
inkyi cant find any dhcp settings/details in my router/modem. is there a way to query this information from ubuntu?00:16
kenrinIf your router|modem has an API and you want to write a program to do that sure.  Most people just use the webgui config though00:22
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MeaCulpadoes anyone know of way to work around a lack of static ip address? Or does it mean changing provider to someone who can give me one?00:45
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tgm4883MeaCulpa: dynamic DNS00:51
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ecormierMeaCulpa: you could always write some scripts...01:02
ecormierI have a cron job that uses 'curl' and sed to get my external ip, pipe that to openssl to encrypt, upload that to my website(domain).... then I have another cron command to unpack that, a little python parser after that automatically puts the new info into my .ssh/config :)01:06
fishcookeraccidentally my mousepad doesn't work, how to fix that... yesterday i installed out of date kernel because the latest kernel doesn't allow suspend.. but today the mousepad doesn't work... im on lenovo01:19
fishcookernot mouse pada01:23
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rokyymyusb: Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 5.1, Code page: 1200, Locale ID: 1052, Revision Number: USBlyze, Create Time/Date: Fri Jun 24 13:45:22 2016, Last Saved Time/Date: Fri Jun 24 13:46:09 2016, Name of Creating Application: USBlyze, Security: 001:59
rokyyhow can i extract this02:00
OerHeksmaybe convert it .. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30478593/what-is-composite-document-file-v2-document02:03
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ziggylazerHay all02:37
segersjerryI have a logitech trackball with 10 buttons. Is there a gui for setting them to be different buttons or keyboard shortcuts?02:37
ziggylazerWhen I make a rule with firewall-cmd and want to keep it02:37
ziggylazerHow do I do that?02:37
julian1010Hola a todos...02:38
ziggylazerLike ports and zones02:38
ziggylazersudo firewall-cmd --add-port=number02:39
ziggylazerAnd to not lose that at reboot02:39
SomeTcan anyone help me with an answer to this?: https://www.reddit.com/r/digital_ocean/comments/818ra7/confused_by_difference/02:43
SomeTits on ubuntu02:43
julian1010Alguien me lee???02:43
meteorx  02:45
SomeTalso they read02:46
SomeTI think it translates to02:46
* SomeT slaps meteorx around a bit with a large trout03:08
bazhangSomeT, please save the chatter etc for a non-support channel, thanks03:09
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SomeThe was harrasing me03:10
SomeTif your op can you kick and ban him03:11
SomeTsending me pm's constantly03:11
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kk4ewtSomeT,  try /umode +r03:20
Nachos11ok. anyone know what ubuntu-server uses for DHCP?03:20
kk4ewtif that doesnt work /umode +g which will block all pms03:21
Nachos11I don't see any instances of dhcpcd floating around.03:21
kk4ewtNachos11,  to be a server or as a client03:23
Nachos11kk4ewt: DHCP client.03:23
Nachos11setting up a new machine & want to be sure it takes DHCP on all interfaces.03:24
CarlFK1Nachos11: "all interfaces"  seems like an odd goal for a dhcp server -03:54
cpcatwhere do I get the command nc6?04:11
Nachos11CarlFK1: dhcp client, not server.04:15
Nachos11so if I have 4 networks connected to 4 ports, I'd like to get DHCP IPs on all of them.04:16
cpcatubuntu xenial doesn't have netcat604:16
CarlFK1Nachos11: I think you need to specify the config for each interface.   or.. with a little hot plug udev rules you could make any new interface that shows up get dhcp'ed.04:18
Nachos11CarlFK1: The problem is that I don't know what the interface names are.04:22
Nachos11I'm trying to install on one box and then move the drive to another (headless) box to actually do the running.04:23
blitzkraftI have a weird issue with my ubuntu machine. During poweroff/restart, it hangs with a blinking cursor. I waited hours and it is still stuck there. To diagnose it, I edited boot options to "text" instead of "quiet splash". Now it won't hang up at all. It quickly powers off or restarts. This has been very repeatable. Running ubuntu
blitzkraftThe text still pops up, but it is too quick to read. Where can I read those logs?04:25
Bashing-omNachos11: ' ip link ls ; to show all the NICs .04:25
Nachos11Bashing-om: I don't have console access to the machine.04:25
Nachos11because I can't ssh, because the network isn't setup.04:25
Nachos11I'm able to run any commands I want to on another machine with the drive mounted, but can't login to that machine.04:29
krwqhello, how do I change window manager for a specific user in 16.04? I've tried .xinitrc, .xsession and also in my login screen there is no button to change it04:35
Triffid_Hunterkrwq: well it is up to the login manager to choose a session04:38
cpcatwhere do I get nc6 or netcat6 for ubuntu 16.04?04:38
krwqTriffid_Hunter: i got a default login manager, is this option somewhere04:39
Triffid_Hunterkrwq: I use sddm on my system, never heard of "default" login manager though04:40
krwqTriffid_Hunter: I'm not sure how to check what login manager I have. $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP says Unity04:41
EriC^krwq: try dpkg -l "*dm"04:46
krwqEriC^: lightdm04:47
krwqI think04:47
EriC^yeah that's a dm04:47
krwqi got 3 more entries: gdm, kdm, mdadm and sddm04:47
krwqbut those have uu04:48
EriC^are they all "ii" at the start?04:48
krwqnope, only lightdm have ii04:48
EriC^they're not installed, just lightdm04:48
krwqso i also installed stumpwm from sources04:48
krwqand added to xsessions04:48
krwqthis is the one I want to switch to on my user04:49
krwqit works correctly when I switch tty with ctrl-alt-fX and then startx stumpwm but can't figure out how to use default login manager with that04:52
EriC^krwq: when you get the login screen in lightdm there's an arrow to the right topside of the user box sometimes that lets you choose the de04:53
krwqEriC^: so I've searched for the arrow before but couldn't find it04:54
EriC^krwq: maybe you can add it somewhere in /etc/lightdm04:57
krwqEriC^: got a user.conf file there which doesn't have anything interesting ther and an empty folder04:58
Nachos11Wooo, got it all to work now.05:04
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me the music i play skips seconds?05:06
chicognuI'm with a weird problem. On pure terminal, into the login prompt, appers some characters, ^@, over and over again, like if my keyboard have some short circuit, but on unity it does not appear, and xev don't show any key as been pressed. Any one have a clue on how to fix that ?05:11
cinematicmeAnyone online?05:17
chicognucinematicme, shoot05:19
cinematicme@chicognu one sec05:28
digi_quakeHi!! please help somebody!!!05:32
digi_quakeI'm running older version of Ubuntu (14.04) for legacy purposes05:32
lotuspsychjedigi_quake: start with a question first?05:32
digi_quakelast week i configured my network interfaces to static IP... Now i changed my configuration to dhcp.05:33
digi_quakei did "ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0"05:33
digi_quakeBut i'm not getting any dhcpoffers05:33
digi_quakein newer versions, if i start smbd service i can immediatly get it05:34
digi_quakebut in this old version, there's no smbd service05:34
Triffid_Huntersamba and dhcp have nothing to do with each other05:35
Triffid_Huntersamba is windows filesharing05:35
digi_quakeso how do i get a dynamic IP??05:35
digi_quakeIt says, "No DHCPOFFERS received. No Working leases in persistent databse - sleeping"05:36
Triffid_Hunterdigi_quake: dunno, check your logs, see if your dhcp client is complaining about something05:36
Triffid_Hunterdigi_quake: reboot your router perhaps05:36
digi_quakecan you tell me where those logs are located... please?05:36
digi_quakei'm pretty novice in Linux05:37
Triffid_Hunterdigi_quake: /var/log usually05:38
digi_quakeokay, i'll check05:38
digi_quakehi!! any particular name for dhcp logs??? i can see dpkg.log, mail.log, auth.log, alternatives.log, ufw.log05:42
Bashing-omdigi_quake: Anything positive from '  grep -i dhcp /var/log/syslog ' ?05:49
digi_quake@Bashing-om: No, just multiple lines stating "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 12..."05:52
Bashing-omdigi_quake: UnGood - what shows ' arp -a ' ?05:54
digi_quake@Bashing-om: it shows nothing... Am i not connected to the internet?? :O05:55
digi_quakeit's a vm. and i've put it into bridged mode05:56
noj_hi guys want to make space on my disk not sure how to do it-would like to delete deja-dup as system is fine atm and currently storing backups in home under user(me)05:56
noj_will redo in a moment to external but how do i safely proceed to delete05:56
digi_quakeI'm using virtualBox05:56
Bashing-omdigi_quake: Too soon to say . got a way to show us in a pastebin ' sudo lshw -C network ' ?05:58
digi_quakesure, give me a moment06:02
noj_can i just delete the folder and it not ruin my system am very new to ubuntu06:02
Bashing-om!info deja-dup xenial06:03
ubottudeja-dup (source: deja-dup): Back up your files. In component main, is optional. Version 34.2-0ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 314 kB, installed size 3012 kB06:03
Bashing-omnoj_: Terminal command ' sudo apt purge deja-dup ' will remove the app if you installed from the repo .06:04
noj_sudo apt-get purge deja-dup will this purge all my data or just my settings for deja-dup want to make space06:07
noj_please help i need to make some space on my drive and change location to external for future backups (currently backing up to home/usr06:08
Bashing-omnoj_: Have not used deja-dup Van not give good advise .. but maybe in the app there is a means to remove old images ?? The command will only re,ove the app not any of the images that were made .06:08
noj_thank you i know where the folder is for deja-dup if i delete contents it wont wreck system booting up etcetera will it ?06:09
noj_nothing found inside the app that i can see other than restore and schedualing of backups06:11
noj_not turned on anyway think this backup was one i made manually prior to upgrade/automated one06:11
noj_can anyone please advise re deja-dup please dont want to kill my system but need that 25GB back06:13
Bashing-omdigi_quake: Well, driver is loaded .. what shows for a IP '  ifconfig eth0 ' ?06:13
digi_quakeIt shows both eth0 and lo, but in eth0 only inet6 is there. no ipv4 address06:14
Bashing-omdigi_quake: Well, will take one who knows more of a VM that I know ; but I would think you need that IPv4 IP .06:17
digi_quakeI'll try to get a connection in NAT mode06:18
Bashing-omdigi_quake: Good luck .. My end of day now ..06:19
digi_quake@Bashing-om: Thanks a lot for the help!! Really appreciate it :))06:20
digi_quakeand everyone thanks for the help06:20
noj_found a page that was easy as pie...now the reboot wish me luck06:21
VanishHey all. I just updated to the 18.04 alpla and now I am not able to connect to the internet at all. I can connect to the router just find and I can ping out but I can't run apt update, apt, upgrade, or use a web browser. It says that am offline.06:31
slimetrapwasn't there a terminal emulator that would have a different color bg for each terminal/tab/window06:35
slimetrapthe default one in ubuntu doesn't even let you set titles06:35
noj_hello again system seems to work great but i have one issue when booting up the screen (grub i think its called) is fragmented colour06:45
noj_how can i fix this06:45
noj_not full purple now its purple and 1/3 black box06:46
noj_just curious is everyone asleep-can i connect to a server closer to my timezone its3pm where i am and no one seems to be answering06:55
hateballnoj_: what gpu/driver are you using?06:58
hateballsome drivers dont have proper KMS support (nvidia) so the bootsplash might look corrupted06:58
iresfmy ubuntu system became unstable  how to fix it  ?07:03
meeco21hello does any one know of any programs for a newb in linx to start off with trying to teach my self07:12
gautamSmeeco21, i don't know, do you program?07:17
gautamSthen maybe you can try installing a few libraries, building their samples from source, edit using vim or something07:17
iresffuck shit os  ubuntu07:18
iresfwho thinks ubuntu is better than winddows ?07:19
meeco21im teaching my self to program im just looking for some advice07:19
meeco21and help07:19
chicognuiresf, everybody ?07:20
gautamSmeeco21, are you comfortable with C?07:20
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iresfchicognu : no windows is more stable than ubuntu when u can not install everything in ubuntu07:20
meeco21im teach my self computer networking and app programing07:20
iresfi have experience  with linux more than 10  years07:21
CarlFK1meeco21: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers07:21
gautamSif he's interested in app programming, i guess he would need something like android studio?07:21
meeco21never heard of C07:21
gautamSits a programming language07:21
chicognuiresf, i'm using in daily basis more than 15 years07:21
meeco21im looking it up right now07:21
meeco21'i made my on plex server out of a PI307:22
gautamSmeeco21, it's pretty good if you know it. a large part of the linux kernel is also written in C07:22
