
ricotztseliot, please apply fixes correctly https://github.com/tseliot/nvidia-graphics-drivers/commit/27adcaeb811c7bb225a9ae001674557228a79afa10:00
ricotz+#LIBDIR#/vdpau/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.#VERSION#                               #LIBDIR#/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so10:00
tseliotricotz: I haven't uploaded anything yet, as I have to unblock things in -proposed first10:01
tseliotbut yes, I'll fix that10:01
ricotztseliot, hi, better don't get it NEWed at all and make the "fixed" version the first which enters the archive10:02
ricotzit got NEWed :(10:03
tseliotricotz: BTW, all the changes I made, caused i386 and armhf to fail, for some reason https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia-glvnd-temp/+packages10:03
ricotzi386 built fine10:03
ricotzfor my earlier version10:04
tseliotI haven't looked into the binary-arch failure10:04
ricotzdid you thought about libnvidia-compute-* yet?10:05
tseliotricotz: the conflicts/replaces ?10:06
ricotzI can take another look after lunch10:06
ricotzyes, those doesn't play well with mulitarch10:07
tseliotricotz: yes please, I'm very busy right now10:07
ricotztseliot, I assume you didn't push everything yet, git doesn't match the upload10:13
tseliotricotz: no, as I couldn't test it. It's all in git, just in case10:14
tseliotthat would be the 390-ppa branch10:14
ricotzah, I see, was looking at 390 branch10:15
ricotztseliot, pushed some changes to https://github.com/ricotz/nvidia-graphics-drivers/commits/390-ppa13:15
ricotzbuilt here https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+packages13:17
tseliotricotz: thanks, I'll have a look at them later13:55
ricotztseliot, more fixes coming14:31
tseliotricotz: thanks, I'll check them all out14:31
ricotztseliot, pushed14:57
tseliotthanks again14:58
ricotztseliot, btw, why did you switch to the not "no-compat32" source?15:03
tseliotricotz: because the i386 package is going to be built on i386 anyway15:04
ricotzexactly, but you are not using the no-compat32 run binary15:04
ricotz(of course this can only be changed with the next upstream release)15:06
tseliotI thought I did15:07
tseliottoo many negations :D15:07
ricotzNVIDIA_DIRNAME_amd64 = NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${NVIDIA_RELEASE}15:07
ricotzNVIDIA_FILENAME_amd64 = ${NVIDIA_DIRNAME_amd64}.run15:07
tseliotyes, we'll use the no-compat one15:10
ricotzthis call seems to fail on install https://github.com/tseliot/nvidia-graphics-drivers/blob/390-ppa/debian/templates/nvidia-dkms-flavour.postinst.in#L7515:13
tseliotI must have changed something when I removed the delayed build code15:14
ricotzI think the earlier version parsing is broken at some point and the arguments for dpkg are incomplete15:16
ricotz"dpkg: Fehler: Version »-« hat falsche Syntax: Revisionsnummer ist leer"15:16
tseliotyes, that's the result of heavy multi-tasking with no testing15:23
ricotzI think "generate-modaliases" is running too early15:24
ricotzit should be run after install15:24

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