
mupPR snapcraft#1961 closed: Sentry <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1961>00:48
mupPR snapcraft#1962 closed: store: stringify message for StoreDeltaApplicationError <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1962>00:51
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FaultsGoood Morning!06:08
mborzeckimvo: morning07:08
mvohey mborzecki !07:15
mvomborzecki: good morning07:15
mborzeckiheh the timer services spread test is failing on 14.04, can't figure out why, cannot reproduce it in spread debug shell either even if i do `snap enable test-snapd-timer-service && snap disable test-snapd-timer-service` in a loop07:17
mborzeckiand the error does not make any sense `start snap.test-snapd-timer-service.random-timer.timer] failed with exit status 6: Failed to issue method call: Unit snap.test-snapd-timer-service.random-timer.timer failed to load: No such file or directory`07:19
mborzeckihmm and we don't seem have any tests for enable/disable that touch services07:21
mvomborzecki: hm, I have not seen this error before07:26
mborzeckimvo: this happens when i reenable the snap that has timer services, i'm adding a test right now to see if this happens also if there's just regular snap with services07:27
mborzeckimvo: also, the start happens after enabling the unit, so somehow systemctl enable worked, but systemctl start does not07:30
zygahey mvo :)07:31
mborzeckizyga: hey07:31
zygahey :-)07:31
zygaman, I overslept07:31
mvomborzecki: hm, lets hope its not a general problem07:32
mvozyga: hey, good morning07:32
zygaI got a failure of snap-service-refresh-mode07:33
zygareinstall did stop a service that shouldn't07:33
zygafull log in https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/346989504/log.txt07:33
* zyga notices the extended reply on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/lxd-issue-due-to-snap-confine-apparmor-profile/4203/1907:34
Jasem[m]Can anyone help in this? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-upload-to-store/4250/907:40
Jasem[m]i.e. why am I getting this external libusb symlink when I built with Snapcraft?07:40
zygakalikiana ^07:40
mborzeckipedronis: hey, morning07:41
pedronismvo: while trying to understand why the core transition tests failed with my new code, I found an interesting thing about them07:42
mvopedronis: tell me more07:43
pedronismvo: since we have the base code we always install core when installing a new snap (if it's not there), even if ubuntu-core is there, so the two kind of test are the same now07:44
mvopedronis: oh, indeed07:44
pedronisI don't know if there is something to do07:45
pedronisbut I was confused for a bit07:45
pedronis(I found the problem with my new code)07:45
* mvo nods07:47
pedronismvo: we might want to remove of them, or merge them somehow07:48
pedroniss/of them/one of them/07:48
pedronisI don't think at this point fixing the "bug" make sense07:49
mvopedronis: indeed, I would love to get rid of all of them but not quite yet (its an expensive test)07:50
zygaand let them live there before they get removed07:55
zygapedronis did you push the fix for the timestamp issue to 2.32?07:58
pedronisonly master07:58
zygaI just got this failure in a 2.32-based PR, perhaps it's worth doing so07:59
zygamvo I wanted to update you on layouts08:05
zygathere is one PR that I asked you to co-review with jamie, that I would like to cherry-pick into 2.3208:06
zygathere will be a follow-up today, building upon the concept, that will have a similar fate08:06
zygaboth of those should be cherry-picked into 2.3208:06
zygathe changes are non-trivial so I wanted you to be aware of that08:06
mvozyga: what is the risk of breaking things there? i.e. is it a new feature (user mounts) or modifying exiting behaviour?08:10
zygamvo a bit of both08:10
zygamvo snap-update-ns will now use per-snap profile08:11
zygamvo the follow-up PR will remove broadly open permissions and replace them with values that match the layout of a given snap08:12
zygaas well as inject $SNAP_NAME (expanded) into many places that currently use a glob08:12
mvozyga: how critical is that? 2.32 already contains quite a bit of churn and its only 2 weeks away. I'm a bit concerned about adding things that might break08:14
mvozyga: maybe we can discuss in more detail in the standup?08:14
zygamvo pretty critical I'm afraid, jamie requested that to be in 2.3208:14
zygato avoid pretty-much unconfined snap-update-ns08:15
Chipacamvo: I'm off to the dentist's first thing, should be back for a late start (my 11am)08:29
mvoChipaca: hey, thanks08:31
mborzeckihttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/wrappers/services.go#L250 daemon-reload should probably happen when we add service files, regardless of those being enabled or not, shouldn't it?08:33
mvomborzecki: yes, good catch08:35
zygaI'm seeing failres of snap-info09:00
mborzeckizyga: oh, featured list changed again? or the install date?09:00
zygano, it is summary, it seems09:00
zyga+ snap info basic_1.0_all.snap /home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests/lib/snaps/basic-desktop test-snapd-tools test-snapd-devmode core /etc/passwd test-snapd-python-webserver09:01
zyga+ python3 check.py09:01
zygain test-snapd-tools.summary expected 'Tools for testing the snapd application', got ''09:01
zygastarting local run now09:01
zygaI doubt this is something that is broken in my branch as it is entirely unrelated09:02
mborzeckibtw. don't recall, do we do any testing with recentish nvidia cards?09:03
zygamborzecki sergio ran some tests remotely recently09:03
zygamborzecki not sure how recent the hardware was though09:03
mborzeckihmm, the user that had the stack smashing detected on manjaro with nvidia drivers got back to me, he's seeing the problem on arch too, nvidia drivers 39009:04
mborzeckii'll suggest him to open a topic in the forum, maybe jdstrand will be able to suggest something09:05
zygaand indeed09:14
zygaI don't get a summary09:14
zygaany ideas anyone?09:14
zygadescription is also empty09:14
mborzeckiit's coming from the local snap.yaml i suppose09:15
ackkmvo, hi, I'm getting this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gTrF3Z8yTS/ when trying to rebuild the maas snap with the custom base-18. did something change in bionic?09:16
mborzeckizyga: when it goes from the store there's both summary and description https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3GZR5q5XJC/09:16
mvoackk: this looks like a snapcraft change, I wonder if it is not taking bases into account? it takes about core there09:17
mvoackk: maybe kalikiana can help with the above error (cc https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gTrF3Z8yTS/)09:17
ackkmvo, oh, I wonder if I'm usin an older version now (I used to use snapcraft from the snap)09:18
