
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> This just in.... for some reason the Hubl.in app works perfectly now for me :)  yay!01:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> Ok01:25
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> Hi,03:46
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> Having trouble installing ubuntu touch on BQ Aquarise E5 HD Ubuntu Edition03:47
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> How do I do it step by step03:49
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> Hi08:19
ubptgbot<jonny> @Lars Goran, The welcome room is meant for that kind of problem. Do you need a link?08:35
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> HI,08:35
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> I solved it and have now ubuntu touch installed on my phone.08:36
ubptgbot<jonny> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/NJ8HR8Vm.webp08:36
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> But I have another problem........Skype webapp doesnt work. The language isnt english on thw wesite and I dont know how to change it08:38
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Lars Goran, Welcome. Good to hear that! Could you please share with us what was your issue and how you solve it?08:38
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Lars Goran, I think the skype webapp is useless nowdays08:39
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> So just discard it08:39
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Another day off work- a long weekend it is! Back to programming today :)08:40
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> I dont know really..........the possible solution was that I trurned developer mod off and on and started with the phone on.08:46
ubptgbot<PacoIgnazioTaiboII> I mutamenti dei ghiacciai dolomitici … https://m.facebook.com/events/976756432480244?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%223%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D&aref=308:47
ubptgbot<Lars Goran> Is there any work to adjust Skype for linux to Ubuntu Touch?08:53
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @Lars Goran, You would have to ask microsoft about that 😉08:54
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> One would think the version in Libertine will work to some extent when 16.04 goes stable?09:01
ubptgbot<DanChapman> unlikely as they only do x86 builds09:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Compile from source then I guess?09:04
ubptgbot<DanChapman> what source?09:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> No open source version?09:04
ubptgbot<DanChapman> nope09:04
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Meh.09:05
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Windows don't have many ARM computers to justify an ARM build?09:11
ubptgbot<advocatux> @TartanSpartan you should take a look to Matrix. They're even playing with 3D video calling now https://matrix.org/blog/2018/02/05/3d-video-calling-with-matrix-webrtc-and-webvr-at-fosdem-2018/09:11
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> That's cool. Tbh I don't do a whole lot of VoIP but I might do more some day. Does Matrix allow persistent storage of messages? That would be good because it can do an IRC bridge.09:14
ubptgbot<advocatux> I'm not an expert on matrix but I think you can do (almost) anything with it, because you can ran your own server.09:24
ubptgbot<advocatux> [Edit] I'm not an expert on matrix but I think you can do (almost) anything with it, because you can run your own server.09:34
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Lars Goran, Try out uMatriks Marius version. It has videochat without Microsoft 'interest' in your private communication10:28
ubptgbotNaveen Roy was added by: Naveen Roy12:09
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @Naveen Roy, Welcome, Naveen! Take a look at our welcome page: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome13:02
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Lars Goran, use the hubl.in app.  it's awesome.  :)13:25
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> also the 'test umatriks by @mariogrip ' does audio and video but... it's kind of sitting there orphaned from the main app so... I just leave it there for now13:25
ubptgbot<Ismaelbonato> hey guys does anyone know something about Settings schema?13:28
ubptgbot<Ismaelbonato> is it? https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/config-spec/13:29
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> On the B 4.5, could it be that a green flashing led indicating  a new message, slowly drains the battery? I have that feeling...13:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes... but very, very slowly13:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah13:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's like a microwatt with each flash or something crazy small like that13:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> if even that much13:49
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> 60% of this supergroup is *not* subscribed to the Official UBports News Channel.  Why not click this little blue link now and make sure you don't miss any important information in the community?  https://t.me/ubports_news13:52
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> Mm. Most times. It's like my battery drains faster with that led blinking.14:00
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> I only have telegramm open and nowadays, I have to charge daily. Look at this graph.14:02
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/xKFYQBiR.png14:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> observer bias14:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> but there could be something holding the wake lock keeping the phone from deep sleep14:03
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> Last night it was almost empty and I'i've turned it off. Charged this morning before turning on.14:03
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> I have Telegramm open and am connected to wifi all day. Nothing else is runnng.14:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> iow, it's almost certainly not the LED itself14:04
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> Ok14:04
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> Is there a log or something I can enable so the debs can debug?14:07
ubptgbot<Muyeezus> yeah14:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess if something is holding wakelock, there should be something in syslog about it14:41
ubptgbot<Ernst Vaarties> Ok.14:50
ubptgbot<Georgecloon> @Ernst Vaarties, A little off-topic but there is a Dutch UBports group as well, if you want to join. t.me/UBports_NL15:04
ubptgbot<Mark> Are there any UBports users in Cambridge, UK?15:36
ubptgbot<DanChapman> i'm essex so not far away 😊15:40
ubptgbot<DanChapman> [Edit] i'm in essex so not far away 😊15:42
ubptgbotJoeWakeling was added by: JoeWakeling16:11
