild packages and don't mind doing it again until it's fixed in ubuntu 17.10, nothing but wait.16:58
TJ-Sorfrost: OK, we can disable AER independently without disabling ASPM though - we'll look at that later. Let's see if the 1c.4 bridge is in front of the audio device. "lspci -tnnv"17:00
Trukok thank you alnx :)17:00
SorfrostTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gSmQFSDdWN/17:01
SorfrostTJ-, i wrote you privately, can u enable pming for a sec17:01
TJ-Sorfrost: for disabling AER use "pci=noaer"17:01
tomreynVanceCole: chances are that with an importance of 'Low' this wont get fixed in 17.10, however17:01
SorfrostTJ-, where do i write that?17:02
SorfrostTJ-, boot option?17:02
VanceColetomreyn: I will probably just configure monitors manually then until 18.04 comes out17:02
TJ-Sorfrost: add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="..." in /etc/default/grub17:02
TJ-Sorfrost: I'd suggest a firmware update next, this really feels like firmware isn't correctly enabling something. We've checked existing settings, we're optimised the ACPI, and we know disabling internal speakers in firmware makes the device disappear, so more-and-more this looks like firmware induced17:05
tomreynVanceCole: note that (at least this is how it wa sin the past) upgrades to bionic won't be available until 18.04.1 is released. ubuntu 16.04.1 was released on  July 21st, so that's roughly when to expect bionic upgrades to work in 2018.17:05
alnxjdr: i added wily old-release urls and ran apt-get update and dist-upgrade, it showed the updates, should i proceed?17:06
VanceColenp, I can manually configure monitors.xml its just annoying when switching back and forth between docked and laptop mode17:06
VanceColeI can just write a shell script or something to swap out configs tho17:07
tomreynVanceCole: right, that's what i'd do.17:07
raidghostJust a maybe weird question: When linux finds 3 tvtuner cards. But the application says there`s 2 cards. How could that be?17:07
SorfrostTJ-, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vvSWjc9RxH/17:07
tomreynraidghost: if the kernel actually handles all of them properly, then it would seem to be a shortcoming of the application.17:08
TJ-Sorfrost: do you have a headphone connected ?17:08
SorfrostTJ-, no but i can connect one17:09
SorfrostTJ-, i didnt have one connected during all these tests17:09
TJ-Sorfrost: ok not sure if this might help - not checked what "tlp" is yet - but read especially last comment in this thread https://forum.manjaro.org/t/dell-vostro-5568-audio-issues/17186/217:10
tomreynalnx: the better approach is to reinstall.17:10
TJ-!info tlp17:10
ubottutlp (source: tlp): Save battery power on laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-3 (artful), package size 47 kB, installed size 257 kB17:10
TJ-Sorfrost: hmmm, interesting, do you have any power saving tools intalled like "tlp" or "laptop-mode-tools" ?17:11
tomreynalnx:since you're been running an unsupported (read: no fixes for (potentially) remotely exploitable, critical security vulnerabilities) release for soooo long.17:11
jdrhe doesnt want to do a reinstall17:11
raidghosttomreyn: Any suggestion to application for testing. ?17:12
SorfrostTJ-, i dont but i guess ill follow this guide https://medium.com/@tom.suffern.wright/better-battery-life-on-ubuntu-17-10-4588b7f72def17:12
tomreynraidghost: no, sorry, i have almost 0 experience with tv tuners.17:12
alnxtomreyn: its my boss's. i will see if jdr's solution works, else i will return it for data backup. thanks.17:13
SorfrostTJ-, if i need one. because this is a very fresh ubuntu installation though17:13
TJ-Sorfrost: we're almost there!! read last comment https://askubuntu.com/questions/841759/sound-stopped-working-on-ubuntu-16-10-dell-vostro-556817:13
TJ-Sorfrost: we did that ^^^^^ but try it again and after plug in the headphones :D17:13
SorfrostTJ-, lol. this sounds like vodoo but ill try17:14
tomreynalnx: i don't see how "it' my boss's" makes a difference there, unless he decided it or you're convinced you know what he'd chosen, knowing the choices well.17:16
tomreynanyways, good luck17:16
=== gautamS is now known as GautamS
alnxtomreyn: thanks, i wish the release upgrade tool becomes more intelligent than now to handle these kinds of situations.17:19
SorfrostTJ-, i disabled and reenabled sound with headphones plugged in. same result17:19
raidghosttomreyn: So there could not be a adressing limit for pci-cards ?17:19
SorfrostTJ-, i didnt completely boot into system after disabling. just rebooted to apply the modifications17:20
pragomer1i have a logitech bluetooth mouse on my laptop and the movings are very very laggy. I am under 17.10. what could be the reason17:20
tomreynalnx: i think there is work underway (or planned) to actively notify you if your release is reaching (and approaching) EOL.17:20
SorfrostTJ-, but i think that's enough17:20
TJ-Sorfrost: OK, well that report and others seems to confirm there's a firmware issue, so upgrade to latest, do a default-config reset if possible, and check careful all the power-saving options that could affect this device going into a low-power state17:20
SorfrostTJ-, will do. thanks a lot for you time. ill be here again if i need :P bye!17:20
tomreyndjokjula: hello.17:21
tomreynraidghost: i think it's limited by your # of pci lanes17:21
tomreyn+ memory17:21
soskicpWhat's up17:22
djokjulahow to go private?17:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
raidghostdjokjula: Depends how private17:22
=== HairToday is now known as JPSman
m3rlinJust double click nick17:22
TJ-Sorfrost: shame you missed this one https://wyldeplayground.net/sound-stopped-working-on-ubuntu-16-10-dell-vostro-5568/17:22
raidghosttomreyn: but then it shouldnt show up in lspci with 3 cards.17:23
raidghostSo must be some buggy application17:23
tomreynraidghost: if it lackaed pci lanes, yes, it would not.17:23
raidghostI thought pc`s didnt have limits. But so wrong could i be:p17:24
TJ-raidghost: 1 device may not be fully configured by kernel (missing firmware, etc.)17:27
