OerHeks | seems like not that many users for that albert thingy http://www.webupd8.org/2017/01/albert-quick-launcher-090-released-with.html | 00:07 |
dabblerdude | Hello. | 00:11 |
=== lan is now known as Kumool | ||
dabblerdude | https://pastebin.com/QDpheJBL I've got an issue here with Audacity. Most of the time when I record, the program freezes and I have to force quit. | 00:12 |
dabblerdude | I've been getting this with Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04. | 00:12 |
Christian-M-NY | yeah | 00:18 |
Christian-M-NY | anyway Ulauncher stopped finding results after my hard drive space ran out....and deleted alot of things...but it didnt fix it...so I installed ALbert...and it does the same thing...............but Synapse and Kupfer work fine | 00:19 |
bosphus2 | I'm at my wits end with trying to install a Brother MFC-L2750DW can anyone help? | 00:28 |
bosphus2 | I've tried everything from letting the system auto detect it to scripts in the bowls of searches and nothing has worked | 00:29 |
mzaza | Anyone alife who can help with a mongo problem, not database related :D | 00:36 |
bosphus2 | anyone? | 00:44 |
bosphus2 | im dying over here | 00:44 |
konrados | Hi. Is the directory modification datetime always the modification datetime of recently modified file inside that directory? Even somewhere deeeply? | 00:44 |
bosphus2 | not literally before someone calls an ambulance | 00:44 |
konrados | boshhead: just keep the faith, it's gonna be just fine! | 00:45 |
circuitfox | hello | 00:45 |
circuitfox | i could use some help | 00:45 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: i'm pretty sure i have the exact same printer | 00:45 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: and it 'just works' | 00:45 |
bosphus2 | well ive spent 2 days trying to install this printer with every resource I can find...nothing works | 00:45 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: it's on the network, though, not direct attached | 00:45 |
bosphus2 | and I have to use it | 00:45 |
circuitfox | i'm having a hdd issue can anyone help? | 00:46 |
bosphus2 | mine is visible...ubuntu and solus see it and auto install it...but cant print....solus devs said its a driver issue...but ive followed the directions on brothers site to instlal driver and it doesnt work | 00:46 |
bosphus2 | even called brother and they "dont support linux: | 00:46 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: sorry, i have the DCPL2540DW | 00:46 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: no drivers are necessary | 00:47 |
bosphus2 | well this one is capable of driverless printing as well...according to sources | 00:47 |
bosphus2 | but it wont | 00:47 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: then there's something else wrong, what version of ubuntu (i'm on 18.04) | 00:47 |
bosphus2 | and even using their installer script etc wont work.....16.04 | 00:47 |
bosphus2 | ive seen several people saying the installer doesnt work for them either...typical stack exchange stuff with lots of answers and none that work | 00:48 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: what 'installer' script? | 00:48 |
bosphus2 | from Brother's site...standby | 00:48 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: as i said, afaik, totally unnecessary | 00:48 |
bosphus2 | well i first tried to just let ubuntu install it and it seems online but wont print | 00:49 |
bosphus2 | jobs hang in processing forever | 00:49 |
Majost | konrados: I think the answer is, yes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hWN6gg8HS5/ | 00:50 |
mzaza | Process: 1555 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mongodb start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) | 00:50 |
mzaza | Can anyone assist, online links doesn't help so far | 00:50 |
circuitfox | i recently moved my old computer into a server chassis but i'm having a hard time seeing the hdds installed in the chassis | 00:50 |
nacc_ | mzaza: run that manually (sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb start) and pastebin the output | 00:50 |
Majost | konrados: There may be a mount option which can change that, but I am not aware of any off hand. | 00:50 |
shazbotmcnasty | Hey there can I ask a question regarding making a fail2ban regex filter? If no, where can I go? #fail2ban is dead | 00:50 |
circuitfox | they are connected via sas to sata on the motherboard (no raid controller) | 00:50 |
circuitfox | any ideas? | 00:51 |
bosphus2 | this link is a driver script some people say works...hasnt for me http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadend.aspx?c=us&lang=en&prod=mfcl2750dw_us_eu_as&os=128&dlid=dlf006893_000&flang=4&type3=625 | 00:51 |
nacc_ | cupswrapper is terrible | 00:51 |
bosphus2 | and ive tried several variations of it people say works | 00:51 |
mzaza | nacc_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p4CpyG8VDM/ | 00:51 |
bosphus2 | got any ideas? | 00:51 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: dunno if it's necessary, but that whole thing is annoying | 00:51 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: have you tried using 18.04? | 00:51 |
nacc_ | iirc, there's been a lot of ipp: related changes in ubuntu since 16.04 | 00:52 |
bosphus2 | not in a position to upgrade right now...have 0.5mpbs internet as well so even getting an iso is an overnight affair | 00:52 |
nacc_ | mzaza: `sudo bash -x /etc/init.d/mongodb start` | 00:52 |
nacc_ | mzaza: that output in a pastebin | 00:52 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: dunno, i can only report on what i know | 00:52 |
bosphus2 | and its not working via IPP on solus which is rolling and updated | 00:52 |
bosphus2 | so yours just plugged in and was detected and worked? no configurtion? | 00:53 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: then i'd replace it with the one i'm telling you does work :) | 00:53 |
bosphus2 | not up to me...this is a family house in rural nowhere and im visiting for a while | 00:53 |
circuitfox | if someone can help plz pm | 00:53 |
bosphus2 | it works on their macs so they dont care | 00:53 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: send your docs to their macs and print from there? | 00:53 |
konrados | Majost: thanks! Although I'm wondering if it's always the case, and I don't mean mounted devices. Like, when I look at the modification datetime of directory x, and it says 2017-01-01 - can I be sure that *no* file was created/modified after that time? Of course assuming I didn't modify the X directory mod date manually. | 00:53 |
bosphus2 | they are out of town...believe me Im not trying to be difficult...workarounds common sense would imply just wont work | 00:54 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: what if you direct connect to the printer? | 00:54 |
mzaza | nacc_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fqK9Gdz9y6/ | 00:55 |
bosphus2 | cant...without moving the entire desktop far away | 00:55 |
bosphus2 | its not a solution | 00:55 |
nacc_ | mzaza: systemctl status mongodb.server and journaltcl -xe output | 00:55 |
bosphus2 | believe me if it was as simple as a common sense workaround id have done it | 00:56 |
nacc_ | mzaza: *mongodb.service* | 00:56 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: sorry, i'm not sure otherwise | 00:56 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: i've given you all the pragmatic solutions i can | 00:56 |
Majost | konrados: that example I linked is not devices -- it creates a new directory, sleeps, then creates a file inside the directory, and stats the directory and file to show the modify time, which is the default value `ls` displays. | 00:56 |
mzaza | nacc_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XGTdwGyMjr/ | 00:57 |
bosphus2 | nacc im not bitching at you..ive jsut considered all that and am stuck | 00:58 |
konrados | Majost: yes yes, I did understand that (it took me a while:)) - but... I mean can I be *sure*? That without me playing with dir modification datetime, the directory modification datetime is same as the recently modified file inside it? Always? | 00:58 |
konrados | Majost: I assume "yes"? | 00:58 |
konrados | By looking at your example. | 00:58 |
Majost | konrados: The short answer is, yes -- its a safe assumption that no file was _created_ -- I think modified may be different. | 00:58 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: never said you were | 00:58 |
bosphus2 | seems my issues are always things the stack exchange answers are unresponded to like the xkcd comic...."who are you user1234" etc | 00:58 |
nacc_ | bosphus2: and please watch the language | 00:58 |
konrados | Majost: my tests with modifyin file shows same results. Thanks again! | 00:59 |
Majost | konrados: you can run that same command on your box, and then add `touch /tmp/foo/bar ; stat /tmp/foo /tmp/foo/bar` to modify the file in the directory and see what the behavior is though | 01:00 |
nacc_ | mzaza: waht version of ubuntu is this? | 01:00 |
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nacc_ | mzaza: your output is weird | 01:00 |
nacc_ | mzaza: "Failed to start LSB: An object/document-oriented database." | 01:00 |
Majost | konrados: no problem | 01:00 |
mzaza | nacc_: 16.04 | 01:01 |
nacc_ | mzaza: apt-cache policy mongodb-server | 01:01 |
mzaza | nacc_: Let me tell you what happened their, i had a mongodb server up and runing fine for months now. Then it the disk ran out of space and afte I resized it, i tried to restart the process and it didn't work. I made a mistake and install mongodb, while I had mongodb-org. So I deleted mongodb and reinstall mongodb-org. I'm running on EC2 instance | 01:03 |
nacc_ | mzaza: yeah, i think you possibly didn't purge something correclty | 01:03 |
nacc_ | mzaza: but not sure | 01:03 |
mzaza | nacc_: nacc_ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m2VV57QrnC/ | 01:03 |
nacc_ | mzaza: the mongodb-org package is not supported here, though | 01:03 |
nacc_ | mzaza: so you're using mongodb-org now? | 01:04 |
mzaza | nacc_: I hope that I didn't purge anything because I still need the database, and I'm afraid I might be missing the latest backup. Yes I am. | 01:04 |
nacc_ | mzaza: purge would remove the package not its data (aiui) | 01:04 |
nacc_ | mzaza: you would need to seek support from mongodb then | 01:04 |
mzaza | nacc_: So, I should purge mongodb or mongodb-org? | 01:04 |
nacc_ | mzaza: i don't know, the latter is not a supported ubuntu package | 01:04 |
mzaza | nacc_: I tried to, before I got her. But they were all dead by the time I was there. | 01:04 |
mzaza | If I just could made it alittle bit earlier :D | 01:05 |
nacc_ | mzaza: yeah, there's not much we can do | 01:05 |
mzaza | nacc_: Well, thanks for your help so far. If you change your mind, I will be there. *PS this problem is on production environment :D | 01:05 |
Christian-M-NY | bosphus2 I wasn't paying attention, but sholdnt you be able to install the driver via PRINTERS in the Administration Menu? it may not have the exact model, but usually the closest simlar printer to it should work | 01:06 |
nacc_ | mzaza: well, on a production environment, i hope you ahve backups and can just roll back :) | 01:06 |
nacc_ | mzaza: and/or you should not have 'install'ed mongdob in prodcution without having done it first in dev | 01:06 |
Christian-M-NY | so look up similar Brother Printers and remember the models and then try to install the Printer you have Via the ADMINISTRATION/PRINTERS menu...and if yours is not on the list, choose a similar one....has always worked for me especially with Brother Printers | 01:06 |
shazbotmcnasty | Hey so - there's a variable in this script that's ".*" | 01:07 |
mzaza | nacc_: I have done it in dev first, everything was fine I had the production server up for months now with no problem what so ever, until the disk ran out of space and I resized. | 01:07 |
shazbotmcnasty | does that one period account for multiple periods? | 01:07 |
nacc_ | mzaza: you installed mongdob on your dev server? | 01:07 |
shazbotmcnasty | Say an IP address? | 01:07 |
shazbotmcnasty | Gosh I should really put everything on one line rather than multiple. | 01:08 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: dependson the context, but generally '.' means *any* charager | 01:08 |
nacc_ | *charctger | 01:08 |
nacc_ | bah, character :) | 01:08 |
shazbotmcnasty | nacc_: even if there are no periods at all? | 01:08 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: yes. | 01:08 |
shazbotmcnasty | and did you mean ".*" or just "." | 01:08 |
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nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: again, it's hard to say without context | 01:09 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: in a shell script, what's the variable being used for? | 01:09 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: right now, iirc, that means 'a period followed by anything' | 01:09 |
mzaza | nacc_: Yes I had it. And it was fine. You see I'm not trying to install it, I'm trying to recover | 01:10 |
nacc_ | mzaza: you just said you isntalled 'mongodb' in error? | 01:10 |
shazbotmcnasty | I'm attempting to make a fail2ban filter. In the walkthrough that I have, it doesn't match up with the actual log stuff, so I don't think that it will ever have a match to the current regex filter, from the walkthrough. | 01:10 |
shazbotmcnasty | Like for the "time" section it has ".*" has the variable, but there is no period in the time field | 01:10 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: that's not necesarily shell is it? | 01:11 |
shazbotmcnasty | thus that will never be matched, eh? | 01:11 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: if it's using standard regex, then it's a different syntax | 01:11 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: on a quick google, they use python regex | 01:12 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: there's also apparently a fail2bain-regex tool | 01:12 |
shazbotmcnasty | nacc_: well i don't really know it's just a .conf file. | 01:12 |
shazbotmcnasty | oh that sounds nice | 01:12 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: right, not clear why you'd assume taht's shell-interpreted | 01:13 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: keep in mind, i've never used fail2ban | 01:13 |
nacc_ | :) | 01:13 |
shazbotmcnasty | i just figured ".*" and "*" or "." meant the same here and there | 01:13 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: that would depend on the style of regex in question | 01:14 |
* shazbotmcnasty shrugs. ok. | 01:14 | |
shazbotmcnasty | Well last thing - where do i find that fail2ban-regex tool? | 01:15 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: i dunno, i was just reading their upstream docs | 01:15 |
shazbotmcnasty | ok thanks | 01:15 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: in ubuntu it's in the fail2ban pacakge | 01:15 |
nacc_ | (at least on 18.04) | 01:15 |
mzaza | nacc_: Yes, mongodb I was confused and installed it instead of install mongodb-org, to check if i have any missing part uninstalled by mistake | 01:16 |
circuitfox | how can i see what hardware needs drivers installed? | 01:16 |
nacc_ | mzaza: right, so did you do that exactly on your dev server first? | 01:16 |
nacc_ | mzaza: that's what i meant earlier | 01:16 |
shazbotmcnasty | oh hmm it's for like testing my already made filter, not one that i need to create | 01:17 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: https://fail2ban.readthedocs.io/en/latest/filters.html | 01:17 |
nacc_ | shazbotmcnasty: it says it's used for 'developing/testing a regex' | 01:17 |
mzaza | nacc_: no, because my dev server didn't have a problem with disk space, the production had | 01:19 |
nacc_ | mzaza: right ... so that's not great devops :) | 01:19 |
nacc_ | mzaza: not trying to pick at you, but now you've gone and done something bad to prod | 01:20 |
mzaza | nacc_: yes , you're right | 01:20 |
bodangly | So this is strange. somehow http_proxy and https_proxy got set in my bashrc randomly. Proxy turned off in systems settings. Any clues as to why? | 01:20 |
bodangly | It was causing problems with pip, I removed it, but am wondering why it happened and how to prevent it in the future | 01:20 |
bodangly | it happened rather suddenly too, I use a ton of python virtualenvs and never had a problem, then all the sudden pip was getting connection refused and I traced it back to http_proxy being in my env | 01:21 |
nacc_ | bodangly: check if it happesn to a new user too (which would imply system shell rc files) | 01:22 |
nacc_ | bodangly: if it doesn't, then check your ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, etc | 01:22 |
bodangly | well I removed it from ~/.bashrc, but good point I will check a new user | 01:23 |
macca | anyone else notice pinterest is messed up in firefox? | 01:24 |
macca | earth shattering news indeed... | 01:24 |
-fqlvwfb:#ubuntu- All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now | 01:26 | |
-ulumtzy:#ubuntu- All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now | 01:26 | |
-yqitx:#ubuntu- All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now | 01:26 | |
-nhbjafl:#ubuntu- All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now | 01:26 | |
-osoqas:#ubuntu- All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now | 01:26 | |
tx78028 | tx78028 | 01:31 |
* woods123 | 01:41 | |
woods123 | quit | 01:42 |
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OerHeks | ai | 02:08 |
CarlFK | how can I restrict xrandr to only show me HDMI-3 stats? | 02:08 |
