
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
mpmcfossfreedom: upgraded to 18.04 from 17.10 - no major problems. Chromium barfed at bad dns config, but deleting the old network info & using auto-ethernet fixed it. Only other issue was the lock screen reset to default. But otherwise, good job to all involved!01:23
fossfreedommpmc, much appreciated with the feedback. cheers07:57
mpmcfossfreedom: I spoke too soon, did an update and now have some weird screen tearing on window movement.11:48
fossfreedommpmc, please run ubuntu-bug mutter and report the issue on launchpad16:04
mpmcfossfreedom: I figured it out, it was a radeon driver update causing the glitches, enabling tearfree solved it. :)16:56
fossfreedommpmc, excellent - be aware, 18.04 is in the middle of a massive graphics update - it is running into issues at the moment - so it may be a bumpy ride for a while16:57

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