
xeviousnacc: It only completes if I start an nspawn container and then run `dpkg --configure -a` at the bash prompt launched in the container.00:05
xeviousnacc: If I directly run dpkg in the container (not manually from a shell inside the container), it doesn't complete.00:06
xeviousI'll continue investigating it tomorrow.00:06
naccxevious: strange00:09
jbichabdmurray: could you push your changes to lp:software-properties ?00:49
bdmurrayjbicha: yep, doing so00:50
jbichaslangasek: I'm updating software-properties-gtk & update-manager's dependency from libgtk2-perl to libggtk3-perl for debconf. Why is it only a recommends?01:06
jbichaslangasek: based on the test case from LP: #1679784, I'm going to bump it to Depends unless you object…01:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1679784 in software-properties (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Changing from Xorg video driver to NVIDIA driver using Software & Updates does not display debconf prompt" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167978401:23
jbichaapt gets in this neat inconsistent state while waiting for a debconf answer it will never get01:24
jbichaoh I guess it's only stuck until I close the app but still…01:24
jbichaslangasek: also please remove ubuntu-font-family-sources from bionic (replaced by fonts-ubuntu)01:28
slangasekjbicha: I don't recall a reason why libgtk2-perl is a Recommends instead of a Depends.  It's possible it's because that's what the package relationship had been previously.  But how does updating to libgtk3-perl work?  Is there now a gtk3-based debconf frontend?02:20
jbichaslangasek: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/1.5.6602:22
slangasekwell, huzzah!02:27
naccsigh, i'm pretty close to asking for a full on revert of the snapcraft SRU02:35
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Unit193bdmurray: Hi.  Regarding LP #1693032...This reeeally doesn't do jack for us on Xubuntu, nor any other flavor than gnome.  Last year in May you talked with wxl and I about solutions for this in Xubuntu and Lubuntu, I had remarked about xfce4-session-logout (and I don't remember what Lubuntu had)  whatever happened to less hardcoding to GNOME? :/03:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1693032 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on gnome-session-bin" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169303203:26
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
flocculantslangasek xnox - seb128 said you've be the best people to mention this too - grub looking horrendous - bug 1748028 has a hardware video of what I see and also a vm - seeing this reported elsewhere by others too07:27
ubottubug 1748028 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Flashing text at bottom of grub menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174802807:27
slangasekflocculant: that looks like a duplicate of the other bug report that has just been tagged regression-update07:27
flocculantslangasek: aah - cool, I'll mark my old one as a dupe then07:29
flocculantdidn't think about tagging it regression-update07:30
rbasakpowersj, nacc: bug 1752215: the test needs updating (intentional in MySQL). Do we have a place to assign the bug?07:45
ubottubug 1752215 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "Server - LAMP installation no longer asks for a mysql password" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175221507:45
seb128slangasek, btw we didn't "nack" net-cpp or url-dispatcher removels, just indicators ones (which are still using by the unity session which is now community maintained)08:13
slangasekseb128: well, they're dependencies of the indicators; how can we unpick this?08:14
seb128slangasek, somebody needs to make the indicators not use them I guess? those depends are not useful under xorg/unity708:15
seb128I guess "needs work"08:15
seb128unsure how much that is though, but probably not something we can invest much into atm08:15
slangasekright, so who is that somebody :)  if nobody does the work, the libs and their reverse-depends need to be removed08:15
seb128there is a new group of people who picked up unity08:16
seb128I guess talk to them08:16
seb128and tell them you are going to delete their work now if they don't fix your problem :p08:16
Unit193sforshee: Thanks for the patch on nvidia 304, I'll use it myself at least. :)08:17
Unit193I don't suppose there's a hard push to get everything with openssl 1.1 for Bionic?08:17
seb128slangasek, I'm going to have a look today to see if it's easy to drop the depends, if it's not I guess it's up to the unity team08:19
slangasekUnit193: as much as possible; we know there will be a couple of packages still in main using openssl 1.008:19
