
arooniabout to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 => 16.04 server via command line; anything i need to keep in mind?00:16
arooniabout to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 => 16.04 server via command line; anything i need to keep in minabout to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 => 16.04 server via command line; anything i need to keep in mind?d?00:16
aroonioops sorry for the repost00:16
arooni(twice :( )00:16
sarnoldif you've got apache installed I think 16.04 changed the authentication and authorization stuff00:17
sarnoldand php7 doesn't handle everything php5 did. or something like that.00:17
rbasakarooni: take a full system backup before you begin :)00:18
arooniis doing the upgrade not recommended00:18
aroonii.e. as opposed to transferring to a clean install00:18
sarnoldno, upgrade should work, please file bugs if you run into trouble. but backups are always a good idea. :)00:19
aroonirunning a snapshot backup first00:20
aroonii wasnt really paying attention; was running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade wrong00:29
sarnolddo-release-upgrade is the supported way to move from one release to the next00:30
aroonisarnold: ok so a bit of dist-upgrade already ran before i control c'd it00:34
aroonidoes that mean i really screwed up00:34
arooniand need to restore from the backup before trying again00:35
sarnolddid it start unpacking packages yet?00:35
sarnoldor was it still downloading?00:35
arooniummm i think it was setting up packages :(00:35
aroonigot to this https://gist.github.com/5b17ced2bbdde3cae2cc806cdba9bae800:36
sarnold*probably* if you set the apt sources back the way they were, and run do-release-upgrade, it'll sort out a path forward00:36
sarnoldarooni: those numbers seem sane. might as well let it go :)00:36
arooniwell i have a backup in case i kaboshed it00:37
aroonimay as well see00:37
sdezielarooni: if you have apache2, sites-enabled needs to contain files ending with .conf00:45
rbasaknacc_: do you want me to work on getting gpgv in the snap tomorrow? Or are you looking at it already?00:45
aroonisdeziel: i'm using nginx00:46
arooniif there are any gotchas there00:46
sdezielarooni: not that I remember00:46
sdezielarooni: only good things ahead (http2) :)00:46
nacc_rbasak: i can work on it now, and i'll send an mp off yours?00:47
nacc_it should end up passing ci as a means to check it00:47
aroonigoodbye php 5.600:49
aroonihello php 700:49
nacc_arooni: 14.04 -> 16.04?00:50
aroonihowd you guess lol00:50
rbasaknacc_: sure, thanks00:51
nacc_arooni: :)00:51
aroonishould i keep the unattended upgrades config file i created00:51
aroonidiff doesnt appear to have anything about a specificrelease00:51
sdezielarooni: trusty ships with php 5.5.9, do you have any PPAs?00:56
aroonii think i did00:57
arooniprobably   should have blown them away      prior to upgrade00:57
nacc_do-release-upgrade does automatically disable them, but you still need to purge them, iirc00:57
arooniwell it booted up successfully as 16.0.400:58
nacc_arooni: well, that's not released yet, so hopefully not :)00:59
sdezielnacc_: the base-files update was pushed already01:06
nacc_sdeziel: really?01:06
nacc_sdeziel: that's surprising, but i guess doesn't hurt01:06
sdezielgrep VERSION= /etc/os-release01:06
sdezielall of my systems are reporting 16.04.401:07
arooniso ;;; if there are things listed in my sources.list.d directory that reference trusty01:07
nacc_sdeziel: interesting, i thought that would be coordinated with the official release, but maybe that's only for the iso01:07
aroonido i need to delete/remove them01:07
aroonior will they not be used as its not the xenial release01:07
sdezielnacc_: the ISO always seems to lag from a couple days01:07
sdezielarooni: you need to delete/update them01:08
nacc_sdeziel: well, the iso isn't supposed to release until mar 101:08
sdezielarooni: well, only the files with names ending with .list01:08
arooniwhat are the other files there for01:09
sdezielleftovers from the release upgrade mostly01:09
nacc_rbasak: i'm testing the trivial revert now, and then i'll need to narrow it done01:24
nacc_i should be able to work on it more tmrw01:24
nacc_rbasak: sigh, you're calling gpg too in the tests :)03:17
nacc_rbasak: i think we can snap all of gpg again, but not use it in our code03:19
nacc_beyond the tests03:19
nacc_i'll need to verify that's actually the case, though03:19