GoopAwaySo, at my school, they have Windows 7 (and probably some Microsoft server somewhere), and they've allowed me to log in to 1 computer with special credentials, and log into another computer in the area with the same credentials. I know none of these are zero clients, and its weird (IIRC) they have physical accounts and accounts that only work if the server and computer connect.17:34
GoopAwayHow would I do the same thing for Ubuntu?17:34
GoopAwaya Ubuntu desktop with Ubuntu server.17:34
lotuspsychjeGoopAway: we have a nice #ubuntu-server channel if you like17:35
TJ-GoopAway: use samba as an Active Directory server the same as Windows does it; it uses an LDAP service17:36
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
xromulusLet's say your wireless router is on and your modem/dns is at Sometimes I connect via wifi and have internet access other times I connect and change the routing to say is the default gateway and the dns is at and it works. Sometimes there is nothing I can do, no connection. Why with network manager does it work sometimes but not always? I am receiving an ip via dhcp..17:39
xromulusWhat's t17:39
xromulusThis all about17:39
TJ-xromulus: sounds like both devices might be operating DHCP services and the PC gets confused17:41
xromulusWeird anyway huh?17:41
TJ-xromulus: having 2 active DHCP servers on the same ethernet segment certainly is weird17:43
OerHekscertainly a wifi setting issue17:43
xromulusGot em17:43
OerHeks* in the router17:44
Lithium64How can I clean uninstall xboxdrv? I uinstalled it but the xpad mimic controller is still enabled on evdev17:45
xromulusOn the router I suppose I could set it to receive the ip from and default gateway to on my pc?17:46
OerHeksLithium64, you will need to logou/login i guess, and see if there is still a config folder under ~/.config17:47
SimonNLxromulus: disable dhcp on first router let that router handle dhcp for second one17:53
SimonNLoops on second router!17:53
SimonNLxromulus: disable dhcp on second router let first one handle it17:53
SimonNLmmm xromulus not sure if that good advice17:55
xromulusWhatever I'll try it17:56
raidghostTJ-: Missing firmware it cant be. Installed the firmware and drivers from hauppage webpage.18:00
raidghostBut i did discover that in /dev/dvb/ that there was 4 adapters missing for the last card18:00
raidghostSo might be memory pci-e issues or something18:01
leftyfbxromulus: put your router on a different subnet18:01
leftyfbxromulus: the WAN will be, but the LAN should be something like 192.168.0.x or 10.1.10.x18:01
leftyfbxromulus: or better yet, get your ISP to put your modem into bridge mode and just set your router's WAN to DHCP18:02
TJ-raidghost: show the dmesg log in a pastebin18:03
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raidghostTJ-: Will do18:06
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raidghostTJ-: https://pastebin.com/Sx48Qy0v18:08
aroonifor a network drive attached via samba; how can i permanently delete the .Trashes folders and any files i've previously deleted?  in the future i'd like to permanently delete things and not go thru a 2 step process; how can i do this?18:11
TJ-raidghost: "cx23885: cx23885[0]: warning: unknown hauppauge model #166200"18:14
raidghostWeird? I might test another card then.18:15
TJ-raidghost: ahhh, that's a red herring, it is still being configured. My eyes may be skipping but I'm sure I've counted 4 devices being configured (based on the tveeprom report groups)18:18
TJ-raidghost: ahhh, here we go "cx23885[5]: dvb_register_adapter failed (errno = -23)"18:19
TJ-raidghost: that's line 1405 of your pastebin18:19
raidghostTJ-: will try to google and test. Got some more information to work on now so. THANKS ;)18:20
TJ-raidghost: I'm checking the source to find out what error 23  is caused by18:20
loginoobHello please someone help me with my HDD which is not showing up. But it does shows in ls usb and when i do tail -f /var/log/syslog18:20
loginoobThis is the output of tail -f /var/log/syslog18:20
loginooband this is the output of sudo lsusb -v http://lpaste.net/36295618:21
loginoobPlease help me someone who know about HDD18:21
JimBuntuloginoob, what's the result of `lsblk`?18:21
loginoobJimBuntu: Wait sir18:21
loginoobJimBuntu: This http://lpaste.net/36295818:22
leftyfbloginoob: it's a 1TB drive that has no partitions18:23
JimBuntuloginoob, Ok, I see the device being listed... I don't see any partitions. Have you checked the drive with something like `gparted`?18:23
JimBuntuloginoob, Ah, ok. You will need to partition it.18:23
TJ-raidghost: interestingly you may have been correct about the limit: "#define ENFILE          23      /* File table overflow */"18:23
loginoobJimBuntu: I tried gparted but it scans forever when external HDD is connected18:23
loginoobleftyfb: I don't know what happened It has data in it18:24
loginoobIt suddently stopped working18:24
leftyfbloginoob: not anymore18:24
leftyfbloginoob: try plugging it into another machine?18:24
loginoobBut can we make it run again?18:24
loginoobleftyfb: I tried but same thing18:24
JimBuntuloginoob, Do you have another drive that you can make an image of this drive onto? i.e., do you have another spare 1G somewhere?18:24
leftyfbloginoob: if it's confirmed that the drive has a fault, you destroy it and get another one. Putting more data on it is futile18:25
loginoobJimBuntu: I can arrange another 1 GB but i don't know how to make the image if this drive is not showing18:25
raidghostTJ-: Maybe i should try to remove some pci-e cards (not the tuner cardws) and see if it shows up)18:25
TJ-realies: how many /dev/video/ devices are there ?18:25
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TJ-raidghost: how many /dev/video/ devices are there ?18:25
loginoobleftyfb: How to confirm if the drive is faulty18:25
raidghostIts quad cards. So 4 tuner each card18:25
raidghostat the moment it says 818:26
JimBuntuloginoob, you can use things like `dd` on the raw device... there are also other utils, it will also show you if the drive is faulting when being read... there are specific utils for that as well, generally the first order of business is to make a bit for bit copy of the original drive if possible and if the data is worth it to you18:26
