
slangasekpkg-config itself doesn't dictate filesystem placement.  is it autoconf? cmake?00:00
naccslangasek: it's at 9, which i think should be fine?00:00
naccslangasek: simple (relatively) Makefile, no autoconf afaict00:01
nacci wonder if ineed to tell it libdir or something (rather than just prefix)00:01
naccslangasek: i can dig into it, np00:01
slangasekno autoconf> yeah that'll be why00:04
slangasekdebhelper doesn't do automatic things with pure make because variable names aren't portable00:04
themillBTW are you sure you want xchat in bionic?03:06
naccthemill: already discussed03:35
naccslangasek: ack03:35
=== chu is now known as elchu
=== elchu is now known as chu
Unit193xnox: Sorry to ping.  Looks like you were indeed interested in that upload.  Now regarding src:dnsval that was removed in Debian in 2016, so bet it can go too.11:26

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