ubuntu | herro | 02:18 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest21361 | ||
Guest21361 | yo | 02:19 |
jaranGoyang | hi all | 02:36 |
sere | can you run a 64bit os on a 32bit systerm the reason i ask i booted a x64 on this machine w a intel atom cpu wich i think is 32bit | 02:37 |
jaranGoyang | how to download omegle? | 02:37 |
jaranGoyang | or something like that? | 02:37 |
cfhowlett | sere, no. | 02:39 |
Nachos11 | sere: atoms are all x64, AFAIK. | 02:39 |
sere | cfhowlett: thats what i though so then my cpu must be 64then right | 02:39 |
sere | Nachos11: awesome.. im dumb lol ty | 02:39 |
cfhowlett | jaranGoyang, https://www.omegle.com/ | 02:41 |
DiecastMessiah | yeah it wouldn't work at all if it wasn't // or maybe not even install | 02:42 |
jaranGoyang | @cfhowlett thanks alot | 02:46 |
cfhowlett | jaranGoyang, happy2help! | 02:46 |
joufflu | i am getting this error message when trying to install an app via apt-get "Unable to correct missing packages." | 02:47 |
cfhowlett | what app? what ubuntu version? | 02:48 |
joufflu | i did search for a solution online but it says to upgrade my system using the updater, but the updater also fails | 02:48 |
joufflu | 17.10 | 02:48 |
joufflu | oops 17.04 | 02:48 |
joufflu | ^correction | 02:48 |
cfhowlett | dead. end of life. no longer supported | 02:48 |
cfhowlett | !eol | joufflu | 02:49 |
ubottu | joufflu: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 02:49 |
joufflu | thank you | 02:49 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 02:49 |
mail-man | I'm trying to repurpose an old MacMini G4 (1.4GHz CPU, Radeon 9200 32MB VRAM) computer with Ubuntu 14.04 PPC, but I'm having a lot of issues with choppy video reproduction on browsers like midori, firefox, etc. Video reproduction using VLC/Mplayer2 works fine though. What could be causing this? | 02:49 |
mail-man | err, I meant video playback. | 02:50 |
=== mooncakehexchat is now known as Guest35859 | ||
DiecastMessiah | I think you may want to use xfce desktop env .. unity would be a bit much for that system | 02:51 |
DiecastMessiah | too much** | 02:51 |
mail-man | DiecastMessiah, I am currently using LXDE, the system seems relatively snappy | 02:52 |
cfhowlett | mail-man, try this: sudo apt install lxde xfce4 | 02:52 |
cfhowlett | then logout, choose an alternate session and login | 02:52 |
DiecastMessiah | oh ok i think lxde is lighter than xfce but not by much.. but lighter still | 02:53 |
mail-man | the problem arises when playing videos from a browser exclusively, frame rate drops to 5 FPS or something like that, if I use a video player it runs well | 02:53 |
cfhowlett | suggesting that it's not hardware then. perhaps too many active plugins in your browser? | 02:53 |
DiecastMessiah | well videos on the web are highly compressed | 02:54 |
DiecastMessiah | thats more ram and cpu power to decord than on the fly | 02:54 |
cfhowlett | might have to pass on the HD resolution videos, mail-man | 02:54 |
DiecastMessiah | decode sorry typos | 02:55 |
mail-man | actually, I've been doing all my tests with 480p videos.. the weird thing is that if I download 480p youtube videos, the playback works fine in VLC/mplayer, whereas it is very choppy in the browser | 02:55 |
cfhowlett | try a different browser. | 02:55 |
cfhowlett | chromium-browser perhaps? | 02:55 |
kenrin | well it has to decode the video and copy back into the frame buffer, it takes more work to view on a browser versus just into VLC or mplayer | 02:56 |
mail-man | I attempted all these tests with midori, firefox, epiphany-browser. Chromium is not supported in PPC arch I think. | 02:56 |
DiecastMessiah | yeah cfhowlett would be right.. the browser is most likely taking just a bit too much ram for the video to run | 02:56 |
kenrin | There is plugins available like omxplayer for chromium that can "workaround" this | 02:56 |
kenrin | Mostly they are geared towards raspi units | 02:57 |
tylerrud2002 | I am having problems connecting to OFTC | 02:57 |
tylerrud2002 | using pidgin | 02:57 |
mail-man | I saw a video on YT of a guy who has a similar MacMini (the only difference is that his GPU has 32+ MB of VRAM), and everything works well, could this difference account for the huge disparity in performance?: https://youtu.be/m2mx9lmhEuQ?t=795 | 02:58 |
kenrin | Is it the same GPU? Maybe he has hardware decoding or something else | 02:58 |
cfhowlett | that vram advantage could very well explain the better performance. | 02:59 |
mail-man | yeah, it is the same GPU, but it only has 32MB vram, the one in the video has 64MB. are there any diagnostics I can check in order to verify if I have full 2d/3d accel? | 02:59 |
OerHeks | i am surpriced that this PPC/Radeon9200 plays video | 03:00 |
kenrin | In chrome you can do chrome://gpu/. I'm sure there is similar for other browsers | 03:00 |
mail-man | to be honest, I didn't check if OSX 10.5 video performance was that good, I might install it again and check if video playback is as bad as I currently get on ubuntu ppc | 03:00 |
cfhowlett | https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-gpu-benchmark/ mail-man | 03:00 |
cfhowlett | mesa-utils > glxgears might be a good starting point | 03:01 |
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mail-man | just tried it, I get 30FPS if I maximize the glxgears window at a 1024x768@32 res | 03:02 |
kenrin | So about half of what it takes to not be choppy | 03:03 |
mail-man | glxinfo reports: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R200 (RV280 5962) DRI2 | 03:03 |
cfhowlett | ram. must have more ram! see ebay/amazon for options | 03:03 |
=== mooncakehexcha is now known as obythd | ||
mail-man | It is running on 512mb ram so that must be an issue as well | 03:04 |
mail-man | I'll try installing 10.5 and checking its performance to see if it's a kernel module/driver issue | 03:05 |
mail-man | thanks for your help guys! | 03:05 |
DiecastMessiah | yeah not sure if mac are like pc's but vram just mean it uses 32mb on the normal ram... but thats with pc's | 03:05 |
=== obythd is now known as mookcakehexchat | ||
DiecastMessiah | but it may have its own decated ram.. hard to say without reading the full spec's | 03:07 |
mail-man | I think it may have its own dedicated ram, I only used the term VRAM because I thought that was appropriate to describe that spec | 03:07 |
kenrin | thats exactly what it means, virtual ram | 03:07 |
cfhowlett | mail-man, props for keeping the device running. as you've noticed, system demands invoked by media is increasingly exponentially. Perhaps time to repurpose your device? Personal cloud storage, music player or ubuntu mirror leap to mind ... | 03:10 |
DiecastMessiah | or to play oldold 90 games :) | 03:11 |
cfhowlett | we can always use another Doom server. Always! | 03:12 |
mail-man | cfhowlett, indeed, at least in the browsing department it seems that the requirements have increased greatly, if I can't get it to play videos on a browser I might just turn it into a kodi box for streaming, it seems to handle 480p fine as long as it isn't being displayed on a browser :) | 03:12 |
cfhowlett | I like the way you think! You make up your own rules. | 03:13 |
cfhowlett | Oh! Steam server? Counterstrike Source? | 03:13 |
DiecastMessiah | to bad prism broswer died .. that may have done the trick .. i miss it :) | 03:15 |
mail-man | midori and epiphany browser are quite lightweight, netsurf was the lightest of all but a lot of websites don't work well with its html/js interpreter | 03:19 |
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DiecastMessiah | yeah can see that java is powerful but it a hog to | 03:22 |
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mookcakehexchat | hi guys can anyone tell me the offtopic ubuntu channel was able to find for other flavors not ubuntu though | 03:36 |
cfhowlett | you mean xubuntu-offtopic ...? | 03:37 |
nacc_ | mookcakehexchat: #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:37 |
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc | ||
mookcakehexchat | just general questions not related to help am running ubuntu so figure xubuntu wouldnt be it | 03:38 |
cfhowlett | some flavors have an offtopic channel. most don't. doesn't seem to be a frequent or high-priority request. | 03:39 |
mookcakehexchat | :) | 03:39 |
maki | qwasdxlo1 | 03:40 |
mookcakehexchat | how do you guys find a channel on a given topic not using /list -verbose and small window som much to hover over to get details about channel topic | 03:41 |
DiecastMessiah | most irc clinets have a channel list window | 03:42 |
mookcakehexchat | anything eqiv to a search engine perhaps | 03:42 |
nacc | !alis | mookcakehexchat | 03:42 |
ubottu | mookcakehexchat: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 03:42 |
mookcakehexchat | thannks | 03:42 |
mutante | mookcakehexchat: basically i just join it and see if it exists. if it's the name of a free software it usually just works on freenode :) | 03:42 |
mutante | (but you may have to try # and ##) | 03:43 |
garyserj | I don't fully understand this syntax for ufw. sudo ufw allow from to any port 5432 Why does it say to any port, if it's only one port or the ports listed? | 03:43 |
mutante | i would think "any" means IP | 03:44 |
mutante | but it's unfortunate wrding | 03:44 |
nacc | imagine a comma there | 03:44 |
mutante | from to any network, to port 5432 | 03:44 |
mookcakehexchat | thanks for the alis suggestion | 03:46 |
segersjerry | Hi, I just set up my printer (canon pixma mg8120) using the directions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems on a 16.04 ubuntu mate box. The printer functions perfectly, but it pops up 19 "error" messages as shown here - https://i.imgur.com/VaaJOK0.png How do I prevent status messages being displayed as error messages? | 03:46 |
mutante | almost more confusing than using iptables directly.. despite the point of ufw.. i guess | 03:46 |
DiecastMessiah | segersjerry: those look like notices .. is there an option in gnome setting.. sorru it been may year that i looked at gnome2 Desktop | 03:51 |
segersjerry | DiecastMessiah, checking, brb | 03:52 |
DiecastMessiah | i hope there is if not i have no other idea's... i'm still pretty newish | 03:53 |
DiecastMessiah | but i played with linux a few times over the years. | 03:54 |
garyserj | mutante: what does to any network mean? it's going to that machine isn't it? | 03:55 |
mutante | garyserj: probably "interface", as in one of possibly multiple network cards | 03:58 |
mutante | which could each be in different networks | 03:58 |
garyserj | ah ok, thanks | 03:58 |
mutante | they can also be virtual | 03:59 |
mutante | multiple interfaces and IP addresses in the same machine | 03:59 |
RA3OR | need some help, i have a symlink that keeps reverting to previous path, tried ln -sfn, tried removing it, forcibly overriding the path.... after some time it reverts to previous path | 04:07 |
RA3OR | ubuntu 16.04 | 04:07 |
vern | RA3OR: symlinks don't change by themselves. something must be changing it | 04:07 |
RA3OR | vern: tell me about it | 04:07 |
vern | RA3OR: need more info. what symlink? | 04:08 |
RA3OR | vern: may I pm you? | 04:09 |
linocisco | hi | 04:09 |
vern | RA3OR: sure | 04:09 |
linocisco | how to edit pdf and add signature? | 04:10 |
DiecastMessiah | I believe you cannot edit a pdf itself.. i think you have to convert it to something and than edit .. and export it again toa pdf | 04:12 |
Triffid_Hunter | RA3OR: yeah something in ubuntu likes to overwrite stuff like that.. a while ago it was overwriting my graphics drivers with broken ones on boot, never did manage to find what was beraking things though | 04:13 |
RA3OR | well, its giving me gray hairs, wasted 6 hrs(and my sleep) trying to figure out whats happening | 04:13 |
RA3OR | and manually recreating it, to keep vital part of site online | 04:14 |
DiecastMessiah | linocisco: is the PDF the only file you have ? or do you have the origial document file? | 04:18 |
linocisco | DiecastMessiah, I can make duplicate and test | 04:18 |
DiecastMessiah | oh ok.. so you'll want to find a pdf converter and do like i said before | 04:19 |
DiecastMessiah | linocisco: sorry was just looking around i guess there are online tools to add things like signures or images ectect .. | 04:24 |
DiecastMessiah | but i think they just do the same thing your about to do.. just does it a bit for you.. PDF's are really more like images and a document | 04:26 |
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Triffid_Hunter | DiecastMessiah: I've edited PDFs.. they're not strictly images, most documents are a large collection of tightly specified text labels possibly with some images added | 04:30 |
DiecastMessiah | more like images.. its not selectable text .. unless you use editor software but in that case its converting it back to real text | 04:36 |
Triffid_Hunter | DiecastMessiah: my pdf viewer can select text | 04:44 |
DiecastMessiah | ok than. been years but before a normal pdf viewer would be able to. | 04:44 |
DiecastMessiah | wouldn't | 04:44 |
Triffid_Hunter | DiecastMessiah: I use okular if you're curious, of all the PDF viewers I've tried I like that one the best | 04:44 |
DiecastMessiah | yeah sorry i guess it normal now to be able to select and copy. but still cannot change it with just a viewer | 04:46 |
DiecastMessiah | but anyway i must depart.. sleepyness .. later all | 04:48 |
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badboyjer | sup | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | badboyjer | 06:42 |
ubottu | badboyjer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:42 |
badboyjer | ok | 06:43 |
badboyjer | im thinking about making food | 06:43 |
badboyjer | should i do that now or wait till tomorrow? | 06:43 |
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Guest25062 | hi | 07:21 |
badboyjer | hey | 07:22 |
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noj_ | hey all need to remove a version of hex chat can i get the terminal command not allowing me to do so from software center | 07:36 |
EriC^ | noj_: sudo apt-get remove hexchat | 07:36 |
noj_ | got two one i can remove from software center the other i cant install cus its already installed but shows no remove odd | 07:37 |
noj_ | thanks | 07:37 |
ramy_d | yup | 07:37 |
noj_ | is there a way to see all the versions installed from terminal incase i need to mention any other things like verion or stable etc | 07:38 |
EriC^ | noj_: dpkg -l "hexchat*" | 07:42 |
ramy_d | apt-cache madison | 07:42 |
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noj_ | having problems removing hexchat from ubuntu guys currently have two versions installed but parts of one missing i suppose need help please to remove both | 07:51 |
noj_ | when i search for hexchat two show up that i can open both open one works one does no | 07:51 |
noj_ | tred removing from software center no joy only able to remove the working one | 07:52 |
noj_ | tried to remove from terminal sudo apt-get remove hexchat | 07:53 |
noj_ | no joy | 07:53 |
noj_ | happy to smash out a terminal command and paste what ever you need | 07:54 |
noj_ | https://imgur.com/a/7F2R1 | 07:57 |
noj_ | as you can see in the ubuntu software center this hexchat is already installed but wont allow removal | 07:57 |
noj_ | used bleachbit perhaps the issue fix | 07:58 |
noj_ | fx i dont knonw | 07:58 |
noj_ | https://imgur.com/a/7F2R1 | 07:58 |
* noj_ waits anxiously in anticipation begging ubuntu gods for help via terminal | 08:01 | |
ramy_d | err | 08:03 |
ramy_d | did you install hexchat through a snap? | 08:04 |
noj_ | help | 08:04 |
noj_ | whats snap the orange a bag shapped thing | 08:04 |
noj_ | used software center | 08:05 |
ducasse | noj_: does 'snap list' list hexchat? | 08:05 |
ramy_d | it says you installed a snap in your imgur link | 08:05 |
noj_ | yes but it doesnt show remove | 08:06 |
ramy_d | snap remove hexchat | 08:06 |
noj_ | no | 08:06 |
noj_ | its still there and i can open it | 08:06 |
ramy_d | software center does not manage snaps | 08:06 |
noj_ | also it is missing alot of its stuff | 08:06 |
noj_ | tried removing from terminal no luck | 08:07 |
noj_ | tried autoremove and clean after sudo apt-get remove hexchat no joy | 08:07 |
noj_ | even -f at end | 08:08 |
noj_ | nt sure what else to try | 08:08 |
ramy_d | it's not installed through apt-get | 08:08 |
auronandace | noj_: if something is installed via snap you need to remove it via snap. you don't remove a snap via apt-get | 08:08 |
noj_ | okay | 08:08 |
ramy_d | snap remove hexchat | 08:08 |
ramy_d | that's the command | 08:09 |
noj_ | given snap wont allow me to install (to fix-then remove) what do i do---I love you mate | 08:09 |
noj_ | thank you | 08:09 |
noj_ | i could kiss you | 08:10 |
ramy_d | worked I guess? | 08:10 |
noj_ | so for my own learning curve anything from the software center is installed via a snap gui | 08:10 |
ramy_d | no | 08:10 |
noj_ | yes it did | 08:10 |
ramy_d | I'm not sure how a snap got installed without your knowledge | 08:11 |
ramy_d | but snaps are not installed through the software center | 08:12 |
noj_ | it was from the software center when i search hexchat two icons showed | 08:12 |
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noj_ | i installed both | 08:12 |
ramy_d | 🤷♂️ | 08:12 |
ramy_d | wait you installed both? | 08:12 |
ramy_d | but... why? | 08:12 |
ramy_d | at the same time? | 08:13 |
ramy_d | whoa it's 3 am, gn | 08:13 |
noj_ | long story having issues with hexchat wanted to start from scratch so tried to remove had used bleachbit attributed my problems to use of bleachbit | 08:14 |
noj_ | wasnt able to remove hexchat or use so installed the other one | 08:14 |
