
yousuclast 4 days of daily bionic has installation issues when using "something else" for installation methods05:59
alkisgyousuc: what issues?06:03
alkisgPersonally I'm getting UI freezes because of mate-hud, so I have to kill it on boot to be able to continue06:04
yousucwell after specifying the drives, click continue, get to the user add part06:04
yousucas soon as i click on continue, installer crashes06:04
yousucnow if i installed with auto for drive layout, it will install just fine06:05
yousucunfortunately my sda drive is mounted for /home06:06
yousucjust damn annoying06:06
yousuceven when u choose to install mate vs try mate mode, same thing06:07
yousucbeen trying to fix/add gtk-3.0 port of nimbus theme, with latest mate, but i guess ill have to stick with virtualbox for dev and testing :/06:08
alkisgSo when it crashes, it shows the apport crash dialog, where you can report it from?06:08
yousucyeah sent06:08
alkisgCool, that doesn't sound mate-specific, it probably affects all ubuntu flavors06:09
yousucnot tested other flavors, as since i am now supporting the nimbus theme, want to get it updated and all06:09
yousucbut frustrating working on it in vm tho06:10
yousuci should have never deleted the iso i had from last week when it worked just fine...06:13
yousucone thing i wish ubuntu would do for 18.04 would be to use xorg 1.2006:14
yousucor integrate it in for release like in a .106:15
alkisgyousuc: I have the isos from 25 Feb, do those suit you?06:16
yousucthat would/should work perfect06:16
yousucmuch appreciated! :)))06:17
alkisgyousuc: srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr:800006:17
alkisgPing me when you're done, to stop the server06:17
yousucgrabn it now06:17
yousucthank u very much for doing that!06:18
alkisgnp :)06:18
yousuchopefully in a couple weeks ill have nimbus theme done w/ gtk-3.0 for all06:19
alkisgI did do a custom install with those; although I had to kill mate-hud and fcitx to get past the UI freezes06:19
yousucusually i never had a problem with the dailys until lately06:20
alkisgIf your locale doesn't use a localized keyboard layout, you should be fine06:20
alkisgE.g. I'm using xkb layout = us,gr06:20
alkisgThat's when mate-hud freezes...06:21
yousucah right06:21
yousucim using 16.04.4 on my workstation, and trying 18.04 on my alienware laptop06:22
alkisgI've installed 18.04 in 4 schools so far, for production use :D06:23
alkisgMaybe I'm too risky :P06:23
yousucyeah back when i had 18.04 on my workstation was just fine06:23
yousucbut between developing and testing and such06:23
yousucfinally just stayed on 16.04 for now06:24
yousucand took a break from gnome306:24
yousuci have a couple servers running 18.04 in production, they runnin smooth as silk06:25
yousuclooks like about 5 minutes left on that download06:27
alkisgFortunately the work internet connection is quite fast, both download/upload :)06:28
alkisgSo it's limited by your download speed06:28
yousucim on gigabit here06:28
yousucbut im in the us06:29
yousucok looks like it is done now06:32
yousucthank you again!!!06:32
alkisgTry md5sum06:32
alkisgc0a8d31cf063cd2c07292d1c9aa0865e  bionic-desktop-amd64[mate-daily].iso06:33
alkisgbcaffd6a68b6b4d6e6927b52b0e40e43  bionic-desktop-i386[mate-daily].iso06:33
yousucc0a8d31cf063cd2c07292d1c9aa0865e  bionic-desktop-amd64[mate-daily].iso06:33
alkisgCool, closing the server06:33
yousucperfect :)06:33
yousucwriting to usb stick now!06:34
yousucbtw that version works perfect, installer did not crash!06:42
yousucits almost done installing now06:42
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usrshvHi! My laptop work under nouveau driver. Do i need mate-nvidia-optimus turned on as startup application?13:35
DJGrayGreetings! New to Linux. Chose Ubuntu w/MATE desktop. Have tried repeatedly to get x11vnc to load with no success. Connection refused. Just completed fresh install this very minute. Is there an online tutorial that will walk me (new user) through getting a VNC server (any version) to install and allow me to run headless?13:47
alkisgIf you want to run headless, install x2goserver, and use x2goclient from the clients13:48
alkisgVNC is usually preferred for sharing local desktops, not for creating virtual ones (it can be done, it's just harder)13:48
DJGrayThanks alkisg.  I'll locate a tutorial on x2goserver13:49
DJGrayRE: your second message, I'm setting this up to learn. It's a box under my desk at work.  I'm a windows developer but want to learn Linux. Is x2goserver still my best option?13:50
sixwheeledbeastI use vino-server and Remmina as client, could you have firewall issues?14:01
DJGrayShould be no firewall issues. All internal networking.14:02
DJGrayIf I understand correctly, Vino is installed with Ubuntu by default??14:03
sixwheeledbeastIf not the network then maybe ufw. Install on Ubuntu possibly not Ubuntu-Mate14:03