zygahmm, test-snapd-tools doesn't have a summary09:18
zyga(or description)09:18
zygachecking master now09:19
zygait passed on master09:27
zygatrying again09:27
zygaand now my branch passed09:28
zygamvo there's something wonky going on, snap-info fails ~ 2/3 runs09:28
mvozyga: woah, for snap info - that is astonishing09:36
zygaI don't understand it yet, running one test I saw a failure a moment ago09:36
zyganow no failures for 3 runs09:36
mvozyga: only in tests? or also on a real system09:36
mvozyga: is this coming from the store or from the local snap?09:36
zygaonly in tests so far09:36
zygagood question09:37
zygafrom the store09:37
zygamaybe we hit different machine via load balancing09:37
zygaand one gives wonky answers09:37
BjornTmvo: do you know anything about this error? https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/mdnpq6rM7T/09:39
BjornTmvo: it started happening recently (noticed it today), so i would suspect something changed in snapcraft09:39
BjornTmvo: this is trying to build agains the base-18 on bionic09:40
zygamvo so on my bionic machine I just installed test-snapd-tools09:40
zygaand it has a summary and desscription09:40
ackkmvo, BjornT's error is the same as mine09:40
zygabut just a moment ago inside a test I did the same and they were both empty (see the pastebin I sent earlier)09:40
ackkmvo, BjornT I'm trying to build with snapcraft from the snap (rather then the bionic one) and it now gets stuck on priming09:41
pedroniszyga: was the test using a different channel?09:43
zygasame test in a loop09:44
zygait doesn't fail now, maybe store got fixed now09:44
mvoBjornT: I talked about this with ackk some minutes ago, it looks like snapcraft is not taking "base" into account when it warns about the glibc incompatibilities09:45
BjornTmvo: any chance of getting it fixed (or a workaround) quickly? it's blocking maas development09:46
ackkah, the deb in bionic is newer than the snap stable version, I wonder if something broke there09:46
mvoBjornT: that is a question for sergiusens and/or kalikiana - I am not working on snapcraft myself, sorry. but lets hope they get back to you quickly09:47
pstolowskimvo, do you think #4762 could go o 2.31?09:53
mupPR #4762: servicestate: use systemctl enable+start and disable+stop instead of --now flag <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4762>09:53
ackkkalikiana, around? any suggestion on the issue above? ^10:13
zygaI cannot reproduce snap-info error anymore10:23
zygaso maybe just a temporary fluke10:23
zygapedronis is the store undergoing any updates now?10:23
pedroniswe reverted something I think10:23
pedronisdon't know if it was related10:23
mvopstolowski: definitely 2.32, I think I will also cherry-pick to 2.31 just to be on the safe side10:26
zygamvo 4760 is ready for your review now10:26
mvozyga: must be later todday, I need to meet the feature freeze deadline for c-n-f10:28
zygamvo understood10:28
zygamvo curious, will you still tweak the output?10:28
zygaI really didn't like the odd output I saw last night?10:28
mvozyga: tweak the output of c-n-f ?10:28
mvohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/command-not-found/+bug/1749777 has the latest agreements as-i-understand-them10:29
mupBug #1749777: Syntax tweaks for snap-friendly output <command-not-found:In Progress> <command-not-found (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749777>10:29
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mvozyga: there is a bit of controversy still but its difficult to find a solution that makes everyone happy, we discussed that quite a bit10:29
zygawhat bugs me the most is that the mixed advice there doesn't give instructions on how to do anything about installing it10:30
mvozyga: indeed, I think we did a pad with some clever ideas, just need to find it10:33
zygamvo I made a trivial suggestion10:34
mupBug #1752185: Formatting of command-not-found with snap addition could use cleanup <command-not-found (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752185>10:34
mvozyga: https://pad.ubuntu.com/1C0cSZX9oB10:34
mvozyga: sure, that is welcome10:34
zygamvo is "this is what we will do" part true?10:35
zygaas in, that's the thing you will code10:35
pstolowskimvo, ack10:37
mupPR snapd#4762 closed: servicestate: use systemctl enable+start and disable+stop instead of --now flag <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4762>10:38
mvozyga: it was true10:38
mvozyga: and then this bugreport with another version of the syntax came along10:39
mvozyga: that was the outcome of a long(ish) meeting with john and gustavo, I think the result is good but its also noisy, the idea from mark has the advantage that its very compact10:39
zygaI think it just hast to be useful and feel good10:39
zygagood luck on that10:39
kalikianaackk: Sorry, I was in a call. Looking in a moment10:51
ackkkalikiana, thanks10:51
kalikianaBjornT: What Snapcraft are you building with? Edge? There've been some recent fixes on master although base support is still a work in progress. I'd defer to sergiusens here since he's working on that.11:03
ackkkalikiana, I've been using stable, I'm building with edge now11:07
ackkkalikiana, priming now seems to take a very long time11:07
ackkkalikiana, it fails with edge as well11:08
ackkkalikiana, so, stable does seem to take into account bases, edge (or bionic package) doesn't11:08
ackkBjornT, kalikiana even no-system-libraries fails for me11:09
BjornTkalikiana: i'm using git master to build the snap. using no-system-libraries takes me further. it still prints out warnings and i get a snap. but now i get python import errors when trying to run the snap. it seems that /usr/bin/python3 is used, which doesn't have my python modules11:14
cachio_pedronis, hey, running again the tests against stagin11:32
pedroniscachio_: no, need, I did this morning11:32
pedronisalso there's a problem with staging11:32
pedroniswe are trying to fix11:32
cachio_pedronis, ok, so many errors?11:33
pedronisyes, not  a lot11:33
pedronisbut more that there should be11:33
cachio_pedronis, ok, I am making a run now11:37
cachio_pedronis, I already started it11:38
mptIs it possible to have multiple versions of a snap installed simultaneously?11:54
zygampt not yet but Chipaca is working on that11:54
mptah, cool11:54
Chipacano i'm not11:54
Chipacabut i will be, next11:55
Chipacaor, rather, that's the next big thing i'll be working on11:55
mupPR snapd#4765 opened: interfaces/apparmor: use snap name instead of wildcards <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>11:57
mupPR snapcraft#1964 opened: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages (take 2) <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1964>11:57
zygaI need some reviews11:57
zygafor this (last patch only)11:57
zygaand the one before11:57