noj_ | needed to get back online to ask for help and here i am ur command worked and the other hexchat offers install and remove | 08:15 |
noj_ | where as the other hexchat offered only install | 08:15 |
noj_ | but wouldnt allow it as was already installed | 08:16 |
noj_ | go figure | 08:16 |
noj_ | ciao | 08:16 |
=== noj_ is now known as mooncakehexchat | ||
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gnomethrower | Cannot initiate the connection to au.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:388:30bc:cafe::beef). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:388:30bc:cafe::beef 80] | 08:55 |
gnomethrower | ^ hopefully i'm not the first to mention this? :) | 08:55 |
xtetox | This is my source list: # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 18.04 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Alpha amd64 (20180126)]/ bionic main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main restricted #Added by software-properties # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution. deb http://ubuntu.mirror.garr.it/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted deb-src http://ubuntu.mirror.garr.it/ubuntu/ | 08:59 |
auronandace | !ubuntu+1 | xtetox | 09:00 |
ubottu | xtetox: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 09:00 |
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enoq | hi, does the default ubuntu image ship memtest in an efi compatible version? | 09:33 |
enoq | currently figuring out which live cd to download for memtest | 09:34 |
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kamichan | how bad is it to not have a firewall but use irssi/apache2 | 09:43 |
kamichan | as long as ubuntu is updated, if a port isn't open/listening from an application | 09:48 |
kamichan | what difference does it make if there's a firewall on a given port vs no firewall (if ubuntu is secure/updated)? | 09:48 |
ah-donny | Has there been issues with Ubuntu's website today? I've been getting http 503 errors all day on multiple different networks | 09:49 |
EriC^^ | kamichan: a firewall can be tuned to block certain ports, or allow incoming connections from certain ip's only or interfaces etc | 09:49 |
kamichan | well i was referring to digitalocean's initial setup guide that strongly recommends it even for newbies | 09:54 |
kamichan | and, i figure a firewall is just one layer of protection that isn't needed and also likely to cause problems for me if i try to do more | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | kamichan: yeah, you could set it up and allow only apache's port and you probably want to allow ssh and change the port too | 09:54 |
Outy | ah-donny: ubuntu.com is working fine here | 09:55 |
Ool | change default port :( | 09:55 |
EriC^^ | kamichan: it is useful and easy to set up | 09:55 |
EriC^^ | kamichan: you wont need to open any port for irssi i believe, unless you disable outgoing connections, not sure | 09:56 |
kamichan | ok but there isn't a security problem right? | 09:56 |
kamichan | because the system is basically perfect, 16.04 | 09:56 |
kamichan | security-wise | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | yeah it's not a security issue, it's like preventative and layer as you said | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | it could potentially become a security issue | 09:57 |
kamichan | k ty I'll try to learn as much about it as I can | 10:00 |
inky | i got a nodejs script that pushes data to firebase. i can run it just fine, but when i run it through cron i get this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/97w6H9XbJz/ . | 10:01 |
inky | is cron not using the system proxy? | 10:02 |
inky | well, i had to export the proxy again indeed. problem solved (: | 10:08 |
ruslan_ | Hi everyone | 10:19 |
Dbugger | Hello everyone | 10:31 |
Dbugger | I have a small issue here. After "sleep", my VPN is disconnected. Is there a way to reconnect it automatically after sleep? | 10:31 |
raidghost | Dbugger: After "sleep" as in hybernate? | 10:34 |
Dbugger | yes | 10:34 |
hateball | Dbugger: this should have info about that https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/run-scripts-and-commands-on-suspend-and-resume-on-linux/ | 10:35 |
Dbugger | ill take a look, thanks | 10:36 |
Dbugger | oh well, it is about building the functionalty yourself | 10:36 |
Dbugger | i was looking for a more native solution | 10:36 |
Dbugger | or "hoping" at least :) | 10:36 |
hateball | ah, I dont think that exists | 10:36 |
Dbugger | shame then | 10:36 |
hateball | well, doesnt mean it's true | 10:36 |
Dbugger | well, ill stand by, in case someone knows | 10:37 |
hateball | there would still need to be some daemon monitoring whatever scripts a user makes | 10:37 |
free_ | hi | 10:39 |
free_ | i have a proplm wth my linux | 10:40 |
free_ | system not repondng | 10:40 |
soshiant | . | 10:57 |
soshiant | i want to install snmpd | 10:58 |
soshiant | apt-get install snmpd | 10:58 |
soshiant | errror is : libsnmp30 depends libsensores4 | 10:58 |
soshiant | i use ubuntu server repository | 10:59 |
soshiant | trusty distribution | 10:59 |
soshiant | snmpd depends libmysqlclient18 | 11:00 |
fstar | . | 11:05 |
sibaar_ | ayyyyyyyyye | 11:15 |
magiq | Hello. I want to use lvm snapshots to make some backups, for example before installing amd drivers ;) The main question what lvcreate --size parameter means ? | 11:19 |
haskelltic | join #haskell-beginners | 11:21 |
vlt | magiq: You need to specify how much physical space you want to provide for your snapshot. | 11:29 |
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vlt | magiq: It's possible but in many cases not needed to use 100 %. | 11:30 |
vlt | magiq: If you assume, for example, that during the backup at most 1 GB of data will change on the source volume then a size of 2 GB for the snapshot volume should be sufficient. | 11:31 |
Guest83570 | the net is slow | 11:31 |
jink | "The net" or "your net" ? | 11:32 |
vlt | magiq: As soon as more data is written the snapshot gets unusable. | 11:32 |
Guest83570 | my | 11:32 |
magiq | vlt: so if zero data changed during making snapshot than snapshot will be zero sized? How it works if letter, for example 5 minutes ago I will try to restore snapshot if it zero ? | 11:33 |
magiq | omg *later | 11:34 |
soshiant | errror is : libsnmp30 depends libsensores4 | 11:38 |
soshiant | apt-get install snmpd | 11:38 |
magiq | vlt: for example A is state before snapshot. A->B when we making snapshot. And A->B->C 5 minutes ago after snapshot. We want to restore to point A. How it could be, that only diff between A and B matters when we trying to restore from A to C backwards | 11:41 |
magiq | *from C to A | 11:44 |
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hastu | user | 11:57 |
vlt | magiq: You can only restore to point B when you actually took the snapshot. Not to a state *before* you tool one. | 12:05 |
vlt | *took | 12:06 |
vlt | Oh, they left. | 12:06 |
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Guest77626 | hmm... | 12:06 |
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BluesKaj | Hi folks | 12:45 |
DiecastMessiah | good Morning | 12:46 |
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Haris | hello all | 12:58 |
Haris | what conditions are coded in rsync tool for incremental updates to destination(s) ? I found out for one that change in timezone makes it deploy full build, rather than incremental changes. I'm in GMT+5 timezone. My servers are for e.g., in Ireland in UTC/GMT timezone. Is there a way to force/make rsync do incremental only transfers ? when I deploy or sync local servers, they go on incremental. but when I sync | 12:59 |
Haris | machines in Ireland for e.g., rsync does a full scale transfer | 12:59 |
Haris | this is for 14.04 and above | 12:59 |
geirha | Haris: try #rsync | 13:14 |
Haris | hmm | 13:14 |
frazr | Hi there folks, quick question how do you force fsck to run on boot after ubuntu 16? /forcefsck is no longer working, the fsck.mode=force added to CMDLINE boot parameters doesnt seem to work either, ideas? :) | 13:18 |
Lehthanis | hello world! | 13:23 |
EriC^^ | frazr: boot into recovery mode and choose it | 13:24 |
EriC^^ | !recovery | frazr | 13:24 |
ubottu | frazr: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 13:24 |
Lehthanis | can someone point me to a nice set of instructions for 17.10 on how to configure radeon? I can't find anything... | 13:24 |
Lehthanis | I'm actually on Lubuntu | 13:24 |
marenz__ | Hello | 13:27 |
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DiecastMessiah | frazr: you want to force this on a root dir??? reading that all you have to do is make a empty file like on root fir. called /forcefsck | 13:27 |
DiecastMessiah | root dir** | 13:28 |
Marenz | I have some strange issues with my 16.04.2 LTS server. HTTP services and database access work all fine, however when I login with SSH, it either never succeeds at all, or if, it is extremely slow and usually stops working after one command, often not even showing the full output of it | 13:29 |
Marenz | It doesn't seem to be a Load problem: uptime -> 13:25:49 up 244 days, 22:26, 2 users, load average: 0.17, 0.05, 0.01 | 13:29 |
Marenz | and also not network in general as the HTTP/db stuff works without any noticable delay | 13:29 |
Walex | Marenz: 'ssh -vvv' usually will show the problem | 13:29 |
frazr | DiecastMessiah: yea ive tried creating that file, doesnt seem to work over ubuntu 16 with systemd | 13:29 |
frazr | ubottu: it boots normally, i just want to perform that check on every single boot | 13:30 |
ubottu | frazr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:30 |
frazr | EriC^^: i mean :) | 13:30 |
DiecastMessiah | frazr: kk sorry | 13:30 |
Marenz | Walex, it connected normally with ssh -vvv but while typing a command it just froze | 13:31 |
frazr | tried setting the fsck.mode=force kernel parameter, but doesnt seem to do anything either | 13:31 |
Marenz | or .. well, went into ultra-slow mode | 13:31 |
frazr | might work with the "ro" parameter but scared that the system wont boot up :) | 13:31 |
Walex | Marenz: most likely a netwoirk problem though. Check with: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'host .... and port 22' | 13:31 |
Walex | Marenz: add option '-ttt' to see inter-packet times. | 13:33 |
nemo | Marenz: anything in dmesg? | 13:33 |
nemo | and sshd log. | 13:34 |
Marenz | dmesg had | 13:34 |
Marenz | [Mon Nov 27 20:55:39 2017] TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 3306. Dropping request. Check SNMP counters. | 13:34 |
Marenz | eh.. not sure I can trust that time though | 13:35 |
Marenz | (I used the untrusted --ctime flag) | 13:35 |
Marenz | sshd shows some ips brute forcing | 13:36 |
Marenz | but not unusual amounts | 13:36 |
Marenz | hmm the problem seems to be gone for now.. | 13:36 |
Marenz | whatever it was, is no more at this point | 13:36 |
Marenz | thanks for the ideas @all | 13:38 |
DiecastMessiah | frazr: i guess the old upstart way is gone.. this page tell how to get it working https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-fsck@.service.html | 13:38 |
dserodio | Firefox's Ctrl+Tab (and Ctrl+Shift+Tab) for switching tabs stopped working recently. Any ideas? Firefox 58.0.2 on Ubuntu 17.10 | 13:39 |
DiecastMessiah | frazr: this also has info about repair .. maybe other distro pages but they both talking about systemd https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fsck | 13:40 |
Lehthanis | so all the docs for radeon point to xorg.conf because they're all 16.04 docs...where does the radeon config go in 17.10 | 13:41 |
nemo | dserodio: still works here | 13:43 |
Lehthanis | I don't have an xorg.conf | 13:43 |
nemo | dserodio: maybe desktop manager key binding override, or extension override | 13:43 |
nemo | dserodio: testin in a clean profile | 13:43 |
nemo | dserodio: firefox -no-remote -P | 13:43 |
nemo | dserodio: make a new profile, see if it still happens | 13:43 |
nemo | dserodio: I have the habit of doing ctrl+pagedown ctrl+pageup btw, since I find the position of the keys more convenient | 13:44 |
nemo | dserodio: also no need to do a 3 key combo for reverse | 13:45 |
dserodio | nemo: the PageUp and PageDown keys on this notebook keyboard are hard to reach. I'll try with a clean profile | 13:45 |
DiecastMessiah | oh wow wish i know that one earlier lol .. i always used ctrl tab lol for all tabbed programs | 13:46 |
DiecastMessiah | well i guess now it fine on this keyboard i am using.. my laptop keyboard is also hard to hit the page keys without looking. also at the every top right | 13:49 |
DiecastMessiah | very top** | 13:49 |
dserodio | nemo: doesn't work on a clean Firefox profile either. Any other ideas? | 13:51 |
frazr | thanks DiecastMessiah will check those links out | 13:52 |
lionrouge | hi ! | 13:55 |
lionrouge | i looked ata couple of mirrors' dists directory and there is no yakkety folder in them | 13:55 |
lionrouge | is it ok ? | 13:55 |
lionrouge | there is xenial and artful but no yakkety | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | lionrouge: yakkety is eol | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | !yakkety | 13:58 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety | 13:58 |
lionrouge | EriC^^: and what should i do if i have it installed? | 13:58 |
nemo | dserodio: probably your desktop manager taking over those keystrokes then | 13:58 |
kostkon | lionrouge, upgrade to a supported release | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | lionrouge: upgrade to 17.10 or fresh install 16.04 or 17.10 | 13:59 |
nemo | dserodio: I mean, there's a set of keybindings in the firefox install, and they can be modified, but... why. | 13:59 |
lionrouge | kostkon: so it's ok if i just plug in 17.10 mirror ? | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | lionrouge: i think you'll have to upgrade to 17.04 then 17.10 | 13:59 |
nemo | dserodio: you could test a clean firefox download off of mozilla's site I guess, that would eliminate that. but I bet it's your desktop environment. | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | !eolupgrades | lionrouge no that's not really recommended | 14:00 |
ubottu | lionrouge no that's not really recommended: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 14:00 |
kostkon | lionrouge, no, it would be much safer to attempt an eol upgrade. chck the links above ^ | 14:00 |
nemo | EriC^^: or 14.04 😉 | 14:00 |
EriC^^ | sure :) | 14:00 |
kostkon | nemo, no point in recommending 14.04 anymore though | 14:01 |
Lehthanis | http://pasteall.org/847840 this may be part of my problem... | 14:01 |
nemo | EriC^^: in all seriousness, it was the only version of ubuntu that *didn't* corrupt my coworker's HD every time the laptop suspended | 14:01 |
nemo | kostkon: I just did last month for reason above | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | nemo: yeah i liked it a lot too, though i cant complain about 16.04 it's served me well | 14:02 |
nemo | EriC^^: 16.04 killed his HD too, not too sure why. | 14:02 |
EriC^^ | it's corrupting the filesystem on suspends? | 14:02 |
nemo | EriC^^: he must have reinstalled a good dozen times, tried everything, including various kernel updates. 14.04 fixed everything | 14:02 |
nemo | EriC^^: yeah. it was esp irritating 'cause not only did closing laptop lid trigger it, but accidentally hitting this icon in his left bar. it's some unity thing I'm unfamiliar with, but he'd do it accidentally | 14:03 |
nemo | then "aw crap time to reinstall" | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | that's odd | 14:03 |
nemo | yeeep | 14:04 |
nemo | EriC^^: my own personal reasons for staying on 14.04 are gonna get an off-topic flag tho ☺ | 14:05 |
nemo | dserodio: you could maybe test a clean desktop environment by logging into a different one, or as a different user | 14:05 |
Marenz | hmm the issue isn't gone it seems | 14:07 |
Marenz | rsync completely fails to upload anything | 14:07 |
Marenz | it's really odd behavior | 14:07 |
EriC^^ | nemo: haha :) | 14:08 |
raidghost | 14.04 is stoneage old :P | 14:09 |
* nemo shrugs | 14:09 | |
Marenz | okay, this is interesting | 14:09 |
nemo | anything I care about I use a PPA. | 14:09 |
Marenz | if I login from another server, everything is normal fast | 14:09 |
nemo | gimp, libreoffice.. | 14:09 |
nemo | firefox is up to date ofc | 14:09 |
Marenz | so it's some local problem then | 14:09 |
Marenz | but only with this server | 14:09 |
Marenz | how weird | 14:10 |
nemo | Marenz: hm | 14:10 |
kostkon | nemo, or snaps, it's even been given snap support posthumously | 14:10 |
nemo | Marenz: in that ssh -vvv maybe compare what encryption it is negotiating? | 14:10 |
nemo | kostkon: what is snaps? | 14:10 |
DiecastMessiah | snapshots it a newer packages file like .deb i bilieve | 14:11 |
DiecastMessiah | believe* | 14:12 |
nemo | ah | 14:12 |
nemo | never run into one. | 14:12 |
kostkon | nemo, the new universal package format by canonical? http://snapcraft.io/ | 14:12 |
nemo | huh. interesting. first I've heard of it. | 14:12 |
Marenz | debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg rsa-sha2-512 blen 547 | 14:12 |
nemo | Marenz: and for the cipher? | 14:13 |
Marenz | hmm the other server says | 14:13 |
Marenz | debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 547 | 14:13 |
kostkon | nemo, you can browser its "catalogue" here https://uappexplorer.com/snaps or just use Ubuntu Software or man snap etc. | 14:13 |
kostkon | browse* | 14:13 |
Marenz | debug1: kex: server->client cipher: chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com MAC: <implicit> compression: none | 14:13 |
