
timegeerHey everyy04:59
timegeerDoes here have Chinese?05:28
kernalI do like some special fried rice05:28
timegeerI think so05:36
math_anyone had PIA's VPN client running?06:51
kernalI've used it in the past06:52
Boyettehi i have a weird problem when i press prt sc button09:09
corriaseyo dudes09:11
Boyettesystem crashes after about 30 seconds when i press prt sc button to make a screenshot09:11
Boyettebut i dont know why09:11
corriasei do not either09:11
Boyettehow can we find out09:12
corriaseidk bro09:12
sixwheeledbeastcheck the syslog would be a start09:13
Boyettei was already trying to09:14
Boyettebut syslog is too bnig09:14
Boyetteusing lnav now09:14
m4tBoyette: does the entire system crash or just the x/mate session?09:16
Boyetteentire system09:16
Boyettepower is just cut off at a certain moment09:16
Boyettethat pastebin is incomplete i think09:19
Boyettecant figure out how to grab the syslog09:23
Boyettefile is too big to read09:23
Boyetteand cant make export with lnav09:24
sixwheeledbeastI would use a terminal09:26
sixwheeledbeasthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles useful wiki page09:27
Boyettewell i can open it in terminal09:29
Boyettebut only view onscreen display09:29
Boyetteno output so i can past it in pastebin09:29
alkisgDoes this command show anything? ls -l /var/crash09:30
Boyettethere are some files there09:31
Boyettebut nothing from today09:31
alkisgIf the same program crashes, the file is not updated09:31
Boyetteits not a program09:31
alkisgCan you always reproduce it if you press print screen?09:31
Boyetteits the system09:31
Boyettewell its not always09:31
alkisgThe system is programs09:31
Boyettesometimes if i reboot the screenshot just works fine09:31
Boyettebut if nothing happens when i press the button once i can be 100% sure to expect system crash within 1 minute09:32
alkisgI'm thinking to advice you this: sudo rm /var/crash/*, to delete the old crash logs. Then print screen until it crashes, then ls /var/crash to see the new log09:32
Boyettethe recent crash is not logged in /var/crash09:32
Boyetteonly in syslog09:32
alkisg(you didn't tell us the output btw)09:32
sixwheeledbeastcould you be hitting SysRq not PrtScn somehow?09:32
Boyettebut syslog is 17mb09:32
alkisgThe old crash should be fine too, as long as we know the program that crashed09:32
alkisgStart giving feedback. E.g. the output of ls. :)09:33
Boyettei think its not there because the crash is not related to a program09:33
Boyetteits only in syslog09:33
Boyettesome clues09:33
alkisgThe system is programs, of course crashes go there09:33
Boyettewell i can see some logs in syslog around the time of the crash09:33
Boyettebut there is no crashlog around the time09:33
tarditiffroci di merdaaaaa09:33
alkisgBoyette: the output of ls -l /var/crash... not syslog10:00
alkisgAlso, is this 18.04?10:00
Boyettethis is 18.0410:01
Boyette ls -l var/crash10:01
Boyettels: cannot access 'var/crash': No such file or directory10:01
alkisgYou forgot the /10:02
Boyettej@HQ:~$ ls -l /var/crash10:02
Boyettetotal 10686810:02
Boyette-rw-r----- 1 j        whoopsie 105718702 Feb 27 16:15 _usr_lib_chromium-browser_chromium-browser.1000.crash10:02
Boyette-rw-rw-r-- 1 j        whoopsie         0 Feb 27 16:15 _usr_lib_chromium-browser_chromium-browser.1000.upload10:02
Boyette-rw------- 1 whoopsie whoopsie         0 Feb 27 16:15 _usr_lib_chromium-browser_chromium-browser.1000.uploaded10:02
Boyette-rw-r----- 1 j        whoopsie   1406264 Mar  1 18:09 _usr_lib_deja-dup_deja-dup-monitor.1000.crash10:02
alkisgBoyette: use the pastebin, don't paste here in irc, because the bot mutes you10:03
alkisgWe didn't see all of it. Put it to pastebin.10:03
alkisgAnd wait for a few minutes for the bot to unmute you.10:03
alkisgOK you're unmuted now10:03
Boyettebut nothing recent is in that crashlog10:04
Boyettei can only see full log in syslog but only on display because file is 17mb cant extract output10:05
alkisgBoyette: now pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old10:10
alkisgAnd finally, type this: dmesg | nc termbin.com 999910:11
alkisgThis will show us the output of your dmesg10:11
alkisgIs this Xorg.0.log.old or Xorg.0.log? Because it didn't finish running...10:13
Boyettethis is the old as u requested10:13
Boyetteit was made just before the crash10:13
Boyettethere is also a .0.log10:14
alkisgOK, then it's not a xorg crash10:14
Boyetteand the actual is xorg.1.log10:14
Boyettethe .0.log was just after the crash i think10:14
alkisgSo, when it crashes, what happens, does it reboot, does it restart, does it show a shell?10:14
Boyetteand after that it started to 1.log10:14
Boyetteit just shuts down like ur cpu or gpu overheated10:14
Boyetteand system protection hardware turns off the device10:14
alkisgSo it powers off automatically?10:15
Boyettewhich is triggered by the prt sc button10:15
Boyettethen it takes about 30 seconds before this happens10:15
Boyettemaybe some memory leak or something causes this aswell10:15
alkisgOK, let's test a theory. What if print screen causes 100%cpu, which causes temperature, which halts your pc10:16
alkisgTo test this, we can stress the pc to 100% cpu10:16
alkisgThis then would be 2 issues; one with print screen and one hardware with your pc10:16
alkisgTo stress your pc to 100% cpu, you can use the program called "stress"10:16
Boyettethats hard to believe10:16
alkisgI've seen lots of pcs with temperature problems10:17
Boyettebut it was just an example when this also happens10:17
alkisgHalting when they overheat10:17
Boyetteit doesnt10:17
alkisgOK, that was my guess, I dont have anything else.10:17
Boyettefan doesnt even go to more then 30%10:17
Boyetteare u able to check this?10:18
alkisgWhat is it?10:18
Boyettefor sure its visible in there10:19
alkisgThat won't help10:19
Boyettebut i cant open it10:19