TJ-raidghost: so 4 x 4 ? that sounds like a likely limit, let me check if that is a kernel limit or system-defined18:26
raidghostTJ-: root@mediabox:/dev/dvb# ls18:27
raidghostadapter0  adapter1  adapter2  adapter3  adapter4  adapter5  adapter6  adapter718:27
pikapikaI am planning to remove my windows from dualboot. First I am backing up data to external drive. Now when I boot to the Ubuntu installed in the harddrive itself, it recognizes the disk fine. But now in live boot from a usb drive, it is saying "Unable to mount [hard disk name]"18:27
raidghosteach adapter name is DVB-C or dvb-T18:27
JimBuntuloginoob, This is the Ubuntu Data Recovery page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery18:27
loginoobJimBuntu: And can you guide me to a specific tutorial or document so that i can follow it? Or is it some paid utility?18:27
pikapikaI need live mode to safely backup the Ubuntu partition if I am not wrong, so what is wrong here?18:27
pikapikaIts an ntfs disk18:28
pikapikaThe external one I mean18:29
JimBuntuloginoob, in the link, there is a section titled 'Imaging a damaged device, filesystem or drive', but I suggest you read the entire thing once before starting anything18:29
TJ-raidghost: in /boot/config I see CONFIG_DVB_MAX_ADAPTERS=818:29
loginoobok I will try18:29
TJ-raidghost: something to try to get more info, remove "quiet splash" from kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info" then on boot look for the message "Registering adapters failed. Check DVB_MAX_ADAPTERS in config."18:31
raidghostTJ-: You are a great person! Thanks. will check it out after late food18:33
TJ-raidghost: it does look right now like you're limited by the Ubuntu kernel's config here; I don't see any way to dynamically increase the MAX value at runtime.18:34
raidghostTJ-: just currious. What was your first computer (386/486/Pentium 1 2 3 ?18:36
JimBuntuTJ-'s first computer was hand crafted from wood, I think.18:37
JonelethIrenicusi am trying to connect to a device, but I think it might already be claimed18:37
TJ-raidghost: JimBuntu isn't far wrong; A Sinclair ZX8018:38
raidghostHave to google that:P18:38
loginoobwhat does swapoff -a does?18:38
TJ-loginoob: turns off swap for 'all' devices18:38
JimBuntuloginoob, `man swapoff`18:38
* vlt had a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KC_8518:38
raidghostTJ-: Holly Molly. Looks like a early raspian pi :P18:38
TJ-loginoob: see "man swapoff"18:38
TJ-raidghost: 1MHz Zilog Z80 CPU :)18:39
raidghostOoh. What a lovely spec18:39
TJ-4KB of RAM and seemed like a lot :D18:39
raidghost4KB oh. Lord have mercy.18:39
loginoobI saw man swapoff but i am not able to understand18:39
loginoobif i run the command is it safe? Will it give problem18:40
raidghostTJ-: Just enought ram and cpu for plex :P18:40
TJ-raidghost: anyhow... your issue... can you "/join #ubuntu-kernel" I'm asking canonical kernel team if we can increase the config ... not had a reply yet18:40
vltTJ-: My KC-85 used an East German Z80 clone :-D18:40
TJ-loginoob: "swapoff -a" will disable all swap files/partitions which are used as a backup if RAM starts to het exhausted, instead of killing processes18:41
TJ-vlt: really? I've still got a ZX81 here in a shoe box :)18:41
raidghostTJ-: how much did you pay for that xz8018:41
raidghostHad to boot from floppy?18:42
vltNo floppies here.18:42
vltWe had our programs and data on cassette tape.18:43
raidghostsounds like amiga/commondore18:43
mutanteyou recycle some cassette tapes that had audio books for kids on them.. except they didnt have the term "audio book" yet18:43
raidghostSo. Saved stuff on casette tapes (for music?)18:44
raidghostdidnt know that was possible18:45
mutanteraidghost: yes, the device to play/record was a "datasette"18:45
raidghostMy first computer was a compaq 486 dx2 with 66Mhz and turbo button. And Hold on.18:45
raidghost4MB of ram :P18:46
mutanteyou know how a modem would make those sounds when it connected to the internet? dial-up ?18:46
mutantejust imagine recording those on a tape :p18:46
raidghostpiiiip dubabababababababab P18:47
raidghostback in the good old days18:47
TJ-let's throttle the off-topic please18:48
nemoso. my friend followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent to setup his ubuntu (14.04 LTS) on a flash drive using usb-creator-gtk18:48
raidghostokey. as you wish ;)18:48
nemohe then enabled "persistent" in the grub boot flags18:48
nemoeverything seemed fine. could save files to desktop, firefox profile was persisting.  he then ran updates to pick up fixes.  and on restart, got "filesystem is corrupt"18:48
raidghostTJ-: See you around later. my girlfriend just made some late dinner. t2ul18:49
nemoI was wondering if anyone here might have any ideas why that might be18:49
TJ-nemo: sounds like the USB device was removed before the cached file-system data was flushed to the device18:51
nemoTJ-: but it was a reboot18:52
nemothat's ubuntu's job18:52
nemobut can test with a sync I guess18:52
nemoif so. could add explicit sync to shutdown scripts18:52
TJ-nemo: indeed, it should have completed a "sync" before shutdown18:52
nemoTJ-: other than that it should work right, even if kernel was changed?18:52
TJ-nemo: yes; does an fsck have a chance of repairing it?18:52
nemowonder if grub would have a problem w/ kernel changes18:52
nemoTJ-: can just fsck the union file?18:53
TJ-nemo: no, GRUB doesn't care, all it does is load files into memory and pass control to them18:53
nemoTJ-: was just wondering if it would be lacking the overlay18:53
nemobut ok18:53
TJ-nemo: fsck the underlying persistent file-system - boot without the persistent option on the command line so it's a regular Live session then run the fsck18:53
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virtuosojKeyboard settings question: In 16.04 Unity and also in Elementary, I could set my keyboard to U.S. International (AltGr Dead Keys) which allowed me to type easily in Spanish as well as English.  However in 17.10 Gnome I don't have this option.  Is there a way I can enable this?19:09
