
tsimonq2nacc_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/steam/+bug/175219800:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752198 in steam (Ubuntu) "Steam is not installable on Ubuntu 18.04" [Critical,In progress]00:24
nacc_tsimonq2: i see00:43
tsimonq2nacc_: One thing to note is https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=889987#38 ftr00:48
ubottuDebian bug 889987 in steam "steam: depends on non-existent libtxc-dxtn0" [Grave,Fixed]00:48
nacc_tsimonq2: sorry, to note what?00:49
nacc_tsimonq2: afaict, my new pacakge (reupload of s2tc) can be rejected as your merge goes in00:49
tsimonq2nacc_: Right, because as that bug comment says, it should have been merged into mesa00:49
tsimonq2nacc_: (We're on the same page here.)00:49
nacc_tsimonq2: ack00:49
FurretUberHi, I've done a clean install of Lubuntu 18.04 (from yesterday) on a pendrive and I'm using it. I've noticed the grub menu has that strange graphical problem of the options "jumping" too01:57
FurretUberAlso, I've noticed Lubuntu was the only one I could install on the 8 GB pendrive, as all others (even Lubuntu Next and Xubuntu) asked for 8,6 GB of space01:57
FurretUberOn this clean install, virtual machines have full network connectivity. What may be causing trouble on the upgraded install?02:03
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wolf4914What's the deal with nvidia again? Any tweaks to config file may help? 05:14
lotuspsychjewolf4914: nvidia and wayland are a no-go05:14
lotuspsychjewolf4914: try xorg + nouveau instead05:15
wolf4914lotuspsychje: where do I switch the options ?05:16
lotuspsychjewolf4914: xorg & wayland are choosable at your gdm login screen05:17
wolf4914I don't have gdm screen - I've upgraded from 17.10 and all I can get is grub by force and then it logs me in tty1. Anywhere in configs I can switch that?05:20
lotuspsychjewolf4914: check wich drivers active with sudo lshw -C video first05:21
wolf4914yeah it pops out nvidia05:22
wolf4914all detected05:23
lotuspsychjewolf4914: at bottom driver=?05:23
wolf4914last line is resources'05:23
lotuspsychjechipset gives: unclaimed perhaps?05:24
wolf4914no chipset either05:24
lotuspsychjehmm weird05:25
lotuspsychjewolf4914: you got hybrid graphics or so?05:25
wolf4914description product vendor physical Id bus info version width clock capabilities conf and resources05:25
wolf4914No the older version nvidia05:26
wolf4914that's all it gets me05:26
lotuspsychjewolf4914: how about ubuntu-drivers list05:26
lotuspsychjesee what drivers available05:27
wolf4914how do I output them?05:28
lotuspsychjetell me here, not a big list right05:28
wolf4914no I mean a command lol05:28
wolf4914pastebin is all good but nvidia-drivers errors out for some reason05:29
lotuspsychjeno in terminal: ubuntu-drivers list05:30
wolf4914that's what I did 05:30
wolf4914lemme try again05:30
wolf4914nvidia-340 and nvidia-driver-39005:31
wolf4914that's all05:31
lotuspsychjetry a nomodeset and enter the xorg session05:32
lotuspsychjeperhaps install nvidia-34005:32
wolf4914will do - have to run now thanks a lot lotuspsychje05:33
wolf4914I'll let you know 05:33
gnomethrowerGetting issues running apt update09:15
gnomethrowercould not get lock, error 1109:15
gnomethrowerresource temporarily unavailable09:16
gnomethrowerNot running anything, just a fresh boot09:16
gnomethrowerresolved now09:22
gnomethrowerI didn't really do anything other than wait :)09:42
notsgnikWith the last daily image I can't manage to pass the "who are you?" Screen for installation11:23
notsgnikAnd wen I use a daily from 2 days ago, as soon as I install the Nvidia drivers I can't manage to boot again11:24
notsgnikWhen I'm at booting screen I can push "Ctrl+alt+Fx" witch prompt a try screen witch freeze after couple of seconds using it :/11:26
notsgnik( memory leak ? )11:26
notsgnik( I'm on a web interface btw, so sorry for my interactions )11:27
notsgnikI don't know how to give you more clue of what's happening but I'll be glad to help11:30
notsgnikAlso, since we are at the pre LTS, can the prompt for credentials ask for the root credentials wen the current user is not able to run sudo?11:40
notsgnikLot of programs break just because of that11:41
tomreynnotsgnik: did you verify your downloaded copy (?) of the latest daily ISO image against its checksum?12:43
