
CoJaBodonofrio: All the options are grayed out, with no explanation00:08
donofrioCoJaBo, hu?00:11
CoJaBoTry it; the interface is just terribly broken, and apparently has been unfixed since ~201400:11
CoJaBoSome from 2012 actually00:12
donofrioCoJaBo, what it works for me great https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsBlZbBf72iNoMAqrMaVNAXibrQvEA00:14
donofrioagain skip that onedrive login jazz00:14
CoJaBodonofrio: I mean, try to select one from another folder00:16
donofriouh I did that is not stock mouse background ;)00:16
CoJaBoIt pops up a message telling you to select a file, but the files are all grayed out00:16
donofrioI use xfce4 daily on my work and home machines00:16
donofrioyou do noe select the file in that view but directoey that contains the file00:17
CoJaBoThat and the clock issue, users are going to notice right away, and will be unable to fix withoug using Google. Or in the latter case, possibly at all.00:17
CoJaBodonofrio: Read the dialog again00:17
donofriothen it loads up thumbnails of all wallpapers it finds00:17
donofrio#xfce great channel and awesome people there....00:17
CoJaBoTell them to fix their stuff then :P00:18
donofrioCoJaBo, it's working like it should.... ;)00:19
donofriojust my 2cents00:19
gpunkhi after this morning update , plasma is very slow, cpu at 100%05:35
VanishHey all. I just updated to the 18.04 alpla and now I am not able to connect to the internet at all. I can connect to the router just find and I can ping out but I can't run apt update, apt, upgrade, or use a web browser. It says that am offline06:34
gpunk hi after this morning update , plasma is very slow, cpu at 100%06:46
donofrio so what does this mean to you good folks "(deja-dup-monitor:722): dconf-CRITICAL **: 01:58:37.792: unable to create directory '/home/donofrio/.cache/dconf': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly."06:59
flocculantlotuspsychje_: woohoo - grub issue seen elsewhere, marked my one as a dupe to the one someone is assigned to :)07:41
lotuspsychje_flocculant: you got a bug url on that?07:43
flocculantbug 175276707:44
ubottubug 1752767 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub2 regression, simultaneous console and video graphical glitches with new patch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175276707:44
lotuspsychje_lets c :p07:45
lotuspsychje_flocculant: 6 affected07:45
lotuspsychje_flocculant: is this your bug, or the dupe07:46
flocculantthat's the dupe - most of the affected are coming from my one07:49
flocculantmain thing is someone will fix it :D07:49
flocculantpersonally not over worried - only have grub for 3 secs - would look shit for the default time though lol07:52
lotuspsychje_flocculant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/175213807:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752138 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub menu text corruption" [Undecided,New]07:57
lotuspsychje_browsing new grub bugs07:58
flocculantseems lots since I reported at beginning of Feb - possibly because it's shown up in artful :D07:59
Boyettei have a weird problem09:01
Boyettewhen i press my prt sc button it doesnt make a screenshot mostly but about 30 seconds later my system cuts the power as a security measure09:01
gpunkhi after this morning update , plasma is very slow, cpu at 100%09:21
lotuspsychje_Boyette: might be interesting to tail -f /var/log/syslog to see whats happening in realtime before your system shutsdown09:27
Boyetteif i can reproduce it09:45
Boyettebut it does not always occur09:45
Boyettemaybe this09:53
Boyette│Mar  2 09:59:15 HQ /slick-greeter-set-keyboard-layout: Result: Warning! Multiple definitions of keyboard model#012         Using command line, ignoring X server#012Warning! Multiple definitions of keyboard lay│09:53
FauxLooks like xorg-server 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu2, now available, may fix my "Option" bug from ~16h ago. Not sure I can face trying it, though.11:09
diddledanfun https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/AEIW4iKg/11:28
diddledanconflicting package11:28
diddledanI can't figure out a way out of this mess11:28
diddledaninstalling libgl1 removes ubuntu-desktop11:28
TJ-diddledan: "libgl1' is a virtual package; it doesn't exist. Other packages declare "Provides: libgl1" (libg1-mesa-glx is one that Provides) so your issue is that /another/ package is providing it11:34
diddledanI've got nvidia 390 drivers installed, surely they'd remove conflicting stuff though11:35