kostkonvirtuosoj, it isn't listed?19:10
z3u4r5dok_Hi guys I have an issue trying to play videos... I get the following error Error loading player: No playable sources found19:16
z3u4r5dok_I have done the following: Enable DRM Playback in Preferences under Content19:17
z3u4r5dok_Install ffmpeg-libs and dependencies I believe I've done too19:18
virtuosojkostkon, no it becomes English and Spanish19:18
z3u4r5dok_any ideas??19:20
ZorroTanyone here familiar with the intel compute stick ?19:22
pikapikaIs it safe to perform a "normal" copy (ie cp, file manager, etc NOT dd) of /var, /bin, /etc, /usr, etc from a running Ubuntu system to an external drive?19:22
ZorroTto the point: i have a unit that is coming up to the grub menu, and once you hit return to select 'ubuntu', it boots normally -- but i'm not sure how to make grub boot to this option automatically without interaction?19:23
DiecastMessiahz3u4r5dok_: i think ya need to install ubuntu-extra or somehting i forget the name .. it has most of the nonfree things that you need to play back dvds and crap19:24
z3u4r5dok_How can I do that.... Sorry I am new19:25
pikapikaWait, now that I think, what I want is a tar. Ie tar -cvpf /ubuntu/path /externaldrive/xyz.tar19:26
pikapikaIs it safe?19:26
DiecastMessiahone sec i'll look to see what the package is19:26
pikapikaOr would it be better to dd from live mode?19:26
z3u4r5dok_I appreciatte it19:27
DiecastMessiahz3u4r5dok_: ok so termial .. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:28
DiecastMessiahit adds all the things you need to used for mp3s, videos and playback dvds19:29
MonsieurBonI'd like to build my own Router/Firewall/DNS Server/OpenVpn Gateway. I was looking to buy a Shuttle NS02A as it's not too expensive and the octa core with 16 GB RAM sound like a lot of power. Has anyone experience with this hardware and ubuntu server?19:29
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, on what websites? in which browser? firefox?19:30
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z3u4r5dok_this is what I get19:31
z3u4r5dok_Yes, firefox, Linux Academy19:32
DiecastMessiahohhhhhh thats not ubuntu lol19:33
z3u4r5dok_Yes, my ubuntu version is 16.04 lts19:34
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, why are you logged in as root?19:35
DiecastMessiahoh ok. sorry than .. why root19:35
z3u4r5dok_should I go back as a regular user??19:35
DiecastMessiahbad idea to login to root..19:36
kostkon!root | z3u4r5dok_19:36
ubottuz3u4r5dok_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:36
DiecastMessiahyeah and anything that you need root for .. like installing things use sudo in fornt of the command you are doing19:36
TJ-!info ubuntu-restricted-extras19:36
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB19:36
z3u4r5dok_Thank you for the advice. I will go back19:37
z3u4r5dok_to my regular user19:37
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, open Software & Updates and enable the Multiverse repository19:37
TJ-z3u4r5dok_: you see how it says ^^^^^ "In component universe" ? You need to enable "Multiverse" if Software Sources GUI19:37
TJ-grrr s/universe/multiverse/19:37
z3u4r5dok_I'm a regular user again19:38
z3u4r5dok_let go to software tabs just a second please19:38
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, open dash, search for "software"19:38
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, open dash → click on the Ubuntu logo icon in the dock19:39
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:39
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: it's part of the multiverse repo which if you pasted in the sources.list I gave you earlier, you should have enabled19:40
z3u4r5dok_which one I have 2 options19:40
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: huh?19:40
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:40
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, Software & Updates19:41
z3u4r5dok_community-maintained free and open source software (universe)19:41
z3u4r5dok_and the second options is19:41
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: I thought you copied the sources.list I gave you earlier?19:42
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: if you had done it correctly, you would have multiverse already enabled19:42
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, for the third time you need the Multiverse repo19:42
leftyfbkostkon: ^19:42
z3u4r5dok_Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (Multiverse)19:42
* leftyfb sigh19:43
kostkonleftyfb, he didn't do it it seems19:43
DiecastMessiahcheckmark both19:43
leftyfbkostkon: I'd like to confirm that19:43
leftyfbkostkon: without the silly GUI19:43
z3u4r5dok_I did, believe me I did19:43
kostkonleftyfb, yeah go ahead19:43
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit19:43
guardianhello, I'm installing ubuntu for the first time. What does it change to select "minimal installation" in the 18.04 installer?19:44
leftyfbguardian: 18.04 is not released yet and not recommended to install for a first time user19:45
leftyfbguardian: if you insist on installing 18.04, please go to #ubuntu+1 for support19:45
guardianok fair enough19:46
DiecastMessiahguardian: 16.04 would be better for ya19:47
DiecastMessiahbut don;t fall in love with unity desktop to much.. it will be going in the next version ..19:48
* DiecastMessiah cries a little tear19:48
guardianyeah hence trying 18.0419:48
OerHeksminimal would do -no-install-recommends, but a basic set of tools you need to continueinstallation19:48
daxthe minimal option in 18.04 doesn't install some desktop packages (e.g. libreoffice) to reduce disk usage19:48
daxif you're installing from scratch currently, i'd personally go with 17.10 and upgrade to 18.04 and then stick with LTS from then on19:49
DiecastMessiahfor testing you could use 17.10 i don;t think unity is there19:49
dax17.10 doesn't use Unity either, so should be an easier transition to 18.04 than 16.0419:49
