=== skay is now known as Guest5540 [10:36] got stuck in the snow this morning [10:36] i'm clearly winning at life [10:38] kjackal did you get stuck in the snow this morning? [10:39] sure, if that pleases you? [10:39] that doesn't sound like a truthful answer [10:40] I havent check, but I suspect the freezer is the only place I can find ice around here. [10:41] I hear you got a proper winter this time [10:41] *sob* [10:43] Nobody on these islands seems to know how to deal with snow. And here I thought that it wasn't that uncommon. magicaltrout: Doctor Who has had several episodes depicting London in the snow. Are you saying that the show isn't a documentary? ;-) [10:43] it snowed once when i worked in london [10:44] and it was a disaster cause everyone would get off the tube and compact it to ice [10:44] then everyone else would fall over [10:44] this is the first real snow for me in 6 years [10:44] so no one is equipped for it because its not worth the expenditure for once every 6 years [10:45] There's a potted tree lying on its side in the hotel courtyard. I think that sums things up pretty succinctly ... [11:01] https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bvu8tlgblurjr4/20180302_100418_1.gif?dl=0 [11:01] welcome to the end of my road [11:04] having recently moved to Berlin, this windy cold climate with no way to reproduce coziness of at least having some snow outside is the worst aspect of the city [11:05] i quite like the snow, i just wish it were more regular so the country could still function [11:05] i'm bored of seeing my bedroom and my daughters desk this week [11:42] Over here in Norway, people complain when there's little snow up at the cabin and now they complain because it's too much (there's a cabin there I swear): https://gfx.nrk.no/mHFTfRnMLLszzsA2SypmhAy7z3oFvUbNUS7bf-r367CA [11:43] lol [11:43] no pleasing some people === Guest5540 is now known as skay [13:24] magicaltrout: I shoveled snow, does that count? [13:44] If anyone needs a good excuse for splurging on a snow blower: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-shoveling-snow-put-your-heart-at-risk-2017120612887 [14:22] kwmonroe: I only just saw your question from the other day. Charm layers no, base layers yes, unfortunately [14:49] zeestrat: except for this line in there :P "it’s possible that the connection between snowfall and heart trouble has nothing to do with shoveling snow. Perhaps there is some other snow-related risk factor, such as the use of a snow blower that is the real culprit" [14:55] rick_h: Naughty you for leaving out the latter part of that sentence ", but I’m having a hard time coming up with other plausible explanations. Can you?" ;) [14:55] zeestrat: hey, I can't copy all of the text :P [14:55] that would be improper use of IRC [15:00] rick_h: Haha! At least you can get a nice fallback career writing clickbaity press releases for research institutions with that attitude :P [15:00] zeestrat: how'd you know my secret ambition in life?! [15:05] rick_h: Well, it's obvious where the money is with all those cold fusion plants and everlasting batteries just around the corner. [15:05] zeestrat: have to look out for the future [15:07] rick_h: Had a nice trip I hope? Do y'all need any more info from me regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2018-February/009887.html? [15:07] zeestrat: yes, very nice trip. Did some mountain biking and came home to a ton of snow :( [15:08] zeestrat: I had a call about that this morning with some folks that work on the back end and I'm currently putting a doc together identifying the different gaps as they cross different systems. [15:08] zeestrat: I'd love to chat with you and tom once that's up about what we can do short term and longer term to smooth out the process [15:09] zeestrat: in particular we have a tool in place we use internally called "agent auth" where you create an agent with private/public keys so that services can talk to each other in a trusted way and wonder if that'll work for your needs (even though ideally we'd just generate tokens like a GH setup) [15:09] but once exists already to a great extend and one is all new code/etc [15:25] I scared zeestrat away [15:26] or made him cry [15:26] rick_h: No, rather my SO and her impending arrival (I promised to start making dinner...) [15:26] zeestrat: ah, well dinner with SO > * (at least that's the line you must repeat" [15:27] and wtf...I start with a ( and end with a " [15:27] * rick_h gets moar coffee [15:27] You got at least 4 different chars in there so well done [15:28] noooo [15:28] ignore them all [15:32] ^ Sounds good though. Glad to chat and help out further with that. I imagine we're not the only ones that would benefit from ripping out some gnarly CI scripts. [15:33] zeestrat: definitely not alone on it [15:36] rick_h: can you come shovel some snow for me whilst i wait for that day to come? [15:37] took/forced the kids out for a walk an hour ago [15:37] they officially hate me [15:37] I believe i'm winning [15:37] magicaltrout: sure, I'll get right out there. [15:37] thanks [15:37] magicaltrout: lol have to know true hate so that you can buy their love back later without any guilt [15:37] well [15:37] i remember my parents forcing me out for walks in the snow [15:37] i call it indirect retribution [15:37] "and with that walk over I declare...Extra Screen Time!" [15:38] hah, we lived in the south so we were locked out of the house. I'd read books on the front porch. [15:38] i believe if i locked my kids out of the hosue these days i'd have social services knocking on my door ;) [15:39] yea...scary times [15:39] they might have to wave to folks walking through the neighborhood [15:39] i know right... hey kids, you need to go interact with that stranger [15:41] hah, you need to awkwardly be polite with other random adults like we all had to === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [20:37] k, sent