ubptgbot<samzn> @TartanSpartan, MSFT abandonned their official Skype client on Windows RT16:29
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Joseph. For lots about UBports check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome16:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, I meant, we built mir for IBM mainframes. So uh, I guess they couldn't afford a couple ARM devices to build chromium on? Skype is an Electron app now, so how bloody hard can it be to build an ARM version?17:06
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @Stereofont thanks very much!17:09
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> Just to note ... joining the UB Welcome & Install channel doesn't seem to be working for me (I try to open the link in Telegram and nothin happens)17:11
ubptgbot<technicalbird> Anyone with Nexus 5 on 16.04? I see lot of changes in GitHub! What is the current status?17:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @technicalbird, it's in active development is the current status :P17:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> @JoeWakeling, Try @WelcomePlus maybe?17:16
ubptgbot<technicalbird> @dohbee, I know it's a core device!! The question was about what works and what won't?17:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> most of the issues are not device specific17:17
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> On another note ... is there anyone here who's working on the bionic (18.04) Unity8 desktop PPA?  Some recent upstream updates seem to have borked things (I suspect it's mir upgrades), and I'd like to touch base with someone who can advise how to check out exactly what's wrong17:17
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> I've already filed a GitHub issue, but since I'm here and with a little bit of free time, thought I'd offer it for discussion/testing17:18
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> @JoeWakeling, Bionic is a little poorly (for using Mir) today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/175141417:27
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1751414 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[regression] Missing Wayland login option and missing GL acceleration, after installing libegl1" [Critical,Confirmed]17:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Oh hi ubot, I was starting to miss you17:27
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> It's probably too late to advise you not to update17:28
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @alan_griffiths yup, but shouldn't be too much of a hassle to manually downgrade if I need to — and I imagine this Wayland work will make it easier for Unity8 to run effectively on bionic?17:29
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> Well, it makes it easier for apps to run (via Wayland) on Unity817:32
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> I don't imagine Unity8 itself transitioning for a long while17:32
ubptgbot<NotKit> reading last message almost made me thing you plan to compile Unity8 against libbionic17:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, it's not a cool release name for Ubuntu.17:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Gonna be a hard 5 years17:34
ubptgbotYuldashev_Sarvarbek was added by: Yuldashev_Sarvarbek17:34
ubptgbotPpilot was added by: Ppilot17:34
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @alan_griffiths so this is basically about apps that use toolkit support for the display server?  I ask because my experience is that the "native" Unity8 apps are more unstable than with the Yunit PPA on xenial, and I assume that is probably down to the way toolkits are interacting with Mir17:35
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> (BIG assumption, of course)17:35
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hi 795 I suggest that you create a username rather than announcing your mobile17:36
ubptgbot<Stereofont> To you and Yuldashev, please check this for UBports info https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:37
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Yuldashev, is our group in Russian of any interest?17:37
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> http://t.me/UBports_Ru17:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Ppilot, Albanian?17:39
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Ppilot, Please don't spam for your group17:39
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> @JoeWakeling I have no knowledge about the stability of apps on either platform. I know Canonical has been stripping the unsupported Mir client code out of the toolkits for 18.04, but I don't know what UBports does about that.17:39
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Yuldashev Sarvarbek: … Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:39
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Stereofont, no. spam17:40
ubptgbot<Michele> @Ppilot, stop spamming pleeese...17:40
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:40
ubptgbot<Stereofont> So it seems17:40
ubptgbot<Ppilot> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/Jahon_tillari17:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Stereofont please just ban17:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh17:40
ubptgbot<Yuldashev_Sarvarbek> Jahon tillari … https://t.me/English_study_8817:40
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Not admin17:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox @Flohack ^^ ban please?17:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> or @wayneoutthere17:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> there17:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> thanks17:41
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Phew17:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I walk away for 5 seconds17:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> @JoeWakeling, the native apps are using qt, which clearly has support because you're running unity8. maybe there is an issue in the qtubuntu back-end, but i would suspect you'd get lots of unity8 crashes too. probably something else going there17:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> and we get uzbeki spam17:43
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @UniversalSuperBox, resolved?17:45
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> yes17:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> 😃17:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> (never used one of those emoticons... kind of fun)17:46
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @dohbee that's what I'd assumed, but the stability issues threw me a bit — I'd previously only seen these sort of things (on the Yunit PPA) with apps that were interacting with the display server via XMir17:46
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> Whereas with the bionic ubports PPA I've had things freeze up if e.g. I try to split out a new pane in the Unity8 terminal app17:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @JoeWakeling, well i don't know what issues you're seeing exactly17:47
