[00:47] ...Did I do anything with that after the testbuild? [01:00] You ok Unit193 ? [01:01] Should I not be? [01:08] :) [01:12] Distracted with supper, packaging something else, and whatnot. [01:12] Oh yes, backporting backages too. [01:12] One of those needs a 'p' [01:13] That's cool. Currently shopping around. [01:59] bluesabre: Hey, I meant to ask. What happens if you have the lightdm config but not numlockx installed? [02:26] Unit193: oh [02:26] something bad [02:31] Suppose the options there are 1) add a wrapper script to which and run, 2) move to core-depends [02:33] That's what I was thinking, except recommends. [02:33] How bad? [02:33] greeter doesn't start [03:07] Unit193: solution! https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/revision/657 [03:08] Interesting way to check for it, but you'll want $@ here I think. [03:10] seems like either should be safe, but I'll swap that in [03:10] $1 only passes the first arg. [03:10] numlockx only takes one arg [03:13] LP #1693032 [03:13] Launchpad bug 1693032 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on gnome-session-bin" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1693032 [03:14] "fixed" [03:14] :D [03:14] That's freaking annoying. [03:14] Can we get rid of that [03:15] I honestly don't care what you interpret as 'that' either, the dep or package will do. [03:16] Yeah [03:17] the package is useful, so guess I'll be submitting a MP soon [03:17] Thanks. [03:17] Because gnome-session-quit, the reason for the dep, likely won't do crap in Xfce, LXDE, MATE, etc... [03:18] I seem to remember someone asking me how one quits the Xfce session, thought it was Brian even... [03:19] Correct, it does nothing useful [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:12:53 < Unit193> What precisely does gnome-session-quit do? [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:14:19 < bdmurray> gnome-session-quit - End the current GNOME session [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:14:45 < bdmurray> There's a reboot button in software-properties-gtk that I'm guessing doesn't do anything on Lubuntu or Xubuntu. [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:15:02 < Unit193> xfce4-session-logout --reboot [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:15:29 < bdmurray> Unit193: will there be a prompt too? [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:15:55 < Unit193> If you want that, drop '--reboot' [03:21] 05/#ubuntu-devel.2017-05-23.log.gz:17:17:24 < bdmurray> Unit193: Thanks [03:24] I remembered correctly! \o/ [03:24] nice [03:25] was actually commenting on the bug with that info [03:26] Hah, whoops. I just asked. Bug is likely better. [03:29] Unit193: actually, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/1693038 [03:29] Launchpad bug 1693038 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "needs to support restart on Lubuntu and Xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] [03:29] NIce. :/ [03:32] added a ping comment to that bug [03:32] thanks for the notice Unit193 [03:33] "Next time don't get so annoyed at GNOME though" I know. :( [03:33] Also added to xubuntu-b-bugs [03:35] Looks like lp is having some issues now [03:36] thanks for the -terminal upload [03:37] ...I still forgot notifyd didn't I? [03:37] Yes [03:37] Didn't want to say that outright [03:37] :D [03:37] xfce4-notifyd_0.4.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes in ~/ ! [03:40] OK, I have my newer, shinier terminal. [03:40] :) [03:40] -notifyd dput. [03:43] hooray! [03:43] thanks Unit193, I'll stop nagging you now for a while [03:44] bluesabre: Nono, thanks. I just kept getting distracted by others. :P [03:45] anyway, that's everything I had hoped to land by today, so nice to see us where we are [03:45] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages has the backports, and https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/xfce/+packages has the shiny terminal. [03:46] thanks a bunch Unit193 [03:46] 'Course. [03:48] flocculant: going to work on the blog post in the morning so we can get that out for the weekend and prior to b1 testing [03:54] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r657 * usr/bin/xubuntu-numlockx,... (by Sean Davis) [03:54] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r658 Replace bash arg param (by Sean Davis) [03:54] long day, nighty everyone [03:56] G'nighty! [05:54] bluesabre: ok [07:31] bluesabre: nvm re grub btw - they finally seen it elsewhere - marked mine as a dupe [07:32] Link? [07:33] nvm. [07:33] :D [10:54] https://wiki.bluesabre.org/bionic_changes refreshed [10:54] You're up again? It's like you do that every day. [10:55] Crazy right [10:55] Hopefully we got everything done in time for FF.. [10:55] thunar-print might(?) need a FFe [10:56] otherwise, I think we're good [10:58] bluesabre: I helped debug an issue I found with an upstream. Turns out if one uses --disable-silent-rules, something "breaks". That's an odd one. [10:58] morning bluesabre [10:58] morning flocculant [10:58] Unit193: that sounds bad [11:01] hey morning [11:01] i have another easy MR for default settings: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/default-tiling-shortcuts/+merge/340278 [11:02] just kb shortcuts