jdrI think 18.04 is going to have a "light" version?19:49
leftyfbI personally wouldn't recommend 17.10.19:49
ikoniawhat's a light version ?19:49
dax(17.10 defaults to wayland whereas 18.04 doesn't, but that's easy to turn off if desired)19:50
OerHeksi hope gparted ans synaptic gets fixed for wayland19:50
z3u4r5dok_          this is what I get now : https://pastebin.com/icMXaniA19:50
z3u4r5dok_Honestly guys you know so much and I don't know anyhting19:51
z3u4r5dok_sorry for the bother19:51
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: can you just "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and copy and paste it on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ?19:51
OerHeks!info pastebinit19:51
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (artful), package size 14 kB, installed size 156 kB19:51
leftyfbOerHeks: they cannot install pastebinit at the moment. We're trying to determine what repo's are enabled19:53
OerHeksleftyfb, yes i see, i thought it was in universe..19:54
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:54
ioriait's commented19:55
ioriamain,  i mean19:55
leftyfbdamnit, just noticed that19:55
ioriaz3u4r5dok_, how that happened ?19:55
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: you'll need to remove those #'s at the top of /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
guardianthanks for the info19:55
lord4163I have a LAMP server with postfix set up, which works, but it whenever I sent an email using the PHP mail function it sends it using an old domain name.19:55
leftyfbioria: pasting from my pastebin19:56
lord4163Is there any way to update this?19:56
leftyfblord4163: postfix configs19:56
leftyfblord4163: or whatever php script you're using19:56
lord4163leftyfb: Postfix does its job tho19:56
leftyfblord4163: yup, and it could still have configs for an old domain19:56
lord4163leftyfb: if I use the unix mail command it sends from the right domain19:57
leftyfblord4163: ok, then the php script you're using19:57
lord4163leftyfb: Only Apache/PHP gets it wrong19:57
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:57
z3u4r5dok_It is doing something19:57
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: what is doing something?19:58
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: ?20:00
z3u4r5dok_I am working on it20:03
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, is it still fetching and installing the packages?20:04
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: you are working on what? I told you to use sudo to edit your sources.list20:04
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: ok, great, save that, then run : sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:05
z3u4r5dok_I did, didn't i??20:05
kostkonoh you haven't reached that step yet20:05
nemoTJ-: but but. how could the non-overlay get corrupted?  it should never ever be modified20:06
nemoanyway. guess I can fsck them both. why not20:06
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: good, you're done20:08
z3u4r5dok_what do I do now??20:08
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: profit?20:08
kostkonwhat's that trusty media PPA about20:08
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: ubuntu-restricted-extras is installed20:09
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: I would suggest whatever PPA's you have in there for trusty you either remove or update to the xenial version where applicable20:09
z3u4r5dok_I'm sorry I don't understand this PPA's you have in there for trusty you either remove or update to the xenial version where applicable20:10
ioriaz3u4r5dok_, that ppa is available only for trusty, you are on xenial (i suppose)20:11
leftyfbok, someone else will have to help you with that. It's taken us 5 hours to get to this point20:12
leftyfbioria: they don't understand any of this20:12
ioriaok :þ20:12
DiecastMessiahhe or she is very new,, i don;t know why they just let him do some of the stuff in the gui20:13
leftyfbDiecastMessiah: because it was a bit of a mess to begin with and the GUI will not help with any of that20:13
ioriait's the same20:13
z3u4r5dok_you are right guys20:14
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, that ppa is about media and you are having media/codec problems. is this a coincidence?20:14
leftyfbioria: to clean this up? https://pastebin.com/dEwpdMCd20:14
z3u4r5dok_I'd really appreciatte all of your help20:14
DiecastMessiahyes but he could have used software and updates easly and than told him the commands... let not try to discorage him too much20:14
leftyfbioria: yeah20:15
leftyfbioria: the GUI aint fixing that20:15
iorialooks lie salem in 169120:15
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: try to play your media20:16
ioriaz3u4r5dok_, and what 's your kernel ? uname -r20:17
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, you'll probably have to get rid of that PPA with ppa-purge20:17
leftyfbkostkon: I would say we leave the cleanup till after the original issue (playing media) is resolved20:18
leftyfbkostkon: during that process though, we should look at the actual repo and determine why it was added and if it's still needed/wanted and if there's an upgrade/alternative .... could be a small learning experience20:19
z3u4r5dok_You guys are awesome now everything it's working including you tube20:19
z3u4r5dok_I have no words to say thank you...20:19
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: ok, please hold on20:19
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: you should really let people here help you clean up your repo's20:20
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: you have some that are outdated and will only cause confusion for you down the road20:20
z3u4r5dok_Thank you for you patience and support20:20
z3u4r5dok_How can we do that??20:20
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d # to get a list of the repo's you've added20:21
ioriaif we're lucky , given the wrong ppa,  nothing should have been installed from that there ...20:22
OerHeksioria, +120:22