zygaanyone interested11:57
zygathis one is actually trivial11:57
mupPR #4765: interfaces/apparmor: use snap name instead of wildcards <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>11:57
mptChipaca, ok. When you do have multiple versions installed, will they always have access to the same interfaces? Or will it be possible to differentiate? (for example one version has access to the camera while the other doesn’t)11:59
Chipacampt: as I understand it they'll be separate entities as far as that aspect of things12:00
Chipacampt: but there isn't even a forum topic about it yet, so it's rather green12:01
mptChipaca, thanks. (Reason I’m asking is, that means they’ll need to be listed separately — and disambiguated — in GUIs for seeing/changing what permissions they currently have.)12:01
Chipacampt: (if you feel strongly one way or the other now'd be an ideal time to bring it up :-) )12:01
cachio_pedronis, I uploaded 3 snaps to staging12:06
cachio_pedronis, it should fix the 3 failing tests that I swaw12:06
cachio_I0ll re run to see we have 100% passing12:06
BjornTkalikiana: fwiw, i tried this patch: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s2t3wct5J3/12:11
BjornTkalikiana: the maas snap builds then, but then the configure hook complains: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G3dsTh33Fg/12:12
BjornTkalikiana: libssl.so.1.1 is in the snap, though12:12
BjornTkalikiana: btw, LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't seem to be set12:17
mupPR snapd#4766 opened: userd: add an OpenFile method for launching local files with xdg-open <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4766>12:21
zygaChipaca have a look at 4755 please12:22
cachio_mvo, still working with sru12:40
cachio_I see some denials12:40
cachio_zyga, I am tesintg on google and I see bionic has not SElinux enabled12:48
zygacachio_ why would it be enabled?12:48
cachio_zyga, well, hte problem is that we are trying to uninstall snapd_selinux package12:49
cachio_and it is failing12:49
zygathat package only exists for fedora12:49
cachio_the package is not installed12:49
zygawhy would we do that?12:49
cachio_we do that in the upgrade test12:49
cachio_ok, in that case something else is wrong12:51
cachio_zyga, after remove and reinstall snapd12:51
zygathere's no such package in ubuntu or anywhere else but fedora12:51
cachio_zyga, I see all the snaps broken12:51
zygaso probably some wrong pattern somewhere12:51
cachio_zyga, ok, thanks!!12:52
Chipacazyga: you sure you meant to ask me to look at my own pr?12:52
zygayes :) meant to look at the feedback12:53
Chipacazyga: I think I'll just replace it with a MatchCounter12:54
Chipacathe gist of this pr predates that :-)12:54
mupPR snapd#4767 opened: interfaces: disconnect hooks <Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4767>12:57
mupPR snapd#4763 closed: osutil: handle file being matched by multiple patterns (2.32) <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4763>13:01
jdstrandzyga: hey, I approved PR 474513:03
mupPR #4745: osutil: allow creating strings out of MountInfoEntry <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4745>13:03
zygajdstrand hey, thank you!13:03
jdstrandzyga: I looked at PR 4765, but I think the rules need tuning. lots of apparmor denieds13:03
mupPR #4765: interfaces/apparmor: use snap name instead of wildcards <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>13:03
zygajdstrand I'm going through hardening, got slowed down by store issue in the morning but now I'm iterating quickly13:03
zygayes, I'm fixing that now13:04
jdstrandI've added it to my list. when it passes automated tests, I'll look at it13:04
mupPR snapd#4745 closed: osutil: allow creating strings out of MountInfoEntry <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4745>13:06
mvocachio_: hm, wonder if snapd-app-helper in our installed profile13:12
mupPR snapd#4768 opened: [RFC] snap userd autostart v2 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4768>13:16
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* kalikiana lunch time13:32
Chipacasergiusens: kyrofa: snapcraft#1964 fixes your integration tests vis-a-vis new validation failure messages13:35
mupPR snapcraft#1964: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages (take 2) <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1964>13:35
sergiusensmvo: BjornT no, becuase I asked what the official bases would be named (you are CCed in that email mvo) to actually work on this ;-)13:37
sergiusensChipaca: maxiberta is the integration store server updated to follow these strings? Once this is updated, all the store triggers will fail until updated, are you aware of that?13:48
Chipacasergiusens: what's the 'integration store server'?13:49
Chipacasergiusens: and what are 'store triggers'?13:49
mupPR snapcraft#1963 closed: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages <Created by maxiberta> <Closed by maxiberta> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1963>13:54
sergiusensChipaca: OLS triggers pre-deployment tests using our test suite against the integration/staging store13:56
Chipacasergiusens: ah! that's why maxiberta wrote the first PR (which didn't address the whole issue)13:57
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, but this is chicken and egg problem unless we allow dual results in the tests :-)13:58
mvosergiusens: core1813:58
mvosergiusens: will be the name13:58
mvosergiusens: but there might be more13:58
Chipacasergiusens: … the code with the new errors is on staging13:58
Chipacasergiusens: maybe I'm not understanding something13:59
sergiusensChipaca: oh, I am asking, I am not stating :-)13:59
sergiusensChipaca: let's make this simple, cprov can you +1 https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1964 :-)13:59
mupPR snapcraft#1964: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages (take 2) <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1964>13:59
Chipacasergiusens: maxiberta is probably the person to answer, then13:59
ChipacaI am far from understanding all the links, I just dived in there and broke stuff13:59
maxibertathe new strings are already deployed on staging Store14:00
cprovsergiusens: production rollout is in progress, the changes matches what we have in production14:00
sergiusensmvo: is there a forum post or something where everyone +1s? I thought that was the process for bases. I would really like to see general agreement for this as it would be really hard for us to change this (wrt SRUing) if this changes14:00
cprov*will* have in production in a few minutes14:00
sergiusenscprov: great, then in it goes14:00
cprovthank you14:01
zygapstolowski, niemeyer: when you talk about "snap connections", I'd love to participate14:01
maxibertathanks Chipaca, sergiusens14:01
