
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:26
zmoylan-piplans for today, go for longer walk and see if more than one shop is open... :-)11:30
brobostigongood plan, i was planning to put my boots on and get out of the house as well.11:32
=== uniquorn is now known as Kjango
=== Kjango is now known as uniquorn
NET||abusehey guys, i'm trying to figure out how to use gnome notes between 2 laptops, current primiary source is ubuntu 17.1015:48
NET||abusei have both notes  and todo, i want to sync over to a gnome 3.26 on arch for my off days :)15:48
NET||abusebut i can't find a setting that explains how to do it.15:49
NET||abusedamn, just found joplin.. .this sounds crazy effective.15:52
n87_hello there20:54
n87_i have a question regarding ubuntu-server running on the rpi220:55
n87_the official image ist set to use the uboot bootloader during startup20:56
n87_ist there a way to boot the kernel directly20:56
n87_as it is suggested for the rpi3?20:57
n87_I've tried to set kernel=vmlinuz initramfs initrd.img followkernel in config.txt20:58
n87_but that won't work20:58
n87_any ideas how to make that work?20:58

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