Marenz | debug1: kex: client->server cipher: chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com MAC: <implicit> compression: none | 14:13 |
nemo | Marenz: guess you could experiment w/ setting MACs/KexAlgorithms/Ciphers in your ~/.ssh/config | 14:14 |
nemo | Marenz: or... maybe it's an intermittent bug and it just seems like it is client specific ☺ | 14:14 |
nemo | kostkon: is debian onboard with this? | 14:14 |
kostkon | nemo, many distros are ditto about Debian | 14:15 |
nemo | kk | 14:15 |
nemo | kostkon: ah. I see. yeah | 14:15 |
nemo | kostkon: so... this is going to more the Apple/Microsoft/Steam kinda packaging I guess, where most libs are contained in the app | 14:16 |
nemo | kostkon: instead of shared system-wide | 14:16 |
kostkon | nemo, there are some shared ones but yeah everything needed is contained in the app | 14:16 |
nemo | kostkon: mm. yeah, I'm just not a fan of that approach | 14:17 |
nemo | kostkon: higher memory usage, space usage, more difficult to ensure a patch to a key lib got applied everywhere | 14:17 |
nemo | ah well | 14:17 |
nemo | kostkon: containerising can be good for security tho | 14:18 |
kostkon | nemo, yep | 14:18 |
nemo | and can help reliability. like. physfs 3 broke ABI and we were getting ton of Arch users complaining Hedgewars broke | 14:18 |
nemo | when it was just that arch hadn't rebuilt Hedgewars | 14:18 |
nemo | and... physfs had changed portion of a key struct's size | 14:18 |
nemo | kostkon: but, I think I'd still take the space/memory/patching advantages over this | 14:19 |
nemo | kostkon: esp I guess in more constrained envs like my ubuntu chroot on my phone | 14:19 |
nemo | so long as it stays optional! | 14:19 |
kostkon | nemo, it will stay i guess | 14:19 |
nemo | great | 14:19 |
ioc_ | it will always be optional, and anyway it's useful when the app is based on a framework that rapidly evolves like gnome | 14:22 |
ioc_ | as in break backward compatibikity often | 14:23 |
ioc_ | so you can have more than one version of the framework installed side-by-side without needing to recompile all the apps | 14:24 |
Marenz | nemo: you seem to be on the right track | 14:26 |
Marenz | if I enforce password auth on the client, it works smooth | 14:26 |
nemo | O_o | 14:27 |
frazr | DiecastMessiah: thanks for the fsck links , but sadly not a single method has worked.. tried almost everything now, manipulations mount times, last checked tim with tune2fs etc.. :) | 14:27 |
frazr | still wont run fsck | 14:27 |
DiecastMessiah | frazr: darn sorry that didn't help.. i am newbie so i have no other idea's .. but someone here will be able to help .. more users should be active soon | 14:29 |
norm_ | quick question about default DE in 17.10 | 14:30 |
frazr | no worries, thanks anyway | 14:31 |
akik | frazr: wasn't the file called /.forcefsck and not /forcefsck ? | 14:32 |
norm_ | anyone know how to get Nautilus to act like it does in the modified version used in Unity? | 14:32 |
frazr | akik: dunno, doesnt matter its not used anymore | 14:33 |
kostkon | akik, i think it's /forcefsck | 14:33 |
akik | frazr: it's /.forcefsck | 14:33 |
kostkon | was* then | 14:33 |
akik | frazr: when did it stop working? | 14:33 |
DiecastMessiah | i read it used to be touch /forcefsck .. but that old.. with upstart , no good for systemd | 14:33 |
frazr | because of that it's foolish to trust an untrustworthy filesystem for writes, wich i can agree on | 14:33 |
frazr | https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/400851/what-should-i-do-to-force-the-root-filesystem-check-and-optionally-a-fix-at-bo | 14:35 |
frazr | tried everything there | 14:35 |
frazr | still no dice :) | 14:35 |
void_false | Hello Tomer | 14:35 |
norobot | hi all, I am trying to bind the command "xte "mousedown 1"" to <CTRL>Button1 via CompizConfigManager in Ubuntu, but cannot seem to make that key+mouseclick combination do the "click and hold" action that I need. Advice, anyone? | 14:37 |
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akik | frazr: on a clean root fs on a ssd, the fsck runs so fast that you can't really see it, but you can see it in the systemd journal | 14:38 |
norobot | (I have installed the xautomation package) | 14:38 |
frazr | should be able to see it on tune2fs -l | 14:38 |
akik | systemd-fsck[902]: /dev/sda2: clean, 309/65536 files, 152412/262144 blocks | 14:38 |
frazr | last check performed | 14:38 |
glitchfix[m] | Hello everyone! | 14:39 |
norobot | nick robbinzone | 14:39 |
norobot | robbinzone | 14:40 |
DiecastMessiah | missing the slash norobot / nick nickname | 14:40 |
glitchfix[m] | I have a finger print scanner that doesn't work on Ubuntu and I wish to build driver for it. Can anyone tell me how to proceed? | 14:41 |
akik | frazr: although that /dev/sda2 is my /boot | 14:41 |
=== norobot is now known as robbinzone | ||
robbinzone | there | 14:42 |
frazr | akik: ok, yeah this is concerning the root :) | 14:42 |
robbinzone | DiecastMessiah: thanx | 14:42 |
frazr | without physical access | 14:42 |
frazr | quite a pickle | 14:42 |
DiecastMessiah | No problem :) | 14:42 |
robbinzone | hi all, I am trying to bind the command "xte "mousedown 1"" to <CTRL>Button1 via CompizConfigManager in Ubuntu, but cannot seem to make that key+mouseclick combination do the "click and hold" action that I need. Advice, anyone? (I have installed the xautomation package) | 14:42 |
skinux | Why are all Ubuntu's software installation methods so slow? | 14:44 |
skinux | Those are officially developed packages, as far as I know.... | 14:44 |
robbinzone | hi(gh) life (hei Leif) ;-) | 14:46 |
=== elkclone is now known as Guest32919 | ||
pZombie | hello friends | 14:50 |
pZombie | what will happen if i install an old ubuntu with a 2.6 kernel? Will i be destroyed by malware? | 14:50 |
JimBuntu | pZombie, idk, malware is going to depend on your threat exposure... i.e., where you go via browser/etc and how open your system is in general to direct attack. | 14:51 |
pZombie | what about the spectre, does it affect old pentium-m systems? | 14:52 |
JimBuntu | pZombie, You are possibly orders of magnitude better off using a really old system with 2.6 and old distro version than a WinXP machine, for example. | 14:52 |
norm_ | You'll be more susceptible to malware and exploits but unless you actively go around clicking on every free IPhone ad | 14:53 |
JimBuntu | pZombie, as far as I am aware, that CPU would be effected... you should check | 14:53 |
pZombie | do the old ubuntus get any updates at all? | 14:54 |
norm_ | No longer supported, so unfortunately not | 14:54 |
kostkon | pZombie, as of now 14.04 is the oldest supported release | 14:56 |
ducasse | well, 12.04 gets security fixes if you pay for them | 14:57 |
DiecastMessiah | pZombie: if you looking for something that can run on much older machines about look into knoppix or something that made to be small | 14:57 |
pZombie | doesn't help me. The proprietary ati drivers for the radeon 9600 install only on 2.6 kernels. After that it is about using the slow free drivers | 14:58 |
pZombie | it is not about small but about having a 2.6 kernel and yet being supported still | 14:58 |
DiecastMessiah | oh kk sorry | 14:58 |
norm_ | ah that's a toughie | 14:59 |
pZombie | centos 6 was an option but it does not allow me to install because it asks for pae | 14:59 |
pZombie | the pentium m actually has pae support but it is hidden | 14:59 |
akik | frazr: after using "fsck.mode=force", do you see /run/initramfs/fsck.log ? | 14:59 |
kostkon | pZombie, it's an old system anyways why not just settle for something lightweight, eg Lubuntu and use the open source driver | 15:03 |
pZombie | because the same issue applies. I would have to go with the free drivers which are slow as hell | 15:04 |
lupulo | frazr, this thread could be useful https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788050 | 15:06 |
ubottu | Debian bug 788050 in systemd "systemd-fsck : Check disks at each reboot" [Important,Fixed] | 15:06 |
pZombie | anyway, i will try an old xubuntu and see where this gets me | 15:06 |
lupulo | ubottu, bot who | 15:06 |
lupulo | ubottu, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug= | 15:07 |
kostkon | pZombie, Lubuntu. xubuntu might be using an compositor | 15:07 |
OpenTokix | I am doing a preseeded installation of ubuntu 16.04.3 from a custom iso. - But the installer is failing on "apt-install or in-target is already running..." messages appear in syslog. - I have found a bug on lunchpad (1450597) however it seems to reference booting from usb stick. Bug is from 2013. | 15:08 |
pZombie | kostkon - what does a compositor do? | 15:08 |
nemo | graphics acceleration of desktop | 15:08 |
nemo | on old sucky machines disabling that is first suggestion | 15:08 |
pZombie | but with the accelerated drivers it should work well | 15:08 |
nemo | (memory usage comparison of desktops https://l3net.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/cmp-all4.png) I use MATE personally which can run composited or non | 15:08 |
nemo | pZombie: I sometimes disable it just 'cause on my sucky card at home compositing the desktop plus running a game smoothly is too much to ask | 15:09 |
kostkon | pZombie, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager | 15:09 |
nemo | pZombie: my boss once asked me why upgrading his OSX desktop completely killed his performance | 15:10 |
lupulo | ubottu, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=lalala | 15:10 |
pZombie | well, the ati mobility 9600 is super speedy if the right drivers are used | 15:10 |
nemo | pZombie: wellll, new desktop was composited and his card had an itsy bitsy amount of vram ☺ | 15:10 |
pZombie | so i see no problem with xubuntu if i can install the old proprietary drivers | 15:10 |
nemo | tearing, artifacting... was probably reconstructing new textures all the time | 15:10 |
pZombie | where can i find out which was the last version of xubuntu using the 2.6 kernel? | 15:11 |
nemo | pZombie: I used to use fglrx on the work desktop, but it had too many stability issues | 15:11 |
nemo | pZombie: radeon driver works fine for me - got adequate scores on globs test | 15:11 |
pZombie | nemo - i never had any issues back then when i was playing WoW at 100 fps back then | 15:12 |
nemo | pZombie: over a long enough period of time it would just start losing track of textures | 15:12 |
akik | pZombie: ubuntu 14.04 still supports fglrx, i think it was so that the hwe update doesn't support it any more | 15:12 |
pZombie | nemo - i highly doubt it they work fine. You probably don't have proper 3d acceleration enabled | 15:12 |
nemo | pZombie: cause crashes in browsers which do their own gl acceleration or in webgl | 15:12 |
qswz | What do you guys think of https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol? vs xrandr, to control brightness/gamma (more finally than xbacklight, and over it's bounds) | 15:12 |
nemo | pZombie: I lost some perf, but it's adequate for a work system, and haven't had a single browser texture crash in a couple of years | 15:13 |
nemo | pZombie: it used to happen a couple of times a week with fglrx | 15:13 |
pZombie | akik - it supports fglrx, but not for the 9600 radeon. The last driver by ati supporting this was 9.8 legacy | 15:13 |
nemo | (and yes, acceleration is enabled) | 15:13 |
nemo | 'k. I'm using [AMD/ATI] RV730 XT [Radeon HD 4670] | 15:13 |
nemo | according to lspci | 15:13 |
kostkon | pZombie, are you really willing to go 10 years back in time. you won't be able to do anything properly, like browse the web etc. | 15:14 |
leftyfb | pZombie: anything that requires a 2.x kernel needs to die in a fire. | 15:14 |
pZombie | kostkon - that is what i am about to find out i guess. If i cannot install firefox on an old xubuntu, then this project is doomed | 15:14 |
nemo | pZombie: with radeon driver on the card above (which is 9 years old) I get 700fps in globs gl_smoke with vsync disabled | 15:14 |
nemo | pZombie: 1229.4 in gl_blit | 15:15 |
pZombie | nemo - that is because your card is newer. Mine is 15 years old | 15:15 |
pZombie | nemo - the free radeon drivers for your card just happen to be better | 15:15 |
nemo | pZombie: it's funny, in hedgewars due to request of a user we rework all our PNGs to support someone w/ a card that could only load 512x512px textures ☺ | 15:16 |
nemo | pZombie: it's crazy how much old stuff FOSS still supports | 15:16 |
nemo | pZombie: we never bothered to change it 'cause, eh, whatever. why not keep supporting it? ☺ | 15:16 |
pZombie | nemo - if i enable proper 3d acceleration on the free radeon drivers, 3D works fine, with 2500-3000 fps in glxgears. But then 2D is superslow, making iti unusable. Like scrolling through text in mousepad etc | 15:16 |
nemo | hm | 15:17 |
nemo | let's see what I get in glxgears | 15:17 |
nemo | pZombie: I don't see why a composited desktop is necessary... | 15:17 |
nemo | most of the time | 15:17 |
nemo | 8695 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1738.878 FPS | 15:17 |
nemo | yeah. you have me beat in glxgears already | 15:17 |
pZombie | see, the radeon mobility 9600 is fast | 15:17 |
nemo | but, eh. FOSS driver perf is always meh | 15:17 |
nemo | it was the stability that made me switch | 15:18 |
nemo | pZombie: on my home desktop I finally switch to the nvidia blob in order to play Witcher Assassin of Kings - prior to that every game I'd tried had worked okish. even Planetary Annihilation | 15:19 |
pZombie | so basically, they turned my perfectly adequate hardware into trash by not releasing any proper drivers anymore | 15:19 |
norm_ | anyone know of a way to get nautilus in 17.10 to act like the modded version used in the Unity DE? | 15:19 |
nemo | pZombie: heh. I'm sure their incentive for maintaining stuff that old is pretty low | 15:19 |
pZombie | i mean AMD | 15:19 |
nemo | I know | 15:19 |
nemo | if it was FOSS you might have a prayer of maintenance. | 15:20 |
pZombie | their incentive to get my money however wasn't that low back then | 15:20 |
nemo | 15 years is a long time... | 15:20 |
nemo | pZombie: you could probably buy a card like mine above for like $20 used now I bet | 15:21 |
pZombie | it's a notebook | 15:21 |
nemo | ah ☹ | 15:21 |
pZombie | i am going to ask for a refund | 15:21 |
norm_ | do it | 15:21 |
pZombie | anyway, back to my former question. Where can i check which xubuntu or ubuntu was using the 2.6 kernel still? | 15:22 |
norm_ | archives | 15:23 |
norm_ | give me a sec | 15:23 |
norm_ | http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ | 15:24 |
norm_ | then it's just cross checking the release notes on the wiki | 15:24 |
akik | lucid lynx? | 15:24 |
Snicksie | I would like to request the ubuntu-toolchain-r ppa team to update their gcc-5 (or any other gcc for that matter, that contains the retpoline fixes) for xenial, since using that ppa you cannot build kernel modules for kernel -116. Where can I come into contact with them? | 15:25 |
pZombie | yes, i think lucid lynx but it does not tell me which kernel it uses at the page linked | 15:25 |
pZombie | yes, 2.6 | 15:25 |
pZombie | lucid lynx it will be then | 15:26 |
leftyfb | Snicksie: contact the ubuntu-toolchain-r ppa team | 15:26 |
kostkon | pZombie, don't forget to share some screenshots of your desktop with us if you ever reach that point | 15:26 |
kostkon | pZombie, a big 'if' for me | 15:27 |
pZombie | sure thing | 15:27 |
Snicksie | leftyfb: that is my question indeed | 15:27 |
leftyfb | Snicksie: on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test look for "For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact PPA for Ubuntu Toolchain Uploads (restricted)." | 15:28 |
Snicksie | I was hoping I could actually contact them on like an irc channel or something | 15:28 |
norm_ | so thoughts on the 17.10 release using standard Nautilus instead of the modded versions used prior? | 15:29 |
leftyfb | Snicksie: there's a link to contact the team members to ask questions | 15:29 |
robbinzone | hi all, I am trying to bind the command "xte "mousedown 1"" to <CTRL>Button1 via CompizConfigManager in Ubuntu, but cannot seem to make that key+mouseclick combination do the "click and hold" action that I need. Advice, anyone? (I have installed the xautomation package) | 15:37 |
sparrowsword | using a vm... how do i mount my windows c:/ drive? | 15:39 |
leftyfb | sparrowsword: that would be a bad idea | 15:40 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: ? | 15:41 |
leftyfb | sparrowsword: a lot of the VM solutions out there have a method of transferring files between the host and guest. Use that. | 15:41 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: thats not what im trying to do | 15:41 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: im trying to use a program to scan my drive (all files) for specific text | 15:42 |
leftyfb | sparrowsword: what version of windows? | 15:42 |
sparrowsword | 10 | 15:42 |
leftyfb | !wsl | sparrowsword | 15:42 |
ubottu | sparrowsword: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide | 15:42 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: interesting, will check it out, Thank you | 15:43 |
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=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 | ||
Sven_vB | hi again. still having the same xenial live USB problem, but today I have photos of initramfs. http://abload.de/img/xenial64-initramfs-0d0o2y.jpeg http://abload.de/img/xenial64-initramfs-0wuriq.jpeg any ideas? | 15:55 |
Sven_vB | usually I install the 32bit version, which boots to the graphical session then runs my install wizard (which in turn runs ubiquity). the only thing I'm doing different is using the other ISO. | 15:58 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: how do i get access to the windows drive using the ubuntu like you said earlier? | 15:59 |