DJGrayWith the x11vnc I was having diffitulty getting the service to run on boot.14:04
DJGrayRemember, I'm a completely new Linux user. This is all new to me.14:04
sixwheeledbeastI think I have a startup applcation command to start vino on boot14:04
DJGrayI'm fine with that.  I really don't care which service/server I use.  I just need to access it from my Winders desktop.14:05
DJGrayNeed to remote to it and learn while I do my "real" work in C#.14:06
sixwheeledbeastSystem > Prefs > Personal > Startup Applcations  -  may help?14:06
sixwheeledbeastFound this, not exactly how I did it but may help https://snarkybrill.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/running-vino-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-mate.html14:07
sixwheeledbeastI use VNC via SSH14:08
alkisgDJGray: it's a "box"? Is it a VM, e.g. virtualbox, or a physical box?14:10
DJGraySuper.  I'll take a look at that14:10
DJGrayIt's a physical box under my feet.14:10
alkisgIf you want to access linux from windows, x2go is an excellent option. VNC works too, either at the DM level or after that.14:11
alkisgBut x2go should work with `apt install x2goserver`, while vnc needs manual setup14:11
alkisgAlso, x2go is a loooot faster than vnc, when you're not on LAN14:12
DJGrayThanks to both of you for the great help.  I'll go work the issue and see what I can make happen!  Cheers!!14:12
DJGrayShazzam!!!  Thanks again to sixwheeledbeast and alkisg for your help.  Got x2goserver & client installed and it works beautifully.15:56
DJGrayNew (simple) question: Do I need to register for this IRC?  I did not see that option.  There is a checkbox for a password, but I never registered.15:59
sixwheeledbeastpassword would be for private channels.16:13
sixwheeledbeastyou can register your nick if not taken.16:13
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sebastian|62417Hello everyone22:05
sebastian|62417Does anybody know a bit about hardware issues? I'm trying to game on Ubuntu Mate, and it doesn't work very well. When I went into the system specifications of the welcome screen, it says that my CPU has 2.7 Ghz. It actually has 3.4Ghz though?22:06
kernalis 3.4Ghz it's turbo frequency?22:09
sebastian|62417Uhm. I don't think so. Let me check22:10
kernalwhat model is your cpu?22:10
sebastian|62417AMD Phenom X4 96522:11
sebastian|62417phenom II x422:12
sebastian|62417I don't think it has a turbo function22:14
kernalyeah, I assumed you had in an intel chip22:16
sebastian|62417It's also strange, because Windows is showing the correct 3.4 Ghz in the system info dialogue.22:16
sixwheeledbeastwhat's wrong with your gaming?22:22
sebastian|62417I have FPS drops in CS:GO22:23
sixwheeledbeastso that is more likely a GPU issue?22:24
sebastian|62417There are no drops in the windows version, at least not to visible levels. On linux I'm getting drops to ~20fps every now and then.22:24
sebastian|62417I don't know whether it's CPU or GPU related tbh. But I installed the proprietary drivers for my GPU, and then I saw that ubuntu reads my CPU as 2.7Ghz instead 3.4, so I assumed that might be the problem.22:25
sixwheeledbeastProbably not, yeah a Phenom x4 965 would be 3.422:26
sebastian|62417CS:GO is said to be pretty CPU-heavy as well. I also wouldn't mind getting all the Hz I payed for ;-D22:26
sixwheeledbeastI would try different drivers. What does cat /proc/cpuinfo show (plz pastebin)22:28
sixwheeledbeastI am a long time AMD user and have no issues22:30
sebastian|62417Wait a sec, maybe it DOES have 3.4 Ghz even here, but it doesn't show in the welcome thing?22:32
sixwheeledbeastexactly my point. welcome maybe detecting it incorrectly. 800x4=320022:33
sebastian|62417On the detailed page it lists as min/max 800/340022:33
sixwheeledbeastthere you go22:34
sixwheeledbeastyou can also use the cpu monitor panel to see live freq. I would still think it's GPU if FPS.22:35
sebastian|62417Yeah, thanks for your help so far.22:36
sebastian|62417So you think it's a driver issue?22:36
sixwheeledbeastWhat about lspci | grep PCI this should show your GFX card22:38
sebastian|62417I have a Nvidia GTX 57022:40
sebastian|62417This is from welcome -> detailed system info22:41
sebastian|62417I'm gonna play around with the driver settings a bit. But first I'll get a bit of sleep :-)22:44
sixwheeledbeastI would try game settings and drivers. I have a ATI card myself.22:45
sebastian|62417I already tried setting everything to the lowest setting in graphics. That shouldn't even be necessary though, as I get ~150fps in Windows.22:46
sebastian|62417Thank you very much for your advice!22:46
sixwheeledbeasthow about different games? Let us know how you get on.22:48
sebastian|62417I haven't tried other games yet. I probably will come by next week. See you!22:51

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