pstolowskizyga, sure. but i think i'll go with something straighforward as outlined by nimeyer during the standup, not sure we will discuss it more14:03
* pstolowski lunch14:03
mupPR snapcraft#1964 closed: Fix Store integration tests with updated snap name registration error messages (take 2) <bug> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1964>14:07
Chipacasergiusens: what is the 'assigned' thing github tells me when you merge stuff?14:07
Jasem[m]I'm getting error when uploading a snap to the store14:08
Jasem[m]package contains external symlinks: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libusb-1.0.so lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks14:08
sergiusensChipaca: just my internal way of making sure later who worked on what to backtrack and provide a thank you drink ;-)14:08
Jasem[m]But the package was built with snapcraft, isn't suppose to take care of such links?14:08
sergiusensJasem[m]: some snaps are allowed some symlinks, so we cannot remove them "magically" or part of the building populus might be unable to create snaps in the first place14:09
Jasem[m]Chipaca: well, any idea how to resolve this problem then?14:11
sergiusensyou can use `stage` or `prime` keywords to filter it out, but somehow I think the actual package from the archive in this case might be problematic as .so files are usually linked directly to a .so.<version> in the same directory (and this one seems to be using an absolute path)14:11
cachio_mvo, did you see the denial on the sru?14:13
cachio_mvo, I have a debug open14:15
niemeyerzyga, pstolowski: We should definitely have talk about it before spending much time on one direction14:20
niemeyerForum is great for that14:20
niemeyerChipaca: Just responded on that thread14:20
Chipacaniemeyer: appreciated14:21
mupPR snapd#4769 opened: wrappers: detect whether systemd-analyze can be used in unit tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4769>14:22
Chipacaniemeyer: can we line up the 'days' to make scanning easier?14:22
niemeyerChipaca: think  it'll look awkward in the general context14:23
niemeyerChipaca: Similar issue we had with "installed" (the version)14:23
niemeyerChipaca: Also, "today" and "yesterday" won't align either14:23
Chipacatrue dat14:24
Chipacathe former is less a concern now that the first indent isn't all uniform14:24
Chipaca(for the best i think)14:24
Chipacabut, it's not like we're oging to have 10 of these lines :-) so i'm just being a nit14:24
Chipacaniemeyer: thanks14:24
niemeyerChipaca: np, thanks for calling it out14:25
zygapierogi :-)14:31
zygaI missed that14:31
zygajdstrand 4765 is green now14:32
zygaif you look at the 2nd patch there the review is easier14:32
mvocachio_: yeah, so about the denial> what do you see with " grep device-helper /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real "14:34
cachio_mvo, empty14:36
mvocachio_: hm, that sucks14:39
mvocachio_: if you grep for udev in there, what do you get?14:39
mvocachio_: and please also grep for usr.lib.snapd14:39
jdstrandzyga: ack14:41
* cachio_ afk14:42
zygamvo that's weird14:47
zygawhat's on bionic?14:47
* zyga finished with pierogi and gets back to hardening14:47
mvozyga: it looks like something is wrong with the apprmor profile, but its strange14:52
zygahmm, didn't we have something like that a moment ago14:52
mvozyga: oh, actually - 2.31 still have udev/snappy-app-dev14:52
zygathe device-helper rules went away14:52
zygawhat was that14:54
zygaI remember now14:54
zygabut that was for a re-exec rule14:54
zygaand just for testing scenarios14:54
zyganot for real-life issues14:54
zygaand in either case, we fixed that one14:55
zygaso ...14:55
zygano idea, I'll go back to hardening14:55
mvocachio_: do you have more context about the sru error? I see the denial but in what test is that happening? what is odd is that on 2.31 we have /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev - we moved to snap-device-helper only in 2.3215:08
mvocachio_: just let me know when you are back, happy to look at this then15:10
pstolowskiniemeyer, zyga ok!15:13
ikeyok jdstrand whats a good non-conflict definition to copy for an interface?15:30
zygato copy for an interface?15:30
zygawhat does that mean?15:31
ikeylike for making a new interface15:31
zygayou wanna start with something and iterate15:31
ikeywhatever it is i went with last time was wonky15:31
zygastart with common15:31
zygathen see what you miss15:31
zygamost things are fine with common15:31
ikeymy actual definitions were fine for apparmor and seccomp15:31
ikeyits the actual interface struct that was wonky15:31
ikeywhich seems woefully undocumented15:32
zygano no, just use commonInterface15:32
pedroniszyga: I'm getting this kind of error:  cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/opt": permission denied15:32
pedronissnap-update-ns failed with code 115:32
ikeyi c15:32
zygapedronis on /opt?, hmmm that's weird15:32
zygado you have the full log15:32
pedronisI get this:  [Wed Feb 28 14:44:11 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1519829052.799:113): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed flags match" error=-13 profile="/snap/core/409/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//snap_update_ns" name="/tmp/.snap/opt/" pid=14715 comm="3" srcname="/opt/" flags="rw, rbind"15:33
ikeyso yeah im using commonInterface.15:33
ikeyi think this is what causes the problem: https://hastebin.com/wonojepoqo.cpp15:34
ikeybut i honestly have nfc what it means15:34
ikeyi copy pasted from something else a while back15:34
zygapedronis do you have this line in the profile:15:34
zyga  mount options=(rbind, rw) /** -> /tmp/.snap/**,15:34
pedronisthat I don't know15:34
pedronisit's a full run15:34
zygais it just a log?15:34
zygano idea15:35
zygait looks like we start and we have the wrongest profile ever15:35
zygaI saw this with /etc15:35
zygamaybe it's the same bug that mvo saw as well15:35
zygaas something clearly puts the wrong profile (like very old one) around us15:35
pedroniszyga: maybe you can add debug: to print the profiles to main/layout ?15:35
zygamaybe one of the migration tests reaks t he backup15:35
zygayeah, good idea, I'll do that15:35
zyga*breaks the backup15:35
ikeyzyga, any thoughts on that paste?15:37
zygaikey oh, I didn't notice15:37
zygaikey and what's the problem?15:38
ikeyits borked15:38
ikeyso it was working on our existing snapd installs15:38
ikeybut for *new snapd users* it bricked core15:38
zygathose are rules that say what can be done with an interface15:38
ikeyright and i cant find any *usable* documentation on it15:38
zygabricked coreR?15:38
ikeycore couldnt be installed15:38
zygaallow-installation: false15:39
zygais this an implicit interface?15:39
ikeyidk what that means either15:39
ikeyagain, documentation, lol15:39