sparrowsword | !wsl | 15:59 |
ubottu | Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide | 15:59 |
sparrowsword | !wsl | 16:00 |
sparrowsword | leftyfb: nvm figured it out | 16:00 |
Sven_vB | from what I've figured so far, that initramfs is probably missing some overlayfs kernel module, so how do I add that to my live USB drive? | 16:02 |
Sven_vB | on the other hand, I'd wonder how unetbootin on a 32bit ubuntu trusty machine could have forgotten that, given the windows version of unetbootin seems to be able to create 64bit xenial live USB drives. | 16:04 |
Sven_vB | oh also that "(initramfs)" prompt seens ti only appear in the same line due to timing issues. so the actual error "/cow format specified as overlayfs and no support found" probably isn't about initramfs. | 16:08 |
lab21 | hi | 16:12 |
DiecastMessiah | Sven_vB: i don;t really know what i am talking about.. still new .. but I would guessing there is something with ext3 on a ext4 filesystem .. maybe a problem .. i see it says subsystem so I could be far off | 16:12 |
lab21 | thtf | 16:12 |
lab21 | hi | 16:13 |
lab21 | im sad | 16:13 |
mutante | lab21: have a cookie | 16:14 |
lab21 | thank you | 16:14 |
doublehp | http://paste.debian.net/1012405/ how to debug the underlying problem ? | 16:14 |
Sven_vB | DiecastMessiah, thanks, however the mounted file systems look ok. my canary config is readable too, which means the casper-rw filesystem is accessible. | 16:14 |
mutante | lab21: got Ubuntu troubles? | 16:14 |
lab21 | no | 16:14 |
mutante | ok. let us know how we can help | 16:15 |
nicomachus | my laptop seems to randomly dim the screen, and I have to bump up the brightness for it to "wake up". But just one touch on brightness up brings it all the way up, so it's more like a "wake" than anything else. Which log can I check to see what's causing it to dim? | 16:16 |
nicomachus | it just happened 2-3 mins ago so I want to look quickly. | 16:17 |
Sven_vB | nicomachus, I'd check syslog and dmesk | 16:17 |
Sven_vB | *dmesg | 16:17 |
Sven_vB | nicomachus, also check the BIOS power settings next time you reboot | 16:17 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, hey man, you up for some easy debugging? I updated my laptop firmware and sound was working untill i decided to plug in the headphones. If you're up, let me know. Thanks a lot! | 16:18 |
mutante | nicomachus: for me it's "System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Power Management -> Actions | 16:18 |
TJ- | Sorfrost: Yeah, I'm here... that's good news... so switching to the headphone port killed speakers permanently, even after a reboot? | 16:19 |
nicomachus | this is syslog, dmesg just shows startup stuff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QDgZMvTPBQ/ | 16:19 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, enable pm 1 min pls | 16:20 |
Saint_Philomena | Sorry about the question... but in kubuntu... when i open the gui "network connections" to change the dns and other things... after i make the changes and click ok the settings dont save it... someone knows why? | 16:20 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: grep the initramfs; you've got a mount command (or an fstab entry) failing because the 'type' is set to /cow (which presumably is a mountpoint) which suggests you need to stick a "-t overlayfs" or something in the command. | 16:21 |
nicomachus | mutante: thanks but that's not what I'm looking for, and is DE specific to your setup because I don't even have those GUI options. | 16:21 |
nicomachus | Saint_Philomena: your router may be providing the DNS address. | 16:21 |
nicomachus | Saint_Philomena: a lot of ISPs do quite a bit to force you to use their DNS | 16:22 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, would I need to have a line with "overlay" in /proc/filesystems for that to work? | 16:22 |
Saint_Philomena | nicomachus is not the router i'm talking about the kubuntu gui "network connections" | 16:22 |
Saint_Philomena | it dont save the settings... | 16:22 |
raspi3 | dhkj | 16:23 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: I'd expect "modprobe overlay" to have been executed first | 16:23 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: Is 'overlay.ko' not installed in the initramfs? | 16:23 |
mutante | nicomachus: i know you asked for logs to see what is causing it, but can i assume the real thing is you want to change the settings too? | 16:23 |
mutante | nicomachus: how about /etc/default/tlp | 16:24 |
nicomachus | mutante: no I don't want to change the settings because they are correct. | 16:24 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, not sure. how can I check both? (whether modprobe had run and had succeeded, and whether I have that kernel module) | 16:24 |
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nicomachus | mutante: tlp doesn't exist in /etc/default/ | 16:24 |
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TJ- | Sven_vB: "lsmod | grep overlay" or "grep overlay /proc/modules", "modinfo overlay" to check it's there and see it's details | 16:25 |
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Sven_vB | TJ-, will do, takes a few minutes. | 16:25 |
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TJ- | Sven_vB: I'd expect to find the module at "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/overlayfs/overlay.ko" | 16:26 |
DanielK_WMDE | hi all! I'm running 16.04. Since a recent update, my desktop background is broken: not only does it not show the wallpaper I select, it doesn't redraw at all. It shows artefacts of whatever window i last dragged accross. It's quite fun. | 16:27 |
DanielK_WMDE | Like this: https://imagebin.ca/v/3tHR9VRpO7O5 | 16:27 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, thanks, will check that as well. | 16:27 |
DanielK_WMDE | it looks fun, but it's now annoying me sufficiently to come here to get help | 16:27 |
DanielK_WMDE | any ideas how to fix that? | 16:27 |
mutante | nicomachus: ok, then the best i have to literally answer what is causing it is https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power-whydim.html but not a log file either.. sorry | 16:27 |
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DanielK_WMDE | oh hey mutante! | 16:28 |
tpham | #zfs | 16:30 |
mzaza | Is it possible to make something like source .profile in a bash script, so newely added commands in the PATH get's red by the bash script? | 16:31 |
tpham | does anywhere here use zfs? | 16:31 |
akik | mzaza: "hash -r" not sure if that's what you need | 16:31 |
TJ- | mzaza: 'commands in the path' ? do you mean new directories added to PATH environment variable? | 16:32 |
mutante | mzaza: maybe safer to use full pathes in the script in the first place | 16:32 |
mzaza | TJ-: akik like for example after I install nvm, I have to use "source .profile" so nvm get's recongnized. Is their something similar to be done in a bash script? | 16:32 |
mutante | mzaza: in general.. if you can type it manually in bash, you should be able to just paste it into a bash script as well | 16:33 |
mzaza | mutante: your right | 16:33 |
lab21 | will someone be my friend? | 16:33 |
nacc | mzaza: that shouldn't be necessary if nvm is a binary in your PATH | 16:33 |
doublehp | apt / munin issue: /var was full. | 16:33 |
doublehp | tpham: yes | 16:34 |
doublehp | tpham: #zfsonlinux | 16:34 |
tpham | thanks | 16:34 |
mzaza | But it seems an issue when trying to install npm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9nq5t9JTBt/ | 16:34 |
mzaza | nacc: I usually use source .profile or quite the current shell session and re-connect to get changes propagate | 16:35 |
mutante | lab21: sure! | 16:36 |
nacc | mzaza: it depends on what you're doing | 16:37 |
mzaza | nacc: export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" | 16:37 |
mzaza | [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm | 16:37 |
mzaza | Wops | 16:37 |
mzaza | nacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9nq5t9JTBt/ | 16:37 |
nacc | mzaza: i'm not really able to debug this for you right now | 16:38 |
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mzaza | nacc: ok, thanks so far :) | 16:39 |
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rfleming | Greetings. With 16.04.3 LTS; is there a way to turn on Ubuntu Desktop Sharing via systemd on boot? | 16:50 |
ikonia | isn't the desktop sharing a desktop service, in that it requires the user to login to start it | 16:51 |
DanielK_WMDE | no ideas for fixing https://imagebin.ca/v/3tHR9VRpO7O5 ? | 16:52 |
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rfleming | ikonia: yep. | 16:53 |
ikonia | rfleming: so how can you expect to share a desktop thats not been "logged in" yet | 16:54 |
ikonia | wouldn't it be better to enable the desktop sharing as a session service so that the second the user logs in the desktop sharing service is started | 16:54 |
rfleming | by that same token, BASH is also an application that requires a user to log in before it can be used, yet you can run scripts as a service account | 16:54 |
ikonia | rfleming: right, and those service accounts "login" | 16:54 |
rfleming | so I'm asking if the Ubuntu Desktop sharing app can be set as a service to run. If not, then I'll install VNC or something | 16:55 |
ikonia | rfleming: how can you launch a bash script without a UID owning it | 16:55 |
rfleming | ikonia: you can't :) | 16:56 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, https://pastebin.com/E6Z51pJg | 16:57 |
garyserj | Are there any up to date Ubuntu with full desktop as docker image that I can VNC to? | 16:57 |
garyserj | so I can see and use the latest ubuntu desktop, with docker | 16:57 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, selinux is enforcing even if i selected no policy during installation | 16:58 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, and with this kernel i get 6 warnings | 16:58 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, i should put selinux on permissive | 16:59 |
ikonia | selinux on ubuntu ? | 16:59 |
Sorfrost | no, not on ubuntu. sry if im writing here | 17:00 |
ikonia | Sorfrost: we only support ubuntu here, apologies, I'm not seein how this relates to ubuntu (but I maybe missing context) | 17:00 |
Sorfrost | ikonia, yes i know, sry if i used the group chat | 17:02 |
ikonia | no problem | 17:02 |
TJ- | ikonia: Sorfrost and I are diagnosing a weird 'lost sound device' issue affecting Ubuntu, so we have been comparing with other OSes/kernels to try to pin it down | 17:05 |
ikonia | interesting | 17:05 |
TJ- | ikonia: Works great... until headphones are plugged in. From then on no speaker output, and no sound device discovered even after cold-reboots etc | 17:05 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, good news is I have text I/O now. bad news is I seem to not have that overlay kernel module. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q9zGJgJczk/ | 17:07 |
TJ- | Sorfrost: I'm tending to think I may need to disassemble that Vostro's ACPI DSDT to see if it has code to manipulate the sound device output port | 17:07 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: no modules in the initrd at all? or just overlay not there? | 17:07 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, the modinfo error sounds like the initramfs is even more broken, "modinfo: can't open '/4.10.0-28-generic/': No such file or directory" | 17:08 |
Sven_vB | well, maybe because it's just a busybox at that stage | 17:08 |
Sven_vB | also "lsmod: not found" and grep "overlay /proc/modules" is quiet, rv=1 | 17:09 |
Sven_vB | quote should have begun before grep | 17:09 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: but the initrd usually has some/most kernel modules in to ensure it can start the system before root FS is available, so check if any are there at all | 17:09 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: should be /lib/modules/$(uname -r) | 17:10 |
Sven_vB | will do | 17:10 |
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robbinzone | hi all, I am trying to bind the command "xte "mousedown 1"" to <CTRL>Button1 via CompizConfigManager in Ubuntu, but cannot seem to make that key+mouseclick combination do the "click and hold" action that I need. Advice, anyone? (I have installed the xautomation package) | 17:26 |
elkclone | work from home http://www.surveyclub.com/r/19217159 | 17:35 |
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darkneo98 | hello world | 17:37 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, here's what I have in /lib/modules https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xNPkFWxPDj/ | 17:44 |
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TJ- | Sven_vB: so there's your issue, no overlayfs | 17:54 |
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Sven_vB | TJ-, is this a problem with the ISO I used (ubuntu-16.04.3-xenial-desktop-amd64.iso), with unetbootin, or rather that I made the live USB on a 32bit ubuntu? | 17:57 |
Sven_vB | (the "xenial-" in the filename is my addition) | 17:58 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: the same files should be in the initrd.img. Did your tool create a fresh intrd.img or use the one provided by the installer ISO? | 18:01 |
Sven_vB | I have no idea what unetbootin did. I'll compare the files. | 18:02 |
mzaza | Is it possible to get output without nginx/ dir, only file names? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3GbG59mjsM/ | 18:04 |
mzaza | That is a bash script, if I'm in the wrong channel please guide me | 18:04 |
Saint_Philomena | is true ubuntu will start to colllect information inside of our pcs and start send to ubuntu servers? | 18:05 |
mzaza | Saint_Philomena: I think it already does that, when system crashes | 18:05 |
akik | Saint_Philomena: you can uncheck the box during the install | 18:05 |
akik | mzaza: apport catches app crashes | 18:07 |
Saint_Philomena | akik i hope ubuntu dont goes like windows telemetry big problem... | 18:07 |
mzaza | akik: Since I got your attention, could you tell me how can I remove a string from within a variable in bash? So that a file name in the following script show without directory name, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3GbG59mjsM/ | 18:08 |
mzaza | :D | 18:08 |
nacc | mzaza: there is a bash channel, btw | 18:08 |
mzaza | nacc: I'll go there now, thanks :D | 18:09 |
akik | thanks | 18:09 |
Sven_vB | Saint_Philomena, use the "basename" command instead of string manipulation. | 18:10 |
mzaza | akik: he saved u, didn't he :D | 18:10 |
Sven_vB | Saint_Philomena, sorry, meant mzaza | 18:10 |
Sven_vB | Saint_Philomena, about that telemetry, I think there's also some rebort for the statistics of which distro is re-installed the most. | 18:12 |
Sven_vB | *report | 18:12 |
Saint_Philomena | Sven_vB i'm not worry about if they have my processor or what distro i'm using the big problem of telemetry is that they ussually are not getting only this information... but i think shoud be one note to the user if he wants to send information and what information like to share | 18:16 |
mzaza | akik: by that i ment saved u, ur time, incase u got me wrong | 18:16 |
akik | mzaza: it was a small joke and you got it :) | 18:17 |
OerHeks | Saint_Philomena, but that is what happens: note to the user if he wants to send information and what information like to share | 18:17 |
Sven_vB | Saint_Philomena, unfortunately nowadays default settings are a race to the bottom unless you specifically pay for privacy. | 18:18 |
OerHeks | .."pay for privacy"... | 18:18 |
Saint_Philomena | Sven_vB windows nvidia is send telemetry and dont warning users | 18:19 |
Saint_Philomena | OerHeks we pay windows and dont have privacy | 18:19 |
OerHeks | Saint_Philomena, how is this related to ubuntu support? you just stat a flamewar | 18:19 |
tuskkk___ | Hello, while adding a group, I am getting it already exists, but when I add the current user, it says ```sent invalidate(passwd) request, exiting``` | 18:19 |
tuskkk___ | same when I try to delete that group | 18:19 |
tuskkk___ | its VM provisioned at azure | 18:20 |
Saint_Philomena | OerHeks i was just asking because i listen that ubuntu will start to collect user information... | 18:21 |
OerHeks | hat 'opt-out' has changed to 'opt-in', next 18.04 LTS | 18:22 |
akik | OerHeks: only for upgrades | 18:22 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, since my kernel boot options start with initrd=/casper/initrd.lz, I assume that's the relevant file. it's identical (at least its SHA-1) on the xenial ISO and the live USB. | 18:24 |
OerHeks | and it is not user info, but machine info... | 18:24 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, I guess next step is to unpack the initrd from the ISO to verify the overlay module is missing initially, not hidden or removed by some bug during boot? | 18:25 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: hmmm, so your i386 boot could use an overlay and amd64 cannot? is that correct - if so, compare the file lists in the i386/amd64 ISO casper/initrd.lz files - see if one has overlay.ko and the other doesn't | 18:26 |
victorbjelkholm | so, I just found out about ts, which is nice to figure out how much time a step takes with my output. But I'm wondering if I can get ts to output relative time instead? Basically time since last line, instead of absolute time | 18:32 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, dunno whether the 32bit xenial used an overlay, but I guess so, because the casper-rw stuff worked there. I'll extract both initrds from the ISOs, then figure out how to list their files. | 18:33 |