TJ-diddledan: try this: " awk -v PROV=libgl1 '/^Package/ {pkg=$2} /^Provides:/ && PROV == $2 {print pkg, $0} {}' /var/lib/dpkg/status "11:38
* diddledan tries under root11:39
diddledanalso nada11:39
diddledanI previously have removed both libgl1 and libgl1-mesa-glx in an attempt to fix this - the idea being to run apt install ubuntu-desktop^ again, but it's at that point I get the conflict11:41
TJ-diddledan: some other package is declaring the provides I think; maybe my command doesn't work correctly in all cases. I'll see if I can find another Provides group to test it on11:42
diddledandpkg -l https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9ldGJWf7/11:43
diddledanremoving libgl1 (apt remove libgl1) installs libgl1-mesa-glx and vice versa11:44
diddledanwith libgl1-mesa-glx installed your script shows it: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Nr9FdKpv/11:47
TJ-diddledan: right, I was expecting more than 1 package to be reported11:51
diddledanthe reason this came up is because I have no gnome shell working: gnome-session-check-accelerated-gl-helper: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:51
diddledanso I've been trying to figure out where the libGL.so.1 has gone to11:52
diddledanI'm not very familiar with the rules for conflicts/replaces/provides but libgl1-mesa-glx has the same value (libgl1) in all THREE slots11:53
diddledanI thought that was a nogo11:54
diddledanI mean how do you conflict with the thing that you provide? surely sounds like a loop11:54
diddledanok, it looks like the nvidia drivers are wonky:11:57
diddledanlibglvnd is prividing a package called libgl111:57
TJ-right, and my script was supposed to find that. weird, met me re-look at it11:58
diddledanyeah I don't have it installed11:58
diddledanbecause if I install it then libgl1-mesa-glx is removed due to the conflict11:58
diddledanand when libgl1-mesa-glx is removed so too is ubuntu-dekstop11:59
diddledanand then we get a loop when I try to reinstall ubuntu-desktop^11:59
diddledanlibgl1 from the libglvnd _source_ package is a _real_ .deb package not a "provides"12:00
diddledanlibglvnd0 doesn't "provide" libgl1 at all https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5tn6767n/12:01
TJ-diddledan: arghhh12:11
* diddledan goes bananas12:11
diddledanI think this system of mine is royally mucked-up :-p12:12
diddledanperhaps I can try purging the nvidia driver? (I don't know all the relevant packages so I'd need a hand)12:14
diddledanI _think_ I've removed nvidia fully. was a case of removing nvidia-driver-390 and autoremove thereafter12:19
diddledanbut the conflict still remains on ubuntu-desktop^12:19
diddledanwithout the ^ works, though12:20
diddledanso something that isn't directly depended upon by the deb package but _is_ by the task12:22
gpunkmy opengl accelaration is dead too12:30
diddledanprogress. Got to a failsafe X session now12:30
gpunki fixed by removing libglvnd0 , but it came back with an update, and i cant remove it now12:31
gpunkplasma depends on it and many kde apps12:31
TJ-diddledan: that needs reporting as a bug against libglvnd0, with a suggestion the debian/control needs a "Provides: libgl1" 12:35
diddledanthe thing is it doesn't provide libgl112:36
diddledanthe source package builds a separate package CALLED libgl112:37
gpunkand I have an intel videocard12:37
diddledanas in there literally is a package libgl1 not a virtual package12:37
TJ-diddledan: hmmm, do either declare conflicts on each other?12:39
diddledansee: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libglvnd/12:39
diddledanand neither depend on each other either12:39
TJ-either way, report the bug and then the maintainers can sort it out12:40
TJ-do either package have a Replaces declared?12:41
diddledanI lie12:41
diddledanon libgl1:12:41
diddledanReplaces: libglvnd0 (<< 0.2.999+git20170201-1)12:41
diddledanlibglvnd0 is current above that number: Version: 0.2.999+git20170802-212:42
TJ-check the changelog, then bug report it, looks like a simple change. The maintainer wasn't paying attention :)12:45
diddledanI don't know what or where the bug is though12:46
diddledanit's too all encompassing12:46
diddledanogl doesn't work. nvidia drivers don't work. failsafe x without nvidia drivers12:46
diddledan.. conflicting packages with opengl-related stuff...12:48
TJ-the 1st bug is that 2 packages provide the same file (symlink) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/scczPztDwT/12:50