gautamSyes yes07:22
chicognuiresf, just because really likely you fucked you instalation, it does not me it is unstable07:22
gautamSiresf, setting up unix development tools is a pain the @$$ on windows07:23
gautamSthere's WSL and you can configure it with some x server but performance is substandard07:23
meeco21sounds good im reading up on it now07:23
CarlFK1im trying to build/test a new kernel - make/make modules/make modules_install all work.  make install errors: mkinitramfs failure  gzip: stdout: No space left on device - i see it get over 200mb before it errors. what defines what gets included ?07:24
meeco21and android stuio ?07:24
gautamSmeeco21, the good part is that most tools that you will need for programming in C are readily available on ubuntu07:24
gautamSmeeco21, yeah you'll probably need that07:24
gautamSsince you said app development07:24
gautamSthey provide a linux version, and it works rather well on my system07:25
meeco21app i have a idea for an app for djs07:25
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gautamSwell this place can't help you with that07:26
gautamSbut mostly you will learn the command line over time07:27
gautamSyou'll find that it's often easier to do stuff through the terminal than through the UI07:27
donofrio"(deja-dup-monitor:722): dconf-CRITICAL **: 01:58:37.792: unable to create directory '/home/donofrio/.cache/dconf': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly."07:27
meeco21im really enjoying the input from yall07:27
gautamSi suggested C because C and unix are closely tied together07:28
gautamSand linux aims to be unix-like07:28
lotuspsychje_!crosspost | donofrio07:29
ubottudonofrio: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.07:29
* donofrio hanging head in shame07:29
gautamSso if you are comfortable with C, you end up understanding how a large part of linux works as well07:30
meeco21to marrow im installing ubuntu on to an olld delli been fixing up07:30
meeco21just to teach my self gautamS think you for you help if i have any ? i now know where to thank you all for the help07:32
nguyetamHow I can see the driver of my printer07:59
marethi , when using top how to reduce all processes with same name under one item and sum up their resources? I have few chromium processes and I want to know how much ram they take in sum08:00
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Kartagiswhat env var would specify the language of an automatically created dir via mkdir $(date +%B) ?08:05
jinkKartagis: LC_TIME seems to work.  Hint, look at the output of: locale08:07
jinkKartagis: LANG works, too.08:07
KartagisLC_ALL did it08:11
geirhaDon't forget quotes. mkdir "./$(date +%B)"08:22
naaaaaaaaandohola hemmy08:42
computer_hola nando08:42
computer_si que lo leooo08:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:43
computer_pablo alarcon tienes una firma08:44
naaaaaaaaandohola jaime08:44
computer_eres feo08:44
computer_e idiota08:44
saurabhhey guys, i'm trying to run a python pip package jrnl but termnal cannot seems to find it08:44
saurabhan idea how to i run pip packages?08:44
saurabhthat package is installed and is in the ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages folder08:45
saurabhfwiw i cannot run any of te pip packages08:45
saurabhi even add the path to .local/lib/pyth.. to my $PATH var, but still terminal cannnot find the package08:46
=== user_ is now known as ericrajuin
Goeland86hi all, I've run into an odd boot problem... I've got 17.10 installed on a relatively powerful local server. When I rebooted though, 3 services keep trying to activate in a loop. GDM3.service - despite running systemctl disable gdm3 before reboot. systemd-logind.service and NetworkManager.service. I may have found an explanation for systemd-logind but as it's in production at the moment I can't reboot to test it09:23
Goeland86but I really need help understanding why NetworkManager stays in "activating (start) state since the reboot last night09:24
Goeland86the only error I see in the status is "dispatcher: could not get dispatcher proxy! Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher: GDBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher': timed out09:25
Goeland86it's confusing as hell and not helping much when googling09:25
lotuspsychje_Goeland86: you run non-lts on production server?09:29
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ducasseGoeland86: just a thought - i'd probably use systemd-networkd instead of network manager on a server09:32
ducasseGoeland86: and if you don't want a gui on boot, run 'systemctl set-default multi-user.target'09:33
BluesKajHi folks09:42
gordonjcpBluesKaj: morning09:44
timdotrbEvening, all09:45
timdotrbI’m attempting to install some packages on Ubuntu 17.04, but I’m getting 404 not found errors. Where can I download packages for this distro?09:45
BluesKaj'Morning gordonjcp09:45
ducasse!eol | timdotrb09:45
ubottutimdotrb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:45
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BluesKaj'Morning ducasse, jink09:46
ducassehi BluesKaj09:46
BluesKajinsomnia here :/09:47
=== Guest98963 is now known as FastCode
flying_sausageshey everyone, my /boot partition is absolutely full with old kernels, but they wont' apt autoremove. I've got the ubuntu kernel live patching installed, could this be the culprit?09:48
Sorfrostdpkg -l | grep -i kernel09:50
Sorfrostand then "apt-get remove --purge kernelyoudontneedanymore"09:50
Sorfrostor you absolutely want to use autoremove?09:51
brymcan i host windows vdi's on ubuntu? is that essentially what kvm/qemu is?09:52
SaucyHai semua. Apa kabar09:53
akikbrym: virtualbox can boot vdis and qemu-img can convert vdis if kvm doesn't recognize the format09:54
brymakik: so just to be clear, because i'm not sure i'm understanding the terminology properly. i don't mean vdi files. i mean virtual desktop infra09:55
akikbrym: yes you can boot a windows vm with kvm09:55
brymbecause i'm well familiar with running win vm's with kvm09:56
brymakik: so in that sense, when a windows guys asks me about vdi, they're just asking can i host windows vm's, right?09:56
ducassehow can we tell you what he means?09:57
akikbrym: i have no idea what they would mean09:57
brymfair enough, ducasse09:57
timdotrbducasse: So it’s not possible to install any software via apt after eol?09:57
brymi mean like they throw vdi at me as in virtual desktop infra. i take it to mean they're on about kvm (in my understanding, just spinning up some vm's)09:58
ducassetimdotrb: you need to upgrade, you haven't received any security patches in quite a while09:58
flying_sausagesbrym, are you supposed to make desktops for thin clients?09:58
flying_sausagesor something of the like?\09:58
akikbrym: don't try to interpret what they mean. ask direct technology related questions09:59
timdotrbducasse: I’m trying to upgrade.. I ran dist-upgrade, was going to install update-manager-core and do do-release-upgrade. However, since I can’t install software, I’m stuck after dist-upgrade09:59
ducassetimdotrb: see the eolupgrade link in the factoid from ubottu10:00
brymflying_sausages: i believe so. he just wants to teamviewer in to run some tests10:02
flying_sausagesSorfrost I'd really like to make sure this plugs into autoremove seeing as that gets cleaned up regularly10:02
flying_sausagesoh he's wuit :(10:02
timdotrbducasse: ty10:03
BitByBitHi to all. I have correctly configured the kernel to support my cellular modem, I would ask for some support to get QMI wwan working.10:07
Goeland86lotuspsychje_ not my choice - manager set it up. I just have to clean up10:09
Goeland86ducasse, thanks for the suggestion. I'll run that, but not sure how to switch to systemd-networkd instead of network manager?10:10
Goeland86got pulled into an impromptu meeting10:10
ducasseGoeland86: the way to use networkd now in 17.10 and up is to set up a netplan yaml file10:11
Goeland86ok, I'll look it up, thanks :)10:12
Goeland86just need to figure out how to kill the systemd-logind loop10:12
Goeland86or, well, make it start properly. The suggestion was to use libnss-ldapd instead of libnss-ldap, but seems the next restart of systemd-logind didn't work still10:13
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FastCodekok: I want what you're high on:)10:35
mikecmpblli'm using systemctl to send a signal to a process to stop it, the process may finish what it's doing which might take some time10:46
mikecmpblli then need to start the service again, however, at the moment the systemctl start command is happening before the process has exited10:46
mikecmpbllbecause i have no mechanism to wait for the process to exit after the first signal. how would this be best achieved?10:47
mikecmpbllis there a way to grab the pid of a process with systemctl, perhaps?10:47
FastCodemikecmpbll: have you tried modifying the service file?10:48
mikecmpbllFastCode : i have not, i don't know what modifications would be useful10:48
FastCodeit has triggers and stuff, i'm not sure myself10:49
FastCodebut i know that it has them10:49
mikecmpbllcould be a good route, i'll do some research.10:49
FastCodethere is also lickfile-progs10:50
FastCodenot sure how helpful that is10:50
burduhow to install windows10?10:51
MonkeyDustburdu  better ask in ##windows10:51
bazhangburdu, how is that related to ubuntu support10:52
FastCodeyou want to install it inside ubuntu?10:52
FastCodeas in a virtual machine?10:52
FastCodeor your grandson gave you a windows 10 cd that says ubuntu when you put it in?10:53
bazhangFastCode, he left10:53
FastCodewould've been fun10:53
outoftimeHello. I have a problem with login loop10:58
outoftimeI have installed nvidia-384 and after reboot can't login any more10:58
outoftimeI have fresh ubuntu 16.0410:58
outoftimeany idea what could go wrong?11:01
EriC^^outoftime: is the linux headers installed?11:02
EriC^^outoftime: does ctrl+alt+f1 work?11:02
outoftimeEric^^: tty works, don't know about headers, I'll check wait a minute11:02
EriC^^outoftime: see the current running kernel with "uname -r" and check dpkg -l | grep linux-headers if it's installed11:03
outoftimeI have installed driver from official ubuntu repo11:03
outoftimehttp://help.ubuntu.ru/wiki/%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80_%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82_nvidia following this instructions11:04
outoftimeI have headers nomal, -generic and -hwe-16.0411:05
outoftimeuname -r prints; 4.10.0-28-generic11:07
EriC^^outoftime: what about "dpkg -l | grep headers" ?11:07
EriC^^!paste | outoftime11:07
ubottuoutoftime: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:07
EriC^^outoftime: pastebin also "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices"11:08
outoftimeubottu: dude I can't login show I can paste from tty without mouse ?11:08
ubottuoutoftime: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:08
EriC^^outoftime: yes, type "(dpkg -l | grep headers; sudo ubuntu-drivers devices) | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here11:09
outoftimeI have an eror broken pipe11:12
EriC^^outoftime: does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' give anything?11:12
outoftimehttp://termbin.com/dfr4 next11:14
EriC^^outoftime: the recommended driver is nvidia-34011:15
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outoftimeYeah, I see, but I have installed 384 already, what to do now?11:16
EriC^^outoftime: sudo apt-get purge 'nvidia*' && sudo apt-get install nvidia-34011:16
outoftimesigle quotes? really?11:18
outoftimehm, started without them...11:18
TJ-outoftime: without a set of quotes the * could be expanded by the shell if anything named nvidia* happens to exist in the current directory11:19
EriC^^it's to avoid the shell expanding it if it finds anything in the current working dir11:19
outoftimeI have a blank black screen now11:21
EriC^^outoftime: try "ctrl+alt+del"11:22
EriC^^or possibly ctrl+alt+F211:23
outoftimeNo, F2 didn;t work, I have tried, restarted11:23
outoftimeI'm on login screen now11:24
EriC^^k, give it a shot11:24
outoftimeeverything disapeared expect default scren wallpaper11:25
EriC^^outoftime: try the guest account11:25
outoftimeCan't nothing is drawing except wallpaper11:26
EriC^^outoftime: does ctrl+alt+t work?11:26
EriC^^outoftime: try ctrl+alt+f1, login then type sudo service lightdm restart11:27
outoftimedo, login screen appeares as normal11:28
EriC^^outoftime: try the guest account11:28
TJ-EriC^^: you know, the more I see the problems nvidia drivers causing due to their proprietary hacks, I do wonder if we shouldn't install it using an overlay file-system so it can be enabled/disabled with a single mount command11:29
outoftimedone, everything is OK11:29
EriC^^TJ-: heh :D11:29
EriC^^outoftime: ok, logout, go back to ctrl+alt+f111:29
outoftimeTJ-, my ASUS screen is not recognized and It displays text ans CTR which kills my eyes11:30
TJ-EriC^^: because then if failsafeX kicks in all it has to do is unmount the overlay and unload the kernel module and the system is clean11:30
EriC^^outoftime: try first 'dconf reset -f /org/compiz'11:31
EriC^^outoftime: if it doesn't work, renaming config files in the home dir could fix it, name ~/.compiz ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.gconf ~/.config in that order one by one11:32
