
robert_ancelljbicha, new snapd-glib release, please upload to Debian...00:56
didrocksgood morning!07:21
jibelsalut didrocks07:23
jibelcomment ça va?07:23
didrockssalut jibel ! Ça va bien (toujours mon acouphène, mais bon…) après quelques vacances, c'est cool de voir l'install minimal landée et testée sans trop de surprise :)07:34
didrockset toi ?07:34
jibeldidrocks, ça va bien, on profite de la neige :)07:37
didrocksahah, idem ici :)07:43
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
willcookemorning all09:02
willcookehi Laney09:02
willcookeIt's c c c c cold today09:02
Laneysup willcooke09:02
LaneyFeels like -13 apparently!09:02
didrockshey Laney, willcooke09:03
Laneywb didrocks!!!09:03
willcookehi didrocks!  Good hols?09:03
didrocksyeah, holidays were good, thanks! How was this week and half for you guys? :)09:04
willcookebusy busy busy09:06
seb128hey willcooke Laney, how is u.k today?09:07
willcookemorning seb12809:07
willcookeMight move to the lounge today, it's too cold in my office09:07
Nafallofeels like -17° here ;-)09:22
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers09:24
seb128salut oSoMoN, ça va ?09:28
oSoMoNça va, et toi?09:28
seb128ça va bien ! ff pressure today though09:28
oSoMoNdid I just accidentally clear the channel topic, or is it just my client?09:29
seb128just your client09:30
dufluMorning desktoppers09:35
seb128hey duflu, how are you?09:36
dufluseb128, good! Unexpectedly great progress: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=13771509:37
dufluseb128, you?09:37
seb128Laney, could you tell britney to not block libinput on "Depends: libinput glibc (not considered) " because I don't think it's true (the resulting deb depends on >= 2.909:38
seb128Laney, or is that something I can do (and how?)09:38
Laneyno, not possible09:38
seb128duflu, nice!09:38
seb128Laney, bah :/09:38
seb128why does it think it depends on glib?09:38
Laneynoto sure09:39
Laneyprobably something like if it's in excuses at the same time then they get tied together09:39
Laneybut you'd need to read proposed-migration's source code to be sure09:39
seb128udeb has09:40
seb128 Depends: libc6-udeb (>= 2.27),09:40
Laneysuggest asking Adam if he wants to skiptest it now09:40
oSoMoNhey duflu09:42
seb128but yeah, unsure what's the status of libc, maybe it should be forced in09:42
dufluHi oSoMoN09:42
seb128RAOF, hey, you notice that the mir 0.30 update is failing to build on most arches right?09:43
darkxsthey desktopers09:45
seb128jamesh, hey, are you still around? Did Ken talk to you about translations and platform snap?09:45
jameshseb128: he didn't mention it, no.09:46
jameshseb128: is this gettext-using libs/apps not finding their translations when binaries are copied from debs, by any chance?09:46
seb128jamesh, k, so I think we have an issue with translations, what I wrote to Ken yesterday was09:46
jamesh(I can see why that'd could be a problem)09:46
darkxstis the Microsoft Hyper-V guy actually collaborating with Canonical? their install scripts scare me!09:47
seb128we do that hack in the launcher09:48
seb128# workaround the issue described in https://launchpad.net/bugs/158325009:48
seb128    configflags: [--prefix=/snap/gedit/current/usr]09:48
seb128    organize:09:48
seb128      snap/gedit/current/usr: usr09:48
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1583250 in Snapcraft "upstream use of build-time defined PREFIX or DATADIR incompatible with snaps relocation" [High,Triaged]09:48
seb128but that means it finds its own translationsn, not the xdg-users-dirs-update ones09:48
seb128nor any of the platform ones like gtk :/09:48
seb128but yeah, it basically goes down to the issue you mention09:48
seb128gtk in the platform comes from the deb09:48
seb128which is build with a prefix of /usr09:48
seb128so it's looking for its .mo there09:48
seb128and not under /snap/gedit/current/gnome-platform/usr/share09:49
seb128jamesh, is that something we could solve with the new layout feature?09:49
