
user|60682how do I play dvd movies on kubuntu00:05
D0U91Edragon by default I believe00:05
D0U91Evlc for fits all00:05
D0U91Exine back in the day00:06
user|60682i have 17.10 aardvark00:06
user|60682such a pain00:07
D0U91Eno pain no gain00:07
D0U91Esudo apt install xine-ui <- checking now sec00:07
D0U91Exine will get you on the fast track to watchinb dvd on ardvark00:08
StockfishHi all, is anybody free to help me please)00:09
D0U91Euser|60682, did you sudo it?00:10
D0U91Elooks like you are installing something in another window00:10
D0U91EStockfish, just ask00:11
D0U91Enobody is ever free00:11
D0U91Ethis is linux if you are not learning you are doing00:11
Stockfishi need to change my keyboard, im a newbie to Linuñ00:13
user|60682it didnt work00:13
Stockfishmy letters don't work properly00:13
Stockfishi hit x --> it prints ñ00:14
D0U91Euser|60682, is there an install/upgrade that failed00:14
Stockfishthis has been a torture to me, i really appreciate your help :)00:14
user|60682it said something like unable to lock.....00:15
D0U91Euser|60682, start here https://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/unable-to-lock-the-administration-directory-var-lib-dpkg-is-another-process00:15
D0U91Euser|60682, if you want to blindly follow do sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock00:16
D0U91E"sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock"00:16
D0U91Euser|60682, scroll down to 148 and follow that00:17
D0U91Euser|60682, did you get er done?00:22
kkremitzkiOn my task manager, I have the sorting set to manual so that the apps I pin are in a consistent order and can be opened with super+1,2,..., but sometimes I notice they get out of order when an app I open gets moved to the end. Has anyone seen behavior like this before02:55
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IrcsomeBot<kusuma_loka> Is anyone face a problem with Android MTP in Kubuntu?08:44
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BluesKajHi folks11:09
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shiggitayhtpcHello all. I recently migrated from macOS (Hackintosh) to Kubuntu on my HTPC. I'm trying to remount my media drives as HFS+ RW. Some work, some do not. What am I doing wrong?13:50
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arshiawhere is here16:16
arshiais there any one here16:17
D0U91Ejust ask waht you need help with16:28
qpal123I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 1 GB RAM Model System MM061. Is KUBUNTU a solution for my Laptop?17:53
qpal123I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 1 GB RAM Model System MM061. Is KUBUNTU a solution for my Laptop?17:56
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paiceroAlguem de aqui20:33
=== sysadmin is now known as VLanX
=== lars_ is now known as Madglad

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