EriC^^it's some user config issue now11:32
EriC^^TJ-: that would be nice11:34
outoftimeShould I rename folders too?11:34
EriC^^outoftime: yeah the whole dir, e.g mv ~/.compiz ~/.compiz-backup11:35
EriC^^no luck with dconf?11:35
EriC^^try restarting lightdm and logging in your account11:37
outoftimesame issue11:38
EriC^^outoftime: did you rename ~/.gconf and ~/.config ?11:39
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TJ-outoftime: EriC^^ I think it's the user's DM config been saved which includes GPU-specific names11:39
EriC^^TJ-: interesting, what should he rename/edit?11:40
outoftimeI have done nothing11:40
outoftimefresh ubuntu 16.0411:40
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outoftimeI have just installed nvidia-34011:40
TJ-outoftime: "just" is a LOT when it involves nvidia!11:41
outoftimeI can burn everything out and start again11:41
nattenIs there any options for desktop sharing for wayland on 17.10?11:41
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TJ-EriC^^: I'm trying to remember but it's a long time since I dealt with it; there was some local user config file that included GPU and/or output names in it11:41
EriC^^outoftime: i'd have this happen to me once, and renaming almost every config in the home dir didn't help, so i created a fresh user and moved my data there, you're going to have to set up the settings again anyways since we renamed the configs11:42
outoftimenatten: teamviewer?11:42
EriC^^outoftime: if you want to make a new user "sudo adduser --system <newuser>" then "sudo adduser <newuser> sudo" to give him privileges11:44
TJ-outoftime: EriC^^ is there a $HOME/.nv/ directory?11:44
outoftimeEric^^: you know, default driver is enough for me, but It recognize my Asus vw227 as CRT display and... my eyes will blow up soon11:44
EriC^^outoftime: haha, yeah that sucks for sure11:44
TJ-outoftime: try deleting it then login again11:44
nattenoutoftime: Does teamviewer support wayland? I read this: https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Linux/State-of-Wayland-amp-TeamViewer/m-p/26340#M1389 and didn't seem like it11:44
outoftimeOk, I'm reinstalling Ubuntu again...11:47
outoftimeyou know11:47
outoftimectrl+t works11:47
EriC^^outoftime: did you try 'rm -r ~/.nv' ?11:47
TJ-outoftime: EriC^^ did you move $HOME/.cache/ ?11:48
outoftimenot not ctrl+t but I have plugged in my usb and nautilus have shown up11:48
EriC^^TJ-: oh, good catch, outoftime ^    pardon the pun11:48
EriC^^outoftime: try 'rm -ri ~/.nv; mv ~/.cache ~/.cache-backup'11:50
outoftimeRestarted. Worts11:52
EriC^^cool, good one TJ-11:52
outoftimeNow I have an issue with resolution11:54
outoftime1360x768 instead of 1920x108011:55
TJ-outoftime: check what is available with "xrandr -q"11:56
EriC^^outoftime: is there some kind of nvidia manager or something? does nvidia<tab><tab> complete with anything useful?11:57
outoftimeEriC^^: do you ever have problems with unrecognized monitors?11:57
EriC^^outoftime: nope, can't say i have11:57
TJ-outoftime: /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see whether the monitor reported EDID info, and if so, what modes it contained11:57
outoftime_92TJ-: EDID didn't recognized11:59
ignatiz-how do I skip to the end of a file when using less?12:04
outoftime_92ignatiz-: shift+g12:05
ducasseignatiz-: press 'h' for a list of keybindings12:05
outoftime_92TJ-: EriC^^ any idea?12:08
TJ-outoftime_92: the monitor isn't telling the GPU what modes it supports. Can you pastebin the entire /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:09
outoftime_92TJ-: http://termbin.com/29x212:10
outoftime_92My monitor is ASUS VW2270 or O12:15
outoftime_92Model: VW 22712:15
TJ-outoftime_92: bad EDID is often caused by a poor/faulty VGA cable12:16
jamerancohi there everyone12:17
outoftime_92TJ-: do you mean I have to replace VGA cable?12:17
jamerancois there someone in ere who speaks Greek?12:17
jamerancoI need a tiny tiny help12:17
outoftime_92jameranco: do you speak english?12:18
jamerancobut only English12:18
TJ-outoftime_92: possibly... first I'd check that the pins in the cable plugs at both ends haven't been bent12:18
jamerancooutoftime_92: ^12:18
outoftime_92TJ-: I don't think so, It is crewed12:21
jamerancooutoftime_92: can you help me?12:21
outoftime_92jameranco: ask12:21
jamerancooutoftime_92: can you help me translate a phrase from English to Greek? Google translate seems like it is messing it up.12:22
outoftime_92jameranco: I don't know Greek. Try https://english.stackexchange.com/ maybe they can help you....12:23
outoftime_92TJ-: don't you know how to force monitor recognition?12:24
TJ-outoftime_92: I've disassembled the EDID data; it's corrupted. That occurs in 2 situations: 1) cable, plugs, or connectors are faulty or 2) the monitor's internal EEPROM that stores the EDID is corrupted12:28
outoftime_92TJ-: I have neighbor who told me that my monitor's model have 2nd problem and it needs replacement time to time in order to work properly12:30
outoftime_92TJ-: I have fully erased my previos ubuntu 2 days ago, and somehow I have configured it to work.12:31
ph88does do-release-upgrade -d  upgrade to 18.04 ?12:31
TJ-outoftime_92: The only problem is the last byte of the EDID - the checksum - is bad. The rest of the data looks OK. There is a tool that can actually fix that in the monitor if you want to give it a go12:33
TJ-outoftime_92: this is what's in the EDID: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5pJW4rhFw3/12:34
BluesKajph88, yes, but make sure you upgrade your existing packages on 17.10 first12:36
ph88BluesKaj, i'm on 15.1012:36
ph88don't know how to upgrade the packages to 17.1012:37
BluesKajph88, then you're out of luck, you'll need to doa clean install of 18.0412:37
BluesKajsame goes for 17.1012:38
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:38
outoftime_92_BluesKaj: What about Ubuntu 16.04?12:40
ph88yes it's eol ... that's why i want to upgrade :/12:41
outoftime_92_ph88: ubuntu repos could have not update for 15.10 because its life time expired12:42
ph88when i do do-release-upgrade it upgrades to 16.0412:43
ph88but i want to go to 18.0412:43
outoftime_92_ph88: 18.04 is not released yet12:43
ph88that's ok12:43
ph88i have enough confidence in the beta12:44
outoftime_92_ph88: https://websiteforstudents.com/upgrade-ubuntu-16-04-lts-to-ubuntu-18-04-lts-beta-server/ look at this12:44
outoftime_92_TJ-: I have checked pins of VGA cable, they are fine12:52
TJ-outoftime_92_: OK, so the monitor is sending a bad EDID. As I said earlier, there is a way to reprogram it to fix it if you want to do that12:52
TJ-outoftime_92_: did you read the pastebin where I decode the EDID from your Xorg log? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5pJW4rhFw3/12:53
outoftime_92_TJ-: Why Windows 7 work fine with it? Just wondering... Yes I have read your paste12:54
outoftime_92_TJ-: Is there a chance to broke something while reprograming?12:56
m15kGuys should UFW ipv6 dhcp-pd works out of the box?12:56
outoftime_92_TJ-: and if there is, is it recoverable?12:57
amosbirdhello, what tool can I use to list all cpu registers name ?12:57
TJ-outoftime_92_: very often Windows will ignore errors; most things Linux adhere very closely to the specifications13:01
outoftime_92_EriC^^: TJ- discovered, that my display sends wrong EDID http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5pJW4rhFw3/13:03
TJ-outoftime_92_: as far as I can see the problem is in descriptor 3, it declares itself as 'text' which can have up to 13 characters and should be terminated with a linefeed (0x0a) followed by spaces (0x20) to pad out any remaining bytes, but it has an embeded ASCII NUL (0x00) at offset 1013:03
TJ-outoftime_92_: I /think/ that byte is the corrupt one, and if correct would make the checksum correct, so I'm going to write a little program that generates all 255 possible values in the bytes and see which one causes the checksum to be correct13:05
outoftime_92_TJ-: can you teach me fast about all this stuff? I mean I can undertand you partially but not totally13:06
TJ-outoftime_92_: let me figure out which byte is bad  and get the correct value first13:06
outoftime_92_TJ-: how did you disasseble EDID? How do you found right format etc13:07
SircleApache question: Is there anything wrong with this syntax. I am trying to allow one ip and block all but its blocking all ips (including the one I whitelisted) https://pastebin.mozilla.org/907894513:07
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outoftime_92_Sircle: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/714332/allow-request-coming-from-specific-ip-only13:12
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outoftime_92_amosbird: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/arm64/cpu-feature-registers.txt check it out13:16
ChrispyChris1992Hey, I was wondering if anyone may have a minute to help with irsii highlighting.13:17
amosbirdoutoftime_92_: hmm13:17
ChrispyChris1992Possibly anyone?13:22
outoftime_92_TJ-: from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data Checksum. Sum of all 128 bytes should equal 0 (mod 256). So if you think problem is in single byte, then you can calculate shift without brute force algorithm13:22
outoftime_92_ChrispyChris1992: didn't use it13:23
SwedeMikeTJ-: I have a TV that returns incorrect EDID. I ended up taking a correct EDID file from an identical TV and just providing that file to xorg13:24
Sircleoutoftime iam using apache 2.413:27
Sircleoutoftime its not working13:27
Paddy_NIHaving ran Photorec on a clients hard disk I have have tried running "find /media/patrick/Jims_Harddrive/Recovery -name \*.doc -exec cp {} /media/patrick/Jims_Harddrive/Recovered_Docs \;" only to have "cp: cannot stat '': No such file or directory" output many times. I am assuming it outputs for each "recup_dir.*" it encounters, although I could most likely be wrong.13:27
Sircleoutoftime_92_,  its not working13:28
Paddy_NIIt's a little confusing as I have previously used this very command in the past and it has worked marvellously13:28
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Paddy_NIPerhaps I am missing something painfully obvious13:28
akikPaddy_NI: could be that the found files contain a space or some other character that does not fit well13:29
akikPaddy_NI: there's an option for find and xargs (-print0 and -0) that fix that problem. but i see you're not using xargs. maybe try using "{}"13:30
outoftime_92_SwedeMike: how did you do that?13:30
Paddy_NIakik, I have looked at a few of those documents (there are many) and the all have an uninteresting naming scheme13:30
Paddy_NIakik, It's in there13:30
Paddy_NIThe {} that is13:30
akikPaddy_NI: i see you're not using "{}"13:30
Paddy_NII am13:31
akikPaddy_NI: -> " <-13:31
SwedeMikeautra: I dumped the EDID from the working TV using some kind of edid-dumping tool, and then I supply that EDID file through xorg.conf13:31
Paddy_NIakik, Thank you I will give that a go13:31
outoftime_92_TJ-: take this guy have a nice approach with stylesheet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGg1nyTY6oc13:31
Paddy_NIakik, You legend13:32
TJ-outoftime_92_: it turns out it's not a single-byte error13:32
Paddy_NIakik, If you are ever in Derry I'll buy you a pint13:32
akikPaddy_NI: i'll show you a bash alias that i wrote13:33
akikPaddy_NI: https://pastebin.com/raw/BGYGGuG3 (that find media files and runs ffprobe to get media details from them)13:34
akikPaddy_NI: it was really tricky to get the \ just right :)13:34
Paddy_NIakik, That is really cool13:34
outoftime_92_SwedeMike: I'm noob, can you explain more precisely?13:36
SwedeMikeoutoftime_92_: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/114359/how-to-get-edid-for-a-single-monitor13:37
azureusfind an antenna ubiquiti airgrid m2 20 dbi reaches 1 km with houses in the middle?13:38
ChrispyChris1992Anyone using irsii?13:39
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dircI open nautilus and an usb is automounted by usbmount. However, when I want to use nautilus to format usb, nautilus complains 'not authorized to perform operation format disk format'. What should i configure to allow user to format usb disk without root privilege?13:44
outoftime_92_TJ-: in the video I show you, that guy exported EDID from Windows registry in order to recover EDID of the monitor13:44
tmus During or after what I believe is a power outage, I have a string of "@^@^@^@^" in my rsyslog output. I can't seem to find anything describing this behavior, but it appears to be a deliberate warning that something strange went down here... Can anyone help elaborate on this?13:46
frostschutztmus, if you're looking at it with vim or the like, it would show binary zero \0 as ^@13:51
TJ-outoftime_92_: doesn't help if what's in the Windows registry is also invalid though; I did a search in case somone else has that monitor and had dumped it's EDID in a log file somewhere but didn't find one13:51
tmusfrostschutz, cool... Let me double check with hexdump... 2 sec13:52
outoftime_92_TJ-: how do you think, do I have a chance to contact asus support in order to provide valid EDID?13:54
tmusfrostschutz, indeed \0. Any idea why a string of those would be logged?13:55
