[08:22] seems britney had a nervous breakdown, and let through parts of PIM it shouldn't. so PIM in 18.04 is currently broken and unistallable. hence iso build fail [08:49] great timing [08:49] she waited until after the beta 1 [08:51] niters [15:01] If no quick fix, I'm tempted to drop PIM off the iso for now to try to get one built [15:52] I have some other ideas as well. testing........ [19:57] valorie: PIM migrating :) [19:59] Imagine this phone was the blocking issue ;) [19:59] (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Z6e7MFSL/file_5054.mp4 [19:59] 😆 [21:51] weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [21:52] I saw that little vid on my phone a bit ago and literally laughted out loud