victorbjelkholm | just found the switches `-r` and `-i` which does what I want | 18:33 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: you don't need to extract, you can use "lsinitramfs" | 18:34 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, will try that | 18:34 |
tuskkk___ | any idea anyone? | 18:38 |
tuskkk___ | is it because the account is not actual 'root' account, but has root access? | 18:38 |
Sven_vB | nah, would have been too awesome. ;) gzip: ubuntu-16.04-xenial-desktop-i386.iso: not in gzip format | 18:40 |
Sven_vB | and today the ISO loop device mounting thingy doesn't like me either, gotta debug that. | 18:42 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/iso/{i386,amd64}; sudo mount -o loop ubuntu-16.04-xenial-desktop-i386.iso /mnt/iso/386; sudo mount -o loop ubuntu-16.04-xenial-desktop-amd64.iso /mnt/iso/amd64" | 18:42 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, "sudo losetup -a" already shows loops 0, 1, and 2 with my ISO filename. they just don't appear in the file manager, neither in the output of "mount". | 18:45 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: try "cat /proc/mounts" - 'mount' relies on a read/writeable mtab | 18:45 |
Sven_vB | empty -> grep loop /proc/mounts | 18:46 |
Sven_vB | I'll try on another machine. | 18:47 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: has the target file gone away? | 18:47 |
Sven_vB | not sure. which target? | 18:48 |
Sven_vB | I didn't select any target, I just double-clicked the ISO as usual. :D | 18:49 |
Sven_vB | well, except today my file manager doesn't detect a new pluggable device after that. | 18:49 |
Sven_vB | meanwhile on the other machine, lsinitramfs complains that initrd.lz is not in gzip format. | 18:50 |
Sven_vB | I hope it can read from stdin | 18:50 |
Sven_vB | lzcat and lzma don't like that initrd.lz either | 18:53 |
Sven_vB | that's strange. "file" says it's LZMA compressed data though. | 18:53 |
dumnkshli | hi haa | 18:54 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, hey man you here? | 18:54 |
dumnkshli | yap | 18:55 |
dumnkshli | sorfrost | 18:55 |
dumnkshli | ! | 18:55 |
Sorfrost | hello | 18:55 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, I've got one of the ISOs mounted, but "lzcat initrd.lz | lsinitramfs /dev/stdin" doesn't work either: "initrd.lz: unknown suffix -- unchanged" | 18:55 |
dumnkshli | mere ra kleze daikide | 18:56 |
dumnkshli | I've got one of the ISOs mounted, but "lzcat initrd.lz | lsinitramfs /dev/stdin" doesn't work either: "initrd.lz: unknown suffix -- unchanged" | 18:57 |
nacc | Sven_vB: lzcat expects .xz or .lzma | 19:00 |
nacc | Sven_vB: .lz seems odd | 19:00 |
Sven_vB | well I can make a symlink with that suffix. | 19:01 |
nacc | Sven_vB: where areyou seeing thsi file? | 19:01 |
Sven_vB | nacc, in the "casper" folder of ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso | 19:01 |
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Li | boys and girls .. how to find out the reason of ubuntu PC went black screen and then I had to turn it off manually. It seems overheating because the fan was going crazy!! I've read about /var/log/lastlog & kren.log but couldn't find any usuful info | 19:03 |
Sven_vB | … and then I remembered my original plan, using file-roller to extract that initrd. | 19:03 |
Sven_vB | … which also fails. :/ | 19:03 |
Li | the only thing it showed in kern.log was network card bouncing on/off due to wifi auto dhcp | 19:04 |
Sven_vB | I'll try with an older xenial 64 and also trusty 64. | 19:04 |
Li | lastlog was not readable binary and almost empty | 19:04 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: it's compressed with lzma | 19:07 |
Sven_vB | Li yeah I had a similar problem lately where my machine stopped before it had any chance to write a log entry about why. turned out to be some electrical failure in the physical switch behind the front power button, causing it to act as if pressed for several seconds. found that by mere luck. | 19:07 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, I just found the --suffix option. | 19:08 |
Sorfrost | TJ-, hey, about the bug, i can do the apport-collect booting form a live usb right? or do i need to reinstall? | 19:08 |
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Li | Sven_vB: the laptop was on and not touched for more than a day without running any real applications other than default new installed ubuntu stuff!! | 19:09 |
Sven_vB | Li vibration by fans spinning can be enough if it's a transient electrical failure. | 19:10 |
Li | I've noticed the fan goes crazy from time to time which is not acceptable for almost idle PC | 19:10 |
Li | Sven_vB: that is a very interesting point because it vibrates like hell | 19:11 |
TJ- | Sorfrost: yes, you should be able to from the Live | 19:11 |
Sven_vB | I can't get lsinitramfs to work, but "lzma --decompress --suffix=lz initrd.lz --stdout | less" produces a list of files, so I'll just use that. | 19:11 |
Sven_vB | oh, that's not a list of files. that's a cpio archive. | 19:11 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: right, I think possibly lsinitramfs doesn't support the (-c|--compress) option that mkinitramfs does | 19:12 |
spase_ | Hello, is there any cloud platform that would let me run CUDA code, I need this for classroom | 19:12 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: that's correct, the cpio archive is compressed using lzma | 19:12 |
spase_ | Hello, is there any cloud platform that would let me run CUDA code, I need this for classroom demonstrations. | 19:12 |
Sven_vB | oh I see, I can just gzip the uncompressed initrd then lsinitramfs accepts it. | 19:12 |
spase_ | Sorry about copying that msg twice | 19:12 |
nacc | Sven_vB: right it needs the uncompressed initrd, it seems | 19:12 |
Li | are there any history logs for cpu temperature in ubuntu logs? | 19:13 |
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Sven_vB | so the actual command is: lzma --decompress --suffix=lz initrd.lz --stdout | gzip | lsinitramfs /dev/stdin >initrd.files.txt | 19:13 |
kostkon | !alis | spase_, not the best place to ask such question. use alis to find a more suitable one for the kind of questions you want to ask | 19:13 |
ubottu | spase_, not the best place to ask such question. use alis to find a more suitable one for the kind of questions you want to ask: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 19:13 |
nacc | Sven_vB: why are you decompressing and then recompressing? | 19:13 |
spase_ | thanks ubottu | 19:14 |
Sven_vB | nacc, because I didn't yet think of reading the cpio manpage or trying --list | 19:14 |
OerHeks | spase_, google cloud offfers nvidia GPU + ubuntu.. | 19:14 |
Sven_vB | yeah. easy as that. lzma --decompress --suffix=lz initrd.lz --stdout | cpio --list | 19:14 |
nacc | Sven_vB: yeah :) | 19:15 |
OerHeks | https://cloud.google.com/gpu/ | 19:15 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: I think lsinitramfs needs the 'lzop' package installing to handle lz compressed initrd | 19:15 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, what would lsinitramfs do in addition to listing the filenames in the cpio archive? | 19:15 |
steve-marinos | Hello guys, I seen on indiegogo that Gemini will offer 4 linux as dual boot and one of them is Ubuntu, what should we expect from Ubuntu on the gemini-pda | 19:15 |
TJ- | Sven_vB: nothing, it's designed to list the content :) | 19:16 |
OerHeks | steve-marinos, lets wait and see | 19:16 |
Sven_vB | TJ-, ok then I won't bother and just use the cpio command. | 19:17 |
steve-marinos | OerHeks, so far seems sailfish are getting hyped about it | 19:17 |
steve-marinos | on their website they posted a logo including gemini | 19:17 |
OerHeks | steve-marinos, nice, but this is not related to technical ubuntu support: that thingy is not out. | 19:18 |
OerHeks | tru #ubuntu-discuss or -offtopic? | 19:18 |
steve-marinos | Yeah sorry my bad just was wondering | 19:19 |
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Sven_vB | :/ now the other computer lost its ability to mount ISOs via double-click, too. | 19:24 |
kostkon | Sven_vB, ever heard about the butterfly effect? | 19:26 |
Sven_vB | ah no it just doesn't like ubuntu-16.04-xenial-desktop-i386.iso specifically. the 16.04.3 one it can mount. | 19:26 |
Sven_vB | kostkon, yeah, even chaos theory. | 19:26 |
kostkon | Sven_vB, good, then you know what to expect :P | 19:27 |
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Sven_vB | yeah it's one of the reason why I sometimes ask IRC for advice even though I'm sure I already have the correct answer. once someone else tells me, repeating the same steps as before suddenly works. | 19:28 |
Sven_vB | computers behaving logical and predictable is an illusion reserved for non-programmers. :) | 19:31 |
Sven_vB | well, looks like at least file-roller can extract the initrds as long as there are no loop devices in use. | 19:33 |
kostkon | Sven_vB, another example of unpredictable behaviour that is | 19:34 |
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tenzo | testing, please ignore. | 19:39 |
mceier | how to check if the X11 is using amdgpu driver ? glxinfo shows "OpenGL vendor string: VMWare, Inc., OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe [...]" and I'm not sure if that's correct | 19:40 |
bparker | it's not | 19:41 |
mceier | how can I switch to amdgpu then ? | 19:41 |
kostkon | mceier, you'll need to give us some additional info, like hardware, Ubuntu version etc. | 19:42 |
mceier | Ubuntu bionic 18.04... hardware is R9 Fury X | 19:42 |
nacc | mceier: you want #ubuntu+1 | 19:42 |
mceier | ok | 19:42 |
kostkon | mceier, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for upcoming releases, currently that'll be 18.04 | 19:43 |
mceier | thanks, wasn't sure if this is right channel too | 19:43 |
OerHeks | driver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 19:44 |
=== dax changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | This channel supports Ubuntu and its official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, and 17.10 | bionic/18.04: /join #ubuntu+1 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | ||
Sven_vB | now I have the file lists. gonna normalize the stuff that's just the architecture name baked into the paths. | 19:47 |
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Sven_vB | finally. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ppsHHmsXTN/ however, there's no mention of "overlay". | 19:56 |
DanielPowerNL | I messed up my Python packages by uninstalling several things I shouldn't have with pip. So I want to reinstall all of my python packages. I'm not experienced with apt, and I'm having trouble finding a way to list installed packages without formatting. I can use `apt list python --installed`, but it adds a bunch of extra formatting that would cause issues if I insert the output into `apt install --reinstall $(apt list python --installed)` | 19:58 |
DanielPowerNL | On Arch I could accomplish this with `pacman -S $(pacman -Qsq python)` but I do not know the equivalent with apt. | 19:58 |
yeats | DanielPowerNL: 'dpkg -l' should be what you're after | 20:02 |
yeats | DanielPowerNL: (might have to use awk/cut to prune the columns to what you want) | 20:03 |
OerHeks | pip freeze .. interesting solution https://askubuntu.com/a/690203 | 20:05 |
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dserodio | Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown recently stopped working (in Gnome Terminal and Firefox, at least). How can I troubleshoot this? Ubuntu Ubuntu 17.10 with Unity. Thanks | 20:23 |
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yothsoggoth | Hey folks! I'm having some suspend/resume issues (laptop suspends, but never resumes. the LEDs, fans and HDD come on but the screen never does then after a few seconds everything goes off again and the power light flickers to show it's suspended) on Xubuntu 16.04 after installing updates, but it worked fine before updates (i.e. after the initial install from the Xubuntu 16.04.3 ISO). Does anyone have any | 20:28 |
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yothsoggoth | suggestions where to start debugging to figure out what the cause may be and how to fix it? | 20:28 |
albertoiNET | Hi, I can't change brigtness on ubuntu. May I can help my anybody? Thanks --> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th | 20:31 |
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Carll | yothsoggoth: did you try the FN key, probably not but can you confirm if you have/had any external monitors attached? | 20:33 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "try the FN key"? When I initially installed this worked normally on lid open/close. | 20:35 |
yothsoggoth | and Nope, no extra monitors attached | 20:35 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: ok sure, sounds like a light-locker issue to me | 20:36 |
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Carll | yothsoggoth: could you pastebin the outcome of sudo xfce4-power-manager --dump | 20:38 |
TJ- | yothsoggoth: does it still happen after a full reboot? It could be some libraries have changed under it during the upgrades | 20:39 |
Carll | albertoiNET_: after editing the grub file did you run "update-grub" and restart? | 20:43 |
albertoiNET_ | Carll , yes I did a update-grub and restart. And it didn't work | 20:44 |
albertoiNET_ | :( | 20:44 |
Carll | albertoiNET_: and to confirm, the power panel and laptop keys both don't work? | 20:47 |
Carll | albertoiNET_: whats the outcome of "ls -a /sys/class/backlight" without " | 20:51 |
yothsoggoth | TJ-: Yeah, I have done several full-reboots since as each time it gets stuck trying to resume I have to kill it with the power switch | 20:55 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: `sudo xfce4-power-manager --dump` seems to be hanging indefinitely. Should it take a long time? | 20:55 |
yothsoggoth | It has output some stuff already, but is hanging after "Has LID: True" | 20:56 |
ioc_ | doesn't need sudo | 20:56 |
ioc_ | press arrow key up, what is printed? | 20:57 |
TJ- | yothsoggoth: then it's likely a hardware issue; can you check /var/log/kern.log, see if there's any clues? | 20:57 |
albertoiNET_ | Carll that's right, the power panel and laptop keys both don't work | 20:57 |
albertoiNET_ | Carll the output is ls -a /sys/class/backlight . .. acpi_video0 | 20:58 |
yothsoggoth | ioc_, Carll : https://pastebin.com/ndkDBrmv | 20:59 |
kostkon | yothsoggoth, what about hibernation? have you tried it? but before even thinking about giving it a go make sure that your swap size is equal or greater than the total amount of ram on your system | 20:59 |
yothsoggoth | I haven't tried hibernation no. | 21:00 |
Carll | albertoiNET_: perfect confirm your driver please - lspci -vnn | grep -A15 VGA | 21:02 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: what is the option for power manager, within application autostart, click settings, session and startup to access | 21:05 |
yothsoggoth | Under that list in Application Autostart, Power Manager is ticked. Is there anything else to check for there? | 21:08 |
albertoiNET_ | Carll this is the output of lspci | 21:09 |
albertoiNET_ | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cjJH96ytWc/ | 21:09 |
albertoiNET_ | I posted the problem in askubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th | 21:10 |
albertoiNET_ | and in the ubuntu bugs : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1751887 | 21:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1751887 in linux (Ubuntu) "The brightness of the screen cannot be adjusted with either the buttons or the slider." [Medium,Incomplete] | 21:10 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: go back into bash; sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-power-manager.desktop | find line Exec=xfce4-power-manager | 21:12 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: replace with Exec=xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon | reboot and try. | 21:13 |
mono | hi | 21:15 |
mono | i have a little problem, with the performance of a hd video on my ubuntu mate maschine | 21:16 |
mono | its not running very smoothly | 21:16 |
mono | is there a general spec or something, so set up this kind of performance | 21:17 |
mono | im using a lenovo r500 | 21:17 |
OerHeks | mono, and what graphics ? lspci | grep VGA | 21:20 |
Carll | albertoiNET_: seems like a big in 17.10, I'm reserching hold on :) | 21:20 |
phormulate | can anyone tell me why my manually written /etc/networking/interfaces is being rewritten on boot? I'm transferring a setup from a year ago, same os... new bs | 21:21 |
phormulate | there isn't one in the initramfs, btw | 21:21 |
phormulate | only using ubuntu for lxd | 21:21 |
phormulate | I suspect it is systemD being sneaky with the D | 21:22 |
mono | OerHeks, radeon hd 3450 | 21:27 |
mono | im using VLC | 21:27 |
kostkon | mono, are you using the latest vlc | 21:28 |
yaaic|demo | cader as cc | 21:28 |
kostkon | mono, the new much improved vlc 3.0? | 21:28 |
yaaic|demo | !cpf 086.588.553-25 | 21:29 |
mono | kostkon, ah no its 2.2.6 umbrella | 21:30 |
kostkon | mono, sudo snap install vlc will give you vlc 3.0.1 | 21:30 |
OerHeks | oh, ati 2xxx 3xxx and 4xxx .. not much ubuntu can do | 21:31 |
rollingubuntu | hello! I am back, again and again with the same issue/problem, after installing 17.10; what has happened? My laptop ran on battery and got so low it shut down; the next thing after plug the power cable and restart my system is that after login, my usual desktop is gone and what I can see is a plain desktop with my few desktop icons (missing the docker, the launcher, the info bar from the top, etc) | 21:31 |