TJ-outoftime_92_: I'm figuring out where the exact problem is; if I can do that and create a correct EDID you could manually load that as SwedeMike said13:56
tmus(could be an indication that there seems to be a hole in the log which MIGHT be indicative of tampering - could be simply because it was stopped abruptly, but I can't find info on this)13:56
frostschutztmus, not sure if that is intentional or a filesystem blooper since you mention power outage13:57
tmusfrostschutz, okay thanks... I'll see if i can find a hint in the code or something13:58
SwedeMikemy problem with EDID was that intel and AMD based graphics cards ignored the EDID checksum error, but nvidia rejected the EDID and only did 640x480 (out of the box). So I had to provide my own EDID file to get 1080p on nvidia ion.13:58
outoftime_92_SwedeMike: if there is a chance, I'd like to fix from the side of device14:03
SwedeMikeoutoftime_92_: I contacted Sony and asked about it, they only said I needed to bring it to a repair center to have it fixed, and pay for it. So it was easier to just fix it in xorg.conf14:04
ChiLLabiSHi! I'm getting random crashes during playing vanilla WoW using wine 3.0, Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS. i'm still a newb on linux. Here's the syslog: https://pastebin.com/NLgz1XjB14:05
Mr_PanChiLLabiS, vanilla...14:06
__DetChiLLabiS: asd14:06
ChiLLabiSi think it's fun14:06
TJ-outoftime_92_: oh, turns out the "Detailed block string not properly terminated" is a red herring, so it looks like only the checksum needs altering!14:07
ChiLLabiSThe pc crashes/freezes. and on other wine stuff14:07
TJ-outoftime_92_: I've a fixed EDID file for you: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/edid.ASUS_VW227_A9LMIZ002968.bin14:11
outoftime_92_TJ-: thank you, but how to use it?14:13
outoftime_92_SwedeMike: do you have expample of how to manually supply EDID in xorg.conf?14:14
TJ-outoftime_92_: checking now, it looks like this link but wait because it seems to infer the edid file would contain text, whereas we have pure binary data  https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3571/~/managing-a-display-edid-on-linux14:14
SwedeMikeoutoftime_92_: https://kodi.wiki/view/Creating_and_using_edid.bin_via_xorg.conf14:14
TJ-outoftime_92_: that looks straightforward, if you "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" I'll make changes so you know how it should look14:16
outoftime_92_TJ-: Aquire EDID is disabled14:17
TJ-outoftime_92_: is the PC firmware EFI?14:18
outoftime_92_TJ-: don't speak chineese14:19
TJ-outoftime_92_: x86 PC firmwares come in 2 varieties, BIOS or EFI. I see a bug report saying EFI causes the error you just mentioned14:19
outoftime_92_TJ-: how to find out what I have?14:23
TJ-outoftime_92_: ls /sys/firmware/efi  ... if it exists and has dirs/files it's EFI14:23
outoftime_92_TJ-: ls: cannot access '/sys/firmware/efi': No such file or directory14:24
robairtHey, my windows are suddenly attaching to the sides instead of top and bottom, which is making it annoying pulling windows between workstations. Anyone know what I messed up for it to be doing that?14:24
Xatenevwhen trying to install libssl-dev i get An error occurred during the signature verification.14:27
XatenevTat is ubuntu 16.0414:27
TJ-outoftime_92_: OK, so where did you see the error you reported?14:27
Xatenevoh worked now14:28
outoftime_92_TJ-: http://termbin.com/meqx xorg14:29
DiecastMessiahrobairt: unity?? it the hotpoints on the edges of screen.. but you save ya.. you can more a window by ctrl alt shirt ArrowKeys14:29
TJ-outoftime_92_: you didn't read the instructions SwedeMike and me linked you to; you've missed off two directives14:29
outoftime_92_TJ-: error was during "ls /sys/firmware/efi"14:30
alexarnaudHello all14:30
TJ-outoftime_92_: read number "2" here https://kodi.wiki/view/Creating_and_using_edid.bin_via_xorg.conf#Configure_xorg_to_read_custom_EDID_file14:30
scdeHello, is the plan (again) to do the _automatic_ release upgrade (the prompt) from 16.04 to 18.04 once 18.04.1 is out? I think it was like that with the 16.04 release.14:30
alexarnaudI'm trying to help in bug triage on Launchpad.14:30
alexarnaudThis bug has been fixed upstream, what is the process to mark it as resolved ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/161864214:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1618642 in ubuntu-mate "Desktop launchers invisible to Orca" [Undecided,New]14:31
TJ-outoftime_92_: It looks like you need "UseEDID" "true" and possibly "IgnoreEDID" "dalse"14:31
outoftime_92_TJ-: just generated with nvidia-xconfig as you mentioned14:31
CarlFK1alexarnaud: /j #ubuntu-bugs14:32
TJ-outoftime_92_: right, but I think the nvidia instructions may have been written some time ago and might not take into account the other options14:32
alexarnaudCarlFK1: thanks14:32
TJ-outoftime_92_: also, if you are planning in reinstalling in the future please *SAVE* the edid file I sent you :D14:33
jimhi, how can I find the versions of syncterm that have been packaged?14:33
TJ-outoftime_92_: You ought to move the file into /etc/X11/ with "sudo mv $HOME/Downloads/edid.* /etc/X11/" and then set that path in xorg.conf14:34
LDH27612Ok, whats the time line on 18.04's roll out??14:36
LDH27612Thank you14:36
scdeYour welcome14:37
outoftime_92_TJ-: backed up on drive.google.com14:37
outoftime_92_TJ-: http://termbin.com/h3rh like this?14:46
gnulliganI have an ubuntu laptop with an encrypted hdd and I forgot the password. Whenever I reinstall ubuntu it still says my password is wrong, even if I change it to something like 12314:46
gnulligancould it have the original password saved somehow? I don't get a login decryption prompt so it's not encrypted anymore14:47
mrchairmangnulligan, weird man. I usually just rewrite over the drive... but then I'd lose all my data too14:48
gnulliganI don't have any data on it14:49
gnulliganI tried getting dban but sf is down14:49
mrchairmanI never had that happen to me before14:49
mrchairmanSo, if you're taking advice from a random dude on irc, maybe try a different version of ubuntu?14:49
frostschutzgnulligan, there is more than one password prompt ... which one are you referring to exactly?14:50
gnulliganthe encrypted disk password prompt isnt there anymore14:51
gnulliganmeaning my disk isnt encrypted anymore14:51
gnulliganbut I still can't sudo14:51
frostschutzso... you can log into the desktop fine, but sudo in the terminal then complains?14:52
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frostschutzthat'd be your regular user password, if you reinstalled14:54
frostschutzso that password doesn't work when you try to sudo, but it works when you login to desktop in the first place? or did you choose autologin for that?14:55
gnulliganautologin right now14:55
gnulliganit was encrypted and I forgot the password14:55
robairtDiecastMessiah: it used to be I only had hitpoints on the top and bottom of my workstations, now it's on the sides of my screens14:55
gnulliganso I reinstalled ubuntu14:56
gnulliganand now sudo doesnt work14:56
gnulliganso it's two different passwords14:56
tgm4883gnulligan: sounds like you typo'd the password during install. Since it's not encrypted as you say, you should reset the password14:57
frostschutzgnulligan, does 'passwd' work, that'd let you change your password. if passwd also says your password is wrong, most likely it is wrong. otherwise you could have disabled sudo or something14:57
ageisis tatertotz/tatertots a trusted member of this channel?14:58
gnulligantgm4883: I reinstalled literally 5 times so far14:58
tgm4883gnulligan: and you're installing ubuntu proper? Not debian or mint or something else? When you install, you're wiping the disk?14:59
gnulliganfrostschutz: I'm reinstalling again, the password is a *single* character just to make sure there can't be any possible way I can typo. And its trisquel15:00
tgm4883gnulligan: don't select autologin either15:01
tgm4883gnulligan: also, what keyboard layout are you using15:01
frostschutzgnulligan, you don't need to reinstall because of a password. live cd, mount, chroot, set one with 'passwd'15:02
frostschutzgnulligan, also normally the system will tell you to "choose a longer password" (when trying to change with passwd anyhow)15:02
tgm4883frostschutz: he doesn't even need the live cd15:02
gnulliganwell I did originally because it was encrypted frostschutz15:02
gnulligantgm4883: layout shouldnt be an issue because even if my password is the letter p and p maps to q, then I'd still type it the same way when prompted15:03
robbinzonehi all, I am trying to bind the command "xte "mousedown 1"" to <CTRL>Button1 via CompizConfigManager in Ubuntu, but cannot seem to make that key+mouseclick combination do the "click and hold" action that I need. Advice, anyone? (I have installed the xautomation package)15:03
tgm4883gnulligan: unless it's changing between live cd and install for some reason15:04
sam6Trying to use wget to download all jpg files in a web directory(password protected page) using this command for now<wget --http-user=myusername --http-password=mypassword http://www.link.com/members http://www.link.com/members/galary/directory  HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized Authentication selected: Basic realm="RESTRICTED" Reusing existing connection to link.com:80. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 N15:05
gnulliganok I got a little more info15:05
gnulliganI set it to a 1 char password, encrypted and wiped free space when installing15:06
gnulliganto make sure everything that could possibly be there was overwritten15:06
gnulliganthe new encryption password worked fine15:06
gnulliganand the login password worked fine15:06
gnulligansu returns "su:Authentication failure"15:07
tgm4883gnulligan: 'sudo su' ?15:07
gnulliganuh, thanks :)15:08
frostschutzsu is normal, su needs the root password. sudo is the user password15:08
tgm4883gnulligan: yw15:08
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outoftime_92_TJ-: ASUS_VW227_A9LMIZ002968 matches with label on the monitor15:12
outoftime_92_TJ-: I suppose I have to log out and restart lightgdm15:12
TJ-outoftime_92_: Is it working correctly now?15:23
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outoftime_92TJ-: no... highest resolution is 640x48015:24
TJ-outoftime_92: as always, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:25
outoftime_92TJ-: paste output?15:25
TJ-outoftime_92: yes please15:26
pikapikaHi. I am backing up the /usr, /var, /home, /bin, /sbin, /lib, /lib6, /etc, /opt as tar files. Later I will boot with a live flash drive and create a dd image of the Ubuntu partition.15:26
pikapikaMy question is...is this sufficient? Like say I start with a fresh install of the same version of Ubuntu (16.04 lts) and untar these to appropriate locations, will I get back the same apps and15:26
pikapikasettings and updated state as before? Do I unpack these while normally opened as a desktop or do I do these as cli mode before gui are loaded?15:26
outoftime_92TJ-: http://termbin.com/0u0o15:26
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TJ-outoftime_92: ha! " Unable to use EDID file" " '/etc/X11/edid.ASUS_VW227_A9LMIZ002968.bin': file format not recognized"15:28
TJ-outoftime_92: oh, silly me, I only sent you half the file! It's supposed to be 256 bytes, I only sent you 128 bytes :D15:30
outoftime_92TJ-: I'm using irssi and tty (ctrl+alt+f1) in order to stay in touch15:30
outoftime_92TJ-: can you wrote wget command?15:31
TJ-outoftime_92: do this to fix it on your system: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/etc/X11/edid.ASUS_VW227_A9LMIZ002968.bin bs=128 count=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc"15:32
TJ-outoftime_92: that will add 128  0-bytes to the end, so a restart of lightdm will then work (hopefully!)15:33
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pikapikaI mean its kinda stupid to have to download all packages and updates again for a new install15:35
pikapikawhen its the exact same os and hardware15:35
wafflejockpikapika why not just clone the drive with DD if you want the same exact image15:35
pikapikaThing is, I might be changing the position and size of the partition15:36
outoftime_92TJ-: it does n't http://termbin.com/ff8k15:36
pikapikaits a dual boot, I am removing the Windows (it'll be installed on another hdd) and making it a pure Ubuntu system15:36
wafflejockpikapika still I'd think you could resize the partition from a livecd would look into that though15:37
pikapikaSo the parition will be shifted left, and also increase in size to occupy all the new space15:37
TJ-pikapika: the way to do it is to shrink the file-system to it's minimum size and then dd just that. When you write it to another system you can write it into a larger partition and then resize the file-system so it uses the entire partition15:37
pikapikawafflejock: In fact thats precisely what I am doing, I am keeping the backups just it case that approach fails so I'd do a fresh install and copy over files in that case15:37
pikapikaTJ- ok I will look into this15:38
TJ-outoftime_92: check the file is now 256 bytes; " ls -l /etc/X11/edid.*"15:38
pikapikaDoes the gparted gui from live cd do this?15:38
gnulliganI'm trying to edit a bootable usb drive but it says its write-protected15:38