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> (BTW, let me know if this kind of discussion is best taken to another discussion space, don't want to spam the group with technical stuff 😉 )17:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @JoeWakeling, how did you install the terminal app?17:47
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> IIRC it came as part of the Unit8 install using https://github.com/ubports/unity8-desktop-install-tools17:48
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> [Edit] IIRC it came as part of the Unity8 install using https://github.com/ubports/unity8-desktop-install-tools17:48
ubptgbot<Stereofont> There is a Unity8 group17:52
ubptgbotArthorius_Alfa was added by: Arthorius_Alfa17:55
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Arthorius_Alfa, Hello Arthur, to get you started check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:57
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @Stereofont, Can't see it listed anywhere on ubports.com, or I would probably have taken the discussion straight there :-\18:04
ubptgbot<Stereofont> [english] … The UBports Community Is pleased to annouce the creation of a brand new focus group! … UNITY8 - UBports … With the unfortunate disappearance of Yunit, the UBports Community has stepped in to keep the convergence dream alive.  … Convergence is alive and well with Unity8! … Click here to join for Unity 8 development dis18:06
ubptgbotcussion: @UBports_Unity8 … #ubports -alert18:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> I wonder if it's possible to get an rss feed of the news channel18:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Fuseteam, Ask @wayneoutthere :)18:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's not, because Telegram18:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> I see 😂18:12
ubptgbot<JoeWakeling> @Stereofont thanks!18:14
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Fuseteam, yes. click this for RSS+ feed: https://t.me/ubports_news18:19
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> "It's RSS on steroids" - Wayne 201818:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Cool 🤩18:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Te almost got me lol18:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Part of it is probably cause I'm lazy lol was thinking about using ifttt to send updates from the news channel to a discord channel 😂18:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> And yes I've joined that group before I asked lol18:22
ubptgbot<rossywoman> Fwd from Aquacafking: https://status.github.com/messages18:24
ubptgbot<rossywoman> Fwd from anunaym14: Yep! https://www.wired.com/story/github-ddos-memcached/18:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Oh my18:25
ubptgbotToromino was added by: Toromino18:54
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Dennis. For a taste of what YBports is about, read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome19:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> YBports? :)19:24
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Yes, that too 😉19:27
ubptgbot<Flohack> Its our new fork19:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Down with the renegade YBport splitters!19:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> Whatever happened to the popular front, anyway?19:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, Which is..?19:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Stereofont, If nobody forks us we are not important soo ;)19:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> a quote from Life of Brian19:37
ubptgbot<Stereofont> He is just a very naughty boy19:38
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @rossywoman, is apple mad that their source code got leaked there :P20:04
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> i was wondering why someone would attack github ....20:10
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> seems legit20:10
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> kiddos20:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> but icloud is just hosted on google20:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @rogieroudshoorn, State actors probably don't like it20:14
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> do enlighten me ;)20:16
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @rogieroudshoorn, The Great Firewall, for one. Lots of pesky people on Github chipping holes in it?20:17
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> would probably be easier to block in locally, but good point20:20
ubptgbot<advocatux> Even AOL has problems! Nobody respect the elderly anymore! … http://downdetector.com/status/aol/map/20:30
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @advocatux, It still exists? ?20:31
ubptgbot<advocatux> Surprising, eh?20:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> I thought it died 20 years ago 😂20:32
ubptgbot<advocatux> It's part of Verizon, I believe20:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Normal again now20:42
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @advocatux, hahahaha21:04
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> calm down people! Aol is back online!  No need to panic!21:05
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> You can forward pictures of waterfalls again by email21:05
ubptgbotAniram170 was added by: Aniram17021:05
ubptgbot<Aniram170> UBports - you stole my domain Chesterstone.ru  … Why did you do this?!21:10
ubptgbot<advocatux> @UniversalSuperBox another spammer!21:12
ubptgbot<advocatux> 👍21:13
ubptgbot<Sconio> Hello, there is a problem with OpenStore, all the apps that I have installed on a updates available, but it is already up to date21:35
ubptgbot<Sconio> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/oQc6YQC1.png21:35
ubptgbot<Sconio> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/x7LwSQSO.png21:35
ubptgbot<Sconio> Is bug happens a few times, and this rule a few minute after21:40
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Sconio, There has been some small problem with OpenStore today but it's fixed now. I say small because it has been a much bigger problem with some big internet players today. Probably what you experienced was a sync problem. Is it fine now?22:28
ubptgbot<Zack> Is there any update on the anbox project? I so want to use Ubuntu touch, it is only that I have to use WhatsApp that Android is being used here 😢22:55
ubptgbotJ was added by: J23:00
ubptgbot<Vshogun7> Anyone manage to flash  … a Samsung s7 edge, my friend might need to flash it, needs Camera as good as possible, with the OS thank in advance23:22
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> Not right now. Someone is working on it, I believe.23:23
ubptgbot<Vshogun7> @Lyokanthrope, Thank you. I appreciate it. His old firmware messed up his phone so I offered to try.23:29

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