diddledanok, that one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libglvnd/+bug/1752863 I don't know more than I've said so it's really not a helpful bug report IMO12:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752863 in libglvnd (Ubuntu) "libgl1 and libgl1-mesa-glx both provide libGL.so.1" [Undecided,New]12:58
Volkodavlooks like autoremove kicked out my i-386 libs14:09
VolkodavI get all kind of errors libGL.so.1 and such14:09
diddledanfor reference, TJ- , my bug is a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libglvnd/+bug/175141414:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751414 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[regression] Missing Wayland login option and missing GL acceleration, after installing libegl1" [Critical,Confirmed]14:12
diddledanlooks like something gone wonky14:13
TJ-diddledan: 'wonky' is an understatement :)14:14
scdeHello, does someone here know when the users with 16.04 will be prompted to upgrade to 18.04?14:38
scdeI think I recall that with 16.04 it was once the first fixes were available with 16.04.114:39
FurretUberHi, I've updated Xubuntu 18.04 and now GPU rendering is no longer working. The update was: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S7csQfNHT4/15:00
FurretUberYes, this is the same thing from 3 or 4 days ago15:00
FurretUberSomething now requires libegl1, and if I try to remove libegl1 it tries to remove update-manager, gnome-software, xubuntu-desktop and other packages15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752901 in libglvnd (Ubuntu) "If libegl1 is installed, modeset fails and rendering falls back to CPU (llvmpipe)" [Undecided,New]15:13
TJ-you're not the first one today bug \175141415:23
TJ-you're not the first one today bug #175141415:23
ubottubug 1751414 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[regression] Missing Wayland login option and missing GL acceleration, after installing libegl1" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175141415:23
diddledanI suspect there'll be more :-)15:24
FurretUberOn my case, I use Xorg. While it was avoidable it was tolerable, but now something important depends from that and it's marked as a supported package. I told about this problem here days ago, but couldn't reproduce properly, I was not sure if was libegl1 or libopengl0 or libglvnd0, libegl1 was not marked as supported and there is the libegl1-mesa package already supported15:35
diddledan"supported" on an unsupported distribution15:38
FurretUberBut I believe libegl1 is supported (it has the check mark on synaptic: http://i.imgur.com/yonICV9.png )15:43
naccFurretUber: TJ-: diddledan: it's because we're in the middle of a migration15:44
naccbionic-proposed has the fixes15:44
nacc(the updated packages for all of the x stack15:44
diddledanyeah, nacc , I'm being patient :-) I've got other systems I can use while waiting for bionic. The main thing I was concerned about was helping get the right people the right information to assist15:45
naccdiddledan: ack, appreciate it15:47
nacci think you're all looking at the right bug15:47
FurretUberI'm sorry for that messages, I was frustrated15:51
Boyetteanyone who can help me with debugging my blackouts15:51
naccFurretUber: totally undestandable :)15:52
naccFurretUber: we're in a bit of a bind on 18.04 (like most releases) as stuff needs more love in Ubuntu than Debian (IMO) since we don't let tests just fail15:52
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
donofrionacc, but midori failed I guess and was removed from 18.04 ;(  just replying to FurretUber conversation18:13
naccdonofrio: which conversation?18:13
donofriofrom 10:40am something about "we don't let tests just fail" you said18:14
donofrio10:52:59 18:14
naccdonofrio: it wasn't tests18:15
naccthe package *didn't build*18:15
naccread the bug reports and the publishing history18:15
* donofrio hanging head - understood18:15
donofrionacc, got a handy link to history and the like?18:17
nacci sent it earlier, donofrio 18:17
donofriooh ok I'll go back and read18:17
naccdonofrio: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/midori/+publishinghistory18:17
naccdonofrio: looking at the deletion entry for artful, e.g.18:18
donofriohow do I sort by date in launchpad18:19
naccdonofrio: those are sorted by date the publishing event happened (in reverse)18:21
donofrioso because it didn't come back from power saving it's been removed...ok...intresting18:22
naccdonofrio: what?18:23