Unit193openssh, right.08:20
slangasekseb128: ok, thanks.  what's the best way to flag that to the unity team?  other than just filing bug tasks08:20
seb128slangasek, anyway, desktop team own that problem and isn't objecting to remove indicators if you think that's the right way to go08:20
Unit193slangasek: Package in universe, it's pretty simple but wasn't sure if anyone would be interested.   https://salsa.debian.org/takaki/gvpe/merge_requests/108:21
seb128slangasek, they use https://community.ubuntu.com/c/desktop/ubuntu-unity-dev I think, otherwise jbicha knows who to ping in their team08:21
seb128slangasek, sorry, "desktop team *doesn't* own that problem"08:21
slangasekseb128: well, it definitely needs to be fixed or removed soon for 18.04 because of the entanglement with curl08:22
seb128k, well as far as I'm concerned you can remove indicators&unity, I just think it would be a shame and a bad step community wise08:22
seb128slangasek, let me have a look today to the indicators and ping the unity people and I let you know where we stand08:23
slangasekseb128: sounds good, thanks08:23
TJ-I'm hacking on update-manager (ubuntu-support-status). Is there a recommended way, possibly pythonic, to get the currently running package architecture, even where possibly it's a 32-bit install on a 64-bit kernel, e.g. without shelling out to do 'dpkg --print-architecture'  ?10:11
cjwatsonTJ-: I'd ask python-apt for it: import apt_pkg; apt_pkg.init(); apt_pkg.config['APT::Architecture']10:18
cjwatsonTJ-: (ubuntu-support-status already imports apt, which does the apt_pkg.init() bit implicitly, so you don't need that bit)10:19
TJ-cjwatson: Yes, thanks, I hadn't spotted that. Makes the job much easier10:21
sladenfrozen planet.  frozen bionic10:22
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of trusty-artful | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu
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Unit193sarnold: Hello, looks like Irssi hasn't been patched for the latest CVEs, is this on your tracker?  Would you be interested in reviewing and sponsoring the bugfix instead?11:45
xnoxslangasek, demote them to -proposed, rather than remove? add block-proposed, let curl migrate, keep them uninstallable in -proposed?11:52
xnoxUnit193, well, we are down to just 95 packages using openssl1.0, and I hope at least 4 more will get fixed up, so 91. Getting the number lower would be awesome.11:54
xnoxsmoser, rharper - check this out, resolvconf compat interface for systemd resolved => https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/8296/files11:55
Unit193Last 3 patches above S-V bump in that merge would fix 1. openssl compatibilty. 2. Ftbfs.11:55
Unit193(Trying to get it in Debian.)11:56
smosercoccinellication.  thats a word ?13:06
smoserxnox: what "use resolvconf state in the initramfs and hope that it will be transfered into the root filesystem" ?13:09
smoseri'm not aware of anything.13:09
xnoxsmoser, there are some, maybe it's not popular anymore.13:10
smoserin fact bug 1714308 pretty well guarantees they didn't do it well13:10
ubottubug 1714308 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Zesty) "dns does not work in initramfs after configure_networking" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171430813:10
xnoxsmoser, huh? "they"? above is a pull request, which is yet to be merged upstream to provide a compatible /sbin/resolvconf -u13:11
smoseryou said in that pull request that some things "use resolvconf state in the initramfs and hope that it will be transferred into the root filesystem"13:11
smoserand i dont know of anythings that do that.13:11
smosernor do i think they would work13:12
xnoxwhy not?13:12
smoserwell maybe the "transfer" part might work13:12
smoserbut dns didn't work in the initramfs until bionic13:12
xnoxresolvconf parses input on the stdin, and then sanitises it, and dumps it to /run/resolvconf/interface/$IFACE as if.13:12
smoserso configuring resolvconf was clearly not on anyone's high priority13:12
xnoxsmoser, but it does work in trusty/xenial? maybe nobody uses itermediate releases13:13
smoserto my knowledge we've never had working initramfs dns13:13
smosernot in "stock"13:13
smosermaybe trusty13:13
alexarnaudHello all14:16
alexarnaudCan I forward a bugupstream on Launchdpad ?14:16
alexarnaudhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1618723 is the result of https://github.com/mate-desktop/marco/issues/118#issuecomment-35569792414:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1618723 in ubuntu-mate "Unable to connect to wifi with Orca" [Undecided,New]14:17
alexarnaudI would like to help on bugs related to accessibility.14:17