tomreyngnomethrower: this error is caused by a background process running by the same time you started apt / dpkg. on your second run, the background process will have ended, so you could run it fine then.12:47
tomreyni think this is being handled as a bug (I seem to recall that searching the error message on the web got me some existing bug report)12:48
notsgnikI didn't but I've did use a DD command ending like this conv=fdatasync && sync 12:55
notsgnikMade sure that the led on the flash drive was off12:55
notsgnikEach time with the same daily it crash at the same moment even if I used the key for other pupouse12:56
notsgnikMy gnome Ubuntu 16.04 seems tu run pretty fine using the same method 12:57
notsgnikAnd key12:57
notsgniktomreyn, I haven't checked against checksum yet it seems unlikely to be due to a bad copy13:00
tomreynsomewhat unlikley, but easily ruled out, and easy to fix, if it turns out to be an issue.13:02
BluesKajHi folks13:23
FurretUberFinally I have discovered why my guests had some of their connectivity problems: the iptables rules are working differently now15:41
FurretUberFrom Xenial to Artful, it was not needed to set the host's IP in the PREROUTING rules, so the destination of the created rule was This no longer works in Bionic: I have to set the host's IP15:44
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donofrio_what do these messages mean to you folks?  (aka what channel should I go ask) (wrapper-1.0:202): Gtk-WARNING **: 00:32:30.749: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",17:52
hggdhdonofrio_: you may be missing the package gtk2-engines-pixbuf19:32
mceierHi, on bionic 18.04, I want to use amdgpu but glxinfo shows "OpenGL vendor string: VMWare, Inc., OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe [...]" no matter what I do (tried uninstalling/reinstalling packages with amd, ati or radeon in name).... how can I switch X11 to amdgpu ?19:47
tomreynmceier: whats your hardware?20:16
mceiertomreyn: R9 Fury X20:17
tomreynand does it work on 16.04?20:19
tomreynthe amdgpu driver, that is20:19
mceierI'm not sure... I didn't note the issues I had in 16.04 that I decided to upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu...20:21
tomreynmceier: well the latest released version is 17.10, with 16.04 being the latest LTS. upgrading to a non-released (alpha) version is not a good strategy to solve issues.20:25
tomreynmceier: check: sudo lspci -knnv | grep -A30 VGA 20:28
tomreynthis should list the 'kernel driver in use'20:28
tomreynalso have look at /var/log/Xorg*.log for errors (indicated by '(EE)') and warnings (indicated by '(WW)')20:29
mceierlspci shows amdgpu driver20:30
mceierin Xorg.0.log I see: "AMDGPU(0): glamor detected, failed to initialize EGL." and "GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0" also 20:30
mceier"AIGLX: reverting to software rendering"20:31
tomreynmceier: are you running the default kernel without manually added kernel boot parameters?20:32
mceierI just updated the packages and didn't touch any files20:33
tomreynhmm dunno then. maybe you have some zombie packages which cause issues. you could try this script to identify them: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts -> foreign_packages20:34
mceierok, I will try the script20:34
tomreynit's just a wild guess though, but it wont hurt running it20:36
tomreynunfortunately i can't stay to help diagnosing the output, if any. but do make sure you look into those packages it reports, if any. since normally it hsould not report any at all.20:37
mceierthere are few foreign packages, but none of them seem to be related to drivers (gdk, php, poppler)20:37
mceierthanks either way ;)20:38
tomreynhmm, probably not the cause, then.20:39
tomreynoh an check these if you haven't https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver20:39
FurretUbermceier: I had this problem with a Intel HD Graphics 520. The issue were a few packages. One of them was libopengl0. From what I've read from a Red Hat page, one of these "vendor neutral GL dispatch library" breaks the modesetting, making the system fall back to CPU rendering. One choice would be to create a xorg.conf file with the correct setting to your video card at /etc/X11/ (not the best) The other alternative (the best, if possi22:22
FurretUbere) is to find which package broke the modesetting (libGL.so and/or libEGL.so)22:22

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