[03:21] Neo4, hi [03:21] hi [03:22] what is here? [03:22] Neo4, you said you can reset your modem to get around bans in #ubuntu [03:22] and? [03:22] Neo4, thats not the right thing to do [03:22] you gave me ban and I next day wake up and on modem and debanned [03:23] Neo4, we banned you for a reason [03:23] bazhang: it's not my problem, I have dynamic IP [03:23] Neo4, and resetting your IP address to get around it is not acceptable [03:23] From: https://freenode.net/policies "... we ask that such bans be respected and note that ban evasion may result in a network ban." [03:23] big Ukrainian VPN protected all users from steal data and be determined in network [03:24] Neo4, take #ubuntu off your autojoin list [03:24] you can give me everyday new ban if will see me in channel :) [03:24] bazhang: How I will know I lost ban without outoload? [03:25] I thought I didn't have ban on next day [03:25] Neo4, come here to get it removed, if and when you are capable of following the channel policies [03:25] I didn't violate nothing [03:26] policy, you cannot ban me [03:26] :) [03:26] Neo4, sure you did, that was the original ban, then you have ban evaded many times since then [03:27] How? I thought you gave me ban on one day, and all rest days I was able to go there because I thougt I'm already not banned [03:27] doesn't matter, anyway I didn't write in channel anything [03:27] no [03:27] bazhang: I don't write in channel, why you are worry? [03:28] you wont be in the channel [03:28] bazhang: doesn't matter, I am or not, I won't write there anything :) [03:28] enough speak about nothing :) [03:28] Neo4, when you are there, you think it's ok/funny to give nonsense answers [03:29] it was joke and only once [03:29] it's not [03:29] and in general that wasn't nonsense answer [03:29] I gave answer Like I could [03:29] dont worry Neo4 you are still banned, so we don't need to worry about that now [03:30] bazhang: I will silence not, only ask question without answers [03:30] bazhang: tomorrow I on again modem and wont ban, because get new IP [03:31] Neo4: Please don't. [03:31] bazhang: you need ban or my nickname or ISP Ukraine [03:31] I use main ISP in Ukraine [03:32] bazhang: anyway I won't there write something or answer, only might be ask something and nothing else, Don't worry about my presence bro :) [03:34] thanks for coming here to chat Neo4 , the ban stands, [03:34] bazhang: I give me it for nothing, I helped guy and got ban. As usual [03:34] silence is gold [03:34] :) [03:36] Neo4: OK. Given we cannot reach an understanding, please be aware you are banned from #ubuntu for now. [03:36] Neo4: please, now, /part this channel [03:37] what means "/part this channel"? [03:37] hggdh: leave? [03:37] Neo4: yes [03:37] ok :)