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naccslangasek: xnox: what would be the right way for me to esnure i have the most recnet ubuntu and debian keyrings in git-ubuntu (for gpg verifying the archive files current and historical)?06:05
naccdpb1: --^ fyi reimport on hold until i resolve that06:05
naccslangasek: xnox: to be clear, in a snap, so 'run bionic' isn't an answer (yet)06:21
rbalintmvo: imo -updates should be enabled in u-u for Ubuntu as well06:44
rbalintmvo: otherwise updates from -security may fail to install or may be stuck due to missing dependencies06:50
rbalintmvo: filed the PR, it may even fix Travis check06:51
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rbalintmvo: u-u changes are in limbo, i'm trying to fix travis checks07:08
rbalintmvo: you can wait with the review till i update changelog again07:08
mvorbalint: hm, I remember this, iirc we allow dependencies now even from non whitelisted sources, no?07:13
mvorbalint: for exactly this reason07:13
* mvo needs to step out for a little bit07:13
rbalintmvo: you seem to be right, the config file is a bit misleading07:15
mvorbalint: yeah, interessting error in travis, maybe apt.apt_pkg.config.set("Debug::pkgProblemResolver","1") will help07:24
mvorbalint: also "debug::pkgDepcache::marker","1" - not sure if we automatically add this with --debug07:24
mvorbalint: maybe we should :)07:24
rbalintmvo: python3 (python-apt) is also crashing in https://travis-ci.org/mvo5/unattended-upgrades/builds/34763606507:26
rbalintjuliank: ^07:26
rbalint(python-apt is just a suspect)07:26
rbalintmvo: for today i planned only tagging 1.0 and happily uploading it to Debian & Ubuntu, but that escalated quickly :-)07:30
mvorbalint: heh, yeah, the joy of software development :/07:38
slangaseknacc: not sure I understand the question; the ubuntu-keyring package is authoritative07:39
slangaseknacc: so you probably need to be pulling it into your snap?07:39
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rbalintmvo: ok, now i finalized u-u's changelog, too08:59
mvorbalint: cool, did you figure out the travis error?09:04
rbalinti found several ones :-\09:07
rbalintmvo: it is hopeless to gate the PRs with an upgrade test running on crashing python/dependencies + with 3rd-party packages09:08
rbalintu-u correctly fails on apt resolver error in the best case09:08
rbalintthe python-apt crash is already tracked: LP: #173744109:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1737441 in python-apt (Ubuntu Bionic) "/usr/bin/unattended-upgrade:11:__GI___libc_free:operator:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator:std::allocator_traits:std::__cxx11::basic_string" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173744109:09
mvorbalint: agreed if the test case includes 3rd part packages, I though it was a vanilla ubuntu09:11
rbalintmvo: one more little change, please check the PR and it it is good i'm prepping the release09:26
mvorbalint: sure, let me look.09:46
mvorbalint: looks great now, is it ready to be merged? if so I am happy to press the button10:20
rbalintready! :-)10:22
* mvo hugs rbalint 10:23
rbalintmvo: hugs mvo :-)10:25
* rbalint hugs mvo :-)10:25
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tkamppeterHi, I need sponsoring for an upload of brlaser before the FF today. It is the new version 4: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brlaser/+bug/175257913:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752579 in brlaser (Ubuntu) "Needs sponsoring: Upload brlaser 4" [High,New]13:29
ahasenacksil2100: hi there,13:57
ahasenacksil2100: about #1717040, xenial doesn't have the updated zstd package yet13:57
ahasenacksil2100: just wondering if you missed it, or if you really just wanted to work on the artful update?13:57
ahasenackbug #171704013:58
ubottubug 1717040 in libzstd (Ubuntu Xenial) "Please backport libzstd 1.3.1+dfsg-1 (universe) from artful" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171704013:58
ahasenackthanks ubottu13:58
sil2100ahasenack: hey! I didn't want to publish it as we're still in .4 freeze, and from what I know it's seeded in the ubuntustudio flavour13:58
ahasenacksil2100: so what do we do now, wait for .4 to be out, then publish it? Is there a trigger so we don't forget?13:59
sil2100ahasenack: well, it's marked as ready so the SRU members see it as ready, and once we're done with .4 it'll just get published like any other marked SRU14:00