OerHeks | vlc might be too heavy, mpv got a smaller memory use | 21:32 |
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rollingubuntu | this is how it looks now: https://ibin.co/3tIvkG96hBfa.png | 21:33 |
pa | anyone syncing iPhones with ubuntu | 21:33 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, lost your desktop due to data loss/corruption? you could try resetting your gnome config | 21:33 |
pa | ? | 21:33 |
pa | i followed https://gist.github.com/samrocketman/70dff6ebb18004fc37dc5e33c259a0fc, everything went good. but i would like to access application data too. Is that possible? | 21:34 |
pa | or do i need jailbreak? | 21:34 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, i.e. some folders you'll need to delete and then logout of that session or reboot | 21:34 |
mono | kostkon/oerheks, after update 3.0.1 ist working fine, thank you! But i runned update und upgrade, why isn vlc on the latest stable version? | 21:35 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, is that even gnome or kde? | 21:35 |
kostkon | mono, remove that version, sudo apt-get remove vlc and keep the snap version, the one you've just installed | 21:36 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: was gnome before, now, I do not know, however, with come tricks, I managed to open a terminal and from there all the installed programs work, like nautilus, look: https://ibin.co/3tIw1kAPcgp4.png | 21:36 |
rollingubuntu | even Gimp | 21:36 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: how can I check which desktop is running? gnome or kde? | 21:36 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, i'm guessing it's gnome | 21:37 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, https://askubuntu.com/a/56314/1651 | 21:37 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: I managed to check which wallpaper is displayed: /usr/share/lxqt/themes/frost/lxqt-origami-light.png | 21:37 |
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rollingubuntu | kostkon: and from this path, I see lxqt <---- how can that be? | 21:38 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: lxqt was installed by default along gnome? | 21:38 |
howudodat | I need some help getting pGina to authenticate windows client to ldap server running on ubuntu server 17.10. | 21:38 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, did you download the regular iso? | 21:38 |
rollingubuntu | I downloaded ubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 21:39 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP | 21:40 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: LXQt | 21:41 |
Carll | pa: /2 | 21:41 |
Carll | ^ ignore dude sorry. | 21:41 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: the interesting part is, if you check my 2nd screenshot, you will see nautilus opened and it looks just like under GNOME, so I do not really understand what could have been going wrong | 21:42 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, should be able to logout and select to log into gnome on the login screen | 21:42 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: I tried editing that xfce4-power-manager line to include `--no-daemon` but it doesn't appear to have made any difference :( | 21:43 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: could you please show me a screenshot, where about I can choose GNOME ? | 21:43 |
ericrajuin | HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 4.2.0-42-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.60GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.8GB, 61.6% free ** Disk: Total: 1.3TB, 43.4% free ** VGA: 1002:6658 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI ** Ethernet: 10ec:8168 ** Uptime: 1d 15h 19m 3s ** | 21:43 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: OK, hold on a sec gonna pop that pastebin back up | 21:44 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, there should be a cog icon somewhere to click on | 21:44 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, or something similar | 21:44 |
energizer | When I run cron, what does it run to set up its PATH? | 21:44 |
phormulate | fucking dildos | 21:45 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: damn! you're right... | 21:47 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: I really panicked on this one and cursed the whole OS with it's upgrade, etc | 21:47 |
rollingubuntu | kostkon: many thanks for your help | 21:48 |
kostkon | rollingubuntu, np | 21:48 |
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Carll | yothsoggoth: Settings Manager > Light Locker Settings - is this enabled? | 21:53 |
marc__ | hey | 21:56 |
marc__ | i' write with raspberry pi 3 | 21:56 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: Sorry, where is that? | 21:57 |
marc__ | wiiiiilson | 21:57 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: Settings? | 21:57 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: I don't see anything in Settings Manager named "Light Locker Settings" | 21:59 |
ericrajuin | you can launch it with light-locker-settings in terminal | 22:03 |
yothsoggoth | "The program 'light-locker-settings' is currently not installed." | 22:04 |
kostkon | !info light-locker-settings | 22:05 |
ubottu | light-locker-settings (source: light-locker-settings): simple configuration tool for light-locker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.0-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 22 kB, installed size 196 kB | 22:05 |
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Carll | yothsoggoth: OK sure. Try Settings > Display, or Settings > Power | 22:06 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: or run "systemctl status lightdm" | 22:06 |
airos | Hi everyone, I need help because I broke my boot after an interrupted update. My disk is encrypted and after resinstalling grub, the PC is not able to start | 22:08 |
airos | My passphrase is never asked and the system try to launch lvm without finding them | 22:08 |
airos | here are my conf: http://dpaste.com/3ER0VR6 | 22:08 |
airos | with this too http://dpaste.com/05HJZ78 | 22:09 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: `systemctl status lightdm` shows ACtive | 22:10 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: that's good! | 22:10 |
optotestopto_ | Hi all. Can you help with mount.cifs. Some windows share work ok, some get error 22. In same folder | 22:10 |
TJ- | airos: is the GRUB /boot/ file-system encrypted? | 22:11 |
airos | TJ-, no only / and :var, /boot is on sda1 in clear | 22:12 |
TJ- | airos: OK, so it's not a GRUB issue, it's a whats-in-initrd.img issue | 22:12 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: /usr/bin/light-locker-settings& | 22:12 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: should popup a dialog? | 22:12 |
TJ- | airos: before reinstalling GRUB did you have crypto options in /etc/default/grub ? | 22:13 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: There's some additional output from that `systemctl status lightdm` along the lines of "PAM adding faulty module: pam_kwallet.so" and "PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet5.so): [snip] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" (I tried to pastebin it, but the laptop seems to have lost internet connection. doh!) | 22:13 |
airos | TJ-, no I didn't | 22:13 |
airos | TJ-, I put it here after read tuto on the web | 22:13 |
airos | TJ-, in fact I'm not sure, I don't remember how was the initial grub | 22:14 |
TJ- | airos: right, because I think that's the issue. I also suspect crypttab entry might not be entirely correct; give me a couple of minutes to check | 22:14 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: "/usr/bin/light-locker-settings: No such file or directory" | 22:14 |
airos | TJ-, thanks you a lot | 22:14 |
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Carll | yothsoggoth: these are used for debugging, sure, could you pastebin all the errors please? | 22:15 |
TJ- | airos: which release of Ubuntu is it? | 22:15 |
the_unkcnown123 | Hello | 22:15 |
airos | TJ-, 16.04.4 LTS | 22:15 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: It's those same two that I typed out repeated a couple of times (unfortunately I can't ge the laptop to connect to the internet at the moment for some reason, so I can't pastebin the full output) | 22:17 |
TJ- | airos OK, so firstly in crypttab the option "lvm=..." is not valid so remove that, and "retry=1" should be "tries=1" | 22:17 |
the_unkcnown123 | I've just tried to apt-get upgrade a new firmware but there were errors while trying to upgrade. | 22:18 |
TJ- | airos: secondly, in /etc/default/grub remove all options so it reads GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" | 22:18 |
the_unkcnown123 | Here's the results: https://pastebin.com/2RtDT3FD | 22:18 |
airos | TJ-, ok for the crypttab it was not like this at the start, I changed it while reading stuff on website, I added the lvm and retry | 22:19 |
airos | TJ-, it was juste luks,discard | 22:20 |
TJ- | airos: once you've made those 2 changes then I want to know if you've configured a 'chroot' on /mnt/ | 22:20 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: https://askubuntu.com/questions/386899/how-to-uninstall-lightdm + reboot, close your laptop lid, see what happens. | 22:20 |
the_unkcnown123 | "Ensure all necessary drivers are built into the linux image!" have you seen that line? I'm gonna reboot to see what happens | 22:21 |
airos | TJ-, I can make the chroot yes (I did it 10 times the last hour) | 22:21 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: only perform apt-get remove, if you cannot connect to internet to reinstall before reboot. | 22:21 |
TJ- | the_unkcnown123: Try this "sudo apt autoremove" then retry "sudo apt-get -f install" | 22:21 |
TJ- | airos: OK, so you know how to bind-mount /proc /sys /dev/ /dev/pts /etc /resolv.conf into the chroot? and once inside the chroot to run "mount -a" ? | 22:22 |
TJ- | airos: grrr, slight typo! bind-mount /proc /sys /dev/ /dev/pts /etc/resolv.conf into the chroot? | 22:23 |
airos | TJ-, proc sys dev [ok] /dev/pts => unknown for me, is it mandatory ? /etc/resolv.conf [ok], never ear about mount -a after chroot | 22:24 |
TJ- | airos: I usually do "for f in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f; done; sudo chroot /mnt" then "mount -a" | 22:24 |
TJ- | airos: the "mount -a" is required so that any additional file-systems listed for auto-mount in /etc/fstab are mounted (e.g. /boot/) so that any commands that generate a new grub.cfg, or create initrd.img files, put them in the /boot/ file-system not in the root FS | 22:25 |
airos | TJ-, actually, I mounted manually the /boot and the /var | 22:26 |
airos | TJ-, but I did your mount -a | 22:27 |
TJ- | airos: once you're in and have done "mount -a" do "update-initramfs -vu -k all |& tee /tmp/initramfs.log" ... that'll ensure all initrd.img files are updated and should include the required cryptsetup hook scripts. It writes a log-file so you can "exit" the chroot then do "psatebinit /mnt/tmp/initramfs.log" and show me it | 22:27 |
TJ- | airos: always best to do it from inside with "mount -a" - it ensures it's the same as a regular boot | 22:28 |
Ben64 | just got an update for linux-firmware on 16.04... depmod: ERROR: could not open directory /lib/modules/4.13: No such file or directory | 22:28 |
TJ- | airos: another typo! "pastebinit /mnt/tmp/initramfs.log" | 22:28 |
nacc | Ben64: was that the verbatim output? | 22:28 |
Ben64 | one line, yes | 22:29 |
nacc | Ben64: weird, that's clearly an incorrect path | 22:29 |
Ben64 | it might have popped up on a previous full-upgrade, but i don't remember seeing it | 22:29 |
Ben64 | yeah i thought so | 22:29 |
TJ- | Ben64: does a directory that name exist at "ls /var/lib/initramfs-tools/" | 22:29 |
nacc | Ben64: it should be at aminimum /lib/modules/4.13.0-...-generic | 22:29 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: Hmm. So I possibly misunderstood you instruction, but I still found something that's probably useful. I uninstalled lightdm (`sudo apt-get remove lightdm`) and rebooted - I now get no login prompt, just stuck with the startup log. However, I tried suspending and resuming from there anyway. | 22:29 |
nacc | TJ-: oh good catch, i forgot it's doing a directory generation | 22:29 |
Ben64 | TJ-: yes | 22:30 |
TJ- | nacc: I had one created called "next" the other day, after doing a custom-build of linux-next :p | 22:30 |
airos | TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kWfZV5Mmhm/ | 22:30 |
Ben64 | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64 Feb 28 14:25 4.13 | 22:30 |
yothsoggoth | The suspend worked, and resumed briefly (to the same end-of-startup log thing) but then after about 5 seconds it suspends again | 22:30 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: did you resume OK? | 22:30 |
nacc | TJ-: fun :) | 22:30 |
TJ- | Ben64: OK, you can either delete the directory manually or use "update-initramfs -d 4.13" | 22:30 |
TJ- | airos: reading... :) | 22:31 |
Ben64 | whoops, it's a file, not a directory | 22:31 |
yothsoggoth | This repeats every time I try to resume. It looks like it's resumed, and I can switch to the tty with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and type and stuff, but after a few seconds it just suspends again | 22:31 |
nacc | Ben64: that seems very wrong :) | 22:31 |
TJ- | Ben64: that's correct; I typed wrong | 22:31 |
Ricardito2018 | What OS should I pick up to code in java? | 22:31 |
TJ- | Ben64: sorry, was distracted :D | 22:31 |
Ben64 | no problem | 22:31 |
Ben64 | not sure if theres a bug in a recent update or it was something i did | 22:31 |
nacc | Ben64: oh nm | 22:32 |
nacc | Ben64: i'd assume the latter, as no ubuntu kernel would have created that file | 22:32 |
kostkon | Ricardito2018, any os would do | 22:32 |
TJ- | Ben64: try "sudo apt --reinstall install linux-firmware" | 22:32 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: CTRL ALT F2, install lightdm, or gdm. | 22:33 |
Ben64 | i haven't messed with anything in weeks though | 22:33 |
Ricardito2018 | kostkon: I also want to buy a notebook or netbook for programming, I need one for college. Am I gonna be alright with a dual core 2ghz 2gb of ram? | 22:33 |
Ricardito2018 | if not, what would you recommend? | 22:33 |
TJ- | airos: all the log entries look good; I see cryptroot, crpytsetup and askpass all addded. Inside the chroot finally do "update-grub" then you can unmount and do a reboot test | 22:34 |
kostkon | Ricardito2018, check out the Dell XPS 13 models. some come with Ubuntu preinstalled | 22:34 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: Hmm, seems the internet is still playing up. Is there likely to be a cached version of the package anywhere, or should I go away and sort the internet problem out and then return to this? | 22:34 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: i'd plug into the router, and redownload package - the cached version could be corrupt. | 22:35 |
airos | TJ-, the cryptroot file was not present before in /etc/initramfs | 22:35 |
Ricardito2018 | kostkon, thank you, I will. | 22:35 |
yothsoggoth | `ls /var/cache/apt/archives | grep gdm` shows up nothing :( | 22:35 |
airos | TJ-, maybe it's important | 22:35 |
Ben64 | ok, the 4.13 showed up during an upgrade on Feb 13th | 22:35 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: alternatively, you could get apt-cache install lightdm | 22:35 |
TJ- | airos: looks like you've got a good install into initrd.img now then :D | 22:35 |
Ben64 | definitely not something i did :) | 22:36 |
airos | TJ-, I get connected from my smartphone on this chat | 22:36 |
TJ- | Ben64: was the 13th a Friday? | 22:36 |
airos | and I'm rebooting | 22:36 |
Ben64 | tuesday | 22:37 |
TJ- | Ben64: is there a /boot/vmlinuz-4.13 ? | 22:37 |
Ben64 | nope | 22:37 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: I'm heading off, feel free to ping a PM I'll reply tomorrow. | 22:38 |
TJ- | Ben64: hmmm, is this 16.04 ? | 22:38 |
Ben64 | yeah | 22:38 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: I'm about to head off too, so I'll pick this back up tomorrow (and hopefully fix the internet in the mean time). | 22:38 |
yothsoggoth | Carll: Thanks for all your help so far! | 22:38 |
TJ- | Ben64: that's 2 of use seen this in different situations then; maybe there's a recent bug added to update-initramfs | 22:38 |
Carll | yothsoggoth: Welcome! | 22:38 |
Ben64 | i'm still on hwe-edge if that's a factor | 22:39 |
TJ- | Ben64: looking at it's changelog nothing changed since Dec 2017 so more likely a hook script from another package, I'll keep my eyes open for it | 22:39 |
Ben64 | -edge is still behind normal according to ubottu | 22:39 |
Ben64 | vs | 22:40 |
TJ- | Ben64: right, but look at each package's Depend: it's the same kernel version | 22:40 |
TJ- | Ben64: the .xx is just the meta-package sub-sub-sub version :) | 22:40 |
airos | TJ-: still the same fail at boot | 22:40 |
Ben64 | ooh | 22:40 |
TJ- | airos: are you at the initramfs shell right now? | 22:41 |
airos | yes | 22:41 |
airos | TJ-: yes (but I'm not familiar with) | 22:42 |
TJ- | airos: Check there's a /conf/conf.d/cryptroot | 22:42 |
TJ- | airos: as in "cat /conf/conf.d/cryptroot" | 22:42 |
airos | TJ-: yeah it's here | 22:43 |
airos | TJ-: hummmm the content it's stange, I see the line we put in this file, and two other lines which must come from another location | 22:44 |
TJ- | airos: there should only be one unless you've got LUKS inside LUKS | 22:45 |