zygathe rules are basically saying what you can and cannot do15:39
ikeyive been asking about this for months now..15:39
ikeyits the steam-support interface that gives permissions to the steam snaps15:40
ikeyand ideally we only want those to use it15:40
ikeybut apparently thats all private store side behaviour15:40
zygathey get enforced by the policy checker15:40
zygalook at basedeclaration.go15:40
ikeyya ive read it15:40
zygathere's a lot of documentation there15:40
pedroniscachio_: hi, afaict we need newer versions of test-snapd-content-plug/slot in staging15:40
ikeylots of words that dont really explain anything to anyone outside the inner circle15:40
zygaikey so maybe I can help you out in practice15:41
zygatell me about the interface you're working on15:41
zygais it going to be added by core implicitly15:41
zygaor will it live in a specific snap15:41
cachio_pedronis, ok15:41
cachio_1 minutes15:41
pedronisthank you15:41
ikeyzyga, its the interface that will be added to snapd to give the permissions for steam to run15:41
ikeyso linux-steam-integration would connect to it15:41
ikeyand pop holes in the sandbox15:41
zygaikey who will have the slot side?15:42
zygais it going to be linux-steam-integration snap itself15:42
zygaor is that going to be on core?15:42
zygaI mean, look at network interface15:42
pedroniscachio_: I have all the other tests passing also with my code  (except layout but that sort of weird fluke I have seen prod spread too)15:42
ikeyok see now you're confusing me again15:42
ikeythere is no documentation on this difference15:42
zygathe core provides is (the slot) and anyone can get a plug and connect15:42
ikeyjust assumptions of prior knowledge and examples15:42
zygathe network interface is "implicit" so it gets automatically added to the core snap (as a slot)15:43
ikeyi dont use core snap15:43
cachio_pedronis, perfect15:43
ikeythis is for solus-runtime-gaming + linux-steam-integration..15:43
zygaanother idea is to have a special interface that is not on the core snap (the slot) and is actually added, directly, in meta/snap.yaml in some snap15:43
ikeyremember solus-runtime-gaming is a base snap15:44
zygaikey sure but even if you don't use the core snap the interface has a plug and slot side and both plugs and slots must inhabit *some* snap to exist15:44
zygamy question is: who has the slot side of this new interface15:44
ikeyat this point i genuinely dont know the different between slot and plug15:44
ikeybecause the terminology is grossly conflated15:44
zygadepending on the answer to that question we can determine the policy that will make it work15:44
ikeylinux-steam-integration is the snap that *uses* steam-support15:45
zygaikey a plug and a slot is just two ends of a wire15:45
ikeyyes i know that but which ends go were aren't exactly well defined15:45
ikeycase in point, core15:45
zygatypically the slot side is the offering end15:45
zygait provides some service or capability or other thing15:45
ikeyok well in the plugs in snap.yaml we add steam-support15:45
ikeycuz we need it there.15:45
zygauntil you connect the plug side to the slot side, the plug side cannot consume that thing and doesn't get permissions15:45
ikeyfor linux-steam-integration15:45
zygaso I suspect the slot side of steam-support is going to exist on the core snap (again, just for the sake of having to exist somewhere)15:46
cachio_pedronis, test-snapd-content-plug updated15:46
ikeyso "core snap" in this context really meaning "snapd" ?15:46
zygabut I may not be fully up to date on your discussions with jamie15:46
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zygaikey the long story short15:46
zygano, the core snap15:46
ikeybut i dont use core snap..15:46
zygait's all in snapd code but the core snap is the thing that can host implicit slots15:47
cachio_pedronis, the test-snapd-content-slot seem to be already in the last rev15:47
pedroniscachio_: ok, good, wasn't sure15:47
pedronisthank you15:47
pedronisI'll try the one tests again15:47
zygait isn't relevant, it's the same as you use the "network" plug in your apps and then even if you use a different base snap you get the network permission parts from this connection15:47
zygaikey to fix your problem:15:47
ikeyso core defines /things/15:47
zygaikey drop the allow-installation: false line15:47
ikeywhat about those deny ones?15:48
ikeyi assume we want autoconnect defined by store right?15:48
zygaand if I'm wrong and the slot side is going to be in a dedicated snap, you need to have this pre-arranged with jdstrand15:48
ikeyslot side meaning .. ?15:48
zygathe deny connection and deny auto connection look fine15:48
ikeyi dont "use" slots anywhere btw15:48
zygathe "slot side" is "the name of the snap that will ship something that looks like slots: steam-support"15:48
ikeyjust plugs15:49
zygado you have any connection-based rules in that interface?15:49
ikeyhttps://hastebin.com/qoqozopire.bash <- is what i have15:49
zygaif you have a longer pastebin with the diff, I could look15:49
zygaha :D15:49
zygathank you15:49
zygaso the name here says it all15:49
zygathis is what the *plug* side gets after connecting (to a slot side) in terms of seccomp permissions15:49
ikey(not really its a copy paste job :P)15:49
zygaand I see you have "implicitOnCore"  and "implicitOnClassic"15:50
ikeyya, copy paste15:50
ikeyi have no idea what it does15:50
zyga(yeah but my point was that those are still connection oriented concepts)15:50
ikeyi believe the original notion was to block any snap in the store autoconnecting steam-support15:50
ikeydue to the holes it exposes15:51
zygaok, if you drop the line I mentioned (allow-installation) it should move on15:51
ikeycuz the whole ptrace kerfuffle15:51
zygathen specific snaps will get an assertion that say it can connect to steam-support15:51
ikeylike linux-steam-integration ^^15:51
ikeyim copying this log down locally for notes btw :P15:51
ikeyok so nuke that line, rebase onto git, and new PR15:52
zygacool! :)15:52
zygasee if it works for you15:52
zyganot sure if anything else is missing15:52
ikeywell that was the only issue was ran into15:52
ikeyfresh snapd went to fetch core for the first time15:52
ikeyand complained loudly about steam-support15:53
ikeyobviously its a fairly nasty interface in that it "extends" another15:53
ikeyalright cheers ima go do that15:54
zygacool, good luck15:55
* zyga replied on the LXD issue and prepares a patch for the layout bug and writes more hardening patches 15:55
ikeycgroups chase you15:55
zygacgroups are lovely15:55
zygauntil 2.0 that is15:56
pedroniscachio_: interfaces-content now passes16:00
zygapedronis what did you chagne?16:01
pedroniszyga: this was about wrong snap revision16:02
pedroniszyga: that failure was from main/layout16:02
pedronisI mean nothing to do with the thing we discussed about /opt16:02
