
bdxI just need to add zks to the deployment matrix00:00
kwmonroethen, if hbase or zks change, install_hive will run through the actual hive.install(**args) method00:00
* kwmonroe wanders off to dinner00:02
bdxkwmonroe: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/bigtop/blob/hive_config_add_zookeeper/bigtop-packages/src/charm/hive/layer-hive/reactive/hive.py - still giving the same result (not getting the hive zk config in the hive-site.xml)00:31
bdxpossibly I've missed adding something somewhere to get those picked up all the way00:32
bdxI feel its close00:33
bdxoooo I think I see it00:36
bdxwell nm00:36
bdxwilling to bet that https://github.com/jamesbeedy/bigtop/blob/hive_config_add_zookeeper/bigtop-packages/src/charm/hbase/layer-hbase/reactive/hbase.py#L70 matters that its named 'zookeepers' somewhere outside of my peripheral00:40
bdxI've decided to name mine zks https://github.com/jamesbeedy/bigtop/blob/hive_config_add_zookeeper/bigtop-packages/src/charm/hive/layer-hive/reactive/hive.py#L9500:40
bdxbet if I s/zks/sookeepers/ it will be gold00:41
bdxoh man .... these layers dont have "series" tag in the metadata.yaml00:44
bdxI've been deploying the wrong thing all this timeGRRRR00:45
bdxit defaults to repo/builds/trusty lol oh man00:46
bdxat least hive will be super consistent with hbase :)00:47
bdxoooooh still not workin, but I bet I need to add entries here https://github.com/apache/bigtop/blob/be9a183b4db8f183c14cc9a4ed853cf7bbbab2e5/bigtop-deploy/puppet/hieradata/bigtop/cluster.yaml#L19101:17
bdxkwmonroe: I found the source of the issue05:51
bdxcat /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fm7mMsyvJS/05:51
bdxas you can see I'm not getting the vars that I want in there, even though the template has them https://github.com/jamesbeedy/bigtop/blob/master/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_hive/templates/hive-site.xml05:52
bdxand the facts are there on the filesystem - cat /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.1/bigtop-deploy/puppet/hieradata/site.yaml | http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dK9mhgmYvc/05:53
bdxso I figured puppet must be using some template it pulls from upstream05:53
bdxinstead of whats in teh bigtop repo05:54
bdxwhich is correct05:54
bdxand here is the template that is used https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T5dBbw8hzm/05:54
bdx /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.1/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_hive/templates/hive-site.xml05:55
bdxyou could have just told me05:55
bdxeither way05:55
bdxI think what I have in my hive_config_add_zookeeper branch will work just fine05:56
bdxonce we have the correct template there05:56
bdxalright I can stop now05:57
bdxthanks for your help today05:57
bdxhere's the PR btw https://github.com/apache/bigtop/pull/344/files05:58
bdxsetting 'bigtop_version: master' was all I needed06:11
bdxgeh ... that did not allow me to do what I thought it would... still no way to get whats in my branch onto the instance06:26
bdxthe bigtop-repo resource is the way!!06:40
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
gsimondo1Hi. Trying to juju bootstrap with a LXC container as controller. Fails because of publickey. What's the conventional way of going about manual clouds and keys with juju?08:47
petevggsimondo1: do you mean that you're doing "juju boostrap localhost"? Or are you doing something else?11:59
petevggsimondo1: With some of the versions of juju 2, you needed to add the credential manually, with "juju add-credential localhost".12:00
petevgI think that's been fixed with the latest releases, though.12:00
petevggsimondo1: you might want to try "snap install juju" to get the latest juju, if you don't want to mess around with adding the credential.12:02
magicaltroutpetevg ... he lives12:03
petevgmagicaltrout: I'm even in your time zone for a little while.12:03
petevgEnjoying lovely snowy Dublin.12:04
magicaltroutyeah its pretty bleak12:04
magicaltrouti'm stuck at home today12:04
magicaltroutkids are pissing me off12:04
petevgSnow day!12:04
magicaltroutkill me12:05
petevgmagicaltrout: it'll melt eventually. It's supposed to warm up and rain by the weekend :-)12:07
gsimondo1pegevg: doing juju bootstrap manual/ip.address where ip.address is an address of a LXC container12:43
gsimondo1petevg: juju uses that default ubuntu user. I was looking into configuration options to mess with that.12:44
gsimondo1petevg: temporary solution is copying ssh keys in the container before running juju bootstrap12:44
gsimondo1petevg: currently thinking and looking if there are some conf management tool integrations for this stack - can't find any. not sure if it's a good direction too12:44
gsimondo1petevg: also running juju 2.3.4-xenial-amd64. why would I reinstall?12:50
petevggismondo1: if you're up to date, not need to reinstall.12:54
petevgI'm afraid that I don't know manual providers well.12:55
petevgAnyone else have a suggestion?12:55
magicaltrouti use manual clouds all the time, but i usually have a precanned image kicking around with a key in that becomes the base image12:56
gsimondo1magicaltrout: that makes a lot of sense12:56
gsimondo1magicaltrout: do you do cross-host lxc networking? using flannel by any chance?12:57
magicaltroutafraid not gsimondo112:57