alkisgNah, hard crashes aren't logged in syslog10:19
Boyettethere are a lot of errors around that time10:19
Boyettejust before and after the crash10:20
alkisgAround what time?10:20
alkisgYou can open syslog with `less syslog`10:21
Boyettei can read syslog on display but just screen by screen10:22
Boyettenot make an output10:22
alkisgCan you paste one line with one error?10:23
alkisgAre you talking about the acpi errors?10:23
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ udisksd[844]: failed to load module mdraid: libbd_mdraid.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory                                                                      │10:25
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ gpu-manager[848]: Error: can't open /lib/modules/4.15.0-11-generic/updates/dkms                                                                                                               │10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ gpu-manager[848]: message repeated 2 times: [ Error: can't open /lib/modules/4.15.0-11-generic/updates/dkms]                                                                                  │10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ gpu-manager[848]: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf                                                                                                    │10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ gpu-manager[848]: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf                                                                                                   │10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ gpu-manager[848]: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x86_64-linux-gnu_gfxcore_conf                                                                                               │10:26
alkisgThose are normal, not related to crashes10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ thermald[880]: THD engine start failed                                                                                                                                                        │10:26
alkisgYou're just missing those files10:26
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:08 HQ systemd[1]: Started LSB: automatic crash report generation.                                                                                                                                   │10:27
alkisgI don't see any errors related to crashes there10:27
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:09 HQ snapd[813]: 2018/03/02 09:55:09.225479 stateengine.go:101: state ensure error: Get https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/sections: dial tcp: lookup api.snapcraft.io on server │10:27
alkisgOK no need to post more10:28
alkisgI don't see errors related to hardware crashes10:28
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:10 HQ /slick-greeter-set-keyboard-layout: Result: Warning! Multiple definitions of keyboard model#012         Using command line, ignoring X server#012Warning! Multiple definitions of keyboard lay│10:28
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:24 HQ brisk-menu[1414]: gdk_window_get_origin: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed                                                                                                            │10:28
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:24 HQ kernel: [   22.883738] deja-dup-monito[1581]: segfault at bbadbeef ip 00007fa3f07ef588 sp 00007ffeb0f70e30 error 6 in libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.7.6[7fa3efa37000+fc4000]                 │10:29
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:24 HQ notification-ar[1584]: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.ErrorError: Method invoked for RegisterStatusNotifierHost returned FALSE but did not set error                                   │10:29
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:26 HQ blueman-mechani[2190]: gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed                                                                                               │10:29
Boyette│Mar  2 09:55:36 HQ brisk-menu[1414]: gdk_window_get_origin: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed                                                                                                            │10:29
Boyette│Mar  2 09:56:29 HQ org.mate.panel.applet.BriskMenuFactory[1252]: [3304:3304:0302/095629.673729:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(1009)] Lost UI shared context.                                             │10:29
yousucgood god stop with all the pasting10:29
Boyettehehe ok10:30
Boyettesomething must cause the crash10:30
francesco_hi i am tring to install anbox but i cant12:20
VignolneooBonjour, quelqu'un peut me proposer une bonne application de montage video sur ubuntu14:23
diogenes_Vignolneoo, kdenlive14:25
VignolneooOk , Merci14:25
diogenes_avec plaisir14:25
mbragonalguem ai entende portugues brasileiro?19:11
mbragonquero saber como instalar impressora multifuncional canon PIXMA G3102 CBR219:12
mbragonno unbuntu mate 16.0419:12
diogenes_!pt | mbragon19:14
ubottumbragon: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:14
mbragonThank you, dio9genes19:15
diogenes_mbragon, yw19:15
mbragonjoin #ubuntu-br19:15
diogenes_add /19:16
diogenes_>> /join #ubuntu-br19:16
PennthThinking about switching to Mate now that Unity is walking dead. (snif). Is it meant to work best with lightdm or gdm?21:42
Pennthor MDM?21:43
sixwheeledbeastit's a panel layout. I assume it doesn't matter?21:47
sixwheeledbeastTry a live image, load up MATE Tweak and change your panel layout to Munity. See what you think.21:58

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