ahasenackah, ok. The std comment that was added hinted that it would not be looked at anymore14:00
ahasenackbut that might be about the artful task then14:00
sil2100Yes :)14:02
ahasenackok, thanks14:04
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naccslangasek: you can't pull from not the version you're building on without lots of hacks16:06
naccslangasek: and the xenial debian-archive-keyring package (apparnetly) does not have latest Debian keyrings16:06
naccI'm checking now16:07
naccslangasek: yeah, that's the problem, i think16:07
nacc(possibly true for the ubuntu keyring too, but perhaps it hasn't changed enough to be noticed)16:08
naccslangasek: i can rephrase my question if that will make it clearer :)16:28
xnoxnacc, what are you verifying? and how did you get those files?16:30
naccxnox: https://git.launchpad.net/usd-importer/commit/?id=48249b21607fdfbb80af9d53e8d0b1375d8778c1 -- basically, we are using the archive to determine what files are in which components in releases so that we can phase correctly.16:32
naccxnox: those files need to be verified using the archive keys16:32
xnoxnacc, specifically which files / and signatures.16:32
xnoxnacc, sorry =) i don't want to read source code....16:32
xnoxnacc, are you trying to verify signatures of .dsc? cause we do not ship keyrings to verify that.16:33
naccxnox: Release files16:33
naccxnox: no16:33
naccxnox: we implicitly trust LP to give us good data16:33
xnoxnacc, so ubuntu-keyring should have all the keys in /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg and /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-removed-keys.gpg16:36
xnoxfor all the releases / archives.16:36
naccxnox: even on xenial?16:36
xnoxnacc, yes.16:36
naccxnox: ok, i can leave that as-is; what about the debian keys?16:36
xnoxnacc, debian-keyring too... but they rotate keys too often. I guess we could SRU debian-keyring to update keys there.16:36
naccxnox: yeah, i'm seeing it fail right now for something in debian (i can figure out which in a moment)16:37
naccxnox: so ... while the SRU will take ~ 7 days; what should I do in the meanwhile? I can't generally wait on that delay (we get gpg failures)16:41
xnoxnacc, you can download and install newer debian-keyring on the machine you need at.....16:42
naccxnox: from ... ?16:42
xnoxnacc, or you can be a normal person, and use chroots to get the right keyrings.16:42
naccxnox: you want me to use chroots in a snap?16:42
xnoxnacc, if you don't know how to install debian-keyring package from a different release?16:42
naccxnox: snaps don't make it easy16:43
xnoxnacc, it's in the archive....16:43
naccxnox: so i'd need to manually download a fixed URL16:43
xnoxnacc, this is #ubuntu-devel; i guess you need #snapcraft?! </troll>16:43
naccxnox: :)16:43
naccxnox: the typical answer for snaps is 'build it yourself'16:43
nacci don't know that i can for a native package16:43
naccwell, i mean i can, i meant i'm not sure i should16:44
xnoxnacc, it's just a file.... you can grab them from commit in your git repo.... no?!16:44
naccxnox: and even so, i'm not sure where the 'source' is ... i found debian-keyring on salsa; is ubuntu-keyring on LP?16:44
naccxnox: a file i have to keep up to date all the time?16:44
xnoxnacc, you should use $ pull-lp-source debian-keyring16:44
xnoxnacc, you said you can't wait for sru16:44
xnoxnacc, please contact somebody else, there is nothing that requires foundations involvement here.16:45
naccxnox: i am just asking for suggestions16:45
naccxnox: if you don't want to help, please don't.16:45
slangaseknacc: so perhaps this should be an SRU of the keyring package?16:47
ddstreetnacc is pull-lp-source failing, or code in usd-importer?16:47
naccslangasek: i think that would solve it this time; but i am not sure it solves it long-term16:48
naccddstreet: context?16:48
ddstreetnacc i don't have context for your discussion ^16:48
naccddstreet: oh it's about git-ubuntu trying to verify archive files with gpg16:48
ddstreetok so it's not using pull- then16:48
ddstreetdirectly trying to verify sig16:48
naccddstreet: right, this is for the Release file itself16:48
naccddstreet: not for source packages16:48
ddstreetah ok cool16:49
slangaseknacc: surely it's an issue for the keyring packages in a stable release to not have up-to-date info about the archives16:49
naccslangasek: oh yes, i agree16:49
slangaseknacc: and ISTM that your concern is derivative of this16:49
naccslangasek: i guess i meant we probably need to do that at all times16:49