jameshseb128: so, I don't think there is a solution for the platform snap without modifying every library: you've generally got an absolute path in each bindtextdomain() call09:49
seb128darkxst, hey, they are at least talking to us09:49
jameshseb128: and the platform snap will be mounted to a different path for each snap09:49
seb128jamesh, well,  there is that ld-preloader hack :p09:50
willcookedarkxst, yeah we said we would make it in to PPA for them, but they wanted to get it out there yesterday.  They're focusing on 18.04, so that 16.04 still will all go away real soon.  (I still think we should do a PPA though)09:50
jameshseb128: what would work, and still let us copy binaries from debs, would be to create a base snap for desktop apps09:50
jameshapps using the base snap would see it as the root file system rather than the core snap09:51
seb128that's not on the current plan for 18.04 though09:51
jameshso we could have glib, gtk, etc appearing under /usr/lib, with their translations in /usr/share/locale09:51
seb128do you think we can make that happen this cycle?09:52
seb128willcooke, ^ btw that issue is a serious problem for "snaps by default", just found that out yesterday :/09:52
seb128well at least for the GNOME one09:52
jameshif we wanted to recompile all of GNOME, with a custom prefix, we might be able to get the content interface to mount the platform somewhere other than $SNAP/ now09:53
seb128jamesh, I guess that's worth a forum discussion and I should post there?09:54
jameshseb128: yeah.  I think the base snap would probably be easier and more maintainable long term though09:54
seb128jamesh, k, let's discuss on the forum then09:54
jameshseb128: I don't think it would be too difficult to build a first go at the base snap, but the feature is still fairly new09:55
darkxstseb128, willcooke: the entire scripts look hacky, but I drew the line at them installing bionic-proposed on peoples systems, as per my comment09:57
jameshone concern is that we'd now be shipping the entire base system runtime, so couldn't rely on core snap updates for security bugs in e.g. libc09:57
jameshsince we'd be shipping the libc in the base snap09:58
darkxstthey clearly need some help on the packaging side ;)09:59
seb128jamesh, that would be annoying :/10:00
jameshactually, OpenSSL is probably the more scary example10:00
darkxstoddly enough I have a few Ubuntu server VM's running on Hyper-V but none of them have the desktop installed10:03
seb128willcooke, jamesh, kenvandine, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/translations-in-snap-using-the-gnome-platform/429310:08
jameshseb128: thanks10:09
seb128jamesh, yw, thanks for the feedback10:09
oSoMoNricotz, can you confirm the apparmor-senddoc-fixes patch is not in 1:6.0.1~rc1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1~lo1 (re bug #1748895)?11:05
ubot5`bug 1748895 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LO unable to find a working email configuration" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174889511:05
ricotzoSoMoN, yes, it is not included11:07
ricotzoSoMoN, I didn't want to waste resources, while 6.0.2~rc1 was already built and ready11:07
ricotz6.0.2 will be released shortly, so I will copy the new release soon11:08
oSoMoNricotz, cool, thanks for the confirmation11:16
oSoMoNsince a recent update (I first noticed the issue on Monday) my bt headphones don't show up anymore in the output tab of the sound control panel in g-c-c11:22
oSoMoNI see them in the bluetooth panel though, and am able to connect to them, but can't get sound to go to them11:22
oSoMoNhave we gotten similar reports?11:23
oSoMoNthis is from my apt log, when I suspect the issue started happening: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y2TQsYfWfP/11:25
willcookekoza, did you see anything like that?  ^11:28
willcookeoSoMoN, we did some testing on the new BlueZ and eveerything looked good - but maybe not.11:28