airos | TJ-: theses lines state for the main / and the swap | 22:45 |
macca | can anyone suggest a channel that talks about html please. | 22:45 |
TJ- | airos: ahhh, swap is so it can support hibernation resume | 22:45 |
airos | TJ-: maybe there is another location were I put this lines | 22:46 |
vern | macca: perhaps #html? | 22:46 |
macca | sounds too obvious, but thanks :) vern | 22:46 |
TJ- | airos: no, but it should look something like "target=LUKS_OS,source=UUID=f7175e39-2594-4cb9-b842-de2e1c208f61,rootdev,lvm=VG_OS-ubuntu_16.04_rootfs,discard" | 22:46 |
airos | TJ-: yeah this is like this | 22:47 |
TJ- | airos: That's good then... let me re-read your earlier pastebins whilst I think of other tests you can do. Oh... do "blkid /dev/sda?" ensure it knows sda5 is LUKS | 22:48 |
TJ- | airos: also, can you tell me what "cat /proc/cmdline" shows? | 22:48 |
airos | TJ-: the errors I have during boot are strange, talking about lvmetad not launched, saiph not found (saiph is my lvm vg which is supposed to be inside the luks) | 22:49 |
TJ- | airos: hang on ... my BT mouse batteries just died! | 22:49 |
airos | TJ-: arf :-) | 22:50 |
mtdms | i wanna learn about hardware, do you know if there is a channel about it? | 22:50 |
TJ- | airos: back! lvmmetad warning is expected and nothing to worry about | 22:51 |
TJ- | mtdms: ##hardware | 22:51 |
mtdms | thanks | 22:51 |
TJ- | airos: so I wonder if the lvm binary and script hooks have been added, I'll look at the log file; you try "lvm vgchage -ay" | 22:52 |
TJ- | airos: grrr, try "lvm vgchange -ay" | 22:52 |
hopland | hoy | 22:52 |
airos | TJ-: still from the initramfs? | 22:52 |
hopland | Looking for this: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: | 22:52 |
macca | vern, it seems to be a private channel I can't send to it nor visit the info site | 22:52 |
hopland | and acompanying xorg-video-abi-20 ^^; anyone know? or is this a "build your own" kind of situation? | 22:53 |
macca | maybe there's an evil macca about | 22:53 |
TJ- | airos: Yes, of course, we're trying to figure out what's wrong in there | 22:53 |
BillD73 | macca: you may have to register with nickserv | 22:53 |
TJ- | airos: what does "uname -r" report? | 22:53 |
macca | oh ok thanks bill | 22:53 |
airos | TJ-: it says that lvmetad.socket connect failed | 22:53 |
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TJ- | airos: that's expected... lvmetad doesn't start until root FS is mounted | 22:54 |
airos | TJ-: with warning saying it falling back to internal scanning | 22:54 |
TJ- | airos: but you've confirmed the lvm tooling is in place | 22:54 |
TJ- | airos: let me know the uname -r version, then let's concentrate on cryptsetup... In previous failures you said you could manually unlock the LUKS using cryptsetup, is that correct? | 22:55 |
airos | TJ-: 4.4.0-92-generic | 22:55 |
mtdms | i cant go into the channel i dont know why | 22:56 |
mtdms | :S | 22:56 |
airos | TJ-: yeah I used the cryptsetup from a kali live cd key | 22:56 |
macca | getting a can't change nick while banned on channel and don't know why anyone would ban me? | 22:56 |
mtdms | i just wanna learn about hardware, do you recommend some good books? about it | 22:56 |
illuminated_ | what kind of hardware? | 22:56 |
mtdms | laptop, desktop | 22:56 |
mtdms | computers | 22:56 |
mtdms | i wanna understand how they work | 22:56 |
mtdms | i know a little about networking, programming, but about how the computer works im really lost | 22:57 |
macca | maybe leave and rejoin | 22:57 |
airos | TJ-: hummmmmm if I try to make a cryptsetup from the initramfs, it says that /dev/sda5 doesn't exist or access denied | 22:57 |
TJ- | airos: right, let's try manually invoking the script that does it: Try "/scripts/local-top/cryptroot" | 22:57 |
=== illuminated_ is now known as illuminated | ||
mtdms | i havent disarm one | 22:57 |
mtdms | how can i learn about it? to try disarming and reading books? | 22:57 |
hopland | mtdms: learn about... how a processor and it's varrying "gates work" | 22:58 |
TJ- | airos: that's interesting, does "cat /proc/partitions" show it ? | 22:58 |
hopland | mtdms: google for the Non Neumann architecture, a basic primer on how most (if not all) computer architectures nowadays :) | 22:58 |
hopland | work nowadays* | 22:58 |
airos | TJ-: the script it stuck at Begin: waiting for encrypted source device ... | 22:59 |
airos | TJ-: one second for the /proc/partition | 22:59 |
TJ- | airos: aha!! we make progress! Try Ctrl+C to exit it | 22:59 |
hopland | mtdms: after that... just for funs sake, google BIOS vs UEFI | 22:59 |
mtdms | i have a question, when i wanna buy some pieace of hardware , a processor or hard drive for example, where do you buy it? | 22:59 |
hopland | Suddenly you got a little of everything ^^ | 22:59 |
airos | TJ-: crtl+c doesn't work | 22:59 |
=== Iam1 is now known as spoon0 | ||
hopland | mtdms: depends upon your need and pricepoint | 22:59 |
mtdms | and also drivers, in windows everything is easy, in linux runs alone, right? | 23:00 |
mtdms | i use linux | 23:00 |
TJ- | airos: so the problem here could be /dev/sda not being found? does "blkid /dev/sda*" show anything? | 23:00 |
mtdms | i mean only buy the computer and use it | 23:00 |
nacc | mtdms: these are not exactly ubuntu support topics | 23:00 |
hopland | mtdms: you can buy brand spanking new, but don't be afraid to buy used... unless it's an HDD... then, only if you're "desperate" | 23:00 |
mtdms | i havent try to disarm and how it works inside | 23:00 |
mtdms | i would like to learn it | 23:00 |
nacc | mtdms: please use a more appropriate channel, perhaps #linux or #ubuntu-offtopic | 23:00 |
hopland | Yeah... I'm standing down | 23:00 |
TJ- | airos: hmmm, that's not helpful. | 23:00 |
hopland | follow the mods, my friend | 23:00 |
hopland | follow the mods... | 23:00 |
airos | TJ-: I'm waiting for the timeout and I answer | 23:01 |
TJ- | airos: good plan, I'll got find the cup of tea I just recall I made about 30 minutes ago! | 23:01 |
hopland | Anywaaaays... | 23:01 |
hopland | I want to hotswitch my intel and nvidia gpu, and apparently nouveau is the only one that supports that... if at all | 23:01 |
airos | TJ-: cat /proc/partitions shows only empty columns | 23:02 |
hopland | I want to use the latest mesa and nouveau drivers and therefor need similar xorg packages... which I can't seem to find | 23:02 |
hopland | Again: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: | 23:02 |
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airos | TJ-: sda seems not in dev, so blkid cannot work | 23:03 |
airos | TJ-: how is this possible... | 23:03 |
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hopland | again: 16.04, xenial... | 23:03 |
nacc | hopland: are you asking about the hwe stack? | 23:04 |
hopland | yep | 23:04 |
airos | TJ-: so the main problem seems to be that the harddisk is not read by the kernel ? ^^ | 23:04 |
hopland | or in paricular | 23:04 |
hopland | https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers?field.series_filter=xenial | 23:04 |
nacc | hopland: what is your specific issue? | 23:04 |
hopland | a ppa to go with that one? | 23:04 |
hopland | package dependency missing | 23:04 |
=== Iam2 is now known as Iam1 | ||
nacc | hopland: well, those are not ubuntu pacakges | 23:04 |
nacc | hopland: those are a ppa itself | 23:05 |
driftmonk | hey guys. I’m trying to set e-tag and last-modified headers on my .htaccess but it only seems to work for requests to my subdomains. any ideas? (Wordpress on Ubuntu) | 23:05 |
nacc | hopland: you would need to talk to the ppa owner | 23:05 |
hopland | -.- | 23:05 |
hopland | I expected as much | 23:05 |
nacc | hopland: the hwe stack itself (not using any ppa) should be pretty current (16.04.4 is about to release) | 23:05 |
hopland | You can't answer, won't answer, cus you don't know... therefor default to "we don't support that" | 23:05 |
hopland | How about letting someone else take the bat, champ? | 23:05 |
nacc | hopland: no, PPAs are not supported here | 23:05 |
TJ- | airos: are there any other block devices there? check "ls -l /dev/block/" | 23:05 |
airos | TJ-: /dev/block: no such file or directory | 23:06 |
* hopland groans | 23:06 | |
hopland | I see the linux community is still as pedantic and unresourceful as always | 23:06 |
nacc | hopland: you are being rather rude, IMO | 23:07 |
dax | hopland: It's not an issue of being pedantic. #ubuntu supports official Ubuntu versions and official Ubuntu packages. We don't support random repositories that other people came up with all by themselves. | 23:07 |
=== Iam1 is now known as MeaCulpa | ||
TJ- | airos: ahhh, maybe it isn't created that early... but I'm wondering if udev has failed because it's responsible for creating the device nodes, lets try something | 23:07 |
hopland | I came in hopes that someone, just someone, anyone, who might have the knowhow... could point me in the particular direction | 23:07 |
hopland | But fine | 23:07 |
hopland | Compile from source | 23:07 |
hopland | Gotcha | 23:07 |
nacc | hopland: what does not work with the normal ubuntu packages? | 23:08 |
hopland | It's more the.. fishing for the "no-support" argument, asking follow up questions, eliminating variables.. and then rock bottom | 23:08 |
hopland | the latest mesa and nouveau packages | 23:09 |
TJ- | airos: try this: "mknod /dev/sda5 b 8 5 " | 23:09 |
hopland | I heard the latest nouveau from fedora has got some reduced watt usage | 23:09 |
hopland | plus, better vdpau support | 23:09 |
airos | TJ-: done | 23:09 |
nacc | hopland: 'latest' as in what? you want something not in Ubuntu? | 23:09 |
TJ- | airos: also "mknod /dev/sda b 8 0" | 23:09 |
airos | TJ-: done | 23:10 |
TJ- | airos: then do "/sbin/kpartx -a /dev/sda" | 23:10 |
hopland | nvm | 23:10 |
TJ- | airos: then check again "cat /proc/partitions" | 23:10 |
hopland | perhaps... I can find similar packages in ubuntu-testing | 23:10 |
airos | TJ-: there is no kpartx in sbin | 23:10 |
nacc | hopland: what is 'ubuntu-testing'? | 23:10 |
hopland | though.. yeah.. even the ppa maintainer suggests artfu | 23:10 |
TJ- | airos: there /should/ be - I have an extracted initrd.img here to follow along with you so I know what tools you should have | 23:11 |
TJ- | airos: let me check that log file again! | 23:11 |
hopland | nacc: nice method. such poise. You got the process of elimination untill dismissal down to a tee | 23:11 |
hopland | Sorry for having taken up your time =/ I'll search elsewhere | 23:11 |
nacc | hopland: i'm not sure what you are mad about? | 23:11 |
airos | TJ-: I only have 22 element in /sbin, and no kpartx | 23:12 |
TJ- | airos: is there a /lib/udev executable? | 23:13 |
airos | TJ-: only udevadm | 23:13 |
airos | TJ-: ho sorry | 23:13 |
airos | TJ-: no wait | 23:14 |
TJ- | airos: udevadm should be in /bin/ and /sbin/ (one is a sym-link) | 23:14 |
airos | TJ-: yes this is it. In /lib, there is a udev directory bu not an executable | 23:14 |
TJ- | airos: try "ps | grep udev" | 23:16 |
airos | TJ-: there is a /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd process | 23:17 |
TJ- | airos: ahhh, good find. Try "udevadm trigger" then re-check "cat /proc/partitions" see if /all/ of sda has been found | 23:18 |
airos | TJ-: udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev s unconfigured | 23:20 |
TJ- | airos: grrr... ok, check if this exists: /lib/udev/rules.d/59-persistent-storage.rules -- if so, then check if there are entries under /dev/disk/by-id/ | 23:21 |
TJ- | airos: these are the udev rules fired when a block device is discovered (added) | 23:22 |
airos | TJ-: no 59-persistent-storage.rules | 23:23 |
TJ- | airos: thanks for confirming; I couldn't see it listed in the log file either | 23:24 |
airos | TJ-: and no dev/disk 0_0 | 23:24 |
TJ- | airos: right, because that script creates those entries/directory | 23:24 |
airos | TJ-: so the init image is not complete ? | 23:24 |
TJ- | airos: let me think, let's check if the kernel found sda and the partitions but udev failed to create the nodes: "dmesg | grep sda" | 23:25 |
MeaCulpa | seems they don't want any visitors in #html they don't accept any messages registered or otherwise | 23:25 |
TJ- | airos: I'd expect you to see something like this " sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5" | 23:26 |
airos | TJ-: absolutly no results | 23:26 |
N3X15 | Max SendQ implies they're trying to spam | 23:27 |
OerHeks | irccloud grinn | 23:28 |
TJ- | airos: OK, that 59- file... you /should NOT/ have it --- in my initrd.img it's from my /etc/udev/rules.d/ custom rules !! | 23:28 |
deepend | they aren't throttling the channel joins | 23:28 |
TJ- | airos: you should have 60-persistent-storage.rules though | 23:28 |
el | N3X15: no, other way around actually | 23:28 |
N3X15 | el, I run an IRC server. That's literally what it means. | 23:29 |
airos | TJ-: yeah I do | 23:29 |
dax | N3X15: as it turns out, so does el. it's called freenode. you may have heard of it. | 23:29 |
TJ- | airos: so you've a kernel that possibly didn't discover /dev/sda! Is it a laptop or desktop ? | 23:29 |
airos | TJ-: laptop | 23:29 |
MeaCulpa | can anyone tell me why they don't accept visitors in #html, is it a private channel? | 23:29 |
dax | N3X15: she is, incidentally, correct. "Max SendQ exceeded" means the server-side queue of stuff to send to the client is full. "Excess Flood" is the client-to-server one. | 23:30 |
nacc | MeaCulpa: i was able to join just fine. | 23:30 |
MeaCulpa | I got banned for no apparent reason | 23:30 |
el | MeaCulpa: you might need to verify your account first | 23:30 |
MeaCulpa | I did | 23:30 |
TJ- | airos: give me a moment to read back over everthing we've said and done | 23:30 |
OerHeks | bans are not our problem | 23:30 |
MeaCulpa | it's weird | 23:30 |
el | MeaCulpa: not according to nickserv, check your email | 23:30 |
MeaCulpa | I did and did the verification thing | 23:31 |
MeaCulpa | nevermind I'll just not go there :) | 23:31 |
airos | TJ-: the main conclusion is my harddisk is an illusion and I'm in the matrix | 23:31 |
MeaCulpa | I think they must have mistaken me for someone else | 23:32 |
MeaCulpa | no big deal | 23:32 |
ericrajuin | I joined no problem | 23:33 |
MeaCulpa | yeah its weird | 23:33 |
MeaCulpa | I have no idea why | 23:33 |
TJ- | airos: hehehe yeah... can you copy the output of "dmesg" to a file on a USB stick, or mount /boot/ and write it there, then boot the liveISO so you can pastebin the log file? | 23:33 |
el | MeaCulpa: i believe they exclude people who aren't identified to verified accounts. and you can see if you're verified by doing /msg nickserv info | 23:33 |
TJ- | airos: e.g. "mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1; mkdir /mnt; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; dmesg > /mnt/dmesg.log; umount /mnt" | 23:34 |
MeaCulpa | ericrajuin thanks for checking anyway | 23:34 |
TJ- | airos: actually, that won't work if there is no sda at all! | 23:36 |
TJ- | airos: in which case it will need a USB to write it to | 23:36 |
dax | ... | 23:37 |
TJ- | Arggh! dax has removed our IP :p | 23:37 |
dax | lol | 23:37 |
DalekSec | !opabuse | 23:37 |
ubottu | Leave the ops alone! | 23:37 |
airos | TJ-: yeah mount sda1 didn't work | 23:38 |
airos | I'm trying with usb key | 23:38 |
TJ- | airos: I should have known that!! | 23:38 |
TJ- | airos: i wonder if it'll be able to discover the USB storage now | 23:38 |
howudodat | samba ad/dc password complexity. is it described anywhere what is required for complexity? ie: 1 Uppercase, 1 Special, etc | 23:38 |
TJ- | airos: if it doesn't you'll need to do "modprobe usb-storage" | 23:40 |
airos | TJ-: it was tricky but it's okay | 23:40 |
airos | I'm uploading it | 23:40 |
TJ- | airos: fab | 23:40 |
TJ- | airos: this is a weird one, a missing boot disk :) | 23:41 |
airos | TJ-: what is your pastebin command yet? | 23:41 |
TJ- | airos: ? you mean "pastebinit /path/to/file' ? | 23:41 |
airos | TJ-: yeah I was looking for pastebisomething but it fact it is not installed on this computer (deepin) | 23:42 |
ioc_ | packages a and b "provide" metapackage m, how do I select which of them? dpkg-reconfigure didn't work | 23:43 |
nacc | ioc_: you are installing that depends on m? | 23:43 |
nacc | ioc_: or what do you mean? | 23:43 |
TJ- | airos: try "cat /path/to/file | nc termbin.com 9999" | 23:43 |
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airos | TJ-: v | 23:44 |
airos | TJ-: https://pastebin.com/wiW0YH6V | 23:44 |
TJ- | ioc_: you install the package you want | 23:44 |
ioc_ | nacc, I had xfce4-notifyd, installed dunst, now dunst starts instead of xfce4 daemon because both "provide" notification-daemon. Now I want to select xfce4-notifyd back to be the default without installing dunst | 23:44 |
ioc_ | without uninstalling* dunst | 23:44 |
nacc | ioc_: i assume that would be somewhere in the xfce config | 23:45 |
nacc | ioc_: i really don't know, though | 23:45 |
TJ- | airos: is the AHCI driver loaded? "lsmod | grep ahci" | 23:53 |
airos | TJ-: lsmod is not available | 23:53 |
TJ- | airos: hehehe OK "grep ahci /proc/modules" | 23:54 |
airos | TJ-: no ahci | 23:54 |
TJ- | airos: fingers crossed yours is AHCI then: "modprobe ahci" | 23:54 |
TJ- | airos: then "dmesg | tail" and see if sda was found | 23:55 |
airos | TJ-: there is no new message. I juste see message about sda when I connected my usb key (and message about sdb when I connected the second one) | 23:56 |
TJ- | airos: OK, if found it'd get another drive letter. I'm trying to find an "lspci" output for that model on the web but not found it so far, to see what the disk controller is supposed to be | 23:57 |
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