naccdonofrio: it got removed because it was removed in debian, failed to build from source, is ummaintained an dunsupported18:23
donofriotoo cooll.....chromium works now18:38
donofrioin wsl 18.04 ;)18:38
donofriono need for midori18:38
donofrioit was failing all over itself in 17.0418:38
donofriohow do I disable this keyring jazz....never understood storing passwords, always seemed like a very bad idea18:41
Boyettei always get internet error18:56
donofrioBoyette, uh in what app/what were you doing?19:03
FurretUberBoyette: I tried to find this bug (#1752108) in Launchpad, but couldn't find it19:22
FurretUberI think it is private19:22
Boyetteit must be there19:41
Boyettei get auto report19:41
Boyettethe bug is already known19:41
Boyetteand reporrted19:42
Boyettealways comes back19:42
naccBoyette: if it's private, we can't see it19:47
FauxBack to the official nvidia driver, but now I have no glx. This is going super well.19:48
vividi just updated some packages and rebooted and now ive got no function from my nvidia driver....anyone know a workaround?19:56
Faux\o/ welcome to my world.20:00
FauxWhat do you mean by "no function"?20:00
FurretUberProbably the problem is this one: #175141420:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751414 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[regression] Missing Wayland login option and missing GL acceleration, after installing libegl1" [Critical,Confirmed]20:05
vividi cant remove libegl1 the whole system depends on it....like 200 packages20:09
vivid253 packages20:10
FurretUberThis affects, at least, Intel Westmere and Skylake too. AMD Cedar is not affected.20:10
vividhow can i see if its wayland running currently20:10
FurretUberIt could be removed before, after this last update it tries to remove a good portion of the system20:10
FurretUberYou can use glxinfo -B to see if the GPU is being used. To see if Wayland is being used, I don't know20:12
vividsession is x1120:12
vividaaaand nouveau un-sweet20:13
vividid remove that but thats obviously not the problem, ill just have no display at all :p20:13
FauxI'm trying the "install glx from proposed", I'm happy with it removing half the system at this point.20:22
vividi dont see why things are moved out of proposed when theyre not working20:23
vividshould be common sense20:23
vividunreleased release or not20:23
FauxI guess the thing in charge of moving them out of proposed isn't aware of the dependency here.20:23
FauxThat libegl can't migrate before other stuff migrates, 'cos it'll break everything.20:23
vividapparently it just broke everything20:24
vividbecause nouveau is not going to get the job done20:24
FauxI only upgraded to bionic the hope that a new kernel would fix my weird usb issues. I got what I deserved.20:24
vividi upgraded because unity is dead and kde is still a mess20:25
vividkde "stable" is actually worse than this20:25
FauxInstalling from proposed has fixed my machine fwiw.20:25
vividwell it gives a graphical display but its just running open source drivers is why 20:26
FauxUnity is still supported for ages, that's a poor choice. :)20:26
naccFaux: and i just saw everytrhing hsould migrate out of proposed soon20:26
naccmesa etc.20:26
FauxYeah. But I'm not updating for two weeks now. :)20:27
FauxOr rebooting, for that matter.20:27
naccFaux: that's definitely not the right approach20:27
vividits still breaking things though so perhaps migrating them should wait20:27
* Faux launches Factorio.20:27
naccthis is the cost of running an unreleased thing20:27
naccvivid: ?20:27
naccvivid: the fix is to get the stuff out of proposed into the release20:27
vividok but its broken, those things from proposed are installed, my system is busted20:27
naccvivid: what "things"?20:28
naccvivid: sorry, i don't have enough context and am fighting my own fires right now :)20:28
vivideverything from proposed is installed here, broken graphics driver20:28
naccwell i wouldn't install *everything* from proposed20:29
naccthat's not what anyone said to do20:29
naccthere's stuff in proposed that is by definition broken20:29
vividi didnt install anything from proposed to begin with, and it was broken20:29
vividi installed the things people said to install, made a little progress, i can use nouveau20:30
vividok so everything back to working well again, problem was i also needed to manually update nvidia driver from proposed due to a name change nvidia-390 -> nvidia-driver-39020:48

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