willcookeoSoMoN, I was going to say ask duflu, but he's off tomorrow and can't make it to the rally.  So maybe just ping him on IRC first thing on Monday11:29
oSoMoNindeed bluez was upgraded on 2018-02-22, that might be when my issue started11:29
willcookejibel, koza ^ sounds like we need another line in the test plan11:29
oSoMoNI'll see if I can downgrade11:29
willcookeoSoMoN, if you can try the old ^H^H^H^H^H thanks11:29
oSoMoNsure enough, downgrading to 5.46-0ubuntu4 gets me my sound through headphones back11:33
oSoMoNupgrading again to see the regression in action11:34
oSoMoNnow that is weird, after upgrading I still get sound through my headphones11:35
oSoMoNlet's try a reboot11:35
oSoMoNstill there after a reboot11:37
oSoMoNso that was a very strange transient error that fixed itself after downgrading/upgrading again11:37
oSoMoNwillcooke, is that worth a bug report?11:38
oSoMoNwow, another interesting issue/new behaviour: after rebooting I had bluetooth on while airplane mode was on too11:39
oSoMoNIIRC that was not allowed, one had to turn off airplane mode to be able to turn on bluetooth11:40
Laney{+libmp3lame0 (>= 3.100), libmpg123-0 (>= 1.6.2),+} {+libtwolame0 (>= 0.3.10),+}11:40
Laneysome new deps for gst-good11:40
jbichagood morning11:41
oSoMoNgood morning jbicha11:42
willcookeoSoMoN, @ bug report - check in with duflu, he might know whats going on11:51
oSoMoNack, will do11:51
oSoMoNI'll send him an e-mail just so I don't forget to ping him on Monday11:52
oSoMoNa shame he's not coming to Budapest11:52
willcookeoSoMoN, @ airplane mode - not sure, maybe they changed somthing to allow it?  (Since you can now use things like that on planes maybe???? Bit of a reach, that one )11:52
willcookeyeah, will miss him11:52
andyrockseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bug/175247211:57
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1752472 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Implement an Ubuntu Single Sign-on Provider " [Medium,In progress]11:57
oSoMoNwillcooke, g-c-c won't let me turn the bluetooth on without disabling airplane mode, so it looks like what I experienced was a bug12:00
willcookeack, thx oSoMoN12:02
andyrockalso good morning!12:03
willcookehey andyrock12:03
andyrockseb128: robert_ancell last night said the GsAuth was created just for us12:03
andyrockso we should able to modify it12:03
andyrockupstream did not answer back12:04
andyrockwhat does it mean when someone as an [m] next to his/her nickname ?12:04
seb128willcooke, duflu is not off tomorrow afaik12:19
seb128willcooke, he was going to swap that day due to travel but since he's not travelling he's not swapping iirc12:19
seb128andyrock, hey12:20
seb128andyrock, good for GsAuth12:20
seb128andyrock, [m] means they are using matrix.org12:21
andyrockseb128: I'm talking with hughsie on #gnome-software right now12:21
andyrockthey want to use g-o-a too12:21
andyrocklet's see if they agree on what I've in mind12:21
andyrockseb128: did you see the debdiff? I used jbicha trick in order to put binaries in the debdiff12:22
seb128andyrock, yeah, the debdiff looks code (I didn't do a code review though)12:27
seb128andyrock, do we still need the patch from https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792865 ?12:28
ubot5`Gnome bug 792865 in general "Enable introspection for backend API" [Normal,New]12:28
andyrockjust in ubiquity12:28
seb128k, so not now12:28
andyrockif we do SSO in ubiquity yes12:28
andyrocknot now12:29
jbichaI complained about the Qt transition before it started (but KDE is a bit different)12:57
jbichawe could maybe get pre-approval for the Evolution transition FFe to allow us to just wait until mesa finishes?12:58
seb128we should have forced the existing transition yesterday despite the clutter issue13:01
Laneyfixing it was the right way forward13:02
Laneyuploading a KDE transition was the error, it's not fair to criticise fixing bugs for that problem13:02
seb128right, it just put us in a tricky position now13:03