mvocachio__: forum post about this problem that snap-confine runs /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev from the core snap which is a symlink in the beta core which leads to the apparmor denails that you saw on the SRU verification16:05
mvocachio__: I'm not sure what the right fix is. I'm also not sure why we run the snappy-app-dev inside core and if we have to do that16:05
mvozyga: I guess you don't remember why we run snappy-app-dev inside core - maybe we need to run it late when we are already inside this env. but it might mean we can never rename snappy-app-dev :/16:06
mupPR snapd#4770 opened: store: parse the JSON format used by the coming new store API to convey snap information <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4770>16:06
zygawhy we run snappy-app-dev inside core, I think that's easy16:07
zygabecause we do that after we pivot root16:07
* zyga looks16:07
zygawe do that super late16:07
zygahold on16:07
zygawe _can_ rename16:07
zygawe just have to be less direct16:07
zygawe can try the new name first16:08
zygaand if it's not there, fall back16:08
zygaand allow both in apparmor16:08
zygait's like renaming snap-exec to snap-make-it-so16:08
zygamake it so16:09
* zyga swooshes away16:09
mvozyga: right, but it means we need a transiton time where the appamor profile is updated16:09
mvozyga: which means we probably need to revert the rename for 2.3216:10
mvo /o\16:10
* zyga thinks16:10
zygais this for revert?16:10
zygaor from reexec from stable deb16:10
mvozyga: it is for when you run 2.31 and disable re-exec. then 2.31 snap run will run the 2.31 snap-confine which will not have the right rule yet16:11
mvozyga: for 2.31 with re-exec everything is fine because then the right snap-confine with the correct profile runs16:11
zygawait I don't follow16:12
* mvo waits16:13
mupPR snapd#4771 opened: store: add Store.InstallRefresh to support the new install/refresh api endpoint <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4771>16:13
zyga2.31 is in the deb or in the core snap in your example?16:14
cachio__zyga, we install 2.31.1 from deb16:15
cachio__and the core snap is the one in beta 2.3216:16
cachio__and it is set16:16
zygaso 2.31.1 deb, with all the right snap-confine profiles, installs core and gets 2.3216:16
zygamvo so far so good?16:16
zygamvo is that accurate?16:16
mvozyga: sorry, 2.31.1 is in the deb, 2.32 (with the rename) is in the core snap16:17
zygaso far so good16:17
zygaand that so far works16:17
mvozyga: with *no* reexec16:17
zygathen we disable reexec, right?16:17
mvozyga: correct16:17
zygaI see16:17
zygawe have a compat symlink?16:17
zyganothing more?16:17
mvozyga: correct16:18
mvozyga: aha!16:18
mvozyga: so we just install the real thing :) ?16:18
mvozyga: smart!16:18
* mvo hugs zyga16:18
* zyga hugs mvo back and thinks about what the solution is16:18
mvozyga: didn't you just suggest the solution?16:19
zygamvo you made the solution, I'm just the garden thing :)16:19
zygahaha, I apparently did b16:19
zygabut you get it and I'm still processing16:19
mvozyga: if we install the real thing in two places16:19
zygathat will work16:19
mvozyga: nstead of a symlink it should work16:19
ikeyi seem to remember you guys mentioned this being fixed somewhere: go build github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap-seccomp: invalid pkg-config package name: --static16:19
ikeyany pointers?16:19
zygaikey ah, that's the golang security SNAFU16:20
zygai think we reverted the --static linking in master16:20
ikeyoh right16:20
zygaand do soma hackery in ubuntu builds to restore it manually16:20
zygabut I didn't do that so no good links16:20
* ikey hits up https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commits/master/cmd/snap-seccomp16:20
mupPR snapd#4772 opened: tests/lib/fakestore/store:  teach the fake store to fake the new install/refresh endpoint <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4772>16:21
zygamvo I was thinking about a bind mount becase that fools apparmor16:22
zygabut installing twice is just perfect16:22
ikeyiirc we really /should/ force static linking on seccomp right?16:22
zygait's complex16:23
zygasometimes yes16:23
ikeyi seem to remember it giving heartattacks to apparmor16:23
zygabut it depends on the context16:23
* ikey finds a lump hammer16:24
ikeybye freenode16:24
ikeyhi freenode. >_>16:25
zygawas that a bouncy hammer?16:25
ikeylol wasnt me i swear16:25
ikeythis seems to make it work:16:25
ikey    GOPATH="`pwd`" go build -o bin/snap-seccomp --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap-seccomp16:25
zygaikey of *course* it does16:26
zygaprogramming is so logical16:26
ikeyok well it builds at least16:27
ikeylets see the verdict ..16:27
ikeyzyga, it might make more sense if i reopen my original PR and submit the fix-commit on top?16:28
ikeythis way we preserve the old discussions16:28
zygayeah, that'd be great16:28
ikeyand then if someone wants to chuck the rebase on top, go for gold16:28
ikeywe'll see if github likes the notion of merging first16:28
ikeyill get runtime-snaps changed over in git and wean them off devmode16:28
ikeyzyga, https://github.com/solus-project/runtime-snaps/commit/d3e3e6c0e231b3e09081a603296331a0e97917e7 :p16:31
zygaarses in gear16:32
zygathat's the spirit16:32
* zyga googles what that means16:32
zygadoes it mean16:32
ikeyliterally just get moving and stop stalling16:32
zyga"let's get off our ass and do an interface"?16:32
zygavery graphic :)16:32
zygaas we literally didn't move much16:33
zygato write this16:33
ikeyalright in theory i can install the (very old) runtime16:33
ikeyand just build a new sideloaded snap app16:33
ikeyand then test they havent died16:33
ikeyi.e. regressed from the last time16:33
ikeyand that should be all good in the hood for sending16:33
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ikeycan snaps hit the store prior to the interfaces being generally available btw?16:34
ikeyi want to kill the old snaps with fire16:34
zygaI don't know16:34
ikeyguess we'll find out eh16:34
zygaI suspect it will be flagged for manuak16:34
pedronisI started proposing some PRs for the new api16:34
ikeysudo ./mkapp.sh  193.03s user 40.57s system 46% cpu 8:25.21 total16:42
ikeynot bad :o16:42
mupPR snapd#4773 opened: tests: add debug for layout test <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4773>16:43
* zyga read that tonight parts of poland will go to -24C16:44
=== rharper` is now known as rharper
zygaso close16:44
zygaI remember going to high school one day (during daytime) when it was -2516:44
zygabut it was before we all had phones16:44
zygaso nobody knew the school is closed16:44
zygaso I went back and forth16:45
ikeybtw is the store seeing traffic issues lately?16:45
ikeyonly hitting 2.30mbs on a download16:45