pikapikaI read some pages that said to just delete the win partition and ask gparted to resize it15:38
TJ-pikapika: It might do; I use command-line tools to do such things though15:38
gnulliganI tried hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb15:38
gnulliganand hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb115:39
pikapikaIf not then I have no qualms doing some cmd line stuff with gpart or whatever15:39
gnulliganwhile mounted and unmounted15:39
outoftime_92TJ-: exactly 256 bytes15:39
pikapikaAnd yes I am also saving a dd of partition just in case15:39
pikapikaIts only 50 gb after all15:39
gnulliganand it still says block device /dev/sdb1 is write-protected, mounting read-only15:39
hggdhdonofrio: as the error message suggest, permission issues (like ~/.cache is owned by a different user)15:40
gnulliganalso it doesnt show in file manager15:40
donofriohggdh, who is it suppose to be owned by15:41
hggdhdonofrio: usually a directory /home/<username> is owned by <username>, which is the user logged in15:44
hggdhdonofrio: sometimes we see people running things as root (because... IDK, they thing this is Windows?)15:49
hggdhdonofrio: then files and directories get owned by root, and the user loses access15:50
tgm4883hggdh: sounds like those people's root access should be removed15:50
hggdhtgm4883: not so much removed -- these folks should be instructed, re-educated, and learn15:52
outoftime_92tgm4883: for those people linux mint exists15:52
outoftime_92hggdh: yeah, it is about me15:52
donofriohggdh, yah I dunno why these happen...it's ok these are just one of many that I'm reviewing to see 1 -10 scale like this - everything running ok just these console messages - https://apaste.info/xUGy15:52
ChiLLabiSIs there a good command or gui for getting computerspecs? For example motherboard name and numbers etc15:55
xandowskcat /proc/cpuinfo15:56
ChiLLabiSokay thanks15:56
hggdhdonofrio: what would I be looking for in the pastebin?15:57
natex@ChiLLabiS, lshw15:57
donofrionothing much just my warnings of a working setup....15:57
kostkon!info inxi | ChiLLabiS, also15:58
ubottuChiLLabiS, also: inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.37-1 (artful), package size 136 kB, installed size 610 kB15:58
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TJ-pikapika: if the file-system is ext3/4 then you can simply do this (to the un-mounted FS, and set DEV= and OUTFILE= for your values) "DEV=/dev/VG_OS/ubuntu_16.04_rootfs; OUTFILE=path/to/file.img;  D=$(readlink -e $DEV); sudo resize2fs -M $D;  B=$(dumpe2fs -h $D |  awk '/^Block count:/{c=$3}/^Block size:/{s=$3;print c*s; exit}'); sudo dd if=$D "of=$OUTFILE" bs=256M count=$B iflag=count_bytes status=progress"16:00
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TJ-outoftime_92: I wonder if the nvidia EDID loader only reads some sort of formatted text files16:02
ChiLLabiSOkay thanks for the replys :)16:04
outoftime_92TJ-: you gave me link with disabled button, there is a line, that EDID can be exported as ASCII file in format that windows use16:06
TJ-outoftime_92: right, but the current EDID is reported invalid so it might be broken. Use that nvidia-settings command to capture then EDID then pastebinit and I'll check it looks OK16:08
TJ-outoftime_92: sorry, the nvidia-xconfig command16:10
TJ-outoftime_92: if it says it wrote 256 bytes then it'll be the binary dump which presumably has the bad checksum16:10
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outoftime_92TJ-: I can not capture EDID via nvidia-settings, button disabled16:22
godxenocan anyone help me?16:27
outoftime_92godxeno: ask16:27
godxenoim using vnc16:27
godxenoand it's only showing16:28
godxenothe shell not the ubuntu server graphics gui16:28
godxenois there a command to show me the actual desktop16:28
tgm4883godxeno: did you install ubuntu server?16:29
outoftime_92godxeno: afaik, there are 2 modes: text mode and graphics mode. Image can be displayed in graphics mode. You can display it with pseudographics using ASCII characters, for instance16:31
outoftime_92tgm4883: don't ever seen videos with ASCII graphics?16:33
TJ-outoftime_92: it's a command-line operation, not GUI, using nvidia-xconfig, section 2.3.2, step 1 of the kodi.wiki page16:33
tgm4883outoftime_92: you mean ncurses?16:33
JimBuntuI got your pseudographics - https://pastebin.com/JXq5udHc16:35
godxenoim using it through a vps16:35
godxenoi already have the details for it16:35
tgm4883godxeno: then it's probably ubuntu server, which is command line only16:36
kostkongodxeno, you'll need to find out whether it's a server installation16:36
outoftime_92TJ-: do you want me to rewrite xorg.conf?16:36
godxenoyeah it's a server16:36
godxenois there a way to show a gui16:37
outoftime_92tgm4883: google for "ascii video"16:37
godxenoit shows up for a split secend then turns into a shell based16:37
TJ-outoftime_92: not yet, just need to use those --extract-edids-from-file and --extract-edids-output-file options to grab the EDID16:37
tgm4883godxeno: interesting. This sounds like a support question for your VPS provider16:37
JimBuntugodxeno, depending on if X11 is there... and how your SSH settings/etc are configured... you may be able to open specific applications in GUI mode... try `xeyes`16:37
JimBuntugodxeno, Oh, you are using VNC, my apologies16:38
outoftime_92TJ-: from where, what file should be used as a source?16:39
TJ-outoftime_92: the xorg log file; "sudo nvidia-xconfig --extract-edids-from-file=/var/log/Xorg.0.log --extract-edids-output-file=/etc/X11/edid.bin"16:41
TJ-outoftime_92: then check what kind of file that has created with "file /etc/X11/edid.bin" and it's size with "ls -l /etc/X11/edid.bin"16:42
outoftime_92TJ-: on my way16:42
jonnybebeeim trying to name all .jpg files the same filename in one folder is this possible?16:43
GPenguinhello, is evince still the primary choice as document viewer?16:43
eraserpencilis it common to have nginx as both web and reverse proxy16:43
TJ-jonnybebee: the question makes no sense; you can't have the same filename repeated in the same directory16:43
godxenoJimBuntu do u mind if i pm you directly16:43
godxenosince it's moving to quickly16:44
JimBuntuthat's fine godxeno16:44
mutanteTJ-: it does make sense, it's just that the answer is "no" :p16:44
outoftime_92TJ-: found 0 edids in log16:44
JimBuntugodxeno, I will say that since you are using VNC, I'm not sure how much help I can be.16:45
jonnybebee@tj i have alot of jpgs they have to be a certain name for my script to recognize them so instead of doing it one by one i wanted to see could i do them all at once16:45
kostkonjonnybebee, nonetheless, if you fancy using a gui app for your renaming needs, check out pyrenamer16:45
TSpyanyone home???16:46
jonnybebeefor f in **/cover.jpg ;do mv "$f" "${f%/*}/front.jpg" ;done is what i used before16:46
jonnybebeethat command only recognizes the file name cover some of the filenames are random16:47
outoftime_92TSpy: what?16:47
TSpy@outoftime_92 just checking if anyone in chat lol16:48
kostkonTSpy, ET go home?16:48
MonkeyDustTSpy  this is the ubuntu support channel16:48
TJ-jonnybebee: that command is going to overwrite front.jpg continuously; if the command you want to execute is inside thae for loop it can be passed front.jpg. If it changes the file in-place then you'd need to rename it again afterwards to prevent it being overwritten by the next iteration of the loop16:50
jonnybebee@TJ i understand now16:51
jonnybebeeim going to look more into this thanks for the help16:51
outoftime_92TJ-: jonnybebee I think he needs to extract basedir and change name16:51
ansarhello is there anybody who can help me to resolve the error: apt-get failed(100) error in ubuntu server when installing ubuntu-desktop through sudo tasksel16:51
jonnybebee@ansar do sudo apt-get update then try again16:52
ansari did thatno result16:53
outoftime_92jonnybebee: I suppose you need rename all cover.jpg into front.jpg16:53
jonnybebee@outoftime_92 correct16:53
nutzzTake a look at the following log https://pastebin.com/0fW7DE1B16:55
outoftime_92jonnybebee: take `basedir $f`/front.jpg something like this, google how to extract basedir from file path16:55
MonkeyDustjonnybebee  you can easily drop the @ ... simply type 2-3 characters of a name and then hit tab to auto complete16:55
ansarjonnybebee: i wanted to get ubuntu-desktop so that i can work using GUI16:55
nutzzhttps://pastebin.com/0fW7DE1B Where am I doing it wrong?16:55
outoftime_92TJ-: I can try with Xorg.1.log16:55
ansarelse i wanted to know can i open webpage from cli whthout installing ubuntu-desktop16:56
MonkeyDustansar  there a www browsers for the terminal16:58
TJ-outoftime_92: jonnybebee's shell command is already extracting the basedir :)16:58
MonkeyDust!info lynx| ansar16:59
ubottu'ansar' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-16:59
MonkeyDust!info lynx | ansar16:59
ubottuansar: lynx (source: lynx): classic non-graphical (text-mode) web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.8.9dev16-1 (artful), package size 622 kB, installed size 1846 kB16:59
outoftime_92TJ-: then there are no problems, I mean, there are no file colision etc.17:00
outoftime_92TJ-: except, front.jpg can be overrided17:00
ansaractually i was installing ubuntu-desktop  in ubuntu server 16.04 but every time getting errorapt-get failed(100) not knowing how to comu out of it17:01
jonnybebee@outoftime_92 the command works correctly it changed all files from cover to front for me in all folders had to change 100017:02
jimgodxeno, hi! still here?17:04
jonnybebeenow i must mass zip the folders so i came up with the following command for dir in */; do ( cd "./$dir" && zip -9r  "../${dir%/}.zip" . ); done17:04
outoftime_92jonnybebee: then it's my fault, I didn't understand question17:04
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
romeohow can i install wine on  ubuntu 1617:07
leftyfbromeo: sudo apt install wine17:07
leftyfbromeo: just like every other package17:07
romeothis is giving me error "wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed"17:07
leftyfbromeo: what version of ubuntu?17:08
leftyfbromeo: apt-cache policy wine17:08
leftyfbromeo: use pastebin please17:08
outoftime_92TJ-: I have 2 xorg log files Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old both have 0 EDID17:08
romeohere is the output f sudo apt install wine. https://pastebin.com/brXzsFDA17:09
outoftime_92TJ-: tell me what you are looking for, maybe I'll find it faster17:09
leftyfbromeo: apt-cache policy wine17:10
TJ-outoftime_92: I have no idea; the info on the modi.wiki page tells us that command is supposed to extract the EDID data from the log-file into a binary - which is precisely what I did anyhow17:11
romeohere is the output. https://pastebin.com/Tmf5c7QD17:12
outoftime_92TJ-: when? with my first log I have pasted?17:12
=== MrRooks_ is now known as MrRooks
TJ-yes. all your Xorg logs have the EDID dumped as hex bytes in them17:12
leftyfbromeo: you might want to change your repo from in.archive.ubuntu.com to some other repo. Seems like that repo isn't quite updated properly17:13
outoftime_92TJ-: so if I'll find link on first pastebin it will work?17:13
romeohow can i do that17:13
leftyfbromeo: the "Software and Updates" application. Change "Download from"17:14
TJ-outoftime_92: as I said all the Xorg logs you've pastebinned have the data. It's prefixed with "Raw EDID bytes:"17:16
outoftime_92TJ-: http://termbin.com/89y117:18
romeochanged it to main server, it updated its cache . now what do i do17:21
romeosudo apt install wine still giving the same error17:21
outoftime_92TJ-: there is raw bytes...17:21
MonkeyDustromeo  sudo apt update17:21
romeodone that . still same error17:22
ioriaromeo, and    sudo apt install  wine1.6    ?17:23
leftyfbromeo: sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine17:23
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leftyfbromeo: oh, missed above17:24
leftyfbromeo: what does "apt-cache policy wine" say now?17:24
romeoleftyfb: same output17:25
leftyfbromeo: negative. It will not be the same output if you changed the repo17:25
outoftime_92TJ-: I have idea, what if I'll connect monitor to notebook and find out will it be recognized or not17:26
romeoi changed it from india server to main server, now i am doing it again , changing it to mirror.clarkson.edu/ubuntu17:28
leftyfbromance: try us.archive.ubuntu.com17:29
romeoleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/3zyPrZAu17:30
kostkonromeo, you could also use the wine repo to install wine 3.x although you'll probably be refused support here if you ask help on that17:30
leftyfbkostkon: resolving package issues from the main repo should be the priority17:31
kostkonleftyfb, as always17:31
leftyfbromeo: sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install wine17:32
leftyfbromeo: please paste the output of all of that to pastebin17:32
outoftimeTJ-: nope, didn't work as I expected...17:32
nutzzWhat should I do if I get this error https://pastebin.com/raw/zDKYBDXF?17:33
romeoleftyfb: its updating cache. just bear with me17:33
nutzzrunning apt --fix-broken install does nothing17:33
T4P4Nis anyone out there17:36
wafflejockT4P4N yes this is ubuntu support chat though17:36
leftyfb!ask | T4P4N17:36