seb128being punished for doing the right thing!13:03
seb128I wonder if we can delete the KDE transition, clear out the existing ones and restore it after13:04
Laneywe can probably skiptest on mesa once some more armhf tests come in13:05
jbichaseb128: I'm not sure how feasible that is since some (many?) of the KDE packages are needed for the Qt transition13:05
jbichaQt needed a single patch for mesa, not a transition but…13:05
seb128jbicha, qt was not in that position yesterday?13:06
LaneyYou are about to do something potentially harmful13:06
LaneyTo continue type in the phrase ‘Yes, do as I say!’13:06
Laneyhmm, no thanks13:06
jbichaKubuntu wanted LP: #1749472 before letting mesa migrate13:06
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1749472 in mesa (Ubuntu Bionic) "mesa 18.0.0 will cause rendering errors in Qt applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174947213:06
seb128but they had a qt upload with a fix that didn't involve a transition no?13:07
seb128like yesterday afaik the only issue was that clutter problem13:07
seb128otherwise we were good to go13:07
jbichaI don't remember the exact state yesterday, maybe Qt was ready to migrate once mesa was ready13:08
jbichamaybe kdepim is unrelated to the Qt transition, I don't know. Sorry13:09
seb128no worry13:09
jbichaoh, qtbase-opensource-src has a lot of red autopkgtests13:10
jbichaI wish Qt had listened to my suggestion 🤷13:11
Laneywhat a mess /o\13:14
LaneyI'll look favourably on transitions which couldn't go in due to this, and expect others will too13:15
Laneylunch brbbrbr13:15
seb128Laney, thanks, enjoy lunch!13:16
flexiondotorgLaney: Thank for your help regarding seed snaps. Ubuntu MATE has 3 seeded snaps now.13:26
flexiondotorgAll working fine.13:26
flexiondotorgAnd the Minimal Installtion is hooked up in Ubuntu MATE. Works a treat :-)13:26
seb128flexiondotorg, you don't want to write the patch to make minimal install deal with removing snaps by any chance? ;)13:27
seb128flexiondotorg, also do you see session timeout or slowdowns as well due to the seeded snaps?13:28
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
flexiondotorgSession timeout in live or installed system?13:28
flexiondotorgNot that I'm aware of. I've only tested clean install on a couple of computer over the last couple of evenings.13:29
flexiondotorgseb128: How are you handling the transition from gnome-calc deb to snap.13:29
flexiondotorgFor example, removal of the deb.13:30
seb128we don't13:31
seb128for the moment it's only new install13:32
seb128we need changes to the dist-upgrader13:32
seb128willcooke, ^ was anyone checking with foundation about that?13:32
seb128flexiondotorg, timeout on the live session13:32
seb128flexiondotorg, but could be vm related and increased memory usage hitting configured available ram or something13:32
flexiondotorgI've only tested on real computers. Not noticed any session timeouts.13:34
flexiondotorgHowever, snap don't execute in the live session at all.13:34
willcookeseb128, reading13:35
willcookeseb128, we talked about it a few weeks back in the meeting, but nothing since then.  I'll add it to the list13:37
willcookeflexiondotorg, snaps not working in the live session is known and j_dstrand was working on it13:38
seb128flexiondotorg, jdstrand and zyga are on active work solving that13:38
seb128flexiondotorg, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/471413:38
flexiondotorgThanks seb128. I knew it was being worked on. Nice to see a pr.13:41
tkamppeterSomeone can sponsor the upload of brlaser for me: bug 1752579 Thanks.13:52
ubot5`bug 1752579 in brlaser (Ubuntu) "Needs sponsoring: Upload brlaser 4" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175257913:52
tkamppeterEspecially I do not know whether I succeeded to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors as LP is running on reduced service, not showing subscriptions and not using pop-up dialogs.13:55