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chamarHi folks, anyone using LXC/LXD?03:58
sdezielchamar: yes04:22
chamarsdeziel, Are you using the apt-get package or snap?!  Having package at both place is kind of confusing04:23
sdezielchamar: I'm using the apt-get package because I set this up before the snap came in. That said, upstream recommends using the snap now04:24
chamarThanks, I'll go with snap then. Appreciate.04:25
Goopis it possible to enable/disable a graphical desktop environment on-demand?04:27
sarnoldyou can certainly apt-get install unity or fvwm2 or whatever you want .. and then apt-get purge it again later04:44
sdezielGoop: on a 16.04 desktop, you could set the lightdm service to not autostart (systemctl disable lightdm) and manually start it when you want a graphical session04:52
masonGoop: you don't mean "systemctl set-default" do you?04:54
mason...because if youre going to have a generic system-wide default on Unixlike systems, of course it should really mean "is this my laptop or not". :P04:55
masons/default/& setting/04:55
chamarurgl.. what is that netplan thing?! :/05:03
masonchamar: You should still be able to install/usr ifupdown.05:03
chamaryeah.. ho.. that seems to be tied with systemd.. hum05:04
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cpaelzergood morning06:03
rbasaknacc_: oh. To import the keys into keyrings, yeah, sorry. Any version fo gpg will do for that though.09:50
soshianti want to install snmpd11:01
soshiantapt-get install snmpd11:01
soshianterrror is : libsnmp30 depends libsensores11:01
soshiant i use ubuntu server repository11:02
soshianttrusty distribution11:02
soshiantsnmpd depends libmysqlclient1811:02
hateballsoshiant: can you !paste the full output?11:19
hateballsoshiant: also run an "sudo apt-get update" first11:19
soshiant<hateball> libsnmp30 depends libsensores4 but it is not installed11:40
soshiant<hateball> snmpd depends libmysqlclient18 but it is not installed11:41
hateballsoshiant: can you paste what "apt-cache policy libsnmp30" says?11:41
hateball!paste | soshiant11:41
ubottusoshiant: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:41
soshianti use ubuntu server repository11:41
soshianti can't past11:41
UssatWhen 18.04LTS goes live, what ver of php will it have ? 7 ?11:43
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fricklerjamespage: you might want to fix your ceph-volume patch to avoid overlap with debian/python-cephfs.install:usr/lib/python2*/dist-packages/ceph_volume_client.py*, see https://git.launchpad.net/~j-harbott/ubuntu/+source/ceph/commit/?id=a874f13042b58073906b9a4465c3498d99301d3c12:53
jamespagefrickler: thanks13:26
boxrickGood afternoon folks, just dabbling with Ubuntu 18 and I would like to drop netplan and use the stock systemd-networkd. Is there any caveats or things to be aware of in this?14:07
boxrickAnd a simple way of disabling netplna14:07
rbasakboxrick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Netplan#I_really_do_need_ifupdown.2C_can_I_still_use_it.3F14:13
rbasakOh I'm sorry.14:13
rbasakThat's not exactly what you asked.14:13
rbasakBut I suppose if you used ifupdown in the way described, it's easy enough to configure it to do nothing.14:14
rbasakI suspect exactly the same applies with netplan - if not given a plan, it will do nothing.14:14
rbasakcyphermox: ^14:14
boxrickSo lets assume I remove the netplan config then insert the systemd networkd config and restart networkig14:15
rbasakWhat does "restart networking" mean? :)14:15
boxrickGood point, since that doesn't work in Ubuntu 1814:16
rbasakThe term has no meaning.14:16
rbasakWay back when (before upstart) it might have meant "run the restart action on the networking init.d script)14:16
rbasakNowadays with more complex networking setups, and hotplug and so on, it has little meaning.14:17
cyphermoxboxrick: have you filed bugs about whatever doesn't work for you?14:26
cyphermoxand yeah, if you just remove the config, it will do nothing14:26
boxrickThere is no bugs14:37
boxrickJust rather first testing14:37
boxrickI need a multi OS networking config, so netplan isn't suitable14:37
boxrickConfiguring systemd-networkd directly is ideal.14:37
boxrickSo as a brief example, if I have eth0 configured by netplan on DHCP. If I remove the config, recreate in systemd-networkd and do a service systemd-networkd restart. Will it spring to life ?14:38
boxrickIs there any way to confirm netplan is not doing the config to make sure its working.14:38