alexarnaudThis bug has been fixed upstream, what is the process to mark it as resolved ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/161864214:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1618642 in ubuntu-mate "Desktop launchers invisible to Orca" [Undecided,New]14:18
alkisgalexarnaud: this is mostly a channel for ubuntu developers, while for users questions it's #ubuntu-mate and #ubuntu...14:26
alexarnaudalkisg: It's not usage question, it's question about the bugtracker, is there a QA channel maybe?14:26
alkisgalexarnaud: try the channels I linked, I think you'll have better chances to get a responce14:27
alkisgbug management is part of user support offered there14:27
alkisgIn general, you don't need to file each upstream bug to launchpad as well,14:28
alkisgand you'd only mark it as "fix released" once the release lands in the development version of ubuntu14:28
alexarnaudalkisg: It's already the case since 17.04 or 17.10.14:29
alkisgNice, then you can just close it14:29
alexarnaudalkisg: thanks for your help14:29
alkisgYou're welcome14:30
xeviousThis mysql-server issue is especially weird.14:56
xeviousI'm running a few more tests before posting an update to the ticket.14:56
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sunweaverI would like to test ubuntu-desktop in a nested Xserver.15:15
sunweavermy setup...15:15
sunweavera bionic-amd64 chroot with ubuntu-desktop meta package installed.15:15
sunweavera nested Xserver launched with "nxagent -ac :1"15:15
sunweaverin the chroot, I do: export DISPLAY=:115:15
sunweaverGNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu STARTUP="gnome-session --session=ubuntu" dbus-run-session /etc/X11/Xsession15:15
sunweaverwith that, I get complaints, that the system-wide DBus instance is not running.15:16
sunweaverwith other desktop envs, esp. on Debian, I can test a desktop from a chroot with that setup.15:16
sunweaverAny hint, how this can be done in Ubuntu?15:16
rbasakxevious: I commented on the bug. I'm not sure this is a bug in mysql-5.7 packaging though. What's the postinst doing wrong that breaks nspawn?15:18
xeviousrbasak: It behaves differently depending on how you run it.15:19
xeviousIf you do the installation as a parameter of `systemd-nspawn` it'll fail.15:19
xeviousIf you log into the contain and run the installation from the bash prompt, it'll succeed.15:19
xeviousHere's the REALLY weird thing I discovered a little while ago..15:19
xeviousIf you do the `apt install` as a parameter of `systemd-nspawn`, but add `dpkg --configure -a` after the `apt` command, it succeeds.15:20
rbasakxevious: given what nspawn does, it seems more likely to either be by-design behaviour from nspawn, or a bug in nspawn, no?15:20
xeviousThis worked fine on mysql-server-5.7 5.7.20-1ubuntu1, though.15:21
xeviousIt only broke with the new mysql-server package.15:21
xeviousrbasak: I'm about to post some more steps to reproduce. If you could try them out, I'd appreciate it.15:21
xeviousThe weird thing about adding `dpkg --configure -a` is that the `apt install` doesn't fail any more: it succeeds and `dpkg --configure -a` doesn't have to do anything.15:22
xeviousWithout that, it fails.15:23
xeviousI've only tried adding `dpkg --configure -a`. Since it doesn't appear to actually be doing anything, I'm trying an arbitrary command (`ls`) to see what that does.15:23
rbasakxevious: as I (just) described in the bug, we've changed how the postinst starts the server internally for upgrade purposes.15:24
rbasakxevious: so I can understand that this might break some use case that's less tolerant of how the postinst does that.15:24
rbasakxevious: this doesn't necessarily make it a bug in mysql-server-5.7.postinst though, even if it is a regression in behaviour.15:25
xeviousPlease try the steps in the comment I just posted.15:25
rbasakxevious: why? Can you not try it yourself in a VM to verify the steps?15:26
xeviousI have numerous times15:26
xeviousI just posted a comment15:27
xeviousNew steps15:27
rbasakCan you find steps to reproduce that don't rely on nspawn?15:27
rbasakIf it reproduces for you in a fresh VM with nspawn, I honestly don't see what I can add by confirming it.15:28
* rbasak will be back later15:29
xeviousrbasak: I think I found a solution. Testing further...15:34
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loolxnox: hey! is there some email explaining the way the deputy systemd is supposed to work on 14.04?16:09
loolxnox: I have a 14.04 system (with snapd, which pulled deputy systemd) but the certbot cron thinks systemd is init and disables itself; however the systemd timer for certbot doesn't work with a weird error16:09