seb128tkamppeter, you are quite pushy about this one, you asked like 3 times on different channels in an hour13:56
seb128tkamppeter, and yes sponsors are well subscribed13:56
Laneyseb128: We said in the NYC rally that upgrades were going to be out of scope for 18.04.14:00
seb128Laney, good then :) (though I wouldn't be surprised if we were asked to reconsider :/)14:01
seb128but that's a willcooke's thing t figure out14:01
tkamppeterseb128, I asked on -release first and jbicha asked me to put it on -devel and -devel looked somewhat dead for me no one talking there, not even about other things, so I tried -desktop as I know that there is more talking.  And in addition, today is FF.14:02
seb128right, well people are busy14:02
seb128and you don't start asking the day of ff usually, plan bit in advance!14:03
Laneyk, upgraded my artful laptop to some parts of bionic and some parts of bionic-proposed14:04
tkamppeterseb128, I have checked through possibly overlooked packages already some days ago, but discovered only yesterday that there was a new version of brlaser.14:04
Laneyflexiondotorg: oh, good to know, glad those are generic enough to work for you14:06
flexiondotorgI had to add a few more package for LibreOffice to fully remove itself. libreoffice-math was left dangling on my first attempt.14:07
seb128flexiondotorg, is that the case on Ubuntu as well?14:07
flexiondotorgI have tested Ubuntu yet, but it is likely.14:08
Laneyjibe_l said he tested that everything got removed14:08
Laneyalso libreoffice-math is in the list so that would be weird14:08
flexiondotorgThat is everything I needed to list for LibreOffice to remove itself completely.14:09
seb128flexiondotorg, you have -math in your list before and that still installed after install?14:10
flexiondotorg-math was missing from my list first time around. I also needed to remove `uno-libs3` and `ure`.14:11
* Laney uninstalls bad ugly libav and manages to play an mp314:16
seb128flexiondotorg, thanks for giving that feedback, would be even better next time if you sent some merge requests/patches back, you know enough how things work to be able to send your fix back the proper way..14:23
Laneycheese / user-accounts is fast with new gstreamer14:23
seb128flexiondotorg, like you have a commit there that remove shotwell-common in addition of shotwell, that should be pretty obvious that would be something to "upstream" back14:23
Laneyunless this got fixed in some other way14:23
* didrocks remembers to check everything prefixed with libreoffice- on the image14:25
flexiondotorgseb128: I'm happy to make a merge proposal this evening for the Ubuntu seeds.14:25
seb128flexiondotorg, that would be good, thanks14:25
flexiondotorgWe've only just finished the QA for minimal, so I wasn't able to say for sure if everything was correct until this morning.14:26
seb128Laney, nice to see that, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=783789 is still open and had cheese/g-c-c changes14:26
ubot5`Gnome bug 783789 in User Accounts "User accounts panel is slow to open" [Normal,Reopened]14:26
seb128but maybe new gstreamer helps14:26
seb128didrocks, from his diff it seems they remove uno-libs3 and ure, so more "disk noise" than anything user visible14:27
Laneymaybe it never happened on my laptop14:27
seb128didrocks, same for others packages, removing libs or -common in extra14:28
willcookeit stopped happening on this machine for me, but I can test on my other one14:28
didrocksseb128: yeah, some leftover are for sure around, but there wasn't any libreoffice-* for sure14:29
seb128didrocks, right, we had -math in our list which they didn't for some reason, so NOTOURBUG :)14:29
didrocksso the premise was wrong, sorry ;)14:30
didrocksbut yeah, leftover would have to be cleaned up manually, as we discussed, until we have the new way of doing things (and no request at the last minute ;))14:30
* didrocks is sad that deps aren't marked as auto-installed…14:30
didrocksotherwise, minimal install, apt autoremove -> update the list14:31
