
brouschHah, no, I badgered her for years about their lack of Linux support01:29
brouschVery much MS shop01:29
jrwreni can't imagine there is any market for selling linux desktop software.01:29
brouschOne of the games finally worked via wine, but I got bored after an hour and never played it again01:30
cmaloneyGood morning14:12
rick_hmorning (for a bit more)16:33
Scary_GuyStardock had some okay stuff, but the proprietary aspect was a turnoff eventually once I learned about the glory of FOSS20:58
Scary_Guyalthough if they ever got Nemoshell working that would be worth it20:58
Scary_GuySo, my media center blew up a while ago.  A friend sent me an Atom board and I hooked up my hard disk with Linux Mint on it.  I managed to get it to show the GRUB2 bootmenu but after that it just shows a dash blinking really fast.  Anybody have any ideas?22:13
Scary_Guyit's coming off a regular chipset so I'm not sure if it's freaking out about that, but from what I've read it should still understand the instruction set22:13
Scary_Guyit's an older system, it's possible it can't do 64 bit, only thing I can think of though22:15
jrwrenbest find out if it is 64bit or not.22:16
jrwrenhwat model atom?22:16
Scary_Guygot a mobo manual with it, date is 2006, so yeah not 64 bit22:19
Scary_Guyit's a VIA CN70022:19
jrwrenoh, not even real Atom.22:21
Scary_Guyapparently not22:21
Scary_Guyon the plus side there really isn't anything important on the OS, so I can just wipe it and reinstall with something it will understand22:22
jrwrenopenelec on a pi not good enough?22:23
jrwrenerr sorry, libreelec.22:23
Scary_GuyI've got a pi3b I tried it on, boy is that choppy22:24
jrwrenreally? What video are you trying to play?22:24
jrwren4k or something?22:24
Scary_GuyI tried that, the other one, and Raspbian22:24
Scary_Guyjust Netflix22:25
jrwrenI use a pi2 and it plays all 1080p h26422:25
jrwrenoh, i don't know anything about netflix.22:25
Scary_GuyI'm sure it would play other video fine, it's just that and Amazon which would probably work similarly bad are the big issues22:25
Scary_Guythey look like they run at about 8 FPS22:26
Scary_GuyI'll probably just end up making the pi a pihole or something neat, I have two of them. One I bought and the other a friend won at MUG and gave to me because I guess he didn't have time to mess with it22:28

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