ikey(100mbps connection)16:45
zygadownload is from CDN16:46
* ikey blames snow16:46
mupPR snapcraft#1965 opened: tests: remove ProjectOptions dependency from integration suite <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1965>16:46
ikeyok looking good16:49
ikeysteam client is downloading..16:49
ikey(had to manually snap connect ofc :))16:50
ikeyzyga, https://ibin.co/3tHZHjqBVVBh.png :)16:53
zygaI need to refresh my steam game collection16:54
zygabut ... all the patches16:54
zygaikey nice :-)16:54
ikeyok so i reopened old PR, added the new commit on top16:54
mupPR snapd#4538 opened: interfaces/builtin: Add new steam-support interface <Created by ikeydoherty> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4538>16:55
ikeyty, bot16:55
cachio__zyga, do you have a5 minuts to see something?16:59
sergiusensniemeyer: here's a first start on the ref https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapcraft-yaml-reference/427617:01
cachio__zyga, hold on, I can't find the pass for the vm on google backend17:01
niemeyersergiusens: Sweet, thank you!17:02
niemeyersergiusens: The formatting is a bit strange, but with that material we should be able to easily play until we find something comfortable17:02
sergiusensniemeyer: as a first draft I welcome any suggestions17:02
niemeyersergiusens: I'm not even sure what to suggest at this point.. not obvious to me either.. but now that we have the material it's easy to play.. I'll have a try later today17:03
sergiusensniemeyer: I tried to mimic the google docs we had, the table width should be modifieable with some CSS (on the forum at least)17:03
niemeyersergiusens: I'd prefer to not play with the width.. if we're going too wide, it's not going to be comfortable to read17:03
niemeyersergiusens: See the introductory material for example (Getting started, etc).. the width feels pretty reasonable17:04
p7f_hi: could someone help with creating a Qt/QML snap? nothing i found in internet worked for me17:05
sergiusensniemeyer: yeah, that one does look good :-)17:06
cachio__zyga, any idea what could be causing that problem?17:11
cachio__zyga, it is just happening on bionic17:11
zygasee if this is package update scripts17:12
zygaor something the test is doing17:12
zygaI don't know17:12
cachio__zyga, ok, I'll start with the update scripts17:13
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* kalikiana heading out17:24
sergiusenscprov: some store things seem broken https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/34728482617:31
cprovsergiusens: let me take a look17:35
cprovsergiusens: pexpect timeout don't tell us much about what is failing :-/17:38
niemeyerpedronis: Where's account "title" coming from?17:39
pedronisniemeyer: it's the display-name17:39
niemeyerpedronis: We have "username" and "display-name" in the account assertions17:39
sergiusenscprov: yeah, I know, these silent tests are killing me in the sense that we never really know what goes on, elopio can we get this one fixed?17:39
niemeyerpedronis: That's also how we generally referred to those filed, I think?17:40
niemeyerpedronis: A person's "title" is something else (Ms., etc)17:40
cprovsergiusens: I can only think of some issue with the test creds, tests are passing locally against staging -> https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/XfPbxgWHg7/17:41
pedronisniemeyer: I think they come from wgrant/nessita, these names17:41
niemeyerpedronis: Sure, I mean in terms of design :)17:41
sergiusenscprov: thanks, I'll leave it to elopio then17:42
pedronisniemeyer: I need to have dinner, I'm personally fine either way,  I'm not quire sure why s/display-name/title/17:44
niemeyerpedronis: Okay.. let's catch up with nessita and wgrant then17:45
niemeyerpedronis: Enjoy!17:45
pedronisniemeyer: I mean I'm quite sure they were called  display-name and username at some point, I'm not sure why they got changed to this17:56
niemeyerpedronis: Agreed, let's catch up with them17:59
pedronisniemeyer: as you can see in infroFromStoreSnap most other things have quite matching names now17:59
pedronisniemeyer: the only other serious divergence I spot  is  in deltas:  source/target vs  FromRevision/ToRevision18:03
niemeyerpedronis: It'd definitely be good to sync, but I'm less concerned about that one.. we won't be talking much about that18:04
pedronisjust pointing out18:04
niemeyerpedronis: Accounts is a can of worms, though, and that's part of the sauce inside that can18:04
pedronisafai see the rest is quite aligned, except publisher18:04
pedronisbut I vaguely remember we started from the assertion names18:05
pedronisand I don't know why we got there18:05
niemeyerpedronis: What about publisher?18:06
niemeyerpedronis: Is publisher not the publisher?18:06
pedronisit is the publisher18:06
pedronisI mean the field inside it18:06
niemeyerpedronis: Ah, ok, phew18:07
pedronisno publisher is the publisher18:08
pedronis(I would be very unhappy if we do all this work to again mix that up)18:08
cprovsergiusens, elopio: FWIW our creds results in a green run -> https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/builds/34738393118:13
cachio__pedronis, do you know which scripts are executed when the snapd upgrade is done?18:22
pedroniscachio__: nothing super interesting  ,  debian/snapd.maintscript  and debian/snapd.postinst18:24
pedroniswe do interresting things when we are removed though18:24
cachio__pedronis, ah, ok, I'll take a look to those scripts18:26
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cachio__zyga, do you know where all the mounts are done after an upgrade?19:16
mupIssue snapcraft#1954 closed: Implement support for `common-id` <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1954>19:39
mupPR snapcraft#1960 closed:  extractors: add support for common-id  <enhancement> <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1960>19:39
cachio__niemeyer, I dont see any ubuntu - 32 bits19:53
cachio__in google compute images19:53
cachio__niemeyer, any idea where to find?19:54
cachio__which project19:54
pedroniscachio__:  I think there was some discussion around having them made, but no, they don't exist yet afaik19:59
cachio__pedronis, ah, ok19:59
cachio__bad news19:59
mupPR snapd#4774 opened: tests: adding ubuntu-14.04-64 to the google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4774>20:19
pedronisniemeyer: talked with Natalia,  no big objection to rechanging but double checking,  we want s/title/display-name/   s/name/username/ in publisher ?20:27
mupPR snapcraft#1965 closed: tests: remove ProjectOptions dependency from integration suite <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1965>20:42
mupPR snapcraft#1966 opened: grammar: support `to` statement in source <do-not-merge-yet> <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1966>20:42