cyphermoxif there is nothing in /etc/netplan, netplan will do absolutely nothing14:39
cyphermoxbut yes, you can use netplan to generate a configuration, then edit it as a starting point for using systemd-network directly -- so once you have config for systemd-networkd in /etc/systemd/network, you can restart systemd-networkd and the network should be managed correctly.14:40
rbasaknacc_: would you mind avoiding prefixing your branch names with lp references please? It stops me being able to tab complete anything :-/14:57
rbasakA suffix would be fine.14:57
jamespagefrickler: thanks for that - I've pushed ready for next week when I'll upload15:39
fricklerjamespage: nice, maybe you can also consider https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/175230815:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752308 in ceph (Ubuntu) "ceph-mgr needs python-jinja2 for dashboard plugin" [Undecided,New]15:41
nacc_rbasak: why does it stop you?15:46
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rbasaknacc: because autocomplete stops after nacc/lp173 and after that I basically have to look up the number every time. From my POV your branches might as well be numbered instead of being named.15:50
naccrbasak: right, but for me it's handy to know which branch i need to checkout based upon which bug i'm working on15:51
naccrbasak: if it's a suffix, i need to know the <string topic> i chose in order to find it15:51
rbasakI didn't think you'd find it less convenient. It's your choice I guess :)15:52
rbasakPersonally I can remember the names of a few different things more easily than I can remember the numbers of a few different things :)15:52
naccrbasak: i'm the opposite :)15:52
rbasak(and the numbers are typically all alike)15:52
rbasaknacc: if you're available, would you like to sync before the standup?15:53
naccrbasak: ack15:54
naccrbasak: i can join now15:54
coreycbjamespage: down to 3 failures with tempest on queens15:54
coreycbjamespage: i'm planning to get the final releases uploaded and then work through those last 3 failures15:55
jamespagecoreycb: +115:56
jamespagesounds good - do you need a hand?15:56
jamespagehappy for you to take all of the release glory but if you want to spread the load I have some 'waiting for functional tests to complete' time15:56
coreycbjamespage: either way is fine with me15:58
coreycbjamespage: should be relatively light-weight at this point15:58
jamespagecoreycb: ok shall I take the neutron* and networking* bits then?15:58
jamespageand you can work the rest15:58
coreycbjamespage: sure, sounds good16:05
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naccrbasak: do you have a few minutes? just wanted to check something with you16:43
rbasaknacc: sure. Which HO?16:43
naccrbasak: standup is fine16:43
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arunpyasiHi everyone, I need to have a secondary mail server which can be used to receive and send emails when primary server is down and the emails should be sync with one another. How do I achieve that ? A good tutorial/manual/tool/link would be appreciated. Thanks !16:47
TJ-arunpyasi: if using postfix a smarthost config on 1 of them16:48
arunpyasiTJ-,doing that will sync the emails on both the sides ?16:59
TJ-arunpyasi: the idea is the SmartHost receives them and passes them on to the primary server when it can17:02
arunpyasiTJ-, ok, I went through this soln but the thing is, I need each other to be synced and server2 be available for pop/imap/smtp when server1 is down17:09
TJ-arunpyasi: then you'd need file-system level syncing between them of the mailbox directory/ies so POP/IMAP clients can see the emails17:11
arunpyasiTJ-, ok so this goes to the filesystem sync ? can it be rsync or GlusterFS ?17:13
UssatYou need 2 servers that share the same FS, and the config on the servers should reflect that17:13
TJ-arunpyasi: take your pick of options :) I think I'd want a distributed file-system of some sort to make the sync transparent, but then you hit the problem of, at some times, needing it to switch masters17:13
Ussatalso you need a smart way to determine when one is down and automatically fail to the live server17:13
TJ-arunpyasi: might be worth looking at how high-available servers are configured for jsut this kind of thing17:14
Ussatyou could use a VIP that then goes to one or the other servers, the VIP could live on something like a F517:14
Ussatwhich would switch from one to the other based on which is live17:14