didrockswould have be a nice workaround14:31
jbichaLaney: someone on the forums mentioned that gnome-todo-common was still installed for minimal. Not sure how much we care about extra libraries & data packages like that with our current implementation15:15
Laneythat's what didrocks was just talking about15:16
seb128jbicha, see backlog and what flexiondotorg wrote, it's true for a couple of libs and -common (like shotwell)15:19
seb128we don't care much imho but we can as well clean those15:19
Laneyit's going to be a moving target15:20
oSoMoNis it known that gnome-characters doesn't appear in the shell when searching for it?15:29
oSoMoNI just verified the package ships a desktop file, and it's not hidden by default15:29
didrocksI'm still on artful (upgrading on Monday). I have it under "utilities"15:31
seb128oSoMoN, deb or snap?15:31
oSoMoNI was searching for "char"15:32
oSoMoNif I search for "car" then I get it15:32
oSoMoNFrench localization15:32
seb128you are french, remember :p15:32
oSoMoNa little less every day, it seems :)15:33
jbichathat should be a feature request for it to show results for other languages15:34
jbichaEnglish might make sense worldwide. Some countries also have other second languages15:34
oSoMoNyep, typically here people might want to search both in Spanish and Catalan, as they use both languages (sometimes even in the same sentence)15:35
jbichaoSoMoN: are you in Catalonia then?15:36
oSoMoNactually, today marks 10 years of my arrival here :)15:36
seb128jbicha, did you see bug #1752535?15:40
ubot5`bug 1752535 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashes in start_slideshow - Could not locate webkit_web_context_get_default: 'webkit_web_context_get_default': /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18: undefined symbol: webkit_web_context_get_default" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175253515:40
seb128jibel, ^ is that an error you saw yourself?15:45
jbichaseb128: not before you mentioned it. Strange bug. Didn't have many reports before bionic15:53
seb128yeah, it's a bit weird15:53
seb128a missing symbol should impact everyone or nobody15:53
jibelseb128, no, I tried several times in several ways but didn't reproduce it myself16:02
tkamppeterseb128, bug 1752579 updated.16:52
ubot5`bug 1752579 in brlaser (Ubuntu) "Needs sponsoring: Upload brlaser 4" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175257916:52
seb128tkamppeter, thx17:05
willcookewoo, thanks jbicha https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/217:11
jbichawillcooke: the gnome-getting-started videos thing is still on your list somewhere, right? :)17:13
willcookejbicha, I thought it had moved on since then, and they just needed someone to run the scripts?17:18
willcookeI said I'd do that, but I needed help getting the env set up, and then... things get hazy but I think you said someone else was doing it?17:18
alan_gHey, anyone know why my laptop would suddenly stop supporting Wayland on bionic? (I was running on Wayland, locked it up and on reboot cannot select a Wayland session)17:26
tjaaltonalan_g: you're probably using swrast17:28
tjaaltonfor whatever the reason17:28
tjaaltonmeaning the native driver failed17:29
alan_gNever heard of it17:29
tjaaltonsoftware fallback17:29
alan_gHardware seems fine: Wayland works on Fedora 2717:29
alan_gAny idea where to look?17:30
tjaaltonthen xorg log17:30
alan_gWhat am I looking for?17:33
tjaaltonwhich gpu?17:34
tjaaltoncheck if i915 is loaded17:35
alan_gSome happy i915 dmesg lines, so I guess it is17:36
tjaaltonare you logged in on X?17:36
tjaaltoncheck glxinfo17:37
alan_gIt spews a load17:38
alan_gWhat am I looking for?17:38
tjaaltonnever looked at it before?17:38
tjaaltonglxinfo | grep renderer17:39
tjaaltondoes it say Intel17:39
tjaaltonwhat about 'apt-cache policy libgl1'17:40
tjaaltoninstalled or not17:40
alan_gInstalled: (none)17:42
tjaaltonpastebin xorg log17:42
alan_gWhere's that? I don't see it under /var/log17:45