niemeyerpedronis: I think that matches exactly what's in the account assertion now, right?20:48
niemeyerIf so, yeah, sounds like a good win to have a single set of terms20:48
niemeyerThese terms also feel less ambiguous, which is another win.. username is classical.. everybody knows what to expect, and display-name is a bit more unusual, but also typical in our usage20:50
niemeyercachio__: I don't think they have it.. as I mentioned today in the standup, ideally the cloud team would just push that one too.. otherwise we'll need to cook the image ourselves20:51
mupPR snapd#4775 opened: timeutil: timeutil.Human(t) gives a human-friendly string for t <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4775>20:53
cachio__niemeyer, ok20:54
cachio__about the ubuntu core20:55
cachio__2018-02-28 17:40:04 Cannot allocate google:ubuntu-core-16-64: cannot find any Google image matching "ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/daily-ubuntu-core-16-v20161108" on project "ubuntu-os-cloud-devel"20:55
cachio__I see this error trying to use that image20:55
cachio__niemeyer, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NXPSSVgQXN/20:55
cachio__this is the image I am trying to use20:55
cachio__but itdoesn't work if I set image: ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/daily-ubuntu-core-16-v2016110820:56
cachio__in spread.yaml20:56
cachio__niemeyer, any idea?20:56
niemeyercachio__: Strange.. let me check20:57
cachio__I am gonna add some extra debug info into the google backend to see20:57
niemeyercachio__: Is that for our snapd's ubuntu-core images?20:57
pedronisniemeyer: yes, assertion has username and display-name20:58
niemeyerpedronis: Cool20:58
cachio__niemeyer, I am trying to test that20:58
niemeyercachio__: Note that our images are not ubuntu-core images.. we can't do much with one of those20:58
cachio__niemeyer, on, in that case I'll try to use the xenial image as we are doing currently20:59
niemeyercachio__: I suggest digging a bit into the way ubuntu-core images are cooked for testing..21:00
cachio__niemeyer, ok21:02
mupPR snapcraft#1967 opened: project_loader: improve the logic to install patchelf on arm <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1967>21:06
niemeyercachio__: Found the problem.. the API is returning less results than documented, 10 fold less.. I'll need to add support for pagination21:11
cachio__niemeyer, good21:11
cachio__niemeyer, thanks for see that21:11
niemeyerBut now it's time for school pick up.. laters21:12
mupPR snapcraft#1968 opened: demos: avoid use of the wrapper for java-hello-world <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1968>21:12
zygacachio__ mounts are done by systemd, we don't stop / start the units on package updates21:27
zygaunless that's something new in bionic but I don't know anything about that21:27
Chipacabash manpage: "use --rcfile <file> to run file instead of /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc". bash code: "source /etc/bash.bashrc; source rcfile or ~/.bashrc"21:48
* Chipaca goes for icecream21:49
zygaChipaca ?21:52
* zyga hands chipaca some lemon ice cream21:52
Chipacazyga: the bash in xenial at least, and against what's documented, always sources /etc/bash.bashrc21:55
Chipacawhich means:21:55
Chipacayou'll always get the 'how to use sudo' message on 'snap run --shell'21:56
Chipacazyga: please tell me you're going to the sprint next week21:58
ChipacaI remember how excited you got over turkish delight in london, and budapest is swimming in the stuff21:59
kyrofanoise][, nessita the store had a "scan error" on one of my snap revisions. It's not even showing up in my rev list, but none of the subsequent snaps are being scanned as a result (they all say "waiting for <link to other scan> to finish")22:14
kyrofaI'm fairly certain I could unblock things by rejecting and removing from the queue, but this seems like something that shouldn't happen22:14
kyrofaI don't see a reason to hold up reviews because earlier ones had issues22:15
kyrofaroadmr, I guess that ^ may interest you as well22:16
kyrofaSome sort of "rescan" button would be nice22:17
kyrofaI guess I'll try rejecting this one22:17
roadmrkyrofa: WIT22:17
roadmrwhich snap is this?22:17
roadmrgive me a sec22:17
roadmrkyrofa: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/nextcloud/revisions/5423/ is the blocky one, right?22:18
kyrofaYou got it22:18
roadmrkyrofa: we've been seeing upload issues since yesterday, this strange state seems to be because there's no upload linked to this snap :(22:19
roadmrwe haven't pinpointed the cause for the problem yet.22:19
kyrofaroadmr, status.snapcraft.io is all green22:20
kyrofaroadmr, anyway, not sure what the deal is with that snap, but we need these other ones released. How best do we unblock this?22:23
roadmrkyrofa: give me a sec to check things on my side.22:23
roadmrkyrofa: don't start rejecting/removing others from the queue. It won't help - the wedged one will remain there and block any new uploads22:23
roadmrkyrofa: to be clear - this is abnormal, a bug22:23
roadmrkyrofa: usually when an upload gets stuck there's a very clear "rescan this dammit" button22:24
roadmrI don't see it here; like you said, hell, I don't even see the upload22:24
roadmrkyrofa: oh wow - an oops referencing another oops22:28
kyrofaOops inception22:31
roadmroopseption :)22:31
kyrofaroadmr, things seem to be moving, now22:59
roadmrkyrofa: wgrant fixed them. Thanks William!22:59
wgrantIt'll take a few minutes to process the backlog of nextcloud revisions, but it's getting there.23:03
kyrofawgrant, these are uploads from LP. They aren't being released into proper channels, but I haven't received any emails about failures. Will it try again at some point?23:15
kyrofaOr have they timed out?23:16
roadmrkyrofa: if an upload gets held for manual review, the "intent to release" for the other ones is lost, as I remember :(23:18
mupBug #1684529: Need for manual review loses intent to release to channel <Snap Store:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684529>23:18
kyrofaAh yes, I remember that one23:18
roadmrkyrofa: sorry about that... if once the queue is clear you do another build, that one should get released properly, since the queue is clear23:18
* roadmr said "queue is clear" twice23:18
roadmrthrice! no one expects the spanish inquisition!23:18
roadmrkyrofa: do you accept transfer of snappy-m-o to you from elopio ?23:19
kyrofaroadmr, I do. Just put it into the forum for tracking purposes as well23:19
roadmrkyrofa: thanks, it's the proper place, I normally then e-mail the parties to verify but since elopio is a well-known user and so are you, I can check via irc :)23:20
kyrofaroadmr, good deal, thank you :)23:20

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