naccslangasek: so it's both do it now, and commit to doing it in the future :)16:49
ddstreetnacc how far back are you importing from? stopping at precise or going farther than that?16:50
naccddstreet: as far back as LP goes16:50
naccddstreet: inclusive of debian16:50
ddstreetsweet, that'll be a big old git repo for each pkg :)16:51
naccddstreet: yeah :)16:51
naccslangasek: i can file a bug16:53
naccmeanwhile have to go figure out this regression in snapcraft :16:55
naccslangasek: LP: #1752656 i'll fix the tasks in a bit16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752656 in ubuntu-keyring (Ubuntu) "Please SRU archive keyrings to older releases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175265616:59
ddstreetnacc i noticed some older packages used keys that were no longer in newer releases, but were in older releases...is that what you're addressing in ^17:00
naccddstreet: which key do you mean? the uploader's? or the archive key?17:01
naccddstreet: the old keys are in the 'old' keyrings, usually17:01
ddstreetsorry, nm - you're talking about the archive key17:01
naccddstreet: we don't store uploader's keys in any of the keyrings afaict17:01
naccddstreet: yeah17:01
ddstreetyep sorry :)17:01
ddstreetdifferent keys, nm me :)17:01
naccnp, it's easy to mix them up17:01
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naccddstreet: did you try using ubuntu-archive-removed-keys.gpg ?17:31
naccddstreet: RE: LP: #170084617:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1700846 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "src:texinfo fails to import (importer) or download (pull-debian-source) with ASCII decoding issue" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170084617:31
ddstreetnacc i haven't, no17:32
naccddstreet: that probably would fix it for you17:32
naccddstreet: that's what git-ubuntu is ahving to do, use both old and new keyrings, since we don't which will work17:32
ddstreetcool i'll try it, but as pull-*-source can be used by anyone it still probably needs to default to continue if there's no pub key...i can update the warning msg tho17:33
naccddstreet: ack17:33
ddstreetwould be great if my ubuntu-dev-tools changes could get merged one of these days...been waiting for quite a long time now, i think people are getting tired of me bugging them to review it17:34
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ddstreetnacc sorry for another q about git-ubuntu; any plan for it to handle source/changes of snaps?  for example, 'git ubuntu clone git-ubuntu' does not work :(18:27
ddstreetin fact i'm not entirely sure how snap sources/changes are tracked/available...18:28
naccddstreet: not possible, afaik18:28
ddstreetpull-snap-source maybe...18:28
naccddstreet: and no :)18:28
naccddstreet: i believe this is something the snap team is working on (reproducible snaps, getting source for snaps)18:28
naccbut i have no intention of importing them18:28
naccusually, they are already in an external git repository18:29
naccso the benefit is lower, i'd think18:29
ddstreetyeah, and IIUC not all snaps even make source public18:29
naccnor should they, depending, i guess18:30
naccddstreet: we are only concerned with 'the archive' in git-ubuntu18:30
naccddstreet: technically, snaps are not ubuntu specific :)18:31
ddstreettrue, right18:31
ddstreetgood point :)18:31
naccddstreet: feels like it should be a snapcraft or snap subcommand (I guess)18:34
xeviousIs there an archive of previous Bionic packages? It seems like a change in mysql-server-5.7's postinst script broke my image building script.19:19
naccxevious: you can download them from the archive19:20
naccerr from LP19:21
bdmurrayxevious: Its not asking for a password for the mysql user anymore19:28
bdmurraybug 175221519:29
ubottubug 1752215 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "Server - LAMP installation no longer asks for a mysql password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175221519:29
xeviousThe error I'm getting is "Error: Unable to shut down server with process id 2796"19:30
bdmurrayOkay, maybe its not that issue then. ;-)19:30
naccpowersj: --^ you may want to subscribe to that19:31
naccrbasak: as well19:31
powersjnacc: thx19:32
wxldoes anyone have any idea where the upstream code of debian-installer is? i can't find it on salsa.debian.org19:45
sladenwxl: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Git  suggests it is still at  https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/19:49