OerHeksnever had any packages for his version20:22
ioriaOerHeks, i don't use ppa, so i don't really know20:22
leftyfbOerHeks: we don't know 100% if this machine wasn't upgraded from trusty20:22
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: that isn't what I asked you to paste20:23
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mc3man-ubuntu-trusty-media-xenial.list20:25
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: actually, nevermind that ....20:25
OerHeksi guess both ppa's are useless20:25
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mc3man-ubuntu-trusty-media-xenial*20:25
leftyfbOerHeks: gwendal-lebihan-dev-ubuntu-hexchat-stable-xenial has hexchat 2.1220:26
tgm4883OerHeks: mc3man didn't have trusty packages?20:26
leftyfbOerHeks: xenial only has 2.1020:27
leftyfbtgm4883: that repo was titled "Ubuntu Multimedia for Trusty"20:27
tgm4883leftyfb: yea, and it has trusty packages20:27
ioriatgm4883, he's on xenial (i suppose) welcome back, btw20:27
OerHekstgm4883, no xenial package, so cruft from trusty will be uninstalled i guess20:27
tgm4883It only gets xenial packages if the xenial package version is newer20:28
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: once you remove the mc3man packages, you're good to go20:28
tgm4883granted I haven't been keeping up with what's going on here, just wanted to step in and say it's entirely possible that packages in a trusty repo were installed on a xenial system20:28
leftyfber, repo I mean, not packages20:29
leftyfbz3u4r5dok_: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mc3man-ubuntu-trusty-media-xenial.list*20:29
leftyfbhm, that should work20:30
tgm4883hmm, sad. We don't have an equivelent to 'yum list installed'?20:32
TJ-tgm4883: "apt list --installed"20:32
tgm4883TJ-: yea I was looking at that trying to decode the output20:33
tgm4883TJ-: I don't suppose you can point me at documentation for what the columns are in that list20:35
z3u4r5dok_Is that wrong??20:36
OerHeksso those ppa lines are already removed.20:36
Bashing-omz3u4r5dok_: ^^ pastebin ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' .20:37
willcis there an easy way to reinstall ubuntu on a machine? Can I run like apt-get reinstall ubuntu? :P20:37
leftyfbwillc: no20:37
wafflejockwillc probably best off just installing from the original media again20:38
willcI tried :)20:38
TJ-tgm4883: gcc/xenial,now 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] package/release[,now] version arch [status]20:38
wafflejockwillc you can reinstall lots of the parts but not worth it if you need to really wipe it out20:38
willcYea my liveboot cd is at home20:38
willcrunning 16.04 on a raspberrypi and trying to get virtualenv+opencv running and it feels like I made a mess and just wanted a fresh start20:38
tgm4883TJ-: xul-ext-ubufox/artful-updates,artful-updates,artful-security,artful-security,now 3.4-0ubuntu1.17.10.1 all [installed]20:39
willcbut I'll deal with my mess20:39
tgm4883TJ-: that doesn't fit what you said20:39
tgm4883TJ-: specifically, there's 4 things listed for the repo20:39
TJ-tgm4883: package/[release list][,now] version arch [status]20:40
TJ-tgm4883: because the package is available from different release pockets20:40
tgm4883TJ-: yea that's what I figured. However, it doesn't show which repo/pocket that the currently installed version is from20:41
TJ-tgm4883: the repeats may be because you've got duplicated entries in your apt sources from different archive servers20:41
TJ-tgm4883: them all! upgraded package started in artful-security (for speed) and also goes into artful-updates (but may be delayed getting to mirrors)20:42
TJ-tgm4883: try "apt-cache policy xul-ext-ubufox"20:42
Bashing-omz3u4r5dok_: Uh huh, gone as OerHeks suspected . no mc3man PPA present now .20:42
z3u4r5dok_what it does mean??20:43
tgm4883TJ-: yea I know how to do it by package, I was trying to get the information system wide20:43
tgm4883TJ-: for comparision, this is what I can get from yum "python2-pip.noarch                  8.1.2-5.el7                        @epel" which shows me it's installed from epel20:43
leftyfbBashing-om: is + in tail the same as -A1 ?20:44
nacctgm4883: there are some scripts out there that take the --installed output and the provide the policy output, parsed for each ofthem20:44
tgm4883TJ-: which makes it super easy to see all packages installed from there.20:44
leftyfbBashing-om: sorry, +120:44
nacctgm4883: seems like it would be nic eot integrate that into apt-get itself20:44
Bashing-omz3u4r5dok_: Your " sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mc3man- " . Can not remove what does not excist :)20:44
tgm4883nacc: I agree, that should get added to the apt list output20:44
leftyfbBashing-om: actually, no, i'm thinking of grep. What's the +1 all about in your tail?20:44
tgm4883nacc: TJ- I was trying to find a command that they could run to see if any packages were installed from that ppa20:45
DomD5Hey, I was wondering if anyone here could help me out, I've been trying to find the source of the debian-installer package that is installed on ubuntu installation iso's, specifically the one executable found in the /sbin/ of the initrd.gz filesystem, every source I've found is either just docs or something used to build a debian installation iso, I would appreciate anyone's help20:45
f0f0f0im getting random freezing on my machine20:45
f0f0f0it gets to the point have to cold boot20:45
f0f0f0it happens 3+ times a day20:46
f0f0f0don't even know where to start trouble shooting20:46
f0f0f0any suggestions?20:46
z3u4r5dok_So Do I need that?? Do I need to install it or my system is wrong??20:46
f0f0f0have done a memory check20:46
f0f0f0and memory is fine20:46
f0f0f0dont have the problem on my windows boot20:47
kostkon!reisub | f0f0f0, for next time20:47
ubottuf0f0f0, for next time: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:47
f0f0f0dual boot win/ubuntu20:47
nacctgm4883: i think there is a way to filter by sources20:47
Lehthanis2hey all...I'm running lubuntu, just upgraded to 17.10 and swapped from nvidia to radeon (7750) and video is runnign super slow...how do I make the radeon driver act right?20:48