ubottuT4P4N: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:36
outoftime_92TJ-: as I mentioned earlier, I didn't actually need nvidia17:36
outoftime_92TJ-: nouveu should be good, but it hurt my eyes17:37
MonkeyDustT4P4N  this is the ubuntu support channel17:38
chris____Does anyone here know about irssi, the IRC chat client?17:39
outoftime_92chris____: i don't know, just using it17:39
leftyfbchris____: we do not take surveys here. If you have a support issue, please detail the issue you have.17:40
chris____Well I'm trying to get the hilight feature to work on Ubuntu and nothing I do seems to make a difference.17:40
MonkeyDustchris____  i'm using irssi17:40
=== chris____ is now known as ChrispyChris92
leftyfbChrispyChris92: did you try #irssi?17:41
ChrispyChris92I've tried tons of different hilight commands and am starting to wonder if it isn't working because of my Ubuntu setup, rather than the wrong setting in app.17:41
ChrispyChris92Oh, I'll look and see if that works.17:41
ChrispyChris92Thank you!17:41
ovidnisAnyone know why ctrl would not work in various games on ubuntu?17:42
ovidnisit's happening in both native and emulated games17:43
romeoleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/4Jpt3sjT17:46
zlsyxGiven a table with countries name and language they speak how to find the way that 2 countries speak the same language? Like Enaldn English and U.S. English then England and U.S. speark same language. Should I use join for this?17:47
leftyfbromeo: you have a bit of a mess of a sources.list17:48
leftyfbzlsyx: are you talking mysql?17:48
leftyfbromeo: you should edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and make it look similar to this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DgnTF6TZ6n/17:49
kostkonzlsyx, not the best place to ask about sql rdbms and the likes17:50
leftyfbromeo: try #mysql or whatever db solution you're using17:51
leftyfbromeo: oops, wrong person17:51
leftyfbzlsyx: try #mysql or whatever db solution you're using17:51
=== mitch is now known as Guest29277
romeoleftyfb: done that. now  "sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install wine" is being executed17:54
romeoleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/XBtdEp7X17:58
romeostill getting error17:59
jimcareful with the -y... once you see what you're updating, you may or may not wish to17:59
leftyfbromeo: you aren't posting everything18:00
leftyfbThe following information may help to resolve the situation:18:00
leftyfb 18:00
leftyfbThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:00
leftyfbthere should be something between those lines18:00
outoftime_92TJ-: I suppose you have no will to answer my questions any more18:01
kostkonoutoftime_92, or no time maybe?18:02
romeoleftyfb: it is blank.18:02
kostkonoutoftime_92, well even your nick probably concurs18:04
romeoleftyfb: you can even check the image18:04
leftyfbromeo: dpkg --get-selections | grep hold18:04
leftyfbanything show up when you run that?18:05
DbuggerHi everyone18:05
DbuggerI have an issue with 17.10. I heard that CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+R can be used to record your screen and make webm videos, but when I try this, the .webm file created is always 0 bytes.18:06
DbuggerWhy could be this happening?18:06
kostkonDbugger, only when on wayland i think or is the other way around?18:07
Dbuggerkostkon, sorry, what? I did not understand the question18:07
DbuggerI am not sure what Wayland is...18:07
Dbugger"echo $DESKTOP_SESSION" returns "ubuntu"18:09
DbuggerI guess that means I am in X. I just read that if I was in Wayland, it would return "gnome-wayland"18:09
outoftime_92kostkon: what's wrong with nick?18:12
romeoleftyfb: no18:12
romeoleftyfb: nothing is showing up18:12
kostkonDbugger, i wask afk. yes. in the x session you can probably use any of the 3rd party screen recorders like simplescreenrecorder18:12
leftyfbromeo: ok, I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment and got a lot going on at work and still haven't had lunch yet18:12
kostkonoutoftime_92, nothing wrong with it18:13
romeoleftyfb: please do that. i will try it later. thanks18:13
Dbuggerkostkon, while that is an option I weight in, I was wondering why could the native way of doing this not be working...18:13
Guest29277Dbugger, run the command "env | grep -i wayland" if you have an output, you're running wayland.18:14
Redman276hello all18:14
Redman276I have a video issue I need a hand with, I cnt seem to figure out how to put X in VESA mode. I'm tuck looking at the rt 1/4 of the desktop.. any ideas?18:15
caliris this IRC?18:15
kostkonDbugger, probably the built-in one only supports wayland moreover it seems it's the only recorder that currently supports it18:16
Dbuggerkostkon, I see. I will try to find out how to use wayland, and try it there18:16
vootHi All. I'm upgrading a production 14.04LTS server to 16.04LTS, but I get "No new release found" using do-release-upgrade18:20
vootThis system is behind a firewall and only has access to the gatech.edu repo.18:20
Guest29277voot: have you tried do-release-upgrade -d18:22
naccGuest29277: that's not what you want to do18:22
vootYes. And I have tried -c. I get no results either way18:22
vootI didn't want to do a -d, but its interesting that didn't work either18:23
vootI ran an apt-get dist-upgrade, which took my kernel up a level18:23
vootI also tried manually changing sources from trusty to xenial and running do-release-upgrade, but that didn't work either, so I reverted the sources.18:24
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naccvoot: you wouldn't d-r-u in that case, just normal apt dist-upgrade, but that's less supported18:24
outoftime_92TJ-: ask if you need some favor18:26
vootOf course I'd like to go with the correct method of d-r-u...this is a RADIUS system for a university18:26
vootIt has to be correct18:26
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antonlavrynetshello from matrix! I'm first time enjoying reality!18:27
EmeryI'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu on my keyboard, I've plugged the USB on but it doesn't boot?18:27
EmeryI used win32 to copy the image onto my 256mb USB18:28
EmeryDoes it matter if it's a non-branded USB stick or Corsair?18:28
ovidnisanyone have any clue why ctrl wouldn't work in certain program?18:28
EmeryAlso it's a razer keyboard18:28
vootEmery: use unetbootin to create your boot usb18:28
vootEmery:  you can't just copy the image in most cases18:29
Emeryvoot: I've tried that also, but when I plug it into my keyboard it doesn't boot18:29
vootEmery: plug directly into the computer. the usb hub in the keyboard may not be initialized in time to be recognized by the bios18:29
EmeryDoes it matter which USB slot I plug it into, I have 1218:30
EmeryI have one built into my mobo near to the CPU will that effect speed?18:30
vootIt should be in a USB port directly connected to the mainboard18:30
vootno hubs18:30
EmeryShould I try and boot from a Floppy? I have one of those18:30
compdocthe blue usb ports are usb3, and should be faster. but sometimes finicky18:31
EmeryI don't think the image will fit onto that though18:31
Emeryvoot: ?18:32
vootanyone else have ideas about do-release-upgrade? does it pull only from the apt sources list?18:32
Emeryvoot: Why are you laughing? Is this a support channel or not?18:32
EmeryI got XP to boot with a floppy18:32
Emeryvoot: https://tinyurl.com/yaeg8uub There's an article here on how to get it to boot from a floppy, can I still do this?18:36
vootan op should kick this guy18:37
Exterminadoror there's something very wrong with Xubuntu or probably some package I have installed. login loop again only in my account (no .config or .local folder)18:38
bparkerI have a package that only came with an init.d script instead of a systemd service unit. I could not get it to start via the built-in sysvinit support systemd (or whatever it is called) but finally figured out that it was because of a ENABLED=0 in the /etc/default/$NAME file. However, while the init.d script logs this error, I do not see it printing its log_progress_msg anywhere, and18:40
bparker/lib/lsb/init-functions says that it that function "should be a no-op on Ubuntu", except it just does a simple print, but I'm not able to see that in any log anywhere. What's going on?18:40
Exterminadorsomeone shoot me already. not having any problems with normal Ubuntu, just the damn Xubuntu. and in Xubuntu I can access the other accounts, except my own18:41
bparkerbasically I'm just trying to figure out how I would have debugged this issue without realizing that default file mistake18:41
Exterminadorisn't that damn weird?18:41
Exterminadorthis is the content of `la .` > http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wDRTp95NRK/18:46
tgm4883Exterminador: did you look in .xsession-errors18:46
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Exterminador.xsession-errors > http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/McBHZWxbtx/18:48
Sven_vBI'm trying to make puppet (the config management tool) install wine1.8, but without ttf-mscorefonts-installer, which wine recommends. any ideas? is there an easy way to ban that package on a dpkg level maybe?18:48
donofriohow do I turn off keychain dialog in chromium ubuntu (always seemed like a very terrible idea even 20 years ago...)18:49
Sven_vBI already configured puppet to uninstall ttf-ms… but puppet doesn't connect the dots, so it depends on timing whether it will be removed after being installed.18:50
tgm4883Exterminador: have you tried creating ~/.cache/sessions/18:50
Sven_vBdonofrio, in case keychain is a separate package, you could try uninstalling it.18:50
Exterminadortgm4883: the folder ~/.cache/sessions does exist18:51
tgm4883Sven_vB: you could set dependency order in puppet.18:51
Exterminadorand wasn't created by me18:51
tgm4883Exterminador: which is why I asked if you have tried creating it18:51
Sven_vBtgm4883, yeah, however I'd like to avoid having an explicit dependency between my wine and fonts package. also I'd prefer to not install ttf-ms… in the first place.18:52
Exterminadoryou're right18:52
Exterminadorthe folder doesn't exist18:52
tgm4883Sven_vB: have you tried adding   install_options => ['--no-install-recommends'],18:52
tgm4883Sven_vB: https://serverfault.com/questions/513588/no-apt-recommends-with-puppet18:53
Sven_vBtgm4883, nope, I'll try that. I've searched the docs for "recommend" but I see how that missed it.18:53
SorfrostTJ-, hey man you there?18:54
ExterminadorI don't know what else to do?18:54
Amm0nExterminador, you're missing .config too18:54
ExterminadorI've deleted those. last time I had to delete them18:55
Exterminadorbut now, it doesn't work either way..18:55
tgm4883Exterminador: last time?18:55
Exterminadortgm4883: yes. it's the 2nd or 3rd time that this issue happens. I can login to all other accounts in the laptop, except my own18:56
Sven_vBExterminador, if access permissions are the problem, you can also appropriate the folder instead of deleting it.18:56
tgm4883Exterminador: You should attempt to identify what you're doing that keeps breaking your login18:56
tgm4883Exterminador: For starters, looking at log files (as I requested) shows it complaining that the directory doesn't exist18:57
tgm4883Exterminador: I don't have a ton of time to sink into this, I'd probably just create a new user and migrate your stuff over18:57
Amm0nExterminador, try to delete .ICEautority, then copy a .config from another user18:58
Amm0nExterminador, and use backups in the future18:59
Exterminadorit doesn't work19:01
Exterminadornot even removing . ICEauthority19:01
AndroBuilderhello :) how can i unblock my wifi ....? it says "Hard blocked yes" using rfkill list19:03
Exterminadorsomething is failing in the widgets thing. is any way to restore all to default?19:07
ovidnisanyone have any clue why ctrl wouldn't work in certain programs? namely games like team fortress and total war. i used the tweak tool to set caps lock to super if that has anything to do with it...19:07
AndroBuilderIBM ThinkPAd T60   wifi hard blocked YES .... how can i change this19:07
Sven_vBcan I configure dpkg via environment variables, too? I'd like to set --no-install-recommends for all apt and dpkg launched from my script.19:07
Sven_vB(they're launched indirectly)19:08
jerwareI'm looking for nc6 or netcat619:10
Sven_vBjerware, this one? http://www.deepspace6.net/projects/netcat6.html19:11
Sven_vBjerware, might be easier to use a modern vanialla netcat though.19:11
jerwareok.  what is meant by vanilla?  Is that what comes with ubuntu repos?19:12
tgm4883Sven_vB: https://askubuntu.com/questions/179060/how-to-not-install-recommended-and-suggested-packages19:13
Sven_vBtgm4883, thanks again!19:13
Exterminadorthanks for the help tho. I think I need to reinstall ALL again and lose all the data I have (I don't have any way to backup the system)19:13
tgm4883Sven_vB: dpkg has no concept of recommends, you shouldn't use it to install packages anyway19:13
Sven_vBtgm4883, in case you found that via search engine, which one?19:13
jerwareoh vanilla means default or ordinary19:13
tgm4883Sven_vB: google19:14
tgm4883Exterminador: you could setup a new user and copy your stuff over19:14