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wxlthanks sladen. the project in launchpad was pointing to anonscm but a different location, and it was failing, so i figrued it SHOULD have been on salsa, but i guess everything hasn't been moved over.19:50
naccxevious: i got to those links via the publishing history of mysql-5.7 fwiw20:05
xeviousnacc: Yeah, thanks for pointing that out. I'm trimming my image creation process down to the bare minimum steps to reproduce the issue I'm seeing.20:06
naccxevious: np20:06
xeviousbdmurray: I created a bug about the issue I'm seeing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/175270520:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752705 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "installation of mysql-server fails because postinst fails to shut down server" [Undecided,New]20:16
xeviousbdmurray: Does anything look wrong in those steps to reproduce?20:24
naccxevious: have you tried running the postinst manually (possibly with -x ) ?20:24
xeviousThat'll be my first step after I get back from meeting with my dad for coffee/tea.20:24
naccxevious: ack20:25
xeviousI'll be back in a half hour or 45.20:25
sunweavernacc: gosa has been uploaded to Debian unstable today. gosa 2.7.4+reloaded3-2 is your friend.20:50
sunweaverCan you make sure it lands in Ubuntu bionic?20:50
naccsunweaver: yep20:50
sunweavernacc: thx!!!20:51
naccsunweaver: thank you!20:51
sunweaverwas a pressing issue on the Debian side, too.20:51
naccsunweaver: yep20:52
naccsunweaver: LP: #1752713 I'll sync once Launchpad can see it21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752713 in gosa (Ubuntu) "Please sync gosa 2.7.4+reloaded3-2 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175271321:03
xeviousClearly, I meant a half hour *plus* 45.21:42
roadmrmicrosoft minutes, I guess21:42
floooodhey folks! i tried to modify hid.ko (hid-core.c), i therefore inserted some printk's and replaced the module22:05
floooodbut the messages never appear on dmesg22:05
flooooddbus[607]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=613 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-logind ") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod" ...22:05
naccflooood: i think you want #ubuntu22:05
floooodis what i get22:05
naccflooood: although not really ontopic there either :)22:06
floooodare you sure? i think ubuntu-devel fits best, isn't it? since i try to debug some strange behaviour in ubuntu22:06
xeviousnacc: I logged into the container after the failed install, added `set -x` to mysql-server-5.7.postinst, and ran `dpkg --configure -a` and it ran the configure script successfully. I'm testing dropping a postinst with `set -x` in it and setting its immutable bit before installing the package.22:07
xeviousI'm not sure how dpkg will react to that.22:07
naccflooood: this is for development *of* ubuntu22:08
xeviousWell, as I suspected, dpkg didn't like being unable to unpack the package.22:14
naccxevious: :)22:16
naccxevious: is it possible the postinst always works when run twice?22:16
nacc(as opposed to being related to set +x ) ?22:16
xeviousThat's what I expect. I'll confirm now.22:16
floooodhm, i would expect that debugging *of* ubuntu *is* development of ubuntu, but okay...22:17
naccflooood: you're debugging some module you modified, right?22:18
floooodnope, i modified it TO debug it22:19
floooodmy modification is "insert printk's"22:19
naccflooood: i don't see how dbus is relevant to printk22:19
naccflooood: those go into the kernel log buffer22:19
floooodme too, but that's the only message i get in the moment when i would expect the kernel message - anyhow, have to reboot. c ya22:20
naccflooood: also, how did you 'replace themodule'22:20
naccflooood: i'm really fairly sure this is the wrong channel, in any case22:21
floooodokay, spooky... i deleted hid.ko from /lib/modules/..., rebooted and it  _still_ gets loaded, according to modules.builtin, it is _not_ builtin22:54
floooodaccording to modinfo "there is no such ..."22:55
naccflooood: still wrong channel, it's in the initrd almost certainly22:55
naccflooood: you need to rebuild the initrd if you want different modules22:55
floooodnacc: where is the right channel then, #ubuntu-debug? ;D22:56
naccflooood: afaict, you are doing normal kernel stuff, so a kernel channel22:58

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