Bashing-omleftyfb: That +1 is how many lines 'n' is to return .20:48
f0f0f0<ubottu> thanks for the info, that is extremely helpful!20:50
f0f0f0is there a log file or some place I can find what caused the issue?20:51
z3u4r5dok_So do I need to worry for anything else?? Do I still need clean up my repo's??20:51
leftyfbBashing-om: oooooo ,that's useful20:51
ioc_DomD5, idk but dpkg -S filename could help20:51
leftyfbI really gotta spend more time perusing man pages20:52
kostkonf0f0f0, a plethora of logs in /var/log20:52
Bashing-omleftyfb: Uh huh on useful // terminal can get amazing like that :P20:53
leftyfbTJ-: blew my mind the other day with dmesg -w20:53
=== Lehthanis2 is now known as Lehthanis
ioc_f0f0f0, journalctl --list-boots     then search the line for the corresponding session, then journalctl --boot abcd      replacing abcd with the calue in 2nd column in that line20:54
ioc_or any of the /var/log/syslog's20:54
Lehthanistrying again now that I'm logge din verified:20:54
Lehthanishey all...I'm running lubuntu, just upgraded to 17.10 and swapped from nvidia to radeon (7750) and video is runnign super slow...how do I make the radeon driver act right?20:54
Bashing-omleftyfb: Same - I too  made note .20:55
LehthanisI believe the radeo driver is built in, but It's not detecting any of my other displays20:55
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Lehthanisis there a config app?20:55
LehthanisI uninstalled the nvicia drivers20:55
LehthanisI can't type on this machine, lol20:56
Bashing-omLehthanis: You did purge the old nvidia driver prior to installing the AMD card ?20:56
Lehthanisadditional drivers doesn't detect anything20:57
LehthanisI didn't purge, no...whats the command to purge?  I just uninstalled20:57
dlamany opinions on best GUI irc client on ubuntu? :D   (i currently use emacs  x__x)20:57
Lehthanisdlam: irssi20:57
kostkondlam, sudo snap install hexchat20:57
z3u4r5dok_ok guys let me ask you something can I reboot my system?? or do we need to do something else before I tried to do it....????20:57
dlamthx thx thx20:58
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OerHeksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'21:00
Bashing-omLehthanis: See what ' sudo apt purge nvida* ; sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ' produces .21:00
TJ-leftyfb: if you like -w how about "dmesg -Hl err,warn"21:00
leftyfbman  ... now I gotta go read the man page21:00
Lehthanissudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*21:01
LehthanisI just ran that21:01
leftyfboh, that's no that complicated21:01
TJ-OerHeks: you can replace all that with "lspci -nnk -d::300"21:01
Lehthanisthere was a LOT to purge21:01
Bashing-omleftyfb: Now ain't that ^just wonderful .21:01
leftyfbTJ-: I noticed -w was also doing -H I think by default21:01
LehthanisBashing-om: should I still remove the xorg.conf?21:01
TJ-leftyfb: yes ... being able to limit to the log_level is very useful though, as is limiting to facilty or kernel-only21:01
kostkonLehthanis, that sounds... encouraging21:02
TJ-OerHeks: 0300 is the PCI class for a VGA compatible controller21:02
z3u4r5dok_I guess I will do that. Thank you all for everything....21:02
Bashing-omLehthanis: If it should happen to exist .. yes remove it as it applies to the old nvidia stuff .21:02
Lehthanisit doesn't...should I just reboot now that I've purged that stuff21:03
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, we did nothing that would endanger your system's stability21:03
OerHeksTJ-, i knew there were short routes, i stored this version as one can see what is about to happen21:03
kostkonz3u4r5dok_, you're safe to reboot (98% sure)21:04
LehthanisI'm gonna reboot too...will be back if it doesn't help, lol21:04
OerHeks* and your comment is stored too21:04
leftyfbBashing-om: TJ-: I don't always check, but I do follow @commandlinefu ... they've got some doozies on there on occasion21:05
TJ-leftyfb: due to dealing with low-level recovery I've got into the habit of figuring out how to use shell/awk/grep and sysfs to reproduce output of commands like lspci lsusb and lshw :S21:06
leftyfbTJ-: I've had to do that with usb lately. The past 6 months or so troubleshooting usb camera's killing usb ports till it got rebooted21:07
HairTodayI don't have bluetooth on this laptop, Yet blueman starts up and takes up a large part of my ram each time.  How can I uninstall all things bluetooth?21:07
leftyfbTJ-: got a nice little script to reset the whole usb bus though which re-enumerates all the devices plugged in. That's handy21:08
TJ-HairToday: blueman shouldn't auto-start unless you've got it configured to do so as an autostart in the user GUI session21:09
TJ-leftyfb: Yes, it's a wonderful thing is sysfs21:09
Lehthanisok, so nvidia is all removed, but performance is still horrible21:09
HairTodayTJ-, Yeah, nope, bluetooth is turned off in my settings.  Using 16.04 BTW -- will upgrade to 18.04 in a few days21:10
TJ-HairToday: I'd stick with 16.04 for a while longer if you use the system for something useful :)21:10
jdrrfkill list HairToday21:11
HairTodayTJ-, oh?  well, I didn't plan to ON april fools day :OP  I was going to wait a month or so21:11
Bashing-omLehthanis: What release ? Such that is Xorg a factor ?21:11
TJ-HairToday: there's an option in some DEs to save the session at log-out - maybe that was set once and blueman is set to autostart, but then you disabled the setting and so it never gets removed from the list?21:11
LehthanisLubuntu 17.1021:11
Lehthanisat this point I think I'm just unconfigured or unoptimized21:12
TJ-HairToday: try something like "grep -rn blueman $HOME/.config $HOME/.gconf $HOME/.local"21:12
HairTodayTJ-, I'm not too sure.  Don't know where my autostart list is.... using a gnome callback on 16.0421:12
Lehthanis01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cape Verde PRO [Radeon HD 7750/8740 / R7 250E]21:12
Lehthanis07:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics Family (rev 30)21:12
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