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arunpyasiUssat, what is VIP ? AFAIK is Very Important Person17:25
UssatVirtual IP17:26
UssatSo.....in the case of your scenario, the IP would reside on the F5 or similar, and the F5 would forward requests to one or the other server17:27
UssatAKA Poor Mans HA17:27
UssatIts perfectly viable though and works quite well17:27
UssatHard to explain over text17:28
jamespagecoreycb: ok have neutron* and networking* built - about to publish to bionic once everything is differed17:42
coreycbjamespage: awesome17:43
jamespagecoreycb: publishing now - I'll need to eod shortly17:59
coreycbjamespage: ok thanks. i should be able to get the rest today. work is underway on my end.18:00
dpb1_bladernr_: the bug looks fine.  Thanks.  nacc is working on it now, we'll let you know where there is something to test.18:32
naccdpb1: thanks18:32
_bladernr_dpb1, thanks!18:34
naccrbasak: to be sure, you're planning on acking my branch (fixes) before you EOW?18:34
naccrbasak: and/or reviewing i guess18:35
dpb1nacc: good thing you pinged him here. :)18:35
naccdpb1: well, it's what we had talked about earlier, but i wanted to be sure -- needed before we can ramp up phasing18:35
dpb1nacc: understood18:38
rbasaknacc: yeah I am. I deferred finishing work to do some chores that needed setting off earlier (like laundry). Now back to finish work and OW :)19:11
naccrbasak: np, i'll need to reboot in a sec, but i think this snap test should pass now (turns out gpg is senstivie to the order of its options :)19:11
naccrbasak: ok, got self-test working with yoru branch19:27
nacci'll update mine19:27
naccrbasak: fyi, tests pass with my branch, i think i'm ok to land (i could wait for the integration tests, but it's a noop there, afaict)20:17
naccpowersj: hrm, do you know if the jenkins is perhaps not retriggering right now on branch changes?22:25
naccpowersj: i just updated ~nacc/lp1734905-script-fixes and i'm not seeing the CI job yet22:25
powersjnacc: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/git-ubuntu-ci-trigger/17270/console that's the latest job22:25
naccusually it's pretty immediate22:25
powersjit runs every 15mins22:25
naccoh ok22:25
naccmaybe i always just got caught it before :)22:26
coreycbjamespage: everything for queens should be uploaded at this point. will cross-check the report later. still have 3 tempest failures.22:50
driftmonkhey guys. I’m trying to set e-tag and last-modified headers on my .htaccess but it only seems to work for requests to my subdomains. any ideas? (Wordpress on Ubuntu)23:15
sarnolddriftmonk: iirc the main config delegates to the htaccess files which settings can be modified; perhaps your vhost configs delegate those things, but the "main" configs do not?23:16
driftmonksarnold: are you talking about the httpd.conf file?23:18
driftmonksorry i haven't touched web servers in a while23:19
sarnolddriftmonk: yeah, and all the files that it includes23:20
driftmonkmm yes perhaps. I’m just using digital ocean with a Wordpress on Ubuntu platform. where on the machine can I find the configs?23:22
sarnold/etc/apache* I think23:23
driftmonkahh! right! thanks sarnold. will have a look! cheers :)23:23
pmatulishow can i discover whether a certain package is installed by default on an ISO? for instance, how to discover whether 'lxd' is installed on Artful Server or Artful Desktop?23:33
naccpmatulis: seeded-in-ubuntu command23:33
naccpmatulis: and 'preinstalled' in the output for server or destkop as appropriate23:34
patdk-lapnever installed for me23:36
patdk-lapbut that is cause I only install jeos23:36
pmatulisnacc, sweet! but this covers only the running release right?23:39
pmatulisalso, for 'snapd', i see 'ubuntu-server: daily, daily-live, daily-preinstalled'23:41
pmatuliswhat about the official ISO? and there are live ISO's for server?23:41
naccpmatulis: i'm actually not sure, i think it reflects the current seeds (e.g., for bionic), but i really don't know23:42
naccpmatulis: there is a new installer iso now (subiquity)23:42
naccpmatulis: i wonder if that is waht the daily-live is23:42
naccpowersj: --^ maybe you can answer better?23:43
mwhudsoner i don't think so23:43
mwhudsonthe live-server is just the server seed + sprinkles23:43
naccoh ok23:43
mwhudsoni think, anyway :)23:44
mwhudsonor is it the cloud-image seed?23:46
mwhudsonminimal, standard, server and cloud-image _tasks_ it seems23:54
naccmwhudson: ah23:54

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