Exterminadortgm4883: weirdly this only happens only to my account.. yesterday was working perfectly. today I booted into Ubuntu to update it. when I returned to Xubuntu, this happens19:15
ExterminadorI'm so angry right now..19:15
tgm4883Exterminador: you booted into ubuntu to update it, then returned to Xubuntu?19:16
tgm4883Exterminador: do you have multiple full installs, or just multiple desktop environments?19:16
Exterminadormultiple full installs. I need to restart to enter each OS19:17
tgm4883Exterminador: do your installs share a home directory?19:17
Exterminadorno, they're separated I guess. each one has it's own partition and stuff19:17
tgm4883Then unless you're having hardware failure, you changed something on the Xubuntu install. Either via update or something else19:18
ExterminadorWindows in /sda1, Xubuntu in /sda6 and Ubuntu in /sda519:18
tgm4883Exterminador: out of curiosity, why 2 Ubuntu installs?19:18
Exterminadorwell, I installed the normal Ubuntu when it was in the early beginning of 17.10 (like one or 2 days after being released)19:20
Exterminadorbecause I wanted to try the new features19:20
Exterminadorthe problem about Ubuntu is that my kids don't find it so easy to work with as Xubuntu (they use it mainly to play educational games and watch anime on YouTube), when comes to logout (they're used to the xfce prompt tho)19:24
tgm4883Exterminador: well if it helps, that's not typical behavior. Things shouldn't just break. And since other accounts work fine, it's an issue with just your account, meaning a full reinstall isn't necessary. You can just create a new account, move your stuff to it and then delete the old account19:24
Exterminadortgm4883: just as last intent > how to restore the desktop environment to its fresh installed (on the .xsession-errors I see it complaining about some widget(?))19:26
tgm4883Exterminador: hmm, what do you have in '/etc/skel' (hidden folders too)19:28
Exterminador.bash_logout, .bashrc, .config/, .profile .Xdefaults, .xscreensaver19:29
tgm4883Exterminador: you might just be able to copy those into your home directory and overwrite everything, but you might just need to create a new user and copy that stuff over (it might make new files/folders on user create). You'd need to set ownership on that stuff correctly19:29
qswzI can't get crontab to work, http://dpaste.com/12R8S3W the script I run uses sudo, so I added it sudo crontab -e, it didn"t work, I tried sudo -u caub crontab -e19:38
qswzhttp://dpaste.com/1QH2HDT <-- what's weird is systemctl status cron  shows it was acrivated and ran those things19:39
qswzbut it didn"t have effect on my session19:40
geirhaqswz: cron runs outside your X session.19:40
qswzI guess the issue is sudo19:40
qswzgeirha: ahh19:40
qswzdang it, is there a way tho?19:40
geirhaI suggest you run it in your session instead; via xdg-autostart19:40
geirhausing an infinite loop and some sleeps19:40
qswzohh ok19:41
qswzThanks again19:41
vileyou can cron an suid script to execute, but probably not very secure19:42
will075Hola alguna, sala, q orienten sobre instalación en español?19:43
qswzvile: How would cron run it in X session?19:44
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varaindemianDoes ubuntu 16.04.4 have gnome?19:46
varaindemianAs the default de?19:46
naccvaraindemian: no19:47
will075Alguien conoce una, forma concreta de  dual boot con Windows 10..instale el 16.04.4 pero al instalar el grub2 se queda colgado.. Probé con varios instaladores y tb con la, versión 17.0119:50
tgm4883!es | will07519:50
ubottuwill075: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:50
aroonihow do i search for package version of a given package19:53
naccarooni: you mean what versions are available?19:53
naccarooni: apt-cache policy <pkgname>19:54
arooninacc: sure; as well as most recent version19:54
naccarooni: well, you can't easily see the older packages, the policy output shows you roughly what apt sees19:54
arooninacc: thats a very useful command19:55
naccarooni: yes it is :) `apt` has integrated into that command as well19:55
arooninacc: didnt know i could just run apt19:55
aroonieasier for me to remember that19:56
naccarooni: different command than apt-get19:56
naccarooni: they are different commands, i mean19:56
arooniso i can run apt search ;; apt policy foo19:56
aroonibut i still need apt-get to get new packages right19:56
naccarooni: with the understanding they are different19:56
naccarooni: no, you can use `apt` for that too19:56
naccarooni: it's a differetn frontend to dpkg19:56
arooniwhy would i want to use apt-get or apt-cache as opposed to apt19:56
arooniah ok19:56
aroonihas ubuntu always been that way19:56
aroonior after a certain version19:56
naccarooni: no, apt is newer19:56
tgm4883nacc: 'apt-cache madison <package>' shows it a bit easier if you're just looking for versions19:56
nacctgm4883: ah nice19:57
nacctgm4883: thanks!19:57
qswzgeirha: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1584434/3183756 might work20:10
qswzif I put those 2 lines in my script20:10
arooniis aptitude not a thing anymore20:10
newbie|2I need some help with the package manager.  I've tried to install KDE, but it failed and left me 3 depends that won't install.   I just want it to go away, but it will not.  any ideas ?20:11
newbie|2kdevelop : Depends: kdevelop-data (>= 4:5.1.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa2) but 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu1 is installed20:13
newbie|2            Depends: kdevplatform10-libs (>= 5.1.1) but it is not installed20:13
newbie|2            Depends: libclang1-3.8 (>= 3.8) but it is not installed20:13
MonkeyDustnewbie|2  next time, use a pastebin ... https://paste.ubuntu.com/20:14
newbie|2@MonkeyDust, It was rather small :)20:15
albertoiNETHi Carll :) but your paste bin didn't work  :(20:15
newbie|2is there a command line to just fix those things or what ?20:17
albertoiNETHi, any idea with this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th/1010420#101042020:17
kostkonnewbie|2, the "~ppa2" part is a red flag20:17
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albertoiNETI can't adjust de brightness level :( always 100%20:17
newbie|2kostkon: yeah, it was KDE, but I just want to do other things now and I'm being blocked by this.20:18
kostkonnewbie|2, apt-cache policy kdevelop-data  do you want the version of kde from that PPA or the main repos20:18
newbie|2at this point I just want it to go away20:19
Sorfrostnewbie|2, if they wont install, the package you're are trying to install won't function properly..20:20
newbie|2Sorfrost: that's okay, I just want it to go away, all of KDE is fine.20:20
newbie|2Sorfrost: removing all of KDE is fine, I want to use my apt-get for other stuff and I'm blocked right now.20:22
Sorfrostnewbie|2, try this: edit /var/lib/dpkg/status,20:23
Sorfrostfind the package with the broken dependencies20:23
Sorfrost, edit the Depends: line to stop the package complaining.20:23
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tomreynSorfrost: this is not a good recommendation but a good way to break apt20:24
xeviousIs there a setting I can change (initramfs setting or kernel parameter, etc.) that disables suspend/resume? My systems are hanging for a while during boot: after they stop for a minute or so, they say "Gave up waiting for suspend/resume device" and continue booting.20:24
Sorfrosttomreyn, it might "break" apt only for that specific package. no?20:25
tomreynSorfrost: if you break the file format and dpkg will be unable to parse it then dpkg (and thus apt) will be broken entirely20:26
tomreynthere are better ways20:26
Sorfrosttomreyn, im sure about that, but he said he just wanted those unmet deps to go away... Sorry if i misanterstood20:27
albertoiNETHi, somebody can help me with this issue:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th20:31
EriC^albertoiNET: did you try acpi_osi stuff?20:31
albertoiNETYes I tried acpi_osi on /etc/default/grub and then sudo update-grub . Then reboot and I'm still the same problem. I cannot adjuts the brightnes of my laptop screen20:32
albertoiNETEriC^ :(20:33
newbie|2Sorfrost: thanks a lot, that seems to work.20:33
akikalbertoiNET: there's also acpi_backlight20:33
EriC^albertoiNET: what did you try for acpi_osi?20:33
izznogoooodHow do i turn off dimming of inactive windows in gnome3!20:35
albertoiNETEriC^ I tested acpi_osi=Linux20:36
albertoiNETakik Yes I also tested diferents values on acpi_backlight20:37
akikalbertoiNET: you should use the value that you get from: sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i "windows " | sort20:38
akikalbertoiNET: that is for acpi_osi=20:38
akikalbertoiNET: the latest "windows" version, i know they don't make sense20:39
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Sven_vBI just uninstalled build-essential, but still have /usr/src/linux-headers-* directories. is it now safe to remove them?20:44
albertoiNETakik really? a windows version in acpi_osi?20:44
akikalbertoiNET: yes20:44
akikalbertoiNET: most laptops are not tested with linux in mind so it leads to this unfortunate config20:45
albertoiNETacpi_osi=Windows 2015" for exxample?20:45
albertoiNETacpi_osi="Windows 2015" for exxample?20:45
akikalbertoiNET: if you put it to /etc/default/grub: acpi_osi=\"Windows 2015\"20:45
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albertoiNETwith \ or without20:45
akikalbertoiNET: just as i wrote there20:46
albertoiNETok, I'm going to try right now20:46
akikthen update-grub afterwards20:46
dabblerdude_Can someone help me? I recently used the software updater to update my packages and now when I log in, I only have the background and cursor.20:47
dabblerdude_This is on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS.20:47
* Sven_vB remembers he can just ask dpkg which package still needs these dirs.20:48
BenderRodriguezwhat's the different between dist-upgrade, upgrade, and full-upgrade20:48
panteraupgrade upgrades packages you have installed from the repos20:49
panteraSo like hexchat chrome etc20:49
albertoiNET2akik I tested this20:49
albertoiNET2GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=\"Windows 2015\" "20:49
albertoiNET2but didn't work :(20:50
akikalbertoiNET2: you mean you can't adjust the brightness?20:50
akikalbertoiNET2: try adding: acpi_backlight=vendor20:50
albertoiNET2Yes, I can't adjust the brigthness :(20:52
albertoiNET2so the line must to be this:20:52
panteraI'm not sure what the difference is between dist-upgrade and full-upgrade. I've only used dist-upgrade. Just from the name it would make me think that full upgrade would make it so I have gone from 17.10 to 18.4 but like I said I haven't looked it up yet. Let me do this now.20:52
albertoiNET2GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=\"Windows 2015\" acpi_backlight=vendor"20:52
akikalbertoiNET2: add also this before the first acpi_osi: acpi_osi=!20:52
akikalbertoiNET2: looks good20:53
panteraSo I was wrong with my assumption: https://askubuntu.com/questions/770135/apt-full-upgrade-versus-apt-get-dist-upgrade20:53
albertoiNET2GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\"Windows 2015\" acpi_backlight=vendor"20:54
albertoiNET2I test this line akik?20:54
akikalbertoiNET2: yes looks good20:54
akikalbertoiNET2: on my 2011 acer laptop i needed to use acpi_osi=Linux for the backlight to work20:57
ConsoleFxWhen I try to install gvim, on Ubuntu 16 is shows many vim-<variants> .. which one would be a recommended installation?21:17
ConsoleFxIt shows variants e.g. vim-gtk3 // vim-gnome // vim-athena // vim-gnome-py2 etc21:18
vltConsoleFx: On Ubuntu MATE I chose vim-gnome.21:22
ConsoleFxvlt, its a standard Ubuntu 16.04 (no mate though)21:25
ConsoleFxvlt, anyway let me go ahead with vim-gnome.. that seems like a better option21:25
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ConsoleFxdone. thanks!21:27
markus_i have ubuntu 16 on one partition and 3 other partition are mounted . now when i try to delete anything from those mounted ubuntu doesn't send the files to trash on deletion.21:39
markus_however, it shows the warning that file will be permanently deleted before deletion21:40
markus_how can i make ubuntu to delete files to trash whenever i delete files from those mounted partitions.21:40
UserUSmakrus_: they are permanently deleted, they don't go to trash21:41
markus_userUS: yeah they dont21:42
markus_i want them to go to trash so that i can recover if i need to21:43
UserUSmarkus_: what are you mounting?21:44
UserUSmarkus_: other drive partitions on the same drive as your os with a dual boot or something along those lines?21:44
markus_ other drive partitions on the same drive. these mounted partition are ntfs21:45
markus_userUS: no dual boot21:46
TJ-markus_: inside the user's home directory Trash is stored at $HOME/.local/share/Trash/, but on other file-systems it tries to create a /.Trash-$(id -u)/ directory in the root of that other file-system and use that. If it can't create that directory (permissions, etc.), or is configured not to do that, it will directly delete files21:48
UserUSmarkus_: okay so you using a live cd?21:48
UserUSor usb21:48
markus_userUS: ubuntu is installed on one ext4 partition21:49
markus_TJ-: so what can i do to get the desired result21:50
