[00:32] oh, who can fix the links on our download page? [00:40] I would if I could... [00:47] @Valoriez I'll fix it. [00:53] Should I update the 32 bit ones? [00:54] Since we haven't tested them? [00:54] They were released [00:54] Maybe make them smaller or something [00:54] smaller? [00:55] he's saying visually downplay them [00:55] so as to suggest against people using them [00:55] Right [00:55] but since they were released, you can't NOT have them there [00:55] Exactly my thinking [00:55] unless maybe you did a link to "see all downloads" or something [01:04] some tests on bare metal were done successfully [01:04] just not any that I know of on 32 bit chips [01:04] and thanks, ahoneybun [01:04] I'll write a news story after dinner [06:57] ok, I wrote a draft [06:57] the links are just in the text, not linked [06:58] and I don't want to publish because the release notes are not update [06:58] because I can't login to the effin wiki [06:58] so if someone wants to clean that up and publish, great [06:58] otherwise I'll do it tomorrow [10:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu updated [10:14] I needed to publish https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-4-lts-update-available/ to check the last link on the release notes. [18:05] Thanks mparillp [18:05] *mparillo [19:57] Thank you mparillo! [21:45] My pleasure. I see the i386 ISOs were published anyway. [21:55] we got a bit more successful testing on bare metal [21:55] still none on 386 machines though [21:55] :( [21:56] it's possible that I have one old laptop which is i386 [21:56] but .... doubt it still turns on, even if I can find it [22:00] When you can find a certified 64-bit referb for $150, or one on e-bay for under $100 not many first-world testers care to keep ancient HW around except for 'look at what I can do'. My daughter 'made' a Rasberry Pi at school this year and it was probably within shouting distance of those old 32-bit only machines. [22:01] yeah [22:01] I think this was was simply forgotten [22:02] it was my first laptop and my son didn't succeed in putting linux on it years ago [22:02] and somehow it disappeared into the back bedroom...... [22:02] where many things live to be discovered eventually