
wallyworldbabbageclunk: a few small comments01:37
babbageclunkwallyworld: thanks01:38
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
frankbanwallyworld: hey, do you have time for taking a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8427 ?\07:50
wallyworldfrankban: sure, but it's not an area i know much about07:52
frankbanwallyworld: ty I already got suggestions from roger in the apiserver area07:53
wallyworldi need to make dinner etc first but will look as soon as ai can07:53
frankbanwallyworld: ty!07:57
rogpeppeanyone know what Go version is being used for Juju CI tests?10:11
externalrealityQuestion: I am using go version 1.9.4 - I pulled develop - gofmt was beside itself with grief (or just sad) when I ran it. What version of Go is Juju being built with now (Github says 1.9)?10:42
rogpeppeexternalreality: are you using a recent version of gofmt?10:43
externalrealityrogpeppe: which gofmt yields '/snap/bin/gofmt'11:19
rogpeppeexternalreality: what does "which go" print?11:20
externalrealityrogpeppe: the snap - it yields /snap/bin/go11:20
rogpeppeexternalreality: hmm, so they *should* be consistent :)11:21
externalrealityI get:11:23
externalrealitygofmt is sad:11:23
externalreality  cmd/juju/commands/helptool.go11:23
externalrealityerror: failed to push some refs to11:23
externalrealityrogpeppe so it is just the one file11:23
rogpeppeexternalreality: looks like that file is just wrong11:25
rogpeppeexternalreality: it's got an extra newline at the end11:26
rogpeppeexternalreality: i wonder how that got through CI11:26
rogpeppeexternalreality: looks like https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8428 is at fault11:28
rogpeppeexternalreality: maybe CI is no longer checking for gofmt exact output11:28
rogpeppeexternalreality: (which would be sensible, tbh, as the output can vary between go releases)11:28
rogpeppeexternalreality: it's changed a fair number of files in go1.10 for example11:28
rogpeppeexternalreality: BTW the -l (list files that would be changed) and the -d (show diffs) flags to gofmt can be useful11:29
externalrealityWondeful! Thank you rogpeppe.11:30
rogpeppeexternalreality: np :)11:30
rogpeppeexternalreality: will see you at the budapest sprint, i hope :)11:31
rogpeppeassuming my airport hasn't closed from all the snow...11:31
externalrealityrogpeppe, :-D11:36
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kwmonroehey anastasiamac, do we have a point-person for the juju vsphere provider? i'm looking for a triage on bug 1751858.17:01
mupBug #1751858: support vsphere disk.enableUUID model config <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751858>17:01
mupBug #1752662 opened: ssh-proxy does not work as expected on AWS <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752662>17:35
mupBug #1752662 changed: ssh-proxy does not work as expected on AWS <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752662>17:41
mupBug #1752662 opened: ssh-proxy does not work as expected on AWS <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752662>17:50
anastasiamackwmonroe: afaik, no (sorry for delay in answering - was 3am my time) but m following it up to ensure u get answers re vsphere :D23:10
kwmonroenp anastasiamac - thanks for the followup!23:11
hml:-) wrong window23:19
wallyworldbabbageclunk: sometime today if i could land this would be most awesome. a bit of boilerplate as is usual when adding a facade https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/844123:35
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, will take a look after the meeting23:41
rick_hthumper: how did the webinar go?23:47

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