UserUSmarkus_: To my knowledge, the only way to do what you'd like is to copy the files to your desktop, save them somewhere (doesnt mantter where) then delete from the NTFS21:50
UserUSmarkus_: Then you can control what is moved to the trash in your linux partition21:51
TJ-markus_: It depends if the DE allows you to configure it; I work with the command-line so the GUI can't interfere with such things21:51
markus_userUS: sorry, but this solution doesn't sound good to me.21:52
TJ-markus_: you might be able to find a setting using "grep -rni trash ~/.config/"21:53
UserUSmarkus_: Unfortunetly, you cannot change a permeant deletion to location to my knowledge. Sorry I couldn't help, hope you find your solution.21:54
markus_running "grep -rni trash ~/.config/" spits out a lot of text. and i cant understand anything from it21:55
tomreynon my xfce there is ~/.config/Thunar/accels.scm where there is ThunarStandardView/move-to-trash22:01
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Hell-RazorHey fellas, how can I get python 3.6 as my default instead of 2.7?22:18
tgm4883Hell-Razor: that seems like a bad idea, are you writing python scripts?22:19
Hell-Razortgm4883, How is it a bad idea? And yes22:19
tgm4883Hell-Razor: well any scripts on the system written for python 2 and not compatible with python 3 would fail. For your scripts, you could point to python3 in your intpreter line22:20
TJ-Hell-Razor: you'll certainly raise hell if you do :D many system scripts rely on python 2.x being the default22:20
tgm4883Hell-Razor: a la "#!/usr/bin/env python3"22:20
tgm4883Hell-Razor: IMHO, that's the correct way to do it22:21
Hell-RazorEh, I am sure theres a way to force ubuntu to use 322:21
Jordan_UHell-Razor: Don't.22:21
tgm4883Hell-Razor: there is, I'm not sure I want to help you break your system though22:21
tgm4883Hell-Razor: why not just set your scripts to use 3?22:21
TJ-Hell-Razor: there is, but it'll severely break many things, including possibly apt tooling22:21
Hell-Razortgm4883, Thats like using kernel version 2.7... Super obsolete22:23
Hell-RazorPython 2.7 was released in 201022:23
tgm4883Hell-Razor: Well the reason that 2 is still default is because switching to 3 breaks things22:24
TJ-Hell-Razor: it depends on which Ubuntu release you're using. We've had a many-years transition plan to get to a default python3, which will happen with Ubuntu 18.0422:24
TJ-Hell-Razor: at which point python2.7 will move from the 'main' component to 'universe'22:25
tgm4883Hell-Razor: I'm still not entirely sure why you're resistant to forcing your scripts to use python322:25
kostkonHell-Razor, you probably haven't realised how much is python based in ubuntu/linux and a version mixup will definitely create problems22:25
Hell-RazorBecause 3.x is stable and I dont like being almost a decade behind?22:25
Hell-RazorYeah I understand that.22:25
TJ-Hell-Razor: if your scripts are python3 specific they should force use of the python3 interpreter.22:25
TJ-Hell-Razor: that ensure they won't break no matter what the default interpreter happens to be on any system22:26
TJ-Hell-Razor: maybe this will help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python22:26
Hell-RazorI dont htink you guys understand what I am saying22:26
MWMAny KVM users in here?  I am evperiencing this issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/930491/group-libvirtd-does-not-exist-while-installing-qemu-kvm22:26
tgm4883Hell-Razor: you're not a decade behind. Python 2.7.14 was released in Sept 201722:26
Jordan_UHell-Razor: You can just remove python2 (and everything that depends on it). Then you'll know that everything on your system is using python 3. Also note that python3 is actively maintained and kept secure.22:26
Hell-Razor2.7.0 was released in 201022:27
MWMsince the accepted answer only has on vote and the next answer seems valid also, I was hoping for more opinions22:27
TJ-Hell-Razor: this gives an overview of how complicated the transition to python3 has been https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python/322:27
tgm4883Hell-Razor: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2714/22:27
tgm4883Release Date: 2017-09-1622:27
Jordan_Us/python3 is actively maintained/python2 is actively maintained/22:27
tgm4883Hell-Razor: so?22:28
tgm4883Hell-Razor: If you are using a version of Ubuntu that has Python 2.7.0, then you are way out of support22:28
TJ-Hell-Razor: if you want to change the default use update-alternatives22:28
Hell-Razortgm4883, Nevermind, you guys are missing the point lol22:28
tgm4883Hell-Razor: 2.7.0 != 2.7.14  (or even 2.7.5, which is in trusty)22:28
tgm4883Hell-Razor: no, I think you're missing the point. The 2.7.x branch is supported22:29
Hell-Razortgm4883, Its still obsolete22:30
naccHell-Razor: how are you defining 'obsolete'?22:31
tgm4883obsolete - no longer produced or used; out of date.22:31
tgm4883I'm pretty sure that releasing a new version means it's not obsolete22:31
naccHell-Razor: do you mean 'old'?22:31
Hell-RazorYes "old"22:32
naccHell-Razor: well, it's not. It came out last year (2.7.14)22:32
naccHell-Razor: and old is definitely not obsolete22:32
Hell-RazorWhen you look at which python is used in the linux world, 2.7 is obsolete22:33
naccHell-Razor: i don't know what you are basing that off of, but it's thew rong word and false22:34
naccHell-Razor: none of this is ubuntu support discussion, though22:34
Jordan_UHell-Razor: Run "sudo apt remove python2-minimal" but do *not* allow it to actually remove it. Note all of the packages that it will try to uninstall as they depend on python 2.22:35
Jordan_UHell-Razor: ( The package should actually be "python2.7-minimal")22:36
MWMfrom some light reading, I do not beleive that python3 is as widely used as python 2.7.x ?22:36
Hell-RazorIll continue this conversation when I am back at work Monday, have a good weekend22:37
naccMWM: fully depends on the context22:40
MWMgot my issue with KVM figured out.  Old instructions are ... old :D https://askubuntu.com/questions/969385/kvm-installation-on-ubuntu-17-1022:40
MWMit would be cool if a guy didnt have to start googling when using the official instructions, but I cant say I had to dig too far.22:41
hfpHello, gnome-shell is randomly using 70-80% CPU for no reason and the only cure is to reboot. This is driving me nuts, how do I fix it? It's happening right now so I can provide debug info (I don't know how to reproduce, just happens at random once in a while). Using Ubuntu 17.1022:50
robairtthis is probably not helpful, but I had the same thing happen after I installed chromeremote desktop. Turned out the remotedesktop was running even when nothing was connected and it was running screensavers that were using up all my resources22:51
hfpthanks, I don't use chrome or the remote desktop22:59
hfpalternatively, can I get rid of gnome-shell?23:01
kk4ewtyes you install another DESKTOP23:01
kk4ewtotherwise in gnome no you cannot get rid of gnome-shell23:02
OerHekshfp, if that seems to happen again: open terminal: top # and see wat processes or zombies take up cpu time23:03
hfpOerHeks: top process is /usr/bin/gnome-shell using 30-80% CPU. The next process is using 2-3%.23:16
=== cpcat is now known as backfat
kostkonbackfat, hi23:25
OerHekshfp, you could check your syslog, (https://askubuntu.com/questions/789385/software-and-updater-consumes-100-cpu-in-ubuntu-16-04)or update processes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/171657923:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1716579 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Artful) "gnome-software uses a very high cpu amount" [Critical,Confirmed]23:26
terminalatorHow does one output the current volume level in the terminal?23:26
OerHeksalsamixer does that realtime23:26
terminalatorI'm using pulseaudio though23:27
kostkonterminalator, pacmd --help23:27
terminalatorI'm running i3wm in comnination with xubuntu, I'd like to set up a notification with notify-send when increasing/decreasing the volume23:28
hfpOerHeks: yes that looks like it. There is no solution though and I'm not sure where to go from there?23:29
hfpOerHeks: no wait this is for gnome-software, mine is gnome-shell23:30
OerHeksoke, then the syslog would still be intresting23:31
terminalatorkostkon: I see23:32
hfpI'm going through it now, I don't see anything standing out related to gnome-shell. I also ran a search for CRITICAL and nothing cam eup23:34
OerHeksmaybe critical is good, fail is bad23:37
OerHeksthose guides should mention /var/log/syslog.1 log for the previous one23:39
hfpyes, I checked both, I only get warnings for gnome-shell which seem to be benign23:40
xanreventHey all. I'm compiling a program (cryptlib) and I need to specify that it should compile as 32 bit. The command I'm using is sudo make shared. I've tried googling to no avail.23:42
naccxanrevent: you might want to ask cryptlib folks (it's typically a compiler flag, like -m32, which may or may not be controlled by a Makefile variable23:43
naccxanrevent: you definitely should not be inovking make as root though23:44
naccxanrevent: and more than likely the simplest thing to do is setup a 32-bit env and just build there23:44
xanreventnacc: any idea where to find those? I can't find an irc for them or any specific forums.23:44
xanreventnacc: either that, or I've misidentified the source of my problem, because I'm in a 32-bit environment23:44
naccxanrevent: no idea; if you're on 32-bit then it'd be building 32-bit (unless you've setup a 64-bit cross compiler)23:45
naccxanrevent: a) don't use sudo build things; b) pastebin the output23:45
xanreventnacc: I install a program (mysticbbs) and it functions fine until I compile cryptlib, then I get a runtime error.23:46
naccxanrevent: compiling some other program makes an installed program fail?23:46
xanreventnacc: and I have no idea how to debug, but I don't get the same problem running the 64bit install on a 64bit system23:46
xanreventnacc: yep23:46
naccxanrevent: i feel like you're missing some salient points as that makes no sense :)23:46
ariel_Hola alguien que hable español?23:46
naccxanrevent: compiling a program doesn't change the state of your system (generally)23:46
nacc!es | ariel_23:46
ubottuariel_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:46
ariel_soy de México23:46
pengwenshey folks - can anyone help me out with enabling pae?  I just installed 4Gb of RAM into a 32-bit computer, and although the BIOS can see all 4Gb, the linux kernel only sees 3Gb23:47
xanreventnacc: the program is set up to try to identify is ssh is enabled in the configuration and uses the cryptlib files to operate23:47
kostkonpengwens, should be on by default23:47
xanreventnacc: so far as I can figure23:47
OerHekspengwens, that could be normal, if onboard GPU snoops memory23:48
naccxanrevent: that's fine, but compiling a program doesn't change your system at all, so it's something else, presuambly23:48
xanreventnacc: all I know is the program runs, then I "make shared" in cryptlib, and crash-bang-boom23:49
naccxanrevent: yeah something else seems off if that's the case (e.g., it's using . in your PATH)23:49
pengwensHere's what I know to look at for my memory: https://pastebin.com/wmGrCTqe23:49
xanreventI'm replicating it on a virtualbox right now to triple-check23:49
naccxanrevent: i really don't know, i'd ask those upstream comunities, though, it doesn't seem like an ubuntu issue in and of itself23:50
xanreventnacc: I appreciate the help anyways :)23:50
pengwensI don't have the pae enabled kernel: 4.13.0-36-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 16 20:06:51 UTC 2018 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux23:50
kostkonpengwens, default kernel is pae enabled23:51
kostkonpengwens, is this a laptop?23:52
pengwenskostkon: yeah - that's consistent with what's written here (12.10 and onwards) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE/Enabling23:52
pengwenskostkon: no, it's a desktop23:52
kostkonpengwens, what about the graphics card23:52
TezcatlipocaHi, all. I'm trying to install a program from the early 2000s on a Ubuntu Server instance.  It says just to untar it and type make, but my makes fail and there's no configure file.23:54
Tezcatlipoca It's not apparent to me from the error what to do. And I don't have much experience, anybody have any leads for what I should try next?23:54
pengwenskostkon: does a "Intel Graphics Media Accelerator" make sense?  That comes from dmidecode -t 1023:54
pengwensTezcatlipoca: you need to make sure you type make from the correct directory where you unpackaged the program you are trying to install23:55
kostkonpengwens, so maybe 1GB is shared with the graphics card and it is therefore unavailable to the rest of the system?23:55
Tezcatlipoca@pengwens, yeah it is the right directory it just gives a bunch of warnings as it tries and then fails with error 123:56
kostkonpengwens, you could probably go into your bios and check how much ram is your graphics card set to use23:56
pengwensTezcatlipoca: can you paste the warnings into pastebin?  you may need to install the appropriate compilers23:57
pengwenskostkon: that's not a bad idea - brb23:57
kostkonTezcatlipoca, you'd have to pastebin the output if you were to have a chance of getting some kind of support here23:57

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