HairTodayTJ-, THANK YOU, i'll look into this, already some hits.21:13
sere_is it possible to install lvm with btrfs from a usb 16.04 persistant /live21:16
Lehthanismeh, I gotta go home for the day, I'll pick this back up tomorrow.21:16
TJ-sere_: you mean via terminal? so it's installed in the persistent file system?21:19
sere_TJ- no im actaully running off a live / persistnt 16.04 usb trying to install to a lvm btrfs sdd slam drive... im pretty sure that sd card is bad that i was using the other day..so i im trying this21:23
sere_TJ- i can see it with the installer but there is no way to add the lvm partition when i boot to a miminal console /text install it doesnt show up or i could do it thrugh that21:24
TJ-sere_: hmmm, I'm so used to installing manually now I'm not sure what you should have available, but for a Live session "Try Ubuntu" GUI with a terminal you cn install "lvm2" and then use "pvcreate / vgcreate / lvcreate" from a terminal21:26
sere_TJ-  ok perfect i can manage that.. thank you  :)21:29
z3u4r5dokI just came back to say thank you, everything still works after the reboot.... I will now do a snapshot just in case.... Thank all of you...21:31
virtuosojKeyboard settings question: In 16.04 Unity and also in Elementary, I could set my keyboard to U.S. International (AltGr Dead Keys) which allowed me to type easily in Spanish as well as English.  However in 17.10 Gnome I don't have this option.  Is there a way I can enable this???21:41
tyler-bakeranyone having issues rebuilding dkms modules with retpoline?21:46
tyler-bakertrying to rebuild fglrx on 16.04 (which was working until latest kernel update)21:47
tyler-bakerdo I need to pass a flag to dkms?21:47
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=== eccles is now known as Iam1
xMopxHi, I have a vm that periodically fails to boot up with an error about my root device, /dev/mapper/<name>, not being found22:42
xMopxI get an (initramfs) prompt that if I simply exit from using ctrl-D, the boot sequence completes normally22:42
ikoniayou need to know the error22:42
xMopxthe problem seems to be that lvm doesn't assemble it's array quickly enough22:42
ikoniaI doubt that22:43
xMopxikonia: it's Alert! <device> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!22:43
ikoniaI suspect it's more likley the virtual disk under lvm control isn't available22:43
ikoniahow many pv's are in the vg ?22:44
xMopxone ikonia22:44
ikoniaso there is nothing to assemble22:44
xMopxboot continues normally if I exit the initramfs prompt, though. So the disk is certainly available22:44
ikoniait sounds like the disk device isn't being made available to the vm quick enough22:44
xMopxikonia: the root lvm and /boot/ partition are the same virtual device, so I think we'd see other errors if it wasn't available22:45
Iam1will someone do me a favor and tell me if I diss and comeback, I want to check if my laptop suspends when I close the lid:)22:45
ikoniaxMopx: so thats interesting,22:45
Iam1maybe I should have asked someone who cares :P22:46
kostkonIam1, check your logs as well22:47
Iam1apparently not judging by the lack of reaction, ooh thanks kostkon I do appreciate that22:47
Iam1do you mean like syslog?22:48
kostkonIam1, yep22:48
Iam1kostkon, now it's worth my while reading the howto on making it suspend when I close it :)22:50
ikoniaNikitaSadkov: please don't spam22:56
Iam1does anyone know a way to reverse the order of syslog?23:08
Iam1seems a pain to have to scroll to whats happening now23:08
ikoniawhat ?23:09
ikoniajust tail it23:09
NikitaSadkovman tail23:09
Iam1ohh cool, didn't think of using that23:09
Iam1I was using the graphical one23:09
eehello all23:10
Iam1what's the command to see syslog from the command line?23:11
ikoniaas you've just been told23:11
daxspecifically, sudo tail /var/log/syslog23:12
eei have some problem in configuration of my vncserver insite of ubuntu 16.04. When i connect to server usign the vnc client i can't see the menu horzontal. Can you help me to resolve this problem?23:12
Iam1I get nothing when I type "tail" or "syslog"23:12
dax(I think that's the right filename, I'm not on Ubuntu right now)23:12
Iam1I was presuming you piped it to tail23:12
ikoniaif you can't use the basic commands you're not going to be able to make sense of the syslog23:12
ikoniadax: correct23:13
daxand if you want to see everything instead of just recent stuff, sudo less /var/log/syslog and then type G (capital G) to go to the bottom/recent stuff23:13
Iam1ok thanks will try that23:13
eeikonia: also do you have some solution for my problem ;-)23:14
ikoniaee: not even read it23:14
Iam1tail just locks up the terminal23:14
eeikonia: ok23:15
spotterdoes anyone understand how start-stop-daemon is supposed to work?23:15
spottertrying to have it leverage it to control some process life cycle and it doesn't work as I expect23:15
Iam1cheers ikonia that works nicely23:15
Iam1I find the man pages are a bit difficult to read atm23:17
Iam1but I'm a fast learner :)23:18
Iam1got tail to work for me now23:18
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Iam1I wasn't aware before that syslog was a file, I thought it was a program23:20
eesome one had never my problem?23:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/23:22
Iam1any opinions on running apt update daily?23:31
daxShould be fine. If you're on desktop, there's an option somewhere to configure update frequency. If on server, sudo apt install unattended-upgrades; sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades23:33
dax(or you can run it manually instead if you want, obviously)23:34
Iam1I managed to mess up nextcloud running it, thats the only problem I've had so far23:34
Christian-M-NYAnyone know anything about ULauncher or Alfred?23:35
Iam1Given up on nextcloud since :)23:35
Iam1I'm not sure if nextcloud let me down because I don't have a static IP address, could that be an issue?23:37
Christian-M-NYIT is no longer showing results23:37
kalixusShall we23:39
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/23:42

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