tjaaltonpastebinit $HOME/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log17:45
tjaaltoncheck the timestamp of that one17:49
tjaaltonit shows a normal session17:50
alan_gYeah, that's 3 hours ago17:51
tjaaltonso it's not your current session then17:51
tjaaltonapt-cache policy libegl117:52
tjaaltonif you have that installed, remove it17:52
alan_gIt is17:52
alan_glibegl1 has a lot of Qt deps17:54
tjaaltonso that's why kubuntu users got it17:55
tjaaltonand others too, but I thought it was kubuntu specific after seeing a bug about this17:57
alan_gSo, if I install Qt apps it breaks Wayland?17:57
tjaaltoninstall libegl1-mesa17:58
alan_gThat sort of fits - I installed qterminal17:58
tjaaltonit should satisfy the dep17:58
tjaaltonhmm no17:58
alan_gHm not qterminal, that seems to be OK17:59
alan_gAnyway, thanks tjaalton! I'm back in action18:01
alan_gAh! it was the qtwayland5 from proposed.18:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
tjaaltonand also plasma-framework depends on libegl118:15
jbichawillcooke: no one else has volunteered to generate the videos18:15
willcookejbicha, if you can talk me through setting up the env I'll do it18:21
willcookejbicha, ah, you know what - lemme try and do it in the morning.  HHCIB18:21
willcookeI'm ready for EOD now18:21
jbichawillcooke: I've never done it before. talk to jimmac or pmkover or ask for help on the bug18:23
willcookejbicha, will do18:24
Pharma_Hi everyone, i need working 18.04 build can someone please share with me?18:30
willcookePharma_, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:31
Pharma_Is not working18:31
Pharma_both 1st of march and 28 of feb18:31
Pharma_error on installation and i think there is bug report on launchpad18:31
Pharma_I had image from ~26 of feb that one worked but i overwrote it, and my current setup died when installed nvidia driver18:34
amanohmm, 20th of February worked...18:34
willcookeI've got a 15th Feb version here18:35
Pharma_would be glad if you can create torrent/share with me18:35
willcookePharma_, bear with me while I upload it18:36
Pharma_ok. thanks a lot!18:37
willcookePharma_, urgh, wifi.  20 mins or so, sorry18:37
Pharma_It is ok, better than wait tomorrows build :)18:38
Pharma_i think there is some mess with nvidia driver package in rep18:39
willcookePharma_, www.whizzy.org/bionic_20180215.iso19:02
willcookePharma_, htp://www.whizzy.org/bionic_20180215.iso19:02
Pharma_should i disable all reps except "main" until april to avoid issues?19:04
willcookePharma_, it should all work, but you can never be sure when something bad will creep in.  You /should/ be generally safe but no promises.  You won't necessarily be any safer or not sticking to main.  If you need to not break anything, then 16.04 is probably your best bet :)19:06
willcookeand now I gotta go eat, so calling it EOD.  Good luck!19:07
willcookenight all19:07
Pharma_Thanks a lot, bye19:07
=== amano_ is now known as amano
=== fossfreedom_ is now known as fossfreedom
RAOFseb128: yeah. I need to cut a 0.30.1 release to fix that...20:38
seb128RAOF, hey, k, I think that's become an issue since there is a stack of migrations in proposed that need to be unblocked together and that's in the path20:46
RAOFseb128: urgh, sorry. I'll fix it up post haste.21:27
jbicharobert_ancell: howdy, did you see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/1.5.66 ? do you know any app I should try to install as a test case?22:59
robert_ancelljbicha, to test debconf?23:04
robert_ancelljbicha, I think I made a test .deb, but I can't seem to find it anywhere...23:05
jbichaUbuntu is awesome in that we rarely see debconf prompts23:05
robert_ancelljbicha, GDM/LightDM does one to choose which one to use23:06
jbichamaybe if I install lightdm using synaptic…23:07
* jbicha has to install synaptic first!23:07
jbichaoh, libgtk3-perl and friends is universe https://paste.debian.net/1012670/23:09

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