
Unit193I think I'd prefer complete removal, there's also Debian #88606800:15
ubottuDebian bug 886068 in src:gtk-theme-config "gtk-theme-config: Depends on gconf" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/88606800:15
Unit193ochosi: I'm going to presume you're using 'cat' in an effort for readability?00:26
Unit193I still think use of notifyd here is a bit odd, but not an actual issue.00:31
bluesabreback now00:52
bluesabreevening all00:52
bluesabrehi Unit193 00:56
bluesabrehow's it going?00:56
Unit193I'm still alive...00:56
bluesabreThat's a relief00:56
Unit193How about you?01:04
bluesabreFeeling pretty good about where we are dev-wise for Bionic01:10
bluesabreUnit193: see anything wrong with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/1746556 and adding 50-xubuntu.conf (or 50-xubuntu-numlock.conf)?01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1746556 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu needs a better num lock handler at login and during user session" [Wishlist,Triaged]01:30
Unit193/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-xubuntu.conf already exists, fyi.01:32
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, but I think that one needs to run at 50... I tried inserting at 60 and numlockx didn't fire01:33
bluesabreor maybe it just needs to run before 60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf01:33
Unit193I'm wondering why my numlock is always on.01:39
bluesabrebios setting maybe?01:45
Unit193Likely, though can't even use the keyboard until after grub. :P01:48
bluesabreThat's pleasant01:49
bluesabreBIOS or UEFI?01:49
bluesabreI've had good luck with using reFind to get my keyboard working at that stage of the boot01:49
bluesabreOtherwise it will work if I plug it in a bunch before the timer expires01:50
bluesabreBut that won't help you :)01:50
bluesabreMaybe BURG01:50
bluesabreAlso, thinking about building pa-plug in xubuntu with the wnck support01:51
bluesabreIt primarily improves Spotify integration, which we favor enough to have it in a blog post https://xubuntu.org/news/my-media-manager-cloud/01:52
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 : numlock is always on for me in bios - I always have to muck about with numlockx, I put it in /etc/lightdm.d though06:01
Unit193flocculant: To be clear, I'm just saying "WFM, not sure why or how" :P06:02
flocculantyea for sure I understand - ftr in the past ochosi said exactly the same thing :D06:09
Unit193BUt you adding it every time means to me that it's decently tested for quirks. ;)06:11
flocculantI did used to put it in /usr then I changed - otherwise wfm :p06:12
flocculantbluesabre: marked xenial ready - doubt we'll get anyone else looking now06:16
Unit193Debian 846260, though, it's dead and gone upstream.06:16
ubottuDebian bug 846260 in numlockx "numlockx: 'Homepage' URL dead" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/84626006:16
flocculantdo we need to worry? or do we need to worry after bionic? 06:32
Unit193I wouldn't worry, just something to know.06:33
flocculantprobably been in that state longer than that bug date 06:40
ochosiUnit193: feel free to suggest improvements to all of those scripts. what's the benefit of $@ over $* ? (also sorry about the whitespace changes, stupid editors...)10:59
bluesabrethanks flocculant 11:47
bluesabrewill probably have a big hurrah of package updates tonight11:47
bluesabreochosi, Unit193: once you guys are good with thunar-uca I'll also merge and release it11:52
bluesabrelatest parole commit fixes video playback in vbox11:57
bluesabretrying to fix the other bugs tonight so I can push out the 1.0 of it11:57
bluesabreflocculant: and then I'll work on the blog post more :)11:58
bluesabrexfce4-settings 4.12.2; parole 1.0; xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 0.3.5 with wnck; xubuntu-default-settings bump with numlockx, find-cursor, and new default video output for parole... I think are on my list12:01
ochosii'll also try to release notifyd 0.4.2 tomorrow12:19
ochosieverything is already prepared12:19
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flocculantbluesabre: smoketested respin #2 - marking again ...20:38
TheMasterochosi: I thought I did make recommendations! :P  And nah, the whitespace fixing isn't really a problem, I've done that.  Just asking you to note it if you wouldn't mind.  The difference has to do with splitting"22:48
ochosiTheMaster: right, but the question is whether there's any benefit22:49
ochosithe for loop does the splitting anyhow22:49
ochosii can test again with multiple files with spaces in their names22:49
ochosiwhere and how would you note the whitespace removal?22:51
ochosicommit msg?22:51
TheMasterochosi: And I usually just drop 'd/changelog: Remove trailing whitespace in old entries.' in debian/changelog22:52
ochosiwill amend that stuff23:00
ochosimeh, just noticed *.rtf is not in the libreoffice mimetype list23:04
ochosihow annyoing23:04
ochosiTheMaster: grrr, i will have to switch back to using file extensions... some of the mimetypes of LO and the mimetypes that the file command return don't match23:13
ochosifor most things i tested it worked fine, but seemingly i don't have enough *.doc files23:13
ochosi"application/vnd.ms-word" vs "application/msword"23:14
ochosiquite silly23:14
ochosii'll have to do that on friday, no time before then to rewrite this23:14
bluesabrethanks flocculant 23:46
bluesabreevening all23:46
TheMasterOh, may as well note.  I'm going to rebuild vte in my own personal Xfce repo against pcre so that I can have a fully functional xfce4-terminal.23:58

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