for stuff we didn't have before (tiling) [11:02] should be a no-brainer hopefully [11:02] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1751266 \o/ [11:02] Launchpad bug 1751266 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Bionic) "Missing firmware in linux-image-4.15.0-10-generic" [High,Fix released] [11:02] i will finalize thunar-print today [11:04] thanks ochosi [11:07] if you wanna add your opinion to the default shortcuts for tiling, that'd be awesome [11:07] Added a comment already [11:07] I like the idea [11:07] we can also push that after FF [11:08] it's fairly straightforward [11:08] FF was last night, so anything at this point is after FF :) [11:08] yeah, just saying :) [11:08] it's not really a feature [11:08] Agreed [11:08] Doesn't require FFe [11:10] there's one more small thing wrt to thunar uca that i would like to propose [11:10] currently "open terminal here" only works on directories [11:11] when not using the icon view, but one of the two list views, it's a little hard getting a terminal open in the current directory (with the mouse at least) [11:11] so enabling it on files too would solve that [11:11] would simply open the terminal in the folder where the file is located [11:11] so no string change or anything necessary, just a tiny amendment of the thunar uca [11:12] (can also propose a MR for that) [11:12] That sounds handy [11:13] very easy fix [11:13] i can also push it straight if we all agree [11:13] it's just adding four lines to the uca.xml.in (matching on all files) [11:14] Do it [11:14] * ochosi does it [11:18] don't do it [11:18] :p [11:18] :D [11:18] * ochosi waits patiently [11:20] actually i just noticed that the behavior changes slightly... [11:21] currently if you click "open terminal here" on a directory it opens it *inside* that directory [11:21] with my change, it opens the terminal in the parent directory [11:21] which may not be what the user wants :/ [11:21] (because you have to change exo-open --working-directory %f to %d) [11:22] only alternative would be to create a second "open terminal here" custom action for files and show the two selectively in the correct context [11:22] hmpf [11:22] could be noted in the description of the custom action that one is for files and one is for directories... [11:22] thoughts..? [11:23] well - I'd say if I told it to open terminal in Desktop - that's where I'd want it - are you saying the change doesn't do that? [11:23] (the workaround described above with two actions works fine btw, already tested it. they only show up in mutually exclusive contexts, so it always works and the user only notices that there are two when going to the "Configure custom actions..." dialog) [11:24] if you are in e.g. detail view in thunar and right-click a directory (e..g desktop) then currently it'll open the terminal there (~/Desktop) [11:24] right [11:24] with the simple patch that behavior would change to opening just ~ instead [11:25] "~" being the parent of the right-clicked folder [11:25] I see [11:25] that's probably not desirable [11:25] and a change in behavior [11:25] I assumed as much just checking - I'd say that's not desirable [11:25] but we can enable "Open terminal here..." on files too with a second, almost identical custom action [11:26] yup understand that [11:26] which shows up only on files and uses %d (directory of selected path) instead of %f (full path incl. filename) [11:26] (sorry, that was all very verbose now :)) [11:26] ha ha [11:27] I'd guess that if users don't generally see that - it'd be ok. eg it just works [11:27] I'd see something in custom actions pretty quick :D [11:28] yeah, only users playing with custom actions would notice [11:28] and even then it's not a problem [11:28] yup [11:28] we can explain it in the description [11:28] yea [11:28] so i guess i'll push that instead :p [11:28] :) [11:28] me has 2 open as root options [11:29] pleia2, the frontpage looks okay to me :P [11:30] flocculant: hehe, nice [11:32] native speakers: is this an ok string? "Open terminal in the folder of the selected file" [11:33] (just fyi, i'm on my private xfce hackathon today - took a day off from work) [11:33] oh yea [11:33] I wasn't expecting to be home - but Southern England and 'some' snow :| [11:33] 3 hours and more to do 16 miles yesterday so I didn't bother today ;) [11:34] that string is ok - bit long winded [11:34] is all [11:35] you could s/in the/at selected file's folder [11:36] yeah, that's nicer indeed [11:37] "Open terminal in containing directory" :> [11:38] yea - that sounds better Unit193 [11:38] yes, folder is a physical thing too :P [11:38] Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to be helpful. [11:39] Unit193: that's ok - carry on :) [11:39] Unit193, haa haa (in Nelson's voice) [11:40] ochosi: re your xfce hacky thing - actually about till later so I can clone and check things if it helps [11:40] hehe, alright alright, i'll change the string again :) [11:40] lol [11:41] pushed [11:41] hope you're all happy now :p [11:41] :) [11:44] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [default-tiling-shortcuts] r659 Add default shortcuts for window tiling... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [11:44] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r659 Additional open-terminal-here custom action for Thunar for f... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [11:44] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r660 Improve open-terminal-here string... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [11:44] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r661 Improve string again... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [11:45] * flocculant ignores swissbot for the day ... [11:46] * Unit193 petpets SwissBot. [11:46] There, there. [11:46] ha ha ha [11:50] lol [11:50] bluesabre: still there or did you go to work already? :) [11:51] Unit193: anything else we need taken care of for 18.04? [11:51] No idea. [11:51] ochosi: still here, doing some blog post writing with floc [11:51] ah ok [11:51] I might know tomorrow. [11:52] bluesabre: xfdesktop4 is still on your list, right? [11:52] i think it's in no blueprint, is it? [11:52] if not, i'll at least add it there now [11:52] I think I fixed that? [11:52] ah kewl [11:52] i didn't check [11:52] which xfdesktop thing? [11:52] just maybe missed the announcement [11:52] the accountsservice thingy [11:53] for the greeter [11:53] Fixed. [11:53] \o/ [11:53] Yup, resolved. [11:53] ochosi: You running xubuntu-dev/staging? [12:05] Unit193: yes, i just didn't check the greeter/lockscreen recently i guess :p [12:05] bluesabre: can there really be two keyboard shortcuts bound to the same xfwm4 command? [12:05] /staging is for Artful. [12:07] ochosi: we have multiples already for Xf86* keys and Ctrl+Alt+ version variants [12:08] oh [12:08] in that case [12:08] but i think not for xfwm4, only for "normal" shortcuts [12:09] that's an unfortunate difference, doesn't seem to work for xfwm4 afaict [12:33] ah, darn [12:33] ochosi: can you go ahead and submit a FFe for thunar-print so we might get that preapproved today before uploading this weekend? [12:34] I would, but I'm ahead to run out the door [12:34] *about [12:34] :D [12:40] ok sure [12:40] i'll do that now [12:40] just fixing up the script real quick [12:40] (switching from mimetypes back to extensions, as mimetypes seem to be so broken and inconsistent...) [12:48] !info shellcheck [12:48] shellcheck (source: shellcheck): lint tool for shell scripts. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4.6-1 (bionic), package size 1847 kB, installed size 12533 kB [13:09] Unit193: nice, didn't know about that. didn't throw any warnings or stuff with the thunar-print script (as i'll push it in a few mins) [13:09] so that's a good thing i guess :) [13:16] Unit193: ok, you can review again, should be all good now: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/thunar-uca-print/+merge/340058 [13:18] once you approve, i'll file for FFe [13:49] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r654 Switch from mimetype-matching back to extensions... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [13:49] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r655 Update patterns to match thunar-print script... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [13:49] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r656 Fix small issue in thunar-print extension script... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [13:49] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r657 Note cleaning of whitespace from changelog... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [15:09] slickymasterWork, will you announce our sprint on tue on the ml? [15:20] haven't thought of that [15:20] do you see it as necessary? [16:05] slickymasterWork: depends if you want to give people a chance to join in I guess [16:06] fair enough [16:06] I'll do it [21:32] bluesabre: just for your update: i [21:32] crap [21:33] bluesabre: just for your update: i've not filed for FFe for thunar-print yet but am waiting for Unit193's final review. so far everything is tested and works, it really was just a switch back from mimetypes (nice dream) to file extensions (at least it works as expected) [22:27] ochosi: I'll go with sure, but I'll note that the last call isn't guarded. [22:28] what which where? [22:28] (sry, i'm somewhere else currently) [22:28] wanna comment inline again so i can take a look a little later? [22:28] (or alternatively be more verbose in here so i have an easier time following up) [22:39] Oh sure, the lpr calls don't check for the command, though one might argue that anyone wanting to print but without cups is a bit on their own. [22:57] (Also -x $(command -v foo) is a bit redundant as command already checks that.) [23:01] Unit193: ah you mean "command -v" already checks for executable? [23:02] added the cups if [23:08] bluesabre, Unit193: started to prepare FFe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1753015 [23:08] Launchpad bug 1753015 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add thunar custom action to directly print certain file types" [Undecided,New] [23:08] feel free to contribute to the description [23:09] night y'all [23:09] (at least nobody can say i was lazy at today's hackathon ;)) [23:10] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [thunar-uca-print] r658 thunar-pring: Check for CUPS and send a notification if it's... (by Simon Steinbeiß)