petevggismondo1: according to my lunch companions, you are doing the correct thing by copying the key into the image.12:58
magicaltroutircing on your lunch break12:58
magicaltroutwhat a geek12:58
petevgSince juju doesn't create the machine, it can't drop the key on the machine by itself12:59
petevgA geek is what I am :-)12:59
gsimondo1petevg: any way to make it use a different user than ubuntu?12:59
magicaltroutyou just alter the ssh command12:59
magicaltroutwhen adding the machine12:59
gsimondo1gotcha thanks13:00
gsimondo1that's what I did to set it up but just making sure I'm not hacking around it too much13:00
magicaltroutna what you're doing sounds pretty standard13:00
petevgIt sounds like you've got stuff figured out. We're always glad to verify, though :-)13:01
gsimondo1I'm more than grateful! :)13:01
magicaltroutdon't ask petevg he only knows openstack13:01
magicaltrouthe's been corrupted13:01
gsimondo1spoiled lovechild?13:02
magicaltroutthose were the days... when kevin used to have team members....13:02
petevgMy mind has been expanded :-p13:02
magicaltroutas I told beisner last night13:03
magicaltroutopenstack is so 201013:03
gsimondo1do I feel a pitch for MaaS coming up?13:03
magicaltrouti'm only bitter because i have to run CDK on openstack13:04
magicaltroutKubernetes on VMs.....13:04
magicaltroutcause thats a great idea13:04
gsimondo1I suddenly feel lucky using this LXC cross host networking with questionable amount of testing that went into it13:05
magicaltrouteveryone loves software networks with questionable testing13:08
magicaltroutits what petevg lives for13:08
petevgThat just means I get to have fun writing tests :-)13:08
petevgAbs making test frameworks...13:09
petevgSometimes, I write non test code, too...13:09
magicaltroutI'll refer you at this point to my point about you IRCing at lunch13:10
magicaltroutalright folks15:56
magicaltroutneed a hand here15:56
magicaltroutkjackal: or someone15:56
magicaltrouti need to set these GC variables15:57
magicaltroutand if I update the snaps args file by hand15:57
magicaltroutyour stuff zaps it15:57
magicaltroutanyone got any bright ideas?15:57
kwmonroemagicaltrout: what "stuff" zaps it?  you talking about the k8s snaps?15:59
kwmonroeif so, ryebot loves the k8s snaps...15:59
magicaltrouti dunno if its the snap15:59
magicaltrouti suspect its the charm16:00
stubcory_fu: https://github.com/stub42/juju-relation-pgsql/pull/1/files if you are interested. The new Enpoint version of the pgsql interface is better in all respects I think. Its more confusing that it needs due to backwards compatibility.16:00
ryebotmagicaltrout: which snap/config are we talking about?16:00
magicaltroutkubelet ryebot16:01
magicaltroutthe charm config doesn't let me set GC attributes16:01
kwmonroebdx: about the series stuff... we don't set that in the individual charms since all the bigtop charms are xenial-only.  that's defined in https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-apache-bigtop-base/blob/master/metadata.yaml.  but yeah, you have to build with charm build --series xenial :)16:01
magicaltroutbut then when I append the args file for kubelet at some point they get removed16:01
ryebotmagicaltrout: okay cool - there's a kubelet-extra-args option on kubernetes-workere16:01
kwmonroek8s: almost as easy as big data.16:02
ryebotmagicaltrout: if you have any trouble with it hit me up and I'll help out16:02
magicaltrouthold up16:02
kwmonroerun ryebot16:02
magicaltroutthats the bug we filed last week16:02
magicaltroutwhich impacts this16:02
ryebotwelp, that sounds like trouble16:02
ryebotlet me take a look16:02
magicaltroutyou guys put some logic into the charm and filter out flags you don't grep16:03
magicaltroutbut the GC settings aren't picked up16:03
magicaltroutor so the greek told me16:03
magicaltrouti take most things he says with a pinch of salt16:03
magicaltroutbut this seemed to ring true16:03
ryebotmagicaltrout: looks like this one? https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues/49816:04
magicaltroutyeah thats me16:04
ryebotmagicaltrout: give me a few minutes to dig into this16:04
ryebotmagicaltrout: Yeah this is a bit of a pickle. Have you looked into the --eviction-hard and --eviction-soft cli options for kubelet?16:12
ryebotThey're supposed to be the replacements for the deprecated gc flags.16:13
magicaltroutcan i set them? :P16:13
ryebotYou should be able to, since they're in the --help output :)16:14
ryebotAlso look at --eviction-minimum-reclaim16:14
magicaltroutalright, i'll give it a go and see if it stops the NIST folks complaining16:15
magicaltroutthey want max-dead-containers set and container-ttl set16:15
magicaltroutbut i'll see if i can get away with it16:15
ryebotmagicaltrout: If it helps, there's a deprecation/replacement table here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/kubelet-garbage-collection/16:17
ryebothopefully that's convincing16:17
magicaltroutyeah i know that inside out these days :P16:17
magicaltroutalright thanks ryebot i'll translate what we have and see how i get on16:17
ryebothaha sorry to hear that xD16:17
ryebotalright good luck!16:17
=== kwmonroe_ is now known as kwmonroe
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kwmonroehey cory_fu, does charm build still require layers to be at the top level of a repo?21:31

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