loolI'm trying to understand if certbot systemd timer is supposed to work or if I should change the cron to detect system-systemd-active-but-not-pid-116:10
xnoxlool, i am happy to SRU "change the cron to detect system-systemd-active-but-not-pid-1" into trusty.16:14
xnoxlool, please open a bug and subscribe me?16:14
loolxnox: if you mean change certbot, it's a PPA package – might also affect the released one if any16:15
xnoxlool, basically, on trusty, one should assume pid1 is upstart; by hard-coding it; unless one is inside the snap, then assume pid1 is systemd.16:15
loolI'm happy to contact Ondrej@Debian to change the cron16:15
xnoxlool, yeah, so if building/running on trusty, assume upstart-only, unfortunately.16:15
* xnox checks calendar, *sigh* trusty is not dead yet16:16
loolxnox: Ok; he's backporting the package with just a rebuild and no source changes ATM16:16
loolI'll try to suggest something smart to do16:16
loolperhaps check which init /proc/1 actually is16:16
rbasaklool, xnox: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-December/040100.html16:16
rbasakIt'd be worth making a list of these I think.16:16
rbasakBasically it's fallout from the SRU regression.16:17
loolah right, remember that thread now16:17
* rbasak disappears again16:17
loolrbasak: thanks!16:18
looldeputy systemd is a bit of an evil mode   :-/16:18
loolthe jobs are all listed as failed etc16:18
loolanyway, will go back to Ondrej to update certbot packaging16:19
xnoxlool, i recommending opening with "some trusty systems suffer from split personality disorder w.r.t. init system in charge, when snapd is also installed"16:20
loolYep, exactly16:23
xeviousrbasak: I found a solution (mentioned in the comment I just put on the ticket). Should I close it as "Invalid" or do you want to close it as "Won't fix"?17:17
xeviousI figure "Invalid" applies.17:20
xeviousIt was effectively a support request, after I explored the issue further: I just needed to add an option to systemd-nspawn.17:21
xeviousSystem UIDs and GIDs are carefully managed by a Debian or Ubuntu team, right?18:54
xeviousE.G. the mysql UID and GID shouldn't have changed between mysql-server-5.7 5.7.20-1ubuntu1 and mysql-server-5.7 5.7.21-1ubuntu1, right?18:56
xeviousLooks like the new mysql-sever-5.7 package decremented them by 1: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WC8WrnwwfC/18:59
alkisgaren't those randomly selected on postinst?19:01
mdeslaurthey're randomly assigned, yes19:01
mdeslaurxevious: there's no expectation that it wouldn't change in two different installs19:02
xeviousI see. It's just 0-99 that are statically assigned.19:03
tsimonq2rbasak, bdmurray: For the sake of not letting the process stall, how is my Qt 5 Uploaders app?19:09
rbasaktsimonq2: I've not looked again yet, sorry. A bunch of Canonical people are sprinting next week, so it may not conclude until after that.19:15
tsimonq2rbasak: ack, but it would be good to get responses from non-Canonical people then :)19:16
cjwatsonxevious: 0-99 and 60000-64999 (see https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/#uid-and-gid-classes)19:18
xeviouscjwatson: Thanks! I also reviewed the Ubuntu Policy page about UIDs/GIDs. I'm surprised this hasn't gotten me sooner.19:18
cjwatsonI'm the base-passwd maintainer, so I kind of have to know this ;-)19:19
xeviousI'm adapting my imaging process to create the mysql user/group prior to installing it to ensure that it's always got the same UID/GID.19:19
cjwatson(>15 years now; I should probably look for a co-maintainer at some point)19:20
xeviousCurrently, mysql is refusing to start because all of the files in /var/lib/mysql are owned by epmd.19:20
cjwatsonRight, if you're dropping in files created on another system then you often need to make sure IDs are synced up.19:20
TJ-Is the ubuntu-bugcontrol team no longer dealing with applications? I send a re-join message Nov 9th which I've had no reply to and checking the public archive don't see it, and don't see anything posted there since 22nd Jan. I've just re-sent my application and confirmed on my email server it was delivered (in case of an original delivery failure)21:11
anderskCan someone request a rebuild of openafs?  It will work now that a flex regression has been fixed.  (LP #1752388)23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752388 in openafs (Ubuntu) "Retry bionic build of openafs 1.8.0~pre5-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175238823:03
naccslangasek: trying to package a new lib and seeing the installed files end up in debian/tmp/usr/lib instead of debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -- what am i missing?23:58
nacc(it's using pkg-config)23:59
